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Academic Success Outline

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Sch Interdisciplinary Studies

Preparing for Academic Success

2020-21 Academic Year

Program Year Semester
IS-General Arts and Science Certificate 1 1
IS-General Arts and Science Certificate (Liberal Arts Trent Transfer) 1 1
IS-General Arts and Science Certificate (Liberal Arts UOIT Transfer) 1 1
IS-General Arts and Science Certificate (Liberal Arts UOIT Transfer- 1 1
IS-General Arts and Science Certificate (Science and Engineering 1 1
IS-General Arts and Science Certificate (Science and Engineering UOIT 1 1
IS-Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees 1 1
IS-Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas Certificate 1 1
IS-Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas Certificate 1 1

Course Code: PREP 1300 Course Equiv. Code(s): N/A

Course Hours: 42 Course GPA Weighting: 3
Prerequisite: N/A
Corequisite: N/A
Laptop Course: Yes No X
Delivery Mode(s): In class Online Hybrid X Correspondence

Pandemic remote teaching delivery mode Fully asynchronous X Combined asynchronous and

Remote proctoring required Yes No X

Authorized by (Dean or Director): Stephanie Ball Date: July 2020

Prepared by
First Name Last Name Email
Jesse Parsons jesse.parsons@durhamcollege.ca

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Course Description:
Preparing for Academic Success is designed to help students discover who they are as learners and as active agents
of their own post-secondary journey. This highly participatory course invites students to define what academic and
career success means to them through self-reflection and planning exercises. Students are also invited to cultivate
strategies and techniques that will help them to develop critical thinking, informational literacy, goal setting, active
reading, note taking, test preparatory, time- and self-management skills. This course presents opportunities for
students to connect with Durham College’s services and resources to enhance their post-secondary experience. The
ultimate goal of Preparing for Academic Success is to help students effectively identify and clarify skills, attitudes, and
outlooks that help bridge the gaps between academic achievement, campus and community connections, and life after
school, including personal and professional aspirations. Through various activities, application, and reflection, the
material covered in this course should support and assist students in their other post-secondary courses.

Campus Closure Notice

In the event of a campus closure during which time classes cannot be conducted or attended in person, course
delivery will be conducted remotely where possible. Should teaching and learning resume on campus, students may
be organized into smaller groups for classroom delivery, in accordance with directions from public health authorities.
In either situation, the learning plan sequence and/or evaluation methods may be adjusted to address topics requiring
hands-on, practical learning activities.

Subject Eligibility for Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is a process a student can use to gain college credit(s) for
learning and skills acquired through previous life and work experiences. Candidates who successfully meet the
course learning outcomes of a specific course may be granted credit based on the successful assessment of their
prior learning. The type of assessment method (s) used will be determined by subject matter experts. Grades
received for the PLAR challenge will be included in the calculation of a student’s grade point average.

The PLAR application process is outlined in http://www.durhamcollege.ca/plar. Full-time and part-time students must
adhere to all deadline dates. Please email: PLAR@durhamcollege.ca for details.
PLAR Eligibility

Yes X No

PLAR Assessment (if eligible):

X Assignment
X Exam

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Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes contribute to the achievement of Program Learning Outcomes for courses that lead to a
credential (e.g. diploma). A complete list of Vocational/Program Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability
Skill Outcomes are located in each Program Guide.
Course Specific Learning Outcomes (CLO) Essential Employability Skill Outcomes (ESSO)

Student receiving a credit for this course will have This course will contribute to the achievement of
reliably demonstrated their ability to: the following Essential Employability Skills:

CLO1 Develop a plan to achieve personal and X EES 1. Communicate clearly, concisely and
academic goals using appropriate goal- correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form
oriented, time- and self-management that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of
strategies and techniques. the audience.
CLO2 Describe the Durham College and X EES 2. Respond to written, spoken, or visual
community resources that support personal, messages in a manner that ensures effective
educational, and career goals to enhance the communication.
overall post-secondary experience.
EES 3. Execute mathematical operations
CLO3 Apply best practices in the areas of self- accurately.
reflection, reading comprehension, note
taking, test-writing, informational literacy, EES 4. Apply a systematic approach to solve
and critical thinking, among others, to problems.
ensure success in post-secondary courses
X EES 5. Use a variety of thinking skills to
and subjects.
anticipate and solve problems.
CLO4 Analyze interpersonal relationships,
X EES 6. Locate, select, organize, and document
strengths, weaknesses, roles, conflict, and
information using appropriate technology and
contexts, individually and in group settings,
information systems.
to improve academic, personal, and
professional success. X EES 7. Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant
information from a variety of sources.
X EES 8. Show respect for the diverse opinions,
values, belief systems, and contribution of
X EES 9. Interact with others in groups or teams
in ways that contribute to effective working
relationships and the achievement of goals.
X EES 10. Manage the use of time and other
resources to complete projects.
EES 11. Take responsibility for one's own
actions, decisions, and consequences.

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Evaluation Criteria:
The Course Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability Skills Outcomes are evaluated by the following evaluation

Evaluation Description Course Learning Outcomes EESOs Weighting

In Process: Active student CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4 EES1, EES2, EES5, 20
engagement with the course, EES7, EES8, EES9,
in class and online (ongoing EES10
in-process participation and

Assignment: Mapping the CLO1, CLO3 EES1, EES7, EES10 15

semester: time
priorities (an action plan).

Assignment: My college CLO2, CLO3 EES1, EES2, EES10 10

experience and transformation
-- reflection about college-
based supports.

Assignment: Learning journals CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4 EES1, EES2, EES7, 20
-- why are you here? Where EES10
are you going? What have
you learned?

Project: Team research CLO2, CLO3, CLO4 EES1, EES5, EES6, 20

project/presentation proposal EES7, EES8, EES9,
(5%), self-/peer-evaluations EES10
(5%) and the finished product
itself (10%).

Quiz: Quizzes (knowledge CLO2, CLO3 EES1, EES2, EES7, 15

checks x3; review and EES10
application of key concepts,
topics, etc.).

Total 100%


1. In order to earn in-process marks, students must be present in class the day the activities take place and meet
the submission deadline. Many of the activities require student-teacher and student-student interaction and the
intended learning cannot take place if the student is absent from this process. All application marks are earned
through both scheduled and random activities conducted throughout the semester and are intended to give
students the opportunity to apply concepts covered in class to enhance and reinforce learning. Given the nature
of these activities, there are no makeups or facility for submitting after the submission deadline. Application
activities not completed within the established timelines and parameters will not be considered for grading
purposes. Deviation from this policy will occur on a case-by-case basis, where warranted, at the full discretion
of the professor. Documentation may be required.
2. All written work must be in full, grammatically correct, sentences and paragraphs. Point-form written work will
not be accepted and will be given a zero. Written work must be typed -- that is, hand-written work will not be
3. At the discretion of the professor, students may be invited to present their ideas in written format or in a variety
of alternate formats including (but not limited to) audio, video, multimedia, etc. This will be clarified and
addressed by the professor in class/online.
4. The quizzes may include multiple choice and true-false questions as well as short answer or fill-in-the-blanks.
The quizzes may be conducted in class or online via DC Connect.
5. Assessments and evaluations are to be submitted by the deadline given as a hard copy or an e-copy submitted
to the appropriate online submission folder in DC Connect. The professor will specify the appropriate delivery

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method prior to collecting work. All late submissions will be assessed a penalty of 10% of the total possible
grade for the assignment per 24 hours late up to 72 hours after which the assignment will no longer be accepted.
These requirements reflect the importance of deadlines in a workplace environment, and the consequences of
failing to meet such deadlines. Requirements must be observed carefully to avoid academic penalties. Missed
assignments cannot be made up through any method. Students will NOT be allowed to complete "extra
assignments" to "raise their mark" at the end of the term -- students must complete and hand in term work as it
is assigned. Please keep in mind: as in the workplace, failure to meet deadlines results in loss of credibility,
advancement opportunities and grades.

Required Text(s) and Supplies:

Recommended Resources (purchase is optional):


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Policies and Expectations for the Learning Environment:
General Policies and Expectations:

General College policies related to General policies related to

+ Acceptable Use of Information Technology + attendance

+ Academic Policies + absence related to tests or assignment due

+ Academic Honesty + excused absences

+ Student Code of Conduct + writing tests and assignments

+ Students’ Rights and Responsibilities + classroom management can be found in the

can be found on-line at Program Guide (full time programs only) in
http://www.durhamcollege.ca/academicpolicies MyCampus

Course Specific Policies and Expectations:

In order to ensure a quality learning environment for all students, the following policies have been established for this
course. Any behaviour that disrupts the learning environment will be dealt with according to the Durham College
Academic Policies and Procedures.

Participation and Assignment Completion: Active participation is the best predictor of student success. Students are
expected to actively participate in course activities and discussions and any tests or assignments. Unless you have
made prior arrangements with your instructor, you are expected to complete all assignments and submit them, on time,
according to your instructor's instructions. In situations where serious illness, emergencies or other circumstances
prevent you from completing assessments, please get in touch with your instructor via DC Mail as soon as possible.
You will be required to provide documents that verify your situation before accommodations can be made, and any
arrangements to make up missed assignments will be at the sole discretion of the instructor.

Grading and Feedback: Students should consult their course outlines for a list of assessments and associated
weighting. Faculty will return assessments to students within an appropriate time frame for the assessment type,
typically three weeks at a maximum, with exceptions negotiated between the instructor and the class. Assessments
may be returned via DC Connect or in class. It is the student's responsibility to review their graded assessments and
any feedback that may have been provided to improve academic performance. Students may request an interview with
the instructor, within 15 days of the returned assessment, to further clarify assessment results.

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity: Plagiarism is a serious breach of the College's Academic Integrity policy and will
be enforced on any students involved in incidents of plagiarism, of any type. This could include any or all of the
following: a mark of zero on an evaluation, a mark of zero in the course, non-admittance to a course or program,
withdrawal from a course, or dismissal from the college. In all cases, a formal Academic Alert will be issued that will
document the infraction that has taken place, notification will be given to the Dean/Associate Dean and a record will
be placed in the student's file. Professors may request electronic files of written submissions. Plagiarism detection
software may be used during the marking process. Any work that has been plagiarized will receive a mark of zero. If it
is determined that a student has shared any work with or copied from another student, then ALL STUDENTS
INVOLVED will receive a mark of zero for the entire assignment or test.

DC Connect: Students are expected to check DC Connect and their DC Mail daily for both college-wide and program
specific information. Each Durham College student has a DC Mail email address which they should check daily.
Communication between students and faculty via email is limited to the DC Connect system. Should a student have a
login and/or performance issue with DC Connect, it is their responsibility to report the issue(s) to the IT Help Desk by
calling 905-721-3333.

Diversity: Durham College classrooms -- whether physical or online in nature -- reflect the diverse nature of the
workplace, and will often include students of different race, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, nationality, belief,
ability, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Students are expected to be considerate of their classmates, respect
each other's differences and help to create a safe environment where everyone can focus on the work at hand. This
course may include the use of readings, discussions, and case studies that enable students to adapt to differences
with real empathy, recognize the legitimacy of those differences, and understand that there are many ways to make
meaning in this world.

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General Course Outline Notes:
1. Students should use the course outline as a learning tool to guide their achievement of the learning
outcomes for this course. Specific questions should be directed to their individual professor.
2. The college considers the electronic communication methods (i.e. DC Mail or DC Connect) as the primary
channel of communication. Students should check the sources regularly for current course information.
3. Professors are responsible for following this outline and facilitating the learning as detailed in this outline.

4. Course outlines should be retained for future needs (i.e. university credits, transfer of credits etc.)

5. A full description of the Academic Appeals Process can be found at

https://durhamcollege.ca/about/governance/policies/academic-policies .
6. Faculty are committed to ensuring accessible learning for all students. Students who would like
assistance with academic access and accommodations in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights
Code should register with the Access and Support Centre (ASC). ASC is located in room SW116,
Oshawa Campus and in room 180 at the Whitby Campus. Contact ASC at 905-721-3123 for more
7. Durham College is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic integrity. Durham College
and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism.
Students agree that by taking this course all assignments could be subject to submission either by
themselves or by the faculty member for a review of textual similarity to Turnitin.com. Further information
about Turnitin can be found on the Turnitin.com Web site.

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Learning Plan
The Learning Plan is a planning guideline. Actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances.

Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of learning outcomes or
evaluations, prior to changes being implemented, as specified in the Course Outline Policy and Procedure at
Durham College.

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES8 Practiced: EES1, EES8

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Welcome to Durham College

The value of higher education, defining student success, and your college experience.

The introductory discussion may touch upon the skills and development concepts to ensure your
success. Topics may include: self-regulatory behaviours as linked to academic and professional
success, such as time management practices, ability to self-motivate, strategies to combat
procrastination, roadblocks to success, study habits, effective goal-setting, etc. (all of these topics will be
addressed in more depth in subsequent weeks).

Orientating to Durham College, connecting to college resources, navigating DC Connect, and a review of
course materials will be discussed.

Intended Learning Activities

Icebreaker activity.

Bookend activity: student expectations of the course.

Introductory lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References

Handouts posted to DC Connect; all assignment instruction sheets posted to DC Connect.

Evaluation Weighting
In Process: Active student engagement with the course, in class and 20%
online (ongoing in-process participation and assessments).

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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES8 Practiced: EES1, EES8

Intended Learning Objectives

Course introduction continued: student review of the course outline, expectations, and due dates.
Overview of online learning strategies.
Getting to know DC Connect.

Intended Learning Activities

Student questions about the outline, expectations, and due dates may be posted to a generic discussion
board on DC Connect.

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES8, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES8, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Brief Q and A about the course outline, expectations and due dates (an opportunity to clarify anything
about the course, delivery, etc.)

Themes: Who are you? Where are you going? How are you going to get there? Planning for Success.

The value of metacognition for your academic success.

Reflecting upon different ways of learning; principles of learning, and planning for your learning.
Planning a successful semester: creating vision and mission statements to shape your plans.
Planning, mapping, and time management to achieving personal, academic, and professional goals.
Taking ownership; wellness practices for self-care and persistence.

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES8, EES10, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES8, EES10,
Intended Learning Objectives
Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES8, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES8, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Continuation of Mapping/Planning for Success

Creating a plan to manage your semester: a prescription for success.

May include: scheduling/time management templates, digital calendars/alerts, meal plans, budgeting,
wellness practices, and mapping academic pathways.
Reviewing academic pathways and disciplines for future success (i.e., developing a Plan A and a Plan
Prioritizing competing demands of college.

Intended Learning Activities

Mapping the semester exercise (**Note -- It is important to be in class to complete the mapping exercise
that the professor will then check.**).

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Assignment: Mapping the semester: time management/managing 15%
priorities (an action plan).

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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES8, EES10, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES8, EES10,
Intended Learning Objectives
Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES7 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES7

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Being a College Student Part 1

Foundational skills for academics.

Information processing, perception, memory, hearing vs. listening, active listening.
Academic reading strategies & working with information.
Effective note taking strategies and organizing workflow.

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES7 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES7

Intended Learning Objectives

Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES7, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES7, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Being a College Student Part 2
Effective studying methods: memory, concentration, and focus.
Analogue and digital study tools.
Techniques and strategies for managing a test, before, during, and after.
Test anxiety and stress management.
College test-related resources.

*Caveat: Where appropriate, discussions may include strategies for post-admissions testing scenarios
e.g., Pre-health Sciences.*

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES7, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES7, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: Quizzes (knowledge checks x3; review and application of key 5%
concepts, topics, etc.).

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Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES7 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES7

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: The Value of Research Skills
The power of research questions and defining problems.
Defining Research: an introduction to research methods (e.g., qualitative and quantitative, primary and
Information literacy, evaluating information, and identifying credible sources.
How to use campus resources (e.g., library, SALS) and academic-related technologies.

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Assignment: Learning journals -- why are you here? Where are you 10%
going? What have you learned?

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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES7, EES11 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES7, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES7, EES8, EES9, EES10 Practiced: EES7, EES8, EES9, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Collaboration, Communication, and Working Well in Teams
Understanding team development through roles, norms, and group dynamics.
Team building strategies.
Managing conflict and avoiding group think.
Productivity tools for teams.

Intended Learning Activities

First in-class opportunity to work on the group presentation/project and complete the proposal/contract.
(**Note - This is an important milestone for the group culminating activity; you must be present to pick
your group and complete the relevant proposal/contract**).

Team-building activity.

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES7, EES8, EES9, EES10, Practiced: EES7, EES8, EES9, EES10,
Intended Learning Objectives
Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



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Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES5, EES7 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES5, EES7

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Creativity.

Critically evaluating information and ideas.

Defining and solving problems.
Strategies for prioritization and decision making.
Defining and valuing creativity for academics and the workplace.

*Caveat: Where appropriate, discussions may include strategies for post-admissions testing scenarios
e.g., Pre-health Sciences.

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Project: Team research project/presentation proposal (5%), self-/peer- 5%
evaluations (5%) and the finished product itself (10%).

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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES7 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES7

Intended Learning Objectives

Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 23 of 33

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES7 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES7

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Academic Writing, Integrity, and Documentation Skills

A review of the value of research.

A primer on academic writing style, paper formats, and referencing (e.g., APA, MLA).
Integrate quotations, paraphrasing and summarizing.
Scholarly research (e.g., journals) to support academic writing.
Structuring a thesis, paper, or project.

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References



Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 24 of 33

Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7

Intended Learning Objectives

Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: Quizzes (knowledge checks x3; review and application of key 5%
concepts, topics, etc.).

Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 25 of 33

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES2, EES9, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES2, EES9, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Wellness, Mindfulness, and Self-Care

Defining mental health concepts and the DSM-V (e.g., anxiety, depression, wellness).
Reflecting upon and developing self-care practices (e.g., revisiting mapping the semester to incorporate
Defining mindfulness and building mindfulness practices.
Considering holistic approaches to wellness (e.g., wellness wheel).
Connecting to wellness resources at Durham College and beyond.

Intended Learning Activities

Second (and final) in-class opportunity to work on the group presentations.

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Assignment: My college experience and transformation -- short 10%
reflection about college-based supports.

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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES2, EES9, EES10 Practiced: EES2, EES9, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Topic(s) continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 27 of 33

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES8, EES9, EES10 Practiced: EES8, EES9, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Allocation of time for team research project development.

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture and media supplement.

Seminar-style small-group and guided discussions.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References



Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 28 of 33

Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES8, EES9, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES8, EES9, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Thinking Globally About Your Learning and the Future of Work

Global opportunities for learning.

Global opportunities for work.
Review relevant definitions and concepts, such as ethics, professionalism, equity, diversity, oppression,
marginalization, and power dynamics, among others.
Recognize the value in diversity.
Making connections to your future career.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES7, EES8, EES9, Practiced: EES1, EES7, EES8, EES9,
Intended Learning Objectives
Team Research Projects/Presentations

Intended Learning Activities

Team Research Projects/Presentations

Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Project: Team research project/presentation proposal (5%), self-/peer- 10%
evaluations (5%) and the finished product itself (10%).

Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 29 of 33

Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Strategize your next steps.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements
- participation in online discussion forums
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components

Resources and References



Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES7, EES8, EES9, Practiced: EES1, EES7, EES8, EES9,
Intended Learning Objectives
Team Research Projects/Presentations

Intended Learning Activities

Team Research Projects/Presentations

Resources and References



Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 30 of 33

Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Strategize your next steps (continued).

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References



Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 31 of 33

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: Practiced:

Intended Learning Objectives

Themes: Unpacking Your First Semester

How have you developed over the semester?

Reflecting upon the skills you have developed.
Consolidating what you have learned.
Course wrap-up, considering the road ahead, next steps, and academic pathways.

Intended Learning Activities

Concluding remarks.

Bookend activity revisit from week 01.

Additional in-class tasks, activities, and exercises may include, but are not limited to:
- think/pair/shares,
- situational analyses,
- role-plays,
- self-assessment activities,
- brainstorming,
- worksheets,
- quiz practice questions,
- and one minute papers.

Resources and References



Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 32 of 33

Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: Practiced:

Intended Learning Objectives

Topic continued online.

Intended Learning Activities

Connection and/or summary activities may include, but are not limited to:
- video supplements,
- participation in online discussion forums,
- the use of online resources, e.g. blogs, news supplements, academic success strategies, etc.
- the use of learning technologies and online platforms, supplements and interactive components,
- self-reflective tasks,
- and quiz practice questions (via DC Connect or external sites).

Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: Quizzes (knowledge checks x3; review and application of key 5%
concepts, topics, etc.).

Durham College Course Outline - PREP 1300 - 2020-2021 Page 33 of 33

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