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Assessment Cover Sheet: S NYS

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Learner’s Name: Unit

Student ID: Assessor

Date of Submission: Unit of Competency: Unit

 Questioning Checklist
The learner will answer a range of questions either verbally or written in relation S NYS DNS

The Questioning Checklist will be used.

 Written Activity Checklist
The learner will complete the written activity provided to them by the assessor. S NYS DNS
The Written Activity Checklist will be used.

 Observation / Demonstration
The Observation Checklist will be used.
Is the Learner ready for assessment?
Yes No DNS
Has the assessment process been explained?
Yes No DNS
Does the Learner understand which evidence is to be collected and how?
Yes No DNS
Have the Learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained?
Yes No DNS
Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during assessment?
Yes No DNS
I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will only be used for professional
development purposes and can only be accessed by my manager and the RTO:

Learner Signature: Date:

Assessor Signature: Date:

C- Competent
NYC- Not yet competent
DNS: Did not Submit
S- Satisfactory
NYS- Not yet satisfactory

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package

The process you will be following is known as competency-based assessment. This means
that evidence of your current skills and knowledge will be measured against national and
international standards of best practice, not against the learning you have undertaken
either recently or in the past. (How well can you do the job?)

Some of the assessment will be concerned with how you apply the skills and knowledge in
your workplace, and some in the training room.

The assessment tasks utilized in this training have been designed to enable you to
demonstrate the required skills and knowledge and produce the critical evidence required
so you can successfully demonstrate competency at the required standard.

The table on the next page shows you how to achieve a satisfactory result (competent)
against the criteria for each type of assessment task.

What happens if your result is ‘Not Yet Competent’ for one or more assessment
Our assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the desired learning
outcome been achieved yet?” If the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see how
we can get there.

In the case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYC’, your trainer will
provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit your

What if you disagree on the assessment outcome?

You can appeal against a decision made in regards to an assessment of your competency.
An appeal should only be made if you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ against
specific competency standards and you feel you have sufficient grounds to believe that you
are entitled to be assessed as competent.

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
You must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be
able to meet the Learning Outcomes of modules you are appealing against the assessment

You can request a form to make an appeal and submit it to your trainer, the Course
Coordinator, or the Administration officer. The RTO will examine the appeal and you will
be advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide
may be attached to this form.

What if I believe I am already competent before training?

If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate
competence in this unit, speak with your trainer, as you may be able to apply for
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

TRAINER/ASSESSORS: Responsibilities
Assessors need to be aware of their responsibilities and carry them out meticulously. To
do this they need to:
• Ensure that students are competent in their units by following the guidelines from
moderation meetings.
• Request the manager/supervisor to determine that the student is ‘satisfactorily’
demonstrating the requirements for each unit. ‘Satisfactorily’ means consistently
meeting the standard expected from an experienced operator. Managers (or
designates) are to sign off on a ‘3rd. Party assessment sheet’ for each unit of training
by a student
• Ensure that participants are assessed fairly based on the outcome of the Language
Literacy and Numeracy completed on enrolment.
• Ensure that all documentation is signed by the student, trainer, workplace
supervisor and assessor as units and Certificates are completed which ensures there
is no follow-up required from an administration perspective.
• Ensure that the assessor’s own qualification Certificate for Training and Assessment
is current.

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package

The assessor will mark evidence

Portfolio Evidence provided does not meet all of
provided against the key
Evidence the key competencies in the unit
competencies of the unit
Incorrect answers for one or more
All questions answered correctly
(Written or Answers address the question in
Answers do not address the question in
verbal) full; referring to appropriate
full. Does not refer to appropriate or
sources from your workbook
correct sources.
and/or workplace
Supervisor or manager observes
3rd. party judged work performance and confirms Could not demonstrate consistency.
on performance that you consistently meet the Could not demonstrate the ability to
in the workplace standards expected from an achieve the required standard
experienced operator
The assessor will mark the
Does not follow project
activity against the detailed
Attachments/appendices if Requested supplementary items are not
requested are attached attached
Response does not address the project
Written activity All requirements of the written
requirements in full; is missing a
activity are addressed/covered.
response for one or more areas.
One or more of the project
Responses must refer to
requirements are answered incorrectly.
appropriate sources from your
Does not refer to or utilize appropriate
workbook and/or workplace
or correct sources of information
All elements, criteria and critical
Observation in Could not demonstrate elements,
aspects of evidence, are
workplace by criteria and critical aspects of evidence,
demonstrated at the appropriate
assessor at the appropriate AQF level
AQF level

Lack of demonstrated
comprehension of the
All comprehension questions answered
underpinning knowledge (remove)
correctly; demonstrating an
Case Study required to complete the case
application of knowledge of the topic to
Comprehension study questions correctly.
the case study
and Associated One or more questions are
Questions answered incorrectly.
Answers address the question in full; Answers do not address the
referring to appropriate sources from question in full; do not refer to
your workbook and/or workplace appropriate sources.

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
For this assessment, you must complete the following written activity.

The written activity is a stand-alone activity that is assessed separately to the activities that form
the evidence portfolio. The written activity will allow the learner to display required knowledge

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
and skills that are essential when contextualising overall competency.

This written activity assessment tool corresponds with Activity 1.1

For details on how to complete and contextualise competency for the written activity, please refer
to the assessor guide.

Learner’s name:

Assessor’s name:

Performance Criteria
For this activity, the learner must complete activity 1.1
Yes No

Did the Learner provide evidence of their ability to:

Determine the purposes of documents  

Choose appropriate formats for documents  

Establish means of communication  

 Determine requirements of documents  

Determine categories and logical sequences of data,

information and knowledge to achieve document  
Develop overview of structure and content of  
Review and organise available data, information and
knowledge according to proposed structure and  
Ensure data, information and knowledge is aggregated,
interpreted and summarised to prepare text that  
satisfies document purposes and objectives

Include graphics as appropriate  

Identify gaps in required data and information, and

collect additional material from relevant enterprise  

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
Draft text according to document requirements and  

Use language appropriate to the audience  

Review draft text to ensure document objectives are  

achieved and requirements are met
Check grammar, spelling and style for accuracy and  
Ensure draft text is approved by relevant enterprise  

Incorporate revisions in final copy  

Choose basic design elements for documents  

appropriate to audience and purpose
Use word processing software to apply basic design  
elements to text

Check documents to ensure all requirements are met  

Feedback To Learner:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:


For this assessment, you will need to perform the following tasks. These tasks will need to
be completed and submitted in a professional, word processed, format. Each task must be
1000 words minimum in length.

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
Task 1
You will need to produce 2 documents for submission, using business technology to apply
formatting, and incorporate at least one graphic per document. You will need to ensure you
complete each step listed below:
 Plan your document
 Draft the text
 Prepare the final text
 Produce the document

Scenario one
As the CEO of Facilitator Clothing Pty Limited [GPO Box 2107, Brisbane Qld 4001] you must
draft a letter to Mr T Jones [PO Box 31 Lockman Road, Wellington Qld 4023] to explain that
there will be a ten day delay in delivering the goods he ordered. Do your best with the
format, but the important thing here is the words you choose.

Scenario two
To complete this activity, you are required to plan a document relevant to a work environment
(suggested topics include: a budget report, marketing plan/report, safety report,
information/research report, risk assessment report, etc.)

Each step must be presented as part of your assessment for this unit for both documents.

After you have completed this activity you will have to hand it in.

Task 2
For this task you must research each of the following topics, and complete a basic report
on your findings. The research topics are:
 Identify the enterprise style guide/house style
 Outline formatting styles and their impact on formatting, readability and appearance of
 Explain rules and conventions for written English, as defined by general and specialist

Instructions for the Assessor:
You must observe the student writing complex documents in a workplace or simulated

For this task the student is required to demonstrate the following skills:

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
 Plan, draft and finalise complex documents that require review and analysis of a range
of information sources
 Use business technology to apply formatting, and incorporate graphics
 Edit draft text to ensure accuracy and clarity of information, obtain feedback on the
draft and revise the draft
 Apply enterprise style guide/house style to a document

The student will require access to the following for the observation task:
 Office equipment and resources
 Organisational policies and procedures
 Organisational style guides

Then you are to complete the Assessor Observation Checklist as follows:

 If the student completes the task in full, then complete “How and where performance
criteria were observed”.
 Supplementary questions are only required if the observation points are not observed
or not satisfactory.

Feedback specific to the students’ performance must be noted and should include
information relevant to the student’s ability to complete the task, areas for improvement
and aspects achieved. This feedback is to be made available to the student to better
understand how to gain competence in this area of assessment.

The observation checklist is used by the assessor to observe the learner demonstrating the
application of the required skills and knowledge. For details on how to conduct and contextualise
for competency, please refer to the section on contextualisation above.

*The assessor needs to ensure that they take detailed notes on the performance of the learner in
the comments section provided.

Learner Name:

Assessor Name:

The learner is able to demonstrate competency by:

How and where performance
Performance criteria Yes No
criteria were observed:
 The student can determine the
purposes of documents
 The student can choose

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
appropriate formats for
 The student can establish means
of communication
 The student can determine
requirements of documents
 The student can  determine
categories and logical sequences
of data, information and
knowledge to achieve document
 The student can develop overview
of structure and content of
 The student can review and
organise available data,
information and knowledge
according to proposed structure
and content
 The student can ensure data,
information and knowledge is
aggregated, interpreted and
summarised to prepare text that
satisfies document purposes and
 The student can include graphics
as appropriate
 The student can identify gaps in
required data and information,
and collect additional material
from relevant enterprise
 The student can draft text
according to document
requirements and genre
 The student can use language
appropriate to the audience
 The student can review draft text
to ensure document objectives are
achieved and requirements are
 The student can check grammar,
spelling and style for accuracy and
 The student can ensure draft text
is approved by relevant enterprise
 The student can incorporate
revisions in final copy
 The student can choose basic
design elements for documents
appropriate to audience and

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
 The student can use word
processing software to apply basic
design elements to text
 The student can check documents
to ensure all requirements are met

Details of Learners Performance:

Feedback Given to Learner:

Assessor Signature Date:

For this assessment, you will need to exhibit your ability to write complex documents in a
workplace or simulated environment.

For this task you are required to demonstrate the following skills:
 Plan, draft and finalise complex documents that require review and analysis of a range
of information sources
 Use business technology to apply formatting, and incorporate graphics
 Edit draft text to ensure accuracy and clarity of information, obtain feedback on the
draft and revise the draft
 Apply enterprise style guide/house style to a document
Your trainer/assessor will provide you with access to the following:
 Office equipment and resources
 Organisational policies and procedures
 Organisational style guides
Once you are ready you are going to need to:

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
 Plan documents
 Draft text
 Prepare final text
 Produce document
While you plan documents you will be assessed on the following points:
 Your ability to determine the purposes of documents
 Your ability to choose appropriate formats for documents
 Your ability to establish means of communication
 Your ability to determine requirements of documents
 Your ability to determine categories and logical sequences of data, information and
knowledge to achieve document objectives
 Your ability to develop overview of structure and content of documents
While you draft text you will be assessed on the following points:
 Your ability to review and organise available data, information and knowledge
according to proposed structure and content
 Your ability to ensure data, information and knowledge is aggregated, interpreted and
summarised to prepare text that satisfies document purposes and objectives
 Your ability to include graphics as appropriate
 Your ability to identify gaps in required data and information, and collect additional
material from relevant enterprise personnel
 Your ability to draft text according to document requirements and genre
 Your ability to use language appropriate to the audience
While you prepare final text you will be assessed on the following points:
 Your ability to review draft text to ensure document objectives are achieved and
requirements are met
 Your ability to check grammar, spelling and style for accuracy and punctuation
 Your ability to ensure draft text is approved by relevant enterprise personnel
 Your ability to incorporate revisions in final copy
While you produce document you will be assessed on the following points:
 Your ability to choose basic design elements for documents appropriate to audience and
 Your ability to use word processing software to apply basic design elements to text
 Your ability to check documents to ensure all requirements are met

When you have successfully finished this assessment you will need to hand in the
assignment that you have completed.

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
The assessor needs to indicate whether they have conducted the questioning as written questions
or as verbal questions by circling the appropriate choice below:

Written Questioning Verbal Questioning

The assessor must provide evidence with the assessment tool. For written questions, the assessor
must provide the learner’s original written responses. For verbal questioning, the assessor must
provide detailed notes on the learner’s response.
For details on how to conduct and contextualise this form of assessment, please refer to the
questioning checklist explanation in the assessor guide.
Learner’s name:
If questions are answered verbally, the assessor must write detailed answers in
the sections provided below.
y response
Yes No
Question: What style does your workplace use for formal documents?
1  

Question: What are some appropriate formats for documents?

 

Question: What are the basic principles of communication?

 

Question: What do you need to take into account when considering

 

Question: How can graphics benefit your document?

5  

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package

Question: Who might relevant enterprise personnel include?

 

Question: Discuss the different levels of formality in complex documents

 

Question: Discuss the review process

 

Question: What are the steps involved in checking documents to ensure all
requirements are met
 

Feedback to Learner:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
1. What style does your workplace use for formal documents?

2. What are some appropriate formats for documents?

3. What are the basic principles of communication?

4. What do you need to take into account when considering formatting?

5. How can graphics benefit your document?

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package
6. Who might relevant enterprise personnel include?

7. Discuss the different levels of formality in complex documents

8. Discuss the review process

9. What are the steps involved in checking documents to ensure all requirements are met

BSBWRT401 - Write complex documents Version 2016.1
BSB40215- Certificate IV in Business
BSB- Business Service Training Package

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