AG Night Work Safety Operating Procedure
AG Night Work Safety Operating Procedure
AG Night Work Safety Operating Procedure
Table of Contents
1. Purpose 3
2. Scope3
3. Procedure Requirements 4
3. Effective Communication 5
4. Worker Health 6
6. Training 7
1. purpose
Night work presents a unique array of hazards that can be remedied by the utilization
of proper planning, training, monitoring, and the correction of all identified hazards. In
an effort to enforce the existing state regulations as well as prepare for specific
anticipated changes, this program is being established to set requirements for night
operations at all Paramount Farming Company locations.
This Standard operating procedure applies to all ( ) employees as well as all
vendors and contractors who perform work during the night hours. As defined in Title
8, CCR 3441(g) night operations take place 1 hour before dusk till 1 hour after dawn.
Title 8, CCR 3317 was also utilized as a reference document in the process of writing
this procedure.
Shop Operations
Mechanic Operations
Spray Operations
Machine Harvesting
Frost Control Operations
Irrigation Operations
AG COMPANY Revision No. 0
As defined in the Scope night work activity is taking place 1 hour before dusk and 1
hour after dawn.
All equipment shall have a minimum of one headlight that will illuminate the
area in front of the equipment at least 50 feet.
There is a minimum of one rear light illuminating the back of the equipment
Employee Lighting
We carefully review the worksite for potential hazards during day light hours
and night time hours to determine the equipment required, safety procedures,
protocol and specialized training needed.
We inspect equipment and ensure it is working properly and that all safety
mechanisms are in place
We correct identifiable hazards, discuss those changes with your crew and
document the corrections
We utilize reflective tape in an attempt to clearly mark all machinery so that the
machinery can be seen throughout the orchards and staging areas
All harvest staging areas, hand harvesting, pesticide mixing areas, in the
orchards have portable or fixed area lights
3. Effective Communication
4. Worker Health
All workers are required to be equipped with portable lights when sufficient
lighting is not available (Not only to prevent work injuries but to prevent
predatory night behavior)
Employees do not walk to and from worksite alone
Employee break areas are well-lit and in accessible areas
Employee’s wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) for night
Class 2 high visibility vests
We provide clean, cool, portable water to combat fatigue and dehydration.
Please refer to Heat Illness prevention program for proper procedures.
1 in every 20 workers shall be trained in First Aid/CPR – those trained shall be
present during night work
Pests unique to the area such as bees, snakes, scorpions, insects, rodents and
other potential harmful animals are identified for all employees, as well as
techniques for minimizing potential contact as well as to how to administrated
First Aid in case of a bite or sting (all employees who know they are allergic to
stings carry their medication in case of a sting)
All employees shall drink water prior to their shift as communicated in the Heat
Illness program. We try to maintain an eating pattern similar to the one we
follow during the day in an attempt to acclimate employees to night conditions.
Condensation on objects is more likely at night due to cooler temperatures, this
makes surfaces slippery. We make sure of proper footing when walking in an
attempt to mitigate trips, slips and falls.
6. Training
Our safety training reflects working conditions including those unique to night
As employers we conduct regular safety training at night and document training
content, date and time provided plus worker participation
It is essential that all our employees are educated about the night hazards
specific to their jobs and to the operation
All aspects of the night work IIPP are documented and made readily accessible
to workers and available at every worksite
All serious injuries and illnesses are reported to immediate supervisor and
Cal/OSHA within 8 hours of the incident, regardless of the time of day. Cal/OSHA
reporting line accepts calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week. An incident occurring
at night is not a valid reason for not dialing Cal/OSHA immediately.