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Project Report Format: The Title Page

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Even though the project is done in a group, each of you has to send an individual report.

There are a
few differences between your report and your project partner report. You are only sharing the work,
which includes the methodology and simulation work, but the rest of the work is different. For the
report, please follow the following report format.

Project Report Format

the Technical reports follow a standardized format and as technical writers; you must also use this
format. Although specific requirements vary by discipline and type of publication, the general format
for a report is below:

ABSTRACT (Individual)
INTRODUCTION (Group) (10%)
METHODOLOGY (Group) (40%)
RESULTS (Group) (20%)
DISCUSSION (Individual) (20%)
CONCLUSION (Individual) (10%)

The following pages will give more information about each part above. But it is important to realize
that individual style is acceptable and expected. Please bear in mind that the final judge of the lab
report is that the reader clearly understands the experiment and what was learned from the

Each of your lab reports will contain some of the above elements. Each section of the report, except
the title page, is titled with the appropriate heading. The clarity of the discussion is the most
important result of your report. Use whatever sections are appropriate for a specific report to achieve
that clarity.

While the lab grade has a subjective component, the majority of the grade relies on how well the
student exhibits an understanding of the device, circuit, and situation of the lab experiment.
Appearance, neatness, spelling, etc. matter and count toward your lab report score. Please remember
that your writing must be readable and understandable by the instructor.


The title page should contain all the important details of who, what, and when of the work that was
done. You can use a computer printout for this section. Please follow the given sample format is that
is shown below for uniformity.
KKKL 2151

Project Report (title)

Reported by: Safee Sali

Date of the lab and presentation: xx/xx and xx/xx

Lab Partner: Wayne Rooney

Prepared for: (Lab Instructor)

Abstract: In this project, …………………

An abstract is not a summary it is a brief statement of the contents of scientific or technical work.
It is one of the most important parts of the paper because a prospective reader will look at the
abstract and then decide whether or not to read the entire paper. Some professionals say they
don’t have time to read entire papers. Instead, they skim over the abstract and decide on that
basis whether to read the paper or not. The writer must, therefore, select the most important
points and express them clearly and concisely. Specifically, the abstract should include brief
statements of the objective, results, conclusions, and implications of the work.
The format is traditionally one paragraph with a maximum of about 200 words. It is a very
condensed account of why the work was done, what was done, and specific results and/ or

NOTE: In this report, your abstract should be different from your partner. This how you interpret
your work.


The introduction defines the basic problem and the scope of the investigation being
reported. It includes background information. Why was this experiment performed or what makes
your selected p experiment interest you? – i.e. Motivation. How would an engineer find this
information useful? And how does it relate to the materials you learn in the classroom. What
information can be generated from the results of this experiment? Or in other words, b riefly
describe the circuit and summary of the experiment. The introduction also includes a brief
statement of what was done in the lab. The Introduction may be as short as a paragraph or as long
as a page. Keep it as short as possible.

The methodology is a strategy that comprises an arrangement of steps that enable how the

environment is observed. The thought behind the strategy is that an understudy that observes the
world with the logical strategy in intellect permits clarity of detail that is not ordinarily
accessible to others. 

As an Electrical engineering student, you need to be able to predict the voltages and currents at
all points inside the circuit of any electrical circuit, either analog or digital. Using complex
analysis, linear circuits, where the outputs are linearly dependent on the inputs, can be analyzed
by hand. It is also possible to study simple nonlinear circuits in this manner. The complex circuit
can be sectioned into a smaller and manageable circuit for evaluation. To analyze circuits that are
either too complicated or too nonlinear to analyze by hand, specialized software has been
developed. Circuit simulation software helps engineers to design circuits more effectively,
reducing the expense of time and the possibility of error involved in prototype circuit

However, it is very important to have a sense of the working of the circuit so that you have
confidence in your simulation.

In this section, you need to derive all calculations involve to describe the working of the circuit.
Make sure that the transistor is properly biased, and doesn’t saturate or switch off through the
DC analysis of the circuit. Use a correct model, behavioral model, small-signal model, or
switching model to calculate or derive the voltage or current output. Compare all the nodal
voltage or loop current that you calculate with your simulation.


The results section is a summary and may consist of your completed data sheets and/or a table of
your important results with a description of how they were obtained. This section contains the
significant results obtained from the data collected in the experiment. You would not include long
lists of numbers (raw data). Those data belong in an appendix.
Show all calculated and simulated results in this section. Perform several simulations such as
transient, DC analysis, AC analysis & others to describe the working of your circuit. This
simulation result also should prove that your circuit is working properly (or simulated properly)
so that you can make further analysis. For example, if you are building an amplifier, you can
calculate the input power and output power to obtain power gain, and/or supplied power and
output power to obtain efficiency.
Constructing a Table:
Tables are commonly used in scientific and technical reporting to display a large amount of
information in a small area. A table should be neatly constructed and titled with the entries clearly
labeled so that a reader can easily spot the values of interest or any significant trends in the data.


Graphing conventions are not immutable laws, they are preferred standards. Deviating from such
standards may be necessary or sensible occasionally, but if the rules are broken too often, others get
confused or doubtful of the rule breaker’s common sense. To avoid having people raise eyebrows in
confusion (or derision) over your graphs, use the following notes which outline some common
conventions for preparing graphs. Most graphs are simple plots of two variables using standard or
logarithmic graph paper. These notes are designed specifically for this type of graph.

Labeling Axes and Graph

I. Generally the independent (controlled) variable is plotted on the abscissa: the dependent (observed
or measured) variable is plotted on the ordinate.
2. Note that, alphabetically, the words abscissa, x-axis, and horizontal all go before the matching
words ordinate, y-axis, and vertical.
3. Use the unabbreviated form of the variable for labeling the axes. Include its symbol and units if
4. Use consistent units for all variables.
5. Write the axis label for the ordinate along the edge of the ordinate from bottom to top so that it
would read left to right if the page were rotated 90º clockwise.
6. Arrange the plot so that it is approximately centered on the page. Use a slightly larger left hand
and bottom margin to account for binding, stapling, page numbering, etc. In any case, a margin of at
least one inch must be provided.
7. The title should not just restate the axes, yet it should be fairly brief. “Variation of Output Voltage
with Strain Gauge Resistance” is much better than “V vs. R” or “Voltage vs. Resistance”.
8. For the axes and graph title, all capitals or capitalized/lower case writing is preferred.
9. If the data fit it is usually most convenient to construct your graph so it can be mounted with the
abscissa on the short edge of the paper and the ordinate on the long edge (Fig. 1) – it is more
convenient if you don’t have to turn the page to look at the graph.

Using the Graph

After your data have been plotted and the best fit line has been drawn, you should use the line you
have drawn for any calculations. For instance, if you need the slope of the line, you do not pick data
points that are close to the line and evaluate the slope using them, but you pick convenient points that
the best fit line goes through (not necessarily data points) for your calculations.
Always remember that pictures are worth a thousand words. But if all you do is include a picture
with no dialog, and then you have failed to demonstrate your understanding of the device, circuit, or
situation. Use graphs, diagrams, pictures, and so on to enhance a point that you make in your


The discussion is the part of a report in which key details and significant findings extracted from
the data are discussed; it may include measurements, explanations, calculations as well as
descriptions. Usually, it is the longest segment of a laboratory report. To expand on your findings
and their meaning, you can use several paragraphs.

You should write in clear, usable, simple, and easy to understand by making use of transitional
words and phrases to help the flow. Although you will be addressing a variety of points in your
discussions you should attempt to make the descriptions and explanations transition into one
another so the section seems to be complete, with a continuous flow and not independent of
unrelated topics.
Your discussion should begin with a paragraph describing the relevance of the principles
and techniques studied in the experiment. But note that the discussion is not a summary of what
has been done and is not a section of the experimental procedure. For each experiment, the lab
report instructions for each experiment or the section in the methodology listed several specific
points that should be clearly and completely discussed., your discussion should not be just one-
line responses or numerical problem solutions. You should always provide a statement
describing what you are discussing and why it is relevant, in addition to the specific proof
needed. You must also discuss the differences between simulation and calculation and how to
Improvements to the experiment, the circuit, or the simulation. Your explanations always have
to be complete.

NOTE: In this report, your abstract should be different from your partner. This how you interpret
your work.


Usually, lab reports should include a hypothesis. A hypothesis is just a statement of what you
expect the result to be, which you write in the beginning before performing the experiment.
Typically, you begin by restating the goals of the experiment. You might also briefly state
whether the experiment successfully achieved those goals.

A conclusion restates your goals and methods, includes any final data, and notes whether you
were able to successfully answer the questions posed by your experiment. Also, include a
summary of any predictions that you made for your experimental results. Your conclusion helps
the reader extract all the important points of your report while noting any of your experiment's
unforeseen results.

NOTE: In this report, your abstract should be different from your partner. This how you interpret
your work
How to analyze a circuit?
Since most of you are doing amplifier design, I would like to give some idea on how to analyze
and do the manual calculation.
You can refer to Sedra & Smith textbook
Title: Microelectronic Circuits (7th edition)
Authors: Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith
Publisher: Oxford University Press Year: 2015
ISBN: 978-0-19-933913-6

Chapter 12 &

13.3 The 741 BJT Op Amp 1028

13.3.1 The 741 Circuit 1028
13.3.2 DC Analysis 1032
13.3.3 Small-Signal Analysis 1038
13.3.4 Frequency Response 1051
13.3.5 Slew Rate 1053
13.4 Modern Techniques for the Design of BJT Op Amps 1054
13.4.1 Special Performance Requirements 1054
13.4.2 Bias Design 1056

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