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Drug Study 1

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Drug Name Dosage Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Consideration

Generic Name: Dose: Exhibits anti- Treatment of a  Hypersensitivity to CNS: seizures (high  Patient monitoring
Cefuroxime 750mg inflammatory, variety of penicillins or doses).  Monitor patient for life-threatening
analgesic, and infections clavulanate adverse effects, including
Brand Name: Frequency: antipyretic action including:  History of GI: clostridium anaphylaxis, Stevens-Johnson
Ceftin PRN due to inhibition of Urinary tract amoxicillin/clavulan difficile-associated syndrome, and pseudomembranous
COX-2 enzyme. infections, ate-associated diarrhea (CDAD), colitis.
Pharmacologic Route: Intra- cholestatic jaundice diarrhea, hepatic  Monitor neurologic status,
Class: Second intravenous abdominal and dysfunction, nausea, particularly for signs of impending
generation gynecologic Use Cautiously in: vomiting. seizures.
cephalosporin infections.  Severe renal  Monitor kidney and liver function
insufficiency Derm: rash, test results and intake and output.
Therapeutic  Infectious urticaria.  Monitor CBC with differential and
Class: Anti- mononucleosis (risk prothrombin time; watch for signs
infective of rash) Hematocrit: blood and symptoms of blood dyscrasias.
 Hepatic impairment dyscrasias.  Monitor temperature; watch for
(dose cautiously, signs and symptoms of
monitor liver others: allergic superinfection.
function) reactions including  Monitor CBC, electrolyte levels,
anaphylaxis and creatinine clearance, occult fecal
serum sickness, blood test, and liver function test
superinfection results every 6 to 12 months.
 Patient teaching
 Advise patient to immediately
report bloody stools, vomiting of
blood, or signs or symptoms of liver
damage (nausea, fatigue, lethargy,
pruritus, yellowing of eyes or skin,
tenderness in upper right abdomen,
or flulike symptoms)
 Tell patient to avoid aspirin and
other NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen
and naproxen) during therapy.
 As appropriate, review all other
significant and life-threatening
adverse reactions

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