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 Engineering Design
 NOC:Ergonomics In Automotive Design (Video) 
 Syllabus
 Co-ordinated by : IIT Guwahati
 Available from : 2019-07-25
 Lec :1

Modules / Lectures

 Introduction to Automotive Ergonomics

o Lec-1: Introduction to Automotive Ergonomics
o Lec-2: Driver Information Acquisition and Processing
o Lec 3: Anthropometric and Biomechanical Data in Automotive Design
 Introduction to Automotive Ergonomics - II
 Introduction to Automotive Ergonomics - III
 Introduction to Automotive Ergonomics - IV
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Video Transcript:
Welcome to course Ergonomics in Automotive Design. So, this course from the title it
is evident that this is related to, how we can apply ergonomic principles in automotive
design process. And this automotive design, here we are discussing
automotive design this automotive design means, not only automobile, but all other
products ; including on road vehicle, off road vehicle and different types of two wheeler,
four wheeler three wheeler. So, all are coming under this automotive products. But during
the course we will mainly concentrate on four wheelers and that is passenger car
Now today we are going to discuss our first module that is introduction to automotive
ergonomics. And in this module there are four topics. So, first topics is, ergonomics and
its domain of specialisation this one. Next the role of ergonomist in automotive design
process that is a second one ; and third one is system design approach in automotive
and the last one driver information acquisition and processing. So, now we are starting with
the first topic that is ergonomics and its domain of specialisation.
Now, if you look at this picture then what we can see, there are 2 wheelers there are
3 wheelers 2 wheelers are there 3 wheelers are there. There are different types of vehicles
starting from on road vehicle, off road vehicle and their use purpose is also different; some
vehicles are being used for civilian purpose some for military purpose or defence purpose
. So, there is huge variation in vehicle design. Now while we are designing this type of
vehicle or automotive product then what is happening ?
It is very challenging for the ergonomist as well as for the designers to design this
type of vehicle, where we can accommodate the passenger or driver or even maintenance
person or the assembly worker, that there is different variation in terms of their body
dimension in terms of their force capability in terms of their various psychological needs.
So, this is really challenging that how we can make the automotive product compatible
with the intended user. So, that is a biggest challenge for the designer as well as for
ergonomist. So, the varying anthropometrical property biomechanical property as well as
cognitive abilities that to be looked into while we are designing this type of automatic
products. Now, what is ergonomics? So, first ergonomics
this word actually came from Greek word Ergon meaning work and Nomos mean law . So,
in combination
this is the law of work. Now if you look at these two images one, one lady is cooking
sitting on the ground in squatting posture. And another image what we can see we can see
lady standing and cooking on a raised platform. So, if we consider this is a scenario A and
this is a scenery of B , then which one is preferable for us, in terms of or from the
viewpoint of ergonomics. So, what is happening here that lady can sit on this stool or getting
some support and can view also what she is cooking ? But difficulty in bringing utensils
or other whatever required for the cooking. In this case the lady is standing she is free
to walk she can move around and she can cook. So, out of this two scenario from the
of ergonomics. We can prefer this one why we preferring this
one because, in this scenario what is happening ? We are fitting the task to the human
the whatever the task the task is being designed as per the requirement of human being.
on the other hand if you look at scenario A in this case what is happening, we are forcing
the human being to be fitted with the the task is on the ground and we are forcing the
human being yes you have to be fitted with this task.
So, that is not the motto of ergonomics that is not the goal of a ergonomics. In ergonomics
always we have to try how we can redesign the task, redesign the product redesign, the
work accessories or in other words how we can design the whole system? So, that it is
compatible, it is comfortable for the human being and we can improve the performance and
efficiency. So, from ergonomics consideration this is a preferable scenario.
Now, as we mentioned there are numerous definition of ergonomics in brief, generally
authors defined ergonomics like this four points. First one fit the task to the person
use the rule of work, work smarter not harder and makes things user friendly. In India this
subject ergonomics was introduced long back 1945, the first course related to ergonomics
was started in Calcutta university and that is also by our pioneer ergonomist processor
R N Sen. So, according to R N Sen, what is the definition
of ergonomics? Ergonomics is the science, technology and art of man at work. So, this
is nice definition where he is mentioning that ergonomists not only one science branch
or a technology branch or a art. This is the culmination of all these disciplines international
ergonomic association IEA, 2000 they are also define ergonomics. So, according to their
definition, ergonomics or human factors is a scientific discipline concerned with
of interactions among humans and other elements of a system. And the profession that
theoretical principal, data and methods to design in order to optimise human well being
and overall system performance. According to IEA what is the definition of
ergonomist or practitioner of ergonomics? Practitioners of ergonomics and ergonomist
contribute to the design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, products, environments and system;
in order to make them compatible with the needs abilities and limitations of the people.
So, what is the definition of ergonomics, as well as who are economist that definition
has been provided by IEA . Now, there are so many other definitions by
other authors other researcher . So, to mention a few, here three definitions are mentioned
if we look into this. So, first one human factor engineering is a practice of designing
products so, that the user can perform required use operation service and, supportive task
with a minimum stress and a maximum efficiency. Now another definition by Helannder
1981 according
to this definition, human factor engineering aims at modifying work procedures and
by taking into account the physical psychological capabilities and limitation of human
Similarly, there are so many other definition, the definition provided by Fernandez in 1995.
So, according to this the design of workplace, equipment, machine, tool, product,
and system taking into consideration the human's physical, physiological, biomechanical,
capabilities and optimising the effectiveness and productivity of work systems; while
the safety, health well being of the workers. In general the aim of ergonomics is to fit
the task to the individual not individual to the task, which we have also mentioned
earlier with this scenario that always we should try that is the main principle of ergonomics.
We should try to beat the task as per the requirement of human being we will never try
to force human being to be accommodated with the task this is not our goal. Our goal is
that from the viewpoint of ergonomics that we have to fit the task as per the requirement
of human being . Now few other definitions and applied science.
So, what is ergonomics? So, human factors this is an applied science that coordinates
the design of devices, system, physical working condition with the capabilities and
of the workers. So, this definition is from the industry perspective.
The commonly highlighted view of the definition of ergonomics as stated above is, mainly
the relationship between humans mission, system, job, design and the work environment.
this definition was provided by Jaffar et al in 2011. Now in this context while we are
discussing about what is ergonomics its definition and various definitions provided by
authors, in this context it is important to know about the society or association of
which is present all over the world. So, in 1959 various scientific organisations
dealt with ergonomists grouped under the roof of international ergonomics association. This
international ergonomics association IEA was established in nineteen fifty nine on the
other hand in India in 1983, the Indian society of ergonomics was established and this is
a only professional body representing the ergonomics and ergonomics related professionals
in india . Now, coming to the automotive ergonomics,
so the earlier it is discussed about the general definitions of ergonomics. Now particularly
what is automotive ergonomics? Automotive ergonomics is nothing, but consideration of
ergonomic principles and use of ergonomic tools and techniques in the field of automotive
design process. Now, if you look at this image, so this is
one driver and the driver is interacting with the vehicle components; there is steering
wheel brake, clutch different so many other controls displays . So, while this driver
is interacting driver that human being is interacting with this machine tools equipments
or work elements inside the vehicle even outside the vehicle ; that time this while this
is happening. That interaction is actually influenced by so many other factors what are
those factors. Say environmental factors are also there, psychosocial factors are there,
ergonomic factors are there. So, all these factors ultimately affect this
interaction, how will be the interaction? This interaction good, bad that is actually
decided by various factors, which are the influencing factors. Now during this interaction,
so there are three components one component that is a human being, another is the work
accessories and the third component is the surrounding physical environment. This three
components; human, work accessories or tools or equipment and the surrounding physical
environment these three components together making the whole system. Then what is the
goal of automotive ergonomics? The automotive ergonomics is actually dealing
with this type of interaction, not only with the driver all passenger and the vehicle
But on the other hand all other people who are engaged in this process who are those
people, say for example, who are designing those vehicle, who are designing vehicle
who are making the or the assembling the parts or developing the vehicle. Then there is
maintenance operation there is also personal who are engaged in service. So, all these
people while they are interacting with the vehicle or vehicle system then what is happening.
If we can consider ergonomic principle in the design process, then what will happen?
It will ultimately leads to enhance performance productivity efficiency at the same time
of error and accident. So, what is the overall definition? So from the scenario, how we can
define ergonomics? So, from this scenario we can define ergonomics or automotive
that automotive ergonomics is a specialized branch of ergonomics where we are discussing
about the human compatibility with automotive products. And all other factors which affect
that, these are the factors all other factors which affecting these interactions why? So
that we can improve the performance, efficiency, productivity of the overall system not only
the user users performance will be increased. At the same time overall the system
that system comprised of human surrounding, environment, equipments, surrounding,
environment. The whole systems performance, efficiency, productivity, should be increased
at the same time there should be less chance for error and accident .
Now, as these two terms are coming repeatedly; one is human factors human factors,
ergonomics. So, now, for the student they are confused then these two terms are different
or they are synonymous. So, what is the actual difference or you can
also think are these two terms we can use these terms interchangeably? Yes. Now we can
use this two terms interchangeably and we can assume that these two terms are
mean meaning is similar. But if we look into the history then what we will find the human
factors from the in terms of country of origin where from it originated this subject human
factors engineering or human factor it evolved from USA United States of America. On the
other hand the subject ergonomics is, originated from European countries.
Now subjects of origin from which subjects? This human factors originated, which are the
mother subject of this human factors. So, origin subjects are psychology, mainly
In started from cognitive ergonomics perspective while human factors started, it actually
from the psychology background that applied experimental psychology, engineering
human engineering. Mean initially, human factors actually dealing
with cognitive aspects of ergonomics or human factors, but in case of ergonomics
originated from the subjects like, anatomy, physiology, industrial, medicine, design,
architecture, illumination engineering like this type of subjects.
And so, during its origin ergonomics was mainly looked after the issues related to physical
aspect; while human factors is dealing with cognitive aspects. But later on what happened
in human factors all the issues related to physical aspects came that is why now in human
factors we are dealing with both physical aspect as well as cognitive aspect . On the
other hand in case of ergonomics when it originated it was mainly physical aspect related
physical ergonomics aspect. But later on it also included the cognitive aspect that is
why there is as such no difference with the present time scale .
So, we can use ergonomics and human factors interchangeable. In USA the human factor
recently changed its name to human factors and ergonomics society; earlier it was human
factor society. As the human factors and ergonomics are similar or you can use
synonymously that
is why they changed its name to human factors and ergonomic society .
Now, ergonomics and its domain of specialization under that we are discussing about, what
the human factors or ergonomic issues when we consider in automotive design process.
So, frankly speaking, there is no specific point to start ergonomics is actually present
throughout the whole design process of automotive products .
Its the start from the very beginning, that is a conceptual phase of automotive design
process. The purpose is to add this and accommodate the various needs and expectations
of the
user or customers. The users and customers include the occupant that is the driver,
different vehicle occupants. On the other hand, the personnel involved in assembly line
maintenance service. So, automotive while you are thinking about
the automotive ergonomics or automobile ergonomics then we not only considering
passengers, driver
but we also need to think about the other personnel who are involved in assembly line,
component design, maintenance, service ergonomics so all these people we have to
consider. Then
how we can develop the automotive design, automotive design process more human
more user friendly. So, now basic needs of the driver what are
the basic needs whiledesigning the automotive product particularly its a passenger car so;
obviously, we to have to think about various feature; like, mobility, comfort, convenience.
We also have to think about the various safety aspects how we avoid crash, how we can
from the crash, how we can reduce the accident proneness? Similarly we have to think how
using ergonomic principle we can increase the efficiency; that is, the cost, mileage,
how we can increase the pickup, how we can increase the fuel economy? On the other
also we have to think about the aesthetic part, that is entertainment, stylish look,
then craftsmanship. So, these aspects also we have to consider while developing that
automotive products. Now, why ergonomics is necessary for automotive
design? Firstly, developing superior automotive products, by enhancing users satisfaction
in terms of functionality usability as well as aesthetic. Ergonomically designed automotive
products are generally more user compatible efficient and safe; accommodating wide range
of customer or user population, who have variation in terms of age, gender, somatotypes,
and biomechanical characteristics. So, all of them to be accommodated in the automotive
product. If we consider one automotive product like
passenger car then, while we are designing the passenger car we cannot mention ok this
passenger car is only for this particular group of people. We have to think that, how
we can accommodate in that product all types of people with variation in their age, sex,
somatotype, difference in physical capabilities, as well as their aesthetic need.
of ergonomics helps in reduction of both physical and cognitive load during operation .
So, vehicle should be designed in such a while the operator, in any user is using that
or automotive product he is cognitive as well as physical load for operating that vehicle
should be as less as possible. Next ensure various usability dimension like effectiveness,
efficiency, engaging, error tolerance and easy to learn this has to be ensured. Then,
helps to meet all pre selected ergonomic standards and requirements. If we consider
design principle in the automotive design process, then what will happen ; obviously,
it will help to meet the pre selected ergonomic standards and requirements.
Now, after discussing about ergonomics its importance in automotive design, now we are
coming to the next portion in the sub topic we are discussing about, domain of
The subject ergonomics or human factors we can categorise mainly under three domain of
specialisations; one physical ergonomics, second cognitive ergonomics and third one
is the organisation ergonomics. Under physical ergonomics, we discuss about human
anthropometry, physiology, biomechanics and under biomechanics, posture, manual,
handling, safety, repetitive movement, musculoskeletal disorder this type of various
aspects; physical
aspects of human being and its compatibility with the automotive components are discussed
under physical ergonomics. So, here you can see while this person that
driver is driving this vehicle then, when if you want to study physical ergonomics aspect
then what will we study? We study the seating comfort whether the person can see outside
how is his visibility inside and outside the vehicle;say how it is in operation steering
wheel brake etcetera. Similarly in case of cognitive ergonomics, we are discussing about
mental processes that while driver or passenger or any other maintenance person is using
vehicle or working on that vehicle. Then we have to think about these aspects of the human
being the perception memory reasoning motor response .
Now, if we take one example of cognitive ergonomics in case of passenger car then how
much aspect
should we deal? In case of cognitive ergonomics, we discuss about how various
from the road or from inside the vehicle. Various informations through various sonsory,
channels our sense, organs we are perceiving and accordingly we are interacting or we are
driving the vehicle . So, information access processing from infotainment system or from
say speedometer. So, the driver is perceiving that information perceiving that and
doing some muscular activity to control various control operations or may be getting that
vehicle. Now, third area is the organisational ergonomics;
that organisational ergonomics, it is dealing with socio technical system organisational
structure, policies, processes. In case of automobile design then, what is organisational
aspect? Say, while one new automotive vehicle is being planned and is going to be
then deciding the requirement of developing an advanced model is happening inside that
company who are making the decision? The decision of developing a new vehicle is
actually taking by the industry management following market research. This type of decision
making related to what type of vehicle is required for a particular market segment is
coming under organisation ergonomics. Now, automotive design process, the focus
point from the start to end of any automotive design process is a human being mean user
or customer who are those user or customer? Already we mentioned that this user or
or personnel who are involved in manufacturing, assembly, maintenance, service .
So, they are the key point that focus of ergonomics is always starting with human being that
the user or customer. And it is also the whole automatic process also ending with obtaining
feedback from the user or customer. So, starting point that is the understanding the
needs and expectation, that is with also human being and it is also ending obtaining the
feedback after the product uses. So, this is also coming from the human, that is the
user and customer. So, major steps in the automotive design process,
as mentioned by Bhise in his book automotive ergonomics. In 2016, so he mentioned
customer need and expectation that is the first step all the steps happens concurrently
not like one after another it is a concurrent process . So, first one understanding the
customer, second product planning, third automotive styling engineering, then detailed
prototype testing validation, tooling design, plant design and construction, production
of vehicle and obtaining feedback from the users.
So, the primary goal the primary goal of ergonomist is to work with the vehicle design team
produce ergonomically superior vehicle, so that is the main goal of ergonomist.
Now role of ergonomist in the automotive design process, under this heading we are
about the automotive design process and how ergonomist play important role . So, in the
automotive industry, while for a particular company that planning for a new automotive
product the advanced design group plan for that product or that vehicle. So, vehicle
planning activity starts after approval from the higher authority or the management then,
the business plan of the company management, theygive the responsibility to the chief
manager. And then chief program manager constitute
the functional groups, this functional groups actually dealing with various members who
are looking after design aspects body engineering, chassis engineering, power engineering,
engineering, in this way various functional groups are there; who are also looking after
climate control engineering then vehicle packaging and ergonomics or human factors
manufacturing engineering . So, various groups are working together out of this various
groups. One important group is that vehicle packaging
and ergonomics engineering. This aspects is actually looked after by the ergonomists.
So, vehicle design and development is actually a coordinated activities from various
groups and and in that group ergonomics or human factors engineers working close
with many different vehicle design teams. Now, ergonomists conduct research in the
three areas, in the automotive design. So, first one descrip this is the first one, that
is the descriptive ergonomics research. Second one experimental ergonomics research;
third one is the evaluative ergonomic research. In first one, descriptive ergonomics
So, although this three types of ergonomic research are carried out, but it does not
mean these are not mutually exclusive, there is always overlapping or combination of
are happening. So, first one descriptive ergonomics research, so what is the role here infor
automotive ergonomics providing data, describing user characteristics and different
In automotive scenario we can take the example of measurement and distribution of
data, biomechanical data, range of data, range of motion data of the driver, passenger as
well as the people who are working in the factory shop floor or in the assembly line.
In experimental ergonomics research, ergonomists or ergonomics engineer conduct
to determine the effects of different design variables, individual components or whole
vehicle, on the physical physiological psychological cognitive aspects of the user. For
redesigning the seat and its impact on occupant comfort; another example, how better
of steering wheel all brake, clutch,then accelerator can be done so that it will be much more
for the driver to operate so, this is a coming under experimental research. On the other
hand evaluative research where evaluation is happening comparison is happening over
which design feature is better than the another one.
So, in this case comparing the proposed or intended vehicle design concept with other
benchmarked vehicles for example, determining how the newly incorporated features are
than the existing one in terms of customer rating .
Role of ergonomists in the automotive design process. So, next we are discussing major
task of the ergonomist during the life cycle of vehicle design. So, this content is also
taken fromBhise 2016. So, ergonomist provide the vehicle design teams with needed
design guidelines, information or data regarding targeted users ergonomic evaluation during
design and development process recommendation for product decision at the right time.
is the called the gateway or milestones in front of the right level of decision makers
. So, over though decision makers program manager
chief engineer senior manager . So, while theparticular company is thinking about a
new product or modification of the existing product. Then, while the management is taking
decision then ergonomists play important role by providing various feedback.
Now, how ergonomist play active role in the various phases of automotive design process.
So, all of we know there are mainly four phases in the any product design process.
First one pre conceptual phase, second one conceptual phase then pre design stage and
the last one is a detailed design stage. So, in all these four stages, ergonomists play
important role and the guide the design theme so that ergonomically superior automotive
product can be designed. So, in the first phase that is the pre conceptual phase in
pre conceptual phase mainly informations are gathered and design limits are selected that
within this design constant or within this boundaries that automotive product to be designed
or the existing product to be redesigned for advanced features. Now in pre conceptual
what are the role of ergonomist? So, first benchmarking of selected competitive
vehicles to understand the different designs and ergonomic issues with these designs. Next
survey of users need as per the intended market segment using questionnaire, interview,
in the field or in design clinic. Gathering anthropometric data, biomechanical data, along
with segment specific preference data for aesthetic variables.
So, this different types of data related to customers or users physical body dimensional
data biomechanical data and various preference data, that which type of for which type of
colour. Or which type of texture they like that type of informations are to be gathered
by the ergonomist and these information to be given to the design team.
Next making ready availability of various corporate and regulatory standards and design,
guidelines, including standards of society of automotive engineers. So that while the
engineers or designers are conceptualizing that vehicle they can take care of all this
standard guidelines. Next ergonomist also actively participate in design limit selection,
use context targeted user population physical dimension, material, cost, manufacturability,
sustainability this different dimensions or different aspects of the design which are
to be thought of before designing a vehicle or designing a automotive product . So,
play crucial role with other design team members. The next phase that is the conceptual
in conceptual phase, the vehicle concept is developed. There are various steps starting
from the sketching, mock up development and evolution of the mock up. Now how
or ergonomics engineer contribute in this second phase that is the conceptual phase.
So, they participate in brainstorming and interpretation of the focus group data. They
also carry out evolution of concept sketches cad rendered models physical mock ups like
clay models, foam core, wooden or fiber glass, bucks etcetera from ergonomics perspective
using checklist, score cards and design guidelines. Ergonomists also participate in concept
to select the best concept following QFD techniques that is a quality function deployment
That out of various concepts which has been evolved from the QFD technique, they can
screen the best concept using these techniques. Next the pre design phase in pre design
mainly whatever the vehicle concept has been finalized, it is evaluated in terms of
aspect and engineering aspects . So, ergonomist play a crucial role in this phase because
the cad model or rendered cad model is evaluated in virtual platform using cad software
the help of digital human models. So, ergonomist can create digital human models
for the occupant and using those human models, they can evaluate various human factory
in that vehicle design. Another activity is that user trial in the driving simulator and
test bucks to get insides of various human factor issues; like, occupant, packaging,
entry, exit, head clearance, field of view, visual obscuration location of exterior lights,
body cut lines, fuel filler location excreta. So, the various ergonomist aspects, which
are needed to be considered that is also tested through user trials in test buck.
Particularly this is important this type of testing is important or quick studies or experiments
are required to resolve issues where sufficient information from available guidelines or
research is not available. The next phase that is a last phase detailed
design phase. In detail design phase, ergonomist conduct task analysis with the users in
of issues related to vehicle usage. So, apart from task analysis they also evaluate hardware
as prototype parts and overall vehicle model. Ergonomists also done assessment on
display, few field of view, entry exit, craftsmanship for the first production vehicle. So, in the
detailed design phase when the first production vehicle is coming that first vehicle is also
evaluated from various ergonomist perspective by the ergonomist or ergonomics engineer.
So, these are the main four stages in the design process. After the while the design
process is complete and the product launched in the market then also ergonomist continue
their role in the automotive design process what they do? So, they also participate in
the test drive and market research clinics to get what are the difficulties the test
drivers are facing? And also what types of feed backs coming from the market? So, they
generally perform these activities in the market research clinic they obtain review
and acting on the customer feedback data that is the complaints, warranty, customer
survey power setting data inspection survey with owners automotive magazine press.
So, from this various sources they get the information and accordingly decide how further
modification or improvement is required in the vehicle. Then conducting ergonomic
translate research, into design guidelines for application in future vehicle programs.
So, this is the overall role of ergonomist in the various phases of automotive design
process and also post design phases. Now, we are moving to the next topic that
is the system design approach in automotive ergonomics. For any system there are mainly
three components one is human component, machine component and the third one is the
component. So, while we are talking about the system design approach in design.
Then we actually deals with all these three components under human component that is the
prime component human is the prime system component, from the view point of ergonomics
under human component we discuss about the dimensional requirements or human
with the machine components. Then humans physiological requirement, biomechanical
requirements, psychological
requirements . So, various human factor issues are considered under human component .
machine components various mechanical and physical properties of the machine
are discussed . So, physical attributes of the machine or
machine components like size, shape, weight, texture, centre of gravity location etcetera
are discussed . Then how is the driving energy safety and hygiene issues, force
moving parts and safety from the moving parts these aspects are dealt in the machine
The third one is the environment component that equipment or the machine is being used.
So, there we are discussing about various physical environmental variables like
humidity, illumination, vibration and noise . So, various environmental aspects are
under this environmental component. So, overall while we are thinking about the
whole system then, this three components and their relationship and how we can improve
this interaction we need to discuss and we have to understand that one from the viewpoint
of ergonomics. Now, human as a system component, thus designers
must treat the human to be component of the vehicle system also. So, in automotive design
human is also a prime component, as in that automotive system like as we mentioned
three components are there that is the driver, user, vehicle and environment that driver
or user is a time component. Apart from that there are other components like vehicle and
its various characteristics then environmental factors .
The whole system comprising of these three components have to studied in detail. So,
that there should not be any compatibility issues. So, while we are designing a vehicle
this three components and this various characteristics we have to study like what are the
characteristics or user characteristics? So, theirphysical capabilities, limitations, this
aspects we have to looked into. Similarly in terms of vehicle component type, size,
body style, space systems, subsystem components these have to be taken care of. In terms
environment road condition, traffic condition, weather condition then the illumination level
on the road. So, this type of various factors, which can
ultimately affects driving performance or this various environmental factors which can
creative driver distraction we have to think about that one. Thorough understanding of
the intended user population and the operating environment, which consists of roadway
we mentioned of the vehicle must be taken into consider to overall address the system
approach. Under this, so if we can consider the whole system then what will happen we
can think about the performance how well, how much task completion time error of the
driver we can improve . Preferences like dislike more than less than
for a particularrequirement we can also study. Then perception of the driver or user in terms
of quality, craftsmanship, harmony, emotions, brand cues that is also needed to be
So, in automotive design, while we are thinking about the ergonomics, we have to look
from the system perspective not of for the particular individual component only for human
being or only for vehicle component not like that way we have to think the whole system
together. Now, we are going to discuss system design
V model, in a vehicle development process . So, while one new vehicle proposal is
in the industry then, it is started with the job 1. So, first we define the job 1, job
1 mean the time when the first production vehicle rolls out from the plant, so that
is the first consideration. From that that is mentioned as job 1 time is expressed as
0 that is the 0 time. Now when the product ultimately will be delivered and from that
time in negative direction we consider the time period where the project to be started;
that is expressed like minus x month , from this time t that is 0.
So, generally for a particular vehicle development process, well the industry is planning
first production from that point 12 to 24 months on an average they start the project.
So, project starting point is calculated as the negative months. So, when the project
is accepted, so first the designers or the whole functional design team who there are
already discussed there are various team members, so they think about the vehicle concept
. Then,
the overall vehicle concept is divided into various systems and subsystem levels. And
each of the subsystems they are degraded to components level.
Now, this side of the v that is from top to down, so top down approach, design and
So, in design and engineering processes first the overall vehicle concept is developed then,
in that vehicle what will be the system subsystem and how will be the component that is
In the next level this side verification manufacturing and assembly happening this is
happening in
bottom to up direction ; where the components small components are assembled to develop
the subsystem where the subsystem is ready they are assembled to make the system while
the individual systems are ready then those are assembled to make the full vehicle.
So, there are actually three levels , so vehicle concept first level we can consider like this
way the vehicle requirements. So, what are the vehicle concept and whether how will be
the actual fully developed vehicle then what are the system requirement and how we are
developing the assembled system? Subsystem system subsystem requirements based
on the subsystem requirements, we are assembling the subsystem and these are the
So, in this way, in automotive design process as described by this system design V model;
so we start from the vehicle concept and step by step it proceeds like this way. And finally,
the assemble vehicle get ready and it comes out from the factory .
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