Current Transformers
Current Transformers
Current Transformers
Used of higher Insulation Level, Bar is connect with the current carring For Measuring CT ,Instrument Limit Ip
Bar Type device Selection of Suitable CTs and per Heavy Load Instrument Security CT/Rated Primary, After this value CT
Factor core becomes saturated
1-100 Amp Power Factor =0.9
600V CT Capacity = Load x1.6 For protection CTs, Accuracy Limit Ip
2.5:5 -100:5 Burden Load = KW to KVA then convert KVA to Ampers Accuracy Limit CT/Rated Primary.
Wound CTs Winding is like Normaly Transformer Factor
Load passing through primary winding , screw terminal at Secondary
Product of rated Load and Secondary
Standard CTs in LESCO as per KW Load Current of CT.
Rated Power Determine CT capacity to drive
No Pirmary Winding (VA) secondary current
Primary Condcutor pass through core produce current in secondary. LOAD KW CT/AMP
Soild Core and Split Core:
Ring Core/Solid Core: 50-500 A , Window 1' to 8'. 60 KW 100/5 Note:
Window CTs Power consumption should be close to CT rated Power
Spilit Core: Movable Core 100-5000 A, Window 1' by 2' and 13' by 20' 120 KW 200/5
If Very Low:Overcurrent factor increase and measure device
240 KW 400/5 is in-sufficient to protect against short ciruit
480 KW 800/5 If Very High:negative influence on accuracy
Window type CTs specially constructed fit around Bushing of CBs and In Normal situation Metering CTs saturation current 20 times In
Bushing CTs Transformers . for 5 sec, for gurantee protection of equipments.