Mod Bit Membrane Roofing 09.2020
Mod Bit Membrane Roofing 09.2020
Mod Bit Membrane Roofing 09.2020
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
B. The Contractor's attention is specifically directed, but not limited, to the following documents
for additional requirements:
1. The current version of the Uniform General Conditions for Construction Contracts, State
of Texas, available on the web site of the Texas Facilities Commission.
2. The University of Houston’s Supplemental General Conditions and Special Conditions for
A. Section Includes:
A. Roofing Terminology: Definitions in ASTM D1079 and glossary of NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing
Manual: Membrane Roof Systems" apply to Work of this Section.
B. Roofing Systems Manufacturer: Any of the manufacturers whose systems are specified under
"Acceptable Roofing System Manufacturers", and herein called "manufacturer.”
1. ANSI/SPRI FX-1: Standard Field Test Procedure for Determining the Withdrawal
Resistance of Roofing Fasteners.
C. ASTM International:
1. C36/C36M: Standard Specification for Gypsum Wallboard (withdrawn).
2. C67: Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Brick and Structural Clay Tile.
3. C140: Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and
Related Units.
4. C208: Standard Specification for Cellulosic Fiber Insulating Board.
5. C578: Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation.
6. C726: Standard Specification for Mineral Wood Roof Insulation Board.
7. C728: Standard Specification for Perlite Thermal Insulation Board.
8. C1177/C1177M: Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as
9. C1289: Standard Specification for Faced Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate Thermal
Insulation Board.
10. D41/D41M: Standard Specification for Asphalt Primer Used in Roofing, Dampproofing,
and Waterproofing.
11. D312: Standard Specification for Asphalt Used in Roofing.
12. D1668: Standard Specification for Glass Fabrics (Woven and Treated) for Roofing and
13. D2178: Standard Specification for Asphalt Glass Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing.
14. D3617: Standard Practice for Sampling and Analysis of Built-up Roof Systems during
15. D4263: Standard Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet
16. D4586: Standard Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-Free.
17. D4601: Standard Specification for Asphalt-Coated Glass Fiber Base Sheet Used in
18. D4897/D4897M: Standard Specification for Asphalt-Coated Glass-Fiber Venting Base
Sheet Used in Roofing.
19. E108: Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings.
D. FM Global:
1. Class Number 4450: Approval Standard for Class 1 Insulated Steel Deck Roofs.
2. Class Number 4470: Approval Standard for Single-Ply, Polymer-Modified Bitumen Sheet,
Built-Up Roof (BUR) and Liquid Applied Roof Assemblies for use in Class 1 and
Noncombustible Roof Deck Construction.
3. Approval Guide (online resource).
1. Quality Control Guidelines for Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing (Quality
Control Guidelines).
A. General Performance: Installed membrane roofing and base flashings shall withstand specified
uplift pressures, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure due to
defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction. Membrane
roofing and base flashings shall remain watertight.
B. Material Compatibility: Provide roofing materials that are compatible with one another under
conditions of service and application required, as demonstrated by membrane roofing
manufacturer based on testing and field experience.
C. FM Approvals Listing: Provide roofing membrane, base flashings, and component materials
that comply with requirements in FM Approvals 4450 and FM Approvals 4470 as part of a
membrane roofing system. Roofing system must meet the design intent and wind uplift
capabilities associated with the uplift rating requirements listed in this specification and that
are listed in FM Approvals' "RoofNav" for Class 1 or noncombustible construction, as
applicable. Identify materials with FM Approvals markings.
1. Fire/Windstorm Classification: ASTM E108, Class 1A-[60] [75] [90] [105] [120] for
application and roof slopes indicated, based on testing by Underwriters Laboratory.
2. Hail Resistance Rating: SH.
3. Roofing-system Design: Provide roofing system that is identical to systems that have
been successfully tested by qualified testing agency to resist uplift pressure calculated
according to SEI/ASCE 7.
a. Field-of-Roof Uplift Pressure: <Insert number> pounds per square foot.
b. Perimeter Uplift Pressure: <Insert number> pounds per square foot.
c. Corner Uplift Pressure: <Insert number> pounds per square foot.
E. Insulation R-Value: Minimum R-25 Long Term Thermal Resistance (LTTR) as determined in
accordance with CAN/ULC-S770.
G. Roof assembly shall be designed in accordance with the 2015 Houston Commercial Energy
Conservation Code with local Amendments, including the City of Houston Roof Repair and Cool
Roof Guidelines.
A. Coordinate Work to ensure that new insulation and roofing materials and building interior are
kept continuously dry; that continuous, watertight, new roofing system is provided; and that
adjacent areas are not adversely affected. Coordinate:
1. With Owner’s Representative.
2. With other trades:
a. To ensure that work done by other trades is complete and ready for roofing
b. To avoid or minimize work on, or in immediate vicinity of, roofing Work in
progress and completed new roofing.
c. To ensure that subsequent work will not adversely affect completed roofing.
C. Shop Drawings: For roofing system. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and
attachments to other work. Include manufacturer’s reviewed and approved details that are
project specific. Manufacturer’s generic details or replication of Architectural drawings will not
be accepted.
1. Base flashings and membrane terminations. Draw to scale.
2. Tapered insulation layout including, crickets, saddles, and tapered edge strips, including
amount, direction of slopes, and dimensions.
3. Dimensions and locations of all field, perimeter, and corners roof areas.
4. Insulation fastening patterns for field, perimeter, and corners roof areas.
5. Membrane fastening (back-nailing) pattern for roof slopes in excess of 1/2 inch per foot.
6. Walkway pad plan and details.
7. Proposed temporary, watertight, tie-off details for each substrate type.
8. Interfacing details with sheet metal components, including but not limited to:
a. Counterflashing.
b. Stack flashing assemblies.
c. Edge and fascia sections.
d. Interface with coping cap assemblies.
9. Interfacing details with roofing accessories including but not limited to:
a. Equipment curbs.
b. Roof hatches.
c. Expansion joints assemblies.
d. Penetrations.
e. Crickets, saddles, and tapered edge strips, including slopes.
D. Prior to installation of the roof system, provide a written report with fastener withdrawal
values (pull out tests) per ANSI SPRI FX-1 on all projects to verify the suitability of decking to
accept a mechanically fastened insulation and/or membrane roofing system.
B. Installer Qualifications: Experienced firm that has successfully completed roofing work similar
in material, design, and extent to that indicated for Project; that is approved, authorized, or
licensed by roofing-system manufacturer to install roofing-system products; and that is eligible
to receive roofing-system warranty. Must have successful installations of specified materials in
local area in use for minimum of five years.
1. Employ foreman with minimum five years of experience as foreman on similar projects,
who is fluent in English, to be on Site at all times during Work. Do not change foremen
during the course of the Project except for reasons beyond the control of the Installer;
inform Architect/Engineer in advance of any changes.
D. Exterior Fire-Test Exposure: ASTM E 108, Class A; for application and roof slopes indicated, as
determined by testing identical membrane roofing materials by a qualified testing agency.
Materials shall be identified with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency.
F. Testing: At Owners cost, Owner reserves the right to perform wind uplift testing of installed
roof system per FM 1-52. Locations and quantities to be determined by Architect/Engineer.
Independent testing agency with experience and capability to conduct testing indicated, as
documented according to ASTM E548.
G. Pre-Installation Testing: Provide fastener withdrawal testing at metal deck and lightweight
insulating concrete deck areas per the latest version of ANSI/SPRI FX-1 testing procedures to
verify fastener withdrawal resistance and identify fastener quantity and spacing.
H. Environmental Considerations:
1. The Contractor shall ensure through training and proper supervision that the fume
protection device is used correctly and maintained in good working order throughout
the job. Doors, vents, and exhausts shall be kept closed to prevent smoke and fume
escape. Operators failing to use the devices properly shall be dismissed from the job and
replaced by a worker satisfactory to the Engineer.
2. Air Intake: The Contractor shall coordinate with the Roof Engineer and Owner to create
a schedule for all rooftop air handler intake protection during the project.
3. Rooftop Air Intakes: The Owner will close or otherwise adjust rooftop air intakes for
minimum attraction of roofing material fumes from rooftop work.
4. Vent Covers: Contractor shall furnish plastic, charcoal, or other suitable covers for air
intake vents and shall install and remove such covers where requested to do so by the
B. Deliver roofing materials to Project site in original containers with seals unbroken and labeled
with manufacturer's name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, approval or
listing agency markings, and directions for storing and mixing with other components.
C. Keep materials dry and do not allow materials to be exposed to moisture during
transportation, storage, handling, or installation. Store materials in original, undamaged
containers in clean, dry, protected location on raised platforms with weather-protective
coverings, within temperature range required by manufacturer. Protect stored materials from
direct sunlight. Use canvas tarps for protection of moisture-sensitive roofing materials. If
plastic coverings are used, venting of each package is required. Roofing-system manufacturer’s
standard packaging and covering is not considered adequate weather protection. Reject and
remove from Site new materials that exhibit evidence of moisture during application or that
have been exposed to moisture. Store materials in original, undamaged containers in clean,
dry, protected location on raised platforms with weather-protective coverings, within
temperature range required by manufacturer.
E. Select and operate material handling equipment in a safe manner, guarding against damage to
existing construction or newly applied roofing and conforming to manufacturer's
recommendations of handling and storage.
F. Store liquid materials in their original undamaged containers in a clean, dry, protected location
and within the temperature range required by roofing system manufacturer. Protect stored
liquid material from direct sunlight.
1. Discard and legally dispose of liquid material that cannot be applied within its stated
shelf life.
G. Protect roof insulation materials from physical damage and from deterioration by sunlight,
moisture, soiling, and other sources. Store in a dry location. Comply with insulation
manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, and protecting during installation.
Manufacturer's packaging is not considered adequate protection from moisture.
H. Handle and store materials and equipment on structures to safe loading of structure at time
and to avoid permanent deflection of deck. Conspicuously mark wet or damaged materials and
promptly remove from Site. Materials, having been determined by the Owner/Owner's
representative to be damaged, shall be immediately removed from the construction site and
replaced at no cost to the Owner.
J. Do not store materials at locations where new roofing materials have been installed.
K. Remove and replace materials that cannot be applied within stated shelf life.
L. Store flammable materials in a cool, dry area away from sparks and open flames. Follow all
precautions as outlined in manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheets.
A. Safety:
1. Take all necessary precautions regarding worker health and safety when using solvents,
adhesives and hot asphalt.
2. Store flammable liquid and materials away from open sparks, flames and extreme heat.
3. Take necessary precautions when using solvents and adhesives near fresh air intakes.
4. Comply with all OSHA requirements for construction.
B. Daily site cleanup shall be performed to minimize debris and hazardous congestion.
C. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather
conditions e.g. extreme temperature, high winds, high humidity and moisture, permit roofing
system to be installed according to manufacturer's written instructions and warranty
D. Environmental Limitations: Install roofing when existing and forecast weather conditions
permit roofing system to be installed according to roofing-system manufacturer’s written
instructions and warranty requirements.
1. Apply roofing when substrate temperature is falling, and when substrate and ambient
temperatures are within range recommended by roofing-system manufacturer.
2. Do not proceed with installation during inclement weather except for temporary work
necessary to protect building interior and installed materials. Remove temporary work
and Work that becomes moisture damaged.
F. Protect existing roofing from damage from construction activities. Repair damage to existing
roofing from construction activities that result in leakage.
G. Ensure that drains are operational at the end of each workday or if precipitation is forecast.
H. Comply with Owner’s limitations and restrictions for site use and accessibility.
J. Protection:
1. Schedule installation sequence to limit access and utilization of the newly installed
membrane for material storage, construction staging, mechanical and/or excessive foot
2. Protect roofing membrane, building surfaces, paving, and landscaping from traffic and
roofing equipment. Provide temporary walkways constructed of plywood and set on
protective material in traffic and construction areas.
3. Restore or replace all work or materials damaged by the roofing operation.
4. Remove protection materials upon completion of work.
5. Adverse weather could have a detrimental effect on adhesives, general production
efforts or the quality of the finished installation. Contact manufacturer for
recommendations and acceptable tolerances.
K. Daily seal: Ensure that moisture does not penetrate beneath any completed sections of the
roof by sealing temporary roof terminations at the end of each work day and prior to the
arrival of inclement weather. Inspect existing components for moisture intrusion along the
temporary terminations at temporary cut-offs, tie-ins, and night seals after opening the seal on
the next workday. Remove any wet, damp or moisture-damaged materials.
L. All construction debris shall be removed from the construction site and legally disposed of
M. Handle and install materials in strict accordance with safety requirements required by roofing-
system manufacturer; Safety Data Sheets (SDS); and local, state, and federal rules and
regulations. Maintain Safety Data Sheets (SDS) with materials in storage area and available for
ready reference at Site. Handle and install materials in strict accordance with safety
requirements required by roofing-system manufacturer; Safety Data Sheets (SDS); and local,
state, and federal rules and regulations. Maintain Safety Data Sheets (SDS) with materials in
storage area and available for ready reference at Site.
A. During rehabilitation work, existing conditions may be encountered which are not known or
are at variance with the Contract Documents. Such conditions may interfere with the Work
and may consist of damage or deterioration of the substrate or surrounding materials that
could jeopardize the integrity or performance of the Work.
1. Notify Architect of conditions that may interfere with the proper execution of the Work
or jeopardize the performance of the Work prior to proceeding with the Work.
B. Special Installer’s Warranty: Submit roofing Installer's warranty, on warranty form at end of
this Section, signed by Installer, covering the Work of this Section, including all components of
membrane roofing system such as membrane roofing, base flashing, roof insulation, fasteners,
cover boards, substrate boards, vapor retarders, and walkway products, for the following
warranty period:
1. Warranty Period: 5 years from date of Substantial Completion.
C. Maintenance: Along with the issuance of the warranty, a set of instructions shall be included
detailing preventative maintenance and noting a list of harmful substances that may damage
the roofing membrane.
1. Conspicuously mount laminated or otherwise protected roof assembly letter and
warranty at roof hatch upon completion of the Project.
A. Prior to installation of materials, a pre-roofing conference shall be held with the roofing
contractor and Owner/Owner's representative(s) to discuss the specified roofing system and
coordinate its proper application and the expectations of all parties involved. The authorized
roofing contractor and the Owner/Owner's representative shall notify all parties a minimum of
fourteen days prior to the meeting.
B. Plan and coordinate the installation of the roofing system with other trades in such a manner
to avoid membrane damage, keeping the complete installation weather tight and in
accordance with all approved details and warranty requirements.
1. Install roof drains, perimeter walls, and plumbing/ mechanical equipment at proper
elevations above deck prior to roofing in order to accommodate minimum insulation
thickness and base flashing height requirements.
A. All products and components for the roofing system shall be supplied by the roofing system
1. Roofing-system manufacturer shall have at least ten years documented experience and
FM Global approval for roofing system identical to that specified for Project.
B. Components other than those manufactured or supplied by the roofing system manufacturer
shall be submitted for review, prior to ordering. Any product(s) not specifically authorized in
writing for the project by the roofing system manufacturer, shall be considered unacceptable
and their performance excluded from the warranty.
3. Soprema:
a. Bottom Ply: Elastophene 180 Sanded.
b. Cap Sheet: Sopralene 250 FR GR.
4. Cap Sheet to be coated with granules. Granule color: White.
B. Base Flashing Systems: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of
the following, no substitutions:
1. Johns Manville:
a. Backer Sheet: DynaLastic 180.
b. Flashing Sheet: DynaClad (aluminum-foil-surfaced), heat-welded
2. Siplast:
a. Backer Sheet: Paradiene 20 TG.
b. Flashing Sheet: Veral [Aluminum] [Stainless Steel], heat-welded.
3. Soprema:
a. Backer Sheet: Elastophene 180 PS.
b. Flashing Sheet: Sopralast [50 TV ALU] [TV Copper], heat-welded.
4. Flashing sheet to be coated with granules. Granule color to match color of roofing
membrane granules.
5. Glass-Fiber Fabric: ASTM D1668, Type I, woven glass-fiber cloth treated with asphalt
A. ASTM D 6163 Type I, Grade S, and CSA A123.23-15 Type A, Grade 2 for SBS-modified
bituminous sheet materials using glass fiber reinforcements.
A. General: Auxiliary materials recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use
and compatible with roofing membrane.
1. Liquid-type auxiliary materials shall comply with VOC limits of authorities having
2. Adhesives and sealants that are not on the exterior side of weather barrier shall comply
with the following limits for VOC content when calculated according to 40 CFR 59,
Subpart D (EPA Method 24).
E. Asphalt Roofing Cement: ASTM D 4586, asbestos free, of consistency required by roofing-
system manufacturer for application. Do not use unless specifically approved by roofing-
system manufacturer. Do not use for sealing laps in membrane or base flashing, surface or
stripping flashing at equipment penetrations and drains, or repairs to membrane or flashing.
F. Low-rise Urethane Adhesive: Used to adhere insulation and cover board within the roof
assembly, as acceptable to roofing system manufacturer.
G. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal plates complying with corrosion-
resistance provisions in FM Global Class Number 4470, and acceptable to roofing system
1. Designed for fastening roofing membrane components to substrate and tested by
manufacturer for required pullout strength.
H. Metal Flashing Sheet: As specified in Division 07 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim.”
I. Roofing Granules: Ceramic-coated roofing granules, No. 11 screen size with 100 percent
passing No. 8 sieve and 98 percent of mass retained on No. 40 sieve, color to match roofing
L. Lead flashing for Roof Drains: Not allowed. Use liquid-applied flashings at roof drains with
manufacturer liquid-flashing drain details.
B. For insulation that will be placed using adhesive, board sizes shall not exceed 4 ft. by 4 ft.
maximum. Largest appropriate sized insulation boards, but not exceeding 4 ft. by 4 ft. as
appropriate, shall be installed where possible. Using multiple smaller sized sections of
insulation where larger sections would be more appropriate shall not be allowed.
C. Polyisocyanurate Flat Board Insulation: ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 1, Grade 2, felt or glass-
fiber mat facer on both major surfaces; 25-pounds-per-square-inch-minimum compressive
strength in accordance with ASTM D1621; and meet flame spread requirements of ASTM E84.
E. Cover Boards: ASTM C1177; water-resistant, gypsum substrate, 4 feet by 4 feet in size. Edges
of material that are 1/2 inch or taller will require the use of tapered edge strips to taper edge
to zero inches.
1. Acceptable Products:
a. 1/2 inch Securock as manufactured by United States Gypsum.
b. 1/2 inch DensDeck Prime as manufactured by GPC.
F. Fire Resistance:
1. Flame spread 0, smoke developed 0, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84.
Noncombustible when tested in accordance with ASTM E136.
B. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion-
resistance provisions in FM Approvals 4470, designed for fastening roof insulation to
substrate, and acceptable to roofing system manufacturer.
D. Tapered Edge and Cant Strips: ASTM C728, perlite insulation board.
A. Walkway Pads: Same granulated cap sheet product as used in the field area of the roof and as
1. Granule Color: Gray.
2. Size: As standard with manufacturer.
A. The roofing contractor is responsible for ensuring appropriate system specific addendums
from manufacturer.
B. The roofing contractor is responsible for determining that the substrate surface is suitable for
the proper installation of the Roofing System, roof insulation, and specified components.
C. Application of the roofing system constitutes an agreement that the roofing contractor has
inspected and found the substrate suitable for the installation of the Roofing System.
D. The roofing contractor is responsible for coordinating the installation to ensure that the
system remains watertight at the end of each working day.
A. The roofing contractor is responsible for verifying that the deck condition and/or existing roof
construction is suitable for the specified installation of the Roofing System..
B. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with the
following requirements and other conditions affecting performance of roofing system:
1. Verify that roof openings and penetrations are in place and curbs are set and braced and
that roof drain bodies are securely clamped in place.
2. Verify that wood cants, blocking, curbs and nailers are securely anchored to roof deck at
penetrations and terminations and that nailers match thicknesses of insulation.
3. Verify that surface plane flatness and fastening of steel roof deck complies with
requirements in Section 05 3123 "Steel Decking.”
4. Verify that minimum concrete drying period recommended by roofing system
manufacturer has passed.
5. Verify that concrete substrate is visibly dry and free of moisture. Test for capillary
moisture by plastic sheet method according to ASTM D 4263.
6. Verify that concrete-curing compounds that will impair adhesion of roofing components
to roof deck have been removed.
7. The application of adhesives directly to structural concrete; existing smooth and/or
granular BUR materials may require sealing or priming with an accepted asphalt primer
prior to application.
8. Verify that deck is securely fastened with no projecting fasteners and with no adjacent
units in excess of 1/16 inch out of plane relative to adjoining deck.
9. Examine surfaces for low areas that will not drain properly, foreign material, ice, wet
insulation, unevenness or any other defect that would prevent the proper execution and
quality application of the Roofing System as specified.
C. Prepared substrate shall be smooth, dry, and free of debris and/or any other irregularities
which would interfere with the proper installation of the Roofing System. Proceed with
installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
E. Provide fastener withdrawal values (pull out tests) per ANSI SPRI FX-1 on all projects to verify
the suitability of decking to accept a mechanically fastened insulation or membrane roofing
F. Notify Architect in writing of conditions which may adversely affect installation or performance
of roofing Work and recommend corrections.
G. Do not proceed with roofing Work until adverse conditions have been corrected and reviewed
by Architect.
A. Take precautions to ensure safety of people, including building users, passers-by, and
workmen, and animals, and protection of property, including adjacent building elements,
landscaping, and motor vehicles.
B. Prevent construction debris and other materials from coming into contact with pedestrians,
motor vehicles, landscaping, buildings, and other surfaces that could be harmed by such
C. Protect paving and sidewalks, and adjacent building areas from mechanical damage due to
scaffolding and other equipment.
E. Erect temporary protective canopies, as necessary, over walkways and at points of pedestrian
and vehicular access that must remain in service during Work.
F. Comply with roofing-system manufacturer’s written instructions for protecting building and
other surfaces against damage from exposure to its products.
G. Cover adjacent surfaces with materials that are proven to resist roofing materials.
H. Assume responsibility for injury to persons or damage to property due to Work and remedy at
no cost to Owner.
A. Coordinate Work to ensure that new insulation and roofing materials and building interior are
kept continuously dry and that continuous, watertight, new roofing system is provided.
1. With Owner’s Representative.
2. With other trades to avoid or minimize work on, or in immediate vicinity of, installation
in progress and completed new roofing.
3. To avoid or minimize adverse effects on completed new roofing.
4. Ensure that drains are operational at end of each workday or if precipitation is forecast.
A. Steel Deck:
1. Steel decking shall conform to Factory Mutual (FM) guidelines for Class-1 insulated steel
deck construction.
2. Steel decking shall be constructed of a minimum 22 gauge cold rolled steel sheets with
factory G-90 galvanized coating.
3. Panel profiles (ribs) shall be formed to minimize deflection and provide suitable strength
and integrity to support anticipated structural live and dead loads.
4. Steel decking shall be installed in compliance with specified design criteria and local
building code requirements.
3. Finished decking shall be properly cured and dry, prior to the installation of approved
4. Finished surface(s) to receive new roof system shall be smooth and level without
significant surface depressions or irregularities. Camber differentials greater than 3/16
inch must be leveled using a cementitious grout.
5. Finished surfaces shall be free of moisture, dust, loose debris and any other irregularity
that may hinder the proper performance of the new Roofing System.
6. Verify that concrete substrate is visibly dry and free of moisture. Test for capillary
moisture by plastic sheet method according to ASTM D 4263.
A. General:
1. Roofing Contractor shall be responsible for informing the Owner of any issues in regard
to the condition and structural integrity of the existing decking.
2. The Owner/Owner representative shall make and be responsible for the determination
as to the proper method of treatment and/or replacement.
3. Re-roofing applications shall require fastener withdrawal tests to substantiate proposed
attachment patterns for the new mechanically fastened insulation systems and/or
4. Re-roofing applications that require modification to the deck and/or insulation system
shall be installed to provide positive slope and subsequent positive drainage of the new
Roofing System.
5. All terminations of the Roofing System shall be constructed to prevent water from
penetrating behind or beneath the new Roofing System. This includes water from
above, beside, below and beneath the new system.
C. Steel Decks:
1. All rotted and/or deteriorated decking shall be removed and replaced with like kind.
Deck is to be screwed or welded into place with side and end laps matching Steel Deck
Institute (SDI) specifications for such installation or the Drawings in these Specifications,
whichever is the most stringent.
2. Areas of structurally acceptable steel decking exhibiting slight surface rust shall be
properly cleaned with a wire brush, primed and painted prior to installing the approved
3. All decking shall be inspected for proper attachment and excessive deflection that would
compromise the uplift performance of the new Roofing System.
4. Attachment and deflection deficiencies shall be repaired and brought into compliance
with current, local building code requirements.
D. Concrete:
1. Repair or replace deteriorated decking with appropriate materials according to standard
industry regulations and practices.
2. Repair depressions or areas where reinforcing has become exposed. Properly patch
substrate defects (such as voids, form tie holes, honeycombing, and cracks) with latex-
modified concrete or another material acceptable to roofing-system manufacturer and
3. When new insulation system is to be installed using hot asphalt or an approved
a. Cracks and or camber differentials greater than 3/16 inch shall be repaired using
an appropriate cementitious grout or fill, and feathered to promote a smooth
b. Joints between pre-stressed panel units and over bulb-tees shall be taped,
stripped or grouted with an appropriate cementitious fill.
c. All surface irregularities shall be leveled to ensure complete contact with the
decking for insulation bonded in hot asphalt or approved adhesives.
4. Where insulation is to be mechanically attached or ballasted, camber differentials
and/or surface irregularities of up to 1/2 inch shall be acceptable.
5. Verify that concrete substrate is visibly dry and free of moisture. Test for capillary
moisture by plastic sheet method according to ASTM D 4263.
6. Verify that concrete curbs, expansion joints, and transitions from one surface plane to
another (inside and outside corners) are cleanly formed and free of broken edges and
excess concrete.
7. Remove grease, oil, asphalt solids, form-release agents, paints, curing compounds, and
other penetrating contaminants or film-forming coatings from concrete. Thoroughly
sweep substrate and clean with oil-free compressed air.
F. Plywood Substrates:
1. Clean and prepare plywood substrate according to roofing-system manufacturer’s
written instructions. Provide clean, dust-free, and dry substrate for roofing application.
2. Remove and replace plywood that is damaged, that cannot easily be cleaned, or that
does not meet the requirements of roofing-system manufacturer. Use exterior-grade
plywood that conforms to APA standards.
3. Verify that plywood is fastened with non-projecting screws. If not, supplement existing
fastening with new corrosion-resistant screws.
E. Prohibit foot traffic and equipment movement over roofing system until adhesive has cured.
Minimize foot traffic and equipment movement over base ply prior to installation of
membrane top ply/cap sheet.
A. Install temporary roof/ vapor retarder over properly prepared deck substrate in accordance
with the roof assembly letter to achieve design wind pressure throughout the system and in
accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
1. Completely seal at terminations, obstructions, and penetrations to prevent air
movement into roofing system.
A. General:
1. Damaged corners shall be cut out and replaced with an insulation piece a minimum of
12 inch x 12 inch. Pieces that are cut from larger panels and are smaller than one square
foot are not acceptable.
2. Install no more material than what can be covered during the same working day.
3. When a cover board and/or multiple layers are installed each layer shall be offset from
the previous layer a minimum of 12 inch on center.
4. At the end of each working day, provide a watertight cover on all unused insulation as to
avoid moisture penetration.
B. Insulation Installation:
1. Comply with roofing system manufacturer's written instructions for installing roof
2. Roof insulation shall be installed whereby the long dimension of the board(s) run in
parallel alignment and the short dimensions are staggered.
3. Insulation shall be installed with minimum joint dimensions and shall be tightly butted
where possible.
a. Cut and fit insulation within 1/4 inch of nailers, projections and penetrations.
b. Fill gaps exceeding 1/4 inch with insulation.
4. Install one or more layers of insulation to achieve required thickness. Where overall
insulation thickness is 2 inches or greater, install two or more layers with joints of each
succeeding layer staggered from joints of previous layer at least 6 inches in each
5. Trim surface of insulation where necessary at roof drains so finished surface is flush with
top of drain-bowl flange and does not restrict flow of water.
1. For metal roof decks, install the base layer of insulation and secure to deck using
mechanical fasteners specifically designed and sized for fastening specified board-type
roof insulation to deck type. Subsequent layers of insulation shall be set in adhesive as
roof assembly allows to achieve design wind pressures.
2. Fasten insulation according to requirements in FM Approvals' "RoofNav" for specified
Windstorm Resistance Classification
a. Fasten insulation to resist uplift pressure at corners, perimeter, and field of roof.
E. Adhered Insulation:
1. Board sizes shall not exceed 4 ft. by 4 ft. maximum. Largest appropriately-sized boards
approaching, but not exceeding 4 ft. by 4 ft. as appropriate, shall be installed where
possible. The use of multiple, smaller sized sections of insulation where larger sections
would be more appropriate shall not be allowed.
2. For insulation that will be installed using adhesive (not mechanically attached), provide
adequate temporary ballast on insulation boards that is sufficient to fully compress each
board into the adhesive until adhesive has set.
3. Install insulation with long joints of insulation in a continuous straight line with end
joints staggered between rows, abutting edges and ends between boards. Fill gaps
exceeding 1/4 inch with insulation.
1. Install cover boards over insulation with long joints in continuous straight lines with end
joints staggered between rows.
2. Offset joints a minimum of 6 inches in each direction from joints of insulation below.
3. Loosely butt cover boards together.
4. Tape joints if required by roofing system manufacturer.
5. Adhere cover boards according to requirements in FM Approvals' "RoofNav" for
specified Windstorm Resistance Classification.
6. Adhere cover boards to resist uplift pressure at corners, perimeter, and field of roof.
7. Apply low-rise foam adhesive to underside, and bond cover board to substrate. Fill all
voids greater than 1/4-inch with insulation to avoid thermal energy loss.
8. Provide adequate temporary ballast on cover boards that is sufficient to fully compress
each board into the adhesive until adhesive has set.
C. Where roof slope exceeds 1/2 inch per 12 inches, install roofing membrane sheets parallel
with slope.
1. Back nail roofing membrane sheets to substrate according to roofing system
manufacturer's written instructions.
D. Cooperate with testing agencies engaged or required to perform services for installing roofing
E. Coordinate installation of roofing system so insulation and other components of the roofing
membrane system not permanently exposed are not subjected to precipitation or left
uncovered at the end of the workday or when rain is forecast.
1. At end of each day's work, provide tie-offs to cover exposed roofing membrane sheets
and insulation. Tarp and weights are not acceptable for tie-offs. Heat weld or use self-
adhering membrane with minimum 12 inch lap with existing roof.
2. Complete terminations and base flashings and provide temporary seals to prevent water
from entering completed sections of roofing system.
3. Remove and discard temporary seals before beginning work on adjoining roofing.
G. Temporary Seals:
1. At the end of each working day or at the sign of rain, install temporary, 100% watertight
seal(s) where the completed new roofing adjoins the uncovered deck or existing roof
2. The authorized roofing contractor shall create and maintain the temporary seal in such a
manner to prevent water from traveling beneath the new and/or existing roof system.
3. If water is allowed to enter beneath the newly completed roofing, the affected area(s)
shall be removed and replaced at no additional expense to the Owner.
4. Prior to the commencement of work, cut out and remove all contaminated membrane,
insulation, roof cement or sealant and properly dispose off-site.
A. SBS-Modified-Bitumen Membrane Installation: Install roofing membrane base ply and cap
1. Install all roofing membrane and flashing systems and all accessory components in
accordance with the Drawings and Specifications; unless the manufacturers printed
instructions are more stringent. Request for clarification shall be submitted in writing to
the Architect/Engineer.
B. Unroll sheets, turn upside down, and allow to relax for minimum time period required by
manufacturer before installing. Cut cap sheet into lengths no longer than half the roll length
and round corners. The material may be re-rolled for final application.
C. Cut out factory splices in top ply. Alternately, cover splice with full-width section of top-ply
membrane that extends at least 6 inches beyond sides of splice.
D. Accurately align sheets without stretching and maintain uniform side and end laps of minimum
dimensions required by roofing-system manufacturer for selvage and non-selvage laps.
7. Cut out wrinkles and fish-mouths and repair with same number of plies removed.
8. Prepare and prime non-selvage laps as recommended by roofing-system manufacturer.
9. Continuously bond and seal laps, leaving no voids.
10. Repair wrinkles and voids in lapped seams.
F. Install modified bituminous roofing membrane cap sheet according to roofing manufacturer's
written instructions.
1. No membrane phasing allowed. The final ply may be delayed up to five days upon
advance written approval of the material manufacturer warranting the roof. Prior to
installation of the cap sheet, inspect the underlying plies, repair all voids, fish-mouths,
cuts, or abrasions, and completely clean the roof. Ensure that all imbedded flashings are
installed and stripped in. Sweep off all loose dirt and where dirt has become imbedded,
prime the area prior to commencing application of the FR cap sheet.
G. No Foot Traffic on New Membrane: Set up points, charge points, debris chutes, asphalt filling
points, drinking water containers and all other destination facilities shall be located in such a
way as to preclude traffic over the newly installed membrane. No workers shall walk on the
newly completed membrane for at least thirty minutes after installation to allow for cooling of
the asphalt to prevent compression and displacement of asphalt due to point loading or
concentration of weight due to a person's foot or equipment.
H. Embed loose cool roof granules in bleed out or cool roof reflective coating, in accordance with
the membrane manufacturer’s recommendations, at side and end laps and at minor asphalt,
primer, or adhesive spillage on finished membrane surfaces.
J. Accurately align roofing membrane sheets, without stretching, and maintain uniform side and
end laps. Stagger end laps. Completely bond and seal laps, leaving no voids.
1. Repair tears and voids in laps and lapped seams not completely sealed.
2. Apply roofing granules to cover exuded bead at laps while bead is hot.
3. Prepare and prime non-selvage laps as recommended by roofing-system manufacturer.
K. Install roofing membrane sheets so side and end laps shed water.
L. Ridge and Hip Cap Ply: One full-width sheet modified bitumen granulated surface sheet shall
be run the full length of the ridge and hips and carefully torched in place. All run-out asphalt at
the laps and sides shall be covered with granules.
A. General: Install base flashing over cant strips and other sloping and vertical surfaces, at roof
edges, and at penetrations through roof, and secure to substrate according to roofing-system
manufacturer’s written instructions.
B. Prime concrete, masonry, and metal substrates with asphalt primer if required by roofing-
system manufacturer. Allow primer to dry before installing base flashing.
C. Accurately align base flashing sheets without stretching, and maintain uniform side and end
laps required by roofing-system manufacturer for selvage and non-selvage laps.
D. Embed all flashings particularly at the top and bottom of the cant to avoid bridging. Bridging of
wall flashings shall be considered defective workmanship and flashings with voids or bridging
shall be removed and replace.
E. Start wall and curb base flashing at low point of roof deck and shingle with slope of deck.
F. Flashing plies shall not exceed 39 inches in width. Extend base flashing plies to top of curbs, to
within 1 inch of counterflashing reglets, at least 8 inches above finished surface of roofing
system, and 4 inches onto field of roofing membrane. At locations where height of wall
exceeds height acceptable to roofing-system manufacturer, comply with recommendations of
roofing-system manufacturer for flashing high walls. Recommendations include flashing in two
stages: bottom half to recommended maximum height preceded by top half over remainder of
G. Bond and seal laps, leaving no voids. Repair wrinkles and voids in laps and lapped seams.
Prepare and prime non-selvage laps as recommended by roofing-system manufacturer.
H. Install at least one ply of base flashing membrane same day that roofing membrane is installed
to provide temporary watertight seal
1. Flashing Sheet Application: Install cold adhesive, torch apply or heat-weld the
manufacturer's base flashing into place. The side laps shall extend at least 6 inches over
one another and shall exhibit no bridging or voids. Lap seams so that the top finishing
ply shall never coincide with the lap seams in underlying plies or layers.
2. Cut sheets off end of roll and install vertically, working to selvage edge.
3. For sheets without selvage edges or where selvage edge cannot be provided, limit
length of sheets to 5 feet maximum. Prepare and prime non-selvage edges as
recommended by roofing-system manufacturer.
4. Stagger end lap seams in top ply at least 6 inches from lap seams in bottom plies.
I. Extend base flashing up walls or parapets a minimum of 8 inches above roofing membrane and
four inches onto field of roofing membrane.
J. Mechanically fasten top of base flashing securely at terminations and perimeter of roofing
using termination bar. Install termination bars fastened at 8 inches on-center at the top of the
flashing prior to application of metal counterflashing. Termination bars are not a substitute for
saw-cut reglets or counterflashings, but shall be considered only secondary securement.
K. At Perimeters:
1. Prime both sides of metal edging, gravel stop, and gutter flanges, and allow to dry tacky
to the touch.
L. Install roofing membrane cap-sheet stripping where metal flanges and edgings are set on
membrane roofing according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions.
M. Roof Drains:
1. Sump insulation a minimum of 24 inches in each direction as measure from the center
of the drain.
2. Install membrane bottom plies. Extend one inch beyond inside edge of drain bowl
3. Install liquid-flashing around drains in accordance with manufacturer’s details and
installation instructions.
4. Install additional 40-inch-by-40-inch, base-flashing, backer sheet or bottom ply over
5. Install membrane cap sheet over base flashing. Extend 1 inch beyond inside edge of
drain bowl flange.
6. Trim flashing as necessary to 1 inch from inside edge of drain bowl flange.
7. Install clamping ring and drain strainer:
a. Install clamping ring same day that base flashing is installed to prevent water
back-up under membrane.
b. Remove and reinstall clamping ring when membrane top-ply is installed, if
installed at later time.
c. Securely fasten clamping ring to provide continuous compression of drain
d. Install strainer dome.
8. At end of project, test drains for water-tightness and ensure that drains flow freely.
N. Through-Wall Scuppers:
1. All through-wall scupper, metal shall be primed with asphalt primer, and stripped in
with two plies of modified bitumen flashing premium grade material adhered with an
approved flashing mastic, or liquid-applied flashing. All corners, splices, and joints shall
be soldered to provide a watertight seal.
A. Refer to general base flashing installation requirements and the following additional
1. At wood curbs for equipment and expansion joint assemblies, extend base ply of
flashing membrane up and over top of curb, and secure with nails to blocking.
2. Extend cap flashing membrane sheet up vertical surface of curb and terminate at top
edge as shown on Drawings. For expansion joint locations, seal top edge of cap sheet
with mastic. Securement shall be by fasteners that attach expansion joint assembly to
3. For curbs where integral sheet metal flashing is used but not attached to face of curb,
install termination bar through cap sheet as shown on Drawings with fasteners at 6
inches on center.
4. Equipment Penetrations. Flash per Drawing details or per roofing-system
manufacturer’s recommendations.
5. Prime flange of sheet-metal flashing, allow to dry, and set in modified-bitumen mastic.
6. Apply sealant at base flashing termination on sheet metal flashing.
A. Walkway Pads: Install walkway pads using units of size indicated or, if not indicated, of
manufacturer's standard size according to walkway pad manufacturer's written instructions.
1. Fully adhere walkway pads.
B. Use only full-size units, except partial units at corners if necessary to provide neat, finished
C. Provide two inches minimum between adjacent units. Extend walkway six inches minimum
beyond edges of equipment or supports.
E. Cap Sheet Strips: Set strips, in lengths not exceeding 10 feet, in heavy application of asphalt
mastic or same bitumen used to install roofing system, in accordance with recommendations
of walkway and roofing-system manufacturers. Walkways shall be fully adhered to roofing cap
F. Walkway protection material shall be installed in the following locations whether shown on
the Drawings or not:
A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage qualified, independent testing and inspection agency to
perform roof inspections and tests, and to prepare reports.
B. Architect/Engineer and Testing Agency will inspect roofing system at various stages of
construction and at completion.
C. Test Cuts: Test specimens will be removed to evaluate problems observed during quality-
assurance inspections of roofing membrane as follows:
D. Infrared Survey: If roofing cap sheet is not installed immediately after the smooth surfaced
base sheet is installed (Phased Construction), contractor shall provide an infrared survey of
entire roof area. Survey shall be performed by organization that is approved by the Architect.
Infra-red survey and subsequent report shall be performed prior to the installation of the
roofing cap sheet.
E. Manufacturer’s Inspections: Arrange for the roofing systems manufacturer to provide qualified
technical personnel for onsite observation and instruction full time at beginning of membrane
installation to establish project standard and thereafter as the manufacturer deems necessary,
but not less than one time every two weeks when roofing membrane and related work is being
performed. A field observation report from each visit will be generated and submitted to the
Architect within 48 hours of the visit.
F. Final Roof Inspection: Arrange for roofing system manufacturer's technical personnel to
inspect roofing installation on completion. Notify Architect and Owner 48 hours in advance of
date and time of inspection. Roofing system will be considered defective if it does not pass
tests and inspections.
G. When remaining construction will not affect or endanger roofing, inspect roofing for
deterioration and damage, and describe nature and extent of deterioration and damage in
written report, with copies to Architect/Engineer and Owner.
H. Repair or remove and replace components of roofing system where test results or inspections
indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements.
A. Protect roofing system from damage and wear during remainder of construction period.
B. At the end of each workday, clean Site and Work areas and place rubbish, empty cans, rags,
and other discarded materials in appropriate containers.
C. Correct deficiencies in or remove roofing system that does not comply with requirements,
repair substrates, and repair or reinstall roofing system to a condition free of damage and
deterioration at time of Substantial Completion and according to warranty requirements.
Repair surfaces stained, marred, or otherwise damaged during roofing Work.
D. Clean overspray and spillage from adjacent construction using cleaning agents and procedures
recommended by manufacturer of affected construction. Exercise care to avoid scratching or
damage to surfaces.
E. Accompany the manufacturer’s technical inspector and assist with equipment and workmen if
necessary to provide access to the roof. Correct all defects noted during the inspection
F. Clean up debris and surplus materials and remove from Site. Follow Project waste
management procedures:
1. Collect surplus roofing materials that cannot be reused and deliver to recycling or
disposal facility.
2. Treat materials that cannot be reused as hazardous waste and dispose of in an
appropriate manner
A. The installation of lightning protection shall be coordinated with the authorized roofing
contractor, certified lightning contractor and Owner.
B. The lightning protection shall be installed in such a manner that base plates, air terminals and
cables do not penetrate the roofing membrane without the use of pre-approved flashing
C. Cables and air terminals shall be attached to the membrane by using base plates and an
approved construction adhesive or by welding intermittent strips of membrane over the base
plates and cables to the roofing. Contact manufacturer for specific adhesive
A. Remove any and all debris, excess materials and scrap of any kind from the roof and
surrounding premises prior to demobilization.
B. Inspect all field welds, detailing and terminations to ensure a 100 percent watertight
A. Upon completion of the Project, the Contractor shall complete and submit the Project
Completion Notice to manufacturer.
C. Any corrections or modifications necessary for compliance with the specifications and
acceptance for warranty (punch list) shall be noted on the Final Inspection for Warranty form.
D. Upon completion of all punch list items and final acceptance of the installation, a warranty as
authorized by the manufacturer shall be issued to Owner.