Rau's IAS Modern India - 2021
Rau's IAS Modern India - 2021
Rau's IAS Modern India - 2021
PRE – 2021
Rs. 20/-
Test is part of Rau’s IAS Test series for Preliminary Exam 202 1
Test Code
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comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the
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which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
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This test is part of Rau’s IAS Test series for Preliminary Exam 202 1
1. Consider the following statements about Which of the statements given above are
the Young Bengal Movement: correct?
1. Hindu College in Calcutta was the (a) 1 and 2 only
centre of the Movement. (b) 2 and 3 only
2. The Movement promoted free thinking (c) 1 and 3 only
and rationalism. (d) 1, 2 and 3
3. They promoted taking beef and
drinking wine. 4. Consider the following statements about
Which of the statements given above are Keshub Chandra Sen:
correct? 1. He founded the Indian Reform
Association with the objective of
(a) 1 and 2 only
promoting cheap reading materials.
(b) 2 and 3 only
2. He formed the Adi Brahmo Samaj due
(c) 1 and 3 only
to his differences with Debendra Nath
(d) 1, 2 and 3 Tagore.
3. He married his minor daughter with
2. Consider the following statements about the king of an Indian Principality,
the railways during the colonial times: which led to the formation of the
Sadharan Brahmo Samaj.
1. The Railway Minute was published by
Lord Harding, which tried to convince Which of the statements given above are
the home authorities on the need for
railways in India. (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
2. The first railway line in India was laid
down between Bombay and Thane. (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
3. The Indian entrepreneurs were given
the responsibility to construct the
railway lines. 5. Consider the following statements about
the Treaty of Amritsar:
Which of the statements given above
1. The Treaty of Amritsar marked the
is/are correct?
end of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
(a) 2 only
2. Under the Treaty, river Sutlej was
(b) 2 and 3 only
accepted as the boundary line
(c) 1 and 3 only between the Sikh dominions and the
(d) 1, 2 and 3 East India Company.
3. It was signed between Maharaja
3. Consider the following statements about Ranjit Singh and the East India
the Faraizi Movement: Company.
Which of the statements given above
1. The centre of the Movement was
is/are correct?
(a) 2 and 3 only
2. The Movement aimed at purging un-
(b) 2 only
Islamic practices among the Muslims.
(c) 1 and 3 only
3. Dudu Mian mobilized the peasantry
(d) 1, 2 and 3
against the Zamindars.
6. Consider the following statements about Which of the statements given above
the Policy of Ring-Fence: is/are correct?
1. The Policy of Ring-Fence was followed (a) 2 and 3 only
by Governor-General Warren
(b) 2 only
2. It was aimed at creating the buffer (c) 1 and 3 only
zones to defend the Company’s (d) 1, 2 and 3
3. The Policy was reflected in Company’s 9. The Anglo-Nepalese War ended with the
war against the Marathas and Mysore.
signing of the Treaty of Sagauli. Which of
Which of the statements given above
the following statements are correct about
is/are correct?
the Treaty?
(a) 2 and 3 only
1. Nepal accepted a British resident.
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only 2. Nepal ceded the districts of Garhwal
(d) 1, 2 and 3 and Kumaon.
3. Nepal abandoned claims to Terai.
7. Consider the following statements about 4. British accepted Nepal’s claim over
the Subsidiary Alliance System: Sikkim.
1. Under the System, the allying Indian Select the correct answer using the code
state’s ruler was compelled to accept given below:
the permanent stationing of a British
(a) 2 and 3 only
force within his territory.
2. Under the System, the Indian ruler (b) 1, 2 and 3 only
could not employ any European in his (c) 1 and 3 only
service, without the prior approval of (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
the British.
3. Satara was the first state which
signed the Subsidiary Alliance 10. Consider the following statements about
System. the Treaty of Yandabo:
Which of the statements given above are 1. The Treaty of Yandabo was signed
correct? between the British and the
(a) 2 and 3 only Government of Burma (modern-day
(b) 1 and 2 only Myanmar).
(c) 1 and 3 only 2. Manipur was recognized as an
(d) 1, 2 and 3 independent state.
3. Burma had to abandon her claims on
8. Consider the following statements: Assam.
1. The Policy of Doctrine of Lapse is
Which of the statements given above
attributed to Lord Dalhousie.
is/are correct?
2. The Doctrine stated that the adopted
son could be the heir to his foster (a) 2 and 3 only
father’s private property, but not the (b) 2 only
state. (c) 1 and 3 only
3. Awadh was annexed in 1856 on the (d) 1, 2 and 3
grounds of mis-government.
11. Consider the following statements about Which of the statements given above
Lord Auckland and his Forward Policy: is/are correct?
1. The Policy implied that the British had (a) 1 and 2 only
to take initiatives to protect the
(b) 1 and 3 only
boundary of British India from a
(c) 3 only
probable French attack.
2. The Tripartite Treaty between the (d) 1, 2 and 3
British, the Sikhs and Shah Shuja
was a part of this Policy. 14. With reference to the Treaty of Allahabad,
3. This objective was to be achieved consider the following statements:
either through treaties with the 1. Robert Clive concluded this Treaty
neighbouring countries or by
after the Battle of Buxar.
annexing them completely.
2. Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula agreed to
Which of the statements given above
surrender Allahabad and Kara to
is/are correct?
Emperor Shah Alam II.
(a) 2 and 3 only
3. Shah Alam II granted the Diwani of
(b) 2 only
Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the East
(c) 1 and 3 only
India Company.
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Which of the statements given above
is/are correct?
12. Consider the following statements about
the Treaty of Gandamak: (a) 1 only
1. The Treaty was signed after the First (b) 1 and 2 only
Anglo-Afghan War. (c) 3 only
2. Under the Treaty, the Amir would (d) 1, 2 and 3
conduct his foreign policy with the
advice of the Government of India.
15. Which of the following statements is/are
3. The Government of India would give
correct regarding the “Dual Government
Amir an annual subsidy.
in Bengal”?
Which of the statements given above
is/are correct? 1. It was introduced by Robert Clive after
the Battle of Buxar.
(a) 2 and 3 only
(b) 2 only 2. Under this, the Company acquired the
Diwani functions and the Nizamat
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
3. Dalhousie did away with the Dual
System in 1772.
13. With reference to the significance of the
Battle of Plassey, consider the following Select the correct answer using the code
statements: given below:
1. It laid the foundation of the British (a) 1 only
Empire in India. (b) 1 and 2 only
2. Mir Qasim became the Nawab of (c) 1 and 3 only
Bengal after this Battle.
(d) 1, 2 and 3
3. The sovereignty of the English over
Calcutta was recognized.
16. Which of the following statements is/are 19. With reference to the Santhal Rebellion,
correct about Tipu Sultan? consider the following statements:
1. He organized his army on the 1. Continued oppression of the Santhals,
European model and realized the an agricultural group of Orissa, led to
importance of a naval force. the Rebellion.
2. He was very influenced with the 2. It was under the leadership of Sidhu
French Revolution and also became a and Kanhu.
member of the Jacobian Club.
3. The Santhals proclaimed an end to
3. He sanctioned funds for the repair of
the Company rule.
the Sringeri Temple.
Which of the statements given above
Select the correct answer using the code
is/are correct?
given below:
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 only (c) 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
22. Consider the following regarding the 4. It is also known as the Act of
causes of the Revolt of 1857: Settlement.
1. Disintegration of the older system of Select the correct answer using the code
Zamindari. given below:
2. The collapse of the rulers–the (a) 1 and 2 only
erstwhile aristocracy.
(b) 3 and 4 only
3. Rampant corruption in the Company’s
administration. (c) 1, 2 and 4 only
4. The Religious Disabilities Act, 1856. (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Which of the causes given above are
correct? 25. Consider the following statements
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only regarding the causes of the Pitt’s India
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only Act of 1784:
(c) 1 and 4 only 1. The Company’s territories in India
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 were, for the first time, called the
‘British possessions in India’.
23. Consider the following pairs: 2. The British Government was given the
S.N. Organization Leader supreme control over the Company’s
affairs and its administration in India.
1. Bharat Stree Sarla Devi
Mahamandal Chaudhurani Which of the statements given above
is/are correct?
2. Ladies Social Mehribai Tata
Conference (a) 1 only
27. With reference to the reforms under 3. Raising the age limit to 23 years for
Warren Hastings (1772-1785), consider recruitment into the ICS.
the following statements: Which of the statements given above are
1. District Diwani Adalats were correct?
established to try civil disputes.
(a) 2 and 3 only
2. Circuit Courts were established to try
(b) 1 and 2 only
criminal disputes.
(c) 1 and 3 only
3. Introduction of the Office of the
District Collector. (d) 1, 2 and 3
Which of the statements given above are
correct? 30. Consider the following pairs:
(a) 2 and 3 only
S.N. Committee Issue
(b) 1 and 3 only
1. Muddiman Crisis of
(c) 1 and 2 only
Committee Agriculture
(d) 1, 2 and 3
2. Linlithgow Issue of Dyarchy
28. With reference to the Cornwallis Code, Commission
consider the following statements: Which of the pairs given above is/are
1. There was a separation of revenue and correctly matched?
justice administration. (a) 1 only
2. The European subjects were kept out (b) 2 only
of the jurisdiction of the courts.
(c) Both 1 and 2
3. Government officials were answerable
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
to the Civil Courts for the actions
done in their official capacity.
4. The principle of Sovereignty of Law 31. Which of the following statements is/are
was established. correct regarding the Indigo Revolt?
Which of the statements given above are 1. The intelligentsia’s role in the Indigo
correct? Revolt was to have an abiding impact
(a) 2 and 3 only on the emerging nationalist
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only intellectuals.
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only 2. The Hindoo Patriot played an
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 important role in this movement.
3. Dinabandhu Mitra’s play, “Neel
29. With reference to the recommendations Darpan”, portrayed the oppression by
given by the Lee Commission (1924), the indigo planters.
consider the following statements:
Select the correct answer using the code
1. To establish a Public Service
given below:
(a) 1 only
2. Direct recruitment to the Imperial
Civil Service (ICS) on the basis of (b) 2 and 3 only
50:50 parity between the Europeans (c) 3 only
and the Indians be reached in 15 (d) 1, 2 and 3
32. Consider the following pairs: 2. It liberated the Indian Press from
S.N. Centres of the Leaders restrictions.
1857 Revolt 3. It was replaced by Lord Auckland in
1. Delhi Kunwar Singh
Select the correct answer using the code
2. Jhansi Rani Laxmibai given below:
3. Bihar Bakht Khan (a) 1 only
Which of the pairs given above is/are (b) 2 and 3 only
correctly matched? (c) 1 and 3 only
(a) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only 36. Which of the following statements about
(d) 1, 2 and 3 the Ilbert Bill is/are correct?
1. According to the original Bill, the
33. Consider the following statements: Indian judges could try the Europeans
1. The Paikas were the peasant militias also.
of the Gajapati rulers of Orissa. 2. It was passed without any
2. The Paikas arose under the leadership amendment, despite the vehement
of Baxi Jagabandhu and shook the opposition of the British residents in
foundations of the British in the India.
eastern part of India in 1817. Select the correct answer using the code
Which of the statements given above given below:
is/are correct? (a) 1 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
37. Consider the following statements:
34. Which of the following statements about 1. In India, the Act of 1858 provided that
Swami Dayanand is/are incorrect? the Governor - General would have an
1. He opposed idolatry, rituals and Executive Council, whose members
priesthood. were to act as the heads of different
departments and as his official
2. He considered the Puranas to be full
of falsehood.
2. The Indian Councils Act of 1861
3. He considered the Vedas to be fallible.
enlarged the Governor - General's
Select the correct answer using the code
Council for the purpose of making
given below:
laws, in which capacity it was known
(a) 3 only as the Imperial Legislative Council.
(b) 1 and 2 only Which of the statements given above
(c) 2 only is/are correct?
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
35. Which of the following statements is/are (c) Both 1 and 2
correct about the Vernacular Press Act, (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. It was passed by Lord Lytton.
38. Consider the following statements about Which of the statements given above are
the Pre-Congress political associations in correct?
India: (a) 1 and 2 only
1. The Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
was formed by the associates of Raja
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Rammohan Roy.
2. The British Indian Association was 41. Which of the following events took place
founded by Radhakant Dev to secure during the reign of Governor General
improvements in the local William Bentinck?
administration. 1. Abolition of Sati
3. The Indian League was founded by 2. Suppression of Thugi
Sisir Kumar Ghosh. 3. Introduction of English as the official
Which of the statements given above are
4. Removing restrictions on the Press
Select the correct answer using the code
(a) 1 and 2 only given below:
(b) 2 and 3 only (a) 2 and 4 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (b) 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 only
39. Consider the following statements about 42. Consider the following statements:
the Mahalwari System: 1. Behramji Malabari founded Seva
1. In this System, revenue settlement Sadan to work against child
was made with an individual farmer marriages.
and the Company. 2. The Theosophical Society was founded
by Annie Besant.
2. Thomas Munro played an important
3. Prarthana Samaj was founded by
role in the introduction of the
Gopal Ganesh Agarkar.
Mahalwari System in India.
Which of the statements given above
3. The Saharanpur Rules were related to is/are correct?
the Mahalwari System. (a) 1 only
Which of the statements given above (b) 2 and 3 only
is/are correct? (c) 2 only
(a) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 3 only
43. Consider the following statements about
(c) 1 and 3 only Police Reforms during the reign of Lord
(d) 1, 2 and 3 Cornwallis:
1. Cornwallis gave important role to the
Zamindars in the policing system.
40. Consider the following statements about
2. The Office of the Superintendent of
the Charter Act of 1813:
Police at the head of the district was
1. All trade related monopoly rights of mandated.
the East India Company were ended. Which of the statements given above
2. The Christian Missionaries were is/are correct?
allowed to come and preach their (a) 1 only
religion in India. (b) 2 only
3. Provision of Rs. 1 lakh was made for (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
the education of the Indians.
44. Consider the following statements about Which of the statements given above
Civil Services during the British times: is/are correct?
1. Fort William College was set up by (a) 2 only
Wellesley for the training of the Civil
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 2 only
2. The Charter Act of 1853 ended the
Company's patronage mandating (d) 1, 2 and 3
recruitment through an open
competition. 48. Consider the following statements:
3. The Charter Act of 1813 threw the 1. Haidar Ali took the help of the French
Services open to the Indians. to set up an arms factory at Dindigul.
Which of the statements given above are
2. He introduced the Western methods of
training for his army.
(a) 1 and 2 only
3. He brought to submission the
(b) 2 and 3 only
troublesome Poligars of South India.
(c) 1 and 3 only
Which of the statements given above
(d) 1, 2 and 3
is/are correct?
(a) 2 only
45. Consider the following statements about
Maharaja Ranjit Singh: (b) 2 and 3 only
1. He was associated with the (c) 2 only
Sukarchakiya Misl. (d) 1, 2 and 3
2. He had acquired Jammu and
49. The Treaty of Seringapatam was signed
Which of the statements given above during the reign of which of the following
is/are correct?
Governor Generals of India?
(a) 1 only
(a) Lord Auckland
(b) 2 only
(b) Lord Dalhousie
(c) Both 1 and 2
(c) Lord Mayo
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) None of the above.
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13 38 63 88
14 39 64 89
15 40 65 90
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17 42 67 92
18 43 68 93
19 44 69 94
20 45 70 95
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22 47 72 97
23 48 73 98
24 49 74 99
25 50 75 100
Answers &
GS Paper-I (TS21E1008)
Brahmo Samaj of India), while the old one defend the Company’s frontiers. Broadly
came to be known as the Adi (The speaking, it was ‘the Policy of Defence’ of
original) Samaj. their neighbours’ frontiers for
He founded the Indian Reform safeguarding their own territories.
Association upon his return from This Policy of Warren Hastings was
England. It aimed at 5 areas: reflected in his war against the Marathas
(1) Charity and Mysore.
(2) Temperance Wellesley’s Policy of Subsidiary Alliance
(3) Improvement of women's social and was, in fact, an extension of the Ring-
material condition Fence System, which sought to reduce
the Indian states into a position of
(4) Mass education through the mother
dependence on the British government.
(5) Access to cheap reading materials
7. Answer: (b)
The public announcement of the marriage
of Keshub's minor daughter with the Explanation:
Maharaja of Kuch Bihar in February, The Subsidiary Alliance System was used
1878, widened the hostility between the by Lord Wellesley, who was the Governor-
two groups. To the utter dismay of the General from 1798-1805, to build an
rationalist Brahmos, Keshub contravened empire in India.
the Brahmo Marriage Act of 1878 and Under the System, the allying Indian
justified his daughter's marriage as state’s ruler was compelled to accept the
'providential'. So, the split became permanent stationing of a British force
inevitable and the progressive splinter within his territory and to pay a subsidy
group formed the Sadharan Brahmo for its maintenance.
Samaj in 1875. Also, the Indian ruler had to agree to the
posting of a British Resident in his court.
5. Answer: (a) Under the System, the Indian ruler could
Explanation: not employ any European in his service,
without the prior approval of the British.
The Treaty of Amritsar was signed
Nor could he negotiate with any other
between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the
Indian ruler, without consulting the
British East India Company (not the
Governor-General. In return for all this,
British Government).
the British would defend the ruler from
It was signed in 1809, much before the
his enemies and adopt a policy of non-
occurrence of the First Anglo-Sikh War
interference in the internal matters of the
allied state.
Under the Treaty, river Sutlej was
The first Indian state to fall into this
accepted as the boundary line between
protection trap (which anticipated the
the Sikh dominions and the Company’s.
Subsidiary Alliance System) was Awadh,
which, in 1765, signed a Treaty under
6. Answer: (d) which the Company pledged to defend the
Explanation: frontiers of Awadh on the condition of the
Warren Hastings took charge as the Nawab defraying the expenses of such
Governor-General at a critical period of defence.
the British rule, when the British were to
encounter the powerful combination of 8. Answer: (d)
the Marathas, Mysore and Hyderabad. Explanation:
He followed a Policy of Ring-Fence, which In simple terms, the Doctrine of Lapse
aimed at creating the buffer zones to stated that the adopted son could be the
heir to his foster father’s private property, • abandon claims on Assam, Cachar
but not the state. It was for the and Jaintia;
paramount power (the British) to decide • recognize Manipur as an independent
whether to bestow the state on the state;
adopted son or to annex it. • negotiate a commercial treaty with
Though this Policy is attributed to Lord Britain; and
Dalhousie (1848-56), he was not its • accept a British resident at Ava, while
originator. It was a coincidence that posting a Burmese envoy at Calcutta.
during his Governor-Generalship, several
important cases arose in which the
11. Answer: (a)
‘Doctrine’ could be applied.
The most important of these were Satara
(1848), Jhansi and Nagpur (1854). The Lord Auckland, who came to India as the
other small states included Jaitpur Governor-General in 1836, advocated a
(Bundelkhand), Sambhalpur (Orissa) and Forward Policy. The English Company in
Baghat (Madhya Pradesh). India itself had to take initiatives to
protect the boundary of British India from
Lord Dalhousie annexed Awadh in 1856,
a probable Russian attack.
after deposing Nawab Wajid Ali Shah on
grounds of mis-government. This objective was to be achieved either
through treaties with the neighbouring
countries or by annexing them
9. Answer: (b)
completely. The Amir of Afghanistan, Dost
Explanation: Mohammed, wanted British friendship,
The Gorkhas wrested the control of Nepal but made it conditional on the British
from the successors of Ranjit Malla of helping him to recover Peshawar from the
Bhatgaon in 1760. They began to expand Sikhs – a condition which the British
their dominion beyond the mountains. In government in India rejected.
1801, the English annexed Gorakhpur, Dost Mohammed now turned to Russia
which brought the Gorkhas’ boundary and Persia for help.
and the Company’s boundary together.
This prompted the British government to
The Anglo-Nepalese War ended in the go ahead with the Forward Policy and a
Treaty of Sagauli, 1816, which was in Tripartite Treaty (1838) was entered into
favour of the British. As per the Treaty by the British, the Sikhs and Shah Shuja
• Nepal accepted a British resident. (who had been deposed from the Afghan
• Nepal ceded the districts of Garhwal throne in 1809 and had been living since
and Kumaon, and abandoned claims then as a British pensioner at Ludhiana).
to Terai.
• Nepal also withdrew from Sikkim. 12. Answer: (a)
10. Answer: (d) The Treaty of Gandamak, which was
Explanation: signed after the Second Anglo-Afghan
Peace between Burma and British was War, provided that:
established in 1826 with the Treaty of • the Amir conduct his foreign policy
Yandabo, which provided that the with the advice of the Government of
Government of Burma India;
• pay rupees one crore as war • a permanent British resident be
compensation; stationed at Kabul; and
• cede its coastal provinces of Arakan • the Government of India give Amir all
and Tenasserim; support against foreign aggression
and an annual subsidy.
13. Answer: (b) administration of justice) of the said
Explanation: provinces.
Significance of the Battle of Plassey –
• Mir Jafar became the Nawab of 15. Answer: (b)
Bengal. He gave large sums of money Explanation:
and the Zamindari of 24 Parganas to • After the Battle of Buxar, the East
the English. India Company became the real
• The Battle of Plassey had political masters of Bengal.
significance, for it laid the • Robert Clive introduced the Dual
foundation of the British Empire in System of Government, i.e., the rule of
India. the two – the Company and the
• The Battle established the military Nawab – in Bengal, in which both the
supremacy of the English in Bengal. Diwani, i.e., collecting revenues, and
• They obtained a grant of territories for Nizamat, i.e., police and judicial
the maintenance of the military force. functions, came under the control of
• There was no apparent change in the the Company.
form of government. • The Company exercised the Diwani
• The sovereignty of the English over rights as the Diwan and the Nizamat
Calcutta was recognized and the rights through its right to nominate
English posted a Resident at the the Deputy Subahdar.
Nawab’s court. • The Company acquired the Diwani
functions from the Emperor and the
Nizamat functions from the Subahdar
14. Answer: (d)
of Bengal.
• The System held a great advantage for
• Robert Clive concluded two
the Company. It left the appearance of
important treaties at Allahabad in
the authority to the puppet Indian
August, 1765, one with the Nawab
ruler, while keeping the sovereign
of Awadh and the other with the
power in the hands of the Company.
Mughal Emperor, Shah Alam II.
• Warren Hastings did away with the
• Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula agreed to:
Dual System in 1772.
(i) surrender Allahabad and Kara to
Emperor Shah Alam II;
16. Answer: (d)
(ii) pay Rs. 50 lakh to the Company as
war indemnity; and
• Tipu Sultan was born in 1750, to
(iii) give Balwant Singh, the Zamindar of
Haidar Ali and Fatima.
Banaras, full possession of his estate.
• Tipu was a great warrior (He was
• Shah Alam II agreed to:
known as the ‘Tiger of Mysore’) and
(i) reside at Allahabad, to be ceded to
gave maximum care to the raising and
him by the Nawab of Awadh, under
maintenance of an efficient military
the Company’s protection;
(ii) issue a farman granting the Diwani of
• He organized his army on the
Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the East
European model.
India Company in lieu of an annual
• Tipu realized the importance of a
payment of Rs. 26 lakh; and
naval force. Three dockyards were
(iii) a provision of Rs. 53 lakh to the
established at Mangalore, Wajedabad
Company in return for the Nizamat
and Molidabad.
functions (military defence, police and
• Tipu was a great lover of democracy • Syed Ahmed condemned the western
and a great diplomat. He was very influence on Islam and advocated a
influenced with the French Revolution return to pure Islam and society, as it
and also became a member of the was in the Arabia of the Prophet’s
Jacobian Club. time.
• He allowed himself to be called Citizen • The Kuka Movement was founded in
Tipu. He planted the Tree of Liberty at 1840 by Bhagat Jawahar Mal (also
Seringapatam. called Sian Saheb) in western Punjab.
• He sanctioned funds for the repair A major leader of the Movement
of the Sringeri Temple and after him was Baba Ram Singh. (He
installation of the idol of Goddess founded the Namdhari Sikh sect.)
Sarada. After the British took Punjab, the
Movement got transformed from a
17. Answer: (d) religious purification campaign to a
Explanation: political campaign
• The disastrous famine of 1770 and • On the political side, the Kukas
the harsh economic order of the wanted to remove the British and
British compelled a group of Sanyasis restore Sikh rule over Punjab. They
in Eastern India to fight the British advocated wearing hand-woven
yoke. clothes and boycott of the English
• Originally peasants, even some evicted laws and education, and products. So,
from land, these Sanyasis were joined the concepts of Swadeshi and Non-
by a large number of dispossessed Cooperation were propagated by the
small Zamindars, disbanded soldiers Kukas.
and rural poor.
• They raided Company’s factories and
19. Answer: (b)
the treasuries, and fought the
Company’s forces. Explanation:
• It was only after a prolonged action • Continued oppression of the Santhals,
that Warren Hastings could subdue an agricultural group, who had fled to
the Sanyasis. settle in the plains of the Rajmahal
• Equal participation of the Hindus and Hills (Bihar) led to the Santhal
the Muslims characterized the Rebellion against the Zamindars.
Uprisings, sometimes referred to as • The money-lenders, who had the
the Fakir Rebellion. support of the police among others,
• Anandamath, a semi-historical novel had joined the Zamindars to subject
by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, the peasants to oppressive exactions
is based on the Sanyasi Revolt. and dispossession of lands.
• The Rebellion turned into an Anti-
18. Answer: (b) British Movement.
Explanation: • Under Sidhu and Kanhu, two
• The Wahabi Movement was brothers, the Santhals proclaimed
essentially an Islamic Revivalist an end to the Company rule and
Movement, founded by Syed Ahmed declared the area between Bhagalpur
of Rai Bareilly, who was inspired by and Rajmahal as autonomous.
the teachings of Abdul Wahab (1703- • The Rebellion was suppressed by
87) of Saudi Arabia and Shah 1856.
Waliullah of Delhi.
20. Answer: (a) • Raja Rammohan Roy founded the
Explanation: Brahmo Sabha in August, 1828. It
• The practice of murdering female was later renamed Brahmo Samaj.
infants, immediately after their birth, Through the Sabha he wanted to
institutionalize his ideas and mission.
was common among the upper class
Prayers, meditation and readings of
Bengalis and the Rajputs, who
the Upanishads were to be the forms
considered females to be an economic
of worship and no graven image,
burden. The Bengal Regulations of
statue or sculpture, carving, painting,
1795 and 1804 declared infanticide
picture, portrait, etc., were to be
illegal and equivalent to murder.
allowed in the Samaj buildings, thus
• The Brahmo Samaj had the issue of underlining the Samaj’s opposition to
widow remarriage high on its agenda. idolatry and meaningless rituals.
• It was mainly due to the efforts of • Rammohan Roy did not want to
Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar establish a new religion. He only
(1820-91), the principal of Sanskrit wanted to purify Hinduism of the evil
College, Calcutta, that the Hindu practices which had crept into it.
Widows’ Remarriage Act, 1856, was
passed. It legalized the marriage of the
22. Answer: (d)
widows and declared issues from such
marriages as legitimate.
The Economic Causes – The colonial
• Jagannath Shankar Seth and Bhau
policies of the East India Company
Daji were among the active promoters
destroyed the traditional economic fabric
of girls’ schools in Maharashtra.
of the Indian society. The peasantry was
Vishnu Shastri Pandit founded the
never really to recover from the
Widow Remarriage Association in the
disabilities imposed by the new and a
1850s. highly unpopular revenue settlement.
• Another prominent worker in this field Impoverished by heavy taxation, the
was Karsondas Mulji, who started the peasants resorted to loans from the
Satya Prakash in Gujarati in 1852 to money-lenders and the traders at
advocate widow remarriage. Similar usurious rates, the latter often evicting
efforts were made by Professor D.K. the former from their land on non-
Karve in western India and by payment of debt dues. These money-
Veerasalingam Pantulu in Madras. lenders and traders emerged as the new
landlords, while the scourge of the
21. Answer: (b) landless peasantry and rural
indebtedness has continued to plague the
Indian society to this day. The older
• Rammohan Roy believed in the system of Zamindari was forced to
modern scientific approach, and disintegrate.
principles of human dignity and social
The Political Causes – The East India
equality. He put his faith in
Company’s greedy policy of
monotheism. aggrandisement, accompanied by broken
• In 1814, he set up the Atmiya pledges and promises, resulted in
Sabha (or The Society of Friends) in contempt for the Company and loss of
Calcutta to propagate the political prestige, besides causing
monotheistic ideals of the Vedanta suspicion in the minds of almost all the
and to campaign against idolatry, ruling princes in India, through such
caste rigidities, meaningless rituals policies as of ‘Effective Control’,
and other social ills. ‘Subsidiary Alliance’ and ‘Doctrine of
Lapse’. The right of succession was
denied to the Hindu princes. The collapse upliftment lived ‘under the shade of
of the rulers–the erstwhile aristocracy– Manu’.
also adversely affected those sections of Ramabai Ranade founded the Ladies
the Indian society which derived their Social Conference (The Bharat Mahila
sustenance from the cultural and Parishad), under the parent organization
religious pursuits.
National Social Conference, in 1904, in
The Administrative Causes – Rampant Bombay.
corruption in the Company’s
Pandita Ramabai Saraswati founded the
administration, especially among the
Arya Mahila Samaj to serve the cause of
police, petty officials and lower law
the women. She pleaded for improvement
courts, was a major cause of discontent.
in the educational syllabus of the Indian
The Socio-Religious Causes – Racial
women before the English Education
overtones and a superiority complex
Commission, which was referred to
characterized the British administrative
attitude towards the native Indian Queen Victoria. This resulted in medical
population. The activities of the Christian education for the women, which started
missionaries, who followed the British in Lady Dufferin College. Later Ramabai
flag in India, were looked upon with Ranade established a branch of Arya
suspicion by the Indians. The attempts at Mahila Samaj in Bombay.
the socio-religious reforms, such as the In 1925, the National Council of Women
abolition of Sati, support to widow- in India, a national branch of the
marriage and women’s education, were International Council of Women, was
seen by a large section of the population formed. Mehribai Tata played a vital role
as interference in the social and religious in its formation and advancement. She
domains of the Indian society by the opined that the Purdah system, caste
outsiders. These fears were compounded differences and lack of education
by the government’s decision to tax prevented the women from working to
mosque and temple lands, and making solve the societal problems. Other
laws, such as the Religious Disabilities
women, who held important positions on
Act, 1856, which modified the Hindu
the Executive Committee of the Council,
customs, for instance, declaring that
included Cornelia Sarabji, India’s first
change of religion did not debar a son
lady barrister; Tarabai Premchand, wife of
from inheriting the property of his
a wealthy banker; Shaffi Tyabji, a
‘heathen’ father.
member of one of Mumbai’s leading
Muslim families; and Maharani Sucharu
23. Answer: (a)
Devi, daughter of Keshab Chandra Sen.
However, according to the critics, the
Women’s Organizations – In 1910, philanthropic style that was being
Sarla Devi Chaudhurani convened the
followed by these women was that of the
first meeting of the Bharat Stree
upper-class English women.
Mahamandal in Allahabad. Considered as
the first major Indian women’s The All India Women’s Conference
organization set up by a woman, its (AIWC), founded by Margaret Cousins in
objectives included the promotion of 1927, was perhaps the first women’s
education for the women, abolition of the organization with an egalitarian
Purdah system and improvement in the approach. Its first conference was held at
socio-economic and political status of the Ferguson College, Pune. Important
women all over India. Sarla Devi believed founding members included Maharani
that the man working for women’s Chimnabai Gaekwad, Rani Sahiba of
Sangli, Sarojini Naidu, Kamla Devi Note:
Chattopadhyaya and Lady Dorab Tata. • The Amending Act of 1781 was passed
by the British Parliament to remove
24. Answer: (a) the defects of the Regulating Act,
Explanation: 1773. It is also known as the
Declaratory Act, 1781. The key
The Act of 1773 (also known as the
provision of this Act was to demarcate
Regulating Act) –
the relations between the Supreme
• The 1773 Regulating Act brought
Court and the Governor General in
about the British government’s
Council. It is also known as the Act of
involvement in the Indian affairs, in
an effort to control and regulate the
• The Regulating Act of 1773 was
functioning of the East India
passed to take control of the
Company. It recognized that the
Company’s activities. However, the Act
Company’s role in India extended
did not give power to the British
beyond mere trade to administrative
Government to rule India.
and political fields, and introduced
the element of centralized • Under the Regulating Act of 1773,
administration. Hastings became the Governor-
General of Fort William in Bengal,
• The Directors of the Company were
with powers of superintendence over
required to submit all correspondence
Madras and Bombay.
regarding revenue affairs, and civil
and military administration to the
government. (Thus, for the first time, 25. Answer: (c)
the British Cabinet was given the right Explanation:
to exercise control over the Indian The Pitt’s India Act of 1784 –
affairs.) • The Pitt’s India Act gave the British
• In Bengal, the administration was to Government a large measure of
be carried out by the Governor- control over the Company’s affairs. In
General and a Council consisting of 4 fact, the Company became a
members, representing civil and subordinate department of the State.
military government. They were The Company’s territories in India
required to function according to the were termed ‘British possessions’.
majority rule. Warren Hastings and • The government’s control over the
four others were named in the Act, the Company’s affairs was greatly
later ones were to be appointed by the extended. A Board of Control,
Company. consisting of the Chancellor of
• A Supreme Court of Judicature was to Exchequer, a Secretary of State and
be established in Bengal with original four members of the Privy Council (to
and appellate jurisdictions, where all be appointed by the Crown) were to
subjects could seek redressal. In exercise control over the Company’s
practice, however, the Supreme Court civil, military and revenue affairs. All
had a debatable jurisdiction vis-a-vis dispatches were to be approved by the
the Council, which created various Board. Thus, a dual system of control
problems. was set up.
• The Governor-General could exercise • A general prohibition was placed on
some powers over Bombay and aggressive wars and treaties (breached
Madras–again, a vague provision often).
which created many problems.
Note: Thus, the representation of the people at
The Act was significant for two reasons – large remained remote and unreal.
1. The Company’s territories in India Note: The Act also provided for the
were, for the first time, called the separate representation of the Presidency
‘British possessions in India’. Corporation, Chambers of Commerce,
2. The British Government was given the Universities and Zamindars.
supreme control over the Company’s
affairs and its administration in India. 27. Answer: (b)
26. Answer: (a) Reforms under Warren Hastings (1772-
Explanation: 1785) –
The Indian Councils Act, 1909 – • District Diwani Adalats were
• Popularly known as the Morley-Minto established in the districts to try civil
disputes. These Adalats were placed
Reforms, the Act made the first
under the Collector and had the
attempt to bring in a representative
Hindu Law applicable for the Hindus
and popular element in the and the Muslim Law for the Muslims.
governance of the country. The appeal from the District Diwani
• The strength of the Imperial Adalats lay to the Sadar Diwani
Legislative Council was increased. Adalat, which functioned under a
• With regard to the Central President and two members of the
Government, an Indian member was Supreme Council.
taken for the first time in the • District Fauzdari Adalats were set up
to try criminal disputes and were
Executive Council of the Governor-
placed under an Indian officer,
General (Satyendra Prasad Sinha was
assisted by the Qazis and the Muftis.
the first Indian to join the Governor-
These Adalats also were under the
General’s–or Viceroy’s– Executive general supervision of the Collector.
Council, as the law member.) The Muslim Law was administered in
• The members of the Provincial the Fauzdari Adalats. The approval for
Executive Council were increased. the capital punishment and for the
• The powers of the Legislative acquisition of the property lay to the
Councils, both Central and Provincial, Sadar Nizamat Adalat at
Murshidabad, which was headed by a
were increased.
Deputy Nizam (an Indian Muslim),
Under this Act, the real power remained assisted by the chief Qazi and the
with the Government and the Councils chief Mufti.
were left with no functions but criticism. • Under the Regulating Act of 1773, a
The introduction of separate electorates Supreme Court was established at
for the Muslims created new problems. Calcutta, which was competent to try
Besides separate electorates for the all British subjects within Calcutta
Muslims, representation in excess of their and the subordinate factories,
including the Indians and the
population strength was accorded to the
Europeans. It had original and
Muslims. Also, the income qualification
appellate jurisdictions. Often, the
for the Muslim voters was kept lower than
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
that for the Hindus. The system of clashed with that of other courts.
election was very indirect.
• The Calcutta Madrasah was
established by Warren Hastings in
1781 for the study of Muslim Law and (vi) King-in-Council for appeals of 5,000
related subjects. pounds and above.
• In 1772, Warren Hastings introduced • The Cornwallis Code was laid out –
the Office of the District Collector. o There was a separation of revenue and
Note: During Lord Cornwallis, the justice administration.
District Fauzdari Courts were abolished o The European subjects were also
and, instead, Circuit Courts were brought under the jurisdiction.
established at Calcutta, Dacca, o Government officials were answerable
Murshidabad and Patna. These Circuit to the Civil Courts for the actions
Courts had European judges and were to done in their official capacity.
act as the Courts of Appeal for both the
o The principle of Sovereignty of Law
civil and the criminal cases.
was established.
RAUSIAS-TS21E1008 10
31. Answer: (d) 32. Answer: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:
The most militant and widespread of the The Centres of the 1857 Revolt and
peasant movements was the Indigo Revolt their Leaders –
of 1859-60. The indigo planters, nearly all • Delhi - General Bakht Khan
Europeans, compelled the tenants to • Kanpur - Nana Saheb
grow indigo, which they processed in the
• Lucknow - Begum Hazrat Mahal
factories set up in the rural (Mofussil)
• Bareilly - Khan Bahadur
• Bihar - Kunwar Singh
A major reason for the success of the
Indigo Revolt was the tremendous • Faizabad - Maulvi Ahmadullah
initiative, co-operation, organization and • Jhansi - Rani Laxmibai
discipline of the Ryots. Another reason • Baghpat - Shah Mal
was complete unity among the Hindu and
the Muslim peasants. Leadership for the 33. Answer: (c)
movement was provided by the more well-
off Ryots and, in some cases, by petty
Pre-dating, what has been popularly
Zamindars, money-lenders and ex-
regarded as the First War of
employees of the planters.
Independence in 1857, the Paika Bidroha
A significant feature of the Indigo Revolt
(The Paika Rebellion) of 1817 in Orissa
was the role of the intelligentsia of
briefly shook the foundations of the
Bengal, which organized a powerful
British rule in the eastern part of India.
campaign in support of the rebellious
The Paikas were essentially the peasant
peasantry. It carried on newspaper
militias of the Gajapati rulers of Orissa,
campaigns, organized mass meetings,
who rendered military service to the king
prepared memoranda on the peasants’
during the times of war, while taking up
grievances and supported them in their
cultivation during the times of peace.
legal battles. Outstanding in this respect
They unfurled the banner of rebellion
was the role of Harish Chandra Mukherji,
against the British under the leadership
editor of the Hindoo Patriot. He published
of Baxi Jagandhu, as early as 1817, to
regular reports from his correspondents
throw off the British yoke.
in the rural areas on the planters’
oppression, officials’ partisanship and The rulers of Khurda were traditionally
peasant resistance. the custodians of the Jagannath Temple
He himself wrote with passion, anger and and ruled as the deputy of Lord
deep knowledge of the problem, which he Jagannath on the Earth. They symbolized
raised to a high political level. the political and cultural freedom of the
Dinabandhu Mitra’s play, Neel Darpan, people of Orissa. The British, having
was to gain great fame for vividly established their sway over the Bengal
portraying the oppression by the planters. Province and the Madras Province to the
The intelligentsia’s role in the Indigo north and the south of Orissa, occupied it
Revolt was to have an abiding impact on in 1803. The Gajapati King of Orissa,
the emerging nationalist intellectuals. The Mukunda Deva-ll, was a minor then and
Missionaries were another group which initial resistance by Jai Rajguru, the
extended active support to the Indigo custodian of Mukunda Deva-II, was put
Ryots in their struggle. The Government’s down brutally and Jai Rajguru was torn
response to the Revolt was rather apart alive. A few years later, it was the
restrained and not as harsh as in the Paikas, under Baxi Jagabandhu, the
case of the civil rebellions and the tribal hereditary chief of the militia army of the
uprisings. Gajapati King, who rose in rebellion,
RAUSIAS-TS21E1008 11
taking support of the tribals and other 37. Answer: (c)
sections of the society. The rebellion Explanation:
started in March, 1817 and spread In India, the Act of 1858 provided that
quickly. Though, the Paikas played a the Governor - General would have an
larger role in the rebellion against the Executive Council, whose members were
British, it was, by no means, a rebellion to act as the heads of different
by a small group of people belonging to a departments and as his official advisers.
particular class. The Indian Councils Act of 1861 enlarged
The British were initially taken aback and the Governor - General's Council for the
then tried to regain the lost ground, but purpose of making laws, in which
faced stiff resistance from the rebelling capacity it was known as the Imperial
Paikas. Many a battle ensued with some Legislative Council.
victories to the rebels, but the British
finally managed to defeat them within 38. Answer: (d)
three months. Baxi Jagabandhu was Explanation:
finally arrested in 1825 and died in The Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha was
captivity in 1829. formed by the associates of Raja
Rammohan Roy.
34. Answer: (a) The British Indian Association was
Explanation: founded in Calcutta with Radhakant Dev
and Debendranath Tagore as its
Swami Dayanand Saraswati considered
President and Secretary, respectively. The
the Vedas as eternal and infallible. He
object of the Association was ‘to secure
was against idolatry, rituals and
improvements in the local administration
priesthood, and attacked child marriages
of the country and in the system of
and the caste system based on birth; government laid down by the Parliament'.
encouraged inter-caste marriages and The Association gave leadership to
widow marriages. He considered the remove the existing defects in the laws
Puranas to be full of falsehood. and civil administration of the country,
and to promote greater welfare of the
35. Answer: (a) Indians.
Explanation: The Indian League was formed in 1875. It
The Vernacular Press Act was passed in was founded by Sisir Kumar Ghosh. The
nationalist leaders, like Ananda Mohan
1878 under the Governor General-ship
Bose, Durgamohan Das, Nabagopal
and Viceroyalty of Lord Lytton, for better
Mitra, Surendranath Banerjea and others
control of the Indian language
were associated with this organization.
newspapers. It was replaced by Lord
The League represented the middle class
Rippon in 1882.
and worked to stimulate the sense of
nationalism among the people and to
36. Answer: (a) encourage political education. With a
Explanation: broad vision of an all India outlook, the
The Ilbert Bill, officially called the leaders kept the organization above
Criminal Procedure Amendment Code narrow provincial and communal politics.
Bill, was introduced in 1883. Its aim was But, soon the League foundered and
to give the Indian District Magistrates shortly afterwards, Surendranath
and Session Judges the right to try the Banerjea founded the Indian Association,
along with his friend Ananda Mohan Bose
Europeans and the British offenders.
It was amended before being passed.
RAUSIAS-TS21E1008 12
39. Answer: (b) and science among the natives of
Explanation: India, every year. (This was an
The Mahalwari System – It was a form of important statement from the point of
revenue settlement practised by the State’s responsibility for education.)
British East India Company in Punjab, • The regulations made by the Councils
Awadh and Haryana. of Madras, Bombay and Calcutta were
Holt Mackenzie and Mirttens Bird played now required to be laid before the
an important role in the launch of the British Parliament. The constitutional
Mahalwari Settlement in India. In this position of the British territories in
India was, thus, explicitly defined for
System, revenue settlement was made
the first time.
with a group of farmers, instead of one
farmer at the village level. • Separate accounts were to be kept
regarding commercial transactions
The Saharanpur Rules of 1855 were
and territorial revenues. The power of
related to the Mahalwari System, by
superintendence and the direction of
which the revenue demand was made
the Board of Control was not only
limited to 50% of the rental value.
defined, but also enlarged
40. Answer: (b) • The Christian Missionaries were also
Explanation: permitted to come to India and preach
The Charter Act of 1813 – In England, their religion.
the business interests were pressing for
an end to the Company’s monopoly over 41. Answer: (d)
trade in India, because of a spirit of Explanation:
laissez-faire and the Continental System Important Events during the reign of
by Napoleon, by which the European Governor General Bentinck –
ports were closed for Britain. The 1813 1. Abolition of Sati and other cruel rites
Act sought to redress these grievances – 2. Suppression of Thugi
• The Company’s monopoly over trade 3. The Charter Act of 1833
in India ended, but the Company
4. The Resolution of 1835, and
retained the trade with China and the
educational reforms and introduction
trade in tea. of English as the official language
• The Company was to retain the 5. Treaty of perpetual friendship with
possession of the territories and the Ranjeet Singh
revenue for 20 years more, without 6. Abolition of the Provincial Courts of
prejudice to the sovereignty of the Appeal and Circuit set up by
Crown. (Thus, the constitutional Cornwallis, the appointment of the
position of the British territories in Commissioners of Revenue and
India was defined explicitly for the Circuit.
first time.)
• The powers of the Board of Control 42. Answer: (a)
were further enlarged. Explanation:
• A sum of Rs. 1 lakh was to be set Prarthana Samaj was founded in
aside for the revival, promotion and Bombay. Atmarang Pandurang was its
encouragement of literature, learning founder. Ranade was its chief mentor.
RAUSIAS-TS21E1008 13
Focus Area – Worship and reform of the The 1853 Charter Act ended the
society through emphasis on Company’s patronage, enjoining
monotheism, uplift of women, abolition of recruitment to be through an open
caste discrimination and religious competition.
orthodoxy. Although, the Charter Act of 1833
The Theosophical Society – It was theoretically threw open the Services to
founded in New York, but the the Indians, the relevant provisions were
headquarters shifted to Adyar, near never really implemented. After 1857,
Madras. Madame Blavatsky was its when the Indians claimed a share in
founder along with Col. H. S. Olcott. higher services, the Proclamation of 1858
Annie Besant went to become its declared the British intention of including
important proponents and was its the Indians, freely and impartially, in the
President. offices under the Civil Services.
It drew inspiration from the Upanishads,
the Philosophy of the Vedanta, etc., to 45. Answer: (c)
aim at religious revival and social Explanation:
Ranjit Singh was associated with the
Seva Sadan was founded by Behramji Sukarchakiya Misl.
Malabari. It worked for the abolition of
In 1805, Ranjit Singh acquired Jammu
child marriage, forced widowhood and to
and Amritsar, and thus the political
help socially exploited women.
capital (Lahore) and the religious capital
(Amritsar) of Punjab came under the rule
43. Answer: (b) of Ranjit Singh. He also maintained
Explanation: good relations with the Dogras and the
Cornwallis did not give important role to Nepalese, and enlisted them in his army.
the Zamindars in the policing system. He
relieved the zamindars of their police 46. Answer: (a)
duties. Explanation:
Cornwallis organized a regular police Battle of Wandiwash (1760), in the
force to maintain law and order by going history of India, was a confrontation
back to and modernizing the old Indian between the French, under the comte de
system of Thanas in a district under a Lally, and the British, under Sir Eyre
Daroga and a Superintendent of Police Coote.
(SP) at the head of a district.
It was the decisive battle in the Anglo-
French struggle in southern India during
44. Answer: (a) the Seven Years’ War (1756–63).
Wellesley set up the Fort William College 47. Answer: (a)
for training of the new recruits. After Explanation:
some time, Wellesley’s college was
The founder of the independent
disapproved by the Court of Directors and
principality of Awadh was Saadat Khan,
instead the East India College was set up
popularly known as Burhan-ul-Mulk.
at Haileybury in England to impart two
years’ training to the recruits.
RAUSIAS-TS21E1008 14
Murshid Kuli Khan was the founder of 49. Answer: (d)
the independent state of Bengal. He was a Explanation:
capable ruler and made Bengal a The Treaty of Seringapatam – The
prosperous state. Treaty of Seringapatam was signed
The founder of Independent Hyderabad during the reign of Lord Cornwallis.
was Kilich Khan, popularly known as Under this Treaty of 1792, nearly half of
Nizam-ul-Mulk. the Mysorean territory was taken over by
the English.
48. Answer: (d)
Explanation: 50. Answer: (c)
Haidar Ali took the help of the French to Explanation:
set up an arms factory at Dindigul (now The Pindaris, made up of many castes
in Tamil Nadu) and he also introduced and classes, were attached to the
the Western methods of training for his Maratha armies as mercenaries. When
army. He also started to use his the Marathas became weak, the Pindaris
considerable diplomatic skill to could not get regular employment.
outmanoeuvre his opponents. With his
As a consequence, they started
superior military skill, he brought to
plundering neighbouring territories,
submission the troublesome Poligars of
including those of the Company.
South India.
The English charged the Marathas with
giving shelter to the Pindaris. Pindari
leaders like Amir Khan and Karim Khan
surrendered, while Chitu Khan fled into
the jungles.
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