1 Road Construction Technology
1 Road Construction Technology
1 Road Construction Technology
December 2014 Road Construction Technology Prepared by- Er. Dipesh Pandey
3 Definition Activities to change existing ground to designed shape, grade and provide necessary
facilities for smooth, safe and efficient traffic operation, including reconstruction of existing
8 Earthwork Process to prepare sub grade level bringing it to design grade and shape may be in
embankment and filling Quantity based on longitudinal and cross section Mass haul diagram
necessary to decide economic haul E/W quantities are estimate based on L and X sections
9 Site Clearance Started just after survey works and before any construction works Clearing of
grass, weeds, bushes, shrubs Removal of existing trees, stumps and roots along the road
alignment Removal of existing structures along right of way
11 Design elements: Height, Fill material, Settlement, Stability of foundation, Stability of slope
Equipment: Grader, Roller, Tripper and water tanker or manually for small project
12 Construction steps: Laying layer by layer Grading each layer Attaining desired density before
next layer is placed The thickness of the layers may vary between 10 to 30 cm depending on
various factors such as soil type, equipment, specifications etc. Quality Control Checking of
suitability of filling material Checking of field moisture and dry density of each layer (> 93 %
for below and > 95% for above) Proper finishing of formation slope as per design
13 E/W in Excavation In the process of cutting or loosening and removing earth including rock
from its original position, transporting and dumping it as a fill or spoil bank. Also includes
excavation for side drains Earth excavation work may be divided as excavation or cutting,
grading and compaction.
19 Planning of E/W Mass haul Diagram The ordinate at any station along the MHD indicates the
earthwork quantity accumulated up to that point, and is the summation of the differences
between cut and fill. The maximum (+) ordinate indicates a change from cut to fill (D) and the
minimum (-) ordinate indicates from fill to cut (A and G). Upward sloping curves indicate (rising
left to right) indicate a cut Downward sloping (falling left to right) curves occur in a fill section
peaks indicate a change from cut to fill and valleys occur when the earthwork changes from fill
to cut
20 If the curve has steep slope it indicates heavy cuts or high fills
If the curve has steep slope it indicates heavy cuts or high fills. Flat slopes indicate small
earthwork quantities. The balance point is defined as a point where the volume in excavation
balances the volume in embankment. Any line drawn parallel to the base line and intersecting
two points within the same curve indicates a balance of cut and fill between these two points ( C
and D). Such a line (HJ) is called a balancing line.
22 Economic over haul: the economic over haul distance can be determined by equating the cost
of roadway excavation plus overhaul and tipping in embankment with the cost of borrow pit
material plus excavation, haul and wasting of roadway material within the free haul distance a=
cost of roadway excavation per cu. m. b= cost of overhaul and tipping per cu. m. c = cost of
borrow material per cu. M. L= economic overhaul distance in stations a + b x L = c + a L= c/b