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Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Vulnerabilities of Different Elements Exposed to Hazards(Classify ME!)
Learning Targets: Recognize vulnerabilities of different elements exposed to specific hazards.
References Title: Deguzman, F.R., et, al. (2016) Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction. Vibal Group
Inc. G. Araneta Avenue., Quezon City.
Author: Deguzman, F.R., et, al. (2016) Page No.:
Main Idea
Vulnerabilities of different elements are determined due to its exposure to particular and specific hazard.
Physical vulnerability- Potential physical impact on the quality of the built structures and population (i.e. architectural
and engineering design of buildings)
Social vulnerability- potential impacts of hazards on different social groups (i.e. pregnant or lactating women, the
handicapped, children, and elderly).
Economic vulnerability- potential impacts of hazards on economic assets and activities (i.e. Business interruption, job
loss, and interruption of market processes)
Environmental vulnerability- the potential impacts of hazards on the environment.


Physical vulnerability
For example, UP Visayas buildings were totally destroyed during the super typhoon Yolanda in 2008 leaving the structure
totally damaged.
Social vulnerability
For example, during typhoon the line of 11 communications were cut off when cell sites shutdown or disruption of
transport system due to inability of small vehicles to pass through the flooded areas or unpassable roads and bridges. With
some difficulties in the delivery of services such as relief goods and medicines, a lot of problems occurred like shortage of
food and spread of infectious diseases. Therefore, when social elements were exposed to hazard, these may lead to
disruption of normal processes and activities in the community.
Economic vulnerability
We can say that Philippines is more vulnerable to an event such as earthquake compared to Japan. Though both countries
are exposed to earthquake hazard because both are located in the Pacific ring of fire, but due to differences in economic
status, Japan is more resilient because of its ability to afford changes in architectural and engineering designs of building
and infrastructures to make them less vulnerable to earthquake.
Environmental vulnerability
Human activities like deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, and kaingin affect the natural abilities of the environment to
protect itself from any natural hazard due to absence of trees which may cause landslide and flashfloods. Sometimes the
effects are irreversible.

Direction: Classify the following phrases and sentences whether it is physical, socioeconomical or environmental
vulnerability. Write PV- if it is physical vulnerability, SEV- socioeconomical vulnerability, and EV-
environmental vulnerability.

_________1. Denudation of forests

_________2. Houses built near fault lines
_________3. Shutdown of telecommunication tower
_________4. Rest houses near Boracay shoreline
_________5. Twenty-story building constructed ACTIVITY
on soil mainly made up ofSHEET
_________6. Bridges with cracks and crevices ACT.2-WEEK 4
Name: Loss of job due to COVID-19 pandemic.
_______________________________________________ Score: __________________
_________8. Overfertilization of agricultural
Year & Section: ___________________ soil Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
_________9. Destruction of coral reefs that serves as barriers against storm surge.
_________10. Possible retrenchment of ABS CBN employees due to its shutdown
Subject: Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Effects of Hazard, Exposure and Vulnerability to Disaster Risks (Complete ME!)
Learning Targets: Explain the difference between hazard, exposure and vulnerability.
References Title:
Author: Page No.:
Main Idea
Hazard is a harmful condition, substance, human behavior or condition that can cause loss of life, injury or other health
effects, harm to property, loss of livelihood and services, social and economic disruption or damage to the environment.
Any risk which is imminent is threat.
Exposure is the presence of elements at risk or chance of being harmed from a natural or man-made hazard event.
Elements include the individuals, households or communities, properties, buildings and structures, agricultural
commodities, livelihoods, and public facilities, infrastructures and environmental assets present in an area that are subject
to potential damage or even losses.
Vulnerability means the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system, or asset, that make it susceptible to
the damaging effects of a hazard and inability of a community to prevent, mitigate, prepare for and respond to hazardous
Risk implies the probability of possible adverse effects. This results from the interaction of social and environmental
systems, from the combination of physical danger, and exposed item vulnerabilities.
Disaster is a serious disruption to the functioning of a community or society which causes widespread human, material,
economic or environmental losses that exceed the capacity of the community or society concerned to cope with the use of
their own resources.


Directions: Complete the following sentences by giving the appropriate answer needed in the blank.

 The difference between hazard, exposure and vulnerability among each other is
 It is significant to understand hazards, exposure and vulnerabilities because

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