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(Affiliated To JNTUA & Approved by AICTE) (Accredited by NAAC With A'Grade & Accredited by NBA (EEE, ECE & CSE) )

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(Affiliated to JNTUA & Approved by AICTE) (Accredited by NAAC With ‘A’Grade & Accredited by NBA(EEE,ECE & CSE))
B. Tech III Year I Semester (R15) Mid-I Descriptive Examinations JAN2021 AY(2020-2021)
Time: 90 Minutes (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Max Marks: 30
Answer any three Questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
SET - 1

Questions Marks Unit CO Cognitive

1 Explain the construction and working of PMMC with neat diagrams. 10 I CO1 Understand
a) Explain the types of errors in measuring instruments in brief. 5 I CO1 Understand
b) A PMMC instrument has a coil of dimensions 15 mm × 12 mm. The flux
density in the air gap is 1.8 × 10-3 wb/m2 and the spring constant is 0.14 ×
2 10-6 N-m/rad. Determine the number of turns required to produce an 5 I CO2 Apply
angular deflection of 90° when a current of 5 mA is flowing through the

a) Explain the construction of cathode ray tube. 5 I CO1 Understand

3 b) A 2 mA meter with an internal resistance of 100 ohm is to be converted to
0-150 mA ammeter. Calculate the value of the shunt resistance required. 5 I CO2 Apply
a) Explain the Kelvin’s double bridge circuit for measurement of resistance. 5 II CO1 Understand
The arms of an a.c Maxwell’s bridge are adjusted as
Arm AB : Non-reactive resistance of 700 ohm
b) Arm CD : Non- reactive resistance of 300 ohm
4 Arm AD : Non-reactive resistance of 1200 ohm in parallel with capacitor of 5 II CO3 Apply
0.5 micro farad. If the bridge is balanced under this conditiion, find the
components of the branch BC.
a) Explain the Anderson’s bridge to measure the unknown inductance. 5 II CO1 Understand
b) An ac bridge was made up as follows: arm ab, a capacitor of 0.8 mF in
parallel with 1 kW resistance, bc a resistance of 3 kW, arm cd an unknown
5 capacitor Cx and Rx in series, arm da a capacitance of 0.4 mF. The supply at 5 II CO3 Apply
1 kHz is connected across bd and a detector across ac. Determine the value
of unknown capacitance Cx, unknown series resistance Rx and dissipation

Prepared by: T ARAVIND BABU, Asst. Professor of EEE.

(Affiliated to JNTUA & Approved by AICTE) (Accredited by NAAC With ‘A’Grade & Accredited by NBA(EEE,ECE & CSE))
B. Tech III Year I Semester (R15) Mid-I Descriptive Examinations JAN2021 AY(2020-2021)
Time: 90 Minutes (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Max Marks: 30
Answer any three Questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

SET - 2

Questions Marks Unit CO Cognitive

1 Explain the construction and working Attraction type Moving Iron 10 I CO1 Understand
a) Define Controlling torque and Damping torque. 5 I CO1 Understand
2 b) A moving coil instrument gives a full scale deflection for a current of 20 mA
with a potential difference of 200 mV across it. Calculate shunt required to 5 I CO2 Apply
use it as an ammeter to get a range of 0-200 A.
a) Explain the construction and operation of CRO. 6 I CO1 Understand
b) A PMMC instrument has a coil of dimensions 10 mm x 8mm. The flux density
3 in the air gap is 0.15 Wb/m2. If the coil is wound for 100 turns, carrying a 4 I CO2 Apply
current of 5 mA then calculate the deflecting torque. Claculate the defecltion
if the spring constant is 0.2 x 10-6 Nm/degree.
a) Explain about Wheatstone bridge for measurement of resistance. 5 II CO1 Understand
b) For the given Maxwell’s bridge find the equivalent series resistance and
inductance of Rx and Lx.

4 5 II CO3 Apply

a) Draw the Owen’s Bridge Circuit and derives the expression for the unknown 5 II CO1 Understand
element at balance?
b) The Schering bridge has the following constants:
5 Arm AB- Capacitor of 1 micro farad in parallel with 1.2 Kilo ohm
Arm AD- Resistance of 4.7 Kilo ohm. Arm BC- Capacitor of 1 micro farad. 5 II CO3 Apply
Arm CD- Unknown capacito Cx and Rx. The frequency of supply is 0.5 kHz.
Calculate the unknown capacitance and its dissipation factor.

Prepared by: T ARAVIND BABU, Asst. Professor of EEE.

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