The document lists various types of numerals including cardinal and ordinal numbers, fractional numerals, percentages, Roman numerals, and numbers used in measurement of weight, length, area, volume, time and angles.
The document lists various types of numerals including cardinal and ordinal numbers, fractional numerals, percentages, Roman numerals, and numbers used in measurement of weight, length, area, volume, time and angles.
The document lists various types of numerals including cardinal and ordinal numbers, fractional numerals, percentages, Roman numerals, and numbers used in measurement of weight, length, area, volume, time and angles.
The document lists various types of numerals including cardinal and ordinal numbers, fractional numerals, percentages, Roman numerals, and numbers used in measurement of weight, length, area, volume, time and angles.
1 one first 2 two second 3 three third 4 four fourth 5 five fifth 6 six sixth 7 seven seventh 8 eight eighth 9 nine ninth 10 ten tenth 11 eleven eleventh 12 twelve twelfth 13 thirteen thirteenth 14 fourteen fourteenth 15 fifteen fifteenth 16 sixteen sixteenth 17 seventeen seventeenth 18 eighteen eighteenth 19 nineteen nineteenth 20 twenty twentieth 21 twenty-one twenty-first 22 twenty-two twenty-second 23 twenty-three twenty-third 24 twenty-four twenty-fourth 25 twenty-five twenty-fifth 26 twenty-six twenty-sixth 27 twenty-seven twenty-seventh 28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth 29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth 30 thirty thirtieth 40 forty fortieth 50 fifty fiftieth 60 sixty sixtieth 70 seventy seventieth 80 eighty eightieth 90 ninety ninetieth 100 a hundred hundredth 1,000 a thousand thousandth 1,000,000 a million millionth 140 a/one hundred and forty 400 four hundred 1,006 a/one thousand and six 5,000 five thousand 260,127 two hundred and sixty thousand, one hundred and twenty-seven Dates March 10, 1998 the tenth of March nineteen ninety-eight or March the tenth nineteen ninety-eight Fractional 1 1 Numerals Common Fractions: a half; a quarter; 2 4 1 3 a/one fifth; three fifths; 5 5 1 1 one and a half; 2 4 3 three and four fifths; 5 Decimal Fractions: 0.1 nought point one; 10.92 ten point nine two; 8.04 eight point nought four; Percentage a kind of decimal fraction, denominator of which is always 100: 2 % 2 per cent 2 p.c. two per cent. Roman 1 I 16 XVI Numerals 2 II 17 XVII 3 III 18 XVIII 4 IV 19 XIX 5 V 20 XX 6 VI 21 XXI 7 VII 30 XXX 8 VIII 40 XL 9 IX 50 L 10 X 60 LX 11 XI 70 LXX 12 XII 80 LXXX 13 XIII 90 XC 14 XIV 100 C 15 XV 1000 M NUMBERS IN MEASUREMENT
Weight 1 dram драхма dr 1.77 g
Measure 1 ounce унція oz (16 dr) 28.35 g Міри ваги 1 pound фунт lb (16 oz) 453.59 g 1 stone стон st (14 lb) 6.35 kg 1 quarter квартер gr (28 lb) 12.7 kg 1 hundredweight хандредвейт hwt (112 lb) 50.8 kg 1 ton тонна tn (20 hwt) 1016 kg Linear Measure 1 inch дюйм in 2.54 cm Лінійні міри 1 foot фут ft (12 in) 30.48 cm 1 yard ярд yd (3 ft) 91.44 cm 1 mile миля ml (1760 yd) 1609.33 m 1 International миля морська INM (6076 ft) 1.852 km Nautical Mile Dry Measure 1 gill джил gi 0.14 l Міри сипких 1 pint пінта pt (4 gills) 0.57 l речовин 1 quart кварта qt (2pt) 1.14 l 1 gallon галон gal (4qt) 4.55 l 1 bushel бушель bu 36.35 l 1 quarter квартер qr (8 bu) 290.94 l Square Measure 1 square inch кв. дюйм sq in 6.45 cm2 Міри площини 1 square foot кв. фут sq ft (144 sq in) 9.29 dm2 1 square yard кв. ярд sq yd (9 sq ft) 0.836 m2 1 acre акр ac (4.8 sq yd) 0.4 hectare 1 square mile кв. миля sq ml (640 ac) 2.59 km2 Cubic Measure 1 cubic inch куб. дюйм cu in 16.39 cm3 Міри об’єму 1 cubic foot куб. фут cu ft (1728 cu in) 28.32 cm3 1 cubic yard куб. ярд cu yd (27 cu ft) 764.53 cm3 1 register ton тонна reg t (100 cu ft) 2.83 m3 реєстрова Time Measure 1 minute хвилина 60 seconds Міри часу 1 hour година 60 minutes 1 day день 24 hours 1 week тиждень 7 days Angles Measure 1 minute хвилина 60 seconds (60) Міри кута 1 degree (1) градус 60 minutes (60) 1 right angle прямий кут 90 degrees (90) 1 circle розгорнений 360 degrees (360) кут 4 right angles