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Force Sensor Balance Stand: Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual

Manual No. 012-08713A

Force Sensor
Balance Stand
Model No. CI-6460
Balance Stand Model No. CI-6460

Table of Contents

Equipment List........................................................... 3

Introduction ............................................................. 4

Basic Setup .............................................................. 4

Setup Options ........................................................... 5

Suggested Experiments ............................................. 7-10

Experiment 1: Exploring the Relationship between Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle ..... 7-8
Experiment 2: Exploring the Relationship Between Normal Force and Angle ....................... 9-10

Appendix A: DataStudio Setup Instructions .........................11

Appendix B: Creating Equations in DataStudio ......................12

Appendix C: Technical Support ....................................... 13

Appendix D: Copyright and Warranty Information .................. 13

Model No. CI-6460 Force Sensor Balance Stand

Force Sensor Balance Stand

Model No. CI-6460

Equipment List

Included Equipment Replacement

Model Number*
1. Force Sensor Balance Stand CI-6460

2. Balance Pan 648-08700

*Use Replacement Model Numbers to expedite replacement orders.

Additional Equipment Recommended Replacement

Model Number*
™ interface Various*,**
Any PASCO ScienceWorkshop® or PASPORT (See PASCO catalog.)
Force Sensors CI-6746 or CI-6537 or
See PASCO catalog.
DataStudio® software
Mass Set See PASCO catalog
A computer NA

*PASPORT sensors require a PASPORT computer interface.

**ScienceWorkshop sensors require a ScienceWorkshop interface. (Do not mix
PASPORT and ScienceWorkshop sensors in the same experiment.)

Force Sensor Balance Stand Model No. CI-6460


The Force Sensor Balance Stand is designed to allow the use of a PASCO Force Sensor as a
balance. The sensor is mounted on a bracket and the circular balance pan is screwed directly
into the Force Sensor in place of the hook. When used with DataStudio, both weight and
mass can be determined with a Force Sensor and a stand. Both ScienceWorkshop and
PASPORT Force Sensors can be used with the Force Sensor Balance Stand.
The Force Sensor Balance Stand is ideal for usage in experiments exploring buoyancy,
gravitational, and normal forces.

Basic Setup:

1. Using the screws provided with the Force Sensor, mount the sensor on the balance stand. See
Figure 1 for the appropriate mounting positions.

Use these two Attach the

holes to attach the Economy Force
ScienceWorkshop Sensor and
Force Sensor. PASPORT
Force Sensor

Use this hole to

store the balance
Figure 1: Front view of Force pan.
Sensor Balance Stand

2. Unscrew the hook from the top of the Force Sensor. Screw the balance pan into the
threaded hole on the top of the Force Sensor.

3. Connect the Force Sensor to either a ScienceWorkshop or PASPORT interface. (For

software setup, see Appendix A.)

4. Place an object on the balance pan. Try to center the object for best results.

5. In DataStudio, click the Start button to display the weight of the object.

6. Use the calculator in DataStudio to create the following equation, which displays the mass
mass = ----------------
in kg: 9.81

4 ®
Model No. CI-6460 Force Sensor Balance Stand

Setup Options

a) Mounting a Force Sensor

The Force Sensor Balance Stand can be used with three different PASCO force sensors (See
Figures 2a-2c below.)

Figure 2a: Setup with a Figure 2b: Setup with a Figure 2c: Setup with
PASPORT Force ScienceWorkshop an Economy Force
Sensor (PS-2104) Force Sensor (CI-6537) Sensor (CI-6746)

b) Mounting both a Force and Acceleration Sensor

In addition, an acceleration sensor can be mounted to the stand to measure the angle of
incline. Depending on the force sensor used, the mounting position will vary. To mount an
acceleration sensor, use the bracket and screws provided with the acceleration sensor.


3a) front view 3b) side view

Figure 3a-3b: Setup with a PASPORT Force Sensor (PS-2104) and Acceleration
Sensor (PS-2118)

Force Sensor Balance Stand Model No. CI-6460

Hold the bracket against the side hole in the Force Sensor Stand. Insert a screw into the back
of the Acceleration Sensor and mount to the back of the stand. Insert another screw into the
bottom of the Acceleration Sensor to hold the sensor in place.

4a) front view 4b) side view

Figure 4a-4b: Setup with a ScienceWorkshop CI-6746 Economy Force and CI-6558
Acceleration Sensor

Note: If you are mounting a CI-6537 Force Sensor, mount the metal bracket to the front of
the Force Sensor Stand, as shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5: Setup with a CI-6537 ScienceWorkshop Force Sensor and

CI-6558 Acceleration Sensor:

6 ®
Model No. CI-6460 Force Sensor Balance Stand

Experiment 1: Exploring the Buoyancy Force and

Archimedes’ Principle
Equipment Required:
Force Sensors (CI-6537, CI-6746, Computer interface
Force Sensor Balance Stand Two Stainless steel rods (ME-8736 or
(CI-6460) ME-8738 or ME-8741)
Large Rod Base (ME-8735) Multi-Clamp (SE-9442),
Beaker (SE-7287 or 7288) Density Set (ME-8569)
Laboratory Jack (SE-9372 or SE- String
9373 or SE-9374)

1. Mount a Force Sensor to the Force Sensor Balance Stand (see page 5).
2. Screw the Balance Pan into the Force Sensor.

3. Place the stand on a laboratory jack.

4. Connect the Force Sensor to a computer interface (For

DataStudio Setup instructions, see Appendix A.)

To avoid the risk of electric shock, keep water and

fluids away from sensors, power sources, computers, and
electrical apparatus. Observe standard electrical safety
precautions in your classroom.
5. Fill the beaker with the desired amount of water.

6. Place the beaker on the Balance Stand; then zero the Figure 1-1:
Experiment Setup
Force Sensor by pressing the Tare button.

7. Hang another Force Sensor directly above the beaker, as shown in Figure 1-1.

8. Choose a metal cylinder that will fit the beaker.

9. Use the Force Sensor Balance Stand to measure the weight of the cylinder.

10. With thread, hang the cylinder from the upper force sensor.

11. In DataStudio, create a graph which displays the following:

a) Force measured by the upper sensor (apparent weight)

Force Sensor Balance Stand Model No. CI-6460

b) Force measured by the lower sensor (buoyancy force)

c) Weight of the cylinder
12. In DataStudio, click the Start button to begin data collection.

13. Use the lab jack to raise the beaker until the cylinder is fully submerged in the water.

14. To end data collection, click the Stop button in DataStudio.

1. What happens to the apparent weight as the cylinder is submerged? Explain.
2. What happens to the buoyancy force as the cylinder is submerged? Explain.

3. How are the apparent weight, buoyancy force, and cylinder weight related to one another?

Sample Data with a PASPORT Force Sensor

8 ®
Model No. CI-6460 Force Sensor Balance Stand

Experiment 2: Exploring the Relationship Between the

Normal Force and Angle

Equipment Required:
Force Sensor Balance Stand (CI-6460) Force Sensor (CI-6537, CI-6746, or
Acceleration Sensor (CI-6558, or Dynamics Track (ME-6958) or flat
PS-2118 or PS-2119) board
Computer interface DataStudio software
500 g mass (SE-8759)

To investigate the relationship between the normal force and the track angle.

1. Attach a Force and Acceleration Sensor to the Balance
Stand by following the instructions in the Setup Options
section (pages 5-6).
2. Plug each sensor into a computer interface. (For more
information, see Appendix A).

3. Place the stand in the middle of the Dynamics Track.

4. Place the 500 g mass on the pan of the stand. Use a small
piece of tape under the mass to secure it to the stand.

5. In DataStudio, create a calculation for the angle:

acceleration parallel to inclined plane Figure 2-1:Experiment
angle=arctan Setup
acceleration perpendicular to inclined plane


angle=arcsin acceleration parallel to the inclined plane

9.81 m/s2

6. In DataStudio, create a calculation for the normal force:

normal force = weight*cos(angle)

Force Sensor Balance Stand Model No. CI-6460

7. Create a graph with the normal force on the vertical axis and angle on the horizontal axis.

8. Click the Start button to begin data collection.

9. Slowly raise the track end from one end to change the angle.

10. When the angle is about 20 degrees, click the Stop button to end the data collection.

Analysis and Conclusions

1. What is the relationship between the normal force and the track angle?
2. Draw a force diagram of the mass when the angle was 0, 10, and 15 degrees.

3. For each of the three force diagrams, calculate value of the normal force.

4. What will the value of the normal force be when the angle is 90 degrees? Explain.

Sample Data

10 ®
Model No. CI-6460 Force Sensor Balance Stand

Appendix A: DataStudio Setup Instructions

The instructions below outline the recommended experiment setup for PASPORT and
ScienceWorkshop sensors. Follow the steps specific for the type of sensor and interface (i.e.
PASPORT or ScienceWorkshop).

Procedure Steps

PART I: Plug the PASPORT: a) Plug the Force Sensor(s) and/or Acceleration Sensors
sensors into the into a PASPORT interface. b) Connect the PASPORT interface (i.e. USB
interface: Link, PowerLink, etc.) to a USB port on your USB-compatible computer.
c) When the PASPORTAL window opens, select “Launch DataStudio.”
ScienceWorkshop: a) Plug the Force Sensor(s) and/or Acceleration
Sensors into an analog channel(s) on a ScienceWorkshop interface.
b) Launch DataStudio.

PART II: Set up your PASPORT: a) Click the Setup button to open the Experiment Setup
experiment window. b) Use this window to setup or change sensor settings, such as
the sample rate or measurement units.
ScienceWorkshop: a) In the Welcome to DataStudio window, double
click “Create Experiment.” b) In the Sensors list, click and drag the Force
Sensor icon(s) to analog channels on the picture of the interface (i.e. to
the same letters in which you have the sensors connected.) c)
(Optional): If using an Acceleration Sensor, click and drag the
Acceleration Sensor icon to the picture on the interface.

PART III: Create the a) Create an equation for the normal force: F= force*cos(angle) where
force or acceleration “force” is the force in Newtons and “angle” is the track angle in degrees.
equations b) Create an equation for the angle: angle=arctan (y,x) where “y” is
acceleration parallel to the inclined plane and “x” is acceleration
perpendicular to the inclined plane. (Note: Keep the DEG button
(For instructions on creating equations, see Appendix B or the
DataStudio online help.)]

PART IV: Collect Data a) In the Displays list, double click on a Graph display. b) From the Data
list, drag the force icon over the y-axis in the graph. c) From the Data
list, drag the angle icon over the x-axis in the graph and release the
mouse. d) Click the Start button on the main toolbar.

Force Sensor Balance Stand Model No. CI-6460

Appendix B: Creating Equations in DataStudio

Step 2: Type in and/or

Step 1: Create a new equation. On the main toolbar,
build the equation.
click the Calculate button to open the Calculator
(Use the Scientific,
dialog. In the Calculator dialog, click the New button.
Statistical, and Special
menus, and the
trigonometric functions
to build the equation.) Step 6: Save the
Click the Accept button. equation. Click
the Accept
Step 3: Define the button.
dependent variables.
Under “Variables,” use
the down arrow to select
a variable or constant, Step 5: Label the
etc. and click OK. units. Click on the
(Example: For “x” select Step 4: (Optional): Enter any Properties button to
“Data Measurement.” In experiment constants. Use the (+) open the Data
the pop-up, select button to create an experiment Properties dialog and
“acceleration, x” and constant. Click New, then enter the enter the name and
click OK.) name, value and units for the constant. units. (Example: In
Click the Accept button. Go back to the Data Properties
the Variables menu and select dialog, select
“experiment constant”. Click OK. “acceleration, x” in
the name box and
“m/s/s” in the units

Note: Each time you build a new equation, click the New button. To edit a completed
equation, double click on the equation in the Data list, make your changes, and click the
Accept button to save your changes.

12 ®
Model No. CI-6460 Force Sensor Balance Stand

Appendix C: Technical Support

For assistance with the CI-6460 Force Sensor Stand or any other
PASCO products, contact PASCO as follows:
Address: PASCO scientific
10101 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747-7100
Phone: (916) 786-3800
FAX: (916) 786-3292
Web: www.pasco.com
Email: techsupp@pasco.com

Appendix D: Copyright and Warranty


Copyright Information
The PASCO scientific 012-08713A Force Sensor Stand Manual is copyrighted and all rights
reserved. However, permission is granted to non-profit educational institutions for
reproduction of any part of the 012-08713A Force Sensor Stand Manual, providing the
reproductions are used only for their laboratories and are not sold for profit. Reproduction
under any other circumstances, without the written consent of PASCO scientific, is

Limited Warranty
For a description of the PASCO warranty, see the PASCO catalog.


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