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Design of High Gain Folded-Cascode Operational Amplifier Using 1.25 Um CMOS

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011
ISSN 2229-5518

“Design of High Gain Folded-Cascode

Operational Amplifier Using 1.25 um CMOS
Er. Rajni
Abstract This paper presents a design of the Folded-cascode operational amplifier using 1.25µm CMOS technology, which leads to high
gain as compared to a normal cascode circuit. The simulation of the cascode and folded cascode circuits is done using TSPICE simulation
tool and the LEVEL–2, 1.25 µm parameters are used. A complete analysis of the circuit is presented in this paper which shows how this
circuit leads to a high gain and resistance at output. A comparison between the cascode and Folded-Cascode op amps is described. We
have also described their simulated and calculated results comparison individually. This paper provides a considerable insight into the
overall operation and advantages of the folded-cascode circuit. This design overcomes some limitations and drawbacks of the various
previously presented described architectures.

Index Terms Operational amplifier, complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, common-mode range, input common-mode range,
power-supply rejection ratio.

——————————  ——————————
1 INTRODUCTION digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters, input

and output signal buffers, and many more, and to compare its
he design of op amps continues to pose a challenge as
some of the performance parameters with the two-stage
the supply voltage and transistor channel length scale
cascode op-amp by designing cascode op-amp for the almost
down with each generation of CMOS technologies.
same specifications.
Operational amplifiers are the amplifier (controlled sources)
The paper is organized as follows: in section-2 we present
that has sufficiently high gain so that when negative
all the configurations for simulating and measuring the above
feedback is applied, the closed loop transfer function is specified and many other characteristics. The section-3 gives
practically independent of the gain of the op amp. This conclusion of this paper.
principle has been exploited to develop many useful analog
circuits and systems. The primary requirement of an op amp
is to have an open-loop gain that is sufficiently large to 2 CASCODE STAGE
implement the negative feedback concept. As we know the input signal of a common-gate stage may
Different architectures have been used [10],[11],[12],[13] to be a current and also that in the common-source
obtain high gain bandwidth, output resistance and power- arrangement a transistor converts a voltage signal to a
supply rejection. Two-stage Cascode op amps circuits are current signal. The cascade of a CS stage and a CG stage is
widely used in circuit designs at places where high gain and called a ‘cascode’ topology, which provides many useful
high output impedances are required. Folded cascade gives properties. Fig.2.1 shows the basic configuration: M1
better performance even than the cascode op amp circuit. generates a small signal drain current that is proportional to
These architectures have been compared, using TSPICE Vin and M2 simply routes the current to RD . We call M1 the
simulations, in this paper along with drawbacks and
advantages of each. input device and M2 the cascode device. Note that in this
The difference between an Operational Transconductance example, M1 and M2 carry equal currents. As we describe
Amplifier (OTA) and an Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp) is the attributes of the circuit in this section, many advantages
that the op-amp has got an output buffer so that it is able to of the cascode topology over a simple Common-Source
drive resistive loads. An OTA can only drive capacitive loads. stage become evident. [Razavi, design of Analog CMOS
Our goal is the design analysis and simulation of a High Integrated Circuits]
Gain Folded-Cascode Op Amp using CMOS process in order
to use it in wide applications ([7],[14],[17],18]) like in the
design of high-order filters, signal amplifiers, analog-to-

 Author is currently working as Assistant Professor at JCDM college of
Engg., Sirsa(Hry), India. E-mail: er.rajni08@gmail.com

IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011
ISSN 2229-5518

Figure.3.1 Two-stage Cascode op amp

3.1 Specifications

Figure.2.1 Cascode stage 1. VDD  VSS =2.5V

2. Slew rate = 5V/ s with a 50 pF load
3. GB = 10MHZ with a 10 pF load
4. Av  5000V/V
5. ICMR = -1 to +1.5V
6. Output swing =  1.5 V

3.2 Design Equations to be used:

I out
1. Slew rate = (1)
g  g  g m8 
2. GB  m1 m 6 (2)
2 g m3C L

g m1  g m 6  g m8 
3. Av    RII (3)
g m3  2 
Figure.2.2 Input-output characteristics of a cascode stage

4. Positive CMR
I 
OP-AMP Vin (max)  VDD   5  | VTO3 | (max)  VT 1 (min)
 3 

5. Negative CMR
1/ 2
I 
Vin min   VSS  VDS 5 sat    5   VT 1 (max) (5)
 1 
IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011
ISSN 2229-5518

6. g m  2  K ' N , P  S N , P  I D (6) 4 DESIGN APPROACH FOR THE FOLDED-CASCODE OP-

7. g ds  I D (7)

8. rds  1 / I D (8)

2 I DS
9. V DS ( sat )  (9)

10. The overall gain of the input stage is

AvI  g m 2 / g m 4  g m1 / g m3 (10)

11. The gain of second stage is

 g  g m8 
AvII   m 6  RII (11)
 2  Figure 4.1 Proposed folded cascode op amp

4.1 Spesifications For the Design:

RII is given by
1. Power Supply, VDD  VSS  2.5V
RII  g m7 rds7 rds6  g m12rds12rds11  (12) 2. Slew rate (SR) = 10V/ S
3. Load capacitance, C L = 10pF
Av  g m1 / 2 g m 4 g m6  g m8 kRII (13) 4. Output Voltage Swing ( Vout (swing)) =  2V
5. Gain Bandwidth (GB) = 10MHz
AMP CIRCUIT OF FIG.4.3 1.5V to +2.5V
Av 
7. Differential Voltage Gain ( ) 5000V/V
Sr. (W/L) ratios Transistor widths
No. 8. Power Dissipation  5mW
1. S1 = S 2 = 25 W1  W2  31.25 4.2 Design Equations to be used:
2. S 3 = S 4 =30.36 W3  W4  38
3. S 5 =15 W5  18.75 I3
1. Slew rate =
4 S 6  S 7  S 8  76 W6  W7  W8  95 CL
2. Bias currents in output cascodes, avoiding zero currents
5. S 9  S10  S11  S12  W9  W10  W11  W12  in cascodes
31.61 =39.51 I 4  I 5  1.2I 3to1.5I 3
6. S13 =20 W13  25
7. S14  S15 =76 W14  W15  95 3. Using maximum output voltage, vout max 
2I 5 2I
S5  ' 2
, S 7  ' 72 (14)

IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011
ISSN 2229-5518

VDD  Vout min  10. Power dissipation

VSD5 sat   VSD7 sat   (15) Pdiss  VDD  VSS I 3  I12  I10  I11  (25)

LetS 4  S14  S 5 and S13  S 6  S 7 (16) 11.Positive CMR

I 
Vin (max)  VDD   5  | VTO3 | (max)  VT 1 (min)
4. Using minimum output voltage, Vout min   3 
Vout min  | VSS |
VDS 9 sat   VDS11 sat   (17) 12. Negative CMR
2 1/ 2
I 
Vin min   VSS  VDS 5 sat    5   VT 1 (max)
 1 
2 I11 2I 9
S11  , S9  (18)
K NV 2 DS11
K N V 2 DS 9

13. R9  g m9 rds9 rds11 (26)

Let S10  S11 and S 8  S 9 (19)
14. The second stage resistance is
5. Self-bias cascade
1  1 1 
RII  R9 g m 7 (27)
R1  VSD14 sat  \ I14 and R2  VDS 8 sat  \ I 6 g ds7  g ds2 g ds5 

1  1 1 
g RII  g m9 rds9 rds11 g m 7
6. GB  ml g ds7  g ds2 g ds5 
g 2 ml GB 2 C 2 L
S1  S 2  '  (21)
K N I3 K 'N I3 15. The small-signal voltage gain is given by

7. Using minimum input CM  2k 

Av    g mI RII (29)
 2  2k 
2I  I3 
S 3  ' 3 Vin min   VSS   VT 1 
K N  K ' N S1  R9 g ds2  g ds4 
(22) where k
g m 7 rds7
8. Using maximum input CM
S4 and S5 must meet or exceed the requirement of step 16. g m  2  K ' N , P  S N , P  I D

S 4  S5 
2I 4
(23) 17. g ds  I D
K '
P VDD  Vin max   VT 1 
18. rds  1 / I D
9. Differential voltage gain
vout  g m1 g m2   2k 
    RII    g m1 RII 2 I DS
vin  2 21  k    2  2k  19. V DS ( sat ) 


IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011
ISSN 2229-5518

The following table shows the comparison between the

TABLE 4.2.1 TRANSISTOR SIZING OF THE PROPOSED FOLDED performance parameters taken in specifications for the
CASCODE OP AMP CIRCUIT OF FIG. 4.1 design and that resulted after simulations of the Folded
Sr. (W/L) ratios Transistor widths Cascode Op Amp.
No V / m ) (
m )
1. S1  S 2  62.45 W1  W2  78.1 Sr.No. Performance Specifications Simulated
2. S 3 = 140.5 W3  175.6 parameters Results
3. S 4  S 5  S14 =152 W4  W5  W14  23.75 1. Voltage Gain >5000 6053
4. S 6  S 7  S13  W6  W7  W13  38 2. Unity Gain 10 MHz 8 MHz
5. S8  S 9  S10  S11  W
638 .
22W9  W10  W11  79.025
=63.22 =79.025
3. ICMR (V) -1.5V to +2.5V -1.0V to
6. S12 = 175.63 W12  219.53
7. S15 = 62.45 W15  78.1
4. PSRR (dB) 60dB 55dB
5. Output  2V -2.3V to
For simulating the proposed cascode and the folded cascode
6. Slew Rate 10 V/us 8.55V/us
Op-Amp topologies in TSPICE, 1.25m CMOS technology
parameters [TSPICE model ml2_125] taken for NMOS and
PMOS transistors are as mentioned in Table.5.1 and
TABLE.5.1 PARAMETERS OF NMOS 5.1 Simulated Waveforms of Folded Cascode Op Amp
Parameter Value The performance evaluation of the cascode and folded
cascode op amps has been carried out, with the proposed
VTO 0.622490 circuits, having the loading capacitance of 10 pF , dual
voltage supply of  2.5V and using the CMOS 1.25m
Kn 63.266
technology. For comparison, the transistors used in op amps
GAMMA 0.639243 have been sized for almost same specifications.
Simulated results show that this op amp exhibits high DC
PHI 0.31 gain, improved ICMR. The typical values for DC gain is of
the order of 6.035KV / V , ICMR is of the order of -1.0V to
2.5Vand unity gain bandwidth of the order of 8MHz have
been obtained.
Simulated results waveforms
Parameter Value
VTO -0.63025

Kp 26.354

GAMMA 0.618101

PHI 0.541


IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011
ISSN 2229-5518



2. AC RESPONSE MEASUREMENT: A small sinusoidal voltage is inserted in series with

VDD (VSS ) to measure PSRR+ (PSRR-). Here we are
inserting a small ac voltage of 1V. We get PSRR of 55dB.

(2) (4)
Figure 5.1 Simulated Waveforms of Folded Cascode Op Amp

The slew rate is calculated by changing the inputs of the op

amp to pulsed, and measuring the slope at the differential
output of the op amp. The slope of the output at the rising
edge gives the positive slew rate of the amplifier, and the
slope of the output at the falling edge gives the negative
slew rate of the amplifier. The positive slew rate of the
designed amplifier is 8.55 V / s and the negative slew
rate is 6.72 V / s

IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011
ISSN 2229-5518

5.2 Simulated Results and Waveforms of Cascode


Sr.No. Performance Specifications Simulated

parameters Results
1. Voltage Gain >5000 V/V 4800 V/V
2. Unity Gain 10 MHz 9.5 MHz
3. ICMR (V) -1.0V to +1.5V -0.0 to 0.5V (2)
5. Output Swing  2V -2.5V to
(V) +2.4V
6. Slew Rate (V/us) 10 V/us 8.33V/us






Figure 5.1 Simulated Waveforms of Cascode Op Amp

IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011
ISSN 2229-5518

5.3 Comparison PMOS for proper operation and also finding different gains,
The comparison of the design and simulations of the two- currents in all the branches, resistances shown in circuits.
stage cascode and the folded cascode op amps can be sum But after careful analysis of simulation and designing at
up in the table below. different points, the goal was achieved. The op amp fulfills
all the other requirements with a good margin and has been
FOLDED CASCODE OP-AMPS Therefore the proposed folded cascode op amp exhibits the
S.No. Parameter Two-stage Folded cascode following advantages over the two-stage cascode op amps:
cascode op- op-amp
amp  Improved DC gain
1. Voltage Low (4721 High  Improved ICMR
Gain V/V) (6053V/V)  Better PSRR

2. ICMR Low (-0.0 to Very High (-

0.5V) 1.0V to 2.5V) REFERENCES
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IJSER © 2011

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