Medication Main Action Side Effects Nursing Interventions
Monitor blood glucose levels, educate on signs Lowers blood glucose levels Hypoglycemia, weight gain, of hypoglycemia and appropriate responses Insulin by promoting cellular uptake injection site reactions (e.g., consuming quick sugars), and rotate of glucose like redness and swelling injection sites to prevent irritation.
Increases blood osmotic Monitor blood pressure, watch for
Hypertension, fluid overload, Albumin pressure, expanding plasma signs of fluid overload such as volume and improving fluid allergic reactions edema and breathlessness, assess balance for allergic reactions
Lowers blood ammonia levels
Nausea, diarrhea, Monitor ammonia levels, watch for Hepamerz to support liver function, hypersensitivity reactions hypersensitivity symptoms, assess liver especially in hepatic function encephalopathy
Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) that Monitor for symptom improvement,
Controloc decreases stomach acid production, Headache, nausea, educate on dietary adjustments, and (Pantoprazole) making it useful in treating acid dizziness check serum magnesium levels during reflux, GERD, and peptic ulcers. prolonged therapy.
Improves capillary wall Monitor for bleeding signs, assess skin
Dycinon stability and promotes blood Headache, skin rash, for any rash or allergic reaction and gastrointestinal disturbances (Etamsylate) clotting, used to manage educate patients on recognizing bleeding. potential side effects Medication Main Action Side Effects Nursing Interventions Monitor for signs of bleeding, assess renal Cyclokapron Prevents clot breakdown, function, ensure adequate used in controlling heavy Nausea, diarrhea, headache (Tranexamic Acid) hydration,educate patients to report bleeding unusual symptoms such as vision changes. Broad-spectrum antibiotic Observe for allergic reactions, watch for signs Cefopid Diarrhea, allergic reactions, that inhibits bacterial cell of secondary fungal infections, and educate on (Cefoperazone) wall synthesis fungal infections completing the antibiotic course.
Broad-spectrum antibiotic Monitor for allergic reactions, assess
Rocephin Diarrhea, injection site pain, that interferes with bacterial injection site regularly, and provide (Ceftriaxone) cell wall synthesis hypersensitivity pain management if needed.
Antibacterial and antiprotozoal, Encourage food intake to reduce nausea,
Flagyl used for anaerobic infections Nausea, metallic taste, educate about possible metallic taste, assess (Metronidazole) and some parasitic infections headache for neurological symptoms like numbness
Anticoagulant that prevents Monitor for bleeding, rotate injection
Clexane Bleeding, bruising, injection sites, and educate on avoiding clot formation, especially post- site pain activities that may cause injury (Enoxaparin) surgery
Diuretic that helps in fluid Monitor daily weight, monitor