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MP3002: Mechanics of Deformable Solids: Tutorial 3 - Damping & Free Vibration

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MP3002 Mechanics of Deformable Solids

Tutorial 3 – Damping and Free Vibration

2009/10 Sem 2

MP3002: Mechanics of Deformable Solids

Tutorial 3 - Damping & Free Vibration

A 2-kg piston supported on a helical spring vibrates freely with a natural
frequency of 125 cpm. When oscillating within an oil-filled cylinder, the
frequency of free oscillation is reduced to 120 cpm. Determine the damping
constant c.

In this case, oil acting as damper to damp the motion of the mass.
Based on the information given,
m = 2kg
Natural frequency of the vibration, ω n = 125 cpm (Cycle per minute)

= (125*2π) / 60
= 13.08 rad/s

The damped natural frequency of the spring mass system when it is vibrating in the
oil is reduced to ω d = (120*2 π) / 60

= 12.56 rad/s
Damping ratio and the natural frequency are related with the following equation:

(ω d / ω n ) 2 + ζ 2 = 1

ζ = (1 - (ω d / ω n ) 2 ) 1 / 2
Therefore, ζ = 0.28
c = 2 ζ m ωn

Damping Constant, c = 14.66kg/s

Done by: Soo Chee Wai (Z070058@ntu.edu.sg)

MP3002 Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Tutorial 3 – Damping and Free Vibration
2009/10 Sem 2

A 0.25-m mercury in a glass thermometer, which has a mass of 28 g in air,
is suspended by a rubber band and is fully immersed in a slender beaker filled
with light oil.

The information given:

The frequency of the vibration is 1Hz where the motion is damped from amplitude of
40 to 10mm in two cycles.
Then we will know that X 3 /X 1 = 40/10.

Since, X 2 /X 1 = X 3 / X 2 and X 3 / X 1 = (X 2 / X 1 )*(X 3 / X 2 )

Δ = ln(X 1 / X 2 ) = ln(X 1 / X 3 ) 1 / 2
Δ = 0.693
ζ= Δ/ ((2π) 2 + Δ 2 ) 1 / 2
ζ = 0.11

Done by: Soo Chee Wai (Z070058@ntu.edu.sg)

MP3002 Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Tutorial 3 – Damping and Free Vibration
2009/10 Sem 2

A critically damped system consists of an elastic spring with a constant of
250 N/m supporting a 2-kg mass. The mass has an initial displacement of
100 mm and is given an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the direction opposite to the
displacement. Construct a displacement-time diagram showing the time t after
release when the mass passes the equilibrium position and the maximum

This is a spring mass damper system under critical damping. The damping ratio of the
system is therefore ζ = 1.
Based on the information given,
m = 2kg, k = 250N/m and the initial condition is X(0) = 0.1m , dx(0)/dt= 5m/s

The natural frequency of the system is ω n = (k/m) 1 / 2 = 11.18rad/s

(d 2 x/dt 2 )m + c(dx/dt) + kx = 0
From vibration solution,
 t
X(t) = (C 1 +C 2 t)* e
 t  t
dx/dt = C 2 e - (C 1 +C 2 t)* e ωn

 t  t
dx/dt = C 2 e - ω n X(t) , (since X(t) = (C 1 +C 2 t)* e )

Solve for C 1 and C 2 based on the initial conditions:

When X(0) = 0.1m, C 1 = 0.1m

When dx(0)/dt= 5m/s, C 2 - ω n C 1 = 5m/s

Then, C 2 = -3.883m/s (in opposite direction)

11.2 t
X(t) = (0.1-3.88t)* e

Differential dx/dt is equal to zero if we are looking for maximum overshoot.

By substituting the constants into the first order equation,

Done by: Soo Chee Wai (Z070058@ntu.edu.sg)

MP3002 Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Tutorial 3 – Damping and Free Vibration
2009/10 Sem 2

11.18t 11.18t 11.18t

-3.882 e - 1.118 e - 43.38t e =0
Finally we will get (-5 - 43.38t) e =0
Since e will NOT equal to zero, then t = -5 / 43.38

The negative sign should be neglected and the time obtained will be t = 0.115s
Substitute the time taken to reach maximum overshoot into the displacement equation.
(11.18 x 0.115)
(0.1 - 3.88(0.115))* e = 0.096m

Therefore, Maximum overshoot at X(0.115) = 0.096m

Done by: Soo Chee Wai (Z070058@ntu.edu.sg)

MP3002 Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Tutorial 3 – Damping and Free Vibration
2009/10 Sem 2

A slab door, 2 m high, 0.75 m wide, 40 mm thick, and a mass of 36 kg, is fitted
with an automatic door closer. The door open against a torsion spring with a
modulus of 10 Nm/rad. Determine the necessary damping to critically dampen
the return swing of the door. If the door is opened at a 90°angle and released,
how long will it take until the door is within 1°of closing?

Based on the torsional system under damping,

J (d 2 θ / dt 2 ) + C(dθ/dt) + kθ = 0
The moment of inertia I 0 for a rotating bar bout its centre of mass is

J 0 = mL 2 / 12 but for the case of this door, the axis of rotation is at one end of the
Use paraller axis theorem, J = J 0 + m (L/2) 2 = m L 2 / 3

Hence, J = (36)(0.75) 2 /3
= 6.75 kgm 2
ω n = (k/J) 1 / 2 = (10/6.25) 1 / 2
= 1.217rad/s
C = 2 ζ J ω n and ζ = 1 for critical damping.

After substituting natural frequency and moment of inertia,

C = 16.43 Nm 2 /rad
 t  t
Since θ = (C 1 +C 2 t)* e and dθ/dt = C 2 e - ω n θ for critical damping.

The initial conditions given at time t = 0, θ = 90 0 and dθ/dt = 0 rad/s.

Substituting the initial conditions into the displacement equation, we will get
C 1 = 90 0 = π/2 and C 2 = 1.217(π/2)

Done by: Soo Chee Wai (Z070058@ntu.edu.sg)

MP3002 Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Tutorial 3 – Damping and Free Vibration
2009/10 Sem 2

Therefore, θ = (90 + 109.54t)* e and this equation can be solved by using MS

excel (graphical method) or trial and error.The final answer will be, t = 5.355s for θ =

Done by: Soo Chee Wai (Z070058@ntu.edu.sg)

MP3002 Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Tutorial 3 – Damping and Free Vibration
2009/10 Sem 2

The owner of a 1500 kg car tests the action of his rear-wheel shock absorber
by applying a steady 50 kg force to the rear bumper and measuring a static
deflection of 75 mm. Upon sudden release of the force, the bumper rises and
then falls to a maximum of 12.7 mm below the unloaded equilibrium position of
the bumper on the first rebound. Treat the action as a one-dimensional
problem with an equivalent mass of half the car mass. Find the viscous
damping ratio for the rear end and the viscous damping constant c for each
shock absorber assuming its action to be vertical.

When the rear part of the car is applied with a weight and release, this is equilibrium
to a spring mass damper system been compressed and release.
Given the mass of the car is 1500kg, weight is 50kg and the defection of the spring
when compressed is 0.075m. Take gravitational acceleration, g = 10m/s 2 .
The force on the spring F= kx where k is the spring constant and x is the defection.

Hence, k = 6.67kN/m

The decrement of each consecutive peak of the vibration is related by this equation,
Δ = ln (X 1 / X 2 )
= ln (75/12.7)
ζ = Δ / ((2π) 2 +δ 2 ) 1 / 2

Done by: Soo Chee Wai (Z070058@ntu.edu.sg)

MP3002 Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Tutorial 3 – Damping and Free Vibration
2009/10 Sem 2

ζ = 0.272

C = 2 ζ m ω n , where m eq = m/2 (rear part of the car with two springs)

C = 2 ζ (m eq *k) 1 / 2 because ω n = (k / m eq ) 1 / 2 = (6670 / 750) 1 / 2 = 2.98rad/s

= 2(0.272) (6.67*750) 1 / 2 for the two springs behind

= 1216
c o = C/2 = 608 Ns/m
k o = k/2 = 3.33 kN/m

Done by: Soo Chee Wai (Z070058@ntu.edu.sg)

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