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08PP1A0221 08PP1A0242
Sattipandu786@gmail.com amjadpashamohammed@gmail.com
B.tech, EEE (III/IV) B.tech, EEE (III/IV)
ABSTRACT: environmental impacts associated with
electricity generation will be significantly
The electricity requirements of the world reduced
are increasing at an alarming rate and the
power demand has been running ahead of
supply. It is also now widely recognized
that the fossil fuels and other conventional
resources, presently being used for
generation of electrical energy, may not be
either sufficient or suitable to keep pace
with ever increasing demand of electrical
energy of the world. Also the generation of
electrical power by coal based steam
power plants or nuclear power plants
causes pollution. The recent severe energy
crisis has forced the world to develop new
and alternative methods of power
generation, which could not be adopted so
far due to various reasons. The magneto-
hydro-dynamic(MHD) power generation is Green energy includes natural energetic
one of the examples of a unique method of processes that can be harnessed with little
power generation. The other non- pollution. Anaerobic digestion, geothermal
conventional methods of power generation power, wind power, small-scale
may be solar cells, fuel cells, thermo- hydropower, solar energy, biomass power,
electric generator, thermionic conveter, tidal power, and wave power fall under
wind power generation, tidal power such a category. Some definitions may
generation. This paper gives information also include power derived from the
about different types of incineration of waste.
Renewable Energy Sources. Some
attention is also paid to reasons for Some people, including George Monbiot
increase in power demand, energy and James Lovelock have specifically
problem, present condition &TOWS classified nuclear power as green energy.
analysis. Others, including Greenpeace disagree,
claiming that the problems associated with
INTRODUCTION: radioactive waste and the risk of nuclear
accidents (such as the Chernobyl disaster)
pose an unacceptable risk to the
Green Power: environment and to humanity.

Green power is electricity that is generated No power source is entirely impact-free.

from resources such as solar, wind, All energy sources require energy and give
geothermal, biomass, and low-impact rise to some degree of pollution from
hydro facilities. Conventional electricity manufacture of the technology.
generation, based on the combustion of
fossil fuels, is the nation's single largest In several countries with common carrier
industrial source of air pollution. The arrangements, electricity retailing
increasing availability of green power arrangements make it possible for
enables electricity customers to accelerate consumers to purchase green electricity
installation of renewable energy (renewable electricity) from either their
technologies. As more green power utility or a green power provider.
sources are developed - displacing
conventional generation - the overall
When energy is purchased from the In the United States, one of the main
electricity network, the power reaching the problems with purchasing green energy
consumer will not necessarily be generated through the electrical grid is the current
from green energy sources. The local centralized infrastructure that supplies the
utility company, electric company, or state consumer’s electricity. This infrastructure
power pool buys their electricity from has led to increasingly frequent brown outs
electricity producers who may be and black outs, high CO2 emissions, higher
generating from fossil fuel, nuclear or energy costs, and power quality issues.[50]
renewable energy sources. In many An additional $450 billion will be invested
countries green energy currently provides to expand this fledgling system over the
a very small amount of electricity, next 20 years to meet increasing demand.
generally contributing less than 2 to 5% to In addition, this centralized system is
the overall pool. In some U.S. states, local now being further overtaxed with the
governments have formed regional power incorporation of renewable energies such
purchasing pools using Community as wind, solar, and geothermal energies.
Choice Aggregation and Solar Bonds to Renewable resources, due to the amount of
achieve a 51% renewable mix or higher, space they require, are often located in
such as in the City of San Francisco. remote areas where there is a lower energy
demand. The current infrastructure would
By participating in a green energy program make transporting this energy to high
a consumer may be having an effect on the demand areas, such as urban centers,
energy sources used and ultimately might highly inefficient and in some cases
be helping to promote and expand the use impossible. In addition, despite the amount
of green energy. They are also making a of renewable energy produced or the
statement to policy makers that they are economic viability of such technologies
willing to pay a price premium to support only about 20 percent will be able to be
renewable energy. Green energy incorporated into the grid. To have a more
consumers either obligate the utility sustainable energy profile, the United
companies to increase the amount of green States must move towards implementing
energy that they purchase from the pool changes to the electrical grid that will
(so decreasing the amount of non-green accommodate a mixed-fuel economy.[52]
energy they purchase), or directly fund the
green energy through a green power However, several initiatives are being
provider. If insufficient green energy proposed to mitigate these distribution
sources are available, the utility must problems. First and foremost, the most
develop new ones or contract with a third effective way to reduce USA’s CO 2
party energy supplier to provide green emissions and slow global warming is
energy, causing more to be built. However, through conservation efforts. Opponents of
there is no way the consumer can check the current US electrical grid have also
whether or not the electricity bought is advocated for decentralizing the grid. This
"green" or otherwise. system would increase efficiency by
reducing the amount of energy lost in
In some countries such as the Netherlands, transmission. It would also be
electricity companies guarantee to buy an economically viable as it would reduce the
equal amount of 'green power' as is being amount of power lines that will need to be
used by their green power customers. The constructed in the future to keep up with
Dutch government exempts green power demand. Merging heat and power in this
from pollution taxes, which means green system would create added benefits and
power is hardly any more expensive than help to increase its efficiency by up to 80-
other power. 90%. This is a significant increase from
the current fossil fuel plants which only
have an efficiency of 34%.[53]
A more recent concept for improving our
electrical grid is to beam microwaves from
Earth-orbiting satellites or the moon to
directly when and where there is demand.
The power would be generated from solar
energy captured on the lunar surface In
this system, the receivers would be “broad,
translucent tent-like structures that would
receive microwaves and convert them to
electricity”. NASA said in 2000 that the
technology was worth pursuing but it is
still too soon to say if the technology will
be cost-effective.[54]
Monocrystalline solar cell.
The World Wide Fund for Nature and
several green electricity labelling
Solar energy is the energy derived from
organizations have created the Eugene
the sun through the form of solar radiation.
Green Energy Standard under which the
Solar powered electrical generation relies
national green electricity certification
on photovoltaics and heat engines. A
schemes can be accredited to ensure that
partial list of other solar applications
the purchase of green energy leads to the
includes space heating and cooling through
provision of additional new green energy
solar architecture, daylighting, solar hot
water, solar cooking, and high temperature
process heat for industrial purposes.

Solar energy is vital to support life on

Types of Renewable Energy earth, it helps to grow our food, light our
1. Solar Energy days, influence weather patterns, provide
heat, and can be used to generate solar
2. Wind Energy electricity.
3. Geothermal Energy
Solar electricity relies upon man-made
4. Bioenergy devices such as solar panels or solar cells
5. Hydropower in order to provide a source of clean, and
low cost renewable energy.
6. Ocean Energy
7. Hydrogen & Fuel Cells

Solar energy:
Solar energy is the energy received by the
earth from the sun. This energy is in the
form of solar radiation, which makes the We have used energy from the sun to
production of solar electricity possible. provide electricity for many years, in the
form of solar cell calculators and other
small, low energy consuming devices.
As solar energy technologies become more windmill's modern equivalent - a wind
advanced, we are able to exploit the energy turbine - can use the wind's energy to
we receive from the sun to provide a generate electricity.
greater, significant amount of our
electricity or even hot water (when using Wind turbines, like windmills, are
solar hot water panels). mounted on a tower to capture the most
energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more
The solar energy definition above aboveground, they can take advantage of
mentions how energy from the sun is the faster and less turbulent wind. Turbines
transported to earth through the form of catch the wind's energy with their
solar radiation. Photons contained in this propeller-like blades. Usually, two or three
solar radiation makes the generation of blades are mounted on a shaft to form a
electricity from the suns rays possible. rotor.
Solar energy is also partly responsible for
wind energy, as wind patterns are greatly
influenced by the sun. Also, the sun is
responsible for heating the ground beneath
our feet to a significant degree to support
the use of geothermal, ground source heat

Without the existence of solar energy,

human life could not be supported on
planet earth due to many different factors. Modern wind turbines tower above one of
their ancestors-an old windmill used for
If you would like to view articles covering pumping water. Credit: Warren Gretz
the different topics of solar energy, our
articles section contains many solar energy A blade acts much like an airplane wing.
articles. When the wind blows, a pocket of low-
pressure air forms on the downwind side
Solar technologies are broadly
of the blade. The low-pressure air pocket
characterized as either passive solar or
then pulls the blade toward it, causing the
active solar depending on the way they
rotor to turn. This is called lift. The force
capture, convert and distribute solar
of the lift is actually much stronger than
energy. Active solar techniques include the
use of photovoltaic panels and solar the wind's force against the front side of
thermal collectors to harness the energy. the blade, which is called drag. The
Passive solar techniques include orienting combination of lift and drag causes the
a building to the Sun, selecting materials rotor to spin like a propeller, and the
with favorable thermal mass or light turning shaft spins a generator to make
dispersing properties, and designing spaces electricity.
that naturally circulate air
Wind turbines can be used as stand-alone
applications, or they can be connected to a
Wind Energy: utility power grid or even combined with a
photovoltaic (solar cell) system. For
We have been harnessing the wind's
utility-scale sources of wind energy, a
energy for hundreds of years. From old
large number of wind turbines are usually
Holland to farms in the United States,
built close together to form awind plant.
windmills have been used for pumping
Several electricity providers today use
water or grinding grain. Today, the
wind plants to supply power to their power station but operating costs are low
customers. resulting in low energy costs for suitable
sites. Ultimately, this energy derives from
Stand-alone wind turbines are typically heat in the Earth's core.
used for water pumping or
communications. However, homeowners, Three types of power plants are used to
farmers, and ranchers in windy areas can generate power from geothermal energy:
also use wind turbines as a way to cut their dry steam, flash, and binary. Dry steam
electric bills. plants take steam out of fractures in the
ground and use it to directly drive a turbine
Small wind systems also have potential as that spins a generator. Flash plants take hot
distributed energy resources. Distributed water, usually at temperatures over
energy resources refer to a variety of 200 °C, out of the ground, and allows it to
small, modular power-generating boil as it rises to the surface then separates
the steam phase in steam/water separators
technologies that can be combined to
and then runs the steam through a turbine.
improve the operation of the electricity
In binary plants, the hot water flows
delivery system.
through heat exchangers, boiling an
organic fluid that spins the turbine. The
Additional Resources on Wind Energy
condensed steam and remaining
geothermal fluid from all three types of
 Find out about the wind energy plants are injected back into the hot rock to
industry from the American Wind pick up more heat.[citation needed]
Energy Association.
 Find out about wind energy The geothermal energy from the core of
research from NREL's National the Earth is closer to the surface in some
Wind Technology Center. areas than in others. Where hot
underground steam or water can be tapped
and brought to the surface it may be used
to generate electricity. Such geothermal
Geothermal energy: power sources exist in certain geologically
unstable parts of the world such as Chile,
Iceland, New Zealand, United States, the
Philippines and Italy. The two most
prominent areas for this in the United
States are in the Yellowstone basin and in
northern California. Iceland produced 170
MW geothermal power and heated 86% of
all houses in the year 2000 through
geothermal energy. Some 8000 MW of
capacity is operational in total.[citation needed]

Krafla Geothermal Station in northeast There is also the potential to generate

Iceland geothermal energy from hot dry rocks.
Holes at least 3 km deep are drilled into
Geothermal energy is energy obtained by the earth. Some of these holes pump water
tapping the heat of the earth itself, both into the earth, while other holes pump hot
from kilometers deep into the Earth's crust water out. The heat resource consists of
in volcanically active locations of the hot underground radiogenic granite rocks,
globe or from shallow depths, as in which heat up when there is enough
geothermal heat pumps in most locations sediment between the rock and the earths
of the planet. It is expensive to build a
surface. Several companies in Australia are in its pure form, but it is usually used as a
exploring this tec gasoline additive to increase octane and
improve vehicle emissions. Bioethanol is
Bioenergy: widely used in the USA and in Brazil.

Biomass (plant material) is a renewable Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils,

energy source because the energy it animal fats or recycled greases. Biodiesel
contains comes from the sun. Through the can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its
process of photosynthesis, plants capture pure form, but it is usually used as a diesel
the sun's energy. When the plants are additive to reduce levels of particulates,
burned, they release the sun's energy they carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons from
contain. In this way, biomass functions as diesel-powered vehicles. Biodiesel is
a sort of natural battery for storing solar produced from oils or fats using
energy. As long as biomass is produced transesterification and is the most common
sustainably, with only as much used as is biofuel in Europe.
grown, the battery will last indefinitely.[26]
Biofuels provided 1.8% of the world's
In general there are two main approaches transport fuel in 2008.
to using plants for energy production:
growing plants specifically for energy use, The major advantage of biofuels emerges
and using the residues from plants that are from their minor impact on the carbon
used for other things. The best approaches cycle in nature. While fossil fuels add
vary from region to region according to carbon to the carbon cycle, biofuels
climate, soils and geography.[26] recycle the carbon via the path of plants -
biofuel - atmospheric carbon dioxide -
Biofuel plants.


Information on pump regarding ethanol

fuel blend up to 10%, California.

Liquid biofuel is usually either bioalcohol Grand Coulee Dam is a hydroelectric

such as bioethanol or an oil such as gravity dam on the Columbia River in the
biodiesel. U.S. state of Washington. The dam
supplies four power stations with an
Bioethanol is an alcohol made by installed capacity of 6,809 MW and is the
fermenting the sugar components of plant largest electric power-producing facility in
materials and it is made mostly from sugar the United States.
and starch crops. With advanced
technology being developed, cellulosic Energy in water can be harnessed and
biomass, such as trees and grasses, are also used. Since water is about 800 times
used as feedstocks for ethanol production. denser than air,[24][25] even a slow flowing
Ethanol can be used as a fuel for vehicles stream of water, or moderate sea swell, can
yield considerable amounts of energy.
There are many forms of water energy:
Workers install equipment for an ocean
Hydroelectric energy is a term usually thermal energy conversion experiment in
reserved for large-scale hydroelectric 1994 at Hawaii's Natural Energy
dams. Examples are the Grand Coulee Laboratory. Credit: A. Resnick, Makai
Dam in Washington State and the Ocean Engineering, Inc.
Akosombo Dam in Ghana.
Ocean thermal energy is used for many
Micro hydro systems are hydroelectric applications, including electricity
power installations that typically produce generation. There are three types of
up to 100 kW of power. They are often electricity conversion systems: closed-
used in water rich areas as a remote-area cycle, open-cycle, and hybrid. Closed-
power supply (RAPS). There are many of cycle systems use the ocean's warm
these installations around the world, surface water to vaporize a working fluid,
including several delivering around 50 kW
which has a low-boiling point, such as
in the Solomon Islands.
ammonia. The vapor expands and turns a
turbine. The turbine then activates a
Damless hydro systems derive kinetic
generator to produce electricity. Open-
energy from rivers and oceans without
using a dam. cycle systems actually boil the seawater by
operating at low pressures. This produces
Ocean energy describes all the steam that passes through a
technologies to harness energy from the turbine/generator. And hybrid systems
ocean and the sea. This includes marine combine both closed-cycle and open-cycle
current power,ocean thermal energy systems.

Ocean mechanical energy is quite different

Ocean Energy: from ocean thermal energy. Even though
the sun affects all ocean activity, tides are
The ocean can produce two types of
driven primarily by the gravitational pull
energy: thermal energy from the sun's
of the moon, and waves are driven
heat, and mechanical energy from the tides
primarily by the winds. As a result, tides
and waves.
and waves are intermittent sources of
energy, while ocean thermal energy is
Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth's
fairly constant. Also, unlike thermal
surface, making them the world's largest
energy, the electricity conversion of both
solar collectors. The sun's heat warms the
tidal and wave energy usually involves
surface water a lot more than the deep
mechanical devices.
ocean water, and this temperature
difference creates thermal energy. Just a
A barrage (dam) is typically used to
small portion of the heat trapped in the
convert tidal energy into electricity by
ocean could power the world.
forcing the water through turbines,
activating a generator. For wave energy
conversion, there are three basic systems:
channel systems that funnel the waves into
reservoirs; float systems that drive
hydraulic pumps; and oscillating water
column systems that use the waves to
compress air within a container. The
mechanical power created from these
systems either directly activates a Hydrogen is high in energy, yet an engine
generator or transfers to a working fluid, that burns pure hydrogen produces almost
water, or air, which then drives a no pollution. NASA has used liquid
turbine/generator. hydrogen since the 1970s to propel the
space shuttle and other rockets into orbit.
Ocean energy content for this section Hydrogen fuel cells power the shuttle's
provided in part by the National electrical systems, producing a clean
Renewable Energy Laboratory and the byproduct - pure water, which the crew
Department of Energy. drinks.

Hydrogen Energy: A fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen

to produce electricity, heat, and water.
Hydrogen is the simplest element. An Fuel cells are often compared to batteries.
atom of hydrogen consists of only one Both convert the energy produced by a
proton and one electron. It's also the most chemical reaction into usable electric
plentiful element in the universe. Despite power. However, the fuel cell will produce
its simplicity and abundance, hydrogen electricity as long as fuel (hydrogen) is
doesn't occur naturally as a gas on the supplied, never losing its charge.
Earth - it's always combined with other
elements. Water, for example, is a Fuel cells are a promising technology for
combination of hydrogen and oxygen use as a source of heat and electricity for
(H2O). buildings, and as an electrical power
source for electric motors propelling
Hydrogen is also found in many organic vehicles. Fuel cells operate best on pure
compounds, notably the hydrocarbons that hydrogen. But fuels like natural gas,
make up many of our fuels, such as methanol, or even gasoline can be
gasoline, natural gas, methanol, and reformed to produce the hydrogen required
propane. Hydrogen can be separated from for fuel cells. Some fuel cells even can be
hydrocarbons through the application of fueled directly with methanol, without
heat - a process known as reforming. using a reformer.
Currently, most hydrogen is made this way
from natural gas. An electrical current can In the future, hydrogen could also join
also be used to separate water into its electricity as an important energy carrier.
components of oxygen and hydrogen. This An energy carrier moves and delivers
process is known as electrolysis. energy in a usable form to consumers.
Renewable energy sources, like the sun
and wind, can't produce energy all the
time. But they could, for example, produce
electric energy and hydrogen, which can
be stored until it's needed. Hydrogen can
also be transported (like electricity) to
locations where it is needed.

Solutions to long-term energy
problem will come only through Research
& Development in the fields of non-
conventional energy sources. Due to the
limited oil reserves, India has to depend on
NASA uses hydrogen fuel to launch the
substantial imports for meeting its future
space shuttles. Credit: NASA
The availability of animal dung and
agricultural waste is likely to increase in
the future due to increased agricultural
production and animal population. With
the popularization of biogas plants there
might be an increase in the consumption of
animal dung used as a fuel in the
household sector. Biogas and solar energy
offer the greatest scope for development of
new energy sources. Application of wind
power for agricultural pumping with
certain prototype models is undergoing
trails. Exploration to establish the
geothermal and tidal potential is in

-November 2004

Also see the U.S. Department of Energy's

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure
Technologies Program

Hydrogen content for this section provided

in part by the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory and the Department of Energy.

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