Magnetic Moment Magnetic Field Torque Vector Product Magnetic Force Applications Magnetic Field Concepts
Magnetic Moment Magnetic Field Torque Vector Product Magnetic Force Applications Magnetic Field Concepts
Magnetic Moment Magnetic Field Torque Vector Product Magnetic Force Applications Magnetic Field Concepts
Larmor Precession
When a magnetic moment μ is placed in a force
magnetic field B, it experiences a torque applications
which can be expressed in the form of a
vector product Magnetic
For a static magnetic moment or a Rohlf, Sec
classical current loop, this torque tends to 8-4
line up the magnetic moment with the
magnetic field B, so this represents its
lowest energy configuration. But if the
magnetic moment arises from the motion
of an electron in orbit around a nucleus,
the magnetic moment is proportional to
the angular momentum of the electron.
The torque exerted then produces a
change in angular momentum which is
perpendicular to that angular momentum,
causing the magnetic moment to precess
around the direction of the magnetic field
rather than settle down in the direction of
the magnetic field. This is called Larmor
These relationships for a finite current loop extend to the magnetic dipoles of electron
orbits and to the intrinsic magnetic moment associated with electron spin. There is also a
characteristic Larmor frequency for nuclear spins.
In the case of the electron spin precession, the angular frequency associated with the spin
transition is usually written in the general form
ω = gB
where g is called the gyromagetic ratio (sometimes the magnetogyric ratio). This angular
frequency is associated with the "spin flip" or spin transition, involving an energy change
of 2μB. An example for magnetic field 1 Tesla follows.
The characteristic frequencies associated with electron spin are employed in electron spin
resonance (ESR) experiments, and those associated with the nuclear spin in nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments.
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