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Economics: General Objectives of The Program

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 College/Institution: CBE

Department/School/Center: Department of Economics

Program title: BA in Economics

Program duration (in years): Three for regular and Four for extension

Study Language: English

Credits and the equivalent ECTS:     ECTS – 180 and Credit=110

Mode of delivery: Regular and Extension

Program Objective

General Objectives of the program

 The aim of the program is to produce high level professionals in Economics that will benefit the country’s
sustainable economic development.
 The program offers students a comprehensive basis for professional and academic careers and further
education in any economics specializations, through courses and thesis work.
 Students will be equipped with a solid knowledge of economic theory as applied to development issues,
natural resources, and other socio-economic issues concerning the developing countries in particular and the
globe in general.
 Generally, The department has the objective of producing high level qualified experts in different
professions, launching different research findings to the advantage of the local/country, and providing
consultancy service to the community that will benefit the country’s development Endeavour, which will
foster the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) of Ethiopia to reach the middle income countries in the
near future.

Specific objectives of the program

 To produce Economists (Economic thinkers) with basic skills that would help to teach and do research in
areas of economics.
 To better acquaint the students with solid understanding of microeconomic and macroeconomic theories and
other economic issues for intelligent applications of economics in a way that improve the quality, relevance
and output of undergraduates in economics in Ethiopia.
 To equip the students with the necessary methodologies in economics that enable them explain the economic
phenomenon, undertake economic analysis and design economic policy.
 To highlight the different applications of economic theories in various sectors and expose the students to the
different sub-discipline of economics labor economics, agricultural economics, industrial economics,
environmental economics, financial economics, etc]
 Produce graduates with a skill of planning, project preparation, monitoring and evaluation.
 To enable the students undertake theoretical and applied researches relevant to the overall development
strategies and vision of the country and address national problems of socio-economic roots; and disseminate
research findings through outreach program.
 To promote interdisciplinary collaboration among the various programs in training, research and extension.
 To offer short term training courses and provides consultancy service for different organizations and
 To show students how economic science evolved, its present and future vision of the field and make them
up-to-date with the dynamism of the field.

Admission requirements – the department is a program of study that normally takes three years to complete for full
time regular students and four to five years for part time students. The department will admit if the student:

 Have successfully completed preparatory level schools and pass Entrance examination for the University
prepared by Ministry of Education.
 Have able to pass the standards set by the department.

Graduation requirement                  

 No ‘F’, ‘NG’, or ‘I’ grade in any course taken.

 Take all courses equivalent to 180ECTS.
 Minimum CGPA and MGPA of 2.00 in all courses.

List of courses

Module Course Cr.

# Module Name/ Title Clustered Courses
Code Code Hrs
Calculus for
Econ 1011 3 5
Mathematical Methods Economists
1 Econ-M1011
in Economics Linear Algebra for
Econ 1012 3 5
Microeconomics I Econ 1021 3 5
2 Microeconomics Econ-M1021
Microeconomics II Econ 1022 4 6
Macroeconomics I Econ 1031 4 6
3 Macroeconomics Econ- M1031
Macroeconomics II Econ 1032 3 5
Introduction to statistics Econ 1041 3 4
Statistical tools in
4 Econ-M1041 Statistics for
Economics Econ 1042 3 5
5 Applications in Econ-M2051 Econ 2071 3 5
Econometrics I Econ 2061 3 6
Econometrics and Econometrics II Econ 2062 3 6
6 Econ- M2061
research methods Research method for
Econ 2063 3 4
Econ 2071 3 5
Economics I
7 Development Economics Econ -M2071
Econ 2072 3 5
Economics II
Econ 2081 3 5
Economics I
8 International Economics Econ-M2081
Econ 2082 3 5
Economics II
Natural . Resource & Natural Resource &
9 Environmental Econ- M2092 Environmental Econ 2091 3 5
Economics Economics
Economics of Labour Labour Economics Econ 3101 3 4
10 Econ- M3101
and Industry Economics of Industry Econ 3102 3 4
Economics of
Economics of Econ 3111 3 4
11 Agriculture & Rural Econ- M3111
Development Agriculture and rural
Econ 3112 3 4
Monetary Economics:
Monetary Economics & Econ 3121 3 5
12 Econ- M3121 theory & Policy
Public Finance
Public Finance Econ 3122 3 5
Planning & Project
Econ 3131 3 4
Economics Planning & Analysis I
13 Econ- M3131
Project Analysis Planning & Project
Econ 3132 3 5
Analysis II
History of Economic
Econ 3141 3 5
History of Economic Thought I
14 Econ -M3141
Thought History of Economic
Econ 3142 3 5
Thought II
Thesis in Economics
Econ 3151 3 4
15 Thesis in Economics Econ- M3151 I**
Thesis in Economics II Econ 3152 3 5
Communicative English
 EnLa 1011 3 5
16 Basic English Skills EnLa-M1013 Skills
Basic writing skills  EnLa 1012 3 5
17 Introduction to Logic Phil-M1011 Introduction to Logic  Phil 1013 3 5
18 Civics and Ethics CESt-M1023 Civics and Ethics  CESt 1023 3 5
Introduction to
19 Computer Application CoSc-M 1203  CoSc 1201 3 5
computer application
Principle of Accounting
Acct 2201 3 5
20 Principle of Accounting Acct-M 2203
Principle of Accounting
Acct 2202 3 5
Entrepreneurship and MGMT- Entrepreneurship and MGMT
21 3 4
Enterprise Development M3213 Enterprise Development 3212

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