Curriculum Guide) : Instructional Planning
Curriculum Guide) : Instructional Planning
Curriculum Guide) : Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process by using
principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Daily Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
DLP No.: Learning Areas Grade Level Quarter Duration Date
English Grade 9 4 60 mins. Jan. 29,
Domains Adapted
Process At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
Knowledge Remembering Recognize the sense of responsibility/obligation by connecting
The fact or condition of new topic to the previously read article
knowing something with Understanding
familiarity gained
Skills Applying Use the modals of prohibition appropriately
The ability and capacity
acquired through
deliberate, systematic, and Analyzing
sustained effort to
smoothly and adaptively
carryout complex activities Evaluating
or the ability, coming from
one's knowledge, practice, Creating
aptitude, etc., to do
Attitude Organization Integrate modals of prohibition in real life context.
Values Valuing Value the topic by sharing own example of modals of prohibition
as a means of understanding the lesson
2. Content Modals of Prohibition: Can’t and Mustn’t
3. Learning Resources K-12 Curriculum Guide
DepEd Learner’s Material: A Journey through Anglo-
American literature
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity Share your prohibitions!
The Wall Street Crash and Great Depression have their causes and effects. What
do you think can be done to prevent this from happening? Complete the sentences
1. To become ready for an economic crisis, I can______________.
2. To become ready for an economic crisis, we can_________________.
3. To win over an economic crisis, I can’t ____________________.
4. To win over an economic crisis, we can’t__________________.
5. To win over an economic crisis, I mustn’t_______________.
6. To win over an economic crisis, we mustn’t________________.
4.2 Activity Underline the modals found in the following sentences.
1. Can you speak louder when delivering your lines?
2. You can take a deep breath before rendering your speech.
3. Other speakers mustn’t make nuisance while one speaker is on stage.
4. You can’t speak before a big audience if you are nervous.
4.3 Analysis To the process the activity, questions are being raised:
1. Were you able to encounter modal verbs from the previous lessons?
2. Then, what are modals?
3. Based from the activity given, what modality do the underlined modals
4. Can you add more examples of modal auxiliaries with the negative “not” in
4.4 Abstraction Discuss the modals of prohibitions: Can’t and Mustn’t
Remember: Can is a modal often used to ask for and give permission. It means
something is allowed and can be done.
Both can’t and mustn’t are modals used to show that something is prohibited--- it
is not allowed.
Can’t- tells us that something is against the rules.
Mustn’t- is usually used when the obligation comes from the person who is
4.5 Application Read the following sentences. Use the correct modals of prohibitions in each of the
1. __________ I stay with the group?
2. You________ park here, ma’am. The parking lot is full.
3. You________ wear sleeveless when entering inside the temple.
4. You ________ use Mandela’s speech to inspire the youth.
5. You________ make noise while the session is ongoing.
4.6 Assessment Analysis of Learners’ Write down five things you would prohibit performers from
Products doing during a presentation or delivery of speech. You
may also include the prohibitions for the audience.
Performers can’t or Audience can’t or mustn’t
4.8 Concluding Activity Students will be taught that in life there are prohibitions we must abide on.
5. Remarks
6. Reflections
A. No. of Learners who earned C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who have
80% in the evaluation caught up with the lesson
B. No. of Learners who require D. No. of Learners who continue to require remediation
additional activities for
E. Which of my Learning
Strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Name: Dionesio O. Cabuyao Jr. School: Inayagan National High School
Position/Designation: Student Teacher Division: City Of Naga
Contact No. 09157595676 Email Address:
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