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Tellabs 6300 Managed Transport System

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The document provides an overview of the Tellabs 6325 Edge Node including its components, configuration, cables, and software.

The document is a configuration and ordering guide for the Tellabs 6325 Edge Node, which is a telecommunications product.

Some of the items described in the document include basic units, dedicated units, subracks, modules, cables, transceivers, software, and more.

Technical Documentation

Product family Tellabs® 6300 Managed

Transport System
Product name Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node

Document Configuration and Ordering Guide

MA364 / Revision E3

Copyright © 2005-2010 Tellabs. All rights reserved.

Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Copyright Statement This Tellabs manual is owned by Tellabs or its licensors and protected by U.S.
and international copyright laws, conventions, and treaties. Your right to use
this manual is subject to limitations and restrictions imposed by applicable li-
censes and copyright laws. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distri-
bution, display or other use of this manual may result in criminal and civil

Trademark Notice The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Opera-
tions, Inc., or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: AUDIO
Any other company or product names may be trademarks of their respective

2 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Environmental Notices

Environmental Notices

Instructions for use, The equipment covered in this manual has been designed to fulfil the environ-
maintenance and mental demands of market and society. There are no apparent hazards during
management of residual use and on-site maintenance of the equipment. We recommend that repair of
product defective equipment takes place at Tellabs premises, and it is likewise recom-
mended to dispose of the equipment by use of certified local waste contractors
that can assure environmental safe handling and disposal of the equipment.
Arrangement for disposal of equipment can also be made through Tellabs.

Waste handling in The equipment covered in this manual must be disposed of in accordance
member states of the with "Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of
European Union 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)".
Disposal must follow national legislation for "IT and telecommunications
equipment" in accordance with the WEEE directive.
• Do not dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment with unsorted
municipal and household waste
• Collect the equipment separately
• Return the equipment through the collection system agreed with Tellabs.
Correct handling of the disposed equipment contributes to reuse, recycling
and other form of recovery to protect the environment.

Label The equipment is marked with the figure shown below, to indicate that the
equipment must be collected separately. In case of very small products, the
figure may only be on the packaging or in this manual. The Tellabs name and
the production date will also be labelled on the product.

Further information For further information about separation and handling the disposed equip-
ment to ensure correct reuse or recycling, please look at www.tellabs.com.

MA364 • Rev. E3 3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Revision Information

Revision Information

Revision history This guide has changed as follows:

Rev. Date Description of Changes

A1 Nov. 11, 2005 First version of the guide

A2 Feb. 28, 2006 Compared to revision A1:

• 120/75 ohm balun items for PIM1 module add-
ed. The balun provides 75 ohm E1 interface.
• The name of the DC power supply module,
DC/DC converter, changed to PS-DC.
• Ethernet cables added.
• Minor changes have been performed.

B1 July 14, 2006 Compared to revision A2:

• SPIMX module with 21 x 2 Mbit/s interfaces
• EMAP and ETEX10S modules added.
• PS-DC module CM3561 (75 W) replaced by
CM3561-A (85 W).
• Balun panel kit BNC added.
• Minor changes have been performed.

B2 March 13, 2007 Compared to revision B1:

• Tellabs 6325 node - Dedicated units added.
• Pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node basic units
• Minor changes have been performed.

C1 Oct. 25, 2007 Compared to revision B2:

• The following SDH/PDH modules added:
• The following WDM modules added: OM-C,
OM-D, OAD1-C, OAD1-D, TR4 and MP4.
• Various transceivers of type Ethernet, WDM,
bi-directional and Fibre Channel added.
• Minor changes have been performed.

C2 Dec. 12, 2007 Compared to revision C1:

• Cable WK-503Y-zz.z-11 replaced by WK-503Y-
• Minor changes have been performed.

4 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Revision Information

Rev. Date Description of Changes

D1 May 14, 2008 Compared to revision C2:

• SIMX4 module replaced by SIMX4m module.
• SIMX16 module replaced by SIMX16m module.
• Transceiver TR-0028-xxx removed. In SDH
DWDM applications transceiver TR-0018-xxx
should be used.
• Minor changes have been performed.

D2 Nov. 14, 2008 Compared to revision D1:

• Balun WK-508B-01.0-01 removed.
• Cable WK-504Y-zz.z-01 replaced by WK-504Y-
• Cable WK-502X-03.0-01 replaced by WK-502Y-
• Transceivers TR-0024-xxx removed.
• Minor changes have been performed.

D3 May 5, 2009 Compared to revision D2:

• Item number for ETEX ESW CD-ROM added.
• Minor changes have been performed.

E1 July 14, 2009 Compared to revision D3:

• SPIMXm module replaced by SPIMXm-1 mod-
• SPIMX16m module replaced by SPIMX16m-1
• PIM1 module replaced by PIM1m module.
• Optical Network Equipment protection of tran-
sponder and muxponder functions (Y-cable
protection) added.
• STM-1 transponder mode in transponder and
muxponder modules added.
• Minor changes have been performed.

E2 Nov. 27, 2009 Compared to revision E1:

• Transceivers TR-0033-D/U added.
• Minor changes have been performed.

E3 March 24, 2010 Compared to revision E2:

• Transceivers TR-0032-xxx removed.
• Minor changes have been performed.

MA364 • Rev. E3 5
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Revision Information

6 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Contents

Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Environmental Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Revision Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.1 Tellabs 6325 Node Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting a Dedicated Unit . . . . . 14
1.4 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting a Basic Unit . . . . . . . . 15
1.5 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting Subrack and Modules 17
1.5.1 Selecting the Subrack and Support Modules for the Tellabs 6325
Node 18
1.5.2 Selecting the Traffic Modules for the Tellabs 6325 Node - SDH
Configurations 19
1.5.3 Selecting the Traffic Modules for the Tellabs 6325 Node - WDM
Stand-alone Configurations 28
1.5.4 Optical Network Equipment Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1.5.5 WDM Link Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1.6 Selecting the Transceivers for the Traffic Modules and Dedicated Units .
1.6.1 Selecting the Transceivers for the SDH Interfaces . . . . . . . . . 42
1.6.2 Selecting the Transceivers for the Ethernet Interfaces . . . . . . 46
1.6.3 Selecting the Transceivers for Bi-directional SDH/Ethernet Inter-
faces 49
1.6.4 Selecting the Transceivers for the Fibre Channel Interfaces . 50
1.7 Using Optical Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1.8 Selecting the Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1.8.1 Selecting the Traffic Interface Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
1.8.2 Selecting the Optical Network Equipment Protection Cables . 55
1.8.3 Selecting the Synchronization and Alarm Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1.8.4 Selecting the Management Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1.8.5 Selecting the Power Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1.8.6 Selecting the EOW Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1.9 Selecting the Embedded Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

2.1 Dedicated Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.2 Basic Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.3 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.4 Transceivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.5 Subrack Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.6 Balun Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.7 Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.8 Embedded Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

MA364 • Rev. E3 7
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Contents

8 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Preface


Purpose The purpose of this guide is to:

• Describe how to configure the Tellabs 6325 node.
• Provide a list of ordering numbers for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Prerequisite for using This guide assumes that information from the network planning process is
this guide available.

Product version This guide describes Tellabs 6325 node, feature pack 1.4.

Structure of the The guide is structured as follows:

configuration and
• ‘1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node’ on page 11 describes pro-
ordering guide
cedures to configure Tellabs 6325 node.
• ‘2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node’ on page 59 provides a list
of ordering numbers for Tellabs 6325 node.

Tellabs 6325 node This guide is meant as a supplement to the Tellabs 6325 node configurator tool
configurator tool and vice versa.

Abbreviations used in 3R Transponder performing Re-amplification, Re-shaping and

this guide Re-timing of the incoming signal
ADM Add/Drop Multiplexer
CMCC Central Management and Communications Controller
CT Craft Terminal
CTE Channel Terminating Equipment
CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
DC/DC DC/DC converter
DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
E1 Electrical interface at 2 Mbit/s
EMAP Ethernet MAPper
EOW Engineering Order Wire
ETEX Ethernet Tributary EXtension
FE Fast Ethernet
FP Feature Pack
GbE Gigabit Ethernet
Km Kilometer
Mbit/s Megabit per second
MP Muxponder module
MS-SPRing Multiplex Section Shared Protection Ring
NE Network Element
nm nanometer, (1*E-9 meter)
NM Network Management
OAD Optical Add/Drop module
OM Optical Multiplexer/Demultiplexer module
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
PIM PDH Interface Module
ps picoseconds
PS-DC Power Supply - DC (DC/DC converter)
SDXC Synchronous Digital Cross-Connect
SETS Synchronous Equipment Timing Source
SFP Small Formfactor Pluggable (Transceiver)

MA364 • Rev. E3 9
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Preface

SIMXm SDH Interfaces, Cross-connection and SETS Module with

non-intrusive PDH monitoring
SNC/I Inherently monitored Sub-Network Connection protection
SNC/N Non-intrusively monitored Sub-Network Connection pro-
SPIMX SDH and PDH Interfaces and Cross-connection Module
SPIMXm SDH and PDH Interfaces, Cross-connection and SETS Mod-
ule with non-intrusive PDH monitoring
STM Synchronous Transport Module
STP Shielded twisted pair
SW Software
TR Transponder module
TRIB Tributary
VC-4 Virtual Container of 4'th order
VC-12 Virtual Container of 1’st order
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
XC Cross-connect (function)

References to Tellabs [1] 63xx_an010-1, Tellabs® 63xx Nodes, Using external Optical Amplifier at
documents STM-16, Application Note.

10 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Overview This describes how you configure a Tellabs 6325 node.

• ‘1.1 Tellabs 6325 Node Items’ on page 11
• ‘1.2 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node’ on page 13
• ‘1.3 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting a Dedicated Unit’ on
page 14
• ‘1.4 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting a Basic Unit’ on page 15
• ‘1.5 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting Subrack and Modules’
on page 17
• ‘1.6 Selecting the Transceivers for the Traffic Modules and Dedicated
Units’ on page 42
• ‘1.7 Using Optical Amplifiers’ on page 52
• ‘1.8 Selecting the Cables’ on page 52
• ‘1.9 Selecting the Embedded Software’ on page 56

1.1 Tellabs 6325 Node Items

Available items These items are available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Item Description

Dedicated Units Three non-modular variants that are complete nodes

for which only transceivers have to be added. The
three variants have the following interfaces:
• Variant 1: 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP) and 63 x
2 Mbit/s 120 ohm
• Variant 2: 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP) and 21 x
2 Mbit/s 120 ohm
• Variant 3: 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP), 21 x
2 Mbit/s 120 ohm, 2 x FE (RJ-45) and 2 x FE (RJ-45
or with SFP)

Basic Unit Pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node comprising a sub-

rack and a number of modules.

SC2 One rack unit (1RU) high subrack for the Tellabs
6325 node. Four slots for traffic modules. Various
modules can be installed in the subrack creating var-
ious configurations.

CMCC Central management and communications controller


PS-DC DC Power supply module (DC/DC converter)

AC/DC External AC/DC adapter

MA364 • Rev. E3 11
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Item Description

FAN Cooling module with the following interfaces:

• synchronization input and output
• alarm

SIMX4m SDH interface module, cross-connect and NE syn-

chronization (SETS) functions, non-intrusive PDH
monitoring, with the following transport interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)

SIMX16m SDH interface module, cross-connect and NE syn-

chronization (SETS) functions, non-intrusive PDH
monitoring, with the following transport interfaces:
• 1 x STM-16 (with SFP)
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)

SPIMX SDH and PDH interface module, cross-connect and

NE synchronization (SETS) functions, with the fol-
lowing transport interfaces:
• 2 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 4 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

SPIMXm-1 SDH and PDH interface module, cross-connect and

NE synchronization (SETS) functions, non-intrusive
PDH monitoring, with the following transport inter-
• 2 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

SPIMX16m-1 SDH and PDH interface module, cross-connect and

NE synchronization (SETS) functions, non-intrusive
PDH monitoring, with the following transport inter-
• 1 x STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 (with SFP)
• 1 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

PIM1m PDH interface module with the following transport

• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

PIM3P PDH interface module with the following transport

• 6 x 34/45 Mbit/s 75 ohm

12 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Item Description

ETEX10S Ethernet switching and mapping module with

5 Gbit/s Ethernet switch. The module provides the
following transport interfaces:
• 4 x GbE (with SFP)
• 2 x FE (with SFP)
• 4 x FE (RJ-45)

EMAP Ethernet mapping module with the following trans-

port interfaces:
• 2 x FE (RJ-45)
• 2 x FE (RJ-45 or with SFP)

OM-C 8 channel CWDM multiplexer and demultiplexer


OM-D 8 channel DWDM multiplexer and demultiplexer


OAD1-C 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop multiplexer


OAD1-D 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop multiplexer


TR4 4 channel WDM transponder/repeater module.

MP4 4 channel WDM muxponder/transponder/repeater

module with NE synchronization (SETS) function.

Transceivers Pluggable transceivers (SFP) are used to provide the

desired optical or electrical interfaces.

Baluns 120/75 ohm baluns provide 2 Mbit/s 75 ohm inter-


1.2 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node

To configure the Tellabs There are three ways to configure the Tellabs 6325 node. They are as follows:
6325 node
If then

you require a fixed configuration Go to ‘1.3 Configuring a Tellabs 6325

covered by one of the three dedicat- Node by Selecting a Dedicated Unit’
ed units and do not need the possi- on page 14.
bility to expand or change your Tel-
labs 6325 node

you require a configuration covered Go to ‘1.4 Configuring a Tellabs 6325

by one of the pre-configured basic Node by Selecting a Basic Unit’ on
units and the possibility to expand page 15.
or change your Tellabs 6325 node

MA364 • Rev. E3 13
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

If then

you want to configure the Tellabs Go to ‘1.5 Configuring a Tellabs 6325

6325 node by selecting available sub- Node by Selecting Subrack and
rack and modules Modules’ on page 17.

1.3 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting a Dedicated Unit

To configure a Tellabs This procedure describes how to configure a Tellabs 6325 node with one of the
6325 node with a dedicated units of the Tellabs 6325 node.
dedicated unit
Step Action

1 Select the dedicated unit that fits your required application. The
units are listed in ‘Item numbers of the dedicated units’ on page 14.

2 Select transceivers as described in ‘1.6 Selecting the Transceivers for

the Traffic Modules and Dedicated Units’ on page 42.

3 If required, select optical amplifier as described in ‘1.7 Using Optical

Amplifiers’ on page 52.

4 Select the cables as described in ‘1.8 Selecting the Cables’ on page 52.
Note: Two DC power cables are included when you order the dedi-
cated unit (CU...).

5 Select the embedded software as described in ‘1.9 Selecting the Em-

bedded Software’ on page 56.

Item numbers of the Select from the following units.

dedicated units
Description Item number

Tellabs 6325 node - Dedicated Unit, two DC pow- CU3561-001

er cables included. The unit provides the follow-
ing interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 63 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

Tellabs 6325 node - Dedicated Unit, two DC pow- CU3561-002

er cables included. The unit provides the follow-
ing interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

14 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

Tellabs 6325 node - Dedicated Unit, two DC pow- CU3561-003

er cables included. The unit provides the follow-
ing interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm
• 2 x FE (RJ-45)
• 2 x FE (RJ-45 or with SFP)

1.4 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting a Basic Unit

To configure a Tellabs This procedure describes how to configure a Tellabs 6325 node by selecting
6325 node with a basic one of the pre-configured basic units.
Step Action

1 Select the basic unit that fits your required application. The units are
listed in ‘Item numbers of the basic units’ on page 16.

2 If you want to add traffic modules to the basic unit then go to ‘Select-
ing additional modules’ on page 22.

3 Select transceivers as described in ‘1.6 Selecting the Transceivers for

the Traffic Modules and Dedicated Units’ on page 42.

4 If required, select optical amplifier as described in ‘1.7 Using Optical

Amplifiers’ on page 52.

5 Select the cables as described in ‘1.8 Selecting the Cables’ on page 52.
Note: Two DC power cables are included when you order the basic
unit (CU...).

6 Select the embedded software as described in ‘1.9 Selecting the Em-

bedded Software’ on page 56.

MA364 • Rev. E3 15
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Item numbers of the Select from the following units.

basic units
Description Item number

SDXC, pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node, basic CU3560-001-A

unit comprising the following items:
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 1x SIMX4m module providing 4 x STM-
1/STM-4 (with SFP), slot 3 in the subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 3x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

ADM1/ADM4, pre-configured Tellabs 6325 CU3560-003

node, basic unit comprising the following items:
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 1x SPIMX module providing 2 x STM-1/STM-
4 (with SFP) and 4 x 2 Mbit/s 120 Ohm, slot 3
in the subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 3x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

ADM1/ADM4, pre-configured Tellabs 6325 CU3560-005-C

node, basic unit comprising the following items:
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 1x SPIMXm-1 module providing 2 x STM-
1/STM-4 (with SFP) and 21 x 2 Mbit/s
120 Ohm, slot 3 in the subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 3x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

16 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

ADM16, pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node, basic CU3560-006-A

unit comprising the following items:
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 2x SIMX16m module each providing 1 x STM-
16 and 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (all with SFP), slot 2
and 3 in the subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 2x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

Pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node, without traffic CU3560-007

modules, basic unit comprising the following
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 4x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

1.5 Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node by Selecting Subrack and


To configure a Tellabs This procedure describes how to configure a Tellabs 6325 node.
6325 node
Step Action

1 Select the common items as described in ‘1.5.1 Selecting the Subrack

and Support Modules for the Tellabs 6325 Node’ on page 18. These
items are required in any configuration.

2 If you require an SDH configuration then select the traffic modules

as described in ‘1.5.2 Selecting the Traffic Modules for the Tellabs
6325 Node - SDH Configurations’ on page 19.
SDH configurations are Tellabs 6325 nodes with cross-connect func-
tions, SDH/PDH/Ethernet interfaces etc.

3 If you require a WDM stand-alone configuration then select the traf-

fic modules as described in ‘1.5.3 Selecting the Traffic Modules for
the Tellabs 6325 Node - WDM Stand-alone Configurations’ on page
WDM stand-alone configurations are Tellabs 6325 nodes with only
WDM modules installed. These configurations are also referred to as
Tellabs 6325 Wavelength Division Multiplexing nodes.

MA364 • Rev. E3 17
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Step Action

4 Select transceivers as described in ‘1.6 Selecting the Transceivers for

the Traffic Modules and Dedicated Units’ on page 42.

5 If required, select optical amplifier as described in ‘1.7 Using Optical

Amplifiers’ on page 52.

6 Select the cables as described in ‘1.8 Selecting the Cables’ on page 52.

7 Select the embedded software as described in ‘1.9 Selecting the Em-

bedded Software’ on page 56.

1.5.1 Selecting the Subrack and Support Modules for the Tellabs 6325 Node

Slots in the SC2 subrack The SC2 subrack is a front access subrack comprising 9 slots for modules.

Selecting common items In any configuration you need a subrack and support modules. Select the fol-
lowing items. See also information about item numbering in connection with
the change of manufacturing process. Refer to ‘Lead Free Soldering’ on page

Description Item number

SC2 subrack, one rack unit (1RU) high, four slots UC3560
for traffic modules. The following items are deliv-
ered with the subrack:
• Adaptation brackets for 19 inch rack
• Adaptation brackets for ETSI rack
• Cover plate for slot 6
• Ejector tool
• M4 x 8 screw and washer to attach ground

FAN module CM3565

CMCC, Central management and communica- CM3564

tions control module

Power module(s) See ‘Selecting power

modules’ on page 19

18 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Selecting power modules Select the following power modules according to your requirement.

If then

you want single DC supply select the following items:

• CM3561-A (PS-DC)
• NS-0295 (Cover plate for slot 8)

you want redundant DC supply select the following items:

• 2 x CM3561-A (PS-DC).

you want single AC supply select the following items:

• CM3561-A (PS-DC)
• CM3569 (AC/DC adapter)
• NS-0295 (Cover plate for slot 8)

you want redundant AC supply select the following items:

• 2 x CM3561-A (PS-DC)
• 2 x CM3569 (AC/DC adapter)

you want one DC supply and one select the following items:
AC supply
• 2 x CM3561-A (PS-DC)
• 1 x CM3569 (AC/DC adapter)

Common items The figure shows the common items required in any configuration.

1.5.2 Selecting the Traffic Modules for the Tellabs 6325 Node - SDH

To select the traffic Follow this procedure to select the traffic modules for SDH configurations.

MA364 • Rev. E3 19
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

The slots in the subrack are shown in ‘Slots in the SC2 subrack’ on page 18.

Step Action

1 Select the module to perform the cross-connect and NE synchroniza-

tion (SETS) functions. The module is located in slot 3 of the subrack.
Described in ‘Selecting the module to perform the cross-connect and
NE synchronization (SETS) functions’ on page 20.

2 If your configuration requires protection of the cross-connect and NE

synchronization (SETS) functions then select the module to perform
the protection of the cross-connect and NE synchronization (SETS)
functions. The module is located in slot 2 of the subrack. Described in
‘Selecting the module to perform the protection of the cross-connect
and NE synchronization (SETS) functions’ on page 21.

3 Select additional traffic modules as described in ‘Selecting additional

modules’ on page 22.
See also ‘1.5.4 Optical Network Equipment Protection’ on page 36.

4 Find the item numbers of the traffic modules in ‘Item numbers of

traffic modules’ on page 24.

5 Select the transceivers for the traffic modules as described in

‘1.6 Selecting the Transceivers for the Traffic Modules and Dedicated
Units’ on page 42.

Selecting the module to The module that performs the cross-connect and NE synchronization (SETS)
perform the cross- functions is located in slot 3. Depending on which type of aggregate and trib-
connect and NE utary signals required in the network element different modules can be select-
synchronization (SETS) ed. Follow this procedure to select the module.
Note: The module in slot 3 (and 2) performs the non-intrusive monitoring
function of all E1/P12s in the network element. If you require the non-
intrusive monitoring function, then you must select a SIMX4m,
SIMX16m, SPIMXm-1 or SPIMX16m-1 module for slot 3 (and 2). The
monitoring function is not supported in the SPIMX module with four
2 Mbit/s (CM3563).

If and then

your configuration re- - select the SIMX16m

quires the possibility module and add SFP
for MS-SPRing protec- transceivers
tion at STM-16 level

you want an STM-16 up to four STM-1/ select the SIMX16m

interface STM-4 interfaces module and add SFP

• one STM-1/STM-4 select the SPIMX16m-1

interface module and add SFP
transceivers. See also
• up to 21 x 2 Mbit/s ‘Selecting external bal-
interfaces un to provide 2 Mbit/s
75 ohm interface’ on
page 24.

20 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

If and then

you want up to four - select the SIMX4m

STM-1/STM-4 interfac- module and add SFP
es transceivers

you want one or two up to four 2 Mbit/s in- select the SPIMX mod-
STM-1/STM-4 interfac- terfaces ule and add SFP trans-
es ceivers. See also ‘Select-
ing external balun to
provide 2 Mbit/s
75 ohm interface’ on
page 24.

up to 21 x 2 Mbit/s in- select the SPIMXm-1

terfaces module and add SFP
transceivers. See also
‘Selecting external bal-
un to provide 2 Mbit/s
75 ohm interface’ on
page 24.

Selecting the module to The module that performs the protection of the cross-connect and NE syn-
perform the protection of chronization (SETS) functions is located in slot 2. Depending on which type of
the cross-connect and aggregate and tributary signals required in the network element different
NE synchronization modules can be selected. Follow this procedure to select the module.
(SETS) functions
Note: The module types in slot 2 and 3 do not necessarily have to be the same
as long as they both have the cross-connect and NE synchronization
(SETS) functions. You may, for instance, have a SPIMX16m-1 in slot 3
and a SIMX4m in slot 2.

If and then

your configuration re- - select the SIMX16m

quires the possibility module and add SFP
for MS-SPRing protec- transceivers
tion at STM-16 level

you want an STM-16 up to four STM-1/ select the SIMX16m

interface STM-4 interfaces module and add SFP

• one STM-1/STM-4 select the SPIMX16m-1

interface module and add SFP
transceivers. See also
• up to 21 x 2 Mbit/s ‘Selecting external bal-
un to provide 2 Mbit/s
75 ohm interface’ on
page 24.

you want up to four - select the SIMX4m

STM-1/STM-4 interfac- module and add SFP
es transceivers

MA364 • Rev. E3 21
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

If and then

you want one or two up to four 2 Mbit/s in- select the SPIMX mod-
STM-1/STM-4 interfac- terfaces ule and add SFP trans-
es ceivers. See also ‘Select-
ing external balun to
provide 2 Mbit/s
75 ohm interface’ on
page 24.

up to 21 x 2 Mbit/s in- select the SPIMXm-1

terfaces module and add SFP
transceivers. See also
‘Selecting external bal-
un to provide 2 Mbit/s
75 ohm interface’ on
page 24.

Selecting additional In addition to the interfaces present on the module you have selected perform-
modules ing the cross-connect and NE synchronization (SETS) functions (slot 3) and, if
required, protection of the cross-connect and NE synchronization (SETS)
functions (slot 2), modules can be installed in slot (2), 4 and 5 to extend the
number of interfaces. When the module for slot 3 (and 2) has been selected,
then calculate the number of additional interfaces your configuration re-
quires. Then select the type and number of modules that fits your configura-
tion. The type of modules to provide additional interfaces are as follows:
Note: The cross-connect function in slot 3 (and 2) supports the STM-1/4 inter-
faces in slot 4 and 5 with a total capacity corresponding to 8 VC-4s (each
slot). Using the SIMX4m module in slot 4 or 5 limits the total capacity
of the four STM-1/4 interfaces to 8 VC-4s.

Module Interfaces Slot

SIMX16m • 1 x STM-16 (with SFP) 2

• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)

SIMX4m • 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP) 2, 4, 5

See the note about interface capacity in
slot 4 and 5.

SPIMX16m-1 • 1 x STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 (with 2

• 1 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

SPIMXm-1 • 2 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP) 2, 4, 5

• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

SPIMX • 2 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP) 2, 4, 5

• 4 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

PIM1m • 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm 2, 4, 5

22 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Module Interfaces Slot

PIM3P • 6 x 34/45 Mbit/s 75 ohm 2, 4, 5

To enable equipment protection of the
mapping function the two PIM3P mod-
ules have to be installed in slot 4 and 5.

ETEX10S • 4 x GbE (with SFP) 4+5

• 2 x FE (with SFP)
• 4 x FE (RJ-45)

EMAP • 2 x FE (RJ-45) 2, 4, 5
• 2 x FE (RJ-45 or with SFP)

OM-C 8 channel CWDM multiplexer and de- 2, 4, 5

multiplexer module. The channel wave-
lengths are 1471, 1491, 1511, 1531, 1551,
1571, 1591 and 1611 nm

OM-D 8 channel DWDM multiplexer and de- 2, 4, 5

multiplexer module. The channel fre-
quencies are 192.9, 193.0, 193.1, 193.2,
193.3, 193.4, 193.5 and 193.6 THz

OAD1-C 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop 2, 4, 5

multiplexer module. Select between the
following add/drop channel wave-
lengths: 1471, 1491, 1511, 1531, 1551,
1571, 1591 and 1611 nm

OAD1-D 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop 2, 4, 5

multiplexer module. Select between the
following add/drop channel frequen-
cies: 192.9, 193.0, 193.1, 193.2, 193.3,
193.4, 193.5 and 193.6 THz

TR4 4 channel WDM transponder/repeater 2, 4, 5

module. A maximum of two TR4/MP4
modules can be installed in a subrack. If
the configuration requires two modules
then use one of the following slot com-
• 2 and 5
• 4 and 5

MP4 4 channel WDM muxponder/transpon- 2, 4, 5

der/repeater module. A maximum of
two TR4/MP4 modules can be installed
in a subrack. If the configuration re-
quires two modules then use one of the
following slot combinations:
• 2 and 5
• 4 and 5

For systems with WDM modules see also ‘WDM configurations’ on page 29.

MA364 • Rev. E3 23
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

For 2 Mbit/s 75 ohm interfaces see ‘Selecting external balun to provide 2

Mbit/s 75 ohm interface’ on page 24.
For equipment protection reasons you may consider the possibility to split the
SDH interfaces on separate modules.
Note: Remember to order cover plates for slots not used by modules.
Note: When you install SIMX and SPIMX modules it is recommended to start
with slot 2, then slot 4 and then slot 5. When you install PIM1m mod-
ules it is recommended to start with slot 5, then slot 4 and then slot 2.
However if your configuration requires an ETEX10S module the
PIM1m module can only be placed in slot 2.

Selecting external balun The 2 Mbit/s interfaces on the SPIMX and PIM1m modules are 120 ohm inter-
to provide 2 Mbit/s faces. If your configuration requires 75 ohm interfaces you must add the fol-
75 ohm interface lowing items:
• two external 120/75 ohm baluns per 2 Mbit/s interface. The balun has a
BNC connector and has to be installed in a balun panel. The balun item
number is WK-511B-KIT.
• a balun panel kit BNC (item number NS-0299). Up to 42 baluns can be in-
stalled in the balun panel.
• an open ended cable as used for the 120 ohm interface. See ‘Electrical ca-
bles - 120 ohm’ on page 54.
The balun WK-511B-KIT provides only one connection. So you need two WK-
511B-KIT for a 2 Mbit/s interface, one for input and one for output connec-

Item numbers of traffic Select from the following traffic modules. See also information about item
modules numbering in connection with the change of manufacturing process. Refer to
‘Lead Free Soldering’ on page 61.

Description Item number


SIMX16m, SDH interface module, cross-connect CM3568-A

and NE synchronization (SETS) functions, non-
intrusive PDH monitoring, with the interfaces:
• 1 x STM-16 (with SFP)
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)

SIMX4m, SDH interface module, cross-connect CM3567-A

and NE synchronization (SETS) functions, non-
intrusive PDH monitoring, with the interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)

24 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SPIMX16m-1, SDH and PDH interface module, CM3575-A

cross-connect and NE synchronization (SETS)
functions, non-intrusive PDH monitoring, with
the interfaces:
• 1 x STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 (with SFP)
• 1 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s (E1) 120 Ohm
Note: 2 Mbit/s 75 ohm interfaces are available us-
ing external baluns.

SPIMXm-1, SDH and PDH interface module, CM3574-B

cross-connect and NE synchronization (SETS)
functions, non-intrusive PDH monitoring, with
the interfaces:
• 2 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s (E1) 120 Ohm
Note: 2 Mbit/s 75 ohm interfaces are available us-
ing external baluns.

SPIMX, SDH and PDH interface module, cross- CM3563

connect and NE synchronization (SETS) func-
tions, with the interfaces:
• 2 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 4 x 2 Mbit/s (E1) 120 Ohm
Note: 2 Mbit/s 75 ohm interfaces are available us-
ing external baluns.

PIM3P, PDH interface module, with the interfac- CM3579

• 6 x 34/45 Mbit/s (E3/DS3) 75 Ohm

PIM1m, PDH interface module, with the interfac- CM3566-A

• 21 x 2 Mbit/s (E1) 120 Ohm
Note: 75 ohm interfaces are available using an ex-
ternal balun.

ETEX10S, Ethernet switching and mapping mod- CM3572

ule, with the interfaces:
• 4 x GbE (with SFP)
• 2 x FE (with SFP)
• 4 x FE (RJ-45)

MA364 • Rev. E3 25
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

EMAP, Ethernet mapping module, with the inter- CM3571

• 2 x FE (RJ-45)
• 2 x FE (RJ-45 or with SFP)
Optical multiplexer/demultiplexer

OM-C, 8 channel CWDM multiplexer and demul- CM3580C

tiplexer module

OM-D, 8 channel DWDM multiplexer and de- CM3580D

multiplexer module
Optical add/drop multiplexer

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-471

multiplexer module, 1471 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-491

multiplexer module, 1491 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-511

multiplexer module, 1511 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-531

multiplexer module, 1531 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-551

multiplexer module, 1551 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-571

multiplexer module, 1571 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-591

multiplexer module, 1591 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-611

multiplexer module, 1611 nm

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-290

multiplexer module, 192.90 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-300

multiplexer module, 193.00 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-310

multiplexer module, 193.10 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-320

multiplexer module, 193.20 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-330

multiplexer module, 193.30 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-340

multiplexer module, 193.40 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-350

multiplexer module, 193.50 THz

26 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-360

multiplexer module, 193.60 THz

TR4, 4 channel WDM transponder/repeater CM3582

Note: When using the TR4 or MP4 modules a
high frequency ferrite filter clamp on the power
supply cables are necessary in order to comply
with Class B of EN 55022 conducted emission re-
quirements. The ferrite filter clamp needs to have
an impedance of 700 ohm or better at 125 MHz
(e.g the Kitigawa SPC-10 part may be used). To
comply with Class A of EN 55022 the TR4/MP4
can be used without the ferrite filter clamp.

MP4, 4 channel WDM muxponder/transpon- CM3585

der/repeater module
Note: When using the TR4 or MP4 modules a
high frequency ferrite filter clamp on the power
supply cables are necessary in order to comply
with Class B of EN 55022 conducted emission re-
quirements. The ferrite filter clamp needs to have
an impedance of 700 ohm or better at 125 MHz
(e.g the Kitigawa SPC-10 part may be used). To
comply with Class A of EN 55022 the TR4/MP4
can be used without the ferrite filter clamp.
Cover plate

Cover plate for empty slot 2-5 (position for traffic NS-0292

Example - ADM16 with 8 The following example shows an ADM16 with 8 STM-1/STM-4 interfaces and
STM-1/STM-4 interfaces with an Ethernet switching and mapping module.
and ETEX

Items included in the example are:

Description Item number

SC2 subrack UC3560

FAN CM3565


2 x PS-DC CM3561-A

MA364 • Rev. E3 27
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

2 x SIMX16m CM3568-A

ETEX10S CM3572

Interconnecting Tellabs It is possible to extend the configuration with another subrack if the number
6325 nodes to extend of required interfaces exceed the capacity in one subrack. By interconnecting
number of interfaces two Tellabs 6325 nodes, through the cross-connect modules in slot 3, you dou-
ble the number of available slots for traffic modules. In the management sys-
tem the two nodes will be seen as two separate network elements.

Example - ADM4 with The following example shows an ADM4 with 126 x 2 Mbit/s interfaces. It is
126 x 2 Mbit/s interfaces realized by interconnecting two Tellabs 6325 nodes through STM-1 connec-
tions. This example shows two SIMX4m modules interconnected. This makes
it possible to have six PIM1m modules with a total of 126 x 2 Mbit/s interfaces.

1.5.3 Selecting the Traffic Modules for the Tellabs 6325 Node - WDM Stand-
alone Configurations

To select the traffic Follow this procedure to select the traffic modules for WDM stand-alone con-
modules figurations. These configurations are also referred to as Tellabs 6325 Wave-
length Division Multiplexing nodes.
The slots in the subrack are shown in ‘Slots in the SC2 subrack’ on page 18.

Step Action

1 Select the required WDM configuration as described in ‘WDM con-

figurations’ on page 29.
See also ‘1.5.4 Optical Network Equipment Protection’ on page 36
and ‘1.5.5 WDM Link Design’ on page 39.

2 Select the traffic modules as described in ‘Selecting the WDM mod-

ules’ on page 33.

28 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Step Action

3 Find the item numbers of the traffic modules in ‘Item numbers of

traffic modules’ on page 35.

4 Select the transceivers for the traffic modules as described in

‘1.6 Selecting the Transceivers for the Traffic Modules and Dedicated
Units’ on page 42.

WDM configurations The following WDM configurations are possible with the Tellabs 6325 node.

If then

you require select the OM-C module.

an 8-channel
CWDM mul-
tiplexer and

you require select the OM-D module.

an 8-channel
DWDM mul-
tiplexer and

MA364 • Rev. E3 29
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

If then

you require a select the OM-C and OM-D modules.

CWDM and
DWDM mul-
tiplexer and

you require a select the OAD1-C module.


30 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

If then

you require a select the OAD1-D module.


you require a select the TR4 module and add SFP transceivers. See also
4-channel ‘Using the MP4/TR4 module’ on page 33.

MA364 • Rev. E3 31
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

If then

you require a select the MP4 module and add SFP transceivers. The MP4
4-channel module can operate in the following three configurations
muxponder/ controlled by the management software. See also ‘Using
transponder/ the MP4/TR4 module’ on page 33.

32 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Using the MP4/TR4 The MP4 module can be used either as a Transponder/Repeater, similar to a
module TR4 module, or as a Muxponder.

The Muxponder is able to multiplex/demultiplex signals on certain ports. A

description of the signals and ports is shown in the table below. The module
is capable of dual multiplexing/demultiplexing (4 signals to 2 signals). The
functionality (TR/MUX-1/MUX-2) of the MP4 module is set using the ele-
ment manager software.

Possible signals Port connections

TRP/REP (MP4 and TR4 modules)

STM-1, STM-4/OC-12, STM-16/OC- 1 – 2

48, 1000BASE-X, FC-100, FC-200, 3–4
FC-400 5–6
MUX-1 (MP4 module)

Client: 1000BASE-X, FC-100 1 – 2, 3

Line: 1 x STM-16/OC-48 5–6
MUX-2 (MP4 module)

Client: 1000BASE-X, FC-100 1 – 2, 3

Line: 2 x STM-16/OC-48 5 – 4, 6

Selecting the WDM Select the type and number of modules that fits your configuration. The type
modules of modules are as follows:

MA364 • Rev. E3 33
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Note: If you require the NE synchronization (SETS) function in the subrack

then an MP4 module must be installed in slot 3.

Module Interfaces Slot

OM-C 8 channel CWDM multiplexer and demul- 2, 3, 4, 5

tiplexer module. The channel wavelengths
are 1471, 1491, 1511, 1531, 1551, 1571, 1591
and 1611 nm

OM-D 8 channel DWDM multiplexer and demul- 2, 3, 4, 5

tiplexer module. The channel frequencies
are 192.9, 193.0, 193.1, 193.2, 193.3, 193.4,
193.5 and 193.6 THz

OAD1-C 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop multi- 2, 3, 4, 5

plexer module. Select between the follow-
ing add/drop channel wavelengths: 1471,
1491, 1511, 1531, 1551, 1571, 1591 and 1611

OAD1-D 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop multi- 2, 3, 4, 5

plexer module. Select between the follow-
ing add/drop channel frequencies: 192.9,
193.0, 193.1, 193.2, 193.3, 193.4, 193.5 and
193.6 THz

TR4 4 channel WDM transponder/repeater 2, 3, 4, 5

module. A maximum of two TR4/MP4
modules can be installed in a subrack. If
the configuration requires two modules
then use one of the following slot combina-
• 2 and 3
• 2 and 5
• 3 and 4
• 4 and 5

MP4 4 channel WDM muxponder/transpon- 2, 3, 4, 5

der/repeater module with NE synchroni-
zation (SETS) function. A maximum of two
TR4/MP4 modules can be installed in a
subrack. If the configuration requires two
modules then use one of the following slot
• 2 and 3
• 2 and 5
• 3 and 4
• 4 and 5
Note: The MP4 module must be installed in
slot 3 to support the NE synchronization
(SETS) function.

Note: Remember to order cover plates for slots not used by modules.

34 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Item numbers of traffic Select from the following traffic modules. See also information about item
modules numbering in connection with the change of manufacturing process. Refer to
‘Lead Free Soldering’ on page 61.

Description Item number

Optical multiplexer/demultiplexer

OM-C, 8 channel CWDM multiplexer and demul- CM3580C

tiplexer module

OM-D, 8 channel DWDM multiplexer and de- CM3580D

multiplexer module
Optical add/drop multiplexer

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-471

multiplexer module, 1471 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-491

multiplexer module, 1491 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-511

multiplexer module, 1511 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-531

multiplexer module, 1531 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-551

multiplexer module, 1551 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-571

multiplexer module, 1571 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-591

multiplexer module, 1591 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-611

multiplexer module, 1611 nm

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-290

multiplexer module, 192.90 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-300

multiplexer module, 193.00 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-310

multiplexer module, 193.10 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-320

multiplexer module, 193.20 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-330

multiplexer module, 193.30 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-340

multiplexer module, 193.40 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-350

multiplexer module, 193.50 THz

MA364 • Rev. E3 35
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-360

multiplexer module, 193.60 THz

TR4, 4 channel WDM transponder/repeater CM3582

Note: When using the TR4 or MP4 modules a
high frequency ferrite filter clamp on the power
supply cables are necessary in order to comply
with Class B of EN 55022 conducted emission re-
quirements. The ferrite filter clamp needs to have
an impedance of 700 ohm or better at 125 MHz
(e.g the Kitigawa SPC-10 part may be used). To
comply with Class A of EN 55022 the TR4/MP4
can be used without the ferrite filter clamp.

MP4, 4 channel WDM muxponder/transpon- CM3585

der/repeater module, NE synchronization (SETS)
Note: When using the TR4 or MP4 modules a
high frequency ferrite filter clamp on the power
supply cables are necessary in order to comply
with Class B of EN 55022 conducted emission re-
quirements. The ferrite filter clamp needs to have
an impedance of 700 ohm or better at 125 MHz
(e.g the Kitigawa SPC-10 part may be used). To
comply with Class A of EN 55022 the TR4/MP4
can be used without the ferrite filter clamp.
Cover plate

Cover plate for empty slot 2-5 (position for traffic NS-0292

1.5.4 Optical Network Equipment Protection

Introduction Optical network protection is a type of trail protection performed at the opti-
cal (OS/OCh) layer.
Optical network protection is a combination of optical line and equipment (Y-
cable) protection for muxponder/transponder (line) interfaces. The Y-cable
provides signal protection on the optical transmission system through paired
muxponder/transponder modules.

Description The signal is split at the Y-cable and one copy of the signal is directed to a pre
defined facility on each module, resulting in a working signal and a protecting
signal. The two signals are then typically forwarded through the network via
different physical paths.
On the destination side, the signals are received by the muxponder/transpon-
der modules, compared for integrity, and one is forwarded to the targeted cli-
ent. However, in line-to-client port direction, the client port lasers on each
transponder are combined together. Only the client port side laser of the Ac-
tive muxponder/transponder facility is turned on and transmits the signal to-

36 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

wards the receiving client equipment. The standby muxponder/transponder

facility must have its client port side laser turned off, because if both lasers
were active their signals would interfere severely at the point where the Y-ca-
ble joins.
The switching type is unidirectional.
The two MP4/TR4 (working and protecting) must be located in the same

Example The following picture shows an example of Optical Network Equipment pro-
tection for MP4 and TR4.

To select the required Follow this procedure to select the required items for Optical Network Equip-
items ment protection:

Step Action

1 Select the MP4/TR4 modules required for your specific configura-

tion including modules for protection.

2 Select the transceivers for the required interfaces.

MA364 • Rev. E3 37
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Step Action

3 Select one Y-cable per client interface. See ‘1.8.2 Selecting the Optical
Network Equipment Protection Cables’ on page 55.

38 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

1.5.5 WDM Link Design

Introduction When selecting the equipment for a WDM system it is recommended also to
have a power budget for the link. The following shows power budgets for dif-
ferent configurations.
• ‘Point to Point configuration’ on page 39
• ‘Optical Add/Drop configuration with OAD module’ on page 40
• ‘Optical Add/Drop back-to-back configuration with OM modules’ on
page 41

Point to Point Make a power budget for a point-to-point link with either STM-16 CWDM or
configuration STM-16 DWDM as shown in the following tables.

Power budget for a point-to-point link with STM-16 CWDM.

Parameter Value Unit

Tx launch power (Minimum) 0.0 dBm

Receive sensitivity -28.0 dBm

Insertion loss OM-C (Mux/Demux modules) 4.0 dB

Path penalty 2.0 dB

Span attenuation (connectors, ODF, splices 22.0 dB

etc. and margin included)

Power budget for a point-to-point link with STM-16 DWDM

Parameter Value Unit

Tx launch power (Minimum) 0.0 dBm

Receive sensitivity -28.0 dBm

Paired insertion loss OM-D (Mux/Demux 6.0 dB

modules) (Maximum)

Path penalty 2.0 dB

Span attenuation (connectors, ODF, splices 20.0 dB

etc. and margin included)

MA364 • Rev. E3 39
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Optical Add/Drop Make a power budget for an optical Add/Drop link (with OAD module) with
configuration with OAD either STM-16 CWDM or STM-16 DWDM as shown in the following tables.

Power budget for an optical Add/Drop link (with OAD module) with STM-
16 CWDM.

Parameter Value Unit

Tx launch power (Minimum) 0.0 dBm

Receive sensitivity -28.0 dBm

Insertion loss OM-C (Mux/Demux modules) 4.0 dB

Insertion loss OAD1-C (Add/Drop module), 2.0 dB

pass-through channels

Path penalty 2.0 dB

Span attenuation (connectors, ODF, splices 20.0 dB

etc. and margin included)

Power budget for an optical Add/Drop link (with OAD module) with STM-

Parameter Value Unit

Tx launch power (Minimum) 0.0 dBm

Receive sensitivity -28.0 dBm

Paired insertion loss OM-D (Mux/Demux 6.0 dB

modules) (Maximum)

Insertion loss OAD1-D (Add/Drop module), 3.0 dB

pass-through channels

Path penalty 2.0 dB

Span attenuation (connectors, ODF, splices 17.0 dB

etc. and margin included)

40 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Optical Add/Drop back- Make a power budget for an optical Add/Drop back-to-back link with either
to-back configuration STM-16 CWDM or STM-16 DWDM as shown in the following tables.
with OM modules

Power budget for an optical Add/Drop back-to-back link with STM-16


Parameter Value Unit

Tx launch power (Minimum) 0.0 dBm

Receive sensitivity -28.0 dBm

Insertion loss OM-C (Mux/Demux modules) 4.0 dB

Insertion loss OM-C (Mux/Demux modules), 4.0 dB

pass-through channels

Path penalty 2.0 dB

Span attenuation (connectors, ODF, splices 18.0 dB

etc. and margin included)

Power budget for an optical Add/Drop back-to-back link with STM-16


Parameter Value Unit

Tx launch power (Minimum) 0.0 dBm

Receive sensitivity -28.0 dBm

Paired insertion loss OM-D (Mux/Demux 6.0 dB

modules) (Maximum)

Paired insertion loss OM-D (Mux/Demux 6.0 dB

modules), pass-through channels

Path penalty 2.0 dB

Span attenuation (connectors, ODF, splices 14.0 dB

etc. and margin included)

MA364 • Rev. E3 41
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

1.6 Selecting the Transceivers for the Traffic Modules and

Dedicated Units

Overview Select the transceivers for the traffic modules and dedicated units as described
• ‘1.6.1 Selecting the Transceivers for the SDH Interfaces’ on page 42
• ‘1.6.2 Selecting the Transceivers for the Ethernet Interfaces’ on page 46
• ‘1.6.3 Selecting the Transceivers for Bi-directional SDH/Ethernet Interfac-
es’ on page 49
• ‘1.6.4 Selecting the Transceivers for the Fibre Channel Interfaces’ on page

1.6.1 Selecting the Transceivers for the SDH Interfaces

Selecting transceivers The dispersion characteristics and attenuation for each specific interface is de-
for the SIMX and SPIMX termined by an application code of the transceivers.
modules and the
Note: If your configuration requires an optical amplifier, then go to ‘1.7 Using
Dedicated Units
Optical Amplifiers’ on page 52.

If the interface type is then

electrical STM-1 select the electrical STM-1 SFP with 1.0/2.3 coaxi-
al connectors.
Note: About size of electrical STM-1 SFPs: The
two connectors together, on the cables for the elec-
trical STM-1 interface, are a little wider than the
transceiver. Due to this it will not be possible to in-
stall two electrical STM-1 transceivers in the cages
next to one another on the Dedicated Units. It
might (depending on the connector type) also be
difficult to replace a transceiver in neighbor posi-
tion to an electrical STM-1 transceiver, without
disconnecting the electrical cables on the neighbor
position. This is the case only with the Dedicated
Units. On the SIMX4m, SIMX16m and SPIMX
modules the space between the cages makes it
possible to install electrical STM-1 transceivers in
all STM-1/4 cages.

optical STM-1 go to ‘Selecting transceivers for optical STM-1 in-

terface’ on page 43

STM-4 go to ‘Selecting transceivers for STM-4 interface’

on page 43

STM-16 go to ‘Selecting transceivers for STM-16 interface’

on page 43

42 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Selecting transceivers The type of transceivers that you select for the optical STM-1 interface, is de-
for optical STM-1 termined by the transmission wavelength and the attenuation of the fibre con-
interface nection to the neighboring NE. The attenuation parameter is found by making
a power budget for the system.

if transmission wave- and If point S-R specifi-

length is cation

1310 nm (short haul in- attenuation is 0-12 dB select the application

terface) code S-1.1

1310 nm (long haul in- attenuation is 10-28 dB select the application

terface) code L-1.1

1550 nm (long haul in- attenuation is 10-28 dB select the application

terface) code L-1.2

1550 nm (very long attenuation is 15-33 dB select the application

haul interface) code V-1.2

Selecting transceivers The type of transceivers that you select for the STM-4 interface, is determined
for STM-4 interface by the transmission wavelength and the attenuation characteristics of the fibre
connection to the neighboring NE. The attenuation parameters is found by
making a power budget for the system.

if transmission wave- and If point S-R specifi-

length is cation

1310 nm (short haul in- attenuation is 0-12 dB select the application

terface) code S-4.1

1310 nm (long haul in- attenuation is 10-24 dB select the application

terface) code L-4.1

1550 nm (long haul in- attenuation is 10-24 dB select the application

terface) code L-4.2

Selecting transceivers The type of transceivers that you select for STM-16 interface, is determined by
for STM-16 interface the transmission wavelength, attenuation and the dispersion characteristics of
the fibre connection to the neighboring NE. The attenuation and dispersion
parameters are found by making a power budget for the system.

if transmission wave- and If point S-R specifi-

length is cation

1310 nm (short haul in- attenuation is 0-12 dB select the application

terface) code S-16.1

1310 nm (long haul in- attenuation is 10-24 dB select the application

terface) code L-16.1

1550 nm (long haul in- attenuation is 10-24 dB select the application

terface) and dispersion is <1600 code L-16.2

wavelength specific attenuation is 12-24 dB select STM-16 CWDM

(CWDM) and dispersion is <1600

MA364 • Rev. E3 43
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

if transmission wave- and If point S-R specifi-

length is cation

wavelength specific attenuation is 10-26 dB select STM-16 DWDM

(DWDM) and dispersion is <2400

Item numbers of Select from the following transceivers.

Description Item number


SDH transceiver, SFP, 1.0/2.3 coaxial connectors, TR-0021

75 ohm. For the applications:
• STM-1 electrical

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0001

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• S-1.1
• FE

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0002

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-1.1
• FE

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0003

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-1.2
• FE

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0019-551

mode fiber. For the applications:
• V-1.2

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0004

mode fiber. For the applications:
• S-4.1

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0005

mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-4.1

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0006

mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-4.2

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0007

mode fiber. For the applications:
• S-16.1

44 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0008

mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-16.1

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0009

mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-16.2
Bi-directional SDH

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.2
• 100BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.1
• 100BASE-BX-U

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.2
• 1000BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.1
• 1000BASE-BX-U

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-D

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1490nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-D
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-U

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1570nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-U
• FC-100/200

MA364 • Rev. E3 45
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet CWDM transceivers, multirate, TR-0020-xxx

available wavelengths are 1471 nm - 1611 nm
with 20 nm spacing, 1600 ps/nm, SFP, LC con-
nectors, single mode fiber. For the applications:
• STM-1/4/16
• FE/GbE
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific wavelength e.g. 471 in
the wavelength 1471 nm.

SDH/Ethernet DWDM transceivers, multirate, TR-0018-xxx

available frequencies are 192.10 THz - 196.00 THz
with 100 GHz spacing, 2400 ps/nm, SFP, LC con-
nectors, single mode fiber. For the applications:
• STM-1/4/16
• FE/GbE
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific frequency e.g. 210 in
the frequency 192.10 THz.

1.6.2 Selecting the Transceivers for the Ethernet Interfaces

Transceivers for Select from the following transceivers.

Ethernet interfaces
Description Item number

Fast Ethernet

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, RJ-45 connector, TR-0027

shielded twisted pair. For the applications:
• 10/100BASE-T

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, multi TR-0010

mode fiber. For the applications:
• 100BASE-FX

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0022

mode fiber. For the applications:
• 100BASE-LX10

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0001

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• S-1.1
• FE

46 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0002

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-1.1
• FE

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0003

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-1.2
• FE
Gigabit Ethernet

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, RJ-45 connector, TR-0013

shielded twisted pair. For the applications:
• 1000BASE-T

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, SFP, LC con- TR-0011

nectors, multi mode fiber. For the applications:
• 1000BASE-SX
• FC-100/200

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, SFP, LC con- TR-0012

nectors, multi/single mode fiber. For the applica-
• 1000BASE-LX10
• FC-100

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0023

mode fiber. For the applications:
• 1000BASE-ZX

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, multirate, TR-0029

850 nm, SFP, LC connectors, multi mode fiber.
For the applications:
• 1000BASE-SX
• FC-100/200/400
Bi-directional Ethernet

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.2
• 100BASE-BX-D

MA364 • Rev. E3 47
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.1
• 100BASE-BX-U

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.2
• 1000BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.1
• 1000BASE-BX-U

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-D

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1490nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-D
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-U

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1570nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-U
• FC-100/200
Ethernet WDM

SDH/Ethernet CWDM transceivers, multirate, TR-0020-xxx

available wavelengths are 1471 nm - 1611 nm
with 20 nm spacing, 1600 ps/nm, SFP, LC con-
nectors, single mode fiber. For the applications:
• STM-1/4/16
• FE/GbE
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific wavelength e.g. 471 in
the wavelength 1471 nm.

48 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

Ethernet/Fibre Channel CWDM transceivers, TR-0031-xxx

multirate, available wavelengths are 1471 nm -
1611 nm with 20 nm spacing, SFP, LC connectors,
single mode fiber. For the applications:
• GbE
• FC-100/200/400
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific wavelength e.g. 471 in
the wavelength 1471 nm.

SDH/Ethernet DWDM transceivers, multirate, TR-0018-xxx

available frequencies are 192.10 THz - 196.00 THz
with 100 GHz spacing, 2400 ps/nm, SFP, LC con-
nectors, single mode fiber. For the applications:
• STM-1/4/16
• FE/GbE
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific frequency e.g. 210 in
the frequency 192.10 THz.

1.6.3 Selecting the Transceivers for Bi-directional SDH/Ethernet Interfaces

Selecting the bi- If you want to send traffic in both directions using only one fiber then select
directional transceivers the bi-directional transceivers. Select a set of transceivers (-D/-U). The D-
transceiver transmitting at 1550nm (1490nm for TR-0033-D) is used in one end
of the fiber and the U-transceiver transmitting at 1310nm (1570nm for TR-
0033-U) is used at the other end of the fiber.
The attenuation range for the STM-1 transceivers is 0-13 dB and the attenua-
tion range for the STM-4 transceivers is 0-10 dB.

Transceivers for STM-1 / Select the following transceivers.

100BASE-BX bi-
directional interfaces Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.2
• 100BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.1
• 100BASE-BX-U

MA364 • Rev. E3 49
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Transceivers for STM-4 / Select the following transceivers.

1000BASE-BX bi-
directional interfaces Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.2
• 1000BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.1
• 1000BASE-BX-U

Transceivers for STM-16 Select the following transceivers.

/ 1000BASE-BX / FC-
100/200 bi-directional Description Item number
SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-D
rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1490nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-D
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-U

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1570nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-U
• FC-100/200

1.6.4 Selecting the Transceivers for the Fibre Channel Interfaces

Transceivers for Fibre Select from the following transceivers.

Channel interfaces
Description Item number

Fibre Channel

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, SFP, LC con- TR-0011

nectors, multi mode fiber. For the applications:
• 1000BASE-SX
• FC-100/200

50 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, SFP, LC con- TR-0012

nectors, multi/single mode fiber. For the applica-
• 1000BASE-LX10
• FC-100

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, multirate, TR-0029

850 nm, SFP, LC connectors, multi mode fiber.
For the applications:
• 1000BASE-SX
• FC-100/200/400

Fibre Channel transceiver, multirate, 1310 nm, TR-0030

SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the ap-
• FC-100/200/400
Bi-directional Fibre Channel

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-D

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1490nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-D
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-U

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1570nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-U
• FC-100/200
Fibre Channel WDM

Ethernet/Fibre Channel CWDM transceivers, TR-0031-xxx

multirate, available wavelengths are 1471 nm -
1611 nm with 20 nm spacing, SFP, LC connectors,
single mode fiber. For the applications:
• GbE
• FC-100/200/400
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific wavelength e.g. 471 in
the wavelength 1471 nm.

MA364 • Rev. E3 51
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

1.7 Using Optical Amplifiers

Introduction For a standard G.957 L-16.2 interface the distance between two nodes are lim-
ited to 80 km over a standard G.652 fiber. To reach longer distances, it is nec-
essary to add a re-generator in the middle of the span, boost the output level
and/or improve the sensitivity of the receiver.
Using an external Optical Amplifier it is possible to increase the distance be-
tween two Tellabs 63xx nodes up to approx. 180 km depending on actual loss
and dispersion of the link.
Using optical amplifiers to increase the distance between Tellabs 63xx Nodes
is described in an application note [1].

1.8 Selecting the Cables

Type of cables available The following type of cables are used for a Tellabs 6325 node.

Cables Used for

Traffic interface cables Connection of traffic interfaces. See

‘1.8.1 Selecting the Traffic Interface Cables’ on
page 53.

Optical Equipment pro- Connection of traffic interfaces in configurations

tection cables with Optical Network Equipment protection. See
‘1.8.2 Selecting the Optical Network Equipment
Protection Cables’ on page 55.

Synchronization and 2 MHz input or output synchronization signals

alarm cables and alarm signals. See ‘1.8.3 Selecting the Syn-
chronization and Alarm Cable’ on page 55.

Management cables Connection of network management, element

manager and craft terminal. See ‘1.8.4 Selecting
the Management Cables’ on page 56.

Power cables Power connection to the PS-DC module. See

‘1.8.5 Selecting the Power Cables’ on page 56.

EOW cables EOW connection to the EOW system. See

‘1.8.6 Selecting the EOW Cables’ on page 56.

52 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

1.8.1 Selecting the Traffic Interface Cables

Overview Select the cables to be used for the modules/units.

Module/Unit Interface Cables

Dedicated Unit STM-4, optical STM-1 See ‘Optical cables’ on

and optical Fast Ether- page 53

electrical STM-1 See ‘Electrical cables -

75 ohm’ on page 54

2 Mbit/s 120 ohm See ‘Electrical cables -

120 ohm’ on page 54

electrical Fast Ethernet Use standard Ethernet

cables. See ‘Ethernet in-
terface cables’ on page

SIMX STM-16, STM-4 and op- See ‘Optical cables’ on

tical STM-1 page 53

electrical STM-1 See ‘Electrical cables -

75 ohm’ on page 54

SPIMX STM-16, STM-4 and op- See ‘Optical cables’ on

tical STM-1 page 53

electrical STM-1 See ‘Electrical cables -

75 ohm’ on page 54

2 Mbit/s 120 ohm See ‘Electrical cables -

120 ohm’ on page 54

PIM3P 34/45 Mbit/s See ‘Electrical cables -

75 ohm’ on page 54

PIM1m 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm See ‘Electrical cables -

120 ohm’ on page 54

ETEX10S, EMAP optical See ‘Optical cables’ on

page 53

electrical Use standard Ethernet

cables. See ‘Ethernet in-
terface cables’ on page

OM-C, OM-D, OAD1- optical See ‘Optical cables’ on

C, OAD1-D, TR4, MP4 page 53

Optical cables For optical interfaces, select between the following cables.

MA364 • Rev. E3 53
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Note: Optical transceivers use an LC connector for the optical interface.

Description Item number

Optical single mode fiber cables, two fibers in one cable

2xLC to 2xLC single mode fiber cable, 0.3 m W-OF203/00.3

2xLC to 2xLC single mode fiber cable, 5 m W-OF203/05.0

2xLC to 2xLC single mode fiber cable, 10 m W-OF203/10.0

2xLC to 2xLC single mode fiber cable, 20 m W-OF203/20.0

2xLC to 2xFC/PC single mode fiber cable, 5 m W-OF204/05.0

2xLC to 2xFC/PC single mode fiber cable, 10 m W-OF204/10.0

2xLC to 2xFC/PC single mode fiber cable, 20 m W-OF204/20.0

2xLC to 2xSC single mode fiber cable, 5 m W-OF205/05.0

2xLC to 2xSC single mode fiber cable, 10 m W-OF205/10.0

2xLC to 2xSC single mode fiber cable, 20 m W-OF205/20.0

Optical multi mode fiber cables, two fibers in one cable

2xLC to 2xLC multi mode fiber cable, 5 m W-OF207/05.0

2xLC to 2xLC multi mode fiber cable, 10 m W-OF207/10.0

2xLC to 2xLC multi mode fiber cable, 20 m W-OF207/20.0

Electrical cables - For SPIMX and PIM1m modules and Dedicated Units with 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm
120 ohm interfaces, select between the following cables.

Description Item number

Cables for SPIMX module with 4 x 2 Mbit/s

RJ-45 to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 5 m WK-504Y-05.0-10

RJ-45 to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 10 m WK-504Y-10.0-10

RJ-45 to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 20 m WK-504Y-20.0-10

Cables for PIM1m, SPIMX modules with 21 x 2 Mbit/s and Dedicated Units

MDR to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 5 m WK-503Y-05.0-12

MDR to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 10 m WK-503Y-10.0-12

MDR to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 20 m WK-503Y-20.0-12

Electrical cables - For electrical STM-1 interfaces and 34/45 Mbit/s 75 ohm interfaces select be-
75 ohm tween the following cables.

54 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

Note: For easier removal of the coaxial cables, an extraction tool (item number
TOOL-H030) can be used.

Description Item number

1.0/2.3 to 1.0/2.3 coaxial cable, 5 m WK-482B-05.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.0/2.3 coaxial cable, 10 m WK-482B-10.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.0/2.3 coaxial cable, 20 m WK-482B-20.0-01

1.0/2.3 to BNC coaxial cable, 5 m WK-483B-05.0-01

1.0/2.3 to BNC coaxial cable, 10 m WK-483B-10.0-01

1.0/2.3 to BNC coaxial cable, 20 m WK-483B-20.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.6/5.6 coaxial cable, 5 m WK-484B-05.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.6/5.6 coaxial cable, 10 m WK-484B-10.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.6/5.6 coaxial cable, 20 m WK-484B-20.0-01

1.0/2.3 to open end coaxial cable, 20 m WK-497B-20.0-01

1.8.2 Selecting the Optical Network Equipment Protection Cables

Equipment protection Select from the following equipment protection cables. You require one Y-ca-
cables ble per client interface. The cable connects TX signals and RX signals for both
working and protection signals. See the description in ‘1.5.4 Optical Network
Equipment Protection’ on page 36.

Description Item number

Y-cable (optical splitter), 2xLC to 2x(2xLC) single W-OF212/05.0

mode fiber cable, 5 m. The Y-cable splits client TX
and RX signals into working and protecting RX
and TX signals.

Y-cable (optical splitter), 2xLC to 2x(2xLC) multi W-OF213/05.0

mode fiber cable, 5 m. The Y-cable splits client TX
and RX signals into working and protecting RX
and TX signals.

1.8.3 Selecting the Synchronization and Alarm Cable

Synchronization and If you require a 2 MHz external synchronization input signal or synchroniza-
AUX alarm interface tion output signal, then select the following cable. This cable also connect to
cable four AUX alarms.
Note: The plug type on the module is 9 pole D-Sub.

Description Item number

9 pole D-sub to open ended, 120 ohm, 3 m WK-502Y-03.0-01

MA364 • Rev. E3 55
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

1.8.4 Selecting the Management Cables

Ethernet interface cables Use standard STP Ethernet interface cables (RJ-45).

Craft terminal interface If your network element requires connection to a craft terminal, then select the
cable following cable. You require one cable per craft terminal.

Description Item number

Craft terminal interface cable, RJ-45 to 9 pole D- WK-480X-03.0-01

sub, 3 m

1.8.5 Selecting the Power Cables

Power cable Select the following power cable. You require one power cable per PS-DC
module. In case you want to use protected power you need two PS-DC mod-
ules and thereby also two power cables.

Description Item number

3 pole Molex mini-fit to open ended, 2.6 m WK-500Z-02.6-01

Note: When using the TR4 or MP4 modules a
high frequency ferrite filter clamp on the power
supply cables are necessary in order to comply
with Class B of EN 55022 conducted emission re-
quirements. The ferrite filter clamp needs to have
an impedance of 700 ohm or better at 125 MHz
(e.g the Kitigawa SPC-10 part may be used). To
comply with Class A of EN 55022 the TR4/MP4
can be used without the ferrite filter clamp.

1.8.6 Selecting the EOW Cables

EOW cables If your system includes an EOW system, then select the following cable.
Note: On the SPIMX modules with 21 x 2 Mbit/s the EOW system is connect-
ed with the 2 Mbit/s interface cable (WK-503Y-zz.z-12 - ref. ‘Electrical
cables - 120 ohm’ on page 54). The open ended cable holds both the con-
nections for the 2 Mbit/s interfaces and the EOW interface.

Description Item number

RJ-45 to 15 pole D-sub, 3 m WK-501Y-03.0-01

1.9 Selecting the Embedded Software

Embedded software The Tellabs 6325 node (CMCC module) is delivered with an embedded soft-
ware release pre-installed. The pre-installed ESW may be different from the
release you require for your configuration. Therefore it is recommended to or-
der the CD-ROM with the ESW separately. ETEX modules are delivered with

56 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

an ETEX ESW release pre-installed. The pre-installed ETEX ESW may be dif-
ferent from the release you require for your configuration. Therefore it is rec-
ommended to order the CD-ROM with the ETEX ESW separately.

Description Item number

6325 ESW, FP1.4, CD-ROM SW6325-0014M200


MA364 • Rev. E3 57
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 1 Configuration Guide for Tellabs 6325 Node

58 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Overview This gives the item numbers available for Tellabs 6325 node.
• ‘2.1 Dedicated Units’ on page 59
• ‘2.2 Basic Units’ on page 60
• ‘2.3 Modules’ on page 61
• ‘2.4 Transceivers’ on page 65
• ‘2.5 Subrack Items’ on page 73
• ‘2.6 Balun Items’ on page 73
• ‘2.7 Cables’ on page 74
• ‘2.8 Embedded Software’ on page 76

2.1 Dedicated Units

Dedicated units The following Tellabs 6325 node - dedicated units are available.

Description Item number

Tellabs 6325 node - Dedicated Unit, two DC pow- CU3561-001

er cables included. The unit provides the follow-
ing interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 63 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

Tellabs 6325 node - Dedicated Unit, two DC pow- CU3561-002

er cables included. The unit provides the follow-
ing interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm

Tellabs 6325 node - Dedicated Unit, two DC pow- CU3561-003

er cables included. The unit provides the follow-
ing interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120 ohm
• 2 x FE (RJ-45)
• 2 x FE (RJ-45 or with SFP)

MA364 • Rev. E3 59
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

2.2 Basic Units

Basic units The following pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node basic units are available.

Description Item number

SDXC, pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node, basic CU3560-001-A

unit comprising the following items:
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 1x SIMX4m module providing 4 x STM-
1/STM-4 (with SFP), slot 3 in the subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 3x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

ADM1/ADM4, pre-configured Tellabs 6325 CU3560-003

node, basic unit comprising the following items:
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 1x SPIMX module providing 2 x STM-1/STM-
4 (with SFP) and 4 x 2 Mbit/s 120 Ohm, slot 3
in the subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 3x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

ADM1/ADM4, pre-configured Tellabs 6325 CU3560-005-C

node, basic unit comprising the following items:
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 1x SPIMXm-1 module providing 2 x STM-
1/STM-4 (with SFP) and 21 x 2 Mbit/s 120
Ohm, slot 3 in the subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 3x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

60 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

ADM16, pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node, basic CU3560-006-A

unit comprising the following items:
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 2x SIMX16m module each providing 1 x STM-
16 and 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (all with SFP), slot 2
and 3 in the subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 2x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

Pre-configured Tellabs 6325 node, without traffic CU3560-007

modules, basic unit comprising the following
• 1x SC2 subrack
• 2x PS-DC module
• 1x CMCC module
• 1x Fan module
• 4x Cover plate for traffic module slot
• 2x DC Power Cable

2.3 Modules

Lead Free Soldering The manufacturing process of hardware modules is about to change from
leaded soldering to lead free soldering. To distinguish between modules man-
ufactured with the two different processes '-R6' is added to the item number
for modules manufactured with a lead free process. The original generic or-
dering code, e.g. 'CM3563', is unchanged. However, the delivered module will
be labelled 'CM3563-R6' when this module is changed to lead free. Design and
functionality are unchanged.

SDH and PDH modules The following SDH and PDH modules are available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

SIMX16m, SDH interface module, cross-connect CM3568-A

and NE synchronization (SETS) functions, non-
intrusive PDH monitoring, with the interfaces:
• 1 x STM-16 (with SFP)
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)

MA364 • Rev. E3 61
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SIMX4m, SDH interface module, cross-connect CM3567-A

and NE synchronization (SETS) functions, non-
intrusive PDH monitoring, with the interfaces:
• 4 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)

SPIMX16m-1, SDH and PDH interface module, CM3575-A

cross-connect and NE synchronization (SETS)
functions, non-intrusive PDH monitoring, with
the interfaces:
• 1 x STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 (with SFP)
• 1 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s (E1) 120 Ohm
Note: 2 Mbit/s 75 ohm interfaces are available us-
ing external baluns.

SPIMXm-1, SDH and PDH interface module, CM3574-B

cross-connect and NE synchronization (SETS)
functions, non-intrusive PDH monitoring, with
the interfaces:
• 2 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 21 x 2 Mbit/s (E1) 120 Ohm
Note: 2 Mbit/s 75 ohm interfaces are available us-
ing external baluns.

SPIMX, SDH and PDH interface module, cross- CM3563

connect and NE synchronization (SETS) func-
tions, with the interfaces:
• 2 x STM-1/STM-4 (with SFP)
• 4 x 2 Mbit/s (E1) 120 Ohm
Note: 2 Mbit/s 75 ohm interfaces are available us-
ing external baluns.

PIM3P, PDH interface module, with the interfac- CM3579

• 6 x 34/45 Mbit/s (E3/DS3) 75 Ohm

PIM1m, PDH interface module, with the interfac- CM3566-A

• 21 x 2 Mbit/s (E1) 120 Ohm
Note: 75 ohm interfaces are available using an ex-
ternal balun.

Cover plate for empty slot 2-5 (position for traffic NS-0292

62 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Ethernet modules The following Ethernet modules are available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

ETEX10S, Ethernet switching and mapping mod- CM3572

ule, with the interfaces:
• 4 x GbE (with SFP)
• 2 x FE (with SFP)
• 4 x FE (RJ-45)

EMAP, Ethernet mapping module, with the inter- CM3571

• 2 x FE (RJ-45)
• 2 x FE (RJ-45 or with SFP)

Cover plate for empty slot 2-5 (position for traffic NS-0292

WDM modules The following WDM modules are available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

Optical multiplexer/demultiplexer

OM-C, 8 channel CWDM multiplexer and demul- CM3580C

tiplexer module

OM-D, 8 channel DWDM multiplexer and de- CM3580D

multiplexer module
Optical add/drop multiplexer

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-471

multiplexer module, 1471 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-491

multiplexer module, 1491 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-511

multiplexer module, 1511 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-531

multiplexer module, 1531 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-551

multiplexer module, 1551 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-571

multiplexer module, 1571 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-591

multiplexer module, 1591 nm

OAD1-C, 1 channel CWDM optical add/drop CM3581C-611

multiplexer module, 1611 nm

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-290

multiplexer module, 192.90 THz

MA364 • Rev. E3 63
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-300

multiplexer module, 193.00 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-310

multiplexer module, 193.10 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-320

multiplexer module, 193.20 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-330

multiplexer module, 193.30 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-340

multiplexer module, 193.40 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-350

multiplexer module, 193.50 THz

OAD1-D, 1 channel DWDM optical add/drop CM3581D-360

multiplexer module, 193.60 THz

TR4, 4 channel WDM transponder/repeater CM3582

Note: When using the TR4 or MP4 modules a
high frequency ferrite filter clamp on the power
supply cables are necessary in order to comply
with Class B of EN 55022 conducted emission re-
quirements. The ferrite filter clamp needs to have
an impedance of 700 ohm or better at 125 MHz
(e.g the Kitigawa SPC-10 part may be used). To
comply with Class A of EN 55022 the TR4/MP4
can be used without the ferrite filter clamp.

MP4, 4 channel WDM muxponder/transpon- CM3585

der/repeater module, NE synchronization (SETS)
Note: When using the TR4 or MP4 modules a
high frequency ferrite filter clamp on the power
supply cables are necessary in order to comply
with Class B of EN 55022 conducted emission re-
quirements. The ferrite filter clamp needs to have
an impedance of 700 ohm or better at 125 MHz
(e.g the Kitigawa SPC-10 part may be used). To
comply with Class A of EN 55022 the TR4/MP4
can be used without the ferrite filter clamp.
Cover plate

Cover plate for empty slot 2-5 (position for traffic NS-0292

64 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Support modules The following support modules are available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

PS-DC module CM3561-A

AC/DC adapter CM3569

CMCC, Central management and communica- CM3564

tions control module

FAN module CM3565

Cover plate for empty slot 8 (position for PS-DC NS-0295


2.4 Transceivers

Transceivers for SDH The following transceivers are available for the SDH interfaces of the Tellabs
interfaces 6325 node.

Description Item number


SDH transceiver, SFP, 1.0/2.3 coaxial connectors, TR-0021

75 ohm. For the applications:
• STM-1 electrical

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0001

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• S-1.1
• FE

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0002

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-1.1
• FE

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0003

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-1.2
• FE

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0019-551

mode fiber. For the applications:
• V-1.2

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0004

mode fiber. For the applications:
• S-4.1

MA364 • Rev. E3 65
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0005

mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-4.1

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0006

mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-4.2

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0007

mode fiber. For the applications:
• S-16.1

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0008

mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-16.1

SDH transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0009

mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-16.2
Bi-directional SDH

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.2
• 100BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.1
• 100BASE-BX-U

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.2
• 1000BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.1
• 1000BASE-BX-U

66 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-D

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1490nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-D
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-U

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1570nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-U
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet CWDM transceivers, multirate, TR-0020-xxx

available wavelengths are 1471 nm - 1611 nm
with 20 nm spacing, 1600 ps/nm, SFP, LC con-
nectors, single mode fiber. For the applications:
• STM-1/4/16
• FE/GbE
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific wavelength e.g. 471 in
the wavelength 1471 nm.

SDH/Ethernet DWDM transceivers, multirate, TR-0018-xxx

available frequencies are 192.10 THz - 196.00 THz
with 100 GHz spacing, 2400 ps/nm, SFP, LC con-
nectors, single mode fiber. For the applications:
• STM-1/4/16
• FE/GbE
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific frequency e.g. 210 in
the frequency 192.10 THz.

Transceivers for The following transceivers are available for the Ethernet interfaces of the Tel-
Ethernet interfaces labs 6325 node.

Description Item number

Fast Ethernet

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, RJ-45 connector, TR-0027

shielded twisted pair. For the applications:
• 10/100BASE-T

MA364 • Rev. E3 67
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, multi TR-0010

mode fiber. For the applications:
• 100BASE-FX

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0022

mode fiber. For the applications:
• 100BASE-LX10

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0001

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• S-1.1
• FE

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0002

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-1.1
• FE

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, TR-0003

single mode fiber. For the applications:
• L-1.2
• FE
Gigabit Ethernet

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, RJ-45 connector, TR-0013

shielded twisted pair. For the applications:
• 1000BASE-T

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, SFP, LC con- TR-0011

nectors, multi mode fiber. For the applications:
• 1000BASE-SX
• FC-100/200

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, SFP, LC con- TR-0012

nectors, multi/single mode fiber. For the applica-
• 1000BASE-LX10
• FC-100

Ethernet transceiver, SFP, LC connectors, single TR-0023

mode fiber. For the applications:
• 1000BASE-ZX

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, multirate, TR-0029

850 nm, SFP, LC connectors, multi mode fiber.
For the applications:
• 1000BASE-SX
• FC-100/200/400

68 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

Bi-directional Ethernet

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.2
• 100BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.1
• 100BASE-BX-U

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.2
• 1000BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.1
• 1000BASE-BX-U

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-D

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1490nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-D
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-U

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1570nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-U
• FC-100/200
Ethernet WDM

MA364 • Rev. E3 69
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet CWDM transceivers, multirate, TR-0020-xxx

available wavelengths are 1471 nm - 1611 nm
with 20 nm spacing, 1600 ps/nm, SFP, LC con-
nectors, single mode fiber. For the applications:
• STM-1/4/16
• FE/GbE
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific wavelength e.g. 471 in
the wavelength 1471 nm.

Ethernet/Fibre Channel CWDM transceivers, TR-0031-xxx

multirate, available wavelengths are 1471 nm -
1611 nm with 20 nm spacing, SFP, LC connectors,
single mode fiber. For the applications:
• GbE
• FC-100/200/400
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific wavelength e.g. 471 in
the wavelength 1471 nm.

SDH/Ethernet DWDM transceivers, multirate, TR-0018-xxx

available frequencies are 192.10 THz - 196.00 THz
with 100 GHz spacing, 2400 ps/nm, SFP, LC con-
nectors, single mode fiber. For the applications:
• STM-1/4/16
• FE/GbE
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific frequency e.g. 210 in
the frequency 192.10 THz.

Transceivers for bi- The following transceivers are available for the bi-directional SDH/Ethernet
directional SDH/Ethernet interfaces of the Tellabs 6325 node.
Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.2
• 100BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0025-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-1.1
• 100BASE-BX-U

70 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-D

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.2
• 1000BASE-BX-D

SDH/Ethernet transceiver, Bi-directional, SFP, TR-0026-U

LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the applica-
• S-4.1
• 1000BASE-BX-U

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-D

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1490nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-D
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-U

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1570nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-U
• FC-100/200

Transceivers for Fibre The following transceivers are available for the Fibre Channel interfaces of the
Channel interfaces Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

Fibre Channel

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, SFP, LC con- TR-0011

nectors, multi mode fiber. For the applications:
• 1000BASE-SX
• FC-100/200

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, SFP, LC con- TR-0012

nectors, multi/single mode fiber. For the applica-
• 1000BASE-LX10
• FC-100

MA364 • Rev. E3 71
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, multirate, TR-0029

850 nm, SFP, LC connectors, multi mode fiber.
For the applications:
• 1000BASE-SX
• FC-100/200/400

Fibre Channel transceiver, multirate, 1310 nm, TR-0030

SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber. For the ap-
• FC-100/200/400
Bi-directional Fibre Channel

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-D

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1490nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-D
• FC-100/200

SDH/Ethernet/Fibre Channel transceiver, Bi-di- TR-0033-U

rectional, SFP, LC connectors, single mode fiber.
For the applications:
• S-16.2 (1570nm)
• 1000BASE-BX-U
• FC-100/200
Fibre Channel WDM

Ethernet/Fibre Channel CWDM transceivers, TR-0031-xxx

multirate, available wavelengths are 1471 nm -
1611 nm with 20 nm spacing, SFP, LC connectors,
single mode fiber. For the applications:
• GbE
• FC-100/200/400
The xxx in the item number represents the last
three digits of the specific wavelength e.g. 471 in
the wavelength 1471 nm.

72 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

2.5 Subrack Items

Subrack items The following subrack items are available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

SC2 subrack, one rack unit (1RU) high, four slots UC3560
for traffic modules. The following items are deliv-
ered with the subrack:
• Adaptation brackets for 19 inch rack
• Adaptation brackets for ETSI rack
• Cover plate for slot 6
• Ejector tool
• M4 x 8 screw and washer to attach ground

Cover plate for empty slot 2-5 (position for traffic NS-0292

Cover plate for empty slot 8 (position for PS-DC NS-0295


2.6 Balun Items

Balun items The following balun items are available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

120/75 ohm balun, 3 pole IDC (Krone) to BNC WK-511B-KIT

connector, for 2 Mbit/s interface on PIM1m and
SPIMX modules. The balun provides only one
connection. So you need two WK-511B-KIT for a
2 Mbit/s interface, one for input and one for out-
put connections.

Balun panel kit BNC. Up to 42 baluns can be in- NS-0299

stalled in the panel. The kit contains the following
• Balun panel for 19 inch rack
• Balun panel for ETSI rack
• Metal strap for fastening the cable shield
• Screws for installing panel in a rack

MA364 • Rev. E3 73
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

2.7 Cables

Traffic interface cables The following optical and electrical interface cables are available for the Tel-
labs 6325 node.

Description Item number

Optical single mode fiber cables, two fibers in one cable

2xLC to 2xLC single mode fiber cable, 0.3 m W-OF203/00.3

2xLC to 2xLC single mode fiber cable, 5 m W-OF203/05.0

2xLC to 2xLC single mode fiber cable, 10 m W-OF203/10.0

2xLC to 2xLC single mode fiber cable, 20 m W-OF203/20.0

2xLC to 2xFC/PC single mode fiber cable, 5 m W-OF204/05.0

2xLC to 2xFC/PC single mode fiber cable, 10 m W-OF204/10.0

2xLC to 2xFC/PC single mode fiber cable, 20 m W-OF204/20.0

2xLC to 2xSC single mode fiber cable, 5 m W-OF205/05.0

2xLC to 2xSC single mode fiber cable, 10 m W-OF205/10.0

2xLC to 2xSC single mode fiber cable, 20 m W-OF205/20.0

Optical multi mode fiber cables, two fibers in one cable

2xLC to 2xLC multi mode fiber cable, 5 m W-OF207/05.0

2xLC to 2xLC multi mode fiber cable, 10 m W-OF207/10.0

2xLC to 2xLC multi mode fiber cable, 20 m W-OF207/20.0

Electrical cables

1.0/2.3 to 1.0/2.3 coaxial cable, 5 m WK-482B-05.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.0/2.3 coaxial cable, 10 m WK-482B-10.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.0/2.3 coaxial cable, 20 m WK-482B-20.0-01

1.0/2.3 to BNC coaxial cable, 5 m WK-483B-05.0-01

1.0/2.3 to BNC coaxial cable, 10 m WK-483B-10.0-01

1.0/2.3 to BNC coaxial cable, 20 m WK-483B-20.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.6/5.6 coaxial cable, 5 m WK-484B-05.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.6/5.6 coaxial cable, 10 m WK-484B-10.0-01

1.0/2.3 to 1.6/5.6 coaxial cable, 20 m WK-484B-20.0-01

1.0/2.3 to open end coaxial cable, 20 m WK-497B-20.0-01

MDR to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 5 m WK-503Y-05.0-12

MDR to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 10 m WK-503Y-10.0-12

74 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Description Item number

MDR to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 20 m WK-503Y-20.0-12

RJ-45 to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 5 m WK-504Y-05.0-10

RJ-45 to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 10 m WK-504Y-10.0-10

RJ-45 to open ended cable, 120 ohm, 20 m WK-504Y-20.0-10

Optical Network The following Optical Network Equipment protection cables are available for
Equipment Protection the Tellabs 6325 node.
Description Item number

Y-cable (optical splitter), 2xLC to 2x(2xLC) single W-OF212/05.0

mode fiber cable, 5 m. The Y-cable splits client TX
and RX signals into working and protecting RX
and TX signals.

Y-cable (optical splitter), 2xLC to 2x(2xLC) multi W-OF213/05.0

mode fiber cable, 5 m. The Y-cable splits client TX
and RX signals into working and protecting RX
and TX signals.

Extraction tool for 1.0/2.3 The following extraction tool for disconnecting coaxial cables provided with
coaxial cables 1.0/2.3 connectors, is available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

Extraction tool for coaxial cables (1.0/2.3) TOOL-H030

Synchronization and The following synchronization and AUX alarm cable is available for the Tel-
AUX alarm cable labs 6325 node.

Description Item number

9 pole D-sub to open ended, 120 ohm, 3 m WK-502Y-03.0-01

Management cable The following management cable is available for the Tellabs 6325 node. For
Ethernet interfaces, use standard STP Ethernet interface cables (RJ-45).

Description Item number

Craft terminal interface cable, RJ-45 to 9 pole D- WK-480X-03.0-01

sub, 3 m

MA364 • Rev. E3 75
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node 2 Ordering Information for Tellabs 6325 Node

Power cable The following power cable is available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

3 pole Molex mini-fit to open ended, 2.6 m WK-500Z-02.6-01

Note: When using the TR4 or MP4 modules a
high frequency ferrite filter clamp on the power
supply cables are necessary in order to comply
with Class B of EN 55022 conducted emission re-
quirements. The ferrite filter clamp needs to have
an impedance of 700 ohm or better at 125 MHz
(e.g the Kitigawa SPC-10 part may be used). To
comply with Class A of EN 55022 the TR4/MP4
can be used without the ferrite filter clamp.

EOW cable The following EOW cable is available for the Tellabs 6325 node.
Note: On the SPIMX module with 21 x 2 Mbit/s the EOW system is connected
with the 2 Mbit/s interface cable (WK-503Y-zz.z-12 - ref. ‘Traffic inter-
face cables’ on page 74). The open ended cable holds both the connec-
tions for the 2 Mbit/s interfaces and the EOW interface.

Cable description Item number

RJ-45 to 15 pole D-sub, 3 m WK-501Y-03.0-01

2.8 Embedded Software

Embedded software The following embedded software is available for the Tellabs 6325 node.

Description Item number

6325 ESW, FP1.4, CD-ROM SW6325-0014M200


76 MA364 • Rev. E3
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Index


Numerics E
6325 items 11 EMAP 13
Embedded Software
Item number 76
A selecting 56
Abbreviations 9 Equipment Protection cables 55
AC/DC adapter 11 ETEX10S 13
Alarm cable External balun
item number 75 Selecting 24
Extraction tool for coaxial cables 75
Item number 73
FAN 12
Selecting 24
Basic Units 11
Item numbers 60 I
Interconnecting nodes 28
Items 11
Item numbers 74 M
selecting 52 Management cable
selecting alarm 55 Item number 75
selecting EOW 56 MP4 13
selecting for SDH/PDH interfaces 53
selecting management 56
selecting Optical Network Equipment
Protection cables 55 Network Equipment Protection cables 55
selecting power 56
selecting synchronization 55 O
type of 52 OAD1-C 13
CMCC 11 OAD1-D 13
Coaxial cable extraction tool 75 OM-C 13
Configuration and Ordering Guide OM-D 13
Prerequisite for using 9 Optical Amplifiers 52
Structure 9 Optical Network Equipment Protection cables 55
Configuring a Tellabs 6325 Node 13
Basic Units 15
Dedicated Units 14 P
Subrack and Modules 17 PIM1m 12
PIM3P 12
Power cable
D Item number 76
DC/DC 11 Prerequisitefor using this guide 9
Dedicated Units 11 Product Release 9
Item numbers 59 Product version 9
Selecting 14 Protection cables 55
Document structure 9 PS-DC 11

MA364 • Rev. E3 77
Tellabs® 6325 Edge Node Index

SC2 11
Cables 52
Embedded software 56
External balun 24
Support modules 18
Traffic modules 19, 28
Transceivers 42
Transceivers for bi-directional interfaces 49
Transceivers for ETEX10S module 46
Transceivers for Ethernet interfaces 46
Transceivers for Fibre Channel interfaces 50
Transceivers for SDH interfaces 42
Transceivers for SIMX and SPIMX modules
and dedicated units 42
Transceivers for STM-1 interfaces 43
Transceivers for STM-16 interfaces 43
Transceivers for STM-4 interfaces 43
SIMX16m 12
SIMX4m 12
Item number 76
SPIMX16m-1 12
SPIMXm-1 12
Subrack 11
Items 73
Support modules
item numbers 65
Selecting 18
Synchronization cable
item number 75

Tellabs 6325 items 11
TR4 13
Traffic modules
Item numbers 61, 63
Selecting 19, 28
Bi-directional interfaces 49
Ethernet interfaces 46
Fibre Channel interfaces 50
Item numbers 65, 67, 70, 71
SDH interfaces 42
Selecting 42, 46

Using optical amplifiers 52

78 MA364 • Rev. E3

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