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The document discusses key elements of well and reservoir management in the Bonga offshore oil field in Nigeria, including people and cross-discipline integration, real-time monitoring and modeling, understanding the subsurface, and intervention readiness.

The key elements discussed are people factor and cross discipline integration, Smart Fields® capability for real-time monitoring, a 'live' well and reservoir management plan, good understanding of the subsurface, integrated production modeling, intervention readiness and effective well integrity management.

The integrated production system model for Bonga integrates reservoir models, well models, and models of the subsea infrastructure and topsides to help optimize management decisions by simulating the interaction between wells and the reservoir.

SPE 128348

Key Elements of Successful Well and Reservoir Management in the Bonga

Field, Deepwater Nigeria

S. Sathyamoorthy, O. Olatunbosun, D. Sabatini, U. Orekyeh & E. Olaniyan, Shell Nigeria Exploration & Production

Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

learnings applicable to future deepwater waterflood
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 33rd Annual SPE International Technical projects.
Conference and Exhibition in Abuja, Nigeria, August 3-5, 2009.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and
are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not
necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or Bonga Main, located in OML118 offshore Nigeria
members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by 1
Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction,
(Figure 1), is the first major deepwater field
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the operated by Shell in West Africa in partnership with
written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations ExxonMobil, Total and Agip, and under Production
may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where
and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836,
Sharing Contract with NAPIMS. Water depths at
Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. Bonga ranges from 3100 to 3800 ft.

Abstract The Lower to Upper Miocene Bonga reservoirs are

interpreted as stratigraphically / structurally trapped
Production from the deepwater Bonga turbidite mud rich unconfined turbidite systems in a mid-lower
reservoirs was started in November 2005. As with all slope setting. Sediments were deposited during
waterflood and Enhanced Oil Recovery schemes, major sea level low stands where submarine fans
‘world-class’ Well and Reservoir Management were supplied with coarse clastics via the major
(WRM) is the foundation of a successful project. A slope canyon systems. The predominantly
comprehensive WRM plan was defined for Bonga channelized reservoirs are comprised of fine-grained
very early in the project, and its implementation from amalgamated channel sands, massive sands and
start-up has demonstrated tremendous value. overbank deposits.

More than 220 MMstb have been produced as of The development of the Bonga field was based on
March 2009 from 13 subsea producers, and reservoir five stacked reservoirs (690, 702, 710/740, 740SE
pressures have been maintained by water injection and 803) between 6,000 and 10,500 ftss covering
from the start of production in 13 subsea high rate 2
over 60 km . These reservoirs are generally less than
water injectors, allowing high field production rates to 100 ft thick, and measured sand porosities, ranging
be sustained. Well and reservoir performance data from 25 to 35%, are associated with multi-Darcy
obtained during the first three years of production, permeabilities.
and information from 4 D seismic shot in early 2008
are now used to optimize the planning and drilling of Since start-up in November 2005, the field has
additional wells as part of the Phase 2 development produced more than 220 MMstb of oil with injection
drilling project. Bonga is a ‘brownfield’ that is not of more than 300 MMstb of seawater. Bonga
immune to normal well and asset integrity issues, development involved a 2 MMstb storage capacity
and declines in well injectivity and productivity. Ability spread moored FPSO with full crude, gas and
to respond swiftly to these issues is part of the Bonga injection water processing facilities (Figure 2).
WRM Plan. Multiple stacked reservoirs are drained by subsea
wells. Currently, there are 13 oil producers and 13
This paper presents key elements of successful water injectors. Phase 2 development drilling is on-
WRM in Bonga. These include people factor and going to sustain current production plateau. Daily
cross discipline integration, Smart Fields capability, production and injection rates are in the order of
‘live’ WRM Plan and monitoring, good understanding 200,000 bopd and 300,000 bwpd respectively.
of subsurface, application of integrated production Despite high permeability reservoirs (Darcy range)
modelling, intervention readiness and effective well and excellent well rates, Well and Reservoir
integrity management. The paper concludes on key Management (WRM) remains very challenging,
especially when daily production is highly
2 S. Sathyamoorthy, O. Olatunbosun, D. Sabatini, U. Orekyeh and E. Olaniyan SPE 128348

dependable on the performance of water injection for between 50 to 400 psi from bubble point, and the
sweep and pressure maintenance. field gas oil ratio remains in line with the initial
solution gas oil ratio.
The Bonga WRM plan was developed with the
intention to maximize and sustain oil production Demonstrated Value of Prudent WRM in Bonga
whilst ensuring optimum reserves development in the
long run. The reservoir management philosophy is WRM is all about excellence in the operate phase of
based on pressure maintenance by waterflooding the lifecycle and core business in the upstream
from the onset of production due to the relatively low- sector . Generally, the more complex the subsurface
pressured environment and excellent reservoir and or recovery process, the more important that world-
fluid properties for early implementation of enhanced class WRM becomes to the success of the
recovery techniques. development3,4,5,6. It is well known in the industry that
all waterflood and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
projects require world-class WRM as a foundation for
Production & Injection Policy success! Similarly in Bonga where recovery
mechanism is dependant on waterflood,
Due to the low degree of under saturation in the implementing world-class WRM was simply not an
Bonga reservoirs, the cumulative effect of low water option. Central to this is our ability to respond to
injection availability, or frequent upsets without unexpected upsets and to optimize production by
corrective action on production, could have a large redirecting injection water (constrained) where it's
and lasting impact on oil production rates, produced needed most, because we have the right data at the
gas volumes, reservoir pressures and secondary gas rigth time. Prudent WRM has demonstrated the
cap development. Recovery from such events would following value to Bonga:
then be a long-term process, only achievable with o Produced more than 220 MMstb of oil
high injection rates and sustained high water since November-2005
injection system uptime performance. o Sustained well performance – high
injection and production rates (highest
In order to ensure optimum reserves development, rate oil producer at 50,000 bpd and
the Bonga reservoirs are operated at or above highest rate injector at 70,000 bwpd)
bubble point pressure. Active voidage assessment o Sustained reservoir performance – 4D
and effective surveillance is therefore required to seismic data confirmed the depletion
optimize production within the pressure constraints. pattern as planned in the main reservoir
A pressure banking strategy was defined and o Pressure in all reservoirs maintained
implemented from the field start-up, with the above bubble point, in compliance with
objective of providing additional flexibility gained by WRM Plan
early over-injection. o Effective management and response to
well integrity issues
With the field now on plateau, weekly voidage
assessments are conducted at the producer-injector 7 Key Ingredients for Successful WRM in Bonga
pair and reservoir levels. In case of injection system
upsets, the available pressure bank is progressively No. 1 - People and Integration
depleted while maintaining reservoir pressure above
® 7
bubble point. In case of prolonged or repeated At the heart of the Value Loop is people . It is
injection downtime, production target adjustments imperative that the right skill sets and experiences
are made with the objective of remaining above are available in the WRM team. The key to world-
bubble point pressure. class WRM is cross-discipline integration (Figure 3).
The core Bonga WRM Team comprise subsurface
During times when injection uptime was low, for (reservoir engineering and production technologist),
example at field start-up in 2006 when Bonga was subsea engineering, production chemistry, operation
experiencing water injection ‘teething’ problems and and maintenance, flow assurance, production
in mid-2008 when key water injector wells planner and surface engineering representatives.
experienced low injectivity, oil offtake was curtailed Information critical to production, injection and asset
correspondingly for reservoir management. Since integrity is acquired and analysed together by a
limited redundancy was built into the water injection multi-discipline team, upon which collectively agreed
system, the initially low uptime of the water treatment decisions are made to improve management of the
plant coupled with injectivity declines and issues with asset. The integration of various disciplines is
water distribution caused reservoir pressures to extremely important, as each individual brings
decrease when producing at nameplate oil capacity different expertise and viewpoints without which
of 225,000 bpd. Current reservoir pressures are optimum solutions cannot be reached.
3 Key Elements of Successful Well and Reservoir Management in the Bonga Field, Deepwater Nigeria SPE 128348

The different sub-teams have separate reporting Bonga to develop its integrated plan for reservoir
lines in the organization but work together on WRM surveillance, starting from an analysis of the key
activities and decisions. Integrated-meetings, reviews decisions that decide asset value and working
and forums are an important part of WRM activities. backwards to the critical data needs. Surveillance is
These meetings so far have proven extremely useful executed through close collaboration between the
in enhancing communications across the core WRM team and discipline specialists that
organization in facilitating and expediting the understand the technology and the value drivers for
decision-making process. the asset7.

No. 2 - WRM Plan and Performance Monitoring The availability of real-time data and effective
management of data greatly enhance field
The WRM Plan describes and documents how the surveillance capability (Figure 5). Critical well,
Bonga field is to be managed to maximize its subsea and surface data are readily available on
lifecycle value, reduce future development Plant Information® Processbook (real time data
uncertainties and meet or exceed production and monitoring tool) to every WRM Team member. This
cost forecasts. This plan needs to be ‘live’ and information is reviewed every morning by the core
evergreened with the following information: team prior to the daily surveillance teleconference
o Reservoir operating envelope – minimum with the FPSO team.
and maximum pressures, and target
o Voidage replacement plan The following technology components are available
o Well operating envelope – drawdown in Bonga:
limit, critical velocities, etc o Downhole pressure and temperature
o Flow assurance envelope gauges in all producer wells
o Surveillance Plan o Multiple pressure, temperature and flow
metering along production and injection
Key WRM documents are readily available to the system from well to FPSO
WRM team members. Performance is monitored on o Plant Information data historian for real-
monthly basis using a set of Key Performance time well, subsea and surface data
Indicators (KPIs). The 5 KPIs applied were based on monitoring
core areas of the WRM Plan, which are important to o Energy Components® for data storage
Bonga: and allocation
1. Compliance with Surveillance Plan o Oil Field Manager® for data analysis
2. Availability and reliability of critical o Production Universe® (Shell propriety
metering systems software tool) for real-time well rate
3. Availability and reliability of subsea estimation and optimization
systems o Shell propriety software tool for well test
4. Reservoir pressures maintained as validation and control
per WRM Plan
5. Wells operated within approved A Well and Reservoir Atlas in hardcopy format is
operating envelope available to provide up-to-date information on Bonga.
Data in the atlas includes among others well
The KPI dashboard is presented during the monthly envelopes, pressures, rates, well completions,
surveillance reviews, whereby key gaps are reviewed reservoir maps, process schematics and logs. This
and solutions identified for immediate action during document is updated quarterly and is particularly
the daily meetings. In addition, an annual WRM useful during surveillance meetings and reviews, and
review diagnoses deviations from the plan and Production System Optimisation (PSO) discussions.
identifies optimization opportunities.
No. 4 - Integrated Production System Model
No. 3 - Smart Fields Capability
An integrated production system model (IPSM) was
Smart Fields technologies are fast maturing. Shell built for Bonga allowing detailed reservoir simulation
has implemented the concept in several existing and models (MoRes – Shell propriety software) to be
new fields, supporting the maximization of their asset linked with well, flowline / subsea and topside models
value8. Bonga completed the first phase of Smart ®
(PROSPER / GAP – IPM suite softwares) - Figure
Fields® implementation in April 2008, following 5. Both the injection and production network models
installation of a standard set of software tools and were incorporated to simulate the actual field
workflows for production monitoring, optimization, situation. The impact of infill drilling, varying
hydrocarbon allocation, modelling and forecasting. injectivity, changes in field allowable offtake limits,
Shell’s Smart Fields® provided the framework for new equipment, flowline and FPSO constraints on oil
4 S. Sathyamoorthy, O. Olatunbosun, D. Sabatini, U. Orekyeh and E. Olaniyan SPE 128348

production and water injection capacity can easily be With Well B still shut-in, injection was initiated at
evaluated using the Bonga IPSM. its corresponding injector, Well A, on the 9th
December 2005. A 1-psi response was observed
In addition, an optimization script was built to at Well B approximately 13½ hours after start of
manage offtake and distribution of injection water injection. A 5-psi response was observed at Well
aligned to the field pressure policy. This enables the B approximately 40 hours after start of injection at
model to duplicate as closely as possible actions Well A (Figure 7). The observed response is in
taken in the field. Water injection distribution across line with the fine scale model predictions for the
the injection lines is based on weighting factor high injector-producer connectivity scenario.
calculated using current and target reservoir
pressures. Well pairs close to minimum pressures The rate of pressure response at Well B
are allocated more water to enable pressure build-up significantly increased less than 12 hours after the
while producer wells are shut-in if reservoir pressures start of injection at Well Y injector on 10th
are lower than minimum pressure. December. This potentially indicates pressure
connectivity from Well Y to Well B. This would be
The Bonga IPSM team comprise key people (in supported by observation of pressure connectivity
reservoir engineering, production technology, between Well Y and Well X, as well as between
process engineering and production programming Well X and Well B.
disciplines) from the core WRM team. The models
are updated on monthly basis prior to end of month 2. Pressure Transient Analysis – At start of each
production planning meetings. The Bonga IPSM is producer well, Pressure Build-Up (PBU) data is
extremely useful for forecasting, as well as testing gathered to provide information on well and
new optimization opportunities or ideas for improving reservoir parameters, including connected
oil offtake and water injection prior to implementation volume and distances to boundaries.
in the field.
Example: In April/May 2007, one of Bonga
No. 5 - Good Understanding of Subsurface wells, Well E, was shut-in for 55 days as part of
actions taken to curtail production during quota
A good understanding of subsurface significantly restrictions. This well is the only producer in the
improves reservoir management and maximizes 803 reservoir with a cumulative production of 8.7
ultimate recovery in the long term. As with most MMstb at end June 2007. No water injection has
deepwater turbidite formations, degree of taken place to date in this reservoir in order to
connectivity of the reservoir is of primary concern. In test the aquifer support. The estimated
Bonga, information of reservoir connectivity is equivalent drainage radius was ascertained from
obtained from the following methods during operation pressure transient analysis (Figure 8). This
phase: interpretation is supported by the downhole
9, 10
1. Interference test – At start of each injector pressure data (MDT) collected in July 2007
ramp-up was designed to deliver an interference during the drilling phase of a new oil producer in
test period. The main focus was to demonstrate the 803 reservoir, Well F. It was observed that
producer-injector pair connectivity. Reservoir the level of depletion at Well F is similar to that
pressure was also monitored in surrounding seen at Well E, confirming the excellent pressure
producers. connectivity over long distances across the 803
Example: The northern area of the large 702
reservoir is currently developed with two 3. Tracer injection – A Remotely Operated Vehicle
producer-injector pairs: Well X (an oil producer) (ROV) injected non-radioactive tracer directly to
and its injector Well Y, as well as Well B and its the X-Tree of water injector at start-up. Several
injector Well A (Figure 6). Well X oil producer types of tracers are used in the field in order to
was started on the 1st December 2005, resulting allow future reconciliation of the contribution from
in pressure depletion at a rate of approximately different injectors located in a same sector or
1psi/day being observed at the shut-in Well B oil reservoir. Tracers are produced back upon
producer. This indicates pressure connectivity water-breakthrough.
across the apparent shale-filled channel
separating Well B and X. No pressure observation Example: In Well S and T (oil producers in the
could be made at the injectors, since they are not 690 reservoir), tracer IWT-1100 initially injected
equipped with downhole gauges, and tubing head from Well R (water injector), was detected at
gauges were not usable as deep-set valves had water breakthrough (Figure 9). This confirmed
remained closed prior to injector start-up. initial views that both wells were pressure
supported by a single injector well. A second
5 Key Elements of Successful Well and Reservoir Management in the Bonga Field, Deepwater Nigeria SPE 128348

tracer type, IWT-1200, was then injected from a o Hydraulic leak repairs on X-Tree and
new injector, Well U, but has not yet been SCSSV using Seal Tite
produced back at Well S. Timing of tracer o Acid stimulation of wells – bull-heading of
detection could be used in the 3-D dynamic 15% HCl
reservoir simulator to test alternative scenarios in o Line flushing and subsea system
the geology and sand connectivity between the inspection
well pairs.
Demand for cost effective subsea well intervention
Understanding of pressure connectivity is necessary techniques are growing rapidly due to the increasing
but is an insufficient condition for robust sweep subsea well population worldwide. The industry is
efficiency. The recent 4D seismic shot (between moving towards monohull vessels from traditional
December 2007 and January 2008) in Bonga semi-submersible rigs for minor well interventions13.
provided very important information on sweep Plans are underway to further enhance the FSV
patterns in the different reservoirs. Data from the 4D capability in near future to include wireline and
seismic is used to improve reservoir simulation slickline well interventions from the vessel using
models for forecasting purpose. The 4D seismic novel techniques14,15 for deepwater – subsea
application is also used for optimization of Phase 2 riserless intervention system. This would enable the
development well targets. FSV to perform running of mechanical plugs for well
suspension, deployment of insert valves to remediate
No. 6 - Intervention Readiness faulty SCSSV, installation of isolation devices to
remediate leaks and production logging for
Subsea developments are unique in the sense that surveillance.
opportunities for tradisional well interventions are
often prohibited by high cost of operation using a In addition, all workover and major interventions that
semi-submersible rig. A major deepwater operator in require pulling of tubing and re-completion will still
the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, presented well utilize a semi-submersible rig. The first major rig
intervention history from 1991 to 2003, for wells in assisted intervention in the field was executed in
water depths ranging 500 to 1500 meters . January 2009 with coil tubing to clean-out wellbore fill
Intervention frequencies experienced by the in a water injector, followed by mud acid stimulation.
particular operator demonstrates that well
interventions are imminent. Failure to react to well No. 7 - Well Integrity Management
issues (integrity, productivity and injectivity, or
surveillance related) could risk significant production Since Bonga producer wells are capable of delivering
besides compromising on Health Safety and high rates (in excess of 20,000 bopd), any deferment
Environment (HSE) grounds. caused by well integrity would significantly impact
production. Besides the risk of damage to the
A full time Field Support Vessel (FSV) and ROV were environment, asset and people is potentially huge.
made available on Bonga from start-up (Figure 10). Hence, well integrity is one of the most important
At that time it was recognised that the subsea elements of WRM in Bonga. The Well Integrity
equipment was potentially vulnerable to failure . The Management Standard (WIMS) document outlines an
ability to react quickly to well and subsea issues effective local well integrity management system
could reduce oil deferment, while preserving asset using proven practices and processes, aligned with
integrity. The use of the FSV has also reduced cost the industry minimum standards.
significantly, which would otherwise require a more
expensive rig-based intervention. Core members of the Bonga WRM Team and
relevant Discipline Leads (Subsea, Wells and
Since its introduction in the field, the FSV has Production Technology) are part of the well integrity
responded efficiently to many critical well and subsea team that meets every month to review integrity
activities such as follows: issues and KPIs. All integrity related data on Bonga
o Installation of X-Tree, THS, jumper and wells are stored online using Shell propriety software.
flying leads for new wells All subsea event and failure data is captured in the
o Deep-set valve cycling at start-up Integrity Management System Application (IMSA)
o Tracer injection for new injector wells tool.
o Subsea Control Module (SCM)
o Choke trim replacement Conclusions
o Well integrity inspection and leak
detection The Bonga development has demonstrated that a
complex deepwater field undergoing waterflood could
6 S. Sathyamoorthy, O. Olatunbosun, D. Sabatini, U. Orekyeh and E. Olaniyan SPE 128348

be managed efficiently through prudent well and

reservoir management and surveillance practices.
The 7 key elements for successful WRM in the
Bonga field are:
1. Effective integration of people and key
2. ‘Live’ WRM plan and routine
performance monitoring
3. Smart field capability
4. Application of Integrated Production
System Model
5. Good understanding of subsurface
6. Intervention readiness for swift action
and remedial
7. Effective well integrity management

Day-to-day field operations and system management

is expected to increase in complexity over the next
few years due to:
o Increasing water production from the field
o Aging infrastructure with normal well and
asset integrity issues
o Limited water injection capacity (rate and
o Natural well injectivity and productivity
o Future tie-in of nearby fields, leading to
liquid and gas constraints on FPSO


The authors would like to acknowledge the

contributions from other members of the Bonga
WRM Team, in particular Olatunbosun Oni, Nick
Colbeck, Elozino Olaniyan and Emmanuel Udofia. In
addition, the authors would like to thank
NNPC/NAPIMS, the management of Shell Nigeria
Exploration and Production Company Limited and
partners Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria
Limited, Total Exploration and Production Nigeria
Limited and Nigeria Agip Exploration Limited for
permission to publish this paper.
7 Key Elements of Successful Well and Reservoir Management in the Bonga Field, Deepwater Nigeria SPE 128348

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22nd March 1995 Gramstad, “Present and Future Well
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Techniques – A Reservoir Management 112661, presented at IADC/SPE Drilling
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23rd November 2005 7th April 2005
8 S. Sathyamoorthy, O. Olatunbosun, D. Sabatini, U. Orekyeh and E. Olaniyan SPE 128348

Figure 1: Map showing location of the Bonga field in block OML 118
9 Key Elements of Successful Well and Reservoir Management in the Bonga Field, Deepwater Nigeria SPE 128348

Figure 2: Bonga subsea development with Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel
10 S. Sathyamoorthy, O. Olatunbosun, D. Sabatini, U. Orekyeh and E. Olaniyan SPE 128348

Subsea Subsurface

Prod. Core Flow

Chemistry WRM Team Assurance

Onshore Offshore
Operations Operations

Figure 3: Bonga core WRM team integrates multi-discipline

24 hours a day, 7 days a week Optimization by integrated team





Figure 4: Smart Fields® capability enables real time monitoring of field data and enhances collaborative
work environment
11 Key Elements of Successful Well and Reservoir Management in the Bonga Field, Deepwater Nigeria SPE 128348

Oil production system model

Oil producer well models


Water injector well models

Water injection system model

Figure 5: Bonga Integrated Production System Model (IPSM) integrates reservoir, wells, subsea
infrastructure and topsides models

Connectivity between
Producer Well X and B
Well X confirmed by
pressure depletion at
Well B following Well
X production (before
injection start-up)

Well Y Producer
Well B

Well B-A connectivity

confirmed by test with
Well Y-X connectivity 5 psi pressure
confirmed by test with response observed at
pressure response Well B after approx. 40
observed at Well X hours of injection at
after approx. 13 hours Well A
of injection at Well Y
Well A

Figure 6: Amplitude map of the Bonga 702 reservoir northwest area

12 S. Sathyamoorthy, O. Olatunbosun, D. Sabatini, U. Orekyeh and E. Olaniyan SPE 128348

Well B Bottom Hole Pressure in barg

1. Start of production at Well X results in pressure depletion a Well B

2. Pressure response following start of injection at Well A
3. Additional pressure response following start of injection at Well Y
4. Production start at Well B

Figure 7: Well B bottom hole pressure during interference test

Fault Block 1

Fault Block 2
Potential Barrier

Well E

Well F

Figure 8: Connected volume from Pressure Transient Analysis at Well E

13 Key Elements of Successful Well and Reservoir Management in the Bonga Field, Deepwater Nigeria SPE 128348

Potential barrier
Well T – Oil Producer

Well R - Water Injector

Well S- Oil Producer

Well U - Water Injector

Figure 9: Tracer injection results in the 690 reservoir

14 S. Sathyamoorthy, O. Olatunbosun, D. Sabatini, U. Orekyeh and E. Olaniyan SPE 128348

Figure 10: Current contracted Field Support Vessel on Bonga

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