Civil Engineering Studies: Structural Research Series No. 616
Civil Engineering Studies: Structural Research Series No. 616
Civil Engineering Studies: Structural Research Series No. 616
ISSN: 0069-4274
University of Illinois
TransMotive Technologies, Inc.
July 1997
1. REPORT NO. 2. 3. Recipient's Accession No.
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
A Fiber Reinforced Plastic Joint for Filament Wound Pipes: July 1997
Analysis and Design 6.
Fiber reinforced plastic pipe joints are widely used in the pi ping industry. However, current fiber reinforced
plastic j oint standards are based on standards written for their metallic counterparts, and the relevant de-
sign codes lack reliable design guidelines. We have developed an innovative fiber reinforced plasticjoining
technique to address these and other problems that have beenreported in the literature. The proposedjoint
can be used with filament wound pipes, the most common fiber reinforced plastic pipe manufacturing tech-
nique. This joint can be manufactured using current filament winding equipment with minor alterations.
This report emphasizes the design concept and the development of the design calculations for the proposed
fiber reinforced plasticjoint.Pipejoints are susceptible to two failure mechanisms, failure from the stand-
point of strength and leakage. The strength design procedure is derived from first principles taking into
account the orthotropy of the fiber reinforced plastic material. The leakage analysis follows the guidelines
of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel code. The analytical design
calculations are checked using finite element analysis. The agreement is excellent. We also conducted a
detailed finite element analysis of a particular joint, designed using the simplified method, in order to as-
sess the safety of the simple design calculations.
b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms
c. COSATI Reid/Group
18.Avallablllty Statement 19. Security Class (ThIs Report) 21. No. of Pages
Release Unlimited 20. Security Class (ThIs Page) 22. Price
(See ANSI-Z39.18) OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77)
Department of Commerce
Hector Estrada
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Illinois
I. Dennis Parsons
TransMotive Technologies Inc.
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois
July 1997
Fiber reinforced plastic pipe joints are widely used in the piping industry. However, cur-
rent fiber reinforced plastic joint standards are based on standards written for their metallic
counterparts, and the relevant design codes lack reliable design guidelines. We have developed
an innovative fiber reinforced plastic joining technique to address these and other problems that
have been reported in the literature. The proposed joint can be used with filament wound pipes,
the most common fiber reinforced plastic pipe manufacturing technique. This joint can be
manufactured using current filament winding equipment with minor alterations. This report
emphasizes the design concept and the development of the design calculations for the proposed
fiber reinforced plastic joint.
Pipe joints are susceptible to two failure mechanisms, failure from the standpoint of
strength and leakage. The strength design procedure is derived from first principles taking into
account the orthotropy of the fiber reinforced plastic material. The leakage analysis follows the
guidelines of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel code.
The analytical design calculations are checked using finite element analysis. The agreement is
excellent. We also conducted a detailed finite element analysis of a particular joint, designed
using the simplified method, in order to assess the safety of the simple design calculations.
This report is based on the dissertation of Rector Estrada submitted to the Graduate Col-
lege, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
Civil Engineering. The thesis was completed under the supervision of Professor I. Dennis Par-
This investigation was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation,
grant number SBC CMS 93-15240. The financial support ofIMGIP (fellowship) and the de-
partment of Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (teaching as-
sistantship) for Rector Estrada is appreciated.
The authors acknowledge the help and useful discussions of Professor K. D. Rjelmstad,
Professor R. R. Dodds, Professor N. R. Sottos, Wendy Estrada, Dr. Amjad J. Aref, Aliazaro
Namazifard, Ertugrul B. Taciroglu and Dr. Rami Raj-Ali.
1.3 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 4 Design Philosophy of Joints .................................. . 36
6.3 Verification of the Stub Model Analysis Using the Finite Element Method . . . 67
6.4 Verification of the Pipe-Hub Model Analysis Using the Finite Element Method 68
6.5 Summary ...................................................... 72
Chapter 8 Detailed Finite Element Analysis of the Composite Joint ........... 111
A.2 Definition of Stress Resultants ..................................... 152
B.2 Stress-Strain Relations for Plane Stress in a Transversely Isotropic Material. 162
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Chapter 1
1.1 Overview
Composite systems are widely used in the pressure vessel and piping industries; their
properties make them ideal in the severe oxidizing or reducing atmospheres generally found in
these industries. For instance, in the chemical industry, corrosion resistance is the chief advan-
tage composite systems have over their metallic counterparts. In the most severe corrosive envi-
ronment, the life of steel can be measured in a few days. Only the highest grade chromium-nick-
el-molybdenum (Cr-Ni-Mo) alloys can satisfactorily survive in these conditions. A more cost
effecti ve solution is the use of high molecular weight polymers coupled with suitable reinforc-
ing materials (e.g., fibrous glass). It has been estimated that in the 1980's corrosion cost U. S.
industry approximately $8 billion a year and that 60% of the U. S. steel output went into replace-
ment products [37].
Composites also have higher strength and stiffness to weight ratios compared to tradi-
tional engineering materials such as steel and concrete. Their low weight can help reduce instal-
lation and repair costs. Another important advantage of composites is the designer's ability to
tailor the material properties for a specific application. High glass content provides maximum
physical strength; high resin content provides maximum corrosion resistance. The designer can
combine these two elements to produce a satisfactory design.
Due to these factors, composite piping systems have enjoyed a vast growth over the last
three decades [34]; however, the industry suffers from a severe lack of standardization and the
relevant design codes lack reliable design guidelines for fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) pipe
joints. As a result of limited research in FRP pipe joining, designers rely on criteria based pri-
marily on well established isotropic designs (typically steel designs) and empirical methods.
Due to fundamental differences in the behavior of isotropic and composite materials, the reli-
ability of these design practices is questionable. In this work, we present an innovative joining
technique (see figure 1.1) which can be used with filament wound pipes, the most common FRP
pipe manufacturing technique. As shown in figure 1.2, the pipe and hub are the only compo-
nents manufactured by filament winding. We also present a simplified analysis procedure that
can be used to proportion the joint.
The FRP joint we are proposing is a modified version of a commonly used FRP joint,
the stub flanged joint, which we discuss in the next chapter. Therefore, we refer to our proposed
joint as the modified stub flanged joint. We choose this geometry for the joint because of inher-
ent problems with current FRP joints and manufacturing reasons.
Although we have discussed the corrosion problem, it is not the scope of this report to
cover piping corrosion resistance design; rather, the FRP pipe joint strength and the stiffness
design problems are studied. However, since the strength of the reinforcement can be adversely
affected by some chemicals, it is appropriate to comment on the need to protect the reinforce-
ment, typically using a chemical resistant material liner. An important note is that the strength
contribution of this liner to the system is negligible and it is not included in calculating the sys-
tem strength. However, it is important that the integrity of the selected liner is maintained
throughout the service life of the piping system. The subject of corrosion and chemical resistant
piping is covered by Mallinson [37] in detail. Rolston [46] and Talbot [49] discuss the process
of selecting fibrous reinforced plastic materials when corrosion is a problem.
Once a suitable corrosion resistant material has been selected, the joint designer consid-
ers two failure mechanisms, failure from the stand point of strength and joint leakage, the latter
being more common than the former. These are the only problems dealt with in this report.
1.2 Objectives
Our goal is to investigate current problems faced by the FRP pipe joining industry and
propose an innovative joining technique that addresses these problems. The problems have been
reported in the literature; therefore, our task is to identify potential pipe joint candidate systems
that address these problems and outline a design criterion. The main objectives of the project
1. Develop an innovative joining technique for filament wound pipes, which addresses
current FRP pipe joining problems.
2. Propose a manufacturing technique using current filament winding equipment with
minor alterations.
3. Develop reliable design methods well founded in analytical work that practicing en-
gineers can use to design efficient FRP joints for filament wound pipes.
4. Conduct numerical verification of the design calculations using finite element analy-
The investigation presented here will provide a reliable joining technique for filament
wound pipes and a design criterion for this joint that practicing engineers can use to design effi-
cient piping systems. The research will be focused primarily on joints for low pressure and low
temperature water main service. But it will not be restricted to low pressure applications; how-
ever, since most thermosetting matrix materials undergo a significant reduction in strength at
temperatures above 200 0 C, high temperature applications will not be considered. Also, this
joint can be used with pressure vessels and piping containing medium other than water, pro-
vided the structural system is properly protected with a liner.
1.3 Organization
In the following chapter an overview of pipe joining is introduced and the previous rele-
vant research is discussed. In chapter 3 the proposed design and the manufacturing process are
presented. The analysis for design of the proposed joint is covered in chapters 4 and 5. Chapter
6 includes a numerical comparison between the simplified analysis and the finite element meth-
od. Design examples are presented in chapter 7. In chapter 8 a detailed finite element analysis
is conducted for the proposed joint, including leakage analysis using contact finite element anal-
ysis. Finally, the conclusions of this study and recommendations for future work are summa-
rized in chapter 9.
Figure 1.1: Modified Stub Flange.
integrally filament
wound pipe and hub
metallic or FRP
backing ring (stub)
Chapter 2
, In this chapter we give an overview of pipe joining and survey the previous relevant
work in both metallic and composite joints. As stated earlier, composite systems are designed
using criteria for their metallic counterparts in conjunction with high factors of safety and occa-
sionally experimental testing. For this reason, we will present the previous work done on metal-
lic joints first, followed by previous composite joint work. In the chapters that follow we will
point out the relevance of these works to the research presented in this report.
Ideally, piping systems would be designed without joints, eliminating a source of added
complexity and weakness. However, due to technical or commercial reasons this is seldom pos-
sible. Some of these reasons include: size restrictions during manufacturing and transportation,
requirements for disassembly for inspection or repair, and the inclusion of valves or pumps, all
of which may be called for in the component design. The main purpose of a pipe joint is to con-
vey a liquid or gas from one pipe to another pipe or fitting without leakage. Due to the disconti-
nuity at the joint, there is a complex stress distribution near and in the joining feature. An objec-
tive of a given joint geometry will be to minimize stress concentrations arising in order to
enhance structural performance. Therefore, an acceptable joint design criteria must (1) ensure
stress levels in the joint do not exceed the strength of the joining material and (2) ensure the
residual gasket load is sufficient to maintain the joint leak tight.
There are a number of joining methods by which a FRP pipe may be joined. These in-
clude butt and strap, adhesive, threaded, bell and spigot and flanged joints. Butt and strap and
adhesive joints are used for permanent joining applications, e.g., in the case where the joints
are needed due to transportation or manufacturing limitations. In other cases, a detachable joint
is necessary to allow access for repairs and maintenance. Flanged joints are the most commonly
used in detachable connections because of the ease and speed of repeated assembly and disas-
sembly. Also, these flanges connect to valves, pumps and any other steel flanges to which the
line is joined.
Regardless of the material composition, flanged joint design consists of three funda-
mental problems, each one separate but related to the others. First, we need to determine the
gasket for the service conditions. Second, we determine the bolting required to hold the joint
leak tight. Third, we determine the proper flange geometry to transmit the load from the bolts
to the gasket without over-stressing the flange material. Although the first two problems seem
independent of the joint material composition, certain aspects of the problems depend on the
joining material. The last problem is completely different for composite and metallic joints.
This depends on the materials from which the joint is manufactured. In chapter 4, we will ad-
dress all three problems as they relate to our proposed joint.
Although metallic pipe joints have been used for hundreds of years (first lead, then cast
iron, and more recently steel), it was not until the first half of this century that most of the work
towards a methodical design procedure was conceived. Of the many pipe joint geometries sug-
gested over the years, the one most widely used today is the bolted flanged joint. Metallic bolted
flanged joint geometries can be divided into two types, integral and loose flange type, figure
2.1. There are two varieties of the integral flange geometry, raised face and flat face flanges,
figure 2.2. The former is typically used for high pressure applications and the later for low pres-
sures. Flat face flanges can be further subdivided into two categories, flanges with and without
a hub. The hubless flat face flanges are normally used in conjunction with full face or O-ring
gaskets, whereas hubbed flat face flanges are used in conjunction with ring gaskets (gasket outer
diameter enclosed by the bolt holes). Flat face flanges with full face gaskets require the greatest
bolt load to maintain them sealed. This is due to the greater contact area, which requires more
pressure to deform the gasket into the irregularities on the flange face.
With flat face flanges with ring gaskets, as well as raised face flanges, no flange contact
occurs outside the bolt circle, which leads to flange rotation when the joint is bolted. This pro-
duces high bending (i.e., axial) stresses in the hub and flange where the two intersect. These
axial stresses in the pipe, close to the pipe-flange interface, are much higher for hubless joints
than for hubbed ones and reduce down to the same level away from the interface. In hubbed
joints these stresses can easily be accommodated, whereas in hubless joints they can reach unde-
sirably high levels. The lower axial stress in the hubbed geometry is because of the additional
material in the hub resisting rotation. The same resistance can be accomplished by increasing
the thickness of the flange in the hubless joint.
The relevant American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel (BPV) code [4] includes design rules for raised face flanged and ring gasketedjoints in
Appendix 2 and for O-ring gasketed joints in Appendix Y. Full face gasketed joints are propor-
tioned either by Appendix 2 calculations, modified to account for the additional gasket material
outside of the bolt circle [1], or by the design method proposed by Blach et al. [13]. Loose type
flanges are also proportioned using Appendix 2.
According to the ASME BPV code, there are two acceptable design procedures for
bolted flanged joints: standard rated flanges and flange design calculations. The former is the
easiest, since the design consists of choosing a flange that has been dimensionally standardized
for specific pressure-temperature ratings. There are a number of these standards at the engi-
neer's disposal, mainly company and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) [2] stan-
dards. When a flange is selected from one of these standards (taking into account proper factors
of safety), no additional calculations are required. The code strongly recommends the use of
these standard designs whenever possible. They have proved their safety, and a standard design
is usually less expensive than a specialized one.
Given the pipe inside diameter, its thickness and design pressure and temperature, the
basic steps in flange design calculations are as follows:
1. Select the gasket (material, type and dimensions) and flange facing type.
2. Calculate loads for both gasket seating (bolt load acting on the flange, figure 2.3)
and operating (internal pressure and bolt load acting) conditions from gasket factors.
4. Establish flange dimensions, hub proportions, flange width and thickness (usually
starting from some standard flange values).
5. Using loads and dimensions, calculate moments for both gasket seating and operat-
ing conditions.
6. Find flange stresses and check them against allowable stress for the flange material.
These steps are part of the three aforementioned fundamental joint design problems.
The first two steps address the gasket problem, the third step the bolting problem, and the last
three steps the flange problem. The solution to this third problem is iterative due to the large
number of variables; it entails proportioning a joint geometry (based on experience or one of
the many standards), then checking the axial stress at the hub-ring and shell-hub interfaces and
the radial and hoop stresses in the ring, so the allowable stress for the material is not exceeded.
The designer chooses a gasket material and type based on the pressure, temperature and
chemical resistance to the media being sealed and length of service desired. The purpose of a
gasket is to create and maintain a seal between two separable flanges. Gaskets must compensate
for nonuniform flange loadings and conform to the flange surface irregularities.
The initial pre-stress in the gasket is provided by the pre-load in the bolts, this is com-
monly known as the seating condition. In this state, the gasket deforms filling the irregularities
on the flange face, insuring full contact over its entire surface. The internal pressure is then ap-
plied and the gasket pre-stress decreases; this is commonly known as the operating condition.
The code requires the analysis of two distinct load systems, gasket seating and operating loading
cases (as defined above). The two load cases are computed using two distinct factors: the yield
factor y, which is defined as the minimum gasket stress to cause the gasket material to deform
into the flange face irregularities, and the m factor defined as the ratio of minimum gasket stress
needed to hold a seal under internal pressure to internal pressure. These factors depend on the
gasket material properties and its sealing performance. A list of these factors, which are ob-
tained from a combination of industrial experience and experiments, is given in the ASME code
for different gaskets.
Two design bolt loads are computed using these factors and the bolting is proportioned
using the greatest of the two loads. Once the bolt load is known, the bolting system can be de-
signed: bolt type, number of bolts, bolt circle and bolt spacing.
The flange can also be proportioned once the bolt load is known using the design cal-
culations found in the code. These calculations are based on work done a half a century ago [51]
and were incorporated into the ASME code in 1940. This design procedure, best known as the
Taylor Forge method, is based on linear elastic plate and shell theories. As shown in figure 2.4,
the joint is subdivided into three axisymmetric structural components: shell, hub (variable
thickness shell) and ring (circular plate). Other major assumptions include the fact that internal
pressure and bolt hole effects are not taken into consideration and that the bolt load is applied
as a ring load along the outer flange diameter. The relative simplicity of the Taylor Forge method
has made it the most widely used calculation method in flange design codes around the world.
FRP bolted joints are commonly made with stub flanges and flat face flanges with full
face gaskets, which are known as a full faced flanges, figure 2.5. FRP bolted pipe joints are
widely used in the piping industry; however, as stated earlier, a lack of standardization and de-
sign rules presently exists. Some FRP joint investigation has been done in the past, but no de-
pendable design criteria have been proposed. Instead, metallic joint design calculations in con-
junction with high factors of safety are used in their design. Previous investigations have
generally focused on FRP joints fabricated by hand lay-up or molding (injection, press or con-
tact) techniques, which are either fabricated directly or bonded onto a previously manufactured
pipe, figure 2.6. A fairly long hub is required in either hand lay-up or molded flanges to transfer
the shear stresses through the bond.
FRP bolted joints present more difficulties than their metallic counterparts, not only in
that the material properties are more complex, but also the bolting technique must be modified.
In metallic flanges, the bolt holes present only a minor material discontinuity problem. Whereas
in FRP flanges, if bolt holes are drilled the strength of the joint may be compromised, particular-
ly in filament wound joints. One solution to this problem would be to wind the holes, which
presents a major manufacturing problem, since current filament winding technology is incom-
patible with this type of non-axisymmetry. However, for current flange manufacturing tech-
niques (hand lay-up and injection molding), the holes can be incorporated in the flange during
the manufacturing process. Another remedy that seems to be very successful in industry is the
stub flange, figure 2.5. In this case, metallic backing rings are used to clamp the two flanges
The first FRP joint standards appeared on a voluntary product standard in 1969, PS
15-69 [42]. This standard only covers contact molded flanges and advises to keep their use to
a minimum with the butt-strap joint recommended as the standard pipe joining technique. This
standard recommends that flanges 2 - 24 inches in diameter be proportioned following the
ANSI standard B 16.5 [2] for class 150 lb steel flanges, and flanges 30 - 42 inches in diameter
following ANSI standard B 16.1 for cast iron flanges. It also provides tables with minimum
flange thickness values. The flange thickness values are based on a factor of safety of eight for
a flexural strength of 20,000 psi. An absolute minimum flange thickness of 3/4 inches, regard-
less of pipe size or pressure rating, is recommended. The hub length is specified as at least four
times the flange thickness and the hub thickness at least one half the flange thickness. Manufac-
turing tolerances are also specified. The specifications for bolting call for metal washers under
all nut and bolt heads. Gaskets, no thinner than 118 inches and durometer Shore A or Shore A2
hardness of 40 to 70 degrees are recommended. Durometer reading is a measure of rubber hard-
ness, the magnitude of which is derived from the depth of penetration of a specific indentor into
a specimen under specified conditions. It is measure on arbitrary scales (Shore A, Shore A2,
etc.) and covers a range of 10 to 100 degrees; 10 0 represents a material showing no measurable
resistance to indentation, and 100 0 represents a material showing no measurable indentation.
This procedure of hardness testing can be found in ASTM D2240 [8].
More recently, ASTM has added standard specifications for machine made [7] and con-
tact molded [6] fiberglass (glass fiber reinforced thermosetting resin) flanges. For these stan-
dards, ANSI standard flange sizes are also specified as in the case of PS 15-69 [42]. Basically,
the ASTM standard is an updated version of the PS 15-69 standard, the main difference being
proof testing. ASTM standards make it clear that the specifications are based on flange perfor-
mance and do not cover design. The performance requirements are: test pressure of at least 1.5
times the design pressure without leakage for sealing and test pressure of at least four times the
design pressure over a period of 60 seconds for rupture strength. Also, the flange material
should be able to resist a bolt torque two times that recommended by the manufacturer without
visible signs of damage for contact molded flanges, and 1.5 times for any other flange construc-
tion. There are no gasket or bolting specifications given, rather it refers the designer to the flange
manufacturer's recommendation. In these standards, it is noted that flanges with identical clas-
sification from different manufacturers may not be interchangeable due to nonstandardization
of piping systems.
ASME design rules for FRP pressure vessels conform to ASME code section X [5]. This
section qualifies vessel design by two methods: (1) Class I design - the design is qualified
through the destructive test of a prototype, and (2) Class II design - mandatory design rules and
acceptance testing by nondestructive methods.
For Class I joint design, one or more full-scale prototype joints should burst at a pressure
at least six times the design pressure after having been submitted to 100,000 cycles of pressure
ranging from atmospheric to design pressure at a fluid temperature no less than 150 0 C through-
out the entire test. Only for critical and very large projects can a designer justify the cost of these
stringent requirements.
The mandatory design rules for Class II flange design are based on the same procedures
as their metallic counterparts: standard rated flanges and flange design calculations. Standard
rated flange design is based on the same ANSI flanges as PS 15-69 [42] standards. For FRP
flange design calculations, not only are the ASME section X code calcu1ations totally based on
those for metallic joints (Taylor Forge method), but even the material properties used in the cal-
culations are those used for steel. The only point in the design where the material properties of
the FRP j oint come into play is in the allowable stresses. According to the code, the flange thick-
ness shall be large enough so the allowable stress does not exceed 0.001 times the lower of the
longitudinal or transverse design modulus. This is a maximum strain based design, which limits
the absolute value of membrane strain in any direction at each point of the vessel to no more
than 0.001. In the design of FRP flanges using these calculations there is an additional stress
check, namely the radial stress at the bolt circle. A further restriction on Class II design is that
the vessels shall be limited to a maximum pressure of 75 psi and maximum inside diameter of
96 inches.
Of the many flanged joining techniques currently used in FRP piping, we found only
one that is integrally manufactured with the pipe in the literature [39]. The manufacturing pro-
cess is covered in great detail in the paper, but no design calculations are included. The author
does state that some finite element analysis was carried out but no details on the results are men-
tioned. However, this joint apparently did not progress beyond the planning stage.
Press moulded flanges are also machine made [26]. This makes them attractive in pipe
joining because of the speed and ease of being duplicated with consistency. However, since the
flanges are bonded to the pipe, the joints have a much lower strength than the pipes. A number
of tests were conducted to destruction, in most cases failure was observed in the hub section.
These tests were conducted on flanges manufactured to the dimensions outlined in PS 15-69
[42] for pipe diameters of two and eight inches. To improve the performance of the joint, the
authors increased the flange thickness by a fourth and ran more tests to destruction. However,
they found it "impossible to retain" the full face gaskets at higher pressures, which lead to the
trial of O-ring gaskets. Also, the authors found that flanges with drilled bolt holes performed
better, in terms of strength, than those with molded holes. This might be as a result of potential
resin rich pockets near the holes. The authors also recommend the use of filament wound pipes
over contact molded pipes. They also conducted a survey of approximately 30,000 flanges de-
signed following their guidelines and found "remarkably" few failures. Most of these failures
were as a result of faulty techniques in the application of the flange or the installation of the
system. Some of these faulty techniques include: insufficient surface preparation of the pipe or
flange, uneven or insufficient application of adhesive, use of incorrect adhesive systems, con-
tamination of surface to be bonded, incorrect mixing of adhesive, and joints carried out in un-
suitable temperatures and environmental conditions. Also, other common failures included
overstressing of joints during installation due to: poor alignment, use of partial face gaskets,
improper selections and/or position of expansion joints, and bolt over-torquing.
Paliwal et al. [43] conducted an analytical analysis of stub flanges, figure 2.5, for the
case when the stub (backing ring) is made from a composite material. They used Lekhnitskii
anisotropic circular plate theory for the analysis of an annular plate, using boundary and loading
conditions similar to the RING portion in figure 2.4. They did not analyze the flange, however.
Bustillos and Craigie [19] present finite element analysis of three different stub FRP
flange designs. They give the finite element mesh, the deformed shape and stress contours for
all three designs. The results conform to a factor of safety of ten.
Muscati and Blomfield [40] conducted burst test on FRP pipes with flanged joints. They
carried out these tests to check the integrity of a pipeline after higher failure rates than antici-
pated were observed. The flanges are of the stub type with aluminum backing rings and sealed
by rubber gaskets. The construction of the flange is similar to the top left flange in figure 2.6.
In two out of seven test, it was not possible to burst the specimen due to the development of a
large leak. The results of the test show that the flanges have much lower strength than the pipes,
and in all cases, the burst pressure was lower than the six times the design pressure specified
by the design standard used. They attributed this lower strength in the flanges to the difficulties
in construction resulting in inadequate reinforcement placement.
Muscati and Blomfield [41] later conducted additional burst tests on flanges extracted
from the pipeline and attempted to correlate these test results to two theoretical stress models.
These models entail a simple analytical solution for the pipe based on membrane shell theory
and finite element stress analysis. The results of the simple analytical analysis over predicted
the failure pressure for all but four cases out of fourteen test specimens. In some cases the over
prediction was by as much as 200%, but in two cases the results of the analytical model were
within 10% of the burst pressure. It is interesting to note that in these two cases the failure oc-
curred in the pipe away from the joint, which explains the agreement between the test and ana-
lytical model. For the finite element analysis, their investigation fell rather short; one reason
is that at the time of their investigation the finite element analysis package they used did not
support anisotropic analysis. However, they attempted the analysis by decoupling "axial" de-
grees of freedom between material layers in an effort to mimic anisotropy. The authors do not
provide comparisons of the finite element analysis results and the burst test. They only state that
finite element analysis results validate the results of the analytical model when compared to the
two specimens that fail in the pipe section. Their major conclusion from this study is that both
the analytical and finite element analysis models tend to over predict the strength of the joint.
They attributed this, again, to lower strength in the flanges due to the difficulties in construction
resulting in inadequate reinforcement placement.
Blach andHoa [14], in the first of a series of publications on the subject of full-face FRP
flanged joints (see figure 2.5), propose the use of steel flange design methods for the design of
full-face FRP flanges. They claim that two design methods can be used safely with full-face
FRP flanges provided certain safeguards concerning over-bolting are observed. The two meth-
ods are the Taylor Forge method [1] and the method of Blach et al. [13]. They also attempted
to correlate data from strain gage measurements on full-face FRP flanges with results of a three-
dimensional orthotropic finite element analysis. The authors claim that the results from the fi-
nite element analysis and both of the metallic design methods appear to agree well with the ex-
perimental results. The authors also discuss some problems inherent to FRP flanges. Uneven
curing of the resin in hand lay-up flanges can cause a certain amount of convex distortion (pull-
back), figure 2.7. Pull-back must be straightened to ensure contact over the entire gasket face.
If the pull-back is straightened by bolt load alone, there will be over stress at the pipe-flange
interface. Further details on the effects of pull-back for flanges in operation and remedies during
and after fabrications were later published [15]. Blach continued the discussion of their stress
analysis and experimental work in a later publication [16].
Blach and Sun [17] conducted an experimental investigation into the effect of flange
width on the strength performance of a full-face FRP flanged joint system. Several tests were
conducted on a single specimen. After each bolt-up and pressure test, the flange of the specimen
was machined down on the outside diameter to obtain a smaller flange width. The authors also
comment on the use of finite element analysis and two metallic flange analysis methods (Taylor
Forge method [1] and the method of Blach et al. [13]). However, no quantitative comparisons
were made, since results of the experimental or finite element analysis are not included in the
paper; only the results of the two metallic flange analysis methods are provided. Blach contin-
ued the discussion of his stress analysis method (Blach et al. [13]) and the experimental work
in a later publication [18]. Again, he only made qualitative comparisons between experiment
and analysis.
In his dissertation [48], Sun proposed two analytical methods for the stress analysis of
full-face FRP flanges. The two analytical methods are based on classical and shear deformation
laminated theories. The analytical methods follow the approach that Waters [51] used in the der-
ivation of the Taylor Forge method, accounting for the FRP material properties. The approach
consists in analyzing the flange as two separate components (PIPE and RING in figure 2.4) and
obtaining the total solution by applying the appropriate boundary and continuity conditions.
One method is based on classical laminated theory, transverse shear deformation is neglected;
in the second method the RING is modeled using a formulation that accounts for transverse
shear deformation, while the classical formulation is used for the shell. His comparisons with
finite element analysis are not in good agreement because of the poor finite element mesh used
in the analysis. The author conducted quantitative comparisons between his classical laminated
results and the experimental results from [17]. He presents no calculations for the transverse
shear deformation formulation.
Leon [34] discusses the development of the Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC)
program on non-metallic piping and fittings. One of the items is the requirement of industry
standards for flanged FRP joints. Leon et al. [35] discuss the progress of the PVRC committee
and compare international standards for composite piping design, including FRP flanges. Fur-
ther details are included in a later paper [36]. Other international designs are essentially the same
as those found in the United States of America. In this last paper, Leon et al. also include results
on the comparison of finite element analysis with some of the design standards, namely the
ASME BPV code Sections X [5] design formulas; the ASME code stress predictions were con-
servative compared to the finite element analysis results.
Matthews et al. [38] conducted a series of experiments on stub and full-face FRP flanges
subjected to an internal pressure. The internal pressure was increased until either leakage or
fracture of the pipe or flange occured. For the case of stub FRP flanges, a type of failure due
to over-bolting (bearing failure, see figure 2.8) was reported. They also studied the strength of
the flanges using finite element analysis. In their finite element analysis results, the axial
stresses show large peaks at the pipe hub juncture; the authors concluded that the use of a tapered
rather than a stepped hub would reduce these peak stresses. For the case with no hub at all, they
found that axial stresses were three times higher than those for the hubbed case. The comparison
showed that the experimental and finite element analysis results agreed well. They also con-
ducted leakage finite element analysis for two cases: gasket and no gasket between the mating
flanges. Their results show that with a gasket in place a more uniform stress distribution can
be achieved.
Godwin et al. [28] investigated the relationship between clamping force and joint seal-
ing for stub and full-face FRP flanged joints. The details of flange construction for the test speci-
mens are those shown on figure 2.6. The authors also report the pull-back effect, figure 2.7, on
the hand lay-up flanges. The experiments showed that the bolt load remained constant with in-
creasing pressure up to a point; it then increased until the point when leakage was observed. The
normal stress on the gasket was found to be the principle factor affecting the ability of a flanged
joint to seal. Leakage behavior can be improved by reducing the width of the gasket; however,
for a full-face FRP flange this causes increased bending in the flange which leads to cracking
at the flange radius, greatly degrading the strength of the joint. Therefore, the most desirable
flange geometry is the stub flange. In addition to the experimental work, axisymmetric finite
element analysis was conducted to predict the internal pressure and pressure distribution on the
gasket at which leakage occurs. Although tensile normal stresses developed over part of the gas-
ket face, no flange gasket separation was allowed because their finite element analysis code did
not support contact formulations.
Graham [27] discusses the manufacture, design and application of contact molded
flanges. The author also includes case histories of several installation failures. He also discusses
stress analysis based on the Taylor Forge method [1] following the FRP flange requirements
of PS 15-69 [42]. He makes recommendations for design and presents a set of very useful tables
of flange dimension for pipes 2 - 42 inches in diameter and pressure ratings of 25 to 150 psi.
He provides guidelines for torquing the bolts in FRP flanges, and includes bolt torque calcula-
tions tabulated in tables.
Current state-of-the-artFRP pipe joint design is basically empirical. The majority of the
reported research on FRP pipe joining has been focused on transferring the knowledge from
metallic designs to FRP design, with the exception of Dr. Sun's research [48], who has pointed
FRP joint design in the right direction. The work presented in this report will hopefully advance
our understanding of FRP pipe joining in general.
integral type flange
loose type flange
ring gasket
hydrostatic end force
internal fluid
bolt load
gasket reaction
- SHELL 14-
M, n
stub flange
full-faced flange
chopped strand
mat pipe chopped strand
mat pipe
hand lay-up
filament wound
chopped strand
mat flange & hub
Figure 2.7: Flange Pull-Back
Figure 2.8: Flange Bearing Failure (Matthews et al. [38]).
Chapter 3
Proposed Joint
3.1 Introduction
FRP piping can be produced in any size, free of joints except those required as a result
of manufacturing or transportation constraints. The joints will generally be made on site by sec-
ondary laminating operations. Therefore, it might seem unnecessary to use such crude and
structurally inefficient components as flanges. However, piping includes components such as
valves and pumps made of other materials, which are likely to need periodic removal from the
system for maintenance. The most common joining technique for these systems is by flanges.
In fact, at any point in a FRP system where a demountable joint is needed for service access,
a flanged joint is usually employed. FRP flanges are similar to their metallic counterparts be-
cause FRP pipes have to be connected to already existing metallic joining systems, typically
flanges in valves and pumps.
The primary objective of our study is to develop a new demountable FRP joining tech-
nique, hence the focus on flanges. Our focus is on filament winding because this is the most
common FRP pipe manufacturing technique. A schematic of the proposed joint components is
shown in figure 3.1. Figure 3.2 depicts the filament winding process.
The proposed FRP joint, which we call the modified stub flanged joint, is similar to the
current FRP stub flanged joint. The main differences in the modified stub flange joint are the
tapered hub, which engages the stub to transfer the bolt load to the gasket, and the manufacturing
We chose a stub flange because of the absence of bolt holes in the FRP part of the system
and the leakage investigation of Godwin et al. [28]. They concluded that the stub flange per-
forms better than the full-face flange in tenns of leakage, the most common joint failure. The
latter is a result of the smaller gasket contact area in the stub flange and a more unifonn load
transfer from the bolts to the gasket via the stiffer metallic stub.
We also used the investigation by Matthews et al. [38] to decide on the tapered hub.
Their investigation shows that a tapered rather than a stepped hub is more structurally efficient
because of the higher stress concentration in the stepped hub at the pipe-hub juncture.
The current research project addresses other reported problems with the current FRP
joining techniques. Some of these problems, which we reviewed in chapter 2, are as follows:
1. Due to the discontinuity at the joint as a result of the current manufacturing process,
the joints have much lower strength than the pipes.
2. Uneven curing of the resin causes convex dishing of the flange (pull-back). Pull-
back must be straightened to ensure contact over the entire gasket face. If the pull-
back is straightened by bolt load alone, there will be over stress at the pipe-flange
3. Faulty construction can be a result of the skill and integrity of the workers. Large
voids have been found to be responsible for joint failures in hand-lay up flanges.
4. The bearing stresses from the stub on the flange can crush the material due to bolt
Our joint addresses all four problems: an integral system is employed, since the pipe and hub
are filament wound simultaneously, the taper minimizes pull-back, the manufacturing process
is machine controlled, and a longer stub length can be specified to spread the bearing stresses
more evenly over the hub.
To assemble the joint, the stub is slipped over the end with no hub. In cases where the
design calls for a double flanged pipe (flanges on both ends), two pipe-hub sections can be
manufactured separately, assembled following the procedure above and then connected by a
secondary lamination, such as a butt-and-strap joint. Another possible assembly method for the
double flanged pipe is to manufacture the pipe and hubs in one piece and use a split ring which
can be bolted together, similar to the end of a piston connecting rod which is attached to the
crankshaft in an internal combustion engine.
3.3 The Manufacturing Process
The filament winding process entails passing fibers through a resin bath and then wind-
ing them onto a mandrel, see figure 3.2. The dispenser passes backwards and forwards, parallel
to the axis of the mandrel as the mandrel spins, thus winding a helical pattern. The speed of the
spinning mandrel and the speed of the traveling dispenser determine the winding angle, both
speeds are machine controlled. The thickness of each wrap is controlled by varying the winding
tension, which leads to variations in resin content since a constant number of fibers are going
through the dispenser. In each pass, the fibers are wrapped in adjacent bands so that eventually
the entire cylindrical surface is covered. This process is repeated until the desired pipe thickness
is obtained. This particular winding process is commonly known as helical.
The hub could also be created by varying the winding tension, since this changes the
resin content. That is, to create the hub, the winding tension is relaxed linearly as the hub is
wound allowing the fibers to soak more resin. However, the strength of the hub is not greatly
improved over that of the pipe, since we are only increasing the resin content. Therefore, we
recommend creating the taper hub by rotating the dispenser.
One of the major advantages of composites over traditional materials is the designer's
ability to tailor the material properties to a specific application. This project is no exception;
the winding angle is one of the material parameters we can vary to see the effect in the strength
and stiffness of the joint.
winding control unit
resin bath
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
Pipe joints are susceptible to two types of failures regardless of their material composi-
tion: material failure and leakage. The problem of leakage depends on the gasket and bolting
rather than the joint material properties. However, some joint geometries are more susceptible
to leakage than others. To safeguard against these two failures, pipe joint design must address
three issues: (1) gasket design, (2) bolting design, and (3) flange design for the stub portion and
the hub portion of the flange. We present the procedures involved in the analysis of all three
problems in the next sections.
The loading conditions are based on the ASME BPV code section X, FRP flanged joint
design specifications [5]. Requirements for materials, workmanship, performance and dimen-
sions conform with ASTM D 4024 standard specification for machine made fiberglass (glass-fi-
ber-reinforced thermosetting resin) flanges [7] and voluntary product standard PS 15-69 [42].
Rubber gaskets are usually used to seal FRP joints in order to limit the bolt force required
to conform the gasket to the mating FRP surfaces. Soft gaskets, such as those made from rubber,
require a low unit compression to keep them leak tight. Rubber gasket specifications are covered
in ASTM D 1330 standard [9]. Another reason for using a soft gasket is that if the gasket materi-
al is harder than the FRP material, disintegration of the mating surfaces can render the joint use-
less. The ASTM D 4024 standard does not cover guidelines for selecting a gasket for a specific
application, rather it refers the designer to the flange manufacturer's recommendation. Howev-
er, PS 15-69 voluntary product standard [42] recommends a gasketing material with duro meter
shore A or shore A2 hardness of 40 to 70 degrees, 70 degrees being harder than 40 degrees. This
standard, although originally intended for contact molded flanges, is widely used for the design
of other types ofFRP flanges. The duro meter shore measure of hardness is based on a duro meter
reading; the details of this method can be found in ASTM D 2240 Rubber Properties -
Durometer Hardness [8]. The Shore scale is arbitrary and covers a range of 10 to 100 degrees.
There is no relation between this measure of hardness and engineering properties.
For design calculations we use the ASME code guidelines, which are based on two gas-
ket constants, the m and y factors. The yield factor y is defined as the minimum gasket stress
required to cause the gasket material to deform into the flange face irregularities. The m factor
is defined as the ratio of minimum gasket stress needed to hold a seal under internal pressure
to internal pressure. These factors are used to determine the bolt load to be applied for an effec-
tive seal. Also, the thickness of the gasket should be kept to a minimum to minimize the possibil-
ity of gasket blowout by internal pressure. Other general aspects of gasket design can be found
in [24].
As the system is pressurized, the hydrostatic end force causes the hub to rotate, relieving
some of the gasket pre-stress. At the point where the increasing internal pressure and the de-
creasing gasket pre-stress become equal, separation of the flange and gasket occurs and fluid
penetrates. As the internal pressure continues to increase, the contact area recedes toward the
outer diameter of the gasket. The purpose of the gasket is to maintain the joint leak tight by pro-
viding enough resiliency to ensure that the gasket pre-stress always exceeds the internal pres-
sure. We will discuss this problem further in chapter 8.
The initial gasket pre-stress is provided by the pre-load in the bolts, this is commonly
known as the seating condition, figure 4.1. In this state, the gasket deforms filling the irregulari-
ties on the flange face, insuring full contact over its entire surface. The internal pressure is then
applied and the gasket pre-stress decreases. This is commonly known as the operating condi-
tion, figure 4.1. The ASME code specifies two distinct loading conditions for analysis based
on the two gasket parameters y and m. These factors depend on the gasket material properties
and its sealing performance. A list of values for these factors, which are obtained from a com-
bination of industrial experience and experiments, is given in the ASME code for different gas-
We compute two bolt loads from vertical equilibrium in figure 4.1 for the two loading
conditions as follows. For the seating condition the minimum required bolt load is
g 1 is the hub thickness at its large end, G is the location of the gasket stress resultant which we
assume to be the mean diameter of the gasket contact face, i.e.,
and B is the pipe inside diameter (here we assume that the entire width of the gasket is in con-
tact). For the operating condition the minimum required bolt load is
p is the internal pressure, and b is the effective gasket width, defined in the ASME code as half
the gasket width, i.e., b = g 1/2. That is, fluid penetration is assumed up to the middle of the
gasket. Also, we assume that the diameter of the gasket stress resultant, G, remains unchanged
after pressurization. The points at which the gasket resultants, G (for seating and operating con-
ditions), are assumed to act and the effective gasket width, b, are not exact, but they are simple
to calculate and are sufficiently accurate for most purposes. The 2 in equation (4.7) is an addi-
tional safety factor. Also, notice that in the analysis the gasket contact pressure is assumed uni-
form over the entire gasket contact surface, equations (4.2) and (4.7).
This formulation has received criticism over the years; the main complaint is that the
computed bolt load is too low to keep the joint leak tight. However, the problem lies in the field
operation. Bolt tightening at assembly is done one bolt at a time, which leads to elastic interac-
tion between bolts; i.e., after tightening the first bolt, tightening the rest of the bolts will affect
the pre-loads in the previously tightened bolts, in fact bolt pre-load decreases. Even under con-
trolled conditions in the laboratory, getting a uniform pre-load in all the bolts has proven to be
difficult [11J. A uniform pre-load produces a nearly uniform compression on the gasket along
the entire circumference of the joint. Bickford [11] states that bolt elastic interaction is one of
the reasons why joints have always been overdesigned to function properly. The two most suc-
cessful ways to get a uniform pre-load in all the bolts are: (1) apply the total torque in multiple
equal increments and (2) simultaneous tightening of all bolts. As many as ten increments are
needed to establish a uniform pre-load, in the field it is usually done in one increment. This is
a serious problem. Many industries simultaneously tighten all bolts, e.g., heads in car engines.
Bolting is covered in detail by Bickford [11]. In our investigation, as stated earlier, we will as-
sume that the bolt load is transferred uniformly over the circumference of the gasket.
The bolting is proportioned using the two loads computed in equations (4.1) and (4.3).
The following criterion is used to determine the total minimum required bolt area to prevent
= max(WSbm1 ' Wm2)
where Sa is the allowable bolt stress at ambient temperature and S b is the allowable bolt stress
at design temperature. These allowable bolt stresses can be found in the code for different mate-
rials [4]. Once the minimum required bolt area is known, the bolting system can be designed:
bolt type, number of bolts, bolt circle C in figure 4.1 and bolt spacing.
When FRP piping meets already existing components (valves, pumps, etc.) in other ma-
terials, a traditional flanged joint will almost inevitably be used, with the FRP flanges being
dimensioned to suit the metal flange to which they will be joined. Therefore, the number of
bolts, bolt circle, and bolt spacing will be determined from the metallic flange standards. Conse-
quently, once the number of bolts is known, bolting design entails choosing a type and size of
bolt to give us the actual bolt area, A b' Note the actual bolt area is computed from the root diame-
ter of the thread or section of least diameter under stress; this is mandated by the ASME BPV
code. The root diameter, D br , for a bolt with an American Standard Unified 60° thread is [11]
where Db is the nominal bolt diameter and N is the number of threads per inch. With this equa-
tion, we can compute the actual bolt area for a single bolt; then multiply this area by the number
of bol ts to get the total actual bolt area, A b.
We initially apply WmI' then as the pressure increases the bolt load begins to increase
due to the hydrostatic end load and the fluid penetration load, see figure 4.1. To prevent leakage,
the bolt load must be greater than the total minimum required bolt load,
but to prevent bolt overstressing it should not exceed the maximum allowable bolt load,
Therefore, the flange design bolt load, W, should be within this bolt load range, i.e.,
To proportion metallic flanges, the ASME code assumes a design bolt load
However, for the design calculations of the modified stub flange, we will use equation (4.11)
because if the design calculations are done using the lower bolt load, the FRP portion of the
modified stub flange could be significantly overstressed when the actual bolt load is applied.
In metallic flanges this is not a significant problem because the metallic flanges may yield to
relieve the stress concentrations, whereas the FRP portion of the modified stub flange can be
adversely affected. In fact, the code makes the recommendation that where additional safety is
needed against abuse, the flange may be designed using equation (4.11).
The flange geometry can be proportioned once the design bolt load is known. In this
section and the next chapter, we cover the details and the rationale of the calculations. Figure
4.2 illustrates the loading and geometry for the exact and the simplified model used in the analy-
sis of the modified stub flange. The model consists of four distinct axisymmetric structural com-
ponents which are analyzed separately, following the development of the Taylor Forge Method
used in metallic joint analysis [51] [52]. However, we modify the development for the compos-
ite component to account for orthotropic material properties using c1assicallamination theory.
This is the simplest way to analyze this structure due to the complexity of the boundary condi-
tions. Numerically, however, the exact geometry and boundary conditions can be modeled us-
ing present day finite element analysis programs, such as ABAQUS, see chapter 8.
From here on, we deviate from the ASME code load calculations. The code recom-
mends checking the stresses for the two distinct loading conditions aforementioned; however,
the seating condition does not produce the critical stress in either the hub or the stub and ob-
viously leakage is not a problem in the seating condition. Therefore, we continue the analysis
using the operating condition loading, as shown in figure 4.1 except that Wm2 is replaced by the
actual bolt load W, which is defined by equation (4.11).
We break the analysis of the flange into two parts, the stub and pipe-hub. We model the
stub as an isotropic annular plate with an inner ring stiffener, figure 4.2. In the pipe-hub part,
we model the pipe as a cylindrical shell and the hub as a variable thickness cylindrical shell. The
total solution can then be obtained by imposing the appropriate boundary and continuity condi-
tions, as shown in figure 4.2.
4.4.1 Stub
To proportion the stub, we need the ring stiffener height, 1, and the annular plate thick-
ness, t, figure 4.2. These parameters can be determined from the bearing strength of the hub,
i.e., the strength of the resin used in the construction of the pipe-hub portion, and the stub
strength. Also, to reduce the number of unknown parameters, we assume that the ring stiffener
thickness is half of the annular plate thickness. The reason we make this choice is that in tradi-
tional FRP flanges the hub thickness is specified as half of the flange thickness, see chapter 2.
In the next paragraphs, we outline the methodology for determining these two parameters.
We determine the ring dimension 1 from the compressive strength of the resin and the
strength capacity of the stub material. We assume the bearing pressure distribution, q, from the
stub onto the hub to be quadratic, see figure 4.3. The reason for this choice is that as the stub
rotates, under the action of the bolt load, the top of the ring transfers almost no stress, leaving
the lower portion of the contact surface to transmit most of the bearing stress, see chapter 8.
Therefore, an approximate relation for the resultant force of q is
This equation is computed by multiplying the pressure bearing surface area by the average bear-
ing stress. D is the average diameter of the pressure bearing surface, i.e.,
where go is the pipe thickness and h is the hub length. Also, we can find N w in terms of the bolt
load from vertical equilibrium of the stub portion, see figure 4.3, the result is
Dimension l must be large enough so that the maximum bearing stress, qrnax, is less than the
compressive strength of the resin, o~esin,
That is, the pressure bearing surface :reDl must be sufficient to prevent bearing failure.
Furthermore, the maximum stress in the ring should not exceed the allowable stress of
the stub material; therefore, l should also be large enough to satisfy the following inequality:
where Ssa is the allowable stress of the stub material at ambient temperature and oed is the maxi-
mum circumferential stress in the ring, which we define in the next section.
The annular plate thickness, t, is determined by computing the maximum stress in the
stub and comparing it to the allowable stress. To determine the maximum stress in the stub, we
analyze the stub as two distinct components, ring stiffener and annular plate, figure 4.2. The
total solution can be obtained from the continuity conditions, namely M rd in figure 4.2 must
be continuous between the two parts. The maximum stress occurs at the ring plate interface in
the annular plate.
The ring is modeled as a reinforcing ring. The formulation is analogous to shell analysis.
The details can be found in [21]. The continuity condition results in the following equation:
M rd =
where E is the Young's modulus of elasticity, ed is the rotation of the ring caused by the axial
moment M rd , I hoop is the moment of inertial of the ring in the hoop direction, 1.e.,
The solution for the annular plate can be obtained by superimposing the solution for two
distinct annular plate loadings (we are assuming linear isotropic elasticity), one with :Cacting
alone and one with M rd acting alone. The two solutions can be found in [45]. From these solu-
tions, we get ed' which can then be substituted into equation (4.19) to get M rd' This is done as
where DE = (
Et3 2)' v is Poisson's ratio and A is the outer diameter of the stub.
12 1 - v
Lin r=v J5i In (C)2
IY + (C)2
IY - 1 ]
M = D't2 (A2/D'2-1)
[3 (I-v)
+ [1 + 1 +v
1 -v D'
(A)2 ] .
ed =
These quantities are in units of moment per unit length. We can now find the corresponding
stresses at the ring annular plate interface. The axial stress is
6M rd (4.25)
a rd = T'
the circumferential stress in the annular plate is
These are the maximum stresses in the hub and the ring. Our choice of t and I should be such
that the integrity of the stub and hub material is ensured. That is, t and I must be large enough
so that inequalities (4.17), (4.18) and the following two inequalities are not violated.
Therefore, to proportion the stub we first choose an hand g l' then we carry out the cal-
culations above for a particular I and t until all the above constraints are satisfied; then we con-
duct the analysis presented in the next section and next chapter. If all the constraints are satisfied,
we have the final design, otherwise we choose different values for t, I, h, and gland repeat the
analysis until a satisfactory design is achieved.
4.4.2 Pipe-Hub
We obtain the analytical model for the pipe-hub component by making some basic as-
sumptions. The end pressure load, HD' is the stress resultant of the end pressure stress, 0H (both
quantities are proportional to the internal pressure, p). If we assume that the thickness of the hub
is small compared to the radius, then the mid-surface line of the hub remains almost parallel
to that for the pipe. This assumption greatly simplifies the analysis. The stub restrains the hub
at the large end, especially if a metallic stub is used; therefore, we can assume that the radial
deflection is negligible compared to the deflection undergone by the composite system. Hence-
forth, the deflection of the analytical model at the large end of the hub is neglected. Furthermore,
following a procedure similar to the ASME code, we can reduce the bolt load and gasket reac-
tion to an effective moment, M w.
To find M w, we need the vertical component of the resultant force of the ring pressure,
q. We assume that the distribution of q is quadratic, this leads to a resultant force which acts at
a diameter close to the bottom of the contact area, see figure 4.3. From vertical equilibrium, we
can find the vertical component of N w, i.e.,
Hw= W. (4.30)
Also, the assumption that the radial deformation at the large end of the hub is zero implies that
the radial component of N w is balanced by forces caused by the internal pressure.
To reduce the loading at the large end of the hub to an equivalent moment, M w, we sum
the moments produced by each force about the center of the large end of the hub, figure 4.4.
gl (4.32)
hT = 4'
gl (4.33)
Notice that the effective moment, M w, is an axial moment per unit circumferential length acting
at the mid-surface of the large end of the hub, which for the simplified model is located at a
radius of B12, see figure 4.2. Substituting and rearranging the forces and moment arms, we get
P [G2g 1
M W -- 16B + B 2(g 1 - 2g 0 )] Wg 1
+ mB·
We then perform a detailed analysis of the hub and the pipe using the methods described in chap-
ter 5, thereby ensuring the integrity of the pipe and hub material.
4.5 Summary
In this chapter we presented the design philosophy for the gasket, the bolts and the flang-
ing system. The design of the gasket and the bolts is similar to that for metallic systems. This
entails finding a bolt load sufficient to keep the joint leak tight during the operating life of the
joint, then choosing a sufficiently large bolt area to achieve this objective. The flange design
bolt load is then computed using this bolt area. We also outlined a simplified analysis for the
design of the proposed flanging system. That is, we presented a criterion for proportioning the
stub and guidelines for computing the loading for the simplified pipe-hub model. The stress cal-
culations for the pipe-hub model are presented in the next chapter.
-...L-.l--j---'--L... a~ =y
W m2 1--
I· G/2
hub hub
stub p h
R=BI2 "I
ring stiffener
~I tl21- annular plate
-L Hw
qma:x Nw
I· DI2
= BI2 + gl
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
The analytical model of the pipe-hub consists of two structural sections which are ana-
lyzed separately. The solutions for each of the two sections is obtained from classical laminated
shell theory. The solution of the two sections can be combined to obtain the total solution for
the pipe-hub system in tenns of parameters that depend on the end conditions for each section.
These parameters are computed by applying appropriate continuity and boundary conditions.
We also compute the stresses from the laminated shell theory equations. The strength of the sys-
tem is assumed to be determined by first ply failure. We detennine first ply failure using the
maximum work theory of Tsai-Hill, best known as the Tsai-Hill failure criterion. In this chapter
we describe the procedure in detail.
+ 4f34w s = (Ai2
l)-P- go3D*11 ,
f3 4-_ 4R 2 1
2D * A *
[A * *
11A 22 - A 12)2] .
(* (5.2)
go 11 11
The superscript s denotes the cylindrical shell portion of the joint. Here gaAij and g6Dij repre-
sent the stiffness of the laminated shell, and are defined in appendix B and repeated in figure
5.1. Equation (5.1) is written in terms of the material parameters, geometric parameters, load-
ing, and radial displacement, and is the equation for a beam on an elastic foundation. Note that
we assume the coupling matrix B ij to be zero, which is the case in most practical structures with
a number of laminae through the thickness (see chapter 6). This assumption allows us to use
axisymmetry in the derivation of equation (5.1).
The constants Cs, C6, C7, and Cs are determined from the compatibility and boundary condi-
tions. The slope, bending moment MS(x), and shear force QS(x) in the shell are
5.3 The Variable Thickness Shell
The tapered hub is modeled as an axisymmetric laminated cylindrical shell of variable
thickness. Again, the equilibrium equations, kinematic assumptions, strain-displacement rela-
tions, and constitutive law can be reduced to the single equation, as shown in appendices A, B,
where the stiffness coefficients are now functions of position along the shell, and the superscript
h denotes the hub. A similar equation is derived in [SO] for an isotropic material.
To solve equation (S.8), we assume that the material properties are constant over the
length of the hub (this may not be strictly correct in cases where the fiber winding angle must
be varied to produce the variable thickness). However, using this assumption, we can transform
equation (S.8) into an ordinary differential equation with coefficients that are simple polyno-
mials of x. This equation can then be written in the form of a Bessel equation; see [SO] or [S2].
Hence, equation (S.8) becomes
3 h)
w 'W 'W
+ 'l/Jp w -
h_ (A2A *i2
) ph4
A-3 3D* ' (S.9)
11 ng go 11
The stiffness coefficients Aij(x) and Dij(x) are written as g(x)Aij and g\x)Dij, respectively, as
shown in appendix B.
The homogeneous solution of equation (S.8) contains functions k/rj) defined in terms
of Kelvin, or Thompson, functions [30] (see figure S.2). The general solution of this equation
is (see appendix D)
r; = 2p fli, (5.14)
As before, the constants c] , C2, C3, and C4 are determined from the compatibility and boundary
conditions. The slope, bending moment Mh(r;), and shear force Qh(r;) in the hub are then
The solutions for WS(x) and w\r;) above are given in terms of eight constants of integra-
tion C i , i = 1,8. These constants are computed using the following eight compatibility and
boundary conditions.
(i) At the gasket, the stub restrains the hub; therefore, we assume that the radial deflection
in the hub at its large end is negligible compared to the deflection undergone by the rest
composite system, i.e.,
In addition, the moment at the gasket is the equivalent moment described in section
4.4.2, i.e.,
(ii) At the intersection of the hub and the shell, the displacements, rotations, bending mo-
ments, and shear forces are all continuous, i.e.,
(iii) At the far end of the shell, the moment and shear vanish, i.e.,
Equations (5.25) and (5.26) imply that C7 and Cg are both zero. The remainder of the
constants can be obtained by solving the following set of simultaneous equations for a given
joint geometry:
k l (1]0)C 1 + k 2(1]0)C 2 + k 3(1]0)C3 + k 4(1]0)C4 - 2p C6 = 0, (5.29)
f3h1]~ f3hrJ~
k S(1]o)C 1 + k 6(1]0)C 2 + k 7 (1]0)C 3 + k g(1]o)C4 - 4 3 Cs - 4 3 C6 = (5.30)
p p
h2f3~6 4pl1Jo
k 9(1]o)C 1 + k IO (rJO)C 2 + k ll (rJo)C 3 + k 12(1]0)C4 - 4 s Cs = -p-' (5.31)
h3f331] 6 h 3f331] 6
k 13 (rJ o)C 1 + k I4 (rJO)C 2 + k IS (1]O)C3 + k I6 (1]O)C4 - 8p 7 C s + 8p 7 C6 = 0, (5.32)
1] 1 = 2p /
)1 L1+ gLlg- . (5.34)
The aim of the analysis is to determine the stresses in each of the lamina forming the
laminate. These stresses can be used to predict the load at which failure initiates, the ultimate
load. In our study we assume this load to be the load at which the first laminae fails. To calculate
the stresses, we make use of the equations found in appendix B. Once the stresses in each lami-
nae are available, we can assess the ultimate load carrying capacity of the system using the Tsai-
Hill failure criterion described in section 5.6.
We first consider the pipe. Stresses in any lamina (e.g., the kth) can be obtained by using
the following relations:
where (f;? are defined in appendix B, z takes the top and bottom values of each laminae g~
shown in figure 5.1, i.e.,
For laminate strength analysis, laminae stresses along the primary material laminae directions
are preferred. These can now easily be obtained by using the transformation equations
We now consider the hub. The lamina stresses in the hub can be determined from the
following relations:
where z takes the top and bottom values gZ(x), which are functions of x, figure B.2, i.e.,
We can use equation (5.42) to transform the stresses from laminate axis to the primary material
lamina directions.
5.6 Failure Criterion
To find the strength capacity of the pipe-hub system, we use the Tsai-Hill criterion [33].
Ply failure initiates when the following inequality is violated:
where a LLU is the longitudinal ultimate tensile strength, a rru is the transverse ultimate tensile
strength, and a LTU is the in-plane ultimate shear strength. When longitudinal or transverse
stresses are compressive, the corresponding ultimate compressive strengths should be used.
This failure criterion agrees well with experimental results [33] for some material systems, such
as glass and epoxy.
5.7 Computer Implementation
We implemented the calculations presented in the last chapter and this chapter in a com-
puter code. After computing the effective moment, M w, for a specific geometry, the code com-
putes displacements, stresses and the Tsai-Hill failure index, It The Tsai-Hill failure index al-
lows us to check for first ply failure at which point failure of the composite system is assumed.
This tool helps us in the design of the system by allowing us to vary different material and geo-
metric parameters quickly in order to obtain a satisfactory design.
winding lamina
angle number
outside -~
+4> 1 surface
-,..-- -dJ 2
g' 0
- - < - - - - <
g' k g"-i ,/ ,/
Aij = goAij
i,j take the values 1 and 2
3 *
Dij _- gQDij
A~. = 1~ r;{Q.~)
lJ nL lJ
D~'lJ = 1- ~ r;{Q.~)(l
3n L l)
- 3k + 3k2 + 3n
- 3nk + 3n2)
Q ij = transformed reduced stiffness matrix
k 1(r;) = ber'(r;)
k2(1]) = bei'(1])
k 3 (r;) = ker' (1])
k4(1]) = kei' (1])
ks(1]) = - 1]bei(1]) - 2ber '(1])
k6(1]) = 1]ber(1]) - 2bei' (1])
k 7 (r;) = - 1]kei(1]) - 2ker '(1])
k8(1]) = 1] ker(1]) - 2kei'(1])
k 9 (r;) = 41]bei(1]) + 8ber' (1]) - 1] 2bei' (1])
k 10(1]) = - 41]ber(1]) + 8bei' (1]) + 1] 2ber' (1])
ku (1]) = 41]kei(1]) + 8 ker ' (1]) - 1] 2kei' (1])
k 12 (1]) = - 41] ker(1]) + 8kei' (r;) + 1]2 ker' (r;)
k13(1]) = - 1]ber(1]) + 2bei' (1])
k 14(1]) = - 1]bei(1]) - 2ber'(1])
k 1S (1]) = - 1] ker(1]) + 2kei' (1])
k 14(1]) = - r;kei(1]) - 2 ker ' (1])
where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to the argument of the
function. The Kelvin functions are
( _ l)k (1])4k
ber(1]) = ~
k~ [(2k)!]2 2
• 00 (_ 1)k (1])4k+ 2
bel(1]) = ~ -
6 [(2k + 1)!]2 2
1k 4k
1bei(q) + I
ker(1]) = - [
In(~) + y
ber(q) + p(2k) (- ) 2 (~)
k=O [(2k)!]
[ In ( "2 + y bei(1]) -1
ber(1]) + I
1] ) ] 00 (_ 1) k (1] ) 4k + 2
kei(r;) = - fP(2k + 1) 2 "2
k=O [(2k + I)!]
<P(k) = I }
and Euler's constant is
y = lim [fP(k) - In(k)] = 0.5772157
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
In the formulation of the analytical model we assumed that the deformation of the com-
posite system is axisymmetric. However, depending on the stacking sequence of the plies com-
posing the laminate, this assumption mayor may not be valid. In the next section we will present
results that validate the axisymmetric assumption for practical lay-ups. Also, we check the stub
formulas derived in section 4.4.1 and the pipe-hub formulas derived in chapter 5 using the com-
mercial finite element package ABAQUS. We check the results using three dimensional shell
and axisymmetric shell elements. This check shows the close agreement between the simplified
formulation and the ABAQUS results. Furthermore, we conduct a thorough investigation of the
stresses in the composite system for a specific laminate lay-up.
Geometrically axisymmetric laminated systems and their isotropic counterparts may re-
spond differently when subjected to identical loading conditions. For instance, a single ply fila-
ment wound cylinder subjected to internal pressure will tend to twist as it expands, whereas an
isotropic cylinder only expands under internal pressure. This is a consequence of the coupling
between stretching and shear inherent to laminated materials. As the number of plies in the fila-
ment wound cylinder increases, the twisting mode becomes increasingly small and expansion
is the primary deformation mode of the system.
The twisting can be attributed to the coupling stiffnesses, Bij (i, j = 1,2,6) [33]. These
stiffnesses are zero for laminated systems that are symmetric in both geometry and material
properties about the middle surface. For angle-ply systems, such as filament wound compo-
nents, the coupling stiffnesses go to zero as the number of layers increases. In fact, for angle-ply
lay-up laminates all but the 16 and 26 components of B ij are zero. The 16 and 26 components
of B ij are inversely proportional to the number of layers in the laminate, n, and proportional to
the winding angle, </>' i.e.,
where Qij are defined in Appendix Band g is the laminate thickness. We plot the variations of
B 16 and B 26 with respect to nand ¢ for a glass/polyester angle-ply laminate in figure 6.S. These
plots clearly shows that as the number of plies increases, the coupling stiffnesses vanish. Notice
that the only practical variation in ¢ is between 0° and 90°.
The results presented in this section clearly show that we are justified in using an
axisymmetric formulation for the composite pipe-hub component of the modified stub flanged
joint, provided the lay-up of the system contains more than two plies, which is the case for most
practical piping applications.
6.3 Verification of the Stub Model Analysis Using the Finite Element Method
In this section we verify the simplified analytical formulation used to determined the
maximum stresses in the stub, which was presented in section 4.4.1. These stresses are used to
determine the annular plate thickness, t, and ring stiffener height, 1. We checked this simplified
analysis using finite element analysis for the specific geometry and loading depicted in figure
6.1 (b). Our particular choice of geometry and loading is arbitrary and is presented here for il-
lustration purposes only. For the finite element solution, we model the stub with 37
axisymmetric shell elements (SAX2) in ABAQUS using different thickness for the two sec-
tions, ring stiffener and annular plate. Also, we use the material properties for a typical steel,
i.e., Young's modulus of 29,000,000 psi and Poisson's ratio ofO.3. In both analyses, we compute
the moments and corresponding maximum stresses at the ring annular plate interface. The re-
sults are presented in table 6.2; the error is less than two percent in all cases.
6.4 Verification of the Pipe-Hub Model Analysis Using the Finite Element Method
To check the validity of the analysis presented in chapter 5, we compare the results of
our analytical model with those obtained from finite element analysis. For these analyses, we
used the geometry and loading shown in figure 6.1 (a), and the material and strength properties
given in table 6.1. A computer program was written that computes displacements, moments,
stresses and the Tsai-Hill failure index using our simplified method. For the finite element anal-
ysis, we used a three node axisymmetric shell element (SAX2). We first consider a 72-laminae
cross-ply laminate, [0° /9ooh6. Plots of the distribution of displacements and moments com-
puted using the two methods are shown in figures 6.6 and 6.7. Clearly, the agreement between
the two solution methods is excellent.
To verify the results for different winding angles and hub slopes, we used a one element
strip mesh as shown in figure 6.8. In the finite element model, we use a four node reduced in-
tegration three dimensional shell element (S4R5), which has 5 degrees-of-freedom per node.
This was necessary because the ABAQUS axisymmetric elements do not allow us to consider
arbitrary winding angles. Again, we use the geometry and loading depicted in figure 6.1 (a),
and the material and strength properties given in table 6.1.
First, we vary the winding angle for a 72-laminae angle-ply laminate, [± 1> h6. Plots
of the distribution of displacements and moments computed using our simplified analytical
method and finite element analysis are shown in figures 6.9 and 6.10. Again, the agreement be-
tween the two solution methods is excellent. Furthermore, in tables 6.3 and 6.4 we list a compar-
ison of the maximum displacements and moments for the [± 1>] 36 lay-up. Note that the error
is less than 2% in all cases.
Figure 6.9 shows that as the winding angle decreases (i.e., becomes closer to being par-
allel to the axial direction), the stiffness of the pipe-hub diminishes until an angle of approxi-
mately 15 0 , and then begins to increase as the angle reaches 0 0 • It would seem intuitive that the
stiffness would continue to diminish until the fibers are parallel to the axial direction. At this
point, the radial deformation is essentially controlled by the stiffness of the resin because all the
fibers are oriented in the axial direction leaving the matrix to carry the entire circumferential
stress. The reversal in the axial deformation at the lower winding angles is due to the hydrostatic
end load H D (see figure 4.4). At the lower winding angles, the fibers are almost parallel to the
axial direction and carry most of the hydrostatic end load H D. Therefore, the fibers are pre- .
stressed; consequently, catenary effects cause some of the transverse load, in this case the radial
internal pressure, to be carried by axial stress in the fibers rather than by circumferential stress
in the resin alone. When the hydrostatic end load is not included in the analysis, the system con-
tinues to expand as the winding angle reaches 0 0 , consistent with intuition. Therefore, the hy-
drostatic end load H D appears to provide additional stiffness to the pipe-hub at the lower wind-
ing angles.
Of practical importance are the higher winding angles, from both a manufacturing and
a strength stand point. The shallow winding angles are difficult to wind because of fiber slippage
when placed on the mandrel (in particular for a cylindrical structure, such as a pipe).
Furthermore, most filament wound pipes are wound at ± 54.7 0 to produce equal cir-
cumferential and axial stresses. This result was derived from netting analysis [47]. In this meth-
od, the fibers are assumed to carry the entire load. For pressurized angle-ply systems, such as
pressurized filament wound pipes, the ratio of circumferential to axial stress is equal to tan 2(1));
the ratio of the applied circumferential to axial stress from membrane analysis is 2: 1. Therefore,
netting analysis predicts an optimum winding angle of 54.7°, i.e., the laminate is equally
stressed in both the axial and circumferential directions. This is the winding angle we use for
the remainder of our study.
We also vary the large end of the hub, gl' which is proportional to the hub slope
(g 1 - go)/h. Plots of the distribution of displacements and moments computed using our sim-
plified analytical model and finite element analysis are depicted in figures 6.11 and 6.12. The
comparison of maximum displacements and moments is listed in tables 6.5 and 6.6. Notice the
increase in moment near the pipe-hub interface as g 1 increases; this is due to the fact that the
discontinuity between the pipe and the hub becomes increasingly severe as the hub slope in-
We plot the distribution of stresses and Tsai-Hill failure index for a [± 54.7°h6Iay-uP
along the entire length of the pipe-hub system in figures 6.13 through 6.16. The kink in the dis-
tribution of stresses at the pipe-hub interface is due to the discontinuity in the gradient of the
stresses across the interface. This can easily be checked by taking the derivative of the stress
equations for both the pipe and the hub, and showing that the difference in these derivatives does
not vanish. For example, this can be done for the axial stress as follows:
which is a non-zero constant. To compute the Tsai-Hill failure index, we use the ultimate
strength capacity for the glass/polyester composite listed in table 6.1. The Tsai-Hill failure in-
dex is defined in equation (5.51).
The variation of stresses and Tsai-Hill failure index through the laminate thickness is
obtained by calculating the stress variation in all the laminae. The results are plotted in figures
6.17 through 6.20 for a [± 54.7°]36 lay-up. In general, the variation of stress through the lami-
nate thickness is not linear since the stiffness of each laminae, Q;j' can vary from one lamina
to the next one. Stresses may be discontinuous at the interface of two laminae, and the stress
gradient in two adjoining laminae may also differ. The ABAQUS results capture this behavior
for all stresses and Tsai-Hill failure index, however, our model only captures the behavior for
shear stresses, figure 6.20. Still, the agreement between the two solution methods is good. The
reason for the discrepancy in our model is that in the axisymmetric formulation, the in-plane
shearing strain is set to zero (Y~ = 0), see appendix A. Clearly, for an angle-ply laminate com-
posed of more that two plies there is in-plane shearing at the interface of two adjoining lamina,
which is the reason for the stepped stress distribution in the finite element results. However, this
in-plane shear stress at the interface of two adjoining lamina is small.
The linearity of the in-plane normal stresses can be proven by expanding the stress equa-
tions (5.42). For example, this can be done for the pipe axial stress as follows:
where C = cos(¢), S = sin(¢) and the other quantities are defined in chapter 5 and appendix
B. This stress is continuous through the laminate thickness because the stiffnesses Q ij are equal
for all the lamina through the thickness and the sines and cosines are raised to even powers (no-
tice that sinm(¢) = sinm( - ¢) and cos m(¢) = cosm( - ¢), when m is even). This means that
for an angle-ply laminate, constructed from equal material and thickness lamina, the in-plane
normal stresses in our formulation vary linearly through the thickness. This is due to z, equations
(5.35), (5.36), (5.43) and (5.44).
6.S Summary
The axisymmetric assumption used in the analytical model of the composite system, al-
though not strictly correct, is sufficiently accurate for most practical applications. Specifically,
for lay-ups composed of more than two plies since the circumferential displacements are practi-
cally negligible. The results presented in this chapter clearly validate the mathematical formula-
tion presented in chapters 4 and 5.
go = 0.36 in ~
FH = 450lbs/in
R = 18 in
p = 50 psi
h = 10 in
U Mw = -20 in-lbs/in
gl = 0.72 in I~ .. 1
A /2= 23 in
C 12 = 21.375 in
DI2 = 18.5 in 1
~= 676lbs
I nC
1= 3 in
C+ 1= 1.5 in
tl2 = 0.75 in -l r-
Figure 6.1: Description for the Verification Problems, Lay-Up [± 1> ]n/2'
0.00 - ...... "-
-0.01 - "'-
-0.02 - "-
-0.03 - "-
-0.04 - "-
-0.05 - "-
-0.06 - "-
I-ply, + 54.7° "-
2-plies, ± 54.7° "-
-0.07 - 32-plies, [± 54.7°] 16 "-
1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0
-0.06 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
-0.05 I
-0.04 /
-0.03 /
-0.02 /
I I-ply, + 54.7°
2-plies, ± 54.7°
-0.01 I
32-plies, [± 54.7°] 16
Figure 6.4: Twisting of a Laminated Cylinder, i-Ply + 54.7°.
.,. ~
~ ....
2 0
-2.0 .........
-3.0 ~'"
2 0
-0.04 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
~o -0.02
analytical model
analytical model
1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0
240 S4R5 elments
-0.08 10°
-0.07 40°
-0.03 60°
analytical model
2.0 30°
70°, 80°, 90°
1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0
-0.04 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
-0.02 1.08
analytical model
0.00 ~---~----~---~------~---~------~
analytical model
inside surface
analytical model
1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0
outside surface
analytical model
inside surface
1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0
outside surface
t::l.. 0
1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0
outside surface
~ inside surface
analytical model
1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0
xJh = 1.0
xJh = 0.975
0 \
~ \ xIh= -0.025
\ xIh = -1.975
\ ------- analytical model
0 1000 2000 3000
OJ, psi
xIh = 1.0
xIh = 0.975
xIh =-0.025
xIh =-1.975
- - - - - - - analytical model
o 500 1000
02' psi
xIh = 0.975
analytical model
500 o 500
T 12. psi
analytical model
\; xJh = 1.0
xJh =0.975
xJh =-0.025
xJh = -1.975
0.00 0.05 0.10
Elastic Properties
GPa 10 6 psi
Strength Properties
MPa 10 3 psi
Table 6.1: Unidirectional Strength and Stiffness Properties of GlasslPolyester Composite for
a Fiber Volume Fraction of 0.46 [31].
Stub Analysis Results
M rd , in-lbslin 1027 1.011
a rd , psi 2736 1.011
Table 6.2: Analytical Model and ABAQUS Results for the Stub.
W max (ABAQUS)
Winding Angle, ¢ ABAQUS W max (in)
W max (mode l)
0° -0.02858 1.00
10° -0.02885 1.00
20° -0.02947 1.00
30° -0.02936 1.00
40° -0.02560 1.00
50° -0.01732 1.00
60° -0.01086 1.00
70° -0.00835 1.00
80° -0.00769 1.00
90° -0.00757 1.00
Mxmax (ABAQUS)
Winding Angle, ¢ ABAQUS Mxmax ( in-lbsjin)
Mxmax (model)
0° -74.24 .0.983
10° -72.81 0.983
20° -68.53 0.985
30° -61.19 0.987
40° -50.68 0.989
50° -39.19 0.991
60° -32.12 0.990
70° -30.44 0.994
80° -31.03 0.989
90° -31.49 0.989
Table 6.4: List of ABAQUS and Analytical Model Maximum Axial Moments,
Lay-Up [± ¢] 36'
W max (ABAQUS)
Hub Large End Width, g1 ABAQUS W max ( in )
W max (model)
Table 6.5: List of ABAQUS and Analytical Model Maximum Displacements for Different
gl' Lay-Up [± 54. 7 °h6·
Mxmax (ABAQUS)
Hub Large End Width, gl ABAQUS Mxmax (in-lbs/in)
Mxmax (model)
Table 6.6: List of ABAQUS and Analytical Model Maximum Axial Moments for Different
g l' Lay-Up [± 54. 7 °h6·
Chapter 7
Design Examples
7.1 Introduction
Economic competition forces the engineer to strive constructively for the lowest unit
cost over the service life of the structure. This can be accomplished by developing an optimum
design. In this investigation, we are not going to study the optimization of the proposed joint
using mathematical optimization techniques because of the large number of variables involved.
Rather, we will use a parametric sensitivity approach to obtain a satisfactory, not an optimum,
design. That is, we vary a number of geometric and material parameters until we achieve a com-
bination which produces stresses in the system within the allowable limits with reasonable
economy of materials.
In this chapter, we carry out strength analysis calculations for the design of two modified
stub flanges for two piping service conditions, different pipe sizes and operating pressures (both
at ambient temperature). In one case, we will proportion the joint for a 36 inch diameter water
line under 50 psi internal pressure, case I. The second case is an 18 inch diameter water line
subjected to 100 psi internal pressure, case II.
In designing the modified stub flange for a specific application, we follow the calcula-
tions presented in chapters 4 and 5. That is, given the internal pressure, operating temperature,
pipe inside diameter and thickness, we can proportion bolting and modified stub flange geome-
try by carrying out the following steps:
(i) Select the gasket, material and thickness:
• Thickness: the gasket thickness should be kept as small as possible to reduce the pos-
sibility of gasket blowout. The pressure acts on the inner edge of the gasket, tending
to push it out from between the flanges.
(ii) Compute the bolt loads for both the seating and the operating conditions using equations
(4.1), (4.3) and table 7.1. Then, find the minimum required bolt area, equations (4.8).
(iii) Design the bolting system, i.e., choose a bolt type (material), bolt size and compute the
design bolt load. From the bolt size, find the actual bolt area, A b , then compute the de-
sign bolt load using equation (4.11). Note that the number of bolts to be employed and
the diameter of the bolt circle (bolt spacing) are determined from the metallic flange
standards for the pressure temperature ratings specified.
(iv) With the design bolt load, after selecting a material system for the flanging components,
we can proportion the stub and pipe-hub.
• Choose a material for the stub based on service conditions, usually the same material
as for the bolts, but lower strength.
• Choose a material and laminae lay-up for the pipe-hub with suitable chemical resist-
ance to the service environment.
• The guidelines for proportioning the stub are outlined in section 4.4.1. Use the stan-
dards found in references [2] and [3] to proportion the outside diameter of the stub
and the bolt ring diameter.
• To proportion the pipe-hub, we follow the guidelines in section 4.4.2 and chapter 5.
These four basic steps are shown in figure 7.1. Design iterations for different I, t, h, and
gl can be performed quickly using the computer code described in section 5.7. By using this
iterative procedure, a satisfactory design is obtained. We demonstrate the procedure in the next
7.3 Design Examples
To demonstrate the design process we use a sample calculation sheet such as the one used
for metallic flanges [5]. The design sheets for design case I and case II are depicted in figures
7.2 and 7.4 respectively. This is a very effective way of presenting the design conditions, geom-
etry and calculations. On the left column we specify the problem conditions and on the right
hand side of the sheet the design calculations. Hence, it is easy to follow the design philosophy.
That is, once we have determined the design conditions, for a specific choice of material system,
we carry out the design calculations for a specific I, t, h, and g 1. If the stresses in the stub are
below the allowable limit and the constraint on Ijis not violated, we have the final design; other-
wise we repeat the calculations with a different I, t, h, and g 1 until the inequalities are satisfied.
We can also vary the winding angle to find the strongest material system for the given loading.
However, as stated in chapter 6, we will focus on a winding angle of 54.7° because this is used
to wind most filament wound pipes. Furthermore, a different material system with superior
properties can be used to satisfy the inequalities, probably at a higher cost. Depending on the
application, combinations of all these strength enhancing procedures can be used to arrive at
a satisfactory design.
The design conditions for the two cases are the same except for the design internal pres-
sure and the geometry. The material, properties for the composite system were presented in
chapter 6. The properties for the bolting, the stub and the gasket were extracted from the ASME
BPV code Section VIII [4]. In both cases, the material lay-up for the composite system is chosen
arbitrarily, and is typical of similar systems reported in the literature [32].
The pipe thickness is computed from the membrane hoop stress equation,
go = pB /20 a, for an allowable stress 0 a, which is usually taken to be 2500 psi [27]. From this
equation, we get a pipe thickness of 0.36 inches in both cases. Further details on pipe design
are covered in ASTM D 2996 Standard Specification for Filament Wound Fiberglass (Glass-Fi-
ber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe [10].
The geometry of the joint, except for I, t, h, and g l' were extracted from the standards
found in references [2] and [3]. There are other practical restrictions on the dimensions of the
stub and hub [1], e.g., dimension R must be large enough to fit the wrench when tightening the
bolts. Therefore, in some cases it may be impractical to use a stub with a ring; in these cases,
a uniformed thickness plate can be used for the stub.
On the right column, we begin the analysis with an arbitrary hand g l' then we compute
the required bolt load to maintain the joint leak tight under both seating and operating condi-
tions. One of these two loads governs the bolting design. With the required bolt load known,
we choose the bolting system, which we use to compute the actual bolt area used in the assembly
of the joint. From this actual bolt area, we compute the design bolt load. This design bolt load
is then used to proportion the stub and the pipe-hub components.
Notice that we have chosen an annular ring thickness, t, equal to the ring stiffener height,
I, in both designs. We made this choice because it may be more economical to machine the stub
out of a flat plate than to custom fabricate it (with a longer ring stiffener height that the annular
plate thickness in order to save some weight), since the savings in weight achieved by using a
thinner annular plate thickness does not compensate the extra expense in fabricating the stub
using the computed values. However, for cases where the computed ring stiffener height is
much larger than the annular plate thickness, the designer is justified in using different values
for the two dimensions.
With the design bolt load known, we can find the effective end moment, which we use
in the pipe-hub analysis calculations. Once we know the stresses, we can check for first ply fail-
ure using the Tsai-Hill failure criterion. We iterate for hand g 1 until the failure index inequality
is satisfied.
In figures 7.3 and 7.5 we plot the inner and outer ply Tsai-Hill failure index along the
entire length of the pipe-hub system for design case I and case II respectively. The uppermost
points in the plots represent the failure envelope, i.e., the most severely stressed plies are on the
inner surface first, then on the outer surface and finally both inner and outer plies are equally
stressed. These plots show that the factor of safety for the pipes is about ten and that for the hubs
is around five, case I is 5.35 and case II is 5.25. The ASME code requires a factor of safety of
five for filament wound vessels with uncut filaments [5]. Also, for comparison purposes, we
show the results of the analytical and finite element models, which agree well.
7.4 Summary
In this chapter we have demonstrated the simplicity of the design process. The design
sample calculation sheet can be programmed in a spreadsheet shielding the designer from the
mathematics of the formulation. The designer simply needs to choose a material system for the
different joint components and vary I, t, h, and g 1 until a satisfactory design is achieved. The
material lay-up for the FRP portion of the joint and the pipe thickness are obtained from the pipe
design. We make the recommendation that a factor of safety of at least five be used in the design
of the modified stub joint when there is uncertainty in the material properties; however, for cases
where the material properties are known to a high degree of certainty, a lower factor of safety
may be used. In the next chapter we conduct a detailed finite element analysis for the design
case 1.
Input internal pressure, operat-
ing temperature, pipe inside
diameter and thickness
Compute Mw
following section 4.4.2
Final design
design pressure, p 50 psi choose a gl 1.25 in
design temperature 150 of choose an h 10 in
flanging material compute design bolt load
pipe-hub, [± 54.7°]4 GlasslPolyester [32] Wml = ;n;pG 2/4 + 2:n:bGmp 61803lbs
Eu 5.136 x 106 psi Wm2 = gl;n;Gy 29256lbs
Err 1.522 X 10 6 psi Am = max(Wml/Sb , Wm2 /S a) 3.09in2
GLT 0.439 x 10 psi 6
Ab 2
13.19 in 32 -7/16" cP bolts I
VLT 0.281 W = SaA b 63800lbs
vrr 0.35 proportion the stub
aw 118.93 x 10 3 psi
ifw 88.47 x 10 3 psi
Nw = w( jh 2 + (gl - gO)2 )/(gl - go) 719687lbs
~ design temp., Ssb 17500 psi MP8d =- {}dDJI - v 2)/D' + VMrd 5475 in-lbslin
~ atm. temp., Ssa 17500 psi M~d = MrdD'/t 5412 in-lbslin
bolting, steel, SA-320 Gr. L7M, [4]
a rd = 6Mrd /P 564 psi.
design temp., Sb 20000 psi
~ aP = 6MP8d/P
~ atm. temp., Sa 20000 psi 8d 14600 psi.
gasket, Neoprene, 75 durometer, [4] a~d = 6M~iz2 14431 psi.
m 1.0
y 200.0 psi
choose I so that I < 1m & a~d < Ssa
1.5 in.
thickness 118 in. choose t so that Grd < Ssa & a~d < Ssa 1
1.5 in.
-- N- HD
proportion the pipe-hub
hw = gi/2 0.625 in.
hD = (gi - go)/4 0.445 in.
1 Mw = (HILT + Hwhw + HDhD)j;n;B 563 in-lbslin
t = 1.5 In. t H
If If < 1 use gi and h
else choose new gland h
analytical model
- - - - - - - ABAQUS (S4RS)
inside surface
1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0
design pressure, p 100 psi choose a gi 1.44 in
design temperature 150 of choose an h 10 in
flanging material compute design bolt load
pipe-hub, [± 54.7°]4 Glass/Polyester [32] Wml = npG 2I 4 + 27CbGmp 38476lbs
Eu 5.136 x 10 psi 6 Wm2 = ginGy 17589lbs
Err 1.522 X 10 6 psi Am = max(Wml/Sb, Wm2 / Sa) 1.93 in 2
v LT
0.439 X 10 6 psi Ab 12.01 in 2 16 - 1/2" ¢ bolts I
0.281 W = SaAb 40200lbs
vrr 0.35 proportion the stub
118.93 x 10 3 psi
iflU 88.47 x 10 3 psi
Nw = w( jh 2 + (gl - go)2)/(gl - go) 374387lbs
<> design temp., Ssb 17500 psi MP8d = - 8dDJ..l - v 2)ID' + vMrd 2731 in-Ibslin
~ atm. temp., Ssa 17500 psi
M~d = MrdD'lt 2692 in-Ibslin
bolting, steel, SA-320 Gr. L7M, [4]
20000 psi
0rd = 6Mrdlt2 778 psi.
design temp., Sb
oP8d = 6MP8dIt2 16387 psi.
~ atm. temp., Sa 20000 psi
gasket, Neoprene, 75 durometer, [4] O~d = 6Mei z2 16154 psi.
m 1.0
y 200.0 psi
choose I so that I < 1m & Oed < Ssa
I 1.0 in.
thickness 1/8 in. choose t so that 0rd < Ssa & O~d < Ssa
I 1.0 in.
'" ri- HD
proportion the pipe-hub
- go = 0.36 in.
HT = np(G 2 -
Hw= W
B2)/4 42341bs
gi = 1.44 in. HD = npB2/4 254471bs
--J f--
B = 18 in. = gr/4 hT 0.36 in.
hw = gI/2 0.72 in.
hD = (gl - go)/4 0.54 in.
1 Mw = (HrhT + Hwhw + HnhD)jnB 782 in-Ibslin
t = 1.0 In. t H
If If < 1 use gi and h
else choose new gland h
Figure 7.4: Modified Stub Flange Sample Calculation Sheet, Case II.
analytical model
- - - - - - - ABAQUS (S4R5)
inside surface
outside surface
1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0
Gasket Factor Min. Design
Gasket Material
m Seating Stress y, psi
Chapter 8
8.1 Introduction
The analyses presented in this chapter are an attempt to validate the design method pre-
sented in the earlier chapters, since we do not perform experimental testing of the proposed
joint. Finite element analysis cannot duplicate experimental testing exactly, but can provide
useful insight into the overall behavior and performance of the joint.
We perform three dimensional and axisymmetric finite element analyses of the modi-
fied stub flanged joint for design case I discussed in chapter 7. The primary emphasis will be
on assessing the strength of the flange and the leak tightness of the gasket. The bolt interaction
will not be considered; therefore, we assume a constant bolt load over the history of the analyses.
First, we describe the evolution of leakage over the loading history of the joint and give
a description of the gasket used in the analyses. We then discuss the detailed finite element anal-
yses: we describe the three dimensional analysis, and then we discuss the analysis for the
axisymmetric model. In the three dimensional model, we make use of the cyclic symmetry of
the system and only consider a 1164 segment portion of the total circumference of the joint, see
figure 8.1. Since ABAQUS does not support pressure penetration in three dimensional contact
analysis, we also conduct an axisymmetric analysis topropedy modeljointleakage. Thedimen-
sions for the joint were derived in chapter 7 and are repeated in figure 8.2. We raised the stub
1/16" above the gasket-hub interface to prevent the mating flanges from coming into contact
when the system is loaded, see figure 8.2.
8.2 Leakage Development Description
A sequence of load steps is shown in figure 8.3 with their respective contact areas. The
flange rotates as the internal pressure increases causing loss of contact between the gasket and
the flange. The rotation is caused by the bolt load, the hydrostatic end load and by the fluid pene-
trating the space where the contact is lost. In the first step, only the bolt load is applied. In this
case, the reacting gasket pressure is greater closest to the bolt and decreases away from the bolt.
In the radial direction the contact pressure is largest near the bolt and decreases toward the inside
of the pipe; in the circumferential direction the pressure is greatest close to the bolt and de-
creases toward the point between two bolts. The circumferential variation can only be captured
in a three dimensional analysis. However, as we will see later, for closely spaced bolts the pres-
sure distribution on the gasket is almost uniform in the circumferential direction. The stub dif-
fuses the bolt load uniformly onto the hub and the bolt load is transferred almost uniformly to
the gasket. Therefore, the pressure distribution in the hoop direction is dictated by the number
of bolts (closely spaced bolts provide a uniform gasket stress), which is usually determined from
practical limitations since the mechanic needs to be able to tighten the bolts. The bolt spacing
(usuall y two to three bolt diameters) is therefore dictated by the size of the wrench used to tight-
en the bolts. So, an axisymmetric analysis can be used to study the leakage problem rather than
using a more time consuming three dimensional analysis. In the second step, the loss of contact
area has allowed fluid to penetrate. This process continues until the contact area reduces to zero,
at this point leakage occurs.
stress and nominal strain, we can calibrate a hyperelastic material model in ABAQUS, as shown
in figure 8.4.
ABAQUS uses a strain energy functional, rather than Young's modulus and Poisson's
ratio, to relate stresses to stain~ in hyperelastic material models. ABAQUS has a number of
hyperelastic material models, we chose a second degree Mooney-Rivlin material model. Given
a set of experimental test data, the calibration of the hyperelastic material model can be done
by ABAQUS, which uses a least squares fit. We refer the reader to the ABAQUS documentation
[29] for further details on the procedure.
In the analysis of a hyperelastic material, ABAQUS requires the use of hybrid elements
in the mesh of the hyperelastic material because of the incompressibility of the material. There-
fore, the gasket is meshed with eight node reduced integration hybrid axisymmetric continuum
elements (CAX8RH) in the axisymmetric model and twenty node reduced integration hybrid
continuum elements (C3D20RH) in the three dimensional model.
The initial gasket pre-stress is provided by the pre-load in the bolts (the seating condi-
tion). In this state, the gasket deforms filling the irregularities on the flange face, insuring full
contact over its entire surface. We decided in chapter four not to consider this loading condition
because the load required to seat a rubber gasket is small. The internal pressure is then applied
and the gasket pre-stress decreases and the bolt load increases (the operating condition). The
pressure penetration described in section 8.2 causes an additional decrease in gasket pre-stress
and increase in bolt load; but as the flanging system deforms, some relaxation of the bolt pre-
load occurs. The final load carried by the bolts depends on this bolt-flange interaction, which
in turn depends on the stiffness of the flanging system and the extent of the fluid penetration.
Furthermore, the fluid penetration is also a function of the flange stiffness. The bolt load relax-
ation is due to compatibility of the system deformation, i.e., the deformation in the bolts and
the flange have to be compatible. This is a complex interaction and we do not consider it here.
Therefore, the real evolution of the loading will not be captured. We will study the long term
behavior of the joint; therefore, we assume that the bolt load remains constant over the history
of the loading. The justification for this is that in practice the mechanic will usually retighten
the boIts to maintain the required load to prevent leakage. Other issues of load relaxation will
not be considered, such as creep of the resin in the composite and other long term relaxation
8.5 Finite Element Models
through angles 0 0 and 5.625 0 are also symmetric planes and are constrained appropriately,
i.e., the circumferential deformation is zero, see figure 8.7.
In this section, we study the development of leakage in the modified stub flange joint
using the pressure penetration option in contact finite elements using ABAQUS. The contact
stress distribution on the gasket is studied using slide line elements and pressure is allowed to
penetrate as contact is lost.
Again, we used PATRAN to create the finite element mesh depicted in figure 8.8. Sec-
ond order reduced integration axisymmetric elements are used throughout the mesh of the
flanging system and gasket. The contact between the hub and the stub is again modeled using
a contact pair. Contact between the gasket and the flange face is modeled using axisymmetric
slide line elements (ISL22A) on the gasket and a slide line which is attached to the hub face. This
contact formulation uses a master-slave concept to enforce the contact constraint. A slide line
is a group of nodes associated with the master surface. The surface on which the slide line ele-
ments are placed is the slave surface. The nodes of the slide line elements are constrained not
to penetrate into the master surface. To model the sliding, in both contact cases, we use the same
friction formulation as in the three dimensional case.
The material properties for the gasket are described in section 8.3. The material proper-
ties for the composite system are the same as those used in the three dimensional case and can
be found in chapter 7. However, the lay-up for the axisymmetric case is [0 0 /90°]4' This was
necessary because the ABAQUS axisymmetric elements do not allow us to consider arbitrary
winding angles. Also, none of the axisymmetric elements support laminated material models;
therefore, we use one element for every layer, eight elements through the thickness of the pipe.
We use a transversely isotropic constitutive law and specify the elasticity constants via the ort-
hotropic material model in ABAQUS.
The stub material is inhomogeneous because of the presence of the bolt holes, the shaded
area in figure 8.8. This is handled by smearing the material properties used in the bolt hole area
of the mesh, i.e., using material properties corresponding to a weaker material in the bolt hole
area. Guidelines for determining effective material properties for perforated plates can be found
in the ASME code Sections VIII [4]. For the model presented here, the effective material prop-
erties are calculated using an elasticity moduli reduction factor. This factor is simply
1 - AH/ AA, where AH is the total volume of the bolt holes and AA the volume swept by the
bolt diameter along the entire circumference of the flange, along the bolt circle diameter. Hence,
the reduction factor is 0.88. The effective in-plane moduli of elasticity are obtained by multiply-
ing the reduction factor by the flange modulus. The in-plane Poisson's ratio is left unchanged.
The modulus in the hoop direction should be very small and the hoop Poisson's ratio should be
zero. The effective shear modulus is computed from its respective modulus of elasticity and
Poisson's ratio. Hence, the material properties for the bolt hole area are Er = E z = 25,588 ksi,
Ee = 0.025 ksi, Vrz = 0.3, v ze = v rf) = 0, Grz = 9,842 ksi, and G rf) = Gze = 0.012 ksi.
These elasticity moduli are specified via the orthotropic material model in ABAQUS for the
bolt hole part of the mesh.
The loading is depicted in figure 8.8. The internal pressure loading is broken down into
three loads: (i) the internal pressure, which acts on the inside surface of the vessel, (ii) the hydro-
static end load, which is the membrane stress in the pipe, due to the internal pressure, and (iii)
the penetrating pressure as the contact between the flange face and the gasket is .lost. The total
bolt load is smeared over the upper bolt hole surface as a normal pressure, as shown in figure
8.8. The fluid penetration described in section 8.2 can easily be simulated in ABAQUS, but is
only supported for axisymmetric analysis. This fluid pressure can penetrate into the mating sur-
face interface until some area on the surfaces is reached where the contact pressure between the
abutting surfaces exceeds the fluid pressure, cutting off further penetration. The pressure pene-
tration load starts from the inside of the pipe, left side in figure 8.8, and penetrates between the
surfaces continuously from this side.
In an axisymmetric analysis, the formulation of the element takes care of the boundary
conditions in the circumferential direction. Therefore, the only boundary conditions we have
to specify in this model are symmetry boundary conditions on the symmetry plane of the gasket,
i.e., the axial displacement in the middle of the gasket is zero, see figure 8.8.
between the gasket and the flange is lost. However, as we will see later the pressure on the por-
tion of the gasket that remains in contact is greater that the minimum required to keep the joint
leak tight. The separation between the hub and the stub is caused by the magnification of the
displacement and is not actual deformation in the system, as we can see in figure 8.11. There
is however loss of contact at the top of the stub; this will be clearer when we look at the contact
pressure. In figure 8.11, we can see that the stub slid down, because the element lines in the hub
and stub do not match after deformation.
Figure 8.12 shows the gasket contact pressure computed for the three dimensional anal-
ysis. Most of the surface is unloaded, except for the outer most patch of elements, a quarter of
the surface. Therefore, the assumption we made in chapter four about the extent of the fluid pen-
etration is violated for this particular problem; however the pressure over this quarter of the gas-
ket is higher than the minimum required to maintain leak tightness of the fluid, i.e., the contact
pressure is greater than p*m = 50 psi, the pressuretimes the leak tightness factor. Also, we can
clearly see that the contact pressure in the circumferential direction is not uniform, as described
earlier; this pressure is higher on the side where the bolt load is applied. However, the difference
is relatively small and we can assume this distribution to be uniform in the circumferential direc-
tion, which then allows us to analyze the system using an axisymmetric analysis.
Figure 8.13 depicts the normal contact pressure distribution on the hub at the interface
between the hub and the stub predicted by the three dimensional analysis. The stub rotates and
most of the contact surface is unloaded. However, the bearing strength of the composite is not
exceeded, i.e., the pressure at every point is less than 20,000 psi. In the circumferential direc-
tion, the contact pressure is uniform for most of the surface, except at the ends. From this plot,
the reason for the non-uniform gasket stress is apparent. That is, the bolt load is not transferred
unifonnly over the entire stub-hub interface, but again is higher where the bolt load is applied;
however most of the contact pressure remains uniform over the contact surface between the stub
and the hub in the circumferential direction. The bolt load causes localize stress concentration
on the side of the bolt and does not appear to affect the gasket contact pressure distribution sig-
Figures 8.14 through 8.17 depict fringe plots of the von Mises, radial, circumferential
and axial stress distributions, respectively. Notice that the von Mises stress is only relevant for
the stub and gasket portions of the joint, since the material in the pipe-hub component is
orthotropic. Also, in tables 8.2 to 8.4, we list the maximum and minimum (algebraic) values
of all stress components and the von Mises stress for the three distinct joint components (pipe-
hub, stub, and gasket). In figure 8.18, we give the location of these values. Stress concentrations
localized around the bolt hole area govern most maximum and minimum values in the stub. In
fact, the allowable stress is exceeded in this localized portion. The reason for this stress con-
centration is due to the presence of the bolt hole and is caused mostly by the circumferential
stress. However, the yield stress of the stub material, steel, is not exceeded.
To asses the strength capacity of the composite material, we had used the Tsai-Hill fail-
ure criteria in the previous chapters; however, since this is not directly applicable to three di-
mensional stress states, we use a maximum stress failure criteria in this chapter. The stresses
in the pipe-hub component are in principal material directions. Therefore, using the strengths
listed in table 6.1, chapter six, we can check if stresses in the composite system exceed any of
these strengths. From table 8.2 we can see that none of the maximum or minimum stresses ex-
ceed the strength capacity of the composite material.
Figure 8.21 depicts the gasket contact stress for the operating condition. The ASME
code minimum gasket pressure to maintained a leak tight joint, mp is also shown in figure 8.22
and it falls below the average ABAQUS computed pressure. Also, in our gasket design formula-
tion, we assumed that loss of contact, hence pressure penetration, occurs up to the middle of the
gasket; however, the resulting penetration from the ABAQUS results is about 75% into the gas-
ket. But, the surface pressure is relatively large so that leakage would not be a problem. The
gasket contact pressure for the axisymmetric case is about one third of that for the three dimen-
sional case; this is due to the fact that we are allowing pressure to penetrate the space where
contact is lost in the axisymmetric case and therefore some of the bolt load is balanced by the
pressure acting on the contact face of the hub. Therefore, the leakage results from the three di-
mensional case should be used with caution.
Figures 8.22 depicts a fringe plot of the von Mises stress distribution. Again, this stress
is only relevant for the stub and gasket portions of the joint, since the material in the pipe-hub
component is orthotropic. Notice that the stress concentrations localized around the bolt area
are not as severe as those in the full three dimensional case. However, the maximum von Mises
stress, which occurs at the top of the inside of the flange, is slightly over the allowable stress
given by the ASME code; however, this stress is less than the yield stress of the stub material.
8.7 Conclusions
The method described here can be used to study leakage behavior and to validate the
code formulation for other gasket materials and joint configurations. The ASME method, al-
though not theoretically exact, is sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes, and is far more
simple to implement than the finite element formulation presented here. However, for critical
applications, the formulation presented here can provide greater insight into the behavior of the
particular joint configuration. In critical design cases where a more rigorous solution to the
flange is needed, the axisymmetric model can produce a satisfactory solution at a much lower
cost than the three dimensional model. However, it does not capture the stress concentrations
in the bolt hole area. The leakage behavior, though, is captured more accurately in the
axisymmetric case than in the three dimensional case because of the option to allow pressure
to penetrate the space where contact is lost; this however is not supported in three dimensional
analysis in ABAQUS at present. Also, the limitation on the winding angle for the axisymmetric
case must be considered when using this method. This model can also be modified to study the
bolt-stub interaction behavior.
0.36 in
18 in
"I ~ 0.5625 in
-1...1.5 in
0.0625 in
~ 0.0625 in
Figure 8.2: 5.625° Segment 3-D Model of the Modified Stub Flange.
end hydrostatic pressure end hydrostatic pressure
pressure internal
bolt load
bolt load
loss of contact
and fluid pene-
I:"'J -4
::::: -3
0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6
nominal strain
2156 elments
20 C3D20RH elments, gasket
436 C3D20R elments, stub
1700 C3D20R elments, pipe-hub
end pressure = 1237.6 psi
T~ contact pairs
Figure 8.6: 3-D Finite Element Model Loads and Boundary Conditions.
Figure 8.7: 3-D Finite Element Mesh Bottom VieW.
end pressure = 1237.6 psi
-- 1308 elments
-- 8 CAX8RH elments, gasket
....... 260 CAX8R elments, stub
1032 CAX8R elments, pipe-hub
~ 8 ISL22A elments, gasket contact
----- \
----- \
-- \
bolt load = 844.5 psi
-- n
F. ·.d'<;!
\'); {'V~)I
-- \
\ , \
\ l·f)k;1
8:J 8f 6
Figure 8.10: 3-D Gasket and Stub Model Deformed Shape, Magnification 10.
Figure 8.11: 3-D Gasket and Stub Model Deformed Shape, Magnification 1.
bolt side
+9.00E+03 R T
bolt side
MISES, psi
R +S.OOE+03
+3. 12E+04
Z SRR' psi
R -1.00E+04
T -7.50E+03
J.z SIT' psi
T -1.7SE+04
Szz, psi
+8. 11E+03
bolt side
IT -, I
top of the gasket
Figure 8.18: Location of the Stresses Reported in Table 8.2 though 8.4.
'T R
- I-
- -
I- -
- -
- ,.-- I--
- \--
i--- - \--
L ~ - i--
~_ J -I--
.-L- -
- 1--1
Figure 8.19: Axis),mroetriC Gasket and Stub Model Deformed Shape, Magni-
fication 10.
\ \ \
! I ,
I I,
I ! I
i I
\ \
I I,
i \
Figure 8.20: Axisymmetric Gasket and Stub Model Deformed Shape, Magni-
fication 1.
.r::; 250
~ 150
:;;: fluid has penetrated up
to this point
0.0 0.31 0.63 0.94 1.25
length along gasket face, in
MISES, psi
T R +2.22E-16
+ 1. 5OE+04
+ 1. 75E+04
Deformation, Nominal Stress, Nominal Stress,
Load, lbs Nominal Strain
inches pSI MPa
Table 8.1: 1/8" Synthetic Rubber (Neoprene) Gasket, 75 Shore Durometer Hardness [12].
~v1axinluln Minimum
stresses value, psi location, node value, psi location, node
Maximum Minimum
stresses value, psi location, node value, psi location, node
Maximum Minimum
stresses value, psi location, node value, psi location, node
Chapter 9
9.1 Conclusions
An innovative joining technique for filament wound pipes has been developed. This
pipe joint was fashioned to address some of the problems reported in the literature. Since we
have not yet manufactured and tested the joint, we cannot definitively comment as to its success
in alleviating the problems faced by current FRP pipe designers. All of the problems with the
current FRP pipe joining techniques are probably not completely eliminated, but the discontinu-
ity, pull-back, bearing failure, and faulty construction problems are addressed by our design.
This joint can be used to connect piping systems to pumps, valves or pre-existing flanged metal-
lic piping systems.
We also presented a design philosophy for the modified stub flanged joint, gasket, bolts
and flanging system. The design of the gasket and the bolts is similar to that for metallic systems.
This entails finding a bolt load sufficient to keep the joint leak tight during the operating life
of the joint, then choosing a sufficiently large bolt area to achieve this objective. The flange de-
sign bolt load is then computed using this bolt area. With this bolt load, we can proportion the
two components of the modified stub flanged joint, pipe-hub and stub components. Also, we
have validated the design calculations with finite element analysis. Our approach is well suited
to design calculations, since many geometric and material parameters can be varied quickly and
easily in order to find a satisfactory design.
We also used detailed finite element analysis of a specific geometry to demonstrate that
our simple calculations can produce safe designs. There are some stress concentrations that are
not captured by our design equations and we have made allowances for them in the factors of
safety we recommend in the design calculations. In the detailed finite element modeling, we
demonstrated that an axisymmetric analysis (which is much more cost effective than a full 3-D
analysis, in terms of generating the model and running the analysis) can be used in analyzing
critical designs. The leakage behavior of the modified stub flange was also studied using contact
elements. The results showed that the gasket design guidelines do provide sufficient load to
keep the joint leak tight.
Although the results of the analytical model compare well with finite element analysis,
they must be verified experimentally. The experimental investigation would focus on the feasi-
bility of the proposed manufacturing technique, verification of the design criteria, and identifi-
cation of suitable material systems from which to manufacture the joint. Furthermore, a number
of filament winding procedures are now available such as helical winding and robotic winding.
The feasibility of these different winding techniques for the manufacturing of the modified stub
flanged joint should be studied.
In order to conduct detailed finite element analysis of leakage, we need reliable gasket
material properties; therefore, experimental and numerical investigations of gasket material
properties are required. Also, present gasket investigation is limited to metallic joint applica-
tions. Our focus would be on gasketing materials best suited to FRP joints, such as rubber. Spe-
cifically, we would concentrate our investigation on the application of finite element analysis
to obtain gasket design parameters, such as the gasket leak tightness ratio m and the gasket yield
factor y. Furthermore, we would conduct correlations of experimental data with the gasket fac-
tors presented in the ASME BPV code.
The interaction between the composite system and the stub should also be studied fur-
ther considering different stub systems, systems with and without a ring stiffener. Also, the slid-
ing of the stub down the hub should be studied carefully and recommendations for the offset
between the bottom of the hub and the stub should be derived, i.e., specify a tolerance so that
the mating flanges do not come into contact. Further issues of design should be studied, such
as bolt size and applied torque.
Appendix A
A.1 Introduction
A shell is a structural system with its mid-surface defined, in general, by a curved sur-
face, i.e., dimensions in the plane of the structural system are much larger than the perpendicular
dimension, its thickness. In this appendix, we concentrate on a shell generated by a general line
when revolved about an axis, a surface of revolution; in particular, the shell generated by a
straight line parallel to the axis of revolution, a cylindrical shell. The thickness need not be uni-
form over the entire surface; in the case presented in this appendix, the thickness varies uniform-
ly in the axial direction (see figure A.1) and is uniform in the circumferential direction. The
deformation in shells is measured with respect to a coordinate system on their mid-surface, see
figure A.2.
If the loading is such that it causes the cylindrical shell to deform into another surface
of revolution, then an axisymmetric analysis can be used. That is, because of axial symmetry,
there is no circumferential displacement or change in any quantity in the circumferential direc-
tion (i.e., aa~ = 0). Therefore, for an axisymmetric cylindrical shell, some of the stress resul-
tants reduce to zero, the non-zero resultants are shown on figure A.3.
This appendix is organized as follows. In section A.2, we present the definition of the
stress resultants. The equations of equilibrium for a differential element are presented in section
A.3. The relevant kinematic equations are presented in section A.4.
A.2 Definition of Stress Resultants
Figure A.4 shows the tractions acting on a differential element shown shaded in figure
A.2. However, it is more convenient to work with a simpler but equivalent system of forces and
moments acting on the shell cross-section. These resultant forces and moments, at a distance
x from the origin, are defined as follows. The resultant forces are obtained by integrating the
corresponding tractions through the shell thickness, e.g., the axial stress resultant is
NxRde = a~z)(R - z)dzde, (A.l)
J - g(x)/2
where a~z) is'the average axial stress in a fiber located at a distance z from the neutral axis. Now
solving for the stress resultant we get
A further assumption made in thin shell theory is that the shell radius R is much larger than the
distance z, i.e., ~ « 1. This assumption allows us to reduce the equation above to
Nx = a~z)dz. (A.3)
J - g(x)/2
Similarly, the resultant moments are obtained by integration through the thickness of the corre-
·sponding stresses acting on a fiber at a distance z from the mid-plane surface times the moment
arm about the mid-surface. Therefore, the relevant stress resultants are
Note that the limits of integration are functions of x, since we are integrating at a distance x from
the origin. Also, these stress resultants are forces and moments per unit circumferential length.
The stress resultants shown in figure A.3 are for the axisymmetric case and can be com-
puted using equation (A.4) and appendix B. From force and moment balance, we obtain three
equilibrium equations in four unknowns N x , N e, Qx, and Mx :
LFx = 0 ~ N x + X = 0, (A.S)
Ne (A.6)
LFz = 0 ~ Qx,x + If + Z = 0,
The comma in the subscript denotes partial differentiation. The other three equations of equilib-
rium are identically satisfied.
A reduction in the number of equations is possible from three [(A.S), (A.6), and (A.7)]
to two [(A.6) and (A.7)], i.e., integrating equation (A.S) we get
Therefore, we are left with two equations (A.6) and (A.7) in three unknowns Qx, N e,
and M x. We need to consider the displacement relations, or kinematics.
A.4 Kinematics
In this formulation we will assume small displacements and linear strains. Other as-
sumptions include; straight fibers normal to the midplane before deformation remain straight
and normal to the midplane after deformation (Love's first approximation, i.e., out-of-plane
shear strains are zero, y;~ = Y~ = 0 - the superscript (z) denotes that these values are for a
fiber at a distance z from the neutral axis), and inextensible (i.e., normal strain is zero, €iz) = 0),
see figure A.S. In shell theory the normal out-of-plane stress is small compared to the in-plane
normal stresses, a~z) ~ 0; this is a contradiction, but it does not affect the end result.
We need the deformation of a fiber located a distance z away from the midplane. To aid
us in deriving the strain equations in terms of displacements, we use figure A.S. For this deriva-
tion we use engineering strain, i.e., €= .t1f. Therefore, the axial strain €iz), defined by the
change in length of the side dx, is
and the circumferential strain €~z\ defined by the change in length of the Rd8 side (in the plane
perpendicular to the page in figure A.S) is
where the negative sign arises because a displacement w in the positive z direction leads to a
negative or compressive strain. Due to axial symmetry, there is no in-plane shearing strain in
the differential element, i.e., Y~ = O. Also, since we assume small deformations, the rotations
of the differential element dx at points A and B are approximately equal, i.e., Q A :::::: Q B' We
assume these rotations to be equal to Q, the rotation of the side dx, which is given by
_ w + w,xdx - w _ (A.II)
- dx - W,x'
We can now find the fiber displacements in terms of the midplane displacements. The
radial displacement is the same for any point through the thickness because of the last assump-
tion made in the beginning of this section, i.e.,
w(z) = w, (A.12)
and due to axial symmetry, there is no circumferential displacement. The fiber axial displace-
ment is a function of the midplane axial displacement and the axial rotation
Note, the midplane displacements vary in the axial direction, therefore, they are functions of
Substituting equations (A.12) and (A.13) into equations (A.9) and (A. to), we get the
desired strain displacement relations
Y~ = O.
Here, we have introduced three more equations, but also five more unknowns, therefore we
need the relation between stresses and strains, the constitutive law, appendix B.
~I I-
p h
. / x, axial
z, radial
N + aNxdx
x ax
u, X
M + aMxdx
x ax
Q + aQxdx
Qx x ax
w, Z
M, \
~: I
dx ... " - - - -
g (x
' )+ ax
g(x)/2 -L
- ---
W + w,xdx
B.l Introduction
At the micro-level a composite is a complex system consisting of fibers and matrix com-
bined to form a monolithic system. The material system is simplified by assuming that the fiber
and matrix properties can be combined into an effective transversely isotropic material layer.
(i) Each lamina acts as a homogeneous transversely isotropic linear elastic system.
(iii) Each layer is of linear varying thickness. Each lamina has equal thickness at the large
end (g 1 = nt 1) and at the small end (g 0 = nto) and varies linearly along the axial direc-
The constitutive relations for a transversely isotropic material in plane stress in con-
tracted notation are as follows:
Qll = --~-
1 - v12v21 '
v12 2 E v21 E l
Q = -.......;;;.;;;".......;;;- = -~~-
12 1- v 12v 2 1 1- v 12v 21 (B.3)
Q 22 = ---=---
1 - v12v21 '
Q66 = G 12 .
In these equations, E 1 is Young's modulus in the laminae fiber direction, E2 is Young's modulus
transverse to the laminae fiber direction, G12 is the laminae in-plane shear modulus, v 12 is the
major Poisson's ratio, and v 21 is the minor Poisson's ratio (see Jones [33] for the computation
of these quantities from the properties of each constituent).
In figure B.1 (a) we show the global coordinate system, laminate coordinates (x, 8, z),
and the local coordinate system, laminae coordinates (1,2,3). The in-plane laminae coordinates
run parallel and perpendicular to the fiber orientation and make an angle ¢ with the laminate
coordinates, see figure B.l (b). The stresses can be transformed from laminae coordinates to
laminate coordinates using the tensoral transformation laws. The final result is
where C = cos¢ and S = sin¢. Again, we can write the above equation in matrix form,
Similarly, the strains can be transformed from laminae coordinates to laminate coordinates
or in matrix form,
{€ = [T]
-1{ €
We now introduce the following relations (this is due to the fundamental difference between
engineering and tensorial definitions of strain):
{a} (z) = [T] - 1 { a }(Z)
= [T] - 1 [Q ]{ E } (z)
(B. II)
{Z;} = [ A11 (x) A1zCx ) ] { u,~} + [B 11 (x) BlzCx) ]{ - W",,} (B.14)
A 12(X) A 22 (X) - R B 12 (X) B 22 (X) 0
Aij(x) = I ~(gZ(x) - gZ-l (x) ), (B.16)
Bij(x) -
_ I
2 L,,-=-,,( *2
Qij gk (x) -
gk-l (x) , (B.17)
Dij(x) -
_ 1
3 L,,-=-,,( *3
Qij gk (x)
- gk-l(x) . (B.I8)
For symmetric laminated shells BuCx) = O. Also, laminated shells composed of angle-
ply and cross-ply lay-ups with large number of laminae (entailing 4 lamina or more as explained
in Jones [33] and illustrated in chapter 6), behave as symmetric laminates, i.e., B ij(x) = O.
From figure B .2, one can easily find expressions for the distance from the middle-sur-
face to the top and bottom of lamina k. These are
respectively, where
Hence, Aij(x) and Dij(x) can be rewritten as
* 1 ,,~ (B.24)
Aij = Ii L Qij'
Dij = 3~3 I ~(1
- 3k + 3k2 + ~n - 3kn + ~n2), (B.25)
g(x) = go( 1 + Llg X)'
g(x) = nt(x)
gl = ntl
g;(x) x
g~_l(X) +
t(x) fiber
number T
Appendix C
From equilibrium, differentiating equation (A.7) with respect to x once and solving the
result for Qx'x ,
Ne (C.2)
Mx'xx + -R + Z = 0.
Furthermore, from equations (B.14) and (B. IS) (and assuming B/x) = 0, as explained in ap-
pendixB), N x, N e, and Mxcan be defined in terms of the displacements and stiffness coefficients
as follows:
Mx _- - g. 3(x)Dllw,xx. (C.S)
(- g 3(x ) D * ) ,.xx
llW,xx + g(x )A*12[["
U,X - * R2
g(X)A 22 W +Z = O. (C.6)
The only unknowns in equation (C.6) are wand u'x, but we only have one equation. Note, how-
ever, that we can get an expression for u,xin terms of known quantities and w. This can be done
by substituting into equation (C.3) the value for N x from equation (A.8). The result is
A* -
Note that the term !2 NRx is due to the Poisson effect, caused by radial deformation. If the shell
is not restrained in the axial direction, this term is zero.
We now transform equation (C. 10) into a more manageable form. First, we let
LJg1jJ = (1 + LJgx/h), which implies that g('tjl) = goLJg1jJ. Then substitute these two quantities
into equation (C. 10), the result is the tapered beam on an elastic foundation equation, i.e.,
(C. 11)
The solution to equation (C. II) is done in two parts, the particular and homogeneous
parts. Here we present the two solutions and the total solution, including the slope, bending mo-
ment, and shear force.
Wp = - cV)st. (D.I)
Differentiating w p and substituting it into the tapered beam on elastic foundation equation and
solving for Const, we get
Const = - (D.2)
Setting the left-hand side of equation (C. II) to zero, we get the homogeneous equation
The solution of equation (D.S) can be reduced to the solution of two second order ordinary dif-
ferential equations, as shown in reference [50] pages 488 - 490. These second order ordinary
differential equations are
where i = Fl. These equations can be transformed into Bessel equations by introducing the
new variables H = 2p M and ~ = W H fij. After some algebraic manipulation we get
Taking the (+) sign, the resulting equation is a complex Bessel equation of the first order.
Its standard solution is of the form
where J 1(If) is a first order Bessel function of the first kind and Y1(H) is a first order Bessel
function of the second kind. Taking the (-) sign and substitute H* = iH into equation (D.7),
we get
which is also a first order complex Bessel equation. And its standard solution is similar to (D.8),
The form of each solution (D.8) and (D.IO) is complex, which we know has no physical mean-
ing. But, the real parts and complex conjugate of the complex parts can be linearly combined
to make up each solution, which is real.
We now rearrange equation (D.8) into its real and complex parts. We can greatly simpli-
fy the analysis by making the following observation, II (x) = - J' o(x) where the prime, i.e.,
( . )' , denotes the derivative of the function with respect to its argument. We also let 'fJ = 2p #,
which means that H = /i'fJ. Then
and ber(x) and bei(x) are known as Kelvin, or Thompson, functions [30] (see chapter 5 for the
definitions of all of these functions). Differentiating equation (D. II) we get
When dealing with complex variables, it is customary to take a second solution of the
fonn K 1(x) = - n/2[J1(ix) + iYl(iX)], i.e., a linear combination of the two solutions for the
real case. Again to simplify the algebra, we make the following observation,
Kl (x) = - K' o(x), where
where ker (x) and kei(x) are also Kelvin, or Thompson, functions [30] (see the chapter 5 for
the definitions of all of these functions). Differentiating (D.13), we get
~(+) = - A
[ber'(1]) - ibei'(1])] -
/i[ker'(1]) + ikei'(1])]. (D.15)
We now consider equation (D.IO). For this case H* = i /i'fJ and following the same
steps as above, we get
Therefore, equation (D. 10) becomes
~H = - A [bei'(1J) - iber'(1J)]
(D. IS)
Combining the solution to both problems, equations (D. 15) and (D.I8), the resulting
function satisfies the homogeneous equation, (D.S), i.e.,
~ = -
C* + n--.i
+ i--1
C* ] ber'(n) +
Ii '/
i_I -
c* - in--± bei'(n)
Ii '/
c* + i--±
- -1. c* ] ker'(n) + [c* C*] kei'(1J).
- i-1. + --.i
Ii Ii" Ii Ii
Since the coefficients of the derivatives are complex and arbitrary, we can replace them with
arbitrary real coefficients, i.e.,
We have redefined the Kelvin function as ki('fj), which are listed in chapter 5. The constants C1,
C2, C3, and C4 are determined from the boundary conditions. The slope, bending moment M('fj) ,
and shear force Q('fj) are then
QxC1]) = dx
3D* .,d-3 ]
= - go 11 g P1J [C 1k 13 (1J)
+ C 2k 14 (1J) + C 3k 1S (1J) + C4k 16 (1J) .
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