CDM - RCD 1 2 3
CDM - RCD 1 2 3
CDM - RCD 1 2 3
Reduction Factor: ∅
COMPRESSION 𝜀𝑡 ≤ 𝜀𝑡𝑦 0.65 (beams, tied column)
CONTROLLED 0.75 (spiral columns)
𝜀𝑡 − 𝜀𝑡𝑦
TRANSITION 𝜀𝑡𝑦 < 𝜀𝑡 < 0.005 𝜙 = 0.65 + 0.25 ( )
0.005 − 𝜀𝑡𝑦
TENSION CONTROLLED 𝜀𝑡 ≥ 0.005 0.90
Note: For deformed reinforcement, 𝜀𝑡𝑦 shall be fy/Es. For grade 420 deformed reinforcement, it shall be
permitted to take 𝜀𝑡𝑦 equal to 0.002.
Steel Strain, 𝜀𝑡 = 𝑐
Steel Stress, 𝜀𝑡 =
𝑀𝑛 = 0.85𝑓 ′ 𝑐𝛼𝑏 (𝑑 − )
Design Moment Capacity, Mu
𝑀𝑢 = ∅𝑀𝑛
Reinforcement, As = ρbd
SIT A. A reinforced concrete beam having a cantilevered span of 4 m carries uniform service
superimposed dead load of 20 kN/m and uniform service live load of 36 kN/m. the beam has a width of
450 mm, total depth of 800 mm, and effective depth of 730 mm. Specified compressive strength of
concrete is 21 MPa and yield strength of steel reinforcement is 420 MPa. Determine the required amount
of steel reinforcement for singly reinforced section. Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m.
SIT B. A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 250 mm and a gross depth of 460 mm. It is reinforced
with 5-ϕ20 mm bars for positive bending. Specified compressive strength of concrete is 21 MPa and
yield strength of steel reinforcement is 420 MPa. Use concrete cover = 40 mm, and stirrups diameter =
10 mm. Determine the following:
a. Depth of stress block, α
b. Tensile steel strain, εt, when maximum concrete strain is 0.003
c. Type of Failure
d. Reduction Factor
e. Factored Moment Capacity
Mayor J. Posadas Avenue, Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa City,
Civil Engineering Department
Moment of Capacity
𝑀𝑛 = 0.85𝑓 ′ 𝑐𝛼𝑏 (𝑑 − ) + 𝐴′𝑠𝑓′𝑠(𝑑 − 𝑑′ )
SIT D. A simply supported beam has a clear span of 6.5 m and is subject to an external uniform service
dead load wD = 15 kN/m (including beam weight) and live load wL = 36 kN/m. Preliminary design
requires a rectangular section of width b = 275 mm and effective depth, d = 425 mm with f’ c = 28 MPa
and fy = 415 MPa. Use d’ = 65. Calculate the required amount of steel reinforcement.
SIT E. A rectangular concrete beam 350 mm wide, reinforced for tension by 5-Φ32 mm bars and for
compression by 3-Φ28 mm bars, has the following properties:
Eff. depth of tension bars, d = 550 mm
Concrete cover of compression bars, d’ = 70 mm Concrete strength, f’c = 21 MPa
Reinforcing steel strength, fy = 415 MPa
Determine the ultimate bending moment of the beam to ensure ductile failure.
Mayor J. Posadas Avenue, Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa City,
Civil Engineering Department
NSCP 406.5 Simplified Method of Analysis for Non-Prestressed Continuous Beams and One-Way
NSCP 406.5.1 It shall be permitted to Table 406.5.2 Approximate Moments for Non-
calculate Mu and Vu due to gravity loads in Prestressed Continuous Beams and One-Way Slabs
accordance with this section for continuous
beams and one-way slabs satisfying (a)
through (e):
a. Members are prismatic.
b. Loads are uniformly distributed.
c. L ≤ 3D.
d. There are at least two spans.
e. The longer of two adjacent spans
does not exceed the shorted by more
than 20 percent.
Table 406.5.2 Approximate Shears for Non-Prestressed Continuous Beams and One-Way Slabs
SIT F. A monolithic floor framing plan is shown in the figure. The columns are 400 mm x 400 mm,
girders are 300 mm wide and 600 mm deep and slabs are 100 mm thick. The floor supports a
superimposed service dead load of 9.384 kPa and service live load of 6 kPa. ACI Moment Coefficients
are given below.
a. Calculate the factored negative moment in kN·m for beam EF at column F.
b. Calculate the factored shear in kN for beam FG at column F.
c. Calculate the factored positive moment in kN·m for slab MIJN.
Mayor J. Posadas Avenue, Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa City,
Civil Engineering Department
Effective overhanging
Flange flange width, beyond face of
location web
Each side
Least of: sw/2
of web
One side
Least of: sw/2
of web
Table 406.3.2.1 Dimensional Limits for
Effective Overhanging Flange Width for T-
Mayor J. Posadas Avenue, Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa City,
Civil Engineering Department
SIT G. A monolithic floor system consists of 100 mm thick slabs and simply supported beams with a 6
m span, 1.2 m on centers. The floor carries a superimposed dead load of 1.15 kPa and live load of 1.9
kPa. Beam dimensions, as determined by negative moment requirements at supports, are bw = 275 mm
and h = 500 mm. Concrete weights 24 kN/m^3. Determine the required amount of steel reinforcement
at mid-span of the interior beam. Use concrete compressive strength f’c = 21 MPa and steel strength fy
= 275 MPa. Assume 20 mm bar diameter for flexure and 10 mm for stirrups.
SIT H. A reinforced concrete T-beam results from a monolithic floor system with beams 6 m long and
spaced 1.2 m on centers supporting slabs 100 mm thick. The width of the web is 300 mm; effective
depth, d = 610 mm; bottom As = 2950 mm2; concrete compressive strength, f’ c= 21 MPa; and steel yield
strength, fy = 415 MPa. Calculate the design moment capacity of the section in kN-m for positive bending.
SIT I. A reinforced concrete T-beam results from a monolithic floor system with beams 6 m long and
spaced 1.2 m on centers supporting slabs 100 mm thick. The width of the web is 300 mm. Determine
the effective flange width of the T-beam according to NSCP 2015.