Ds Assignment
Ds Assignment
Ds Assignment
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Information Systems
• An information system is a piece of software that manages facts
about some aspect of the state of the real world for a specific
– The facts are represented as data
– The relationship to the real world is established by an interpretation
• Information = Data that is interpreted
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This is a definition of information systems in a nutshell: “An information system is a piece of
software that manages facts about some aspect of the state of the real world for a
specific purpose”.
This definition contains a number of concepts that require
Facts: They are called data. Data is given as some mathematical structure – called
Then the data structure (that describes what the domain, the relationships is among
The objects in the domain, and possible predicates and operations).
Real world: The real world is not necessarily our physical real world. It can be
Anything from human concepts (e.g. a legal information system) to virtual worlds
Existing in a computer system or network (e.g. information systems for network
Purpose: every information system has an entity (human, computer) that makes
Use of it. It does so in order to perform a certain task related to some aspect of the
real world (e.g. making a decision, performing a computation etc.). In order to do so
it performs an interpretation of the data, this is where the interpretation comes into
play. The interpretation relates the structure (also called the syntax) with the “real
world”. The interpretation can be a formalized relationship, if the “real world” is
Formalized, or just exist informally.
aspect: this implies that there exist many different ways to construct information
Distributed information systems represent an increasingly important trend to computer users.
Distributed processing is a technique for implementing a single logical set of processing
functions across a number of physical devices, so that each performs some part of the total
processing required. Distributed processing is often accompanied by the formation of a
distributed database. A distributed database exists when the data elements stored at multiple
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locations are interrelated, or if a process (program execution) at one location requires access to
data stored at another location. Examples of how these techniques are being used are provided,
with comments on the advantages and disadvantages of the distribution of processing and
databases in the current state-of-the-art.
Central Information System on Computer Network
Physical Distribution
Distribution of data
– Support use of distributed physical resources: improve locality of access,
scalability, parallelism in the execution
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There exist however many reasons not to keep all data in a single node on the
Network. Some of these reasons are related to the improved use of existing
Might take advantage of parallel processing of the data, and we might want to avoid
distribute the data. Nevertheless we don’t want to give up the abstraction that we
are still accessing a single information system that is running under a single
Logical Distribution
• Distribution of knowledge
– support different interpretations of the same data for different needs and
Distributed information system should appear like one single information system
When it is distributed over a network. In fact, we might want to make the distribution
Visible in order to enable multiple authorities to infuse their knowledge into their
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Network, in order to make information systems that where formerly separated
necessarily making the fact that the data is logically distributed completely
Typical examples of distributed computing and information systems are systems that automate
the operations of commercial enterprises such as banking and financial transaction processing
systems, warehousing systems, and automated factories. ... Each of them has its own internal
information processing system.
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