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CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications

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Programming Specifications


Device Programming Specifications

Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Cypress Semiconductor
198 Champion Court
San Jose, CA 95134-1709

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2 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G


1. Introduction 5
1.1 Programmer.................................................................................................................5
1.2 Introduction to CY8CMBR3xxx ....................................................................................6

2. Required Data 7
2.1 Hex File Origin .............................................................................................................7
2.2 Nonvolatile Subsystem ................................................................................................7
2.3 Organization of the Hex File ........................................................................................7

3. Communication Interface 9
3.1 The Protocol Stack ......................................................................................................9
3.2 I2C Interface ................................................................................................................9
3.3 Physical Layer ...........................................................................................................10
3.4 Hardware Access Commands ...................................................................................14
3.5 Pseudocode...............................................................................................................14

4. Programming Algorithm 17
4.1 High-Level Programming Flow ..................................................................................17
4.2 Subroutines used in Programming Flow ....................................................................17
4.3 Step 1 – Acquire Chip................................................................................................20
4.4 Step 2 – Check Silicon ID ..........................................................................................23
4.5 Step 3 – Program Flash .............................................................................................24
4.6 Step 4 – Verify Flash .................................................................................................26
4.7 Step 5 – Release Chip...............................................................................................27

A. Intel Hex File Format 29

B. I2C Protocol - Packets and Signals 31

B.1 Data Validity..............................................................................................................32

Revision History 33

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 3

4 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G
1. Introduction

This programming spec gives the information necessary to program the nonvolatile memory of the CY8CMBR3xxx devices. It
describes a communication protocol that an external programmer will access, explains the programming algorithm, and gives
electrical specifications of the physical connection.

1.1 Programmer
A programmer is a hardware-software system that stores a binary program (hexadecimal file) in the silicon's program (flash)
memory. The programmer is an essential component of the engineer's prototyping environment or an integral element of the
manufacturing environment (mass programming). The high-level diagram of the development environment is illustrated in
Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1. Programmer in Development Environment

(EZ-Click 2.0 ) ( CY8CMBR3xxx )

Software Middleware Hardware

In the manufacturing environment, the IDE block is absent because its main purpose is to produce a hex file.

As shown in Figure 1-1, the programmer performs three functions:

 Parses the hex file; extracts necessary information
 Interfaces with the silicon as an I2C master
 Implements the programming algorithm by translating the hex data into I2C signals

The structure of the programmer depends on its exploiting requirements. It can be software or firmware centric:

Software centric: The programmer's hardware works as a bridge between the protocol (such as USB) and I2C. All I2C com-
mands are passed to the hardware through the protocol from an external device (software). The bridge is not involved in the
parsing of the hex file and programming algorithm – the upper layer (software) performs this task. Examples of such program-
mers are the Cypress MiniProg3 and TrueTouchBridge.

Firmware centric: This is an independent hardware design in which all the functions of the programmer are contained in one
device, including storage for the hex file. Its main purpose is to be a mass programmer in manufacturing.

This document does not include the specific implementation of the programmer. It focuses on data flow, algorithms, and phys-
ical interfacing.

It specifically covers the following topics, which correspond to the three functions of the programmer:
 Data to be programmed
 Interface with the chip
 Algorithm used to program the target device

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 5


1.2 Introduction to CY8CMBR3xxx

The CY8CMBR3xxx family is an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) device for CapSense end applications. This
device does not require any coding; instead, it has configuration registers that are programmed through an I2C-Bus.

The nonvolatile subsystem of the silicon consists of a flash memory system with a maximum of 128 bytes. The flash memory
system stores the device configuration information.

The part can be programmed after it is installed in the system by way of the I2C interface (in-system programming). The char-
acteristics of the I2C slave interface are:
 Communication speed is up to 400 kHz.
 No bus stalling – no clock-stretching
 The I2C address is configurable through the I2C register map.

This document focuses on the specific programming operations without referencing the silicon architecture. Many important
topics are detailed in the Appendices. Most of the other material appears in the CY8CMBR3xxx datasheet.

The Appendices in this document are:

 Appendix A. Intel Hex File Format
 Appendix B. I2C Protocol - Packets and Signals

6 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

2. Required Data

This chapter describes the information that the programmer The flash memory is mapped directly to the I/O registers of
must extract from the hex file to program the the silicon; 128 bytes of flash configure 0x00-0x7F registers
CY8CMBR3xxx silicon. of the Device Configuration state. Programmer extracts all
128 bytes from the hex file.
2.1 Hex File Origin For more information about registers and operating states,
refer to the CY8CMBR3xxx datasheet.
Customers use the EZ-Click GUI to develop their projects.
After the project development, the nonvolatile configuration
of the silicon is saved in the hex file. Only one record in this 2.3 Organization of the Hex File
file actually targets the flash memory:
The hexadecimal (hex) file is a medium to describe the non-
 Device configuration registers
volatile configuration of the project. It is the data source for
Other records are auxiliary and are used to keep the integ- the programmer.
rity of the programming flow.
The hex file for the CY8CMBR3xxx family follows the Intel
Hex File format. Because Intel's specification is generic, it
2.2 Nonvolatile Subsystem defines only some types of records that can make up the
The flash memory is organized into one bank of 128 bytes. hex file. The specification allows customizing the format for
The programming granularity is one bank at a time. essentially any possible silicon architecture. The functional
meaning of the records is defined by the silicon vendor and
The bank represents the registers of the Device Configura- typically varies for different chip families. See Appendix A:
tion state. During the silicon's start-up (after HW/SW reset), Intel Hex File Format on page 29 for details of the Intel Hex
the re-programmed functionality is loaded into the corre- File Format.
sponding volatile memory (registers).
The CY8CMBR3xxx family defines three types of data sec-
Figure 2-1 shows the flash organization and how it maps to tions in the hex file: configuration flash, checksum, and
the I/O space of the silicon. metadata. See Figure 2-2 to determine the allocation of
Figure 2-1. Nonvolatile Subsystem these sections in the address space of the Intel Hex File.

The address space of the hex file does not map to the phys-
Device Configuration ical addresses of the I/O registers of the silicon. Program-
mer uses hex addresses (see Figure 2-2) to read sections
0x00 from the hex file into its local buffer. Later, this data is pro-
0x01 grammed (translated) into the corresponding addresses of
0x02 the silicon.
. Stored in


1 byte

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 7

Required Data

Figure 2-2. Organization of Hex File for the CY8CMBR3xxx  I2C Write Address: This I2C address must be used dur-
Family ing the programming step. Note that after the device is
programmed by this file, its I2C address can be changed
0x0000 0000 128 bytes (the new address is effective only after a reset or power
cycle). Therefore, during the second and next program-
Configuration ming cycles, the programmer must use the I2C Verify
Flash Address. This field makes sense for the first program-
ming cycle.
 I2C Verify Address: Use this I2C address during the ver-
ification step. Note that after the first programming cycle,
0x9030 0000 2 bytes
the I2C Write and I2C Verify addresses will be the same.
0x9050 0000
The correct use of the I2C Write and I2C Verify
7 bytes
Metadata addresses will be covered later in this document.
 Device ID: This three-byte value defines the part number
for which this hex file is generated. These three bytes
- unused space N Bytes - populated space
reflect the content of FAMILY_ID and DEVICE_ID[0-1]
registers in the memory map. For example, for
CY8CMBR3002 the Device ID is "0x9A (family_id), 0x0A
0x0000 0000 - Configuration Data (128 bytes), which must (silicon_id_high), 0x00 (silicon_id_low)". The program-
be programmed into the flash. These bytes configure the mer uses this field to check whether the hex file corre-
CY8CMBR3xxx device during boot. sponds to the target chip. See Table 2-2 to understand
the correspondence between the ID in hex and the
0x9030 0000 - Checksum (2 bytes) of all the bytes in the
memory map.
Configuration Flash (128 bytes). The checksum is the arith-
metical sum of every byte in the user's flash. The 2-byte Table 2-2. Device ID in Hex and Memory Map
result is saved in this section in the Big-Endian format (MSB Device ID
I2C Register Description
byte is first). This record must be used by the programmer to (in hex)
check the integrity of the hex file. Integrity means that the 0x91 Meta Data [4] High ID
"Checksum" and "Configuration Flash" sections must corre- 0x90 Meta Data [5] Low ID
late in this file. 0x8F Meta Data [6] Family ID
0x9050 0000 - Meta Data (7 bytes). This section contains
data, which is not programmed into flash. These are param-
eters for the programmer used during programming. The
meaning of the fields in this section are listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Meta Data in Hex File

Offset Data Type Length in Bytes

0x00 Hex file version 2 (big-endian)
0x02 I2C write address 1
0x04 Device ID (High) 1
0x05 Device ID (Low) 1
0x06 Device ID (Family) 1

 Hex file version: This 2-byte field in Cypress's hex-file

defines its version (or type). The version for the
CY8CMBR3xxx family is "0x0101". The programmer
should use this field to check if the provided file corre-
sponds to the target device, or to select the appropriate
parsing algorithm if it supports some families.

8 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

3. Communication Interface

This chapter explains the low-level details of the communi- The I2C Interface and Physical Layer are the lower-layer
cation interface. protocols. Note that the physical layer is the complete hard-
ware specification of the signals and interfacing pins, and
includes drive modes, voltage levels, resistance, and other
3.1 The Protocol Stack components. The upper protocols are logical and algorith-
Figure 3-1 illustrates the stack of protocols involved in the mic levels.
programming process. The programmer must implement The purpose of the I2C interface layer is to be a bridge
both hardware and software components. between pure software and hardware implementations. The
Figure 3-1. Programmer’s Protocol Stack “Programming Algorithms” protocol is implemented com-
pletely in the software; its smallest building block is the I2C
command. The whole programming algorithm is the mean-
Programming Algorithm ingful flow of these blocks. The I2C interface helps to isolate
(Step 1 … Step N) the programming algorithm from hardware specifics, which
makes the algorithm reusable. The I2C interface must trans-
form the software representation of these commands into
I2C Read / Write
line signals (digital form).

I2C – Interface
(Hardware Access Commands) 3.2 I2C Interface
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) is the industry-standard com-
munication interface developed by Phillips Semiconductors
Logical I2C signal
(now NXP Semiconductors). It is a synchronous, serial, 8-bit
oriented, bidirectional 2-wire bus that implements a master/
Physical Layer slave relationship with 128 slaves on the bus. The I2C stan-
(Signals, interfacing with chip) dard defines the following working modes: Standard (up to
100 kHz), Fast (up to 400 kHz), Fast-mode + (up to 1 MHz),
Signals on the Line or High Speed (up to 3.4 MHz). The complete bus specifica-
tion can be found on the official NXP website. Designers of
I2C-compatible chips must use the I2C-Bus specification
and user manual (UM10204) as a reference to ensure that
The Programming Algorithm protocol—the topmost proto-
their devices meet all specific limits.
col—implements the whole programming flow in terms of
atomic I2C commands. It is the most solid and fundamental Cypress's family of CY8CMBR3xxx devices is I2C-compati-
part of this specification. For more information on this algo- ble and these devices operate in the slave mode. The mas-
rithm, see Chapter 4: Programming Algorithm. ter (host) uses an I2C bus to program flash or configure
devices during runtime, read CapSense data, and so on.

The third-party programmer of the CY8CMBR3xxx device

must implement the I2C master according to the standard
specification. The developer of Programmer will probably
use any available solution of the master, which passed the
test for compliance with the I2C specification. Such ICs are
produced by more than 50 companies around the globe.

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 9

Communication Interface

Note that the programmer may occasionally need to work in The I2C-Bus defines two digital pins to communicate with
a multi-master environment. Consider that possibility when the master (programmer). They are sufficient for bidirec-
selecting the master's solution. In most cases, programming tional, semi-duplex data exchange (byte granularity). These
runs on single-master buses. two bidirectional wires are:

The CY8CMBR3xxx I2C interface has the following fea-  Serial Clock (SCL): This line is used to synchronize the
tures: slave with the master.

 7-bit addressing mode (up to 128 slaves).  Serial Data (SDA): This line is used to send data
between the data and slave.
 Bit-rate up to 400 kHz (Standard mode).
 No bus stalling – no clock stretching. Figure 3-2 shows an example of an I2C bus with slaves.

 I2C buffer – 252 bytes (the first 128 bytes are used for Note During programming of the CY8CMBR3xxx device,
device configuration). the I2C bus executes only the transport function (sends
bytes between the master and slave). A complete set of
The developer of programmer must ensure that the selected
lines is required from the programmer to communicate with
or designed solution of the I2C master supports all these
the CY8CMBR3xxx device, as specified in Physical Layer.
features, which are a subset of the I2C specification.

Figure 3-2. I2C Bus Connection Schematic






Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3

The programming flow consists of multiple Read and Write The external interface connection between the host pro-
I2C transactions. These transactions are atomic transac- grammer and the target CY8CMBR3xxx device is shown in
tions from the standpoint of this specification. They can be Figure 3-3 on page 11.
of different length in bytes, but both are embraced in the
This figure also depicts all the power supply connections
bus's START and STOP signals. Repeated START is not
required in the typical working conditions of chip.

See Appendix B: I2C Protocol - Packets and Signals on

page 31 to understand the structure of the Read/Write trans-
actions and their waveforms on the bus.

3.3 Physical Layer

This section describes the hardware connections between
the programmer and the target device for programming. It
shows the connection schematic and gives information on
electrical specifications.

10 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Communication Interface

Figure 3-3. Connection Schematic of Programmer

Host Board Slave Board


Programmer RP RP
0.1 uF
1.5 - 6 K VDD_IO






Note 1: The VDD_IO supply is pin available only the selected packages. For the packages that have a
VDD_IO pin, the VDD and VDD_IO pins should be connected together (shorted) on the board.

Note 2: Acceptable range for VDD is 1.8 V ±5% and 2 V to 5.5 V.

Note 3: If the device is powered in the 1.8 V ±5% range, the VDD and VCC pins must be connected
together (shorted) on the board. If the device package has a VDD_IO pin, then the VDD, VDD_IO, and VCC
must be connected together (shorted).

Note 4: All other pins which are not shown in the circuit above should not be connected to any
electrical node and must be left floating.

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 11

Communication Interface

Only five pins are required to communicate with the chip.

Note that the SCL and SDA pins are only required by the
I2C protocol.

The optional HW Reset (XRES) pin may be used to reset

the slaves. This pin is used if the device is stuck or to clear
the I2C bus (when SCL is stuck LOW, which is unlikely to
occur). It is used to reset the part as a first step in a pro-
gramming flow.

You can program a chip in the Reset, No-Reset, or Power

Cycle mode. The mode defines only the first step—how to
acquire the part—in the programming flow. The other steps
are identical (I2C traffic).
 Reset mode – To start programming, the host toggles
the XRES line, and then sends the I2C commands. In
this case, the power on the target board can be supplied
by the host or by an external power adapter (the VDD
line can be optional).
 No-Reset mode – In this mode, the host must be sure
that power is supplied to the target board via an external
adaptor or from the host. Then, it can generate I2C traf-
fic immediately. The XRES line is not used and the VDD
connection can also be optional if the target is powered
by an external source. This method has a drawback –
the chip is not reset before programming. This method
will fail if the I2C bus or device is stuck.
 Power Cycle mode – To start programming, the host
powers on the target and then starts sending the I2C
commands. The XRES line is not used.

It is recommended that the programmer uses all five pins

and supports at least the Power Cycle mode of program-
ming. The Reset mode support is optional.

Most of the packages of the CY8CMBR3xxx device do not

have an XRES pin. For them, the programmer will use the
No-Reset or Power Cycle modes.

12 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Communication Interface

Table 3-1. Programming Mode

Mode Necessary Pins Use cases
1. Board can be self-powered (device VDD is not connected to the programmer).
VDD (optional) 2. This mode is used when the board consumes too much current, which the pro-
grammer cannot supply (VDD line is not connected).
Reset 3. Five-pin case – when the host supplies power and toggles XRES (this is the
XRES (if self-pow-
most popular programming method).
SCL ered)
4. If there are other devices on the I2C bus, it is recommended to connect the
SDA host’s XRES to every chip. It will ensure that the host can reset every slave that
may hang up the bus.
1. The board can be self-powered (device VDD is not connected to the program-
VDD (optional) VDD mer).
GND (if self-pow- 2. This mode is used when the board consumes too much current, which the pro-
SCL ered and no grammer or the I2C master cannot supply (the VDD line is not connected).
SDA XRES) 3. This mode is used when the I2C master (host) or slave (target) does not have an
XRES pin.
1. This mode is used when the I2C master (host) or slave (target) does not have an
XRES pin on the part’s package. The only way to reset a part is the Power Cycle
VDD mode when there is no XRES pin.
GND 2. The Power Cycle mode is relevant to most of the CY8CMBR3xxx packages
Power Cycle XRES
SCL because all of them, except one, do not have an XRES pin. It is the recommended
3. Some third-party I2C masters can use this mode if they do not implement the
XRES line but can supply power (on/off) to reset a part.

Table 3-2. CY8CMBR3xxx Pin Names and Requirements

Function External Programmer – Drive Modes
Pin Name
Power supply input
VDD Positive voltage – powered by external power supply or by programmer.
(1.8 – 5.5 V)
VSS Power supply return Low resistance ground connection. Connect to circuit ground.
Active low external reset input
XRES Output – drive TTL levels (Drive mode – Strong)
(with internal pull up).
Output – drive TTL levels (Drive mode – Open Drain Low)
Input – read TTL levels in High-Z mode.
I2C Clock line In general, SCL is bidirectional to watch for clock-stretching but CY8CMBR3xxx
(up to 100 kHz) devices do not support stretching. Therefore, this line is used in the unidirectional
The external pull-up resistor (RP) must be calculated.
Output – drive TTL levels (Drive mode – Open Drain Low)
I2C Data line
SDL Input – read TTL levels in High-Z mode.
- bidirectional
The external pull-up resistor (RP) must be calculated.
VCC Power Output Filter The external 0.1-uF capacitor must be connected between this pin and ground.
CMOD External Modulator Capacitor The external 2.2-nF capacitor must be connected between this pin and ground.

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 13

Communication Interface

Figure 3-3 on page 11 shows that the I2C bus requires 3.4 Hardware Access
external pull-up resistors (RP). In choosing these resistors,
consider supply voltage, clock speed, and bus capacitance. Commands
The typical value is in the range of 1.5 to 6 K for supply This section focuses on the low-level APIs that must be sup-
voltages in the range of 1.8 to 5.0 V. More information about ported by the programmer of the CY8CMBR3xxx devices.
calculating the RP value can be found in the I2C Bus Speci-
fication (UM10204, section 7.1 - Pull-up resistor sizing). The APIs must be implemented by the I2C Interface layer
shown in Table 3-3. They make up the software fundamental
The I2C timing specifications and the silicon's electrical for the high-level programming algorithm. This low-level API
specifications are documented in the CY8CMBR3xxx data- interface can be considered the hardware abstraction layer,
sheet. because it is hardware-independent (but its implementation
is important for concrete hardware). Theoretically, the upper
layer (Programming Algorithm in Table 3-3) can be reused
for a different programmer hardware.

Table 3-3 lists the hardware access commands used by the

software layer.

Table 3-3. Hardware Access Commands

Command Parameters Description

Executes on the I2C bus one-write transaction embraced in the START
IN address, IN size, IN data[], and STOP signals. It writes “size” bytes from the array “data[]” to the
I2C_WriteTransfer slave device specified by the 7-bit “address”. The output parameters are
OUT ackAddr, OUT ackData[] the acknowledgement bits of the address and data bytes. ACK is logical
“0” and NACK is logical “1”.
Executes on the I2C bus one-read transaction embraced in the START
and STOP signals. It reads “size” bytes into the array “data[]” from the
IN address, IN size, OUT ackAddr, OUT slave device specified by the 7-bit “address”. The output parameters are
data[] acknowledgement bits of the address byte and array of read data. Note
that the memory for the “data[]” array must be already reserved by the
API’s caller.
Generates the active LOW reset signal for the target device. Program-
mer must have a dedicated pin connected to the XRES pin of the target
ToggleReset –
device. See Table 3-2 on page 13. The recommended duration of the
active signal is > 5 µs (see the CY8CMBR3xxx datasheet for details).
If the programmer powers the target device, it must have this function to
Power IN state
supply power to the device.
Programmer must be able to delay the programming flow for the neces-
Delay IN delay_ms
sary time (50–1000 ms).

For more information on the structure and waveform of the  I2C_Write (address, size, data[])
Read/Write I2C transactions, see Appendix B: I2C Protocol -  I2C_Read (address, size, OUT data[])
Packets and Signals on page 31.
where the address, size, and data[] parameters have the
same meaning as in the corresponding I2C_Read and
3.5 Pseudocode I2C_Write transfer commands (see Table 3-3). The upper-
layer APIs automatically check all ACKs of current transac-
The programming flow consists of numerous I2C_Read and
tion and return a single status via its name. These APIs help
I2C_Write transfer commands, with multiple status acknowl-
to keep the programming script concise. The following are
edgement bits that must be checked every time. It is conve-
some usage examples:
nient to wrap them up in new procedures. This document
uses easy-to-read pseudocode to show the programming BYTE[3] data = {0x07, 0x25, 0xAF}
I2C_Write( 0x04, 3, data)
The following two commands are used for the programming
BYTE[10] data; //reserve 10 bytes
I2C_Read ( 0x04, 10, OUT data)

14 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Communication Interface

The defined Write and Read pseudo-commands must be successful if they return the ACK status for every written byte. For
Read transactions, this is the ACK of only the address byte, but for the Write transaction address and all data bytes, it must
be ACKed. If at least one byte is NACKed, the transaction is treated as failed. In this case, depending on the programming
context, the process must be terminated or the transaction tried again.

The following is the implementation of Write/Read pseudo-commands based on hardware access commands (Table 3-3):
bool I2C_Write (address, size, data[])
BYTE ackAddr;
BYTE[size] ackData; //reserve space for status bytes of data
//1 bit is sufficient for 1 ACK
//This implementation uses byte to store 1 ACK bit
I2C_WriteTransfer (address, size, data[], OUT ackAddr, out ackData);
// Check ACKs of address and data bytes (ACK = 0x00, NACK = 0x01)
If (ackAddr != 0x00) Return FALSE; //NACK
For (BYTE i = 0; i < size; i++)
If (ackData[i] != 0x00) Return FALSE; //NACK
Return TRUE; //all ACKed

bool I2C_Read (address, size, OUT data)

BYTE ackAddr; //reserve 1 bit (byte in fact) for ACK bit of address byte
//assuming that “size” bytes for “data” is allocated by caller
I2C_ReadTransfer (address, size, OUT ackAddr, OUT data);

If (ackAddr != 0x00) Return FALSE; //NACK

Return TRUE; //ACK

The programming code in Chapter 4: Programming Algorithm, will be based mostly on the I2C_Write/Read pseudo-com-
mands and some commands from Table 3-3.

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 15

Communication Interface

16 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

4. Programming Algorithm

This chapter describes the programming flow of the The external programmer puts parameters into the volatile
CY8CMBR3xxx device. It starts with a high-level description memory and requests a system call, which, in turn, performs
of the algorithm and then describes every step using the flash updates.
pseudocode. All programming script is made up of hardware
Figure 4-1. High-Level Programming Flow of
access commands (see “Hardware Access Commands” on
CY8CMBR3xxx Device
page 14).
 Atomic I2C_Read/Write() APIs from “Pseudocode” on
page 14. They are middle-level APIs. START
 High-Level subroutines, which wrap up atomic
I2C_Read/Write() APIs. They make up ~ 90% of the FAIL
whole script. See Subroutines used in Programming Step 1. Acquire Chip
Flow. PASS

It is possible to write the entire script using the hardware FAIL

Step 2. Check Device ID
access commands. In that case, the script is enormous and
will have a lot of duplication. This approach causes signifi- PASS
cant inconvenience in studying the script and its support. FAIL
Step 3. Program Flash
The purpose of high-level APIs (pseudocode) is to make the
script easy to read and eventually mappable on the actual
programming language. FAIL
Step 4. Verify Flash

4.1 High-Level Programming
Flow Step 5. Release Chip

Figure 4-1 shows the sequence of steps that must be exe-
cuted to program the CY8CMBR3xxx device. These steps FINISH
are described in the following sections. All of the steps in
this programming flow must be completed for a successful
programming operation. The programmer should stop the
programming flow if any step fails. In addition, in pseudo- 4.2 Subroutines used in
code, it is assumed that the programmer checks the status
of each I2C transaction (I2C_Write, I2C_Read, WritePacket,
Programming Flow
ReadPacket). This extra code is not shown in the program- The programming flow includes some operations that are
ming script. intensively used in all the steps. Eventually, the program-
If any of these transactions fails, you must abort program- ming code will look compact and easy-to-read and under-
ming. To abort, execute Step 5 – Release Chip, which exe- stand. Besides that, most registers and frequently-used
cutes the opposite actions of Step1. It ensures that the constants are named and referred to from the pseudocode.
programmer and the target are left in the known state after
programming is stopped (upon PASS or FAIL).

The flash programming in the CY8CMBR3xxx family is

implemented by accessing its registers through the I2C bus.

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 17

Programming Algorithm

Table 4-1. Constants Used in Programming Script

Constant Name Value Description

Device’s Registers
DEVICE_ID_LOW 0x90 Device Identity Register – this is a 3-byte read only register that
returns the unique device ID through which the device can be identi-
fied. For example, the ID of the CY8CMBR3116 device is 0x0A05 and
FAMILY_ID 0x8F Family ID = 0x9A.
I2C Configuration Register – this is used to set (or read) the I2C slave
I2C_ADDR 0x51 address. The Slave range is 0x00-0x7F. This register is available in
the Device Configuration state.
This is the address of the first register in the Device Configuration
state, starting from which the data will be programmed in flash.
CTRL_CMD 0x86 Command Register – Opcode for the command to execute.
Configuration data CRC. Its length is 2 bytes.
Checksum matched bit is set if the checksum sent by the host
CONFIG_CRC 0x7E matches the one actually calculated by the device. It is the checksum
of the data to be programmed into flash. This bit is available in the
Device Configuration mode only.
Status code returned from the most recently executed command. The
status can be in the range 0 to 255.
The status codes related to programming are:
CTRL_CMD_ERR 0x89 0x00 – NO_ERROR;
0xFD – WRITE_FAIL (Write to flash failed);
0xFE – CRC_ERROR (Stored configuration CRC checksum did not
match the calculated configuration CRC checksum).
Registers’ Values
Possible value of the CTRL_CMD register. This command stores the
data from the register in the RAM memory to the nonvolatile memory
(NVM). During saving, the device will compare the CRC of the regis-
ters (126 bytes) with the CRC value in the last two bytes in the config
section. If the CRC check fails, the data is not saved to the nonvolatile
memory and the error status is updated.
Possible value of the CTRL_CMD register. This command executes a
software reset.

Table 4-2. Subroutines used in Programming Flow

Subroutine Description
bool WritePacket( address, This subroutine wraps I2C_Write() API from the “Pseudocode” on page 14. It keeps sending
size, the same I2C write request until it is ACKed. If the CY8CMBR3xxx does not respond
data[] ) (NACKs), then the master has to poll it for some time.

bool ReadPacket( address, This subroutine wraps the I2C_Read()API from the “Pseudocode” on page 14. It keeps send-
size, ing the same I2C read request until it is ACKed. If the CY8CMBR3xxx device is unresponsive
OUT data[]) on the I2C bus, the master has to try sometimes.

18 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Programming Algorithm

The implementation of these subroutines follows. It is based on page 14 and “Hardware Access Commands” on page 14.
on the pseudocode and registers defined in “Pseudocode” It uses the constants defined in this chapter.

The pseudocode is similar to a C-style notation.

// “WritePacket” Subroutine
bool WritePacket ( address, size, data[] )
bool ack;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
ack = I2C_Write(address, size, data[]);
if (ack) // ACK
return TRUE ;
return FALSE; // NACK

// “ReadPacket” Subroutine
bool ReadPacket (address, size, OUT data[])
bool ack;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
ack = I2C_Read(address, size, OUT data[]);
if (ack) // ACK
return TRUE ;
return FALSE; // NACK

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 19

Programming Algorithm

4.3 Step 1 – Acquire Chip

The first step in the programming flow is to ensure that the device is detected on the bus and is ready for programming. The
acquisition algorithm is tricky for the CY8CMBR3xxx device. Besides initialization, determine the I2C address from the hex file
you need to use: Program or Verify address (see “Organization of the Hex File” on page 7). This address is programmable in
the CY8CMBR3xxx devices and it can be changed after a successful programming cycle. Note that the Program and Verify
addresses are configurable in the EZ-Click GUI. If you need to change them, update your project and regenerate the hex file.
The following programming scenarios are possible:
 The target is only from the factory and will be programmed the first time (and probably the last time) for the end design. It
is mass production programming. In this case, the hex file will have the correct "I2C Program Address" that matches the
actual address of the target chip. Cypress will ship these devices with the default factory configuration where the I2C
address is 0x37.
 The target is programmed the second time, and subsequently, using hex files with the same Program and Verify
addresses. This is the prototyping scenario or flash upgrade in the field. In this case, the device will boot up with the Verify
address (programmed last time). Therefore, it is necessary to use this address for both the Program and Verify opera-
In general, the hex file must reflect the correct Program and Verify addresses of the target chip. The end design must avoid
the following ambiguous scenarios on the bus:
 Two slaves with the same addresses as the corresponding fields in the hex file (I2C Program and Verify addresses). In
this case, the target device may not be detected correctly (especially if both are from the CY8CMBR3xxx family).
 After the programming step, a new target's address has a conflict with the other device on the bus. Theoretically, this case
should fail during verification step.
The Acquire step programmer determines the correct I2C address to be used during the next two steps: "Check Device ID"
and "Program Flash". In the "Verify Flash" step, the Verify address from the hex file is always used.
Figure 4-2 shows the acquire algorithm. It is assumed that the programmer starts acquisition from one of the three modes
described in the section Physical Layer – Reset, No-Reset or Power Cycle.

20 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Programming Algorithm

Figure 4-2. Flow Chart of Acquisition Sequence


XRES Toggle or Power Cycle

Read 1 byte from “Program Address”

ACKed ?


Detected_Address = Program_Address Read 1 byte from “Verify Address”

ACKed ?


Detected_Address = Verify_Address

Timeout >= 3 sec

Check if detected device is from CY8CMBR3xxx

family. Read I2C_ADDR register, its content must YES
be the same as Detected_Address.

Return FAIL


Return PASS Return FAIL

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 21

Programming Algorithm

Pseudocode – Step 1. Acquire Chip

// Note, that this step requires following data from hex-file:
// - I2C Program Address (0x90500002 – offset in hex)
// - I2C Verify Address (0x90500003 – offset in hex)
// Programmer should implement below APIs:
// 1) HEX_GetProgramAddr() and 2) HEX_GetVerifyAddr()

// Reset Target depending on acquire mode – Reset or Power Cycle

If (AcquireMode == “Reset”) ToggleReset(); // Toggle XRES pin, target must be powered.
Else If (AcquireMode == “Power Cycle”) Power(ON);// Supply power to target.

// Loop to find out correct I2C device from hex-file

Program_Address = HEX_GetProgramAddr();
Verify_Address = HEX_GetVerifyAddr();

ack = ReadPacket (Program_Address, 1, out data);
If (ack == ACK)
Detected_Address = Program_Address; // to be used in Steps 2,3

ack = ReadPacket (Verify_Address, 1, out data);

If (ack == ACK)
Detected_Address = Verify_Address; // to be used in Steps 2,3

While (time_elapsed < 3 sec);

If (time_elapsed >= 3 sec) Return FAIL;

//Check if device belongs to CY8CMBR3xxx family

//Read I2C_ADDR register and compare it with Detected_Device. They must match.
data[0] = I2C_ADDR;
WritePacket(Detected_Address, 1, data);
ReadPacket(Detected_Address, 1, out data);

If (data[0] != Detected_Address) Return FAIL;

Return PASS;

22 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Programming Algorithm

4.4 Step 2 – Check Silicon ID

This step is required to verify that the acquired device corre-
sponds to the hex file. It reads the ID from the hex file and
compares it to the ID obtained from the target.

Figure 4-3. Flow Chart of Check Silicon ID


Read Device and Family IDs from


Read Device ID from target

(read DEVICE_ID register)

Chip Device ID == NO
Hex Device ID ?

Read Family ID from target

(read FAMILY_ID register)

Chip Family ID == NO
Hex Family ID


Return PASS Return FAIL

Pseudocode – Step 2. Check Silicon ID

// Read “Device ID” from Hex-file - 3 byte from address 0x9050 0004.
// HEX_ReadDeviceID() must be implemented.
// “Detected_Address” is taken from Step 1.
HexID = HEX_ReadDeviceID();

//Checking Device ID register – Low and High bytes

data[0] = DEVICE_ID_LOW;
WritePacket ( Detected_Address, 1, data);
ReadPacket(Detected_Address, 2, out data);

IF ((HexID[0] != data[1]) || (HexID[1] != data[0]))

Return FAIL;

//Checking Family ID register

data[0] = FAMILY_ID;
WritePacket ( Detected_Address, 1, data);
ReadPacket(Detected_Address, 1, out data);

IF (HexID[2] != data[0])
Return FAIL;

Return PASS;

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 23

Programming Algorithm

4.5 Step 3 – Program Flash

Programming of the flash memory of the CY8CMBR3xxx The source data is extracted from the hex file starting from
device is straightforward. Load the configuration data (128 address 0x00000000 (see Figure 4.4). Note that the flash
bytes) into the volatile memory and commit program. This size of the acquired silicon must be equal to the size of the
request programs whole flash and generates a software configuration data in the hex file. This was ensured in Step 2
reset to reload the new configuration. – Check Silicon ID by comparing the Device IDs of the hex
and the target. The following figure illustrates this program-
ming algorithm.

Figure 4-4. Algorithm of "Program Flash" Step


Send configuration data to volatile


Save Device Configuration

in volatile memory

Send Command to program device’s

configuration in Flash

Get Execution Status

If Error Code == 0x00 ?


Send SW Reset Command

Delay 100 ms Return FAIL

Return PASS

24 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Programming Algorithm

Pseudocode – Step 3. Program Flash

// Configuration data must be extracted from hex-file (address 0x0000 0000). For that:
// HEX_ReadData(offset, length) API must be implemented.
// “Detected_Address” is taken from Step 1.

//1. Extract 128 configuration bytes from the hex file

byte[] HexData = Hex_Readdata(0,128);

//2. Prepare I2C buffer with configuration data

byte[] data = new byte[129];
data[0] = DATA_OFFSET;
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
data[i+1] = HexData[i]);

//3. Write configuration into volatile memory

WritePacket(Detected_Address, 129, HexData);

//4. Save Device Configuration (128 byte)

data[0] = CTRL_CMD;
data[1] = SAVE_CHECK_CRC;
WritePacket(Detected_Address, 2, data);

//5. Read register that contains status of last executed command

data[0] = CTRL_CMD_ERR;
WritePacket(Detected_Address, 1, data);
Delay(300); // wait until flash update is complete, at least 220 ms
ReadPacket(Detected_Address, 1, out data);
If (data[0] != 0x00)
Return FAIL; //Failed to program configuration

//6. Executes the software reset

data[0] = CTRL_CMD;
data[1] = SW_RESET;
WritePacket(Detected_Address, 2, data);

//7. Wait time until reloading is complete (e.g. 100 ms)


return PASS;

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 25

Programming Algorithm

4.6 Step 4 – Verify Flash

This is mandatory for the programmer because no other method ensures that the written data is correct (for example, check-
sum). Because checksum cannot guarantee that all data in flash is identical to the hex content, each flash byte must be
checked separately.

The verification process starts from reading device configurations from the chip and compares it with the corresponding hex
data. If there are any differences, the programmer must stop and return fail. The programmer reads the new data not directly
from flash, but from the same volatile buffers that were used during programming (see Figure 2-2 on page 8). New flash data
was automatically loaded there at the end of the programming step. This data must be identical to the flash's content, since
"nobody" tried to change it between the Program and Verify steps.

Figure 4-5. Algorithm of “Verify Flash” Step


Read Device Configuration from chip

Read Device Configuration from hex

Chip Device Config == NO

Hex Device Config ?


Return PASS Return FAIL

Pseudocode – Step 4. Verify Flash

// Configuration data must be extracted from hex-file (address 0x0000 0000).
// The I2C address for verification is extracted from hex-file (address 0x9050 0003)
// 2 HEX APIs are used in this step: HEX_ReadData() and HEX_GetVerifyAddr()

Verify_Address = HEX_GetVerifyAddr();

//1.Read Configuration Data from the Registers

data[0] = DATA_OFFSET;
WritePacket(Verify_Address, 1, data);

ReadPacket(Verify_Address, 128, out data);

//2. Extract 128 bytes from hex-file from offset 0x00000000

byte[] hex_Data = HEX_ReadData(0, 128);

//3. Compare hex vs chip data

for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (hex_Data[i] != data[i]) return FALSE;

return PASS;

26 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Programming Algorithm

4.7 Step 5 – Release Chip

This step, which is the opposite of Step 1 – Acquire Chip, releases the chip from the programmer. The programmer executes
the final actions, such as power-down or reset, disconnecting from the I2C bus (putting lines into the high-Z state), and so on.
After this step, the programmer can be disconnected from the chip. For example, on an automated pipeline, the chip in the
socket is replaced by the next part. Therefore, the programmer can start again from Step 1 – Acquire Chip.

It is recommended to call this step at the end of the programming flow and even after failed steps. Therefore, we can ensure
that in the end, the device is in the known state.

This step is optional and does not generate any I2C traffic, but guarantees that the programmer and the target are left in the
known state at the end of programming.

Pseudocode – Step 5. Release Chip.

// This step depends on the power source. Whether target powered by Programmer or
// external source.

// 1.Power Off or Reset device

Power (OFF) // if powered by Programmer

// or ToggleReset() if target uses external power supply.

// if XRES pin not implemented by Programmer, just return (do nothing).

return PASS / FAIL; // this method should return result of previous Steps,
// which actually executed real “programming”


CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 27

Programming Algorithm

28 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Appendix A. Intel Hex File Format

The Intel hex file records are a text representation of the hexadecimal-coded binary data. Because only ASCII characters are
used, the format is portable across most computer platforms. Each line (record) of the Intel hex file consists of six parts as
shown in the following figure.

Figure A-1. Hex File Record Structure

Start code Byte count Address Record type Data Checksum

(Colon character) (1 byte) (2 bytes) (1 byte) (N bytes) (1 byte)

1. Start code: One character - an ASCII colon ':' For the sake of readability, "Record type" is highlighted in
2. Byte count: Two hex digits (1 byte) – specifies the num- red and the 32-bit address of the Metadata section is in blue.
ber of bytes in the data field.
The first record (:0200000490501A) is an extended linear
3. Address: Four hex digits (2 bytes) – a 16-bit address at address record as indicated by the value in the Record Type
the beginning of the memory position for the data. field (04). The address field is 0000 and the byte count is 02.
4. Record type: Two hex digits (00 to 05) - defines the type This means that there are two data bytes in this record.
of the data field. The record types used in the hex file These data bytes (9050) specify the upper 16-bit address of
generated by Cypress are as follows: the 32-bit address metadata section in the hex file's space.
a. 00 - Data record, which contains the data and 16-bit In this case, all the data records that follow this record are
address. assumed to have their upper 16-bit address as 0x9050 (in
b. 01 - End of file record, which is a file termination other words, the base address is 0x90500000). The ‘1A'
record and has no data. This must be the last line of byte is the checksum byte for this record:
the file; only one is allowed for every file.
0x1A = 0x100 - (0x02+0x00+0x00+0x04+0x90+0x50)
c. 04 - Extended linear address record, which allows
full 32-bit addressing. The address field is 0000, the The next record (:07000000010137370A009AE5) is the
byte count is 02. The two data bytes represent the data record, as indicated by the value in the Record Type
upper 16 bits of the 32-bit address, when combined field (00). The byte count is 07, meaning that there are only
with the lower 16-bit address of the 00 type record. 7 data bytes in this record (010137370A009A). The 32-bit
5. Data: A sequence of 'n' bytes of the data, represented by starting address for these data bytes is at address
2n hex digits. 90500000. The upper 16-bit address (9050) is derived from
6. Checksum: Two hex digits (1 byte), which is the least the extended linear address record in the first line; the lower
significant byte of the two's complement of the sum of 16-bit address is specified in the address field of this record
the values of all fields except fields 1 and 6 (Start code ':' as 0000. The ‘E5' byte is the checksum byte for this record.
byte and two hex digits of the Checksum).
The last record (:00000001FF) is the end of file record, as
Examples for the different record types used in the hex file indicated by the value in the Record Type field (01). This is
generated for the CY8CMBR3xxx device are as follows: the last record of the hex file.
Consider that these three records are placed in consecutive Note The data records of the following multi-bytes region in
lines of the hex file (Meta Data and End of Hex File). the hex file are in big-endian format (MSB byte in the lower
 :0200000490501A address): Checksum data at address 0x9030 0000 and
 :07000000010137370A009AE5 Meta data at address 0x9050 0000. The data records of the
rest of the multi-byte regions in the hex file are all in the lit-
 :00000001FF
tle-endian format (LSB byte in lower address).

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 29

30 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G
Appendix B. I2C Protocol - Packets and Signals

The I2C interface is a packet-based serial transaction protocol and at the pin level, uses one bidirectional data line (SDA) and
one clock connection (SCL). Generation of clock signal on the I2C bus is always the responsibility of the master devices. Bus
clock signals from the master can only be altered when they are stretched by a slow slave device holding down the clock line,
or by another master when arbitration occurs. A complete data transfer on the I2C bus (one packet) consists of five phases:
 Start Condition – this signal initiates packet transfer. It is HIGH to LOW transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH.
The bus is considered to be busy after the START condition. Therefore, no other master will try to access the bus while it
is busy. The bus is considered to be free again after the STOP condition is generated.
 Address – the 7-bit address is sent by the master to establish connection with the necessary slave device.
 R/W Bit – using this bit, the master informs the slave about the type of transaction - Read or Write.
 Data Block – This is the actual data transferred between the master and slave. It must be at least 1-byte long and the
number of bytes for each transfer is unrestricted. The granularity of the data is 8 bits and it is transferred from the master
to slave (Write) or from the slave to master (Read) depending on the R/W bit.
 Stop Condition – this signal ends the packet transfer. It is a LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH.

The timing diagrams of the I2C transfer are shown in the following figure. This diagram is common for Read and Write trans-

Figure B-1. Generic I2C Packets



1-7 8 9 1-7 8 9 1-7 8 9



The I2C packet is transmitted in the following sequence:

1. The START condition moves the bus into the busy state.
2. A seven-bit slave address is sent, which is received by all slaves. After this phase is completed, only the addressed slave
talks to the master. All other slaves wait for the STOP condition.
3. The R/W bit defines the direction of the transaction: LOW - Write to slave, HIGH - Read from slave.
4. The ACK bit is sent by the slave device signals. The master that requested the address is present on the bus and is ready
for communication. When SDA remains HIGH during this ninth bit clock pulse, this is defined as the Not Acknowledge sig-
nal. The master can then generate either a STOP condition to abort the transfer, or a repeated START to start a new
transfer. When SDA remains stable LOW during the HIGH period of the clock, this is the Acknowledge signal.
5. The Data Slot consists of the necessary number of 9-bit data chunks:
a. 8-bit: Data Byte for the Write transaction is sent by the master, and for the Read transaction by the slave.
b. 1-bit: The ACK signal for the Write transaction is signaled by the slave (meaning that it is ready for the next byte to
receive). For the Read transaction, the master signals by the ACK slave that it is ready for the next byte.
6. The STOP condition ends the transaction and frees the bus.

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 31

Note that the ACK slot can be used for clock-stretching – the slave pauses the transaction by holding the SCL line LOW. The
transaction cannot continue until the line is released in HIGH again. Clock-stretching is optional; most slave devices, including
the CY8CMBR3xxx, do not implement this feature.

Figure B-2. Format of Read/Write I2C Packets


data transferred
‘0’ (write) (n bytes + acknowledge)


data transferred
(read) (n bytes + acknowledge)

from master to slave

from slave to master

A = acknowledge (SDA LOW)

A = not acknowledge (SDA HIGH)
S = START condition
P = STOP condition

B.1 Data Validity

The data on the SDA line must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock. The HIGH or LOW state of the data line can
only change when the clock signal on the SCL line is LOW. One clock pulse is generated for each data bit transferred.

Figure B-3. Bit Transfer on I2C Bus



data line stable; change of

data valid data

32 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

Revision History

Revision History
Document Title: CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications
Document Number: 001-89944
Origin of
Revision ECN# Issue Date Description of Change
** 4184417 11/06/2013 ANDI / LIRA New specification.
Remove CALC CRC and SAVE_CALC_CRC commands related information in all instances across the
*A 4287776 02/21/2014 ANDI / LIRA Updated Required Data chapter on page 7:
Updated “Nonvolatile Subsystem” on page 7:
Updated Figure 2-1.
Updated Programming Algorithm chapter on page 17:
Updated “High-Level Programming Flow” on page 17:
Updated description.
*B 4329537 04/01/2014 Updated “Step 1 – Acquire Chip” on page 20:
Updated cross-references.
Updated “Step 3 – Program Flash” on page 24:
Updated Pseudocode.
Updated Communication Interface chapter on page 9:
Updated “I2C Interface” on page 9:
*C 4426483 06/30/2014 ANDI / BVI Updated Figure 3-2.
Updated “Physical Layer” on page 10:
Updated Figure 3-3.
Updated Programming Algorithm chapter on page 17:
*D 4959044 10/12/2015 ANDI Updated “Step 3 – Program Flash” on page 24:
Updated Figure 4-4.
Updated to new template.
*E 5532573 11/25/2016 STPP
Completing Sunset Review.
*F 5709691 04/24/2017 AESATMP8 Updated logo and Copyright.
Updated “Step 3 – Program Flash” on page 24
*G 6593652 06/13/2019 TAMX
Updated copyright

CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G 33

34 CY8CMBR3xxx Device Programming Specifications, Document Number: 001-89944 Rev. *G

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