Iso 6002
Iso 6002
Iso 6002
First edition
1992-06-I 5
Reference number
IS0 6002: 1992(E)
Scope ................................................................................................. 1
Definitions .................................................................................... 1
Design .......................................................................................... 2
Materials .................................................................................... 10
Marking ...................................................................................... 11
8 IS0 1992
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Genkve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (I!33 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take pat-l in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Interna-
tional Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 6002 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 153, Valves, Sub-Committee SC 1, Design, manufacture, marking
and testing.
The purpose of this International Standard is the establishment of the
basic requirements and recommendations for flanged or butt-weld end
steel gate valves of bolted bonnet construction.
To maintain compatibility with IS0 7005-I whereby the American flanges
previously designated by a class rating have been converted to nominal
pressure (PN) ratings, this International Standard follows the same sys-
tem. The equivalent ratings are as follows:
Class 150: PN 20
Class 300: PN 50
iv --``,``,`,`,`,,``,````,`,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
- with or without non-metallic obturator or seat IS0 5752:1982, Metal valves for use in t7anged pipe
seals; systems - Face-to-face and centre-to-face dimen-
- flanged or butt-welding ends.
IS0 6708:1980, Pipe components - Definition of
It covers valves of the nominal sizes DN nominal size.
10; 15; 20; 25; 32; 40; 50; 65; 60; 100; 125; 150; 200; IS0 7005-1:1992, Metallic tlanges - Pat-t 1: Steel
250; 300; 350; 400; 450; 500; 600; 700; 800; 900; tlanges.
1 000.
IS0 7268:1983, Pipe components - Definition of
and applies to valves of the nominal pressures PN nominal pressure.
10; 16; 20; 25; 40; 50; 100. ANSI/ASME 81.20.1:1983, Pipe threads, general pur-
pose (inch).
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
The following standards contain provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions For the purposes of this International Standard, the
of this International Standard. At the time of publi- definition of nominal size given in IS0 6708 and of
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All Stan- ’ nominal pressure given in IS0 7268 apply.
Beyond the distance l,l,/dt,,, from the outside of the
The use of a pressure rating corresponding to a body run, straight circular sections of body necks
temperature other than that of the contained fluid is with inside diameter d shall be provided with a
the responsibility of the user.
minimum local wall thickness of t’, where 1’ is de-
termined, by interpolation if necessary, as the value
4.3 For temperatures below the lowest tempera- of f,.,,which would correspond to a value of d equal
ture shown in the pressure/temperature rating ta- to 2d/3, using the applicable nominal pressure rat-
bles in IS0 7005-1, the service pressure shall be no ing.
greater than the rating shown for that lowest tem-
perature. The use of valves at lower temperatures It will be noted that for any case where d > 1,5d, the
is the responsibility of the user. Consideration newly determined minimum wall thickness for the
should be given to the loss of ductility and impact body neck will be greater than the basic value f,,,. In
strength of many materials at low temperature. such cases, this greater wall thickness shall be
provided for all parts of the body neck having a di-
ameter greater than 1.5d.
5 Design
5.1.4 Local areas having less than the minimum
5.1 Body wall thickness wall thickness will be acceptable provided that all
of the following limitations are satisfied:
5.1.1 The minimum body wall thickness, f,,,, at the
time of manufacture shall be as given in table I, ex- a) the area of less than minimum thickness can be
cept as indicated in 5.1.2 to 5.1.4. enclosed by a circle whose diameter is no
greater than O,SSJdt,, where d is the nominal
Additional metal thickness needed for assembly inside diameter as given in table2 and f,,, is the
stresses, closing stresses, stress concentrations minimum body wall thickness as shown in
and shapes other than circular shall be determined table 1;
by individual manufacturers, since these factors
vary widely. W the measured thickness is no less than 0,75t,,,;
5.1.2 The weld preparation in butt-welding end cl enclosure circles are separated from each other
valves (see shall not reduce the body wall by an edge-to-edge distance of no less than
thickness to less than the values specified in 5.1.1 1,75a.
within a region closer to the outside surface of the
body neck than r,,, measured along the run direction. 5.1.5 The terms used in this clause are illustrated
The transition to the weld preparation shall be in figure 1.
/ Axisofbodyneck
Junction of body
run and body neck
Body run
IQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3-3
15 3 3 3 3 3,1 371 334
20 3 3 3,l 313 395 336 4,1
25 4 4 491 42 496 4,6 48
1) For the corresponding body end port nominal inside diameter, see table2.
4w 650 f4 660 914 f5 1092
700 900
600 1000
9w 1 loo
lDO0 1200
Dimensions in millimetres
1 The inside and outside surfaces of valve welding ends shall be machine finished overall. The contour within the envel-
ope is at the option of the manufacturer unless specifically ordered otherwise.
3 Valves having a minimum wall thickness t, Q 3 mm may have ends cut square or slightly chamfered.
4 For the nominal outside diameters and wall thicknesses of standard steel pipes, see IS0 4200:1991, Plain end steel
tubes, welded and seamless - General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length.
vallve nominal
’ -- 25 32 40 50 65 50 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 500 900 loo0
I Sib
.~-c DN
I nom. 35 44 50 62
-1.0 78 91 117 144 172 223 270 329 362 413 -1464 516 619 721 825 927 1029
t2.5 +4
+1 +3
toi. -1 -2
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IS0 6002:1992(E)
15 UP) 30
20 (3/4) 44
25 (1) 54
32 (1 l/4) 64
40 (1 l/2) 70
Plpe thread
Pipe thread
Figure 3 - Location of tapplngs for auxiliary IS0 7-l Rc...
Table 7 - Minimum thread lengths for auxiliary Table 8 - Socket dimensions for socket welding
connections connections
15 (l/2) 22 5
15 (l/2) 14
20 (3/4) 27 6
20 (3/4) 14
25 (1) 34 6
25 (1) 18
32 (1 l/4) 43 7
32 (1 114) 18
40 (1 l/2) 19
40 (1 l/2) 49 7
Dimensions In millimetres
8 --``,``,`,`,`,,``,````,`,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
a) Gate valve inside screw bl Gate valve outside screw and yoke
4 h 4 4 h, 4 4 4
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IS0 6002:1992(E)
5.5.2 If operation by a chainwheel, gearbox or ac- NOTE 1 Other trim materials are permitted by agree-
tuator is required, the purchaser shall specify, as ment between manufacturer and purchaser.
6.2.3 Stems shall be made of wrought or forged
- for chainwheel operation, the dimension from the material.
centreline of the valve stem to the bottom of the
chain loop;
Table 10 - Component materials
- spur or bevel gear, and position of gearing rela- Component Material
tive to pipe axis; To be selected from IS0 7005-I.
Body bonnet
- electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, or other actuator; Soft seals If used, any retaining ring in the
obturator shall be of a material compat-
- maximum service temperature and differential ible with the obturator and any retaining
bolting shall be of 18-8 CrNi type steel.
pressure across the valve;
Obturator Steel at least equal in corrosion resist-
- power supply (for actuators). ance to that of the shell material.
Any special requirements, such as actuator mating Auxiliary con- Cast iron plugs shall not be used.
nection plugs
dimensions, shall comply with IS0 5210.
Yoke separate Carbon steel or same material as bon-
5.5.3 If a limit on handwheel effort is applicable, the from bonnet net.
maximum shall be specified.
Handwheel Steel
Malleable iron
6 Materials Ductile Iron
6.2.1 The trim comprises the following: dentlfication plate Corrosion-resistant material attached to
the valve by fasteners of corrosion-
resistant material or by welding.
a) a stem (thrust collars on stems for inside screw
valves shall be integral with stems);
10 --``,``,`,`,`,,``,````,`,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
1) A hardness differential of 50 HB is required between the body and obturator seating surfaces if both are made of
1 Type and trim To check visually the type, its trim, accessories (e.g. handwheels)
and other items of the order (e.g. obturator closed).
The delivered valve shall comply with the order
and product standard.
3 Surface condition To examine visually prior to any coating or painting to determine that
the surface is free from defects which may affect the safety and
functioning of the valve.
4 Coating To examine visually to determine that any specified coating has been
Where protective coatings are specified, they
shall be applied.
8.6 Additlonal marking
Stem Cr13
Additional markings may be used at the option of the
Obturator HF manufacturer, provided that they do not conflict with
any of the markings specified in this International
Seat Cr13 Standard.
WC 621.646.2
Descriptors: steel products, valves, flanged valves, gate valves, specifications, dimenslons, marking.