Running Bill Froest DDL
Running Bill Froest DDL
Running Bill Froest DDL
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti
Total Rs 381,987.64
S.N. Description of Work Quantity Unit Rate Rs. Per Amount Rs Remarks
Supplying and fixing White glazed
earthenware Indian pattern W C 580mm
Orissa Pan with 10 liter low level flushing
cistern .
1 4.00 Set 4410.25 Set 17,641.00
Supplying and fixing White glazed 50X40
cm size Indian pattern wash basin with
basin mixer etc all complete.
2 6.00 Set 7245.00 Set 43,470.00
Supplying and Fixing 1000 lit Pvc roof
water tank With cover including drain
hole ,inlet outlet, over flow etc.all
complete set .Hill take, Roof top or
3 2.00 nos 18857.70 nos 37,715.40
Chrome plated toilet paper holder with
4 necessary accessories. 4.00 nos 917.58 nos 3,670.32
Chrome plated soap tray 6"x6" with
5 necessary accessories 6.00 nos 861.23 nos 5,167.38
6 C p 15mm dia x450mm long towel rod. 4.00 nos 1017.75 nos 4,071.00
50X40cm beveled edge looking mirror
7 modiguard or eq. 4.00 nos 1720.05 nos 6,880.20
8 C.P. Bibcock 15mm dia heavy type 8.00 nos 1262.58 nos 10,100.64
C.P. 15mm dia Angle valve Ordinary type
9 4.00 nos nos 0.00
10 15mm dia two way angle valve 1.00 nos nos 0.00
11 15 mm CP water spray. 2.00 nos nos 0.00
Supplying and Fixing Gun metal gate
valve/check valve 15mm dia full way
medium all complete set as per
specification and instruction.
12 2.00 nos 1147.47 nos 2,294.94
13 PVC floor trap 11x7.5 cm. 4.00 nos 618.01 nos 2,472.04
Supplying,Fixing/laying 15mm dia (GI) pipe
14 medium class. 10.00 Rm 582.82 Rm 5,828.20
15 CPVC pipe 15mm dia. 15.00 Rm 563.78 Rm 8,456.70
Supplying and fixing of MS Channel gate as per Sq.m. 0.00 7,360 -
requirement all complete.
G.5 #NAME? #NAME? 350.00 #NAME? #NAME?
H.6 #NAME? #NAME? 10 #NAME? #NAME?
Bathroom Mirror Light 3"Height From top level of #NAME? 0 #NAME?
Total Amount #NAME?
VAT @13% of Total #NAME?
Grand Total including Value Added Tax (VAT) #NAME?
Abstract Of Cost Ground Floor
Location 0
S.N Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Site clearance before and after completion of work
including desposing the remaining construction
A.1 materials & plants & making the site in working Job 0.00 10,000 -
condition all complete as per drawing and
Earthwork in excavation of all type soil in
foundation trenches of pits raft etc including 10m
A.2 lead and 1.5m lift as per drawing and specification cu.m. 0.00 583 -
all complete. (spec. 2.2)
(Spec. 2.2, 3.0)
Filling with earth stacked at site with 150 mm thick
layers with well compaction, water sprinkling, etc. cu.m. 0.00 182 -
all complete. (Spec. 2.2)
(Spec. 2.2)
Providing and Laying dry stone soling in foundation
trenches with bond stone blinding in perfect line cu.m 0.00 5,062 -
line & level all complete as per drawing and
specification. (Spec. 2.4)
Providing & laying First class chimney made brick
masonry work in foundation and Ground Floor with
1:4 cement sand mortar (1 cement : 4 sand)
B.2 including curing, cleaning & racking out mortar cu.m 0.00 18,781 -
joint and making ducts, recesses where required as
per drawing, specifcation and instruction of
engineer all complete. (Spec. 2.4)
Rubble masonry works including supply of stone,
preparing cement mortar of 1:4 ratio & construction
B.3 cu.m 87.49 13,857 1,212,301.52
of wall upo 5m high for haulage distance of 10m.
(Spec. 2.4)
Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering
for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls,
columns and beams (with necessary provision of
extenstion of reinforcement for ties) and other RCC
B.4 works including nails, propping supports and Sq.m. 100.68 922 92,792.15
bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift upto 0 to
3 m height & removal and disposal of the same all
complete as per drawing specification & approval
of engineer. (Spec. 2.3)
Supplying & placing of Fe 415 reinforcement bar for
column beams, slab, etc. placed in position and
binding with 14 gauge binding wire including
C.1 MT 566.58 123,830 70,159,415.66
cutting, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as
per drawing, specification and instruction of
engineer. (Spec. 2.3)
Supplying mixing, placing, compacting
plain/reinforced cement concrete of M10 excluding
C.2 the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per cu.m. 2.95 11,998 35,392.77
drawing, specification and instruction of engineer
all complete. (Spec. 2.3)
Supplying mixing, placing, compacting
plain/reinforced cement concrete of M20 excluding
D.1 the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per cu.m. 0.00 18,357 -
drawing, specification and instruction of engineer
all complete. (Spec. 2.3)
Supplying and fixing of MS Channel gate as per Sq.m. 56.70 7,360 417,312.00
requirement all complete.
G.3 #NAME? #NAME? 110.00 #NAME? #NAME?
G.4 #NAME? #NAME? 52.50 #NAME? #NAME?
G.5 #NAME? #NAME? 350.00 #NAME? #NAME?
H.1 #NAME? #NAME? 110.00 #NAME? #NAME?
H.2 #NAME? #NAME? 2.00 #NAME? #NAME?
H.4 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 1800.00 #NAME?
I.2 #NAME? #NAME? 125 #NAME? #NAME?
I.3 #NAME? #NAME? 90 #NAME? #NAME?
I.4 #NAME? #NAME? 18 #NAME? #NAME?
I.7 #NAME? #NAME? 90 #NAME? #NAME?
Bathroom Mirror Light 3"Height From top level of #NAME? 0 #NAME? #NAME?
Supply and Installation of Air Conditioner all SET 3 #NAME? #NAME?
I.10 #NAME? #NAME? 3 #NAME? #NAME?
Supply and Installation Smoke Detector as drawing #NAME? 13 #NAME? #NAME?
and specification.
Supply and fixing 5 Kg capacity Carbon -di-oxide
Fire Extinguisher unit in the generator house
I.12 including supply and fixing of MS steel work for #NAME? 3 #NAME? #NAME?
mounting extinguisher with all hardware for
complete work.
Total Amount #NAME?
VAT @13% of Total #NAME?
Grand Total including Value Added Tax (VAT) #NAME?
Abstract Of Cost of first & top Floor
S.N Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
F Wood Work
Location: 0
Total 0.00
Total 0.00
Total 0.00
Total 0.00
6.0 Brick Work cu.m.
First Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 0.25 3.00 32.55
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 0.25 3.00 11.78
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 0.25 3.00 8.40
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 0.25 3.00 3.60
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 0.25 3.00 3.60
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 0.25 3.00 6.90
Window 15 1.00 0.25 1.85 -6.94
Door 0.00
D 9 1.20 0.25 2.10 -5.67
SD 3 1.20 0.25 2.10 -1.89
D1 3 1.00 0.25 2.10 -1.58
D2 3 1.50 0.25 2.10 -2.36
D3 2 0.75 0.25 2.10 -0.79
Ventilation 1 1.00 0.25 0.90 -0.23
Top Floor
Long Wall 2 5.45 0.25 3.00 8.18
Short Wall 2 4.70 0.25 3.00 7.05
D1 1 1.00 0.25 2.10 -0.53
Total 103.58
Total 0.00
Total 642.93
Total 3.25
Total 91.46
Total 54.75
Top Floor
Long Wall 4 5.45 3.00 65.40
Short Wall 4 4.70 3.00 56.40
D1 2 1.00 2.10 -4.20
Total 748.62
Providing, mixing, laying and
compacting 20 to 25mm thick cement
sand screed (1:4) on floors in true line
14.0 Sq m
& level including curing all complete
as drawing, specification & instruction
of engineer.
Floor (Spec. 2.7) 1 A=330 0.15 49.50
Top Floor 1 A=35 0.15 5.25
Total 54.75
First Floor 1 A=330 0.15 49.50
Top Floor 1 A=35 0.15 5.25
Total 54.75
Top Floor
Long Wall 2 5.45 3.00 32.70
Short Wall 2 4.70 3.00 28.20
D1 1 1.00 -2.10 -2.10
Total two or more coat of weather 374.31
coat paint on wall and ceiling surface
17.0 Sqm
with one coat of cement primer to give
an even and uniform shade.
First Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 3.00 130.20
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 3.00 47.10
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 3.00 33.60
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 3.00 27.60
Window 15 1.00 1.85 -27.75
Door 0.00
D 9 1.20 2.10 -22.68
SD 3 1.20 2.10 -7.56
D1 3 1.00 2.10 -6.30
D2 3 1.50 2.10 -9.45
D3 2 0.75 2.10 -3.15
Ventilation 1 1.00 0.90 -0.90
Top Floor
Long Wall 2 5.45 3.00 32.70
Short Wall 2 4.70 3.00 28.20
D1 1 1.00 2.10 -2.10
Total 739.31
Total 77.79
Building Inside
First floor Toilet 1 4.90 1.60 7.84
Total 7.84
Total 43.68
Supplying and fixing Aluminium Doors
frame with 101 mm frame and with
23.0 ACP shutter and glass of 6mm thick Sqm
First Floornecessary fiitings all
SD 3 1.20 2.10 7.56
Total 7.56
Supplying and fixing Aluminium
Windows frame with 90mm frame and
24.0 with ACP shutter and glass of 5mm Sqm
thick including necessary fiitings all
First Floor
Window 15 1.00 1.85 27.75
Ventilation 1 1.00 0.90 0.90
Total 28.65
Supplying and Related
Metal & Metal fixing 4.5*20
Worksmm iron
grill and Gate with red oxide paint
25.0 KG
with necessary sitting all complete for
windows. (Spec. 2.5)
Steel Pipe Railing works with 50mm
dia hand Rail and main Posts, 40mm 0.00
dia of Secondary posts and other
three horizontal layes with 25mm dia
26.0 Rm
steel pipe with 1m total height
including supplying , fabricating and
Staircase in site as per drawing and
installation 2 6.70 13.40
Total all complete 13.40
MS chain mesh fixing with MS pole
50mm dia of 1.2 gauge at 2m c.c. with
27.0 Rm
1m height over Stone masonry
Compound wall height from
Total 0.00
Total 0.00
Supplying and fixing 4.5*50 mm iron
Belt In 25mm Square pipe With 4.5 *
29.0 KG
1000 mm Ms Sheet For ramp with
necessary sitting all complete.
Total 0.00
Total 3.00
Total 0.00
Total 0.00
Total 0.00
Total 0.00
Total 0.00
6.0 Brick Work cu.m.
Ground Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 0.25 3.00 32.55
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 0.25 3.00 11.78
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 0.25 3.00 8.40
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 0.25 3.00 3.60
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 0.25 3.00 3.60
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 0.25 3.00 6.90
Window 15 1.00 0.25 1.85 -6.94
D 12 1.20 0.25 2.10 -7.56
MD 3 1.50 0.25 2.10 -2.36
SD 1 1.20 0.25 2.10 -0.63
D1 2 1.00 0.25 2.10 -1.05
D3 2 0.75 0.25 2.10 -0.79
Ventilation 2 1.00 0.25 0.90 -0.45
Toilet 0.00
Long Wall 3 3.25 0.25 3.00 7.31
Short Wall 2 2.40 0.25 3.00 3.60
D1 2 1.00 0.25 2.10 -1.05
Window 2 1.00 0.25 1.85 -0.93
Total 87.49
Total 100.68
Total 566.58
Total 2.95
Total 0.00
Total 84.34
12.5 mm plastering in celing 1:3
12.0 cement sand ratio for levelling the Sq m
Ground Floor 1 A=330 0.15 49.50
Toilet Slab 1 3.40 3.00 0.15 1.53
Total 51.03
Ground Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 4 21.70 3.00 260.40
Long Wall B-B 2 15.70 3.00 94.20
Long Wall A-A 2 11.20 3.00 67.20
Short Wall 1-1 2 4.80 3.00 28.80
Short Wall 2-2 2 14.00 3.00 84.00
Short Wall 3-3 2 14.00 3.00 84.00
Short Wall 3'-3' 2 4.80 3.00 28.80
Short Wall 4-4 2 14.00 3.00 84.00
Short Wall 5-5 2 9.20 3.00 55.20
Window 30 1.00 1.85 -55.50
Door 0.00
D 24 1.20 2.10 -60.48
MD 6 1.50 2.10 -18.90
SD 2 1.20 2.10 -5.04
D1 4 1.00 2.10 -8.40
D3 4 0.75 2.10 -6.30
Ventilation 4 1.00 0.90 -3.60
Long Wall 6 3.25 3.00 58.50
Short Wall 4 2.40 3.00 28.80
D1 4 1.00 2.10 -8.40
Window 4 1.00 1.85 -7.40
Total 1,005.88
Ground Floor 1 A=330 0.15 49.50
Toilet 1 3.40 3.00 0.15 1.53
Total 51.03
Ground Floor 1 A=330 0.15 49.50
Toilet 1 3.40 3.00 0.15 1.53
Drain 2 70.00 0.25 35.00
Total 86.03
Ground Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 3.00 130.20
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 3.00 47.10
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 3.00 33.60
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 3.00 27.60
Window 15 1.00 1.85 -27.75
Door 0.00
D 12 1.20 2.10 -30.24
MD 3 1.50 2.10 -9.45
SD 1 1.20 2.10 -2.52
D1 2 1.00 2.10 -4.20
D3 2 0.75 2.10 -3.15
Ventilation 2 1.00 0.90 -1.80
Long Wall 2 3.25 3.00 19.50
Short Wall 2 2.40 3.00 14.40
D1 2 1.00 2.10 -4.20
Window 2 1.00 1.85 -3.70
Total 604.19
Applying two or more coat of
weather coat paint on wall and
17.0 ceiling surface with one coat of Sqm
cement primer to give an even and
uniform shade.
Ground Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 3.00 130.20
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 3.00 47.10
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 3.00 33.60
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 3.00 27.60
Window 15 1.00 1.85 -27.75
Door 0.00
D 12 1.20 2.10 -30.24
MD 3 1.50 2.10 -9.45
SD 1 1.20 2.10 -2.52
D1 2 1.00 2.10 -4.20
D3 2 0.75 2.10 -3.15
Ventilation 2 1.00 0.90 -1.80
Ground Floor Celing 1 A=330 330.00
ToiletCeling 1 3.40 3.40 11.56
Long Wall 6 3.25 3.00 58.50
Short Wall 4 2.40 3.00 28.80
D1 4 1.00 2.10 -8.40
Window 4 1.00 1.85 -7.40
Total 727.25
Total 258.22
Wood Work
Providing & Fixing in position well
seasoned, dressed Sal Timber for
Doors,. 300 x 20 x 6 mm long MS
Holdfast with screw excluding the
21.0 Cum
cost of 1:2:4 (300 x 100x 100 mm)
concrete block all complete as per
drawings, specification and
instruction of engineer. (Spec. 2.8)
Total 47.04
Total 2.52
Total 81.95
Metal & Metal Related Works
Windows n Ventilation 1 600.00 600.00
Main Gate 1 300.00 300.00
Back Gate 1 150.00 150.00
Total 1,050.00
Steel Pipe Railing works with
50mm dia hand Rail and main
Posts, 40mm dia of Secondary
posts and other three horizontal
26.0 layes with 25mm dia steel pipe Rm
with 1m total height including
supplying , fabricating and
installation in site as per drawing
and instruction, all complete
Staircase 1 6.70 6.70
Ramp 1 50.00 50.00
Total 56.70
Vetical Pole
Level 2.4 to level 3 1 42 42
Horizental Pole 7 2 11
Total 52.50
Total 350.00
Total 0.00
Supply and fixing of combod of
approved standered
Toilet Nos 0 0
Total 0.00
Electrical Work
10 Plus DP MCB Box as per
drawing and specification
38.0 SET 1 1.000
including the cost of junction box
and switch.
Total 13.00
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Total 172.800
3 Earth Work in Filling m³
Filling work within foundation area 40% of foundation work 69.120
Total 69.120
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Ground Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 0.250 3.200 29.400
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 0.250 3.200 29.400
Grid A-A 1 6.750 0.250 3.200 5.400
Grid E-E 1 6.750 0.250 3.200 5.400
Grid F-F 1 6.750 0.250 3.200 5.400
Grid J-J 0 9.250 0.250 3.200 0.000
First Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 0.250 3.200 29.400
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 0.250 3.200 29.400
Grid A-A 1 6.750 0.250 3.200 5.400
Grid E-E 1 6.750 0.250 3.200 5.400
Grid F-F 1 6.750 0.250 3.200 5.400
Grid J-J 0 9.250 0.250 3.200 0.000
Second Floor
Grid 1-1 1 4.550 0.250 3.200 3.640
Grid 2-2 1 4.550 0.250 3.200 3.640
Grid A-A 1 6.550 0.250 3.200 5.240
Grid B-B 1 6.550 0.250 3.200 5.240
1 113.850 0.125 1.000 14.231
Deduction of openings
D1 14 1.200 0.250 2.400 10.080
D2 10 0.750 0.250 2.100 3.938
W1 16 2.400 0.250 1.500 14.400
W2 12 1.800 0.250 1.500 8.100
V1 2 2.400 0.250 1.500 1.800
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Total 176.074
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
a Footings
Isolated Footing 16 1.900 1.900 0.075 4.332
Isolated Footing 8 1.600 1.600 0.075 1.536
Combined Footing 2 2.800 2.200 0.075 0.924
Combined Footing 1 2.200 1.600 0.075 0.264
Total 7.056
Total 3.139
a Foundation
Isolated Footing 16 1.8 1.8 0.500 20.736
Isolated Footing 8 1.5 1.5 0.450 6.600
Combined Footing 2 2.7 2.1 0.500 4.536
Combined Footing 1 2.1 1.5 0.500 1.260
b Column
Below Plinth
C300 10 0.300 0.300 1.450 1.305
C450 20 0.450 0.450 1.450 5.873
Ground Floor
C300 10 0.300 0.300 3.600 3.240
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
c Beam
Lower and Upper Tie Beam
Grid 1-1 2 36.750 0.300 0.300 6.615
Grid 2-2 2 36.750 0.300 0.300 6.615
Grid 3-3 2 38.250 0.300 0.300 6.885
Grid A-A 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid B-B 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid C-C 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid D-D 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid E-E 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid F-F 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid G-G 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid H-H 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid I-I 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Grid J-J 2 9.250 0.300 0.300 1.665
Ground Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 0.300 0.450 4.961
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 0.300 0.450 4.961
Grid 3-3 1 38.250 0.300 0.450 5.164
Grid A-A 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid B-B 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid C-C 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid D-D 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid E-E 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid F-F 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid G-G 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid H-H 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid I-I 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid J-J 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
First Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 0.300 0.450 4.961
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 0.300 0.450 4.961
Grid 3-3 1 38.250 0.300 0.450 5.164
Grid A-A 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid B-B 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid C-C 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid D-D 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Grid E-E 1 9.250 0.300 0.450 1.249
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Second Floor
Grid 1-1 1 4.550 0.300 0.450 0.614
Grid 2-2 1 4.550 0.300 0.450 0.614
Grid A-A 1 6.550 0.300 0.450 0.884
Grid B-B 1 6.550 0.300 0.450 0.884
Secondary Beam
Ground Floor
1 33.700 0.230 0.350 2.713
First Floor
1 33.700 0.230 0.350 2.713
d Slab
Ground Floor
A= 393.938 0.125 49.242
First Floor
A= 393.938 0.125 49.242
e Staircase
Ground Floor
Staircase 1
First flight 1 2.000 1.500 0.200 0.600
Second flight 1 3.418 1.500 0.200 1.025
Third flight 1 2.000 1.500 0.200 0.600
Landing 1 1 1.500 1.500 0.200 0.450
Landing 2 1 1.500 1.500 0.200 0.450
24 1.500 0.300 0.150 0.810
First floor
Staircase 1
First flight 1 2.000 1.500 0.200 0.600
Second flight 1 3.418 1.500 0.200 1.025
Third flight 1 2.000 1.500 0.200 0.600
Landing 1 1 1.500 1.500 0.200 0.450
Landing 2 1 1.500 1.500 0.200 0.450
24 1.500 0.300 0.150 0.810
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
First Floor
Sill/Lintel Band 2 246.500 0.250 0.075 9.244
Deduction of openings
D1 14 1.200 0.250 0.075 0.315
D2 10 0.750 0.250 0.075 0.141
Total Band 18.032
TOTAL PCC 304.269
Steel reinforcement bar of Fe 415/500 grade including
straightening, cleaning, cutting, bending, placing in position
10 and binding with annealed binding wire all complete as per ton
design, drawing and specification.
i Foundation 1 33.132 7850 0.015 3.901
ii Column 1 45.734 7850 0.040 14.360
iii Beam 1 101.017 7850 0.025 19.825
iv Slab 1 98.484 7850 0.010 7.731
V Staircase 1 7.871 7850 0.010 0.618
Vi Band 1 18.032 7850 0.008 1.132
Total 47.567
b Column
Below Plinth
C300 10 1.200 1.450 17.400
C450 20 1.800 1.450 52.200
Ground Floor
C300 10 1.200 3.150 37.800
C450 20 1.800 3.150 113.400
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
First Floor
C300 10 1.200 3.150 37.800
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Second Floor
C450 4 1.800 3.200 23.040
c Beam
Lower and Upper Tie Beam
Grid 1-1 2 36.750 0.600 44.100
Grid 2-2 2 36.750 0.600 44.100
Grid 3-3 2 38.250 0.600 45.900
Grid A-A 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid B-B 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid C-C 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid D-D 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid E-E 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid F-F 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid G-G 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid H-H 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid I-I 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Grid J-J 2 9.250 0.600 11.100
Ground Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 3-3 1 38.250 1.200 45.900
Grid A-A 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid B-B 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid C-C 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid D-D 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid E-E 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid F-F 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid G-G 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid H-H 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid I-I 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid J-J 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
First Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 3-3 1 38.250 1.200 45.900
Grid A-A 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid B-B 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid C-C 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Second Floor
Grid 1-1 1 4.550 1.200 5.460
Grid 2-2 1 4.550 1.200 5.460
Grid A-A 1 6.550 1.200 7.860
Grid B-B 1 6.550 1.200 7.860
Secondary Beam
Ground Floor
1 33.700 0.930 31.341
First Floor
1 33.700 0.930 31.341
d Slab
Ground Floor
A= 393.938 393.938
393.938 0.125 49.242
First Floor
A= 393.938 393.938
393.938 0.125 49.242
First floor
Staircase 1
First flight 1 2.000 1.800 3.600
Second flight 1 3.418 1.800 6.152
Third flight 1 2.000 1.800 3.600
Landing 1 1 1.500 1.800 2.700
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
First Floor
Sill/Lintel Band 2 246.500 0.075 73.950
Deduction of openings
D1 14 1.200 0.075 2.520
D2 10 0.750 0.075 1.125
Total 2546.035
Ground Floor
Rooms and corridor 1 37.250 10.450 389.263
Stair 1 10.418 1.500 15.626
First Floor
Rooms and corridor 1 37.250 10.450 389.263
Stair 1 10.418 1.500 15.626
Total 809.778
a Wall
Ground Floor
Grid 1-1 2 36.750 3.200 235.200
Grid 2-2 2 36.750 3.200 235.200
Grid A-A 2 6.750 3.200 43.200
Grid E-E 2 6.750 3.200 43.200
Grid F-F 2 6.750 3.200 43.200
Grid J-J 2 9.250 3.200 59.200
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Second Floor
Grid 1-1 2 4.550 3.200 29.120
Grid 2-2 2 4.550 3.200 29.120
Grid A-A 2 6.550 3.200 41.920
Grid B-B 2 6.550 3.200 41.920
2 113.850 1.000 227.700
Floor 1 809.778 809.778
Total 2757.158
Deduction of openings
D1 14 1.200 2.400 80.640
D2 10 0.750 2.100 31.500
W1 16 2.400 1.500 115.200
W2 12 1.800 1.500 64.800
V1 2 2.400 1.500 14.400
First Floor
C300 10 1.200 3.150 37.800
C450 20 1.800 3.150 113.400
Second Floor
C450 4 1.800 3.200 23.040
c Beam
Ground Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
First Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 3-3 1 38.250 1.200 45.900
Grid A-A 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid B-B 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid C-C 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid D-D 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid E-E 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid F-F 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid G-G 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid H-H 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid I-I 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid J-J 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Second Floor
Grid 1-1 1 4.550 1.200 5.460
Grid 2-2 1 4.550 1.200 5.460
Grid A-A 1 6.550 1.200 7.860
Grid B-B 1 6.550 1.200 7.860
Secondary Beam
Ground Floor
1 33.700 0.930 31.341
First Floor
1 33.700 0.930 31.341
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Second Floor
Grid 1-1 2 4.550 0.150 1.365
Grid 2-2 2 4.550 0.150 1.365
Grid A-A 2 6.550 0.150 1.965
Grid B-B 2 6.550 0.150 1.965
Deduction of openings
D1 14 1.200 0.150 2.520
D2 10 0.750 0.150 1.125
W1 16 2.400 0.150 5.760
W2 12 1.800 0.150 3.240
V1 2 2.400 0.150 0.720
Total 86.685
Supplying and fixing seasoned Sal wood Chaukhat
15 (125mmx75mm) size as per drawings, specifications and m³
instructions of site engineers all complete
D1 14 6.000 0.075 0.125 0.788
D2 10 4.950 0.075 0.125 0.464
W1 16 5.400 0.075 0.125 0.810
W2 12 4.800 0.075 0.125 0.540
V1 2 5.400 0.075 0.125 0.101
Total 2.703
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Total 95.900
3 mm thick cement sand punning on floor, skriting, dado etc,
including mixing laying and rubbing with steel trowel to a
20 m²
hard, smooth and shining surface and curing all complete as
per drawing and specification.
Ground Floor
Rooms and corridor 1 41.250 10.450 431.063
First Floor
Rooms and corridor 1 37.250 10.450 389.263
Total 1216.388
First Floor
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Second Floor
Grid 1-1 1 4.550 3.200 14.560
Grid 2-2 1 4.550 3.200 14.560
Grid A-A 1 6.550 3.200 20.960
Grid B-B 1 6.550 3.200 20.960
Total 989.440
Deduction of openings
D1 14 1.200 2.400 40.320
D2 10 0.750 2.100 15.750
W1 16 2.400 1.500 57.600
W2 12 1.800 1.500 32.400
V1 2 2.400 1.500 7.200
Total Wall 836.170
b Column
Ground Floor
C300 10 1.200 3.150 37.800
C450 20 1.800 3.150 113.400
First Floor
C300 10 1.200 3.150 37.800
C450 20 1.800 3.150 113.400
Second Floor
C450 4 1.800 3.200 23.040
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
First Floor
Grid 1-1 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 2-2 1 36.750 1.200 44.100
Grid 3-3 1 38.250 1.200 45.900
Grid A-A 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid B-B 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid C-C 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid D-D 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid E-E 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid F-F 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid G-G 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid H-H 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid I-I 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Grid J-J 1 9.250 1.200 11.100
Second Floor
Grid 1-1 1 4.550 1.200 5.460
Grid 2-2 1 4.550 1.200 5.460
Grid A-A 1 6.550 1.200 7.860
Grid B-B 1 6.550 1.200 7.860
Secondary Beam
Ground Floor
1 33.700 0.930 31.341
First Floor
1 33.700 0.930 31.341
d Ceiling
Same as ceiling plaster 809.778
Total 2550.910
Two coats of weather proof (Apex) paint painting work outer
22 faces of building, within walls, floors, ceilings etc of approved
brand as per instruction of site engineer
a Wall
Ground Floor
Grid 1-1 1 41.250 3.200 132.000
Grid 2-2 1 41.250 3.200 132.000
Grid A-A 1 10.450 3.200 33.440
Grid J-J 1 10.450 3.200 33.440
First Floor
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti, Nepal
Deduction of openings
W1 16 2.400 1.500 57.600
W2 12 1.800 1.500 32.400
V1 2 2.400 1.500 7.200
Total 564.560
Two coats of enamel Paint within doors / windows surfaces
23 of approved color as per instructions m²
Total 153.270
Total 1.00
Earthwork in excavation of all type soil in
foundation trenches of pits raft etc
including 10m lead and 1.5m lift as per
2.0 cu.m.
drawing and specification all complete.
(spec. 2.2)
(Spec. 2.2, 3.0)
Foundation and trench
CF 1 4 3.00 1.50 1.73 31.05
F1 7 1.50 1.50 1.73 27.17
trench Wall
Along A-A 1 4.80 0.45 1.30 2.81
Along B-B,C-C,D-D 3 5.70 0.45 1.30 10.00
Along 1-1 1 2.30 0.45 1.30 1.35
Along2-2,3-3,4-4 3 5.80 0.45 1.30 10.18
Retaining Wall 1 15.00 0.75 0.90 10.13
Septic Tank 1 4.20 3.20 1.90 25.54
Duct conecting Pipe to septic tank 1 10.00 0.45 0.60 2.70
Apron & Drain 1 40.20 0.60 0.50 12.06
Total 132.98
Total 39.89
Ground Floor
Along Grid A-A 1 7.20 0.23 2.70 4.47
Along Grid B-B,C-C 2 7.20 0.23 2.70 8.94
Along Grid D-D 1 9.30 0.23 2.70 5.78
Along Grid 1-1 1 3.50 0.23 2.70 2.17
Along Grid 2-2,4-4 2 8.40 0.23 2.70 10.43
Along Grid 3-3 1 7.20 0.12 2.70 2.33
Partitiopn wall for common toilet 1 1.20 0.12 3.00 0.43
Partitiopn wall for attach toilet 1 3.80 0.12 3.00 1.37
W1 4 1.50 0.23 1.20 -1.66
W2 1 1.00 0.23 1.20 -0.28
V 4 0.75 0.23 0.30 -0.21
V1 2 0.45 0.23 0.30 -0.06
D1 5 0.90 0.23 2.10 -2.17
D2 3 0.65 0.12 2.10 -0.49
First Floor
Along Grid A-A 1 7.20 0.23 2.70 4.47
Along Grid B-B,C-C 2 7.20 0.23 2.70 8.94
Along Grid D-D 1 9.30 0.23 2.70 5.78
Along Grid 1-1 1 3.50 0.23 2.70 2.17
Along Grid 2-2,4-4 2 8.40 0.23 2.70 10.43
Along Grid 3-3 1 7.20 0.12 2.70 2.33
Partitiopn wall for common toilet 1 1.20 0.12 3.00 0.43
Project Name: Construction of District Forest Office Building. F/Y: 2077/78
Location: Dadeldhura
S.N. Item Unit Nos. Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
W1 7 1.50 0.23 1.20 -2.90
W2 1 1.00 0.23 1.20 -0.28
V1 1 0.45 0.23 0.30 -0.03
D1 5 0.90 0.23 2.10 -2.17
D2 1 0.65 0.12 1.80 -0.14
Top Floor
Along Grid 1-1,2-2 2 3.50 0.23 2.40 3.86
Along Grid C-C,D-D 2 2.10 0.23 2.40 2.32
D2 1 0.65 0.23 1.80 -0.27
Total 95.16
Retaining Wall
Below GL 1 15.00 0.75 0.68 7.59
Above GL 1 15.00 0.63 2.40 22.50
Total 30.09
CF 1 4 9.00 0.35 12.60
F1 7 6.00 0.20 8.40
Total 617.64
Total 10.47
Total 72.10
Project Name: Construction of District Forest Office Building. F/Y: 2077/78
Location: Dadeldhura
S.N. Item Unit Nos. Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
Total 254.65
W1 4 1.50 1.20 -7.20
W2 1 1.00 1.20 -1.20
V 4 0.75 0.30 -0.90
V1 2 0.45 0.30 -0.27
D1 5 0.90 2.10 -9.45
D2 3 0.65 2.10 -4.10
First Floor
Guest Room1 1 14.70 3.00 44.10
Guest Room 2 1 15.10 3.00 45.30
Kitchen 1 15.10 3.00 45.30
Comander Room 1 14.70 3.00 44.10
Comon toilet 1 6.00 3.00 18.00
Passage 1.00 13.65 3.00 40.95
Staircase Room 1.00 9.10 3.00 27.30
W1 7 1.50 1.20 -12.60
W2 1 1.00 1.20 -1.20
V1 1 0.45 0.30 -0.14
D1 5 0.90 2.10 -9.45
D2 1 0.65 1.80 -1.17
Project Name: Construction of District Forest Office Building. F/Y: 2077/78
Location: Dadeldhura
S.N. Item Unit Nos. Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
Top Floor
Staircase Room 1 11.20 2.70 30.24
D2 1 0.65 2.10 -1.37
Septic Tank 1 14.80 1.70 25.16
Sub-total 561.01
Ground Floor& First Floor
Along Grid 1-1 2 4.10 3.00 24.60
Along Grid 2-2 2 4.30 3.00 25.80
Along Grid 4-4 2 9.60 3.00 57.60
Along Grid A-A 2 8.10 3.00 48.60
Along Grid D-D 2 10.50 3.00 63.00
Chajja Projection 2 43.80 0.58 50.37
GF Deduction
W1 4 1.50 1.20 -7.20
W2 1 1.00 1.20 -1.20
V 4 0.75 0.30 -0.90
V1 2 0.45 0.30 -0.27
D1 1 0.90 2.10 -1.89
FF Deduction
W1 7 1.50 1.20 -12.60
W2 1 1.00 1.20 -1.20
V1 1 0.45 0.30 -0.14
D1 1 0.90 2.10 -1.89
Top Floor
Along Grid 1-1,2-2 2 4.10 2.70 22.14
Along Grid C-C,D-D 2 2.70 2.70 14.58
Chajja Projection 1 17.20 0.45 7.74
Deduction for D2 1 0.65 2.10 -1.37
Appron & Drain 1 40.20 0.60 24.12
Sub-total 309.90
Total 870.91
Total 535.85
Applying two or more coat of weather
coat paint on wall and ceiling surface
17.0 Sqm
with one coat of cement primer to give an
even and uniform shade.
Total 309.90
Total 43.58
Wood Work
Total 39.30
Windows n Ventilation
W1 10 1.50 1.20 18.00
W2 2 1.00 1.20 2.40
V 4 0.75 0.30 0.90
Total 21.30
Earthwork in excavation of all type soil in foundation trenches of pits raft etc including
2 10m lead and 1.5m lift as per drawing and specification all complete. (spec. 2.2) cu.m. 132.98 582.77 77,494.28
(Spec. 2.2, 3.0)
Filling with earth stacked at site with 150 mm thick layers with well compaction, water
3 sprinkling, etc. all complete. (Spec. 2.2) cu.m. 39.89 182.11 7,264.96
(Spec. 2.2)
Providing and Laying dry stone soling in foundation trenches with bond stone blinding in
4 cu.m 27.11 5062.04 137,208.49
perfect line line & level all complete as per drawing and specification. (Spec. 2.4)
Providing & laying First class chimney made brick masonry work in foundation and
Ground Floor with 1:4 cement sand mortar (1 cement : 4 sand) including curing,
cleaning & racking out mortar joint and making ducts, recesses where required as per
cu.m 95.16 18781.35 1,787,310.27
drawing, specifcation and instruction of engineer all complete. (Spec. 2.4)
Rubble masonry works including supply of stone, preparing cement mortar of 1:4 ratio &
construction of wall upo 5m high for haulage distance of 10m. (Spec. 2.4)
cu.m 30.09 13857.25 417,016.62
Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for
slabs, walls, columns and beams (with necessary provision of extenstion of
reinforcement for ties) and other RCC works including nails, propping supports and
bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift upto 0 to 3 m height & removal and disposal
Sq.m. 617.64 921.70 569,278.79
of the same all complete as per drawing specification & approval of engineer. (Spec.
Supplying & placing of Fe 415 reinforcement bar for column beams, slab, etc. placed in
position and binding with 14 gauge binding wire including cutting, binding, carrying,
lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing, specification and instruction of engineer. (Spec. MT 10.47 123830.00 1,296,535.62
Providing and application of two coats of Distemper panit of approved brand and colour
on Interior face wall surface
Sq.m. 535.85 164.17 87,969.67
Applying two or more coat of weather coat paint on wall and ceiling surface with one
coat of cement primer to give an even and uniform shade.
Sq.m. 309.90 280.63 86,967.24
Supplying and fixing Aluminium Doors frame with 101 mm frame and with ACP shutter
22 Sq.m. 4.68 14575.49 68,213.29
and glass of 6mm thick including necessary fiitings all complete
Supplying and fixing 4.5*20 mm iron grill and Gate with red oxide paint with necessary
23 Sq.m. 21.30 3758.20 80,049.66
sitting all complete for windows. (Spec. 2.5)
Government of Province
Sudurpaschim Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Urban Development and Building Office
Rajpur, Doti
Abstract Of Cost
580 mm Porcelain clay white glaze Orissa Pan complete set
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labourskilled 1 nos 890.00 890.00
un skilled 1 nos 635.00 635.00 1,525.00
a. 580 mm Porcelain clay white glaze
2,310.00 2,310.00
materials Orissa Pan 1 nos
Actual rate 3,835.00
15% contractor overhead 575.25
Rate per set Rs. 4410.25 Total (Rs.) 4,410.25
(50X40)cm Porcelain clay white glaze Wash basin with pillar cock complete set.
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labourskilled 2 nos 890.00 1,780.00
un skilled 2 nos 635.00 1,270.00 3,050.00
a) 50x40cm Porcelain clay white glaze
Wash basin (Hindware, Parryware, cera or 1,095.00 1,095.00
equivalent ) Regular 1 nos
materials b. bracket 1 set 135.00 135.00
c. 32 mm pvc bottle trap including 32mm
CP waste coupling with CP chain and 1 nos 476.00
rubber plug etc. 476.00
d. 15mm swan neck type cp pillar cock 1 nos 1,361.00 1,361.00
e. 1.5x45cm (½"x18") pipe connector 1 nos 143.00 143.00
f. screw etc Ls 40.00 3,250.00
Actual rate 6,300.00
15% contractor overhead 945.00
Rate per set Rs. 7245.00 Total (Rs.) 7,245.00
Kitchen Sink Stainless Steel 37" long 8" deep with sink cock all complete set.
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total cost
labour skilled 2 nos 890.00 1,780.00
un skilled 1 nos 635.00 635.00 2,415.00
a. Stainless steel sink Bowl with ordinary
drain board 37" long and 8" deep size. 1 sets 2,314.00 2,314.00
b. 32 mm pvc bottle trap including 32mm
CP waste coupling with CP chain and 476.00 476.00
rubber plug etc. 1 nos
c. 15mm cp sink cock 1 nos 1,309.00 1,309.00
d. 1.5x45cm (½"x18") pipe connector 1 nos 143.00 143.00
e. Zink Oxide screw etc. LS 40.00 4,282.00
Actual rate 6,697.00
15% contractor overhead 1,004.55
Rate per set Rs. 7701.55 Total (Rs.) 7,701.55
2. Urinal
46.5x35.5x26.5 cm SIZE URINAL COMPLETE SET
4. Wash Basin
5. Mirror
Looking Mirror Modi guard 450x600mm (18"x 24")
1000 Ltr. PVC\HDPE Water Tank
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labourskilled 3 nos 890.00 2,670.00
un skilled 4 nos 635.00 2,540.00 5,210.00
a. 1000Ltr. PVC water tank with Inlet,
materials outlet, over flow, cleanout hole etc. 1 nos 11,000.00 11,000.00
b.Tanki nipples with wash out plug etc. Ls 188.00 11,188.00
Actual rate 16,398.00
15% contractor overhead 2,459.70
Rate per nos Rs. 18857.70 Total (Rs.) 18,857.70
Chrome Plate Toilet Paper Holder
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labour skilled 0.11 nos 890.00 97.90 97.90
materials a.Chrome plate toilet paper holder 1 nos 929.00 929.00
b.Zink oxide screw etc. Ls 40.00 969.00
Actual rate 1,066.90
15% contractor overhead 160.03
Rate per nos Rs. 1226.93 Total (Rs.) 1,226.93
Stainless Steel towel rod 1.5x45cm (½"x18") size
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labour skilled 0.22 nos 1,000.00 220.00 220.00
materials a . Stainless Steel Towel rod 1 nos 625.00 625.00
b. Screws etc. Ls 40.00 665.00
Actual rate 885.00
15% contractor overhead 132.75
Rate per nos Rs. 1017.75 Total (Rs.) 1,017.75
G.M. 15mm Gate Valve
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labour skilled 0.22 nos 890.00 195.80 195.80
materials a.G.M.15mm gate valve 1 nos 802.00 802.00 802.00
Actual rate 997.80
15% contractor overhead 149.67
Rate per nos Rs. 1147.47 Total (Rs.) 1,147.47
110 mm dia PVC Pipe 6 kg/cm2.
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labourskilled 0.17 nos 890.00 151.30
un skilled 0.20 nos 635.00 127.00 278.30
materials a.110 mm dia. PVC pipe 6 kg/cm2. 1 Rm 490.00 490.00
b. Jointing material setc. Ls 25.00 515.00
Actual rate 793.30
15% contractor overhead 118.99
Rate per Rm Rs. 912.29 Total (Rs.) 912.29
Supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of the following Ceiling Mounting/Wall Mounting
1 Fixtures with LED Tubes/LED Light Bulbs and necessary electronics ballast and pushfit bi-pin rotor lamp
holder, capacitor, required connecting terminal and required accessories all complete.
1.1 Surface Mount LED Square type 18 Watts Downlight, product of Philips/Wipro or other reputed manufacturer of IS standard.
1.2 Surface Mount LED Round type 12 Watts Downlight, product of Philips/Wipro or other reputed manufacturer of IS standard.
Actual rate 7012.50
15% conctractor overhead 1051.88
Rate per set Rs. 806.44 Total (Rs.) 8064.38
2 Supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of Ceiling Fan, Exhaust Fan and Wall Fan with
necessary hook, nut bolts, Electronic Regulator and necessary accessories all complete .
Ceiling Fan, Model: Crompton Greaves makes LEO, with SWEEP: 1200 mm Lotus shaped design Symbolizes
2.1 Purity, Beauty and gentle serenity Attractive two color combination and five step fan regulator all complete or
USHA or amonard or Khaitan or Bajaj brand.
Norms sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
6(Ka) labour skilled 0.5 nos 670.00 335.00
Page:264 Semi skilled 0.5 nos 615.00 307.50
un skilled 0 nos 615.00 0.00
materials a. Ceiling fan 1 nos 2163.00 2163.00
b. Regulator 1 nos 700.00 700.00
3 Supply, delivery, installation, wiring, testing and comissioning of Light and Fan circuit.
Concealed wiring in medium quality HDP pipe for Light, fan, bell and Exhaust Fan Points with 2X2.5 sq. mm +
3.1 1X1.5 PVC insulated stranded copper wire from DB to junction box, junction box to switch and switch to
light points as per technical specification.
Actual rate 80735.50
15% conctractor overhead 12110.33
Rate per set Rs. 928.46 Total (Rs.) 92845.83
1 X 32 A, 10 kA, TP MCB
8 X 6 A, 10 kA, SP MCB
5.2 7 X 16 A, 10 kA, SP MCB
Indicator with fuse set,
Copper Busbar and Accessories.
Supply, delivery, installation, wiring, testing and comissioning of service cable and Drop
6 wires, make: Janta, Prakash, Nepal, Trishakti or equivalent NS certified Nepali manufacturers,
as per technical specification.
B. Power Circuit
Actual rate 4050.00
15% conctractor overhead 607.50
Rate per set Rs. 465.75 Total (Rs.) 4657.50
Concealed wiring in medium quality HDP pipe for Power Points with + 1X2.5 sq. mm. PVC
insulated stranded copper wire including switch and junction boxes as per technical specification.
Actual rate 137800.50
15% conctractor overhead 20670.08
Rate per set Rs. 1584.71 Total (Rs.) 158470.58
Concealed wiring in medium quality HDP pipe, 16 sq. mm dia. for telephone point with Telephone pair wire of size
8.1 of 2X2X0.45 mm diameter annealed copper conductor.
Norms sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
9(Kha-(2)) labour skilled 2 nos 670.00 1340.00
Page:269 Semi skilled 3 nos 615.00 1845.00
un skilled 4 nos 615.00 2460.00
a.Telephone pair wire
of size of 2X2X0.45
materials mm diamete 10 Points 176.40 1764.00
b.HDP pipes 10 Points 75.00 750.00
c. Screws, grips,
circular box etc 1 Set 50.00 50.00
Actual rate 8209.00
15% conctractor overhead 1231.35
Rate per set Rs. 944.04 Total (Rs.) 9440.35
Supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of modular plate type accessories with RJ11
Jack outlet make: NORTH-WEST / SIEMENS/Norisys/Legrand/ABB.
Norms sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
5(Ga) labour skilled 1 nos 670.00 670.00
Page:264 (6-10 meter) Semi skilled 3 nos 615.00 1845.00
un skilled 0 nos 615.00 0.00
materials a. Telephone sockets 10 Points 118.00 1180.00
b. Telephone box 10 Points 111.00 1110.00
c. Screws, grips,
circular box etc 1 Set 52.00 52.00
Actual rate 4857.00
15% conctractor overhead 728.55
Rate per set Rs. 558.56 Total (Rs.) 5585.55
Actual rate 10122.50
Supply , delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of 16 SWG sheet steel flush mounted cubical
type 32 pair Telephone Distribution Board with hinged cover and builtin press-locking device including
necessary press locking type connector, fixing and jointing materials, grouting, earthing etc. (50 Pair
Telephone D.B.with crown tag).
Actual rate 6287.25
15% conctractor overhead 943.09
Supply and delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of EPABX, 4 -12 Line EPABX,with one set
programmable master telephone set of corresponding brand Panasonic, Creative, Matrix or Equivalent.
Actual rate 40613.00
15% conctractor overhead 6091.95
Rate per set Rs. 46704.95 Total (Rs.) 46704.95
Total 530.11
Total 516.65
Total 90.85
4.0 Flat brick Soling Sq.m.
CF 1 2 5.50 2.90 31.90
F1 5 3.00 3.00 45.00
F2 6 3.60 3.60 77.76
F3 4 2.40 2.40 23.04
Dwarf Wall 0.00
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 0.48 20.83
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 0.48 7.54
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 0.48 5.38
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 0.48 2.30
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 0.48 6.72
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 0.48 6.72
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 0.48 2.30
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 0.48 6.72
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 0.48 4.42
Septic Tank 1 4.20 3.20 13.44
Duct 5 0.60 0.95 2.85
Drain 1 70.00 0.80 56.00
Fountain 1 A= 8.40 8.40
Ramp 1 42.00 1.20 50.40
Total 371.72
Total 75.50
6.0 Brick Work cu.m.
Below Plinth Level Beam
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 0.30 1.00 13.02
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 0.30 1.00 4.71
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 0.30 1.00 3.36
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 0.30 1.00 1.44
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 0.30 1.00 4.20
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 0.30 1.00 4.20
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 0.30 1.00 1.44
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 0.30 1.00 4.20
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 0.30 1.00 2.76
Duct 5 2.00 0.13 0.30 0.38
Drain 2 70.00 0.25 0.25 8.75
Septic Tank 1 14.00 3.20 1.70 44.80
Ground Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 0.25 3.00 32.55
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 0.25 3.00 11.78
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 0.25 3.00 8.40
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 0.25 3.00 3.60
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 0.25 3.00 3.60
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 0.25 3.00 6.90
Window 15 1.00 0.25 1.85 -6.94
D 12 1.20 0.25 2.10 -7.56
MD 3 1.50 0.25 2.10 -2.36
SD 1 1.20 0.25 2.10 -0.63
D1 2 1.00 0.25 2.10 -1.05
D3 2 0.75 0.25 2.10 -0.79
Ventilation 2 1.00 0.25 0.90 -0.45
Toilet 0.00
Long Wall 3 3.25 0.25 3.00 7.31
Short Wall 2 2.40 0.25 3.00 3.60
D1 2 1.00 0.25 2.10 -1.05
Window 2 1.00 0.25 1.85 -0.93
First Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 0.25 3.00 32.55
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 0.25 3.00 11.78
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 0.25 3.00 8.40
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 0.25 3.00 3.60
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 0.25 3.00 3.60
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 0.25 3.00 10.50
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 0.25 3.00 6.90
Window 15 1.00 0.25 1.85 -6.94
Door 0.00
D 9 1.20 0.25 2.10 -5.67
SD 3 1.20 0.25 2.10 -1.89
D1 3 1.00 0.25 2.10 -1.58
D2 3 1.50 0.25 2.10 -2.36
D3 2 0.75 0.25 2.10 -0.79
Ventilation 1 1.00 0.25 0.90 -0.23
Top Floor
Long Wall 2 5.45 0.25 3.00 8.18
Short Wall 2 4.70 0.25 3.00 7.05
D1 1 1.00 0.25 2.10 -0.53
Parpet Wall 1 80.00 0.13 1.00 10.00
Total 284.32
Total 100.68
8.0 Formwork Sq.m.
CF 1 2 15.20 0.46 13.98
F1 5 10.40 0.46 23.92
F2 6 12.80 0.46 35.33
F3 4 8.00 0.46 14.72
Dwarf Wall PCC 0.00
long Wall C-C,D-D 4 21.70 0.05 4.34
Long Wall B-B 2 15.70 0.05 1.57
Long Wall A-A 2 11.20 0.05 1.12
Short Wall 1-1 2 4.80 0.05 0.48
Short Wall 2-2 2 14.00 0.05 1.40
Short Wall 3-3 2 14.00 0.05 1.40
Short Wall 3'-3' 2 4.80 0.05 0.48
Short Wall 4-4 2 14.00 0.05 1.40
Short Wall 5-5 2 9.20 0.05 0.92
Ground Floor
Column 19 2.00 3.00 114.00
Ground Floor
long Side C-C,D-D 2 21.70 0.94 40.58
Long Sidel B-B 1 15.70 0.94 14.68
Long Side A-A 1 11.20 0.94 10.47
Short Side 1-1 1 4.80 0.94 4.49
Short Side 2-2 1 14.00 0.94 13.09
Short Side 3-3 1 14.00 0.94 13.09
Short Side 3'-3' 1 4.80 0.94 4.49
Short Side 4-4 1 14.00 0.94 13.09
Short Side 5-5 1 9.20 0.94 8.60
Ground Floor 1 A=330 330.00
First Floor
Column 19 2.00 3.00 114.00
Top Floor Column 4 2.00 3.00 24.00
First Floor
long Side C-C,D-D 2 21.70 0.94 40.58
Long Sidel B-B 1 15.70 0.94 14.68
Long Side A-A 1 11.20 0.94 10.47
Short Side 1-1 1 4.80 0.94 4.49
Short Side 2-2 1 14.00 0.94 13.09
Short Side 3-3 1 14.00 0.94 13.09
Short Side 3'-3' 1 4.80 0.94 4.49
Short Side 4-4 1 14.00 0.94 13.09
Short Side 5-5 1 9.20 0.94 8.60
Top Floor
Long Side A-A, B-B 2 5.33 0.94 9.97
Short Side 3'-3' 2 3.95 0.94 7.39
First Floor 1 A=330 330.00
Top Floor 1 A=35 35.00
Total 1,626.85
Total 2.66
Total 265.03
Total 129.58
Long Wall 6 3.25 3.00 58.50
Short Wall 4 2.40 3.00 28.80
D1 4 1.00 2.10 -8.40
Window 4 1.00 1.85 -7.40
Top Floor
Long Wall 4 5.45 3.00 65.40
Short Wall 4 4.70 3.00 56.40
D1 2 1.00 2.10 -4.20
Total 1,792.50
Total 105.78
Total 176.58
Ground Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 3.00 130.20
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 3.00 47.10
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 3.00 33.60
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 3.00 27.60
Window 15 1.00 1.85 -27.75
Door 0.00
D 12 1.20 2.10 -30.24
MD 3 1.50 2.10 -9.45
SD 1 1.20 2.10 -2.52
D1 2 1.00 2.10 -4.20
D3 2 0.75 2.10 -3.15
Ventilation 2 1.00 0.90 -1.80
Long Wall 2 3.25 3.00 19.50
Short Wall 2 2.40 3.00 14.40
D1 2 1.00 2.10 -4.20
Window 2 1.00 1.85 -3.70
Top Floor
Long Wall 2 5.45 3.00 32.70
Short Wall 2 4.70 3.00 28.20
D1 1 1.00 -2.10 -2.10
Total 978.50
Applying two or more coat of
weather coat paint on wall and
17.0 ceiling surface with one coat of Sqm
cement primer to give an even
and uniform shade.
Ground Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 3.00 130.20
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 3.00 47.10
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 3.00 33.60
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 3.00 27.60
Window 15 1.00 1.85 -27.75
Door 0.00
D 12 1.20 2.10 -30.24
MD 3 1.50 2.10 -9.45
SD 1 1.20 2.10 -2.52
D1 2 1.00 2.10 -4.20
D3 2 0.75 2.10 -3.15
Ventilation 2 1.00 0.90 -1.80
Ground Floor Celing 1 A=330 330.00
ToiletCeling 1 3.40 3.40 11.56
Long Wall 6 3.25 3.00 58.50
Short Wall 4 2.40 3.00 28.80
D1 4 1.00 2.10 -8.40
Window 4 1.00 1.85 -7.40
First Floor
long Wall C-C,D-D 2 21.70 3.00 130.20
Long Wall B-B 1 15.70 3.00 47.10
Long Wall A-A 1 11.20 3.00 33.60
Short Wall 1-1 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 2-2 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3-3 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 3'-3' 1 4.80 3.00 14.40
Short Wall 4-4 1 14.00 3.00 42.00
Short Wall 5-5 1 9.20 3.00 27.60
Window 15 1.00 1.85 -27.75
Door 0.00
D 9 1.20 2.10 -22.68
SD 3 1.20 2.10 -7.56
D1 3 1.00 2.10 -6.30
D2 3 1.50 2.10 -9.45
D3 2 0.75 2.10 -3.15
Ventilation 1 1.00 0.90 -0.90
Top Floor
Long Wall 2 5.45 3.00 32.70
Short Wall 2 4.70 3.00 28.20
D1 1 1.00 2.10 -2.10
First Floor Celing 1 A=330 330.00
Top Floor Celing 1 A=35 35.00
Total 1,466.56
Total 336.01
Total 32.97
Total 38.50
Wood Work
Ground Floor
D 12 1.20 2.10 30.24
MD 3 1.50 2.10 9.45
D1 2 1.00 2.10 4.20
D3 2 0.75 2.10 3.15
First Floor
D 9 1.20 2.10 22.68
D1 3 1.00 2.10 6.30
D2 3 1.50 2.10 9.45
D3 2 0.75 2.10 3.15
Top Floor
D1 1 1.00 2.10 2.10
Total 90.72
Ground Floor
SD 1 1.20 2.10 2.52
First Floor
SD 3 1.20 2.10 7.56
Total 10.08
Ground Floor
Window 15 1.00 1.85 27.75
Ventilation 2 1.00 0.90 1.80
Front Face of Stair 1 5.00 9.00 45.00
Window 4 1.00 1.85 7.40
First Floor
Window 15 1.00 1.85 27.75
Ventilation 1 1.00 0.90 0.90
Total 110.60
Metal & Metal Related Works
Supplying and fixing 4.5*20 mm
iron grill and Gate with red
25.0 oxide paint with necessary KG
sitting all complete for windows.
(Spec. 2.5)
Windows n Ventilation 1 600.00 600.00
Main Gate 1 300.00 300.00
Back Gate 1 150.00 150.00
Total 1,050.00
Staircase(GF) 1 6.70 6.70
Ramp 1 50.00 50.00
Staircase(FF) 2 6.70 13.40
Total 70.10
Electrical Work
10 Plus DP MCB Box as per
drawing and specification
38.0 SET 2 2.000
including the cost of junction
box and switch.
!@–#) ;]=dL= uf]nfO{sf] ?v 9fNg] sfo{ xfFufx? sf6L ?vsf] 6'qmf kf/L lgdf{0f :ynaf6
1 !% dL6/ b"/L;Dd af]sfgL ug]{ sfo{ ;d]t -?vsf] uf]nfO{ hdLg b]lv ! dL6/ dfly gfKg]_ .
A1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ?v ;+Vof ! lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 0.13 hjfg 615.00 79.95 79.95
jf:tljs b//]6 79.95
!%Ü 7]s]bf/sf] cf]e/x]8 11.99
b/ k|lt ! ?vsf] hDdf b/ /]6 91.94
?= 91.94 k}=
^!–!@) ;]=dL= uf]nfO{sf] ?v 9fNg] sfo{ xfFufx? sf6L ?vsf] 6'qmf kf/L lgdf{0f :ynaf6
2 !% dL6/ b"/L;Dd af]sfgL ug]{ sfo{ ;d]t -?vsf] uf]nfO{ hdLg b]lv ! dL6/ dfly gfKg]_ .
A1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ?v ;+Vof ! lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 0.98 hjfg 615.00 602.70 602.70
0 jf:tljs b//]6 602.70
!%Ü 7]s]bf/sf] cf]e/x]8 90.40
b/ k|lt ! ?vsf] hDdf b/ /]6 693.10
?= 693.10 k}=
!@–#) ;]=dL= uf]nfO{sf] ?v h/f lemSg] sfo{ h/f p7fpg] / lgdf{0f :ynaf6
3 !% dL6/ b"/L;Dd af]sfgL ug]{
A2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ?v ;+Vof ! lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 0.40 hjfg 615.00 246.00 246.00
jf:tljs b//]6 246.00
!%Ü 7]s]bf/sf] cf]e/x]8 36.90
b/ k|lt ! ?vsf] hDdf b/ /]6 282.90
?= 282.90 k}=
^!–!@) ;]=dL= uf]nfO{sf] ?v h/f lemSg] sfo{ h/f p7fpg] / lgdf{0f :ynaf6
4 !% dL6/ b"/L;Dd af]sfgL ug]{
A2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ?v ;+Vof ! lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 2.52 hjfg 615.00 1549.80 1549.80
jf:tljs b//]6 1549.80
!%Ü 7]s]bf/sf] cf]e/x]8 232.47
b/ k|lt ! ?vsf] hDdf b/ /]6 1782.27
?= 1782.27 k}=
5 3fF; sf6\g] To;sf] h/f lemSg], l9:sf] k'm6fpg] / n]en u/L :yn ;kmf ug]{ ;a} jf]sgL ;d]t
A3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 0.023 hjfg 615 14.14 14.14
jf:tljs b//]6 14.14
!%Ü 7]s]bf/sf] cf]e/x]8 2.12
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] hDdf b/ /]6 16.26
?= 16.26 k}=
;km]{;nfO{ 8«]l;Ë ug]{ sfo{ vfN6f] k'g]{, p7]sf] df6f] sf6\g], ;tx ldnfpg]
6 cflb sfo{ ;d]t -;le{;/f]8 cflb_
A4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 0.01 hjfg 615.00 6.15 6.15
jf:tljs b//]6 6.15
!%Ü 7]s]bf/sf] cf]e/x]8 0.92
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] hDdf b/ /]6 7.07
?= 7.07 k}=
g/d k|sf/sf] Sn] / l;N6L df6f]df ;j} lsl;dsf] vGg] sfd !) dL6/
7 ;Dd jf]sgL l8:kf]hn / !=% dL6/;Dd lnˆ6 ;d]t
B1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 0.70 hjfg 615.00 430.50 430.50
oflGqs pks/0fHofldsf] Hofnfsf] #Ü n] 12.91
jf:tljs b//]6 443.41
!%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 66.51
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] hDdf b/ /]6 509.92
?= 509.92 k}=
;fx|f] k|sf/sf] Sn], g/d d'/d 9'+uf -#) ;]=dL=;Dd_ ld;]sf] df6f] ;a} lsl;dsf]
8 vGg] sfd !) dL6/ af]sgL l8:kf]hn / !=% dL6/;Dd lnˆ6 ;d]t
B1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 0.80 hjfg 615.00 492.00 492.00
oflGqs pks/0f Hofldsf] Hofnfsf] #Ü n] 14.76
jf:tljs b//]6 506.76
!%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 76.01
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] hDdf b/ /]6 582.77
?= 582.77 k}=
;fdfGo df6f]n] k'g]{ sfd !%, !% ;]=dL= sf] txdf km}nfpg], kfgL 5g]{ /
10 Hofldåf/f sDk}S6 ug]{ sfd ;d]t !) dL= b"/Laf6 9'jfgL ug]{
B2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds Hofld 0.50 hjfg 615.00 307.50 307.50
lgdf{0f ;fdu| kfgL 5.00 nL6/ 1.10 5.50 5.50
jf:tljs b//]6 313.00
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 46.95
?= 359.95 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 359.95
9'+ufsf] -/a'n_ uf/f]sf] sfd ;fx|f] Ans:6f]g pknAw ug]{, ;'Vvf uf/f] nufpg]
26 sfd k'/f #) dL6/;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt
C2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 1.00 hjfg 910.00 910.00
v_ HofdL 2.00 hjfg 615.00 1230.00 2140.00
Ans :6f]g 1.00 3=dL= 2899.40 2899.40
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
jG8 :6f]g 0.10 3=dL= 2899.40 289.94 3189.34
jf:tljs b//]6 5329.34
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 799.40
?= 6128.74 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 6128.74
hu leQf kvf{ndf l;d]G6 s+lqm6 ug]{ sfd dfn;fdfg pknAw ug]{ #) dL6/;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt
34 -lk=;L=;L= !M#M^_
D1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 1 hjfg 910.00 910.00
v_ HofdL 4 hjfg 615.00 2460.00 3370.00
l;d]G6 0.22 d]=6= 20500.00 4510.00
$) dL=dL=9'+uf -qm;\8_ /f]8f 0.65 3=dL= 1500.00 975.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L @) dL=dL=9'+uf -qm;\8_ /f]8f 0.24 3=dL= 2000.00 480.00
v;|f] afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.47 3=dL= 2335.45 1097.66
jf:tljs b//]6 10432.66
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1564.89
?= 11997.55 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 11997.55
sf7df kmdf{ agfpg] sfd, dfn;fdfgsf] pknlAw, 5gf}6 ug]{, gS;f cg';f/ kmdf{ /fVg]
lsnf / cGt/ nufpg] kmdf{ lemSg], x6fpg] #) ld6/;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt
40 kmz{ / :n]j h:tf sfd
E1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 1.72 hjfg 910.00 1565.20
v_ HofdL 2.57 hjfg 615.00 1580.55 3145.75
:yfgLo s'–sf7 0.07 3=dL= 39930.00 2795.10
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
lsnf 2.50 s]=hL= 132.00 330.00 3125.10
jf:tljs b//]6 627.09
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 94.06
721.15 = 72.11 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 721.15
gf]6 M ^ k6s;Dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To; kl5 kmdf{sf] d"No @%Ü afFls /xg] lx;fj ul/Psf] -)=&% X )=%@^Ö)=)& 3=dL=_
sf]nd -kf]i6_ kmdf{ nufpgnfO{ v8f ug]{, sfd ldnfpg], lsnf nufpg]
eTsfpg] / x6fpg] / #) ld6/;Dd 9'jfgL ug]{ cflb ;d]t
41 kmdf{sf] sfd @ ld= ;Dd uf]nfO{sf] sf]nd .
E1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 3.748 hjfg 910.00 3410.68
v_ HofdL 5.622 hjfg 615.00 3457.53 6868.21
:yfgLo s'–sf7 0.07 3=dL= 39930.00 2795.10
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
lsnf 2.50 s]=hL= 132.00 330.00 3125.10
jf:tljs b//]6 9993.31
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1498.99
11492.30 = ? 1149.23 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 11492.30
42 kmnfdsf] kfOk (Prop), KnfOjf]8{ k|of]u u/L km;{ / :nfjsf] nflu kmdf{ agfpg] sfd .
E2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 17.20 hjfg 910.00 15652.00
v_ HofdL 25.70 hjfg 615.00 15805.50 31457.50
!( dL=dL= jf]8{ 16.5 j=dL= 1291.20 21304.80
:yfgLo s'–sf7 0.232 3=dL= 39930.00 9263.76
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
kmnfd] kfO{k (NMB 50-M) 4.4 s]=hL= 120.00 528.00
lsnf sfF6L 25.00 s]=hL= 132.00 3300.00 34396.56
jf:tljs b//]6 65854.06
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 9878.10
75732.16 = ?= 757.32 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 75732.16
gf]6 M sf7 M ^ k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 @%Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
1.6875x1.1x0.7516= 0.232
M KNffO{ M ^ k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 !)Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
M kfO{k M !% k6s;Dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 @%Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
88/15x0.75 =4.4
:6«Sr/sf] jLdsf] nflu kmdf{ agfpg] sfd 5gf}6 ug]{ h8fg ug]{
lsnf nufpg] cfO{lnË eTsfpg] x6fpg] #) dL= ;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt
43 jLdsf] prfO{ )=#) dL= ;Dd .
E3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 4.00 hjfg 910.00 3640.00
v_ HofdL 6.00 hjfg 615.00 3690.00 7330.00
:yfgLo s'–sf7 0.07 3=dL= 39930.00 2795.10
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
lsnf 2.50 s]=hL= 132.00 330.00 3125.10
jf:tljs b//]6 10455.10
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1568.26
12023.36 = ?= 1202.33 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 12023.36
:6«Sr/sf] jLdsf] nflu kmdf{ agfpg] sfd 5gf}6 ug]{ h8fg ug]{
lsnf nufpg] cfO{lnË eTsfpg] x6fpg] #) dL= ;Dd 9'jfgL ug]{ ;d]t .
44 jLdsf] prfO{ )=#) dL=~ )=*) ld= ;Dd .
E4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 2.67 hjfg 910.00 2429.70
v_ HofdL 4.00 hjfg 615.00 2460.00 4889.70
:yfgLo s'–sf7 0.07 3=dL= 39930.00 2795.10
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
lsnf 2.50 s]=hL= 132.00 330.00 3125.10
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1202.22
9217.02 = ?= 921.70 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 9217.02
ljdsf] nflu !( dL=dL KnfO{sf] kmdf{ agfpg] sfd,dfn;fdfgsf] pknlAw, 5gf}6 ug]{, gS;f cg';f/ kmdf{ /fVg]
45 lsnf / cGt/ nufpg] kmdf{ lemSg], x6fpg] #) ld6/;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt .
E5 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 2.67 hjfg 910.00 2429.70
v_ HofdL 4.00 hjfg 615.00 2460.00 4889.70
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L KnfO{ af]8{ 1.65 j=dL= 1291.20 2130.48
sf7 nf]sn 0.039 3=dL= 39930.00 1557.27
kmnfd] k|k 0.4 s]=hL= 120.00 48.00
lsnf 2.50 s]=hL= 132.00 330.00 4065.75
jf:tljs b//]6 8955.45
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1343.31
10298.76 = 1029.87 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 10298.76
gf]6 M sf7 M ^ k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 @%Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
M KNffO{ M ^ k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 !)Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
M kfO{k M !% k6s;Dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 @%Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
!( dL=dL KnfO{ af]8{sf] kmdf{ sf]nd -kf]i6_df nufpg],{ v8f ug]{, sfd ldnfpg], lsnf nufpg]
eTsfpg] / x6fpg] / #) ld6/;Dd 9'jfgL ug]{ cflb ;d]t
46 kmdf{sf] sfd @ ld= ;Dd uf]nfO{sf] sf]nd .
E6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu $=@) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds s_ l;kfn' 1.574 hjfg 910.00 1432.34
v_ HofdL 2.361 hjfg 615.00 1452.01 2884.35
KnfO{ af]8{ 0.693 j=dL= 1291.20 894.80
sf7 nf]sn 0.019 3=dL= 39930.00 758.67
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
kmnfd] af]N6 0.54 s]=hL= 202.00 109.08
lsnf 2.50 s]=hL= 132.00 330.00 2092.55
jf:tljs b//]6 4976.90
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 746.53
5723.43 = 1362.72 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 5723.43
gf]6 M sf7 M ^ k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 @%Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
M KNffO{ M ^ k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 !)Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
M kmnfd] af]N6 M !% k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 @%Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
47 dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L )=%) dL=dL= afSnf] ;L=hL=cfO{= zL6 -h:tf kftfsf]_ 5fgf 5fpg] sfd k'/f .
F1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 1.10 hjfg 910.00 1001.00
v_ HofdL 1.25 hjfg 615.00 768.75 1769.75
CGI kftf @$ u]h (0.50mm) 12.00 j=dL= 657.50 7890.01
* dL=dL= jf]N6 g6 30.00 uf]6f 33.67 1010.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
h] x's 25.00 uf]6f 12.29 307.14
lj6'ldg jfz/ 55.00 uf]6f 0.60 33.00 9240.15
jf:tljs b//]6 11009.90
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1651.48
12661.38 = ?= 1266.13 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 12661.38
gf]6 M !=)) j08n h:tf nDafO{{ &@Ú–)Æ / rf}8fO{ @Ú–&=%Æ dfg]sf] . -&@Ú x @Ú–&=%=+ !&=%^ j=dL=_
48 dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L )=$! dL=dL= afSnf] ;L=hL=cfO{= zL6 -h:tf kftfsf]_ 5fgf 5fpg] sfd k'/f .
F1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 1.10 hjfg 910.00 1001.00
v_ HofdL 1.25 hjfg 615.00 768.75 1769.75
CGI kftf @^ u]h (0.41mm) 12.00 j=dL= 478.18 5738.19
* dL=dL= g6 jf]N6 30.00 uf]6f 33.67 1010.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
h] x's 25.00 uf]6f 12.29 307.14
lj6'ldg jfz/ 55.00 uf]6f 0.60 33.00 7088.33
jf:tljs b//]6 8858.08
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1328.71
10186.79 = ?= 1018.67 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 10186.79
dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L )=%) dL=dL= Plain hL=cfO{= zL6sf] @ lkm6 rf}8fO{sf] w'/L agfO{
51 h8fg ug]{ sfd k'/f .
F3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) /=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 2.00 hjfg 910.00 1820.00
v_ HofdL 3.00 hjfg 615.00 1845.00 3665.00
)=%) Plain zL6 12.00 dL6/ 359.16 4309.92
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
cfjZos g6 jf]N6 cGbfhL – – 70.00 4379.92
b/ k|lt /=dL=sf] jf:tljs b//]6 8044.92
9251.65 = ?= 925.16 k}= !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1206.73
10.00 hDdf b/ /]6 9251.65
gf]6 M o;df Kn]gl;6sf] rf}8fO @Ú cGbfh ul/Psf] .
dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L )=$! dL=dL= Plain hL=cfO{= zL6sf] @ lkm6 rf}8fO{sf] w'/L agfO{
52 h8fg ug]{ sfd k'/f .
F3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) /=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 2.00 hjfg 910.00 1820.00
v_ HofdL 3.00 hjfg 615.00 1845.00 3665.00
)=$! Plain zL6 12.00 dL6/ 205.55 2466.56
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
cfjZos g6 jf]N6 cGbfhL – – 70.00 2536.56
b/ k|lt /=dL=sf] jf:tljs b//]6 6201.56
7131.79 = ?= 713.17 k}= !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 930.23
10.00 hDdf b/ /]6 7131.79
gf]6 M o;df Kn]gl;6sf] rf}8fO @Ú cGbfh ul/Psf] ._
dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L )=%) dL=dL= /+uLg hL=cfO{= zL6sf] w'/L agfO{
53 h8fg ug]{ sfd k'/f .
F4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) /=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 2.00 hjfg 910.00 1820.00
v_ HofdL 3.00 hjfg 615.00 1845.00 3665.00
)=%) /+uLg zL6 12.00 dL6/ 707.93 8495.20
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
cfjZos g6 jf]N6 cGbfhL – – 70.00 8565.20
b/ k|lt /=dL=sf] jf:tljs b//]6 12230.20
14064.73 = ?= 1406.47 k}= !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1834.53
10.00 hDdf b/ /]6 14064.73
= cGbfh ul/Psf] .
gf]6 M o;df Kn]gl;6sf] rf}8fO @Ú
dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L )=$! dL=dL= /+lug =hL=cfO{= zL6sf] w'/L agfO{
54 h8fg ug]{ sfd k'/f .
F4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) /=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 2.00 hjfg 910.00 1820.00
v_ HofdL 3.00 hjfg 615.00 1845.00 3665.00
)=$! /+lug zL6 12.00 dL6/ 425.31 5103.68
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
cfjZos g6 jf]N6 cGbfhL – – 70.00 5173.68
b/ k|lt /=dL=sf] jf:tljs b//]6 8838.68
10164.48 = ?= 1016.44 k}= !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1325.80
10.00 hDdf b/ /]6 10164.48
gf]6 M o;df Kn]gl;6sf] rf}8fO @Ú cGbfh ul/Psf] .
55 dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L 0.50mm Kn]g zL6sf] Gutter h8fg ug]{ sfd k'/f .
F5 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) /=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 2.00 hjfg 910.00 1820.00
v_ HofdL 3.00 hjfg 615.00 1845.00 3665.00
Gutter ;fbf 0.50mm sf]
Kn]g l;6 12.0 dL6/ 359.16 4309.92
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
Pd= P;= SNofDk 5547.52
20*4.5*750mm 9.52 ;+Vof 130.00 1237.60
b/ k|lt /=dL=sf] jf:tljs b//]6 9212.52
10594.39 = ?= 1059.43 k}= !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1381.87
10.00 hDdf b/ /]6 10594.39
->lds (–@ cg';f/ lnOPsf] o;df Kn]g l;6sf] rf}8fO{ )=^) dL= cGbfh ul/Psf] _
56 dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L 0.50mm /lËg Kn]g zL6sf] Gutter h8fg ug]{ sfd k'/f .
F6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) /=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 2.00 hjfg 910.00 1820.00
v_ HofdL 3.00 hjfg 615.00 1845.00 3665.00
Gutter /lËg 0.50mm sf]
Kn]g l;6 12.0 dL6/ 707.93 8495.20
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
Pd= P;= SNofDk 9732.80
20*4.5*750mm 9.52 ;+Vof 130.00 1237.60
b/ k|lt /=dL=sf] jf:tljs b//]6 13397.80
15407.47 = ?= 1540.74 k}= !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 2009.67
10.00 hDdf b/ /]6 15407.47
->lds (–@ cg';f/ lnOPsf] o;df Kn]g l;6sf] rf}8fO{ )=^) dL= cGbfh ul/Psf] _
#* dL=dL= afSnf] lr/fg cu|fv sf7sf] k|m]d xfnL l8nfvfkf agfO{ h8fg ug]{ .
64 -vfkfsf] gfk !=)& dL=X !=(*@ dL== @=!!$ j= dL=_
G4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu @=!!$ j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 10.00 hjfg 910.00 9100.00
v_ HofdL 1.00 hjfg 615.00 615.00 9715.00
cu|fv sf7 0.084 3=dL= 140000.00 11760.00
!)) dL=dL= sAhf 6.00 uf]6f 60.00 360.00
!%) dL=dL=5]:sLgL 1.00 uf]6f 85.00 85.00
#))dL=dL= 5]:sLgL 1.00 uf]6f 85.00 85.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
#)) dL=dL=nlsË ;]6 1.00 uf]6f 232.00 232.00
XoflG8n 2.00 uf]6f 46.00 92.00
k]r lsnf cGbfhL – – 45.00 12659.00
jf:tljs b//]6 10583.73
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1587.55
12171.28 Ö ?= 5757.46 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 12171.28
#* dL=dL= afSnf] lr/fg :yflgo sf7sf] k|m]d xfnL l8nfvfkf agfO{ h8fg ug]{ .
65 -vfkfsf] gfk !=)& dL=X !=(*@ dL== @=!!$ j= dL=_
G4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu @=!!$ j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 10.00 hjfg 910.00 9100.00
v_ HofdL 1.00 hjfg 615.00 615.00 9715.00
:yflgo sf7 0.084 3=dL= 39930.00 3354.12
!)) dL=dL= sAhf 6.00 uf]6f 60.00 360.00
!%) dL=dL=5]:sLgL 1.00 uf]6f 85.00 85.00
#))dL=dL= 5]:sLgL 1.00 uf]6f 85.00 85.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
#)) dL=dL=nlsË ;]6 1.00 uf]6f 232.00 232.00
XoflG8n 2.00 uf]6f 46.00 92.00
k]r lsnf cGbfhL – – 45.00 4253.12
jf:tljs b//]6 13968.12
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 2095.21
16063.33 Ö ?= 7598.54 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 16063.33
81 !@ dL=dL= df]6fO{ ePsf] kf6L{zg jf]8{ Ps ;fO8 n]ldg]6 u/]sf] h8fg ug]{ sfo{ .
G 14 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! j=dL= lnOPsf] .
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds l;kfn' 0.06 hjfg 910.00 54.60
HofdL 0.006 hjfg 615.00 3.69 58.29
!@ dL=dL= df]6fO{ ePsf]
Ps ;fO{8 nfldg]6 ul/Psf] 1.05 j=dL= 1732.36 1818.97
lgdf{0f ;fdu|
sf7sf] lni6L 4.05 /=dL= 0.00 0.00
lsnf, ud -df]ljns_ cGbfhL - - 30.00 1848.97
jf:tljs b//]6 1907.26
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 286.08
?= 2193.34 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 2193.34
%) X &% dL=dL= ;fO{hsf] cu|fv sf7sf] ^)) X ()) dL= dL= sf]
82 sf]7f agfO{ ljleGg lsl;dsf] kmN; l;lnË 7f]Sg] $ dL=dL= sdl;{on KnfO{p8
G 15 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu (=&% X #=^% Ö #%=%* j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 23.00 hjfg 910.00 20930.00
v_ HofdL 2.30 hjfg 615.00 1414.50 22344.50
cu|fv sf7 0.45 3=dL= 140000.00 63000.00
$ dL=dL= sdl;{on KnfOp8 37.50 j=dL= 322.80 12105.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
lni6L 100 /=dL= 0.00 0.00
lsnf 0.50 s]=hL= 132.00 66.00 75171.00
jf:tljs b//]6 97515.50
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 14627.32
112142.82 = ?= 3151.84 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 112142.82
%) X &% dL=dL= ;fO{hsf] :yflgo sf7sf] ^)) X ()) dL= dL= sf]
83 sf]7f agfO{ ljleGg lsl;dsf] kmN; l;lnË 7f]Sg] $ dL=dL= sdl;{on KnfO{p8
G 15 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu (=&% X #=^% Ö #%=%* j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 23.00 hjfg 910.00 20930.00
v_ HofdL 2.30 hjfg 615.00 1414.50 22344.50
:yflgo sf7 0.45 3=dL= 39930.00 17968.50
$ dL=dL= sdl;{on KnfOp8 37.50 j=dL= 322.80 12105.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
lni6L 100 /=dL= 0.00 0.00
lsnf 0.50 s]=hL= 132.00 66.00 30139.50
jf:tljs b//]6 52484.00
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 7872.60
60356.60 = ?= 1696.36 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 60356.60
%) dL=dL= X &% dL=dL= cu|fvsf] k|m]d ^)) dL=dL= X ^)) dL=dL= df xfnL
84 @% dL=dL= afSnf] cu|fvsf] sf7sf] ˆn]s 5fKg] sfd .
G 16 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 6.50 hjfg 910.00 5915.00
v_ HofdL 0.65 hjfg 615.00 399.75 6314.75
cu|fv sf7 0.421 3=dL= 140000.00 58940.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
lsnf sf+6L 2.00 s]=hL= 132.00 264.00 59204.00
%) dL=dL= X &% dL=dL= :yflgo sf7sf] k|m]d ^)) dL=dL= X ^)) dL=dL= df xfnL
85 @% dL=dL= afSnf] :yflgo sf7sf] ˆn]s 5fKg] sfd .
G 16 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 6.50 hjfg 910.00 5915.00
v_ HofdL 0.65 hjfg 615.00 399.75 6314.75
:yflgo sf7 0.421 3=dL= 39930.00 16810.53
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
lsnf sf+6L 2.00 s]=hL= 132.00 264.00 17074.53
89 &% dL=dL= -#Æ_ afSnf] l;d]G6 s+qmL6 -!M@M$_ ˆnf]/ 9nfg u/L
!!–! 3 l;d]G6 3f]6L tof/ ug]{ .
H1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 1.25 hjfg 910.00 1137.50
v_ HofdL 3.00 hjfg 615.00 1845.00 2982.50
l;d]G6 0.26 d]=6= 20500.00 5330.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L jfn'jf 0.34 3=dL= 2335.45 794.05
@) dL=dL /f]8f 0.68 3=dL= 2000.00 1360.00 7484.05
jf:tljs b//]6 10466.55
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1569.98
12036.53 = ?= 1203.65 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 12036.53
@% dL=dL= afSnf] df]hfos ˆnf]l/Ë !( dL=dL= l;d]G6 Knfi6/ !M@ efudf u/L
91 To; dfly # dL=dL= dfj{n lrK; ;]tf] l;d]G6 !M! efudf nufO{
!!–# 3f]6\g] / kflnz ug]{ .
H3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 3.50 hjfg 910.00 3185.00
v_ HofdL 36.00 hjfg 615.00 22140.00 25325.00
l;d]G6 0.121 d]=6= 20500.00 2480.50
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.165 3=dL= 2335.45 385.34
;]tf] l;d]G6 0.069 d]=6= 40000.00 2760.00
# dL=dL= dfj{n lrK; 0.047 3=dL= 25120.00 1180.64
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
-cShflns_ P;L8 0.34 s]=hL= 140.00 47.60
d}g kflnz 0.11 s]=hL= 650.00 71.50
tf/k]G6fOg 0.50 nL= 202.86 101.43
sfaf]{/08d 9'+uf cGbfhL – – 120.00 7147.01
jf:tljs b//]6 32472.01
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 4870.80
37342.81 = ?= 3734.28 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 37342.81
@) dL=dL= afSnf] df]hfos ˆnf]l/Ë ug]{ !@+=% dL=dL= l;d]G6 Knfi6/ !M@ efudf nufO{
92 To; dfly ^ dL=dL= ;]tf] l;d]G6 dfj{n lrK; !M! efudf nufO{
!!–$ 3f]6\g] / kflnz ug]{ .
H4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 3.50 hjfg 910.00 3185.00
v_ HofdL 36.00 hjfg 615.00 22140.00 25325.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L l;d]G6 0.089 d]=6= 20500.00 1824.50
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.122 3=dL= 2335.45 284.92
;]tf] l;d]G6 0.089 d]=6= 40000.00 3560.00
# dL=dL= dfj{n lrK; 0.061 3=dL= 25120.00 1532.32
-cShflns_ P;L8 0.37 s]=hL= 140.00 51.80
d}g kflnz 0.118 s]=hL= 650.00 76.70
tf/k]G6fOg 0.538 nL= 202.86 109.13
sfaf]{/08d 9'+uf cGbfhL – – 120.00 7559.37
jf:tljs b//]6 32884.37
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 4932.65
37817.02 = ?= 3781.70 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 37817.02
!!–% kf]/l;lng Un]H8 6fO{n !M$ l;d]G6 afn'jfdf 5fKg] sfd .
H5 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 13.00 hjfg 910.00 11830.00
v_ HofdL 4.50 hjfg 615.00 2767.50 14597.50
l;d]G6 0.056 d]=6= 20500.00 1148.00
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.152 3=dL= 2335.45 354.98
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
;]tf] l;d]G6 3.228 s]=hL= 40.00 129.12
kf]/l;lng Un]H8 6fO{n 11.00 j=dL= 1614.00 17754.00 19386.10
jf:tljs b//]6 33983.60
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 5097.54
39081.14 = ?= 3908.11 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 39081.14
!@% dL=dL= afSnf] 7f8f] O{6f ;f]lnË u/L hf]gL{df afn'jfn] eg]{ tyf
98 hf]gL{sf] dfly tNnf] efudf !M# l;d]G6 afn'jfsf] d;nfsf] ˆnz l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
H 10 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 2.00 hjfg 910.00 1820.00
v_ HofdL 4.00 hjfg 615.00 2460.00 4280.00
l;d]G6 0.02 d]=6= 20500.00 410.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L O{6f 750.00 uf]6f 19.00 14250.00
jfn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.10 3=dL= 2335.45 233.54 14893.54
jf:tljs b//]6 19173.54
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 2876.03
22049.57 Ö ?= 2204.95 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 22049.57
101 leQf Pj+ l;lnËdf Kn]g Knf:6/ ckm k]l/; ug]{ sfo{ .
H 13 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 1.00 hjfg 910.00 910.00
v_ HofdL 1.00 hjfg 615.00 615.00 1525.00
104 !@=% dL=dL= afSnf] l;d]G6 afn'jf Knfi6/ -!M#_ efudf l;lnËdf ug]{ .
I1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 15.00 hjfg 910.00 13650.00
v_ HofdL 20.00 hjfg 615.00 12300.00 25950.00
l;d]G6 0.625 d]=6= 20500.00 12812.50
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 1.28 3=dL= 2335.45 2989.37 15801.87
105 !@=% dL=dL= afSnf] l;d]G6 afn'jf Knfi6/ -!M$_ efudf l;lnËdf ug]{ .
I1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 15.00 hjfg 910.00 13650.00
v_ HofdL 20.00 hjfg 615.00 12300.00 25950.00
l;d]G6 0.538 d]=6= 20500.00 11029.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 1.46 3=dL= 2335.45 3409.75 14438.75
108 @) dL=dL= afSnf] l;d]G6 afn'jf Knfi6/ -!M#_ efudf sfd ug]{ .
I2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 14.00 hjfg 910.00 12740.00
v_ HofdL 19.00 hjfg 615.00 11685.00 24425.00
l;d]G6 0.96 d]=6= 20500.00 19680.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nf 1.95 3=dL= 2335.45 4554.12 24234.12
@% dL=dL= afSnf] df6f]sf] lnpg Knfi6/ ug]{ sfd d;nf tof/ kf/L #) dL= ;Dd
111 9'jfgL ug]{ ;tx ;kmf ug{] kfgLn] lehfpg] / Knfi6/ ug]{ .
I3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 20.00 hjfg 910.00 18200.00
v_ HofdL 25.00 hjfg 615.00 15375.00 33575.00
df6f] 3.00 3=dL= 0.00 0.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L e';f 100.00 s]=hL= 3.70 369.60
uf]a/ 120.00 s]=hL= 5.08 609.84 979.44
uf/f]df !@ dL=dL= afSnf] df6f]sf] Knfi6/ -lnpg_ nufpg] sfd, d;nf tof/ kf/L
112 #) dL= ;Dd 9'jfgL ug]{, ;tx ;kmf kfg]{, kfgLn] lehfpg] / Knfi6/ ug]{ .
I3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 15.00 hjfg 910.00 13650.00
v_ HofdL 20.00 hjfg 615.00 12300.00 25950.00
df6f] 1.50 3=dL= 0.00 0.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L e';f 50.00 s]=hL= 3.70 184.80
uf]a/ 60.00 s]=hL= 5.08 304.92 489.72
113 O{6fsf] uf/f]df l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M!_ df ˆn; l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
I4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 10.50 hjfg 910.00 9555.00
v_ HofdL 12.00 hjfg 615.00 7380.00 16935.00
l;d]G6 0.316 d]=6= 20500.00 6478.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.22 3=dL= 2335.45 513.79 6991.79
114 O{6fsf] uf/f]df l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M!_ df ?N8 l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
I4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 15.75 hjfg 910.00 14332.50
v_ HofdL 18.00 hjfg 615.00 11070.00 25402.50
l;d]G6 0.316 d]=6= 20500.00 6478.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.22 3=dL= 2335.45 513.79 6991.79
115 O{6fsf] uf/f]df l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M@_ df ˆn; l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
I5 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 10.50 hjfg 910.00 9555.00
v_ HofdL 12.00 hjfg 615.00 7380.00 16935.00
l;d]G6 0.210 d]=6= 20500.00 4305.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.29 3=dL= 2335.45 677.28 4982.28
116 O{6fsf] uf/f]df l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M@_ df ?N8 l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
I5 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 15.75 hjfg 910.00 14332.50
v_ HofdL 18.00 hjfg 615.00 11070.00 25402.50
l;d]G6 0.210 d]=6= 20500.00 4305.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.29 3=dL= 2335.45 677.28 4982.28
117 O{6fsf] uf/f]df l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M#_ df ˆn; l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
I6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 10.50 hjfg 910.00 9555.00
v_ HofdL 12.00 hjfg 615.00 7380.00 16935.00
l;d]G6 0.155 d]=6= 20500.00 3177.50
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.32 3=dL= 2335.45 747.34 3924.84
118 O{6fsf] uf/f]df l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M#_ df ?N8 l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
I6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 15.75 hjfg 910.00 14332.50
v_ HofdL 18.00 hjfg 615.00 11070.00 25402.50
l;d]G6 0.155 d]=6= 20500.00 3177.50
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.32 3=dL= 2335.45 747.34 3924.84
120 af]N8/ 9'+ufsf] uf/f]df l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M@_ df ˆn; ?N8 l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
I8 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 10.00 hjfg 910.00 9100.00
v_ HofdL 14.00 hjfg 615.00 8610.00 17710.00
l;d]G6 0.408 d]=6= 20500.00 8364.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf 0.57 3=dL= 2335.45 1331.20 9695.20
121 af]N8/ 9'+ufsf] uf/f]df l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M#_ df ˆn; ?N8 l6Ksf/ ug]{ sfd .
I9 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 10.00 hjfg 910.00 9100.00
v_ HofdL 14.00 hjfg 615.00 8610.00 17710.00
l;d]G6 0.306 d]=6= 20500.00 6273.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf 0.63 3=dL= 2335.45 1471.33 7744.33
122 PZn/ sfddf ˆn; ?N8 l6Ksf/ l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M#_ sfo{ .
I 10 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL=lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 8.00 hjfg 910.00 7280.00
v_ HofdL 10.00 hjfg 615.00 6150.00 13430.00
l;d]G6 0.11 d]=6= 20500.00 2255.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf 0.20 3=dL= 2335.45 467.09 2722.09
jf:tljs b//]6 161.52
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 24.22
185.74 Ö ?= 1.85 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 185.74
124 Knfi6/ dfly @) dL=dL= afSnf] emNn/ jf kfgL k§L agfpg] sfd .
I 12 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! /=dL=lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 0.025 hjfg 910.00 22.75
v_ HofdL 0.010 hjfg 615.00 6.15 28.90
l;d]G6 0.007 d]=6= 20500.00 143.50
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L afn'jf 0.004 3=dL= 2335.45 9.34
jf6/k|'lkmË 0.0001 ln= 155.00 0.01 152.85
jf:tljs b//]6 181.75
b/ k|lt /=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 27.26
?= 209.01 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 209.01
125 leQf Pjd\ l;lnËdf @ ld=ld= Kn]g XjfO{6 k'§L Knfi6/ ug]{ sfo{ .
I 13 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 1.00 hjfg 910.00 910.00
v_ HofdL 1.00 hjfg 615.00 615.00 1525.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L XjfO{6 k§L 10.640 s]=hL= 82.95 882.58 882.58
139 c:t/ jfx]s Ps sf]6 j]b/sf]6 -Pk]S; jf ;f] ;/x_ k]G6 ug]{ sfd .
J6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) J.=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 5.00 hjfg 910.00 4550.00
HofdL 2.00 hjfg 615.00 1230.00 5780.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu| j]b/ sf]6 -Pk]S; jf ;f] ;/x_
L k]G6 9.00 844.52 7600.63 7600.63
140 c:t/ jfx]s b'O{ sf]6 j]b/sf]6 -Pk]S; jf ;f] ;/x_ k]G6 ug]{ sfd .
J6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) J.=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 9.00 hjfg 910.00 8190.00
HofdL 5.00 hjfg 615.00 3075.00 11265.00
j]b/ sf]6 -Pk]S; jf ;f] ;/x_
lgdf{0f ;fdu| 16.00 nL= 844.52 13512.24
L 13512.24
141 Ps sf]6 k|fO{d/ ;lxt b'O{ sf]6 j]b/sf]6 -Pk]S; jf ;f] ;/x_ k]G6 ug]{ sfd
J7 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 5.80 hjfg 910.00 5278.00
v_ HofdL 5.80 hjfg 615.00 3567.00 8845.00
c:t/ 8.0 nL= 255.75 2046.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
j]b/sf]6 16.00 nL= 844.52 13512.24 15558.24
142 Ps sf]6 c:t/ u/L b'O{ sf]6 tof/L PNo"ldlgod k]G6 ug]{ .
J8 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 10.75 hjfg 910.00 9782.50
v_ HofdL 10.75 hjfg 615.00 6611.25 16393.75
c:t/ 8.10 nL= 255.75 2071.57
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L Pno"ldlgod k]G6 10.76 nL= 751.91 8090.49
vfS;L 4.00 uf]6f 43.00 171.99 10334.05
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
cnsqf k]G6 7.00 nL= 347.29 2431.01 2431.01
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
cnsqf k]G6 12.00 nL= 347.29 4167.45 4167.45
154 k'/fgf] ;txdf lnG;L8 cfonn] k'5L tof/L Ogfd]n k]G6 ! sf]6 nufpg] sfd .
J 15 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) Jf=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 0.538 hjfg 910.00 489.58
HofdL 0.538 hjfg 615.00 330.87 820.45
lgdf{0f ;fdu| lnG;L8 cfon 0.538 nL= 281.14 151.25
L tof/L Ogfd]n k]G6 1.614 nL= 603.07 973.35 1124.60
158 c:t/ jfx]s b'O{ sf]6 Knfli6s OdN;g k]G6 ug]{ sfd .
J 17 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) J.=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 9.00 hjfg 910.00 8190.00
HofdL 5.00 hjfg 615.00 3075.00 11265.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|
OdN;g k]G6 16.00 nL= 967.00 15472.00
162 c:t/ jfx]s b'O{ sf]6 /]8 cS;fO8 k]G6 ug]{ sfd .
J 19 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) J.=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 8.67 hjfg 910.00 7889.70
HofdL 8.00 hjfg 615.00 4920.00 12809.70
lgdf{0f ;fdu| /]8
L cS;fO8 k]G6 15.00 nL= 36.38 545.73 545.73
163 Ps sf]6 k|fO{d/ ;lxt b'O{ sf]6 tof/L jf;]jn l8:6]Dk/ nufpg] sfd .
J 20 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 5.80 hjfg 910.00 5278.00
v_ HofdL 5.80 hjfg 615.00 3567.00 8845.00
c:t/ 8.0 nL= 255.75 2046.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
jf;]jn l8:6]Dk/ 16.00 s]=hL= 185.22 2963.52 5009.52
165 @=% ;]=dL= df]6fO{ l;d]G6 s+qmL6 -!M!½M#_ 8]Dk k|'kmLË ug]{ .
K2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 1.00 hjfg 910.00 910.00
v_ HofdL 1.25 hjfg 615.00 768.75 1678.75
l;d]G6 0.112 d]=6= 20500.00 2296.00
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.113 3=dL= 2335.45 263.90
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
af6/ k|'km sDkfp08 2.25 s]=hL= 155.00 348.75
!@ dL=dL= /f]8f 0.25 3=dL= 3916.00 979.00 3887.65
166 #=* ;]=dL= df]6fO{ l;d]G6 s+qmL6 -!M@M$_ 8]Dk k|'kmLË ug]{ .
K2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 1.00 hjfg 910.00 910.00
v_ HofdL 2.00 hjfg 615.00 1230.00 2140.00
l;d]G6 0.12 d]=6= 20500.00 2460.00
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.17 3=dL= 2335.45 397.02
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
af6/ k|'km sDkfp08 2.88 s]=hL= 155.00 446.40
!@ dL=dL= /f]8f 0.34 3=dL= 3916.00 1331.44 4634.86
167 Ps sf]6 lj6'ldg k]G6 8]Dk k|'km sf];{df nufO{ afn'jfn] 5f]Kg] .
K3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds s_ HofdL 0.60 hjfg 615.00 369.00 369.00
lj6'ldg 10.00 s]=hL= 105.00 1050.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L v>f] afn'jf vf]nf 0.02 3=dL= 2335.45 46.70
bfp/f 30.00 s]=hL= 25.00 750.00 1846.70
173 l;d]G6 jf jh|df hf]8]sf] uf/f] eTsfO{ To;af6 cfPsf] ;fdfu+|L !) dL= x6fpg] sfd .
L2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds HofdL 2.12 ;+Vof 615.00 1303.80 1303.80
jf:tljs b//]6 1303.80
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 195.57
?= 1499.37 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 1499.37
176 l;d]G6 jf jh| Knfi6/ eTsfO{ To;af6 cfPsf] w'nf] !) dL=k/ x6fpg] sfd .
L5 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds HofdL 0.108 ;+Vof 615.00 66.42 66.42
6fOn 5fgf eTsfO{ To;af6 ePsf] 6fOn sf7 cflb !) dL= k/ ;fg{ nufO{
177 /fd|/L yGsfpg] sfd .
L6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 0.054 ;+Vof 910.00 49.14
HofdL 0.081 ;+Vof 615.00 49.81 98.95
k'/fgf] dfj{n ˆnf]/ tyf leQfdf HofdLåf/f dfj{n ;tx cShflns Pl;8 xfnL
3f]6\g], ;kmf ug]{ sfo{ .
179 -o;df b/ ljZn]if0f gd{;sf] qm=;+= !! -^_ kfgf g+= !)@ df pNn]lvt ljj/0fnfO{ cfwf/ dfgL ljZn]if0f ul/Psf] 5 ._
L8 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
HofdL 3.375 hjfg
615.00 2075.62 2075.62
cShflns Pl;8 0.185 s]=hL= 140.00 25.90
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
sfjf]{/]08d 9'+uf cGbfhL – – 58.26 84.16
jf:tljs b//]6 2159.78
b/ k|lt !) j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 323.96
2483.74 Ö ?= 248.37 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 2483.74
r'gf ;'sL{sf] d;nfsf] uf/f]af6 O{6f lemls nfu]sf] d;nf ;kmf ug]{
183 tyf k'gM k|of]u ug]{ ;lsg] u/L yGsfpg] sfd .
L 12 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !))) uf]6f lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 0.75 hjfg 910.00 682.50
HofdL 4.10 hjfg 615.00 2521.50 3204.00
oflGqs pks/0f 8f]/L cflb 320.40
185 s'+b]sf] 9'Ëf, dfj{n jf lk|sfi6 s+lqm6 -r'gf, ;'sL{ d;nfdf_ eTsfpg] sfd .
L 14 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 0.10 hjfg 910.00 91.00
HofdL 1.40 hjfg 615.00 861.00 952.00
oflGqs pks/0f 8f]/L cflb 47.60
186 s'+b]sf] 9'Ëf, dfj{n jf lk|sfi6 s+lqm6 -l;d]G6 d;nfdf_ eTsfpg] sfd .
L 15 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 0.10 hjfg 910.00 91.00
HofdL 2.70 hjfg 615.00 1660.50 1751.50
oflGqs pks/0f 8f]/L cflb 87.58
187 kmnfd] sfd -Rofgn PËn 6L cflb_ x6fpg] sfo{ lemSg], 5'6\ofpg] / /fd|/L yGsfpg] ;d]t
L 16 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! D]f=6= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 0.50 hjfg 910.00 455.00
HofdL 3.00 hjfg 615.00 1845.00 2300.00
UofF;, UofF; s6/ / 8f]/L
oflGqs pks/0f 115.00
jf:tljs b//]6 2415.00
b/ k|lt d]=6=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 362.25
?= 2777.25 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 2777.25
188 cf/=l;=l;=km]G;sf] sfd x6fpg] df6f] vGg] / vfN8f]df df6f] ;Dofpg] ;d]t sfd .
L 17 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds HofdL 0.45 hjfg 615.00 276.75 276.75
189 kmnfd] km]G;sf] sfd x6fpg] df6f] vGg] / vfN8f]df df6f] ;Dofpg] ;d]t sfd .
L 18 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds HofdL 0.42 hjfg 615.00 258.30 258.30
190 sf7] km]G;sf] sfd x6fpg] df6f] vGg] / vfN8f]df df6f] ;Dofpg] ;d]t sfd .
L 19 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds HofdL 0.40 hjfg 615.00 246.00 246.00
h:tfkftfsf] 5fgf eTsfO{ To;af6 lg:s]sf sf7 tyf kmnfd] lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?
191 !) dL= k/ nlu ldnfO{ yfs nufpg] sfo{ .
L 20 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds s_ l;kfn' 0.027 hjfg 910.00 24.57
v_ HofdL 0.04 hjfg 615.00 24.60 49.17
jf:tljs b//]6 49.17
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 7.37
?= 56.54 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 56.54
gf]6 M pk/f]Qm HofdL ;+Vof cf=g+= !( -^_ df lbOPsf] kl/df0fsf] %)Ü cg'dfg ul/P{sf] .
192 kmnfd] lu|n agfO{ vfS;L nufO{ /]8cS;fO8 k]G6 ;d]t u/L hf]8\g]
M1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) s]=hL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| kmnfd] lu|n agfO{ 10.00 s]=hL= 152.00 1520.00
L hf]8\g] 1520.00
jf:tljs b//]6 1520.00
b/ k|lt s]=hL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 228.00
193 # X @), $=% X @) dL=dL= kmnfd] lu|n agfO{ vfS;L nufO{ /]8cS;fO8 k]G6 ;d]t u/L hf]8\g]
M2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| kmnfd] lu|n agfO{ hf]8\g] 10.00 j=dL= 3268.00 32680.00
L 32680.00
jf:tljs b//]6 32680.00
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 4902.00
194 ljleGg ;fO{hsf] kmnfd] PËn km]lj|s]zg u/L k|fOd/ k]G6 ;lxt ug]{ sfd .
M3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !*=($ s]=hL== lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
>lds l;kfn' 0.687 hjfg 910.00 625.17
HofdL 0.781 hjfg 615.00 480.31 1105.48
;j} k|sf/sf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| kmnfd] PËn 18.940 s]=hL= 120.00 2272.80
k|fOd/ k]G6 cGbfhL – – 110.00 2382.80
jf:tljs b//]6 3488.28
b/ k|lt s]=hL= sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 523.24
4011.52 Ö ?= 211.80 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 4011.52
195 kmnfd] /f]lnË ;6/ agfO{ h8fg ug]{ , k]G6LË / Hofnf ;d]t .
M4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| hDdf
;6/ 10.00 j=dL= 2313.40 23134.00
jf:tljs b//]6 23134.00
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 3470.10
197 u]6 !^ u]h -%)X%)X% dL=dL=sf] k|m]d ;lxt_ agfO{ hf]8\g] /]8 cS;fO8 k]lG6Ë / Hofnf ;d]t .
M6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) s]=lh== lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| hDdf
kmnfd] u]6 10.00 j=dL= 3344.00 33440.00
jf:tljs b//]6 33440.00
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 5016.00
# ld6/ b"/Ldf vDaf ufl8 % tx tyf @ j6f 8fouf]gn sf9]tf/ nufpg] sfd .
199 &% dL=dL= X !)) dL=dL= X @=! dL= nfdf] ;fnsf7sf] vDaf k|of]u ug]{ .
M8 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu #) /=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 1.00 ;+Vof 910.00 910.00
HofdL 2.00 ;+Vof 615.00 1230.00 2140.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|
;fnsf] sf7 0.19 3=dL= 140000.00 26600.00
sfF9]tf/ 250.00 dL= 12.80 3200.00
o" x's 77.00 ;+Vof 12.29 946.00 30746.00
200 sfnf] kmnfd] kfO{ksf] 6«; agfO{ h8fg ug]{ sfd -k|fOd/ k]G6 ;lxt_
M9 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !*=($ s]=hL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 0.687 ;+Vof 910.00 625.17
HofdL 0.781 ;+Vof 615.00 480.31 1105.48
;j} k|sf/sf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| sfnf] kfO{k
L jgfO{ hf]8\g] 18.94 s]=hL= 165.00 3125.10
k|fOd/ k]G6 cGbfhL – – 110.00 3235.10
6]Gn];l:6nsf] d]Da/ /fvL @Ú–^Æ b]lv #Ú–)Æ ;Dd prfO{ ePsf] /]lnË pknAw u/fO{ h8fg
u/L /+u ;d]t nufpg] sfd .
x\of08/]n / e"O+sf] aLrdf tLg tx t];f]{ @% dL=dL=Aof;sf] :6]Gn];l:6nsf] d]Da/ /fvL
202 @Ú–^Æ b]lv #Ú–)Æ ;Dd prfO{ ePsf] /]lnË pknAw u/fO{ h8fg u/L /+u ;d]t nufpg] sfd .
M 11 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! /=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
%) dL=dL=Aof;sf] : hDdf
lgdf{0f ;fdu|
6]Gn];l:6nsf] kfO{ksf]
L 1.00 /=dL= 3439.80 3439.80 3439.80
Xof08/]n h8fg ug]{ sfo{
jf:tljs b//]6 3439.80
b/ k|lt /=ld=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 515.97
?= 3955.77 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 3955.77
!%X!% ;]=dL= ;fOhsf] :yflgo sf7sf] kf]i6 tyf #ÆX#Æ ;fO{hsf] an':6/ /fvL
203 #ÆX$Æ ;fO{hsf] :yflgo sf7sf] Xof08/]n agfO{ h8fg ug]{ sfd .
M 12 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ( j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
l;kfn' 5.27 hjfg 910.00 4795.70
HofdL 0.52 hjfg 615.00 319.80 5115.50
lgdf{0f ;fdu|
:yflgo sf7 0.329 3=dL= 39930.00 13136.97 13136.97
jf:tljs b//]6 18252.47
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 2737.87
205 dfn;fdfg pknAw u/L !( ld=ld= df]6fO{sf] KnfO{ jf]8{sf] l;lnË nufpg] sfd .
N1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 2.00 hjfg 910.00 1820.00
v_ HofdL 2.00 hjfg 615.00 1230.00 3050.00
!( dL=dL=KnfO{ jf]8{ 10.500 j=dL= 1291.20 13557.60
:yflgo sf7sf] ljl8Ë 0.030 3=dL= 39930.00 1197.90
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L %) ldld :qm' 70.000 ;+Vof 5.00 350.00
^) ldld :qm' 160.000 ;+Vof 5.00 800.00
%) ldld lsnf 0.36 s]=hL= 132.00 47.52 15953.02
jf:tljs b//]6 19003.02
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 2850.45
21853.47 Ö ?= 2185.34 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 21853.47
%)X&% dL=dL= ;fO{hsf] cu|fv sf7sf] )=^)X)=() dL=sf] sf]7f -k|m]d_ agfO{
206 !( dL= dL= jf6/k|'km KnfOp8sf] kmN; l;lnË 7f]Sg]] sfd .
N2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu #%=%* j=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
s_ l;kfn' 23.00 hjfg 910.00 20930.00
v_ HofdL 2.30 hjfg 615.00 1414.50 22344.50
cu|fv sf7 0.450 3=dL= 140000.00 63000.00
!( dL=dL= jf6/k|'k KnfO{p8 37.500 j=dL= 1291.20 48420.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
ln:6L cGbfhL – – 1250.00
lsnf cGbfhL – – 125.00 112795.00
jf:tljs b//]6 135139.50
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 20270.92
155410.42 Ö ?= 4367.91 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 155410.42
Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Sliding Window without Ventilator Section Size (88 x38.1x1.3) mm
207 Including 4 mm Glass and Gasket all complete
O1 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| hDdf
-Hofnf ;lxt_ Sliding Window without Ventilator 1.00 j=dL= 9896.04 9896.04
;fdfg 9896.04
Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Sliding Window with Ventilator Section Size (88 x38.1x1.3) mm Including
208 4 mm Glass and Gasket all complete
O2 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| hDdf
-Hofnf ;lxt_ Sliding Window with Ventilator ;fdfg 1.00 j=dL= 10039.37 10039.36 10039.36
Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Sliding Window without Ventilator Section Size (101 x 45x1.8) mm
209 Including 4 mm Glass and Gasket all complete
O3 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| hDdf
-Hofnf ;lxt_ Sliding Window without Ventilator 1.00 j=dL= 9967.70 9967.70 9967.70
sf ;/;fdfgx?
jf:tljs b//]6 9967.70
b/ /]6 k|lt j= dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1495.15
Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Sliding Window with Ventilator Section Size (101 x 45x1.8) mm Including
210 4 mm Glass and Gasket all complete
O4 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Sliding Window with Ventilator
-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;/;fdfgx? 1.00 j=dL= 11036.03 11036.02
/ P]gf 11036.02
Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Sliding Door with Naturally Iodized Color
211 Section Size (101 x45 x1.8) mm
O5 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Sliding Door 1.00 j=dL= 11961.00 11961.00
-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;fdfg 11961.00
Supplying and Fixing of Casement Double Panel Aluminium Windows with Ventilation
212 Section Size (54*33*1.5) mm, (101*45*1.5) mm and 5 mm Glass
O6 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Casement Double Panel
-Hofnf ;lxt_ Windows with Ventilation 1.00 j=dL= 8117.00 8117.00
sf ;/;fdfg 8117.00
Supplying and Fixing of Casement Door of Aluminium Section in Naturally Iodized Color
213 Section Size (101*45*1.5) mm and 5 mm Glass
O7 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Casement Door
-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;/;fdfg 1.00 j=dL= 12674.34 12674.34 12674.34
Supplying and Fixing of Swing Door of Aluminium Section in Naturally Iodized Color
214 Section Size (101*45*1.5) mm and 5 mm Glass
O8 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Swing Door
-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;/;fdfg 1.00 j=dL= 12674.34 12674.34 12674.34
Supplying and Fixing of Sliding Windows two Track in Naturally Iodized Color
215 Section Size (88*38*1.3) mm and 5 mm Glass
O9 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Sliding Window two Track
-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;/;fdfg 1.00 j=dL= 8544.38 8544.37
Supplying and Fixing of Fixed Windows and Partition with Fixed Ventilators from 9 mm Board
216 and Section Size(101*45*1.5) mm
O 10 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Fixed Window and Partition with
-Hofnf ;lxt_ Fixed Ventilator from 9mm Board 1.00 j=dL= 7973.28 7973.28
sf ;/;fdfg 7973.28
Supplying and Fixing of Two/Three Panelled Sliding Windows Section Size (85*50*1.3) mm
218 and 5 mm Glass Including Mosquito-proof Net Panel
O 12 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Two/Three Panelled
-Hofnf ;lxt_ Sliding Simple Windows 1.00 j=dL= 11245.50 11245.50
sf ;/;fdfg 11245.50
Supplying and Fixing of Two/Three Panelled Sliding Window with Fixed Ventilation
219 Section Size (101*50*1.3) mm and 5 mm Glass
O 13 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Two/Three Panelled
-Hofnf ;lxt_ Sliding Windows with Fixed Ventilation 1.00 j=dL= 10584.00 10584.00
sf ;/;fdfg 10584.00
Supplying and Fixing of Two/Three Panelled Sliding Simple Window with Fixed Ventilation
220 Section Size (101*50*1.3) mm and 5 mm Glass Including Mosquito-proof Net Panel
O 14 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Two/Three Panelled
L Sliding Simple Windows with Fixed
-Hofnf ;lxt_ Ventilation 1.00 j=dL= 11907.00 11907.00
sf ;/;fdfg 11907.00
221 Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Casement Window with Fixed Ventilation Section Size (37*38.5*1.7) mm
O 15 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Casement Window
-Hofnf ;lxt_ with Fixed Ventilation 1.00 j=dL= 8070.30 8070.30
sf ;/;fdfg 8070.30
222 Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Casement Window with Fixed Ventilation Section Size (42*38*2.12) mm
O 16 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Casement Window
-Hofnf ;lxt_ with Fixed Ventilation 1.00 j=dL= 10584.00 10584.00
sf ;/;fdfg 10584.00
223 Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Two Panelled Hinged Door Section Size (72.2*50*1.5) mm
O 17 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Two Panelled Hinged Door
-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;/;fdfg 1.00 j=dL= 15214.50 15214.50 15214.50
224 Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Single Panelled Hinged Door Section Size (72.2*50*1.5) mm
O 18 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Single Panelled Hinged Door
-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;/;fdfg 1.00 j=dL= 13891.50 13891.50 13891.50
225 Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Two Panelled Swing Door Section Size (101.6*44.5*1.8) mm
O 19 b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu| Single Panelled Hinged Door
-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;/;fdfg 1.00 j=dL= 16008.30 16008.30 16008.30
226 Fabrication of Gabion Boxes Including Rolling, Cutting and Filling of Stones in Gabion Boxes and Placing in
Position Including Stretching, Wiring the Gabion Together and Tying Down, Hexagonal Mesh Size 100x120,
Norms:16-5 Mesh Wire 10SWG, Selvedge Wire 7SWG, Box Size 3m*1m*1m
Kha, 16(11) Unit: Box
S.N. Description of item Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
1 Labours
1.1 Unskilled Md 2.38 615.00 1463.70
1.2 Skilled Md 0.63 910.00 573.30
Labour Cost Sub Total 1 2037.00
2 Materials
2.1 Mesh wire Kg 35.10 124.00 4352.40
2.2 Selvegde wire Kg 4.10 124.00 508.40
2.3 Binding wire(12 SWG) Kg 1.30 124.00 161.20
2.4 Stone Cum 3.00 4200.00 12600.00
Material Cost Sub Total 2 17622.00
Total Cost 19659.00
Contractor's Profit/Overhead @ 15 % of Total Cost 2948.85
Grand Total 22607.85
Unit Rate=Rs. 22607.85 7,535.95 per Cum
Supply and fixing of two/ three paneled Sliding window with fixed ventilation (101*50*1.3)mm and 5mm glass including
mosquito proof net panel.
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd ;fwgsf]
lgdf{0f ;fdu| hDdf
-Hofnf ;lxt_ casement door 1.00 j=dL= 9207.00 9207.00
sf ;/;fdfgx? 9207.00
b ;dfKt a
Ground Floor
Along Grid A-A 1 6.90 0.23 2.54 4.03
Along Grid B-B,C-C 2 7.16 0.23 2.54 8.37
Along Grid D-D 1 9.26 0.23 2.54 5.41
Along Grid 1-1 1 3.45 0.23 2.54 2.02
Along Grid 2-2,4-4 2 8.30 0.23 2.54 9.70
Along Grid 3-3 1 7.00 0.12 2.54 2.13
W1 -4 1.50 0.23 1.20 -1.65
W2 -1 1.00 0.23 1.20 -0.27
V -3 0.75 0.23 0.30 -0.15
V1 -2 0.45 0.23 0.30 -0.06
D1 -5 0.90 0.23 2.10 -2.17
D2 -1 0.65 0.12 2.10 -0.16
Total Quantity :- 41.97 Cu.M
Rubble masonry works including supply of stone,
preparing cement mortar of 1:4 ratio &
construction of wall upo 5m high for haulage
distance of 10m.
Retaining Wall
Below GL 1 16.20 0.90 0.62 9.04
Above GL 1 16.20 0.68 2.39 26.13
Total Quantity :- 35.17 Cu.M
4.00 Concreting Work
Supplying mixing, placing, compacting
plain/reinforced cement concrete of M10
4.01 excluding the cost of reinforcement bars &
formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction of engineer all complete.
CF 1 4 3.00 1.50 0.32 5.76
F 1(Rectangular Part) 7 1.50 1.50 0.22 3.47
F 1(Trapezoidal Part) V=A1+A2+sqrt(A1*A2)*h/3
F 1(Trapezoidal Part) 7 0.16 1.14
Footing Beam &Tie Beam
Along grid A-A 2 7.10 0.25 0.30 1.07
Along grid B-B,C-C,D-D 6 9.20 0.25 0.30 4.14
Along Grid 1-1 2 5.60 0.25 0.30 0.84
Along Grid 2-2,3-3,4-4 6 8.47 0.25 0.30 3.81
Maim bar 180.00 1.70 12.00 0.88 269.28
Distribution bar 180.00 1.70 12.00 0.88 269.28
Column bleow plint beam 0
60.00 2.01 16.00 1.58 190.54
60.00 2.01 12.00 0.88 106.12
2499196.11 2499196.11
Attested by :-
Total amounts upto this bill :- 2499196.11 Signature of contractor
Payment from previous bill :- 0.00
Remaining amounts :- 2499196.11
Deducting amounts:-
Advance payment :- 0.00 (-)
Pre income tax @ 1.5% :- 37487.94 (-)
Deposit 5.00% as retention amount :- 124959.80 (-)
Net Amounts to be paid :- 2336748.37
VAT @ 13% 324895.49 (+)
Total payable amount = 2661643.86