2021 01 30qr
2021 01 30qr
2021 01 30qr
SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL Special Inspector General for JAN 30
Afghanistan Reconstruction 2021
2530 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
SIGAR 2021-QR-1
By phone: Afghanistan
Cell: 0700107300
DSN: 318-237-3912 ext. 7303
All voicemail is in Dari, Pashto, and English.
By fax: 703-601-4065
By e-mail: sigar.hotline@mail.mil
By Web submission: www.sigar.mil/investigations/hotline/report-fraud.aspx
Report Waste, Fraud, or Abuse
The National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-
181) established the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan
Reconstruction (SIGAR).
SIGAR’s oversight mission, as defined by the legislation, is to provide for the
independent and objective
• conduct and supervision of audits and investigations relating to the programs
and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available
for the reconstruction of Afghanistan.
• leadership and coordination of, and recommendations on, policies designed
to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of the
programs and operations, and to prevent and detect waste, fraud, and abuse
in such programs and operations.
• means of keeping the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense fully
and currently informed about problems and deficiencies relating to the
administration of such programs and operations and the necessity for and
progress on corrective action.
Source: Pub.L. No. 110-181, “National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008,” 1/28/2008: Pub. L. No. 115-91,
”National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2018,” 12/12/2017.
(For a list of the Congressionally mandated contents of this report, see Appendix A.)
Atif Ahmad, Research Assistant Vong Lim, Senior Visual Information Specialist
Harrison Akins, Economic and Social Development Subject Matter Expert James Misencik, Security Subject Matter Expert
Cover photo: Michael Bindell, Deputy Director of Research and Analysis Directorate Heather Robinson, Security Subject Matter Expert
Afghan security-force members walk past a bombed truck in Kabul. (AFP photo by Zakeria Hashimi) Theodore Burns, Funding Subject Matter Expert Deborah Scroggins, Director of Research and Analysis Directorate
Craig Collier, Security Subject Matter Expert Omar Sharif, Project Coordinator
Jason Davis, Visual Information Specialist Daniel Weggeland, Governance Subject Matter Expert
Clark Irwin, Lead Writer/Editor
Yours respectfully,
John F. Sopko
During this reporting period, SIGAR issued 10 audit reports, reviews, and other
products assessing U.S. efforts to build the Afghan security forces, improve
governance, facilitate economic and social development, and combat the
production and sale of narcotics. In this period, SIGAR criminal investigations
produced three federal charges, three guilty pleas, one sentencing, and over
$190,000 in restitutions and forfeitures.
This quarter, SIGAR’s Office of Special Projects issued one review which found that cus-
toms officials at Hamid Karzai International Airport failed to enforce controls against
cash smuggling, and have not even connected U.S.-provided cash-counting machines to
the internet.
SIGAR’s Lessons Learned Program has four projects in development: U.S. government
support to elections, monitoring and evaluation of reconstruction contracting, efforts to
advance and empower women and girls, and a report on police and corrections.
During the reporting period, SIGAR investigations resulted in three federal charges, three
guilty pleas, one sentencing, and over $190,000 in restitutions and forfeitures. SIGAR initi-
ated two new cases and closed 24, bringing the total number of ongoing investigations
to 96.
* As provided in its authorizing statute, SIGAR may also report on products and events
issued or occurring after December 31, 2020, up to the publication date of this report.
Unless otherwise noted, all afghani-to-U.S. dollar conversions used in this report are
derived by averaging the last six months of exchange-rate data available through XE
Currency Charts (www.xe.com), then rounding to the nearest afghani. Exchange-rate data
is as of December 28, 2020.
KANDAHAR Provinces where SIGAR has conducted
or commissioned audit, inspection,
special project, and/or investigation
work as of December 31, 2020.
3 Audits
10 Inspections
11 Special Projects
13 Lessons Learned
13 Investigations
19 SIGAR Budget
19 SIGAR Staff
23 Reconstruction in Brief
25 Status of Funds
47 Security
81 Governance
117 Economic and Social Development
156 Completed Oversight Activities
157 Ongoing Oversight Activities
Source: SIGAR, Inspector General John Sopko, Alert Letter (21-09-AL) to the Department of State, Department of Defense, and
U.S. Agency for International Development, 11/6/2020.
Audits 3
Inspections 10
Special Projects 11
Lessons Learned 13
Investigations 13
Quarterly Highlight: Legislative Update 17
SIGAR Budget 19
SIGAR Staff 19
Financial Audit 21-13-FA: USAID’s Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and
Resilience Program
Audit of Costs Incurred by DAI Global LLC
On November 30, 2014, USAID awarded a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for
$73,499,999 to DAI Global LLC to support the Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope
and Resilience program. Its objective was to create well-governed Afghan
municipalities capable of meeting the needs of growing urban popula-
tions. The contract included a period of performance from November 30,
2014, through November 29, 2017. USAID modified the contract 12 times,
which decreased the funding to $72 million and extended the end date to
November 29, 2019.
SIGAR’s financial audit, performed by Davis Farr LLP (Davis Farr),
reviewed $11,598,960 in costs charged to the contract from December 1,
2018, through November 29, 2019. The auditors did not identify any material
weaknesses or significant deficiencies in the auditee’s internal controls, or
any instances of noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the con-
tract. Accordingly, the auditors did not identify any questioned costs.
SIGAR issued no inspection reports this quarter. A list of ongoing inspec-
tions can be found in Appendix C of this quarterly report.
SIGAR’s Office of Special Projects was created to quickly obtain and access SPECIAL PROJECT REVIEW ISSUED
information necessary to fulfill SIGAR’s oversight mandates; examine • Review 21-15-SP: Hamid Karzai
emerging issues; and deliver prompt, actionable reports to federal agencies International Airport: Despite
Improvements, Controls to Detect Cash
and the Congress. Special Projects reports and letters focus on providing Smuggling Still Need Strengthening
timely, credible, and useful information to Congress and the public on all
facets of Afghanistan reconstruction. The directorate comprises a team of
analysts supported by investigators, lawyers, subject-matter experts, and
other specialists who can quickly and jointly apply their expertise to emerg-
ing problems and questions.
This quarter, SIGAR’s Office of Special Projects issued one review.
A list of completed Special Projects can be found in Appendix C of this
quarterly report.
In that report, SIGAR found that customs officials rarely used the machines,
and did not record and send serial number data to the proper Afghan
authorities. SIGAR also reported that senior government officials and other
individuals with political influence, designated by the Office of the President
as very important persons (VIP), were exempted from the customs process.
The objectives of the follow-up review were to (1) determine whether
customs officials are using the cash-counting machines to help Afghan
officials and their international partners track the serial numbers of cash
leaving Afghanistan, and (2) evaluate the controls in place at the airport
to prevent cash, bearer-negotiable instruments such as cashier’s checks or
bonds, precious and semiprecious stones, artifacts, and gold from being
smuggled out of the country.
SIGAR found that customs officials are not regularly using the cash-
counting machines to track cash leaving Afghanistan; in fact, the machines
were still not connected to the internet, nearly a decade after the U.S. gov-
ernment installed them.
SIGAR found that the security and screening procedures for non-VIP
passengers have improved. Non-VIP passengers go through an extensive
screening process including five checkpoints, managed by four different
Afghan government entities and a private security company. The govern-
ment has posted its anti-money-laundering law requirements at the entrance
to the boarding area and outside the customs office in the non-VIP termi-
nal to inform passengers leaving Afghanistan that they must submit forms
at the customs office to declare possession of more than $10,000 in cash,
bearer-negotiable instruments, precious and semiprecious stones, and gold,
and cannot take more than $20,000 in cash or bearer-negotiable instruments
out of the country. Customs officials provide passengers with declaration
forms to declare cash or bearer-negotiable instruments in excess of $10,000.
VIP passengers are transported directly to the VIP terminal where their
luggage is scanned, but there are no signs showing cash-export limita-
tions, no declaration forms provided to passengers, and no cash-counting
machines. VVIP (very very important persons) passengers arriving at the
VIP terminal are not screened and can be transported directly to the plane
for boarding.
To improve screening procedures and prevent cash smuggling out
of Hamid Karzai International Airport, SIGAR suggests that the Afghan
government: (1) fully integrate cash-counting machines with functioning
internet capability into the normal customs process both at the non-VIP
and VIP terminals and serial numbers captured for use by the Financial
Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Afghanistan (FinTRACA) and
its international partners; and (2) strengthen controls at the VIP terminal by
requiring all VIP and VVIP passengers to fill out customs declaration forms,
and having airport staff count any cash declared and send serial numbers
to FinTRACA.
SIGAR’s Lessons Learned Program was created to identify lessons and
make recommendations to Congress and executive agencies on ways to
improve current and future reconstruction efforts. To date, the program has
issued seven reports. Four reports are currently in development. Topics are
U.S. government support to elections, monitoring and evaluation of recon-
struction contracting, efforts to advance and empower women and girls,
and police and corrections.
SIGAR is funded through September 30, 2021, under H.R. 133, Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2021, signed into law on December 27, 2020. This Act
provides $54.9 million to support SIGAR’s oversight activities and products
by funding SIGAR’s Audits and Inspections, Investigations, Management
and Support, and Research and Analysis Directorates, and the Lessons
Learned Program.
SIGAR’s staff count has remained steady since the last report to Congress,
with 184 employees on board at the end of the quarter. SIGAR has 23 billets
assigned to the U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan with 10 of those positions
encumbered. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and other uncertainties
in Afghanistan, decisions on returning the other employees are on hold.
SIGAR also employed six Afghan nationals in its Kabul office to support the
Forward Operations, Investigations, and Audits Directorates. SIGAR sup-
plemented its resident staff this quarter with one employee on short-term
temporary duty to Afghanistan.
Source: Reuters, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, “NATO chief warns against rapid troop withdrawal from Afghanistan,” 11/17/2020.
U.S. TROOPS AT LOWEST LEVEL SINCE 2001 • The negotiation teams recessed until January 5, 2021,
• The Department of Defense (DOD) announced to consult on the agenda; substantive discussions
on November 17, 2020, it would execute a further began on January 9.
troop reduction in Afghanistan from the 4,000–5,000 AFGHANISTAN FACES SECOND WAVE OF
ordered last quarter to 2,500 by January 15, 2021. COVID-19 PANDEMIC
• DOD announced on January 15 that the 2,500 level • Poverty levels were forecast to rise to 61–72% of the
had been reached. population in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
• Top generals said the new force level is sufficient while Afghanistan braced for a second wave of the
to protect U.S. forces and their Afghan partners, disease in early 2021.
as well as to carry out the U.S. training and • While Afghan government revenues continued to
counterterrorism missions. recover from the impact of COVID-19 this quarter,
Afghanistan’s sustainable domestic revenues fell by
VIOLENCE ESCALATES IN KABUL AND 2.8%, year-on-year, during 2020.
SOUTHERN AFGHANISTAN • A number of U.S. economic and social-development
• U.S. Forces-Afghanistan said this quarter enemy programs fell short of their FY 2020 performance
attacks in Kabul were higher than they were last goals due to COVID-related restrictions that hindered
quarter, and “much higher” than in the same quarter project activities.
a year prior.
• Recent heavy fighting between U.S., Afghan, and OPIUM SURVEYS STILL DELAYED
Taliban forces in Helmand and Kandahar Provinces • The biannual Afghanistan Opium Survey
has forced thousands of Afghan civilians to flee reports are still delayed after more than a year of
their homes. disagreements between Afghanistan’s National
DONORS PLEDGE CONTINUED ASSISTANCE Statistics and Information Authority and the United
• International donors pledged at least $3.3 billion Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
in civilian assistance to Afghanistan for 2021 at a U.S. RECONSTRUCTION FUNDING
November 23–24 conference in Geneva, Switzerland. • Cumulative appropriations for reconstruction and
• Donors expressed the potential for between $12 related activities in Afghanistan since FY 2002 rose
billion and $13.2 billion through 2024 if subsequent to $143.27 billion in the quarter. The Consolidated
annual commitments could stay at similar levels Appropriations Act, 2021, enacted on December
to the 2021 commitment—a drop from the $15.2 27, 2020, provided $3.05 billion for the Afghanistan
billion pledged for four years at the 2016 donors’ Security Forces Fund (ASFF) for FY 2021, and
conference. rescinded $1.10 billion from the ASFF FY 2020
• The amount pledged represents the bare minimum of account.
what World Bank analysts say would be required to • Of the $119.98 billion (84% of total) appropriated to
maintain Afghanistan as a “viable state.” the eight largest active reconstruction funds, about
$8.23 billion remained for possible disbursement.
AFGHAN PEACE NEGOTIATIONS CONTINUE • DOD’s latest Cost of War Report, dated September
• On December 2, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 30, 2020, said its cumulative obligations for
and Taliban negotiating teams agreed to rules Afghanistan, including U.S. warfighting and
and procedures to guide peace talks that might reconstruction, had reached $815.7 billion.
lead to a political roadmap and a permanent and Cumulative Afghanistan reconstruction and related
comprehensive ceasefire. obligations reported by State, USAID, and other
civilian agencies reached $48.5 billion.
In accord with SIGAR’s legislative mandate, this section details the status
of U.S. funds appropriated, obligated, and disbursed for reconstruction ASFF: Afghanistan Security Forces Fund
activities in Afghanistan. As of December 31, 2020, the United States had CERP: Commanders’ Emergency
appropriated approximately $143.27 billion for reconstruction and related Response Program
activities in Afghanistan since FY 2002. Total Afghanistan reconstruction DICDA: Drug Interdiction and Counter-
funding has been allocated as follows: Drug Activities
• $88.32 billion for security (including $4.60 billion for ESF: Economic Support Fund
counternarcotics initiatives) IDA: International Disaster Assistance
• $35.95 billion for governance and development ($4.41 billion INCLE: International Narcotics Control
for counternarcotics initiatives) and Law Enforcement
• $4.13 billion for humanitarian aid MRA: Migration and Refugee Assistance
• $14.87 billion for agency operations NADR: Non-Proliferation, Antiterrorism,
Demining, and Related Programs
Figure 2.1 shows the eight largest active U.S. funds that contribute to
these efforts. SIGAR previously reported on the nine largest active funds,
but one of these funds, the Public Law 480 Title II account, is no longer
used to provide food aid to Afghanistan and it has been removed from this
section of our reporting.
$150 143.27
120 116.45
60 IDA
FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Security Governance/Development Humanitarian Civilian Operations Total
Note: Numbers have been rounded.
Source: Details of accounts, including sources of data, are provided in Appendix B to this report.
targeted for Afghanistan, consisting of the Afghanistan Security Forces TABLE 2.1
Since 2002, the United States has provided more than $16.90 billion Government-to-Government 10,943.24
6.87 6.79
6.46 6.58
FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Security Governance/Development Humanitarian Civilian Operations Total
$100 97 98
20 20
14 15 15
12 12 13
10 10 10 9
6 6 6 6 6 7
5 5
3 3 2
1 1
FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20
Note: Numbers have been rounded. Cumulative obligations reported by DOD for the Cost of War through September 30, 2020, differ markedly from cumulative appropriations through
December 31, 2020, as presented elsewhere in the Status of Funds section, because the former figures do not include unobligated appropriations and DOD Cost of War reporting lags
by one quarter.
Source: DOD, Cost of War Monthly Report, Total War-related Obligations by Year Incurred, data as of September 30, 2020. Obligation data shown against year funds obligated. SIGAR
analysis of annual obligation of reconstruction accounts as presented in SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 10/30/2020. Obligation data shown against year
funds appropriated.
Since 2002, Congress has appropriated nearly $143.27 billion for reconstruc- STATUS OF APPROPRIATED FUNDS,
tion and related activities in Afghanistan. Of this amount, nearly $119.98 EIGHT LARGEST ACTIVE ACCOUNTS
billion (83.7%) was appropriated to the eight largest active reconstruction AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 ($ BILLIONS)
accounts, as shown in Table 2.2.
As of December 31, 2020, approximately $8.23 billion of the amount Total Appropriated: $119.98 Billion
appropriated to the eight largest active reconstruction funds remained for
possible disbursement, as shown in Figure 2.5. These funds will be used to
train, equip, and sustain the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces
(ANDSF); complete ongoing, large-scale infrastructure projects, such as Disbursed
those funded by the AIF and ESF; combat narcotics production and traffick-
ing; and advance the rule of law, strengthen the justice sector, and promote Remaining
human rights.
Source: SIGAR analysis of appropriation laws and obligation and disbursement data provided by DOD, State, and USAID,
Source: GAO, Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget 3 20
Process, 9/2005; DOD, response to SIGAR data call,
0 0
05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 As of Sep 30, 2020 As of Dec 31, 2020
Note: Numbers have been rounded. Data reflects reprogramming actions and rescissions. DOD reprogrammed $1 billion from
FY 2011 ASFF, $1 billion from FY 2012 ASFF, $178 million from FY 2013 ASFF, and $604 million from FY 2019 ASFF to fund other
DOD requirements. DOD reprogrammed $230 million into FY 2015 ASFF. ASFF data reflect the following rescissions: $1 billion from
FY 2012 in Pub. L. No. 113-6, $764.38 million from FY 2014 in Pub. L. No. 113-235, $400 million from FY 2015 in Pub. L. No.
114-113, $150 million from FY 2016 in Pub. L. No. 115-31, $396 million from FY 2019 in Pub. L. No. 116-93, and $1.10 billion
from FY 2020 in Pub. L. No. 116-260.
ESF Source: DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts December 2020,” 1/19/2021; DFAS, “AR(M)
1002 Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts September 2020,” 10/17/2020; Pub. L. Nos. 116-260, 116-93,
115-141, 115-31, 114-113, 113-235, 113-76, and 113-6; OSD Comptroller, 16-22 PA: Omnibus 2016 Prior Approval Request,
Total: $47.45 Billion Total: $21.49 Billion
Infrastructure Training and $3.17 Training and
$6.00 Equipment and Operations Equipment and Operations
Transportation $4.32 Transportation $3.95
$13.60 $4.75
Sustainment Sustainment
$23.53 $9.62
Note: Numbers have been rounded. Excludes the ASFF FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021 appropriations, which are presented
by four Budget Activity Groups, consisting of the ANA, ANP, AAF, and ASSF.
Source: DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts December 2020,” 1/19/2021.
Source: DOD, Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF), Financial and Activity Plan, Fiscal Year 2019, 19-5, July 2020,
10/13/2020; Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF), Financial and Activity Plan, Fiscal Year 2020, 20-2, August 2020,
10/13/2020; AR(M) 1002 Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts December 2020, 1/19/2021.
$1,000 $4
Appropriated Appropriated
$3.71 $3.71
Note: Numbers have been rounded. Data may include interagency transfers. Analysis includes data from a draft DOD financial
report because the final version had not been completed when this report went to press.
Source: DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 1/15/2021 and 10/19/2020; OMB, response to SIGAR data call, 1/4/2013;
Pub. L. Nos. 115-141, 115-31, 114-113, 113-235, 113-76, 113-6, 112-74, 112-10.
$500 $3.5
Appropriated Appropriated
and and
Transferreda Transferreda
$3.28 $3.28
400 2.8
300 2.1
200 1.4
100 0.7
0 0
04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 As of Sep 30, 2020 As of Dec 31, 2020
Note: Numbers have been rounded. DOD reprogrammed $125.13 million out of FY 2015 DICDA and $122.18 million out of
FY 2019 DICDA due to requirements for the Afghanistan Special Mission Wing being funded from the ASFF instead of DICDA.
a DOD reprograms all DICDA funds to the military services and defense agencies for obligation and disbursement.
Source: DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 1/15/2021 and 10/15/2020; OSD Comptroller, 15-23 PA: Omnibus 15 Prior
Approval Request, 6/30/2015, p. 42.
$4 $24
Appropriated Appropriated
$21.10 $21.10
Obligated Obligated
3 18 $20.03 $20.03
Disbursed Disbursed
$17.87 $18.00
2 12
1 6
0 0
02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 As of Sep 30, 2020 As of Dec 31, 2020
Note: Numbers have been rounded. Data reflects the following transfers from AIF to the ESF: $101 million for FY 2011,
$179.5 million for FY 2013, and $55 million for FY 2014. FY 2016 ESF for Afghanistan was reduced by $179 million and
put toward the U.S. commitment to the Green Climate Fund.
Source: USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 1/19/2021 and 10/12/2020; State, response to SIGAR data call, 1/13/2021,
7/13/2020, 1/3/2020, 10/5/2018, 10/11/2017, 5/4/2016, 10/20/2015, 4/15/2015, and 4/15/2014.
Appropriated Appropriated
$1.15 $1.15
Obligated Obligated
1.00 $1.12 $1.12
Disbursed Disbursed
MRA $0.93 $0.97
0 0.00
02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 As of Sep 30, 2020 As of Dec 31, 2020
Note: Numbers have been rounded. Data may include interagency transfers.
Source: USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 1/19/2021 and 10/12/2020.
$800 $6
Appropriated Appropriated
700 $5.42 $5.42
5 Obligated Obligated
$5.17 $5.17 NADR
Disbursed Disbursed
4 $4.56 $4.59
400 3
0 0
02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 As of Sep 30, 2020 As of Dec 31, 2020
Note: Numbers have been rounded. Data may include interagency transfers.
Source: State, response to SIGAR data call, 1/7/2021 and 10/15/2020.
$150 $1.6
Appropriated Appropriated
$1.53 $1.53
Obligated Obligated
120 $1.52 $1.52
1.2 Disbursed Disbursed
$1.49 $1.50
0 0.0
02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 As of Sep 30, 2020 As of Dec 31, 2020
Note: Numbers have been rounded. Data may include interagency transfers.
Source: State, response to SIGAR data call, 1/14/2021 and 10/15/2020.
$100 $1,000
Appropriated Appropriated
and and
80 800 Transferreda Transferreda
$881.34 $881.34
60 600
40 400
20 200
0 0
02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 As of Sep 30, 2020 As of Dec 31, 2020
$0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10
Note: Amounts under $350 million are not labeled. Numbers may not add due to rounding. “Other” consists of UNAMA contributions of $2.24 billion for 2007−2019 calendar year
assessments, and AITF contributions of $0.59 billion at 6/30/2020.
Source: World Bank, ARTF: Administrator’s Report on Financial Status as of November 20, 2020 (end of 11th month of FY 1399) at www.artf.af, accessed 1/13/2021; UN OCHA,
Financial Tracking Service at https://fts.unocha.org, accessed 12/31/2020; UNDP, LOTFA Receipts 2002–2020 and LOTFA MPTF Receipts 2002–2020, updated through 12/31/2020,
in response to SIGAR data call, 1/8/2021; NATO, Afghan National Army (ANA) Trust Fund, Status of Contributions Made as of 16 November 2020, at www.nato.int, accessed 1/14/2021;
ADB, AITF Quarterly Report (April−June 2020), p. 10, in response to SIGAR data call, 1/13/2021; State, UNAMA approved budgets and notified funding plans, in response to SIGAR data
calls, 10/8/2020 and 7/13/2020; UN, Country Assessments, at www.un.org/en/ga/contributions/scale, accessed 10/9/2020.
all report donor contributions for their Afghanistan programs. Cumulative
contributions to these six organizations since 2002 have amounted to $35.42
billion, with the United States contributing $9.38 billion of this amount, as PLEDGES FOR 2021 ($ MILLIONS)
shown in Figure 2.24. The World Bank Group and the ADB are funded through Donors Pledges
general member assessments that cannot be readily identified as allocated to United States $600.00
Afghanistan. These institutions have collectively made financial commitments of Germany 511.70
$11.88 billion to Afghanistan since 2002, as discussed in the sections that follow. European Union 357.00
The sources of funding for U.S. contributions are shown on Table 2.6 on page 45. World Bank Group 334.00
India 250.00
Donor Pledges at the Afghanistan Conference in Geneva Asian Development Bank 221.00
The international donor community met virtually in Geneva for the 2020 United Kingdom 207.70
Afghanistan Conference in November 2020 to pledge their support for civilian Japan 180.00
assistance to Afghanistan for the 2021 to 2024 period. The donors made one-, Sweden 95.10
two-, three-, or four-year pledges at the Conference; defined the scope of their Norway 69.31
pledged civilian development assistance (excluding emergency humanitar- Canada 67.50
ian assistance) in various ways; and many attached significant conditions Denmark 64.00
to their pledges. The United States made a single-year pledge of $300 mil- Netherlands 59.50
lion for 2021, with up to an additional approximately $300 million available Italy 41.64
in the near term depending on the Afghan government making “meaningful Australia 38.85
progress” in the peace process. The U.S. pledge would be funded from obli- Turkey 37.50
gated but unexpended FY 2019 ESF, INCLE, and NADR funds, but not IDA or Finland 35.70
MRA humanitarian assistance funds. The account makeup of the additional Other 76.50
approximately $300 million, if released, is yet to be finalized but would like- Total $3,247.00
wise exclude IDA or MRA humanitarian assistance funds.26 Afghanistan’s Note: Pledges for civilian assistance made for 2021 or for an
average year in a multiyear pledge that may be conditional.
Ministry of Finance estimates the pledges will result in nearly $3.25 billion Donor pledge conditions are assumed to be met.
in contributions for 2021, with the U.S. providing $600 million, assuming all
Source: Ministry of Finance, GIROA, response to SIGAR
donor pledge conditions are satisfactorily met as shown in Table 2.4.27 information request, 1/20/2021.
RC Window receives adequate funding, donors to the ARTF may not “prefer-
ARTF CONTRIBUTIONS BY DONOR, ence” (earmark) more than half of their annual contributions.30
AFGHAN FY 1399 (PERCENT) The Investment Window supports development programs. As of
November 20, 2020, according to the World Bank, nearly $5.88 billion had
Total Paid In and Indicated:
$920.34 Million
been committed through the Investment Window, and more than $5.08
billion had been disbursed. The Bank reported 29 active projects with a
combined commitment value of nearly $2.21 billion, of which nearly $1.41
United States billion had been disbursed.31
Norway Others 39%
3% 12%
Contributions to the Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan
Sweden EU The UNDP had historically administered the LOTFA to pay ANP sala-
6% Germany UK ries and build the capacity of the Ministry of Interior (MOI).32 Since
12% 13% 2015, UNDP had divided LOTFA support between two projects: the
Support to Payroll Management (SPM) project, and the MOI and Police
Development (MPD) project.
Note: Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.
The SPM project has aimed to develop the capacity of the Afghan gov-
“Others” includes 14 national government donors. Donors ernment to independently manage all nonfiduciary aspects of its payroll
had paid in $647.62 million and pledged $272.72 million
for their FY 1399 contributions as of the report date. function for the ANP and Central Prisons Directorate (CPD) staff. Almost
Source: World Bank, ARTF: Administrator’s Report on 99% of SPM project funding goes toward ANP and CPD staff remuneration.
Financial Status as of November 20, 2020 (end of 11th
month of FY 1399) at www.artf.af, accessed 1/13/2021. The MPD project focused on institutional development of the MOI
and police professionalization of the ANP. The project concluded on
FIGURE 2.26 June 30, 2018.
The LOTFA Steering Committee, composed of Afghan ministries, interna-
LOTFA CONTRIBUTIONS BY DONOR, tional donors, and the UNDP, approved restructuring the fund and changing
CALENDAR YEAR 2020 (PERCENT) its scope of operations on November 25, 2018. The organization has
expanded its mission beyond the management of the SPM project to include
Total Paid In: $385.23 Million the entire justice chain (police, courts, and corrections), and thereby cover
all security and justice institutions, with an increased focus on anticorrup-
tion. A new multilateral trust fund, the LOTFA Multi-Partner Trust Fund
EU (MPTF), was launched to fund this expanded mission, and donations of
18% nearly $306.05 million have been received from 12 donors, led by the United
Kingdom, Canada, and the European Union (and without financial participa-
16% tion from the United States).33
12% UK Italy Donors have paid in nearly $6.24 billion to the two LOTFA funds from 2002
12% 12% through December 31, 2020. Figure 2.24 shows the fund’s two largest donors
on a cumulative basis have been the United States and Japan. Figure 2.26
Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding. “Others”
shows the largest donors to the LOTFA in 2020. The United States has signifi-
includes the United States, ten other countries, and the
UNDP that made contributions to the two LOTFA funds.
cantly reduced its support to LOTFA in recent years, contributing $1.04 million
Source: UNDP, LOTFA Receipts 2002–2020 and LOTFA MPTF
in 2018, $0.95 million in 2019, and $5.54 million in 2020.34
Receipts 2002–2020, updated 12/31/2020, in response to
SIGAR data call, 1/8/2021.
Contributions to UN OCHA-Coordinated Humanitarian
Assistance Programs
The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) leads
emergency appeals and annual or multiyear humanitarian-response plans
for Afghanistan, and provides timely reporting of humanitarian assistance
provided by donors to facilitate funding of targeted needs. Donors have con- UN OCHA-COORDINATED CONTRIBUTIONS
tributed nearly $10.31 billion to humanitarian-assistance organizations from BY DONOR, CALENDAR YEAR 2020 (PERCENT)
2002 through December 31, 2020, as reported by OCHA. OCHA-led annual
humanitarian-response plans and emergency appeals for Afghanistan Total Paid In: $713.05 Million
accounted for nearly $6.79 billion, or 65.8%, of these contributions.
The United States, Japan, and the European Union have been the largest Germany
contributors to humanitarian assistance organizations in Afghanistan since Others
2002, as shown in Figure 2.24; while the United States, United Kingdom, 5%
and the European Union were the largest contributors in 2020, when the World Bank
international community contributed $713.05 million to these organizations, 5% United States
EU 34%
as shown in Figure 2.27. The UN World Food Programme (WFP), the UN 13% UK
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Committee of 14%
the Red Cross, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the UN Mine Action
Service (UNMAS) have been the largest recipients of humanitarian assis-
tance in Afghanistan, as shown in Table 2.5.35 Note: Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.
“Others” includes 21 national governments and 14 other
entities. UN CERF refers to the the UN’s Central Emergency
TABLE 2.5 Response Fund.
Source: UN OCHA, Financial Tracking Service at
https://fts.unocha.org, accessed 12/31/2020.
Largest Recipients Receipts
Nongovernmental Organizations
International Committee of the Red Cross 761.15
Norwegian Refugee Council 193.86
HALO Trust 118.05
Save the Children 111.56
ACTED (formerly Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) 101.45
from the NATO ANA Trust Fund, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and
the United States, and had disbursed $314.18 million through June 30, 2020.42 ASFF CERP DICDA ESF IDA INCLE MRA NADR
Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA) ASFF and INCLE
UN World Health Organization (WHO) GHP, ESF, and IDA Note: SFOPS TAF refers to The Asia Foundation account in the
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)* ESF, IDA, MRA, and NADR Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
(SFOPS) appropriation; Treasury OTHERto the International
Programs account in the Department of the Treasury appropriation.
The Asia Foundation (TAF) SFOPS TAF and ESF
Source: DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 1/18/2019; State,
UN Development Programme (UNDP) ESF responses to SIGAR data call, 1/13/2021, 4/17/2020, 4/9/2020
and 8/21/2019; SFOPS Congressional Budget Justification,
UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) CIO FY 2021, at www.state.gov/cj, accessed 1/15/2021; Treasury,
response to SIGAR data call, 4/20/2020; UNDP , response to
World Bank Group (IBRD, IDA, IFC, and MIGA) Treasury IP SIGAR data call, 4/5/2020; USAID, response to SIGAR data calls,
1/10/2021, 4/3/2020 and 1/13/2020; and USAID, Afghanistan-
Asian Development Bank (ADB and ADF) Treasury IP Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #4 FY 2017 at www.usaid.gov,
accessed 4/9/2020.
The United States has reduced the number of its troops in Afghanistan to 2,500, as of January 15, 2021, the lowest
level since 2001.
KEY ISSUES Commander of U.S. and Coalition forces in Afghanistan General Austin Scott Miller said on December 16 that the
Taliban’s continued high level of violence was putting the Afghan peace process at risk.
According to U.S. Forces-Afghanistan, enemy-initiated attacks this quarter (October–December 2020) were “slightly
lower” than the high levels of last quarter, but exceeded those of the same period in 2019.
The Afghan Special Security Forces took on more operational responsibility this quarter, conducting the highest
number of ground operations in over a year (since April–June 2019).
H.R. 133, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021: The conference report limits the availability of funds to reduce the total
On December 27, 2020, President Trump signed into law H.R. 133, the number of U.S. Armed Forces deployed to Afghanistan below the number
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, which provides funding for the deployed on the date the Act was enacted (then roughly 4,000) until
federal government through September 30, 2021. The bill provides $3.05 the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State and
billion for the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) for fiscal year (FY) Director of National Intelligence, submits a report on the effect a further
2021, and rescinds $1.1 billion from the $4.2 billion ASFF appropriation reduction of U.S. forces would have on U.S. counterterrorism objectives, on
for FY 2020. The bill further requires that not less than $20 million from an enduring diplomatic solution in Afghanistan, and on ANDSF capabilities.
the ASFF be made available for recruitment and retention of women in the The report provides that the President can waive the limitation in the
ANDSF, and for recruitment and training of female security personnel. interest of national security.
H.R. 6395, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense The conference report also requires increased information sharing from the
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021: Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, on the
On January 1, 2021, the Senate overrode President Trump’s December status of the February 29, 2020, U.S.-Taliban agreement and the extent
23, 2020, veto of the conference report (H. Rept. 116-617) to accompany to which the Taliban are upholding commitments made in that or any
H.R. 6395, the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization subsequent agreement.
Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2021. The House had previously overridden the
Finally, the conference report modifies DOD’s semiannual Enhancing
President’s veto on December 28, 2020.
Security and Stability in Afghanistan report by requiring reporting on civilian
The conference report had authorized $4 billion for the ASFF in FY 2021, casualties and a district-level stability assessment displaying insurgent
with the goal that at least $29.1 million, and no less than $10 million, be versus Afghan government control and influence of districts to include
used for programs and activities for the recruitment, integration, retention, district, population, and territorial control data. In 2018, the DOD stopped
training, and treatment of women in the ANDSF, and for the recruitment, producing such an assessment, which SIGAR had reported in its quarterly
training, and contracting of female security personnel for future elections. reports to Congress. Both new sections are to be made publicly available by
the Department.
Source: U.S. Congress, H.R. 133, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021; U.S. Congress, H.R. 6395, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021; AP,
“After years fighting them, Milley talks peace with Taliban,” 12/17/2020.
Violence Trends
High levels of insurgent and extremist violence continued in Afghanistan
this quarter despite renewed calls from U.S. officials for all sides to reduce
violence in an effort to advance the ongoing peace process between the
Taliban and the Afghan government.58 According to USFOR-A, enemy-ini-
tiated attacks from October through December 2020 were “slightly lower”
than the high levels last quarter, but higher than the same period in 2019.59
Following a meeting with the Taliban in Doha on December 16, General
Miller said the Taliban’s continued high level of violence was putting the
peace process at risk.60 Key trends in the group’s violent activity this quarter
include increased attacks in Kabul City; an uptick in targeted assassinations
Clearly, the Taliban use of Afghan government officials, civil-society leaders, and journalists; and
intensified efforts of progovernment forces against Taliban strongholds in
violence as leverage. It is a
Helmand and Kandahar Provinces.
tool they’ve used for a long USFOR-A data on enemy attacks in Kabul this quarter confirm open-
time and it’s one they are source reporting that violence in Kabul has increased considerably.
loath to abandon. We press According to USFOR-A, “enemy attacks in Kabul were higher than during
them pretty hard on vio- the previous quarter. They were much higher than in the same quarter last
year.”61 The uptick in activity includes attacks by Islamic State-Khorasan
lence. You know, we have (IS-K), the Islamic State affiliate in Afghanistan and a U.S.-designated terror-
been pressing them since ist organization. On January 13, Afghanistan’s intelligence service released
1 March 2020. a statement saying they had foiled an IS-K plot to assassinate U.S. Chargé
d’Affaires Ambassador Ross Wilson as well as some Afghan officials.62
-General Austin Scott Miller, RS and
Additionally, on January 17, unidentified gunmen killed Qadria Yasini and
USFOR-A Commander
Zakia Herawi, two female judges from Afghanistan’s supreme court.63
Recent media reports detail accounts of Afghan officials and civilians
Source: RS, response to SIGAR vetting, “Transcript: COMRS, becoming more anxious about the drawdown of U.S. troops as they see vio-
CJCS, US EMB On-Record Interview 16 December 2020,”
1/6/2021. lence escalating in Kabul. According to Andrew Watkins of the International
Crisis Group, “The Taliban are not only at the gates of Kabul, but inside the
More than 10 government officials—including the deputy governor of Kabul—and their aides have been killed by sticky bombs in recent months,
mostly in the capital. According to one unnamed Western diplomat responsible for Afghanistan, “the Taliban are systematically eliminating mid-career,
ambitious government officials and other prominent individuals who are clearly against their hardline stance,” but not killing the government’s top
leaders, as “they can’t afford to generate large-scale furor, for it would impinge upon the peace process.”
These attacks expose one of the Afghan government’s vulnerabilities as the Taliban seek leverage at the next round of peace talks in Qatar. A Taliban
spokesman took responsibility for some of these attacks on government officials, but claimed the group is not targeting journalists or social activists.
IS-K has also claimed responsibility for some of the attacks. Retired Afghan general Atiqullah Amarkhel told the New York Times that “Kabul is an open
city—these Taliban live here and make their bombs here. … After each one of the magnetic bomb explosions, the government gets more discredited.”
Afghanistan’s interior ministry has blamed the Taliban for all the sticky bomb attacks.
Source: NPR, “People in The Afghan Capital Kabul Are Uneasy About U.S. Troop Drawdown,” 12/16/2020; New York Times, “‘Sticky Bombs’ Sow Terror and Chaos in a City on Edge,”
12/16/2020; Reuters, “‘The Fear is Intense’: Afghan ‘Sticky Bombs’, Used by Taliban, On the Rise,” 12/17/2020; Washington Post, “Targeted killings of journalists are on the rise across
Afghanistan,” 12/27/2020; New York Times, “Targeted Killings Are Terrorizing Afghans. And No One Is Claiming Them,” 1/2/2021; USFOR-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021.
Source: FBI, “Wanted by the FBI: Husam Abd-al-Ra’uf,’ audio transcript of broadcast spot, 1/8/2020, fbi.gov/audio-repository/wanted-podcast-husam-abd-al-rauf-010820.mp3/view; State,
Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United
States of America, 2/29/2020; CBS News, “Transcript: Mike Pompeo on “Face the Nation,” 3/1/2020; United Nations Security Council, “Letter dated 19 May 2020 from the Chair of the
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011) addressed to the President of the Security Council,” transmitting the eleventh report of the Analytical Support
and Sanctions Monitoring Team, 5/27/2020; DOD OIG, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, Lead Inspector General Report to the United States Congress, July 1, 2020–September 30, 2020,
11/2020, p. 17.
Civilian Casualties
RS reported 2,586 civilian casualties this quarter (October 1–December 31,
2020), which included 810 deaths and 1,776 injuries. Despite the ongoing
violence, this quarter’s casualties decreased by 14% compared to last quar-
ter (July 1–September 30, 2020).74 Additionally, civilian casualties in 2020
have decreased by approximately 5% compared to 2019 and 6% compared to
2018.75 Despite these modest improvements, this quarter’s civilian casualties
remain exceptionally high for the winter months when fighting normally
subsides. As seen in Figure 2.28, the number of civilian casualties this quar-
ter was the third highest in the last two years.76
3,064 3,064
1,959 2,586
2,500 2,357
1,562 1,878
2,000 1,764 1,787
1,518 1,251 1,205
1,500 1,228 1,309
1,000 799
965 1,058
500 795 810
536 627 582
402 510
Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020
Deaths Injuries
Note: This quarter’s data covers the period from October 1–December 31, 2020. Prior quarterly numbers may change.
RS updates data each quarter as civilian casualty investigations are concluded and database numbers are improved.
Source: RS, response to SIGAR data call 1/6/2021, 10/21/2020, 1/7/2020, and 10/7/2019; SIGAR, analysis
of RS-provided data, 1/2021.
FIGURE 2.29 number of civilians killed by ANDSF air strikes rose by over 11 percentage
RS-REPORTED CIVILIAN CASUALTIES BY points, to 54% of total ANDSF-caused casualties.80
PARTY ATTRIBUTION Seen in Figure 2.29, RS attributed about 93% of this quarter’s civilian
casualties to antigovernment forces (43% to the Taliban, 41% to unknown
insurgents, 9% to IS-K, and none to the Haqqani Network), roughly a 10-per-
centage-point increase since last quarter’s breakdown. Another 5% were
attributed to progovernment forces (5% to ANDSF and no incidents attrib-
uted to Coalition forces), a decrease of three percentage points since last
Unknown Taliban quarter, and about 1% to other or unknown forces.81
Insurgents 43% Improvised-explosive devices continued to account for the majority of
civilian casualties this quarter (55%), followed by direct fire (24%), indirect
fire (9%), and assassinations (5%). The proportion of casualties caused by
improvised-explosive devices (IED) increased by nearly 17 percentage
points this quarter. This correlates to the uptick in magnetically attached
Other/ IEDs or “sticky bomb” attacks, as RS classes most casualties caused by
Unknown IS-K these incidents as IED-caused casualties. Indirect-fire-caused casualties
1% ANDSF 9% decreased by over eight percentage points, while direct-fire casualties and
5% assassinations remained relatively consistent with last quarter.82
UNAMA had not issued its civilian casualty report covering October–
Total: 2,586
December in time to be included in this report.
Note: The data covers the period October 1–December 31,
2020. Casualties include dead and wounded. “Other/unknown”
civilian casualties include those caused by undetermined
elements, local militia, and/or the Pakistani military.
Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.
Source: RS, response to SIGAR data call, 1/6/2021; SIGAR,
analysis of RS-provided data, 1/2021.
U.S. Forces Reduced to Lowest Level Since 2001
On November 17, Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller
announced the latest reduction in U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan—from
4,000–5,000 ordered last quarter and reached in November—to 2,500,
reached on January 15, 2021. DOD said this new level is the lowest
since 2001.83
Acting Secretary Miller said that President Trump made the decision in
order to bring the war “to a successful and responsible conclusion” and to
either bring service members home or reposition them elsewhere. He called
the decision “consistent with our established plans and strategic objectives,
supported by the American people, and does not equate to a change in U.S.
policy or objectives.”84
Miller also said that American allies and partners abroad, including
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and President Ashraf Ghani, were
briefed on the change. Miller reiterated that DOD’s position on the force
level in Afghanistan is, “We went in together, we adjust together, and when
the time is right, we will leave together,” a sentiment echoed by Secretary
General Stoltenberg.85 Stoltenberg said on December 1 that more than half
of the military personnel supporting the RS mission are now non-U.S. forces
and NATO “will have to take some hard decisions [on force levels] when If we stay, we risk con-
NATO defense ministers meet next February.”86
The 2,500-troop level is not specified in the U.S.-Taliban agreement, in
tinued fighting and an
which the United States committed to withdrawing all troops by May 2021 even longer-term engage-
if the Taliban meets its commitments. But Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of ment. If we leave, we risk
Staff General Mark Milley said on December 2 that the additional draw- Afghanistan once again
down was “in support” of the agreement. He also said any future changes to
becoming a safe haven for
the force level “will be up to a new administration.”87
Congress recently imposed conditions for further reductions in troop international terrorists and
levels in the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), passed on the loss of the gains made
January 1, 2021. The NDAA limits the availability of funds to reduce the total with such sacrifice.
number of U.S. forces deployed to Afghanistan below the number deployed
–NATO Secretary General Jens
on the date the Act was enacted (roughly 4,000) until the Secretary of
Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State and Director of National
Intelligence, submits a report on the effect a further reduction of U.S. forces
would have on U.S. counterterrorism objectives, on an enduring diplomatic Source: NATO, “Online press conference by NATO Secretary
General Jens Stoltenberg following the first day of the meet-
solution in Afghanistan, and on ANDSF capabilities.88 ings of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs,” 12/1/2020.
However, President Trump reportedly issued a waiver to enable U.S.
forces to reduce below the level stipulated in the NDAA. A DOD spokesman
said in a statement on January 15, “The President has determined that waiv-
ing the limitations of this section with respect to a reduction in the total
number of U.S. armed forces deployed to Afghanistan is important to the
national security interests of the United States.”89
When asked to what extent DOD had finalized the details of the smaller
footprint in Afghanistan, General Milley said Acting Secretary of Defense
Miller had approved a plan based on the recommendations of General
Miller and CENTCOM Commander General Kenneth McKenzie. The plan
includes reducing U.S. bases in the country to “a couple of larger bases
with several satellite bases that provide the capability to continue our
train, advise, assist mission and continue our counterterrorist mission.” He
did not discuss exactly which bases would be closing. Additionally, DOD
reported that it has 6,346 U.S. contractors remaining in Afghanistan as of
January 2021, a decrease of roughly 1,500 since October 2020.90
On December 13, General Miller also repeated DOD’s position that the
full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan will be done “in accordance
with conditions,” adding that it was “important for the Afghan people to
understand that we have discussed this very carefully with the Afghan secu-
rity forces.”91
This is the third reduction in the presidentially authorized U.S. troop
level since the U.S.-Taliban agreement was signed. Following the United
States meeting its commitment in the agreement to reduce force levels to
8,600 ahead of schedule in June 2020, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper
announced on August 8 that he would order an additional force reduction
to below 5,000 troops by the end of November.92
The Afghan security forces U.S. Force Reduction Impact on Capabilities and the Train,
are absolutely essential to Advise, and Assist Mission
At a press conference in Kabul on December 16, Generals Miller and Milley
the peace process. They continued to assert that the new force level of 2,500 troops is sufficient to
have to hold. They have to protect the U.S. force and its Afghan partners, as well as carry out its train-
hold terrain. They have to ing and counterterrorism missions. General Miller said at this number, the
protect the people. We talk United States will retain its ability to train, advise, and assist the Afghan
about that routinely. They security forces at the ministerial level down to the corps level and will
retain “the ability to project to what we refer to as ‘points of need,’ which
certainly have our support are lower than the corps level” using expeditionary, fly-to-advise efforts.
from an institutional viabil- He also said the ANDSF need the most help “ensuring that the proper flow
ity standpoint. It is at times of those things that field an army or field a police force, which are logistics
a very direct combat sup- or classes of supply … [and] making sure [the ANDSF] know[s] we’re still
there from an air support standpoint and able to help and protect them dur-
port role. ing combat operations.”93
–General Austin Scott Miller, According to General McKenzie on December 10, with fewer troops to
RS and USFOR-A Commander advise and assist Afghan forces, “We will have to be very careful and very
smart how we pick and choose where we go and where we don’t go. And
the margins will be less, but we believe it still will enable us to carry out
Source: RS, response to SIGAR vetting, “Transcript: COMRS,
CJCS, US EMB On-Record Interview 16 December 2020,” our core objective” of preventing terrorist groups from attacking the U.S. or
other partner countries from Afghanistan.94
This is not the first time changes to U.S. force levels in Afghanistan
have yielded a modified TAA effort. SIGAR reported in the first year of the
Trump Administration that defense officials said the 11,000-troop level in
September 2017 was sufficient for the U.S. counterterrorism mission, but
insufficient for the U.S. contribution to the TAA mission. Adding roughly
3,000 troops, most of whom would be TAA advisors, was a key part of the
administration’s new strategy for Afghanistan. Additionally, expanding the
level at which they advised was considered to be vital to the TAA mission
and to improving the ANDSF’s capabilities. The change was to move advi-
sors from the corps level and higher, at which they are mainly advising now,
lower to the battalion and brigade levels.95 Yet, despite a surge to 14,000
troops, a level sustained until October 2019, and the continued—though
reduced—U.S. advisor presence since then, the ANDSF still face a num-
ber of operational capability, capacity, and institutional challenges” and
“require” continued advisory and logistical support.96
DOD acknowledges that the latest force level introduces some limi-
tations on force capacity and on the train, advise, and assist mission.97
However, USFOR-A insists this quarter that its ability to execute and/or
oversee costly and necessary taxpayer-funded contracts to train and sustain
the ANDSF, and to provide them hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of
equipment and direct-assistance funds has thus far “not been adversely
affected by the reduction of force levels.”98
300,000 281,548 288,418 288,702
272,465 272,807 118,122
253,850 99,375 105,671 103,224
250,000 91,596 96,788
5/2019 7/2019 10/2019 1/2020 4/2020 7/2020 10/2020
Note: This quarter's data is as of October 29, 2020. The “as of” date of the data each quarter is between the 25th and
31st of the indicated month. ANA = Afghan National Army; AAF = Afghan Air Force; ANP = Afghan National Police; ANDSF =
Afghan National Defense and Security Forces. No civilians are included in the strength numbers.
Source: CSTC-A response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020, 9/22/2020, 6/18/2020, 3/17/2020, 12/19/2019, and
9/18/2019; SIGAR, analysis of CSTC-A-provided data, 12/2020.
CSTC-A Reports Closing DOD OIG Recommendation on Biometric Record Number Vulnerability in APPS
An August 2019 Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DOD OIG) audit found that MOD and MOI were not using APPS as intended to
generate payroll data (as of April 2019), with the overall finding that CSTC-A had paid $26.2 million for a system that “does not accomplish [its] stated
objective of reducing the risk of inaccurate personnel records or fraudulent payments through the use of automated controls.”
DOD OIG said APPS failed to reduce the risk of inaccurate records and fraudulent payments because there was no link between the two systems to
validate the authenticity of the biometric number recorded in APPS. This quarter, CSTC-A told SIGAR that its Human Resource Management Program
Management Office (HRM PMO) completed the final outstanding recommendation from the audit: to develop an auditable process that could be
implemented on a regular schedule to ensure personnel records have an authentic biometric identification number validated in the Afghan Automated
Biometric Information System (AABIS).
CSTC-A said in August 2020 they had begun a process of 100% monthly validation of APPS biometrically enrolled personnel with the information in
the AABIS allowing for the recurring identification and correction of records with missing biometric information, and of records containing the same
biometric information as other records. CSTC-A undertakes this process by comparing a file with all biometric records in AABIS with all properly enrolled
and slotted ANDSF personnel in APPS to ensure the APPS personnel are “biometrically verified.” Biometrically verified personnel are those who have a
matching biometric Transaction Control Number (TCN) listed in both the AABIS and APPS. Personnel who have no valid TCN in APPS, or who have a TCN
in APPS that has no corresponding TCN in AABIS, are considered to be not biometrically verified. CSTC-A acknowledges this process minimizes errors
but is not entirely error-proof.
To date, there is no automated link between APPS and AABIS. However, an early effort is underway to create an Application Program Interface (API)
between APPS and AABIS. CSTC-A said APPS is already API capable, but AABIS will also require this change before the interface between the two
systems is complete.
Source: DOD OIG, Audit of the Planning for and Implementation of the Afghan Personnel and Pay System, 8/15/2019, i; CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response to
SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021 and 1/15/2021.
ANDSF Casualties
USFOR-A continues to classify all ANDSF casualty data because the Afghan
government classifies it.127 SIGAR’s questions about ANDSF casualties can
be found in Appendix E.
Note: Partnered = operations conducted by ASSF in which U.S./Coalition forces accompany ASSF to the target; Enabled = operations planned and executed by ASSF in which U.S./Coalition
forces supply intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaisance, or other support but do not accompany ASSF to the target; Independent = operations planned and executed by ASSF without any
U.S./Coalition assistance. Percentages may sum to more than 100% due to rounding.
Source: NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021; SIGAR, analysis of NSOCC-A-provided data, 1/2021.
Checkpoint Reduction
RS has long identified the need for an orderly reduction or elimination of
the most vulnerable (minimally manned or unsupportable) checkpoints, as Checkpoints: nonpermanent positions
well as to consolidate personnel into patrol bases (the new standard fight- manned by or housing 10–20 soldiers or
ing structures for the ANA).154 police without logistics support or officer
In November 2019, the Afghan government in coordination with CSTC-A leadership.
estimated that the ANDSF had over 10,000 checkpoints nationwide, with
an average of 10–20 personnel at each checkpoint.155 Coalition TAA efforts Patrol bases: a fortified platoon or com-
in 2020 helped the ANA develop its Checkpoint Reduction and Base pany position with towers, concertina wire,
and other reinforcements, with a limited
Development Plan (CPRBD) for this year.156
logistical capability for the care and feed-
However, some checkpoints were not eliminated by plan, but abandoned
ing of soldiers assigned to the position.
to the Taliban. Nearly 200 checkpoints manned by the ANA’s 205th Corps The construction of patrol bases is now
in Kandahar Province were abandoned to the Taliban during December ordered by MOD to be the standard field
2020.157 According to Kandahar provincial leaders and security personnel, fortification for the ANA.
the ANDSF and the Taliban have clashed regularly in Kandahar Province
since October, and the recent checkpoint abandonment let government
weapons and ammunition fall in Taliban hands.158 Following the retreat,
Source: CSTC-A, response to DOD OIG data call, 4/7/2020.
CSTC-A said that representatives from the MOI, NDS, and the MOD general
staff were debriefed by the Kandahar governor, soldiers and commanders
from the 205th Corps, and provincial and district chiefs of police. A lack of
ANDSF cooperation, 205th Corps personnel shortfalls, adversarial relation-
ships between the 205th Corps soldiers and Kandahar citizens, and the lack
of adequate fuel and personnel reserves for 205th Corps checkpoints con-
tributed to the collapse.159
CSTC-A reported that all of “the issues are concerns that MOD senior
leaders [are addressing] and continue to improve.”160
In total, CSTC-A estimated that there are now under 6,000 checkpoints
in the country.161 ANDSF still had approximately one-third of its total force
or 95,000 personnel (29,000 ANA and 66,000 ANP) manning checkpoints
as of December 2020.162 CSTC-A noted that effort is still required to reduce
checkpoints across the country. Recent planning conferences should also
help reduce some checkpoints as the ANP refocuses their efforts in popula-
tion centers.163
Ground-Vehicle Maintenance
DOD contractors provide maintenance services for ANDSF ground vehi-
cles and train ANDSF technicians under the 2018 National Maintenance
Strategy-Ground Vehicle Support (NMS-GVS) contract. The contractors also
develop ANA and ANP maintenance capacity through a workshare plan
intended to have the ANA and ANP performing 90% and 65%, respectively,
of their maintenance by the end of the five-year contract in 2023.164 CSTC-A
has said the final objective of the NMS-GVS workshare is to ensure suffi-
cient ANDSF maintenance capacity.165 As of October 2020, the United States
has obligated $787.5 million for ANA and ANP training, mentoring, and con-
tract logistics-support services through the NMS-GVS contract.166
CSTC-A continued to report this quarter that the ANDSF are falling well
below their benchmarks for the share of the maintenance work orders
they, versus contractors, are supposed to perform. According to CSTC-A,
the ANA filled on average just under 20% of maintenance work orders from
October through December 2020, roughly the same as last quarter. Their
goal for the period was to complete 80% of maintenance work orders.
Similarly, the ANP filled on average slightly more than 12% of maintenance
work orders during this same time period, a slight improvement from last
quarter but also well below its 35% goal.167
When asked the reason for this, CSTC-A told SIGAR that the pandemic
and increased attacks have prevented the ANDSF from expanding its share
of maintenance work. ANDSF mechanics have been moved to checkpoints
to conduct combat operations because they are trained riflemen. The force
has begun rotating mechanics in and out of checkpoints to continue repair-
ing equipment. CSTC-A added that while benchmarks and timelines have
not been adjusted, NMS-GVS has largely shifted to only a training and men-
toring role, except in major cities—Kabul, Kandahar, Mazar-e Sharif, and
Herat—where they must still perform maintenance.168
ANA Infrastructure
The United States obligated and disbursed roughly $6 billion of ASFF
appropriations from FY 2005 through FY 2018 for ANA, AAF, and some
ASSF infrastructure projects as of December 31, 2020.176
As of December 5, 2020, CSTC-A was managing nine ongoing, DOD-
funded ANA infrastructure projects costing roughly $33.4 million in total.
CSTC-A awarded no new projects this quarter, and completed five projects
that cost nearly $24.7 million.177
Of the ongoing projects, the costliest include an electrical-grid connec-
tion project for the ANA in Baghlan Province (costing about $9.5 million), a
new School of Excellence for the ANASOC’s Camp Commando (roughly $7
million), and one phase of an SMW facilities expansion plan for its Hamid
Karzai International Airport airbase in Kabul ($5.6 million).178
The costliest completed projects this quarter were a $10.7 million electri-
cal-grid connection project for the ANA and ANP in Kunduz Province, a $5.9
million morgue and visitor facility for the Kabul National Military Hospital,
and a $4.6 million electrical-grid connection project for the ANDSF’s Central
Supply Depot in Kabul.179
Four of the ongoing infrastructure projects for MOD elements are slated
for completion after May 2021, at which time U.S. forces, depending on con-
ditions, may leave Afghanistan.180
Regarding how CSTC-A would continue to oversee construction projects
after a potential U.S. withdrawal, CSTC-A said:
Around 1,000 soldiers graduated from Basic Warrior Training at the Regional Military
Training Center in Mazar-e Sharif in November. (RS photo)
Source: CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/16/2021; OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/22/2021.
minor repairs, and procurement of parts and supplies for the AAF’s in-coun-
try inventory of seven air platforms: UH-60, MD-530, and Mi-17 helicopters;
A-29, C-208, and AC-208 fixed-wing aircraft; and C-130 transport aircraft.191
The United States has obligated about $6 billion of ASFF for the AAF
(including roughly $2.5 billion for the SMW) from FY 2010 to FY 2020, as
of November 30, 2020.192 U.S. funds can be obligated for up to two years;
$904.3 million in FY 2019 funds have been obligated (of the $996 million
authorized) and $192 million in FY 2020 funds have been obligated (of the
roughly $1.1 billion authorized).193
Source: TAAC-Air, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/16/2021; SIGAR, analysis of TAAC-Air-provided data, 1/2021.
TABLE 2.10
ANP Infrastructure
The United States had obligated and disbursed approximately $3.2 billion
of ASFF appropriations from FY 2005 through FY 2018 for ANP and some
GCPSU infrastructure projects as of December 31, 2020.205
As of December 13, 2020, CSTC-A was managing three ongoing, DOD-
funded ANP infrastructure projects. These projects are the joint NATF- and
ASFF-funded closed-circuit television surveillance system in Kabul ($19
million of this funded by ASFF), the ASFF-funded GCPSU project at Kabul
Garrison Command ($2.6 million), and the recent ASFF-funded Kabul
Security Forces Checkpoints ($300,000) project that was awarded on
October 1, 2020.206 CSTC-A also reported that no projects were completed,
cancelled, or terminated this quarter.207
CSTC-A continued to report this quarter that the estimated annual facil-
ities-sustainment costs funded by the United States for all ANP facility and
electrical-generator requirements will be $68.8 million. Of this, $42.4 million
will be provided directly to the Afghan government and $26.4 million will be
spent by CSTC-A for the Afghan government.208
policing” and the rule of law. DOD noted, however, that “The security envi-
ronment during the reporting period did not allow the MOI to transition
from its focus as a paramilitary security focus to a force focused on ‘com-
munity policing.’”212
Efforts in that direction include reducing the numbers of the most dan-
gerous checkpoints and reevaluating the training pipeline and training
curriculum for police personnel. Specifically, MOI reviewed the curriculum
of initial entry police training to better align with a civil law-enforcement
mission. Nonetheless, MOI continues to lack institutional training that rein-
forces civil law enforcement. Furthermore, beyond early training, the ANP
also lacks an institutionalized leadership-development program at the dis-
trict and local levels.213
On December 2, in what State called a “breakthrough,” the negotiating teams of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
and the Taliban agreed to rules and procedures to guide negotiations that might lead to a political roadmap and a
permanent and comprehensive ceasefire.
KEY ISSUES The negotiation teams recessed until January 5, 2021, to consult on the agenda, and held a preparatory meeting on
January 6 to prepare for substantive discussions that began January 9.
Donors pledged at least $3.3 billion in civilian assistance for 2021 at the November 23–24 Afghanistan Conference.
“The Elections Support some.256 Nonetheless, Afghanistan’s minister of interior and director of the
National Directorate of Security insisted the Taliban is responsible.257
Group (ESG) strongly The numerous civil-society and media organizations that have emerged
condemns [the] killing of in Afghanistan since 2001 have been one of reconstruction’s success stories.
Mohamed Yousuf Rashid, Since 2001, USAID spent at least $220 million on media- and civil-society-
Executive Director of Free focused programs.258 Beyond these initiatives, other USAID programs also
invested in media, such as $2.2 million in start-up funding for what would
and Fair Election Forum
become Afghanistan’s largest media company, Moby Media Group.259
of Afghanistan (FEFA). A former USAID Afghanistan mission director reflected in 2017 that
Mr. Rashid has been a Afghanistan’s vibrant and active media was one of the agency’s results that
long-standing advocate for spoke for itself.260
the rights of all Afghans Although attacks on media-affiliated persons are not as numerous as in
past years, their pace has accelerated, particularly in the last two months of
to elect their representa- 2020.261 According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, five journalists
tives and determine their were murdered in Afghanistan in 2020 (down from a high of 10 in 2018).262
country’s future. His life- The Afghan nongovernmental organization Nai reported seven media-
long dedication and his affiliated persons killed in 2020 (lower than previous highs of 20 in 2017
and 18 in 2018).263 The journalists murdered this quarter included 26-year-
contribution to strengthen- old Malala Maiwand, a television host popular in eastern Afghanistan, and
ing Afghanistan’s electoral Fardin Amini, a television news anchor.264
process is both enduring Prominent civil-society representatives have also been targeted in this
as well as widely recog- campaign. One particularly egregious example was the killing of Yousuf
Rasheed, the pro-democracy executive director of the Free and Fair
nized within Afghanistan
Elections Forum of Afghanistan Organization (FEFA).265
and internationally.” President Ghani declared these attacks on journalists and civil-society
–Elections Support Group of the representatives as “an attack on a generation” meant to destabilize the
United States, UNAMA, NATO, country and create a sense of helplessness.266 The Islamic Republic’s chief
the EU, Denmark, Italy, Japan, negotiator said on January 1, 2021, that he would raise the issue of attacks
Norway, and Sweden on journalists with the Taliban.267
For more information on overall violence in Afghanistan, see pages
50–54 of this report.
prisoners were supposed to be released over the three months after the
start of negotiations.269
On December 6, Afghan media said Ambassador Wilson told them that
the Taliban expected the Afghan government to release 7,000 additional On September 26, 2019, the Senate
government-held prisoners by mid-December.270 State told SIGAR that this Appropriations Committee issued
media reporting misreported Ambassador Wilson’s statements, but did not S. Rept. 116-126, accompanying
provide a preferred version.271 the Department of State, Foreign
The day after Ambassador Wilson’s reported comments, Afghanistan’s Operations, and Related Programs
National Security Council spokesman was quoted criticizing the release of Appropriations Act, 2020. The report
additional Taliban prisoners, saying previous releases did not achieve the directed SIGAR to assess “the extent
desired results and that some released prisoners had returned to the battle- to which the Department of State
field.272 On December 17, President Ghani escalated the matter when he told and USAID have developed strategies
an audience in Kandahar that there should be no further prisoner releases and plans for the provision of
until violence decreased, saying the Taliban “must stop the bloodshed so we continued reconstruction assistance
can talk.”273 to Afghanistan in the event of a peace
Another point of tension between the U.S. and Afghan governments has agreement, including a review of any
been assigning responsibility for certain high-profile attacks. For example, strategies and plans for monitoring and
following a November 2020 attack on Kabul University, Afghanistan’s First evaluating the effectiveness of such
Vice President Amrullah Saleh declared the mastermind a Taliban affiliate, a assistance and for protecting the rights
charge the Taliban rejected.274 Ambassador Khalilzad said the “horrendous” of Afghan women and girls.” SIGAR
and “barbaric” attack was claimed by IS-K. He appeared to chastise the initiated this work in May 2020.
Afghan government and Taliban, saying the attack was “NOT an opportunity
for the government and the Taliban to score points against each other.”275
According to USAID, this short-term effort will help ensure key stakehold-
ers can participate in the intra-Afghan negotiations, build awareness and
support for the peace process among Afghans, and equip USAID and oth-
ers with the tools and information to successfully reinforce peace at a
local level.292
OTI is working with a number of civil-society organizations and media
outlets to hold and amplify discussions between Afghans about the future
of the country, their expectations from the peace process, and their demand
for a resolution to the conflict. For example, OTI is working with a coali-
tion of Afghan nongovernmental organizations to hold public meetings
on the peace process. Radio and social media content will be produced
on these events and aired on a national broadcaster. OTI is also support-
ing a number of research initiatives to inform future USAID and Afghan
government programming.293
Donors Pledge at Least $3.3 Billion for 2021 at the
November Afghanistan Conference Despite Concerns over
Persistent Corruption
On November 23–24, representatives of over 60 countries, some 30 inter-
national organizations, and civil-society groups virtually attended the 2020
Afghanistan Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. In the adopted communi-
On November 23–24, representatives of qué, participants called for an immediate, permanent, and comprehensive
over 60 countries, some 30 international ceasefire, and a meaningful peace process with the participation of women
organizations, and civil-society groups and young people, as well as ethnic, religious and other minorities. They
virtually attended the 2020 Afghanistan
affirmed a renewed partnership to strengthen a sovereign, unified, demo-
Conference. (UN graphic)
cratic and peaceful Afghanistan on its path towards self-reliance, and
welcomed a new Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework
(ANPDF II) and the Afghanistan Partnership Framework (APF) to guide
their relationship with the government.294
According to the UN, donors pledged at least $3.3 billion in development
assistance for 2021, with annual commitments expected to stay at the same
level year-on-year through 2024.295 According to the UN and Finnish confer-
ence co-chairs, donors expressed the potential for between $12 billion and
$13.2 billion through 2024 if subsequent annual commitments stay at similar
levels to the 2021 commitment.296 (This was down from the $15.2 billion
donors committed to provide at the 2016 donors conference over four years
through 2020.297)
At the conference, the United States pledged $300 million for 2021, with
up to an additional $300 million available in the near term depending on the
Afghan government making “meaningful progress” in the peace process. (At
the 2016 donors conference, the United States pledged $4 billion over four
ANPDF II, per its guiding principles, is to articulate, integrate, and roll
out the processes of peace-building, state-building, and market-building as
instruments of nation-building, and be operationalized through a realistic
monitoring and results framework, with clear annual indicators lending
themselves to effective monitoring and verification.302
The APF also outlines a number of outcomes and jointly agreed priority
areas distinct from the principles. These include established reform targets
for 2021, but targets for 2022 and beyond are merely “indicative” and sub-
ject to revision in subsequent annual meetings.303
Presently, there appears to be no direct financial consequence if the
Afghan government does not achieve these outcomes or reform targets.
According to USAID, donors formally and informally track outcomes or
reform targets to gauge progress in Afghanistan and the APF “implies that
there will be financial consequences” if the Afghan government does not
achieve the minimum conditions.304 While specific dollar values are not
tied to the Afghan government achieving these outcomes and reform tar-
gets, many are designed to closely align with milestones in the Afghanistan
Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) incentive program and EU state build-
ing program.305
According to State, the World Bank told ARTF donors that it planned to
align its objectives with the APF and the ANPDF II,306 meaning funding may
be conditional on these targets when some of the APF’s outcome indicators
are linked to the ARTF 2021 incentive program.307
Several of the APF outcome-level targets remain vague, with many call-
ing for unspecified improvements or reductions against well-established
indicators that donors have regularly cited for years to gauge progress in
Afghanistan. These include:
• For the Peace-Building Pillar, donors intend to measure outcome-level
progress by tracking unspecified improvements in Afghanistan’s Human
Development Index and Gender Inequality Index. Further, donors desire
reductions in UNAMA-tracked civilian casualties and the proportion
of the population who fear for their personal safety as reported in the
annual Survey of the Afghan People.308
• For the State-Building Pillar, donors intend to measure outcome-level
progress by tracking unspecified increases in Afghan government
revenue as a share of economic output, the proportion of women
civil service employees, and the effectiveness of high-level corruption
prosecution and law enforcement. Further, donors wish to see
improvements in Afghanistan’s standing in Transparency International’s
Corruption Perceptions Index and the World Justice Project’s Rule of
Law Index.309
• For the Market-Building Pillar, donors intend to measure outcome-
level progress by tracking unspecified reductions in the proportion of
Afghans living below the basic-needs poverty line. Further, donors wish
to see improvements in the annual growth rate of real gross domestic
product per employed person, the real rate of economic growth, the
gross value of exports, and Afghanistan’s score recorded in the World
Bank Group Doing Business survey.310
TABLE 2.12
Note: *USAID had two previous awards to the ARTF: One that concluded in March 2012 with $1,371,991,195 in total disbursements, and a second that ended in September 2020 with
$2,555,686,333 in total disbursements. Cumulative disbursements from all ARTF awards is currently $3,983,363,861.
Provincial and Municipal Programs
USAID has two subnational programs focused on provincial centers and
municipalities: the Initiative to Strengthen Local Administrations (ISLA)
and Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and Resilience (SHAHAR) programs.
Table 2.13 summarizes total program costs and disbursements to date.
TABLE 2.13
Source: USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 1/11/2021; World Bank, “Administrator’s Report on Financial Status,” 11/20/2020, p. 5.
The U.S.-supported World Bank Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project provides grants
to communities to implement community projects, such as this canal rehabilitation.
(U.S. Embassy Kabul photo)
The APF target for rolling out the CCAP peace pilot to 300 communities
is 2022.353
TABLE 2.14
Source: State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 1/11/2021.
making the CMS the national system of record, requiring all justice-sector
institutions to use it.364
As of November 15, 2020, the CMS contained 550,452 criminal and
123,798 civil case records.365 Ministry of Justice (MOJ) CMS operators
reported that unreliable electricity and slow internet connections are major
challenges for CMS users.366 According to JSSP program reporting, Afghan
government justice officials in areas that lack internet access still use paper
forms when recording information; such records are later entered into CMS
by operators working at sites with internet access.367
According to State, COVID-19-related challenges delayed numerous JSSP
meetings and trainings until October and November. In late November,
COVID-19 cases began to rise again, and some Afghan program staff who
went back to their offices returned to teleworking.368
is 28% over total prison capacity, whereas the female prison population is
only 25% of total capacity.384
From October 1 to December 7, 2020, State learned of 10 major internal-
security incidents affecting civilian prisons in Afghanistan. Of these 10
incidents, five were hunger strikes and five were protests or riots. Half of
the incidents related to prisoner transfers, with prisoners either request-
ing a transfer or protesting a planned transfer (both to other facilities and
within cell blocks at their facility). Of the remaining incidents, one riot was
a protest against a major search of the facility, one was a protest because
the prisoners were not released under a presidential decree, one was a pro-
test of the duration of their prison sentences, one was a demand by national
security threat inmates to repatriate to their home countries, and one was a
protest against the transfer of the prison commander to another facility.385
Taliban and Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K)-affiliated prisoners were
among those leading some, but not most, prison disturbances. In one
October incident, 126 IS-K-affiliated prisoners held a hunger strike demand-
ing to be transferred from the Kabul Detention Facility to Pul-e Charkhi
Prison after their convictions were upheld on appeal. In the same month,
Taliban-affiliated prisoners in Nimroz Province barricaded themselves in
their cellblock to protest the Afghan government’s decision to transfer
national-security-threat prisoners to Pul-e Charkhi Prison.386
A number of detained IS-K-affiliated families pose unique challenges,
prompting State to coordinate a broader response. Following military
defeats in late 2019 and early 2020, many IS‐K fighters and their families
surrendered to Afghan government forces. Approximately 135 women and
275 children, mostly foreign citizens, are held in the Kabul Female Prison
and Detention Center.387 According to the UN Secretary-General, many of
the IS-K-affiliated prisoners have been held in pretrial detention for almost
a year.388
State was unable to provide the typical support it offers to incarcerated
women and children due to concerns with providing material support to
known terrorist affiliates. Following discussions in November 2020, ICRC
and UNICEF agreed to work with State to develop long-term solutions for
individual IS-K-affiliated prisoners, including potential prisoner repatriation
to their home countries.389
According to the latest Asia Foundation survey results, 85% of respondents
surveyed in 2020 reported that corruption was a major problem in their
daily life, and 95% said it was a major problem in Afghanistan as a whole.390
The Afghan government’s anticorruption strategy expired in December
2019.391 In September, donors expressed several concerns with the draft of a
new strategy in comments they shared with the Afghan government, including:
A mural painted by the group ArtLords on one of Kabul’s ubiquitous blast walls calls out corruption. (U.S. Embassy Kabul photo)
This quarter, CSTC-A helped MOD legal and investigative bodies agree
on the importance of clear lines of authority for developing case files neces-
sary for criminal convictions. CSTC-A said the various MOD bodies charged
with responding to corruption (including the MOD IG, intelligence officials,
and MOD CID investigators) have agreed that professional MOD CID inves-
tigators should be responsible for identifying, collecting, recording, and
preserving evidence. Afghan law regarding these responsibilities is unclear,
CSTC-A says, making meaningful and immediate change difficult. Some of
these MOD entities lack a mission statement, the ability to compel coopera-
tion, and meaningful measurements of success.411
Little Progress Combating Opium Poppy Production
U.S. drug-control priorities for Afghanistan, according to the Department of
State, include disrupting the drug trade, targeting its revenue streams, pro-
moting alternative livelihoods for farmers, reducing demand, strengthening
law enforcement, and building Afghan government capacity. Unfortunately,
State said “overall progress in meeting these long-term objectives remains
slow, inconsistent, and insufficient.”412
According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
2020 World Drug Report, an estimated 163,000 hectares of opium poppy
were cultivated in Afghanistan during 2019 (more current reporting has
been delayed). Although a 50% reduction from the record high in 2017
(328,000 ha), 2019 cultivation remained nearly three-times the pre-2002
average (1994–2001).413 Based on 2018 data, Afghan opiate production
accounted for 84% of the global morphine and heroin seized;414 seizure data
is important because it provides a rough indication of the share that Afghan
opiates have in the global market.
The statistics merely hint at the scope of the challenge posed by Afghan
narcotics production. As SIGAR quarterly reports have repeatedly noted,
the U.S. Congress has appropriated $9 billion for counternarcotics efforts in
Afghanistan since FY 2002, yet the opium-economy has grown exponentially
over that period, while interdiction efforts have had only a minimal impact
on the illicit narcotics trade. Importantly, that trade helps fund insurgents,
terrorists, and criminal networks; fosters corruption; undermines public
regard for the government; and creates public-health and social problems.415
New impediments to progress emerged in 2020, as the COVID-19 pan-
demic and economic distress simultaneously hindered counternarcotics
operations, delayed reporting, and increased financial incentives for farm-
ers and other Afghans to profit from the narcotics trade. U.S. and Afghan
counternarcotics strategies are in flux, and the formal organization of
Afghan counternarcotics agencies has been restructured. Further, despite
the long-standing problems with the counternarcotics effort in Afghanistan
and the aggravating factors, international donors at the November 2020
Afghanistan conference in Geneva, Switzerland did not condition future
funding on counternarcotics indicators.416
SIGAR remains concerned that the biannual Afghanistan Opium Survey reports are still
delayed after more than a year of disagreements between the Afghan government’s National
Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
(UNODC). SIGAR first reported on these delays in January 2020.425 Disagreements between
these partners emerged when NSIA objected to UNODC’s measurement of the opium-poppy
yield for the 2019 season, despite UNODC’s use of a long-standing methodology that
employs field measurements of mature poppy plants. NSIA specifically objected to the use
of opportunistic sampling, which UNODC has used since 2012 to improve data quality. INL
explained that UNODC’s opportunistic sampling method allowed surveyors operating in a
small number of highly insecure areas some discretion in selecting sample areas within a
district.426 SIGAR hopes that these disagreements will be resolved and that the 2019 and
2020 reports will be released in early 2021.
Both of these reports have been delayed; the most recent was published
in July 2019. Although INL reported last quarter that the 2019 Afghanistan
Opium Survey: Socioeconomic Analysis report was scheduled for publica-
tion by the end of 2020, the report is awaiting final clearance from the NSIA
and has no target release date.420
INL says the 2020 Afghanistan Opium Survey: Cultivation Estimate
is expected to be released in early 2021. But if the report is released, it
still may not include the annual yield estimates.421 This is because NSIA
performed no field sampling, random or otherwise, in 2020. Without field
sampling, UNODC began developing a methodology to estimate the 2020
opium-poppy yield using satellite imagery.422 NSIA has not approved the
UNODC satellite imagery methodology and continues to review it.423
However, the recently signed agreement between UNODC and NSIA
includes language that should enable field-sampling surveys this spring for
the 2021 season and subsequent reports.424
Interdiction Results
In a new measure, DEA reported this quarter that the value of narcotics
intercepted from October 1 through December 8, 2020, was over $235 mil-
lion.472 DEA reported that it no longer uses denied revenue to measure the
value of interdicted narcotics and has instead developed the “drug value
intercepted” (DVI) method to measure value. DEA noted that estimated pro-
duction costs were previously used to estimate the value of revenue denied,
which proved inconsistent. In contrast, DVI measures the street value of
particular drugs by averaging three years of drug purchases.473
Between July 1 and September 30, 2020, DEA reported that U.S.-
supported interdiction activities by Afghan security forces included 39
operations resulting in seizures of 126 kilograms (kg) (278 lbs.) of opium,
201 kg (445 lbs.) of heroin, and 445 kg of methamphetamines (979 lbs.).
Additionally, 71 arrests were made and 6,049 kg (13,336 lbs.) of precursor
chemicals and approximately 730 kg (1,609 lbs.) of hashish were seized by
Afghan security forces during this period.474 Table 2.15 contains interdiction
results provided by DOD and DEA.
Despite the improved capabilities of Afghan specialized units over the
years, drug seizures and arrests have had minimal impact on the country’s
opium-poppy cultivation and production. For example, total opium seizures
since FY 2008 are equivalent to approximately 8% of the country’s 6,400
metric tons of opium production for the single year of 2019, as reported
by UNODC.475
TABLE 2.15
Eradication Update
INL reported this quarter that the MOI began eradication planning sessions
on November 7, 2020, under the auspices of the Eradication Coordination
Committee (ECC). Discussion at this meeting included how to facilitate
high-level coordination amongst all entities involved in eradication as well
as complaints about a lack of functional equipment, timely funding avail-
ability, and the increasing strength of the insurgency.476 According to INL
contacts, the ECC will meet weekly with high-level participation including
from the president’s office, NSIA, and local security and governance entities
such as the National Directorate of Security, the Ministry of Defense, and
the Independent Directorate of Local Governance.477
The Director General of the CNPA, Colonel Sami Popalzai, and Deputy
Minister Aurtaq are expected to coordinate with the president or vice presi-
dent to obtain an executive order asking all relevant national and provincial
organizations to support eradication. Meanwhile, NSIA will ask UNODC and
the Afghan national security advisor staff for the latest data on poppy cul-
tivation. From these data, the NSIA will prepare a schedule for nationwide
eradication and prepare provincial-level presentations on opium-poppy
Governor-Led Eradication
Prior to the MCN’s dissolution, INL provided direct eradication assistance
through the Governor-Led Eradication (GLE) program. According to INL,
the MOI now manages this ongoing program, with the CNPA implement-
ing independent Afghan eradication and GLE.481 When MCN managed the
GLE program beginning in 2005, INL reimbursed provincial governors
$250 toward the eradication costs of every UNODC-verified hectare of
eradicated poppy.482
INL did not provide an update on the GLE program this quarter because
there has been no change in the status of their relationship. INL is currently
unable to provide funding for the GLE program prior to the vetting of the
CNPA’s financial-control mechanisms.483
Presently, USAID has only one remaining Promote program, which aims to
strengthen women’s participation in civil society.489 Table 2.16 shows the
current Promote and women-focused programs.
All the Promote programs that focused on employment and job readiness
training ended last quarter. USAID does not expect future updates on the
number of Promote beneficiaries who secure employment.490
To date, Promote’s Musharikat (Women’s Rights Groups and Coalitions)
program reports it has recruited over 7,000 women-focused advocates to
its network. This past year, Musharikat began requiring a certain number
of recruits from their grantees and began targeting university students.
According to the program, the strength and influence of the Musharikat
coalitions relies on continued growth of the number and diversity of mem-
bers within the coalitions, as well as in their participation in Musharikat
activities.491 Musharikat seeks to engage its coalition members through
registration with the network and participation in an online community and
live events. To help sustain this engagement, Musharikat developed a free
mobile phone application for easy access to the program’s online commu-
nity. Since its release in August 2019, the application has been downloaded
only 150 times, despite smart-phone usage being high among Musharikat’s
coalition members.492
COVID-19 has made Musharikat’s online engagement options more
popular for members. In the third quarter of 2020, Musharikat recorded
over 9,000 member log-ins (compared with 2,410 in the previous two quar-
ters).493 Many of the most popular discussion prompts on Musharikat’s
member website over the past year related to the ongoing peace
process, including:494
• Since the talks started on September 12, 2020, what progress do you
think has been made?
• Do you think the Taliban will change their mentality, ambition and
behavior of 1990s and play an equal role in ensuring social justice?
• What are your specific opinions about women’s situation after a
potential agreement with the Taliban?
• What are your specific recommendations for women representatives
in peace process talks?
• Is there any guarantee that the released Taliban will not return to
the battlefield?
KEY ISSUES Poverty levels were forecasted to rise to 61–72% of the population in 2020 due to the pandemic, while Afghanistan
braced for a second wave of COVID-19 in early 2021.
A number of U.S. economic and social development programs fell short of their FY 2020 performance goals due to
COVID-related restrictions that hindered project activities.
U.S. national security interests and the broader political stability of the
country. The U.S. government’s current Integrated Country Strategy (ICS),
released in September 2018, highlights the need to strengthen economic
prosperity through U.S. support of private-sector-led export growth and
job creation and accompanying gains in health, education, and women’s
empowerment leading to increased revenue generation and budget sus-
tainability for the Afghan government.519 USAID’s FY 2019–2023 Country
Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for Afghanistan, nested within
the ICS, further outlines the need to:520
• accelerate private-sector-driven, export-led economic growth
• advance social gains in health, education, and gender equality
• increase the Afghan government’s accountability to its citizens
Within the CDCS, USAID posits that progress in these three areas will,
in turn, “increase Afghanistan’s economic viability and enable the country
to become less reliant on donors”; “enable the country to become more
inclusive and stable, as Afghans gain confidence in their government’s abil-
ity to achieve reforms and deliver services”; and “help improve the country’s
stability and inclusivity, as Afghans’ trust in their government improves and
civic participation expands.”521
In pursuit of these objectives, USAID has shifted its approach under
the current CDCS to focus on direct interaction with Afghanistan’s pri-
vate sector and work with other U.S. government agencies to implement
various policy reforms and programs to support economic growth.522 In
particular, senior U.S. officials have pointed to the emerging role of the U.S.
International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)—the U.S. govern-
ment development finance institution formed in December 2019 from the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation and USAID’s Development Credit
Authority—and its potential as an alternative source of financing to support
private investments in Afghanistan’s agriculture and extractives industries.
The DFC is exploring co-investment and co-financing opportunities with
private investors that may emerge as the Afghan peace talks move forward,
supporting a gradual transition from grant-based aid to an investment
model for U.S. engagement with the Afghan economy.523
Both U.S. and Afghan officials have highlighted expected economic
opportunities following a peace agreement. On International Migrants Day
(December 17, 2020), U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Ross Wilson tweeted that peace
in Afghanistan “will bring economic opportunities for displaced people and
all Afghan citizens. Peace will increase trade, improving employment pros-
pects, economic outcomes, and futures of generations to come.”524 In early
January 2021, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation
Zalmay Khalilzad toured Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, and Turkmenistan,
in part, to “continue to encourage projects and plans for expanded regional
Infrastructure 4,543
Governance 3,587
Stabilization 2,432
Agriculture 2,340
Health 1,414
Education 1,236
Unpreferenced* 1,139
Gender 263
Note: USAID Mission-managed funds. Numbers are rounded. USAID gender programs managed by the agency’s Office of Gender are presented as a separate category. Agriculture programs
include Alternative Development. Infrastructure programs include power, roads, extractives, and programs that build health and education facilities. OFM activities (e.g. audits and pre-award
assessments) are included under Program Support funds.
*Unpreferenced funds are U.S. contributions to the ARTF that can be used for any ARTF-supported initiatives.
Source: SIGAR analysis of USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 1/10/2021; SIGAR analysis of World Bank, ARTF, Administrator’s Report on Financial Status as of November 20, 2020,
Additionally, the APF lays out key action items with incremental tar-
gets, including the Afghan government adhering to “sound policies for
macroeconomic stability,” undertaking reforms to ensure equal economic
opportunities for women, facilitating agribusiness and agricultural exports,
and mobilizing growth and investment in the mining sector.538
U.S. efforts to bolster private-sector investment and growth are part of a
broader strategy to transition Afghanistan from being predominantly an
NATO training of local Afghan civil aviation staff was delayed by COVID-
19, and then canceled after determining the Afghan trainees were “not
capable of being trained” as they lacked basic qualifications, according to
Kandahar Governor Hayatullah Hayat. An ACAA spokesperson, however,
announced that the Afghan government will be able to take control of
the international airports by May 2021, adding that “some of our foreign
colleagues will still be coordinating with us in some of the sectors of the
airports after the handover is finished.”601
Afghanistan’s sustainable domestic revenues contracted by 2.8% during
2020 as compared to 2019, due to the economic downturn from the pan-
demic (Figure 2.33, on the following page).602 Overall government revenues
dropped 20.7% by Month 6 (May 21–June 20, 2020) of FY 1399 compared
to the previous year. With the partial lifting of the lockdown and the re-
opening of the border to trade, domestic revenue generation rebounded in
the second half of 2020. During Month 9 of FY 1399, for instance, customs
revenue increased by 42.2% from the previous month, according to publicly
available Afghan government revenue data.603
However, sustainable domestic revenues remained below the previous
year’s. Despite improvements following the reopening of the international
borders, customs revenue declined by 12.6%, year-on-year, during 2020.604
Afghan Deputy Minister of Finance Abdul Habib Zadran also announced
that the Afghan government had collected 174 billion afghanis ($2.25 bil-
lion) in tax revenue in FY 1399 (which concluded on December 20, 2020),
31 billion afghanis ($402 million) short of the FY 1399 revenue target and
a decrease from the previous year’s figure of 177 billion afghani ($2.29 bil-
lion). Zadran cited the COVID-19 pandemic for the tax-revenue shortfall and
noted the financial pressure of additional COVID-related expenses.605
As domestic revenues declined, government expenditures in 2020
increased by 8.1% compared to the previous year, SIGAR’s analysis of
Afghan government accounting data showed (Figure 2.34, on the following
page).606 The UNDP estimates total government expenditures will increase
Afghanistan’s deficit by around 4% of GDP. Deficit spending is expected to
be financed by the government’s cash reserves (around 10.6 billion afghanis
or $138 million as of September 2020) as well as short-term concessional
loans from the IMF’s Rapid Credit Facility and the World Bank.607
-5 -2.8%
-9.9% -9.8% -9.9%
-15 -13.1%
-15.9% -15.5%
-20 -18.5%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Source: SIGAR analysis of MOF-provided AFMIS data exported 1/10/2021 and 1/18/2020.
15% 13.5%
10 8.4% 8.1%
5 4.2%
3.1% 2.8% 3.2%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Source: SIGAR analysis of MOF-provided AFMIS data exported 1/10/2021 and 1/18/2020.
Under the current CDCS, USAID economic growth programs seek to
support and enhance export-led growth through direct interaction with
Afghanistan’s private sector, putting the country on the “road to self-reli-
ance.”608 Specifically, the strategy aims to:609
• strengthen trade connections between Afghanistan and
neighboring countries
• increase the competitiveness of Afghan private industry by
supporting export-ready firms
• create jobs via that firm-level support and by improving the
enabling environment for businesses
TABLE 2.17
Note: *INVEST is a USAID initiative to mobilize and support private capital investment in development markets through technical assistance, networking, and capacity building.
the United States and Europe during the fourth quarter of FY 2020, totaling
1,187.35 square meters of carpet.624 USAID also informed SIGAR this quarter
that the 7% fee used for KCEC’s project income, based on the total value of
exports processed, was reduced to 2% due to changes in the roadshow sales
strategy and a marked decline in cargo industry export fees.625
To address COVID-related loss of business for Afghan carpet manufactur-
ers, KCEC has provided Trader Assistance Grants to spur new production
in the short term and provide immediate cash to manufacturers. With these
grants, KCEC is supporting two companies to establish cutting and washing
facilities in Afghanistan. Currently, about 90% of Afghan-made carpets are
sent to Pakistan for finishing according to international quality standards,
which adds most of the value to the final product, and for final export to
international markets, often with “Made in Pakistan” labels. The pandemic-
caused border closures, as well as on-going tensions between Pakistan and
Afghanistan, have highlighted the need to develop this domestic capacity as
part of the textile value chain.626
Licit agriculture has served as a key foundation for Afghanistan’s formal
economy and one of its primary sources of exports. The agricultural sec-
tor directly employs approximately 40% of the country’s labor force and
directly or indirectly supports an estimated 80% of the total population.627
The service sector has gained prominence since reconstruction efforts
began, but agriculture is an important driver of GDP growth and developing
that sector remains a priority for external donors.628 In recent years, Afghan
farmers have struggled with the effects of nearly four decades of conflict,
poor market conditions, and the increasing prevalence of extreme weather
such as droughts and flash floods, with Afghanistan increasingly reliant on
agricultural imports to meet rising domestic demand for key crops.629
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased pressure on the agricultural sec-
tor as agribusinesses have lost revenues due to the economic contraction
and border closures. Even after the border crossings officially reopened, the
crossings were intermittently closed due to civil unrest or political clashes
with neighboring countries. Border crossings that remained open faced long
delays, resulting in the loss of large amounts of perishable cargo. Demand
for Afghan agricultural exports declined as overseas markets prioritized
domestic production to reduce reliance on imports.630 With limits on trad-
ing routes for Afghan exports, inadequate cold storage has made it difficult
for farmers to preserve crops while seeking markets for their goods. On
October 26, members of the Wolesi Jirga questioned Acting Minister of
Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock Anwarul Haq Ahadi over the lack of
construction of cold houses for farmers during FY 1399.631
TABLE 2.18
TABLE 2.19
baggage, limiting the capacity for each shipment. As part of this new air
export program, AMP contracted dedicated charter flights for agricultural
exports, allowing participating agribusinesses to bypass limited space on
passenger flights and avoid spreading cargo over several flights. Instead,
they export commercial volumes within a single shipment to avoid the
delays associated with traditional export methods.639 AMP noted several
limitations of this pilot program, including the absence of sufficient cold
chain infrastructure to maintain product quality and high per-kilo costs due
to current high demand for cargo flights and current COVID-19 restrictions,
with the total cost of the pilot program adding up to over $304,000.640 These
shipments are in addition to the $2.6 million worth of agricultural exports
to existing markets in India, UAE, and Kazakhstan and $5 million worth
of exports to new markets facilitated by AMP during the fourth quarter of
FY 2020.641
for the completion of the remaining construction work and the successful
implementation of the project.”652 USAID informed SIGAR this quarter that
the contract was extended to September 7, 2021, to enable the completion
of the transmission line.653
Cumulatively, USAID has disbursed approximately $2.02 billion since
2002 to build power plants, substations, and transmission lines, and to
provide technical assistance in the power sector.654 USAID’s active power-
infrastructure projects have a total estimated cost of $821.4 million and are
presented in Table 2.20.
TABLE 2.20
USAID-funded education programs aim to increase access to, and improve
the quality of, basic education, while also building the management capac-
ity of the Ministry of Education (MOE) to develop a self-sustaining national
education system in the long term. USAID’s strategy is premised on the
understanding that gains in social development, including a strong educa-
tion system, will help to bolster Afghan’s confidence in the government,
improve the overall “stability and inclusivity” of the country, expand “civic
participation,” and “create the conditions necessary for peace.”661 With one
of the youngest populations in the world—more than 40% of the Afghan
population is aged 14 or younger—developing a quality education system
TABLE 2.21
3. Extend the contracts date until January 10, 2021, for 37 million
Following these changes, the total project cost was revised to about $24
million.680 USAID had previously signaled to the Afghan government its
intention to no longer engage directly on textbook procurement once this
project ends. A January 16, 2020, letter from USAID to Afghanistan’s Acting
Ministers of Education and Finance stated, “USAID encourages exploring
other mechanisms for the printing and distribution of future textbooks such
as the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund/Education Quality Reform
in Afghanistan.”681
Afghanistan’s struggle with COVID-19 since late February 2020 has demon-
strated the many limitations and inadequacies of the country’s health sector.
TABLE 2.22
and district hospitals and comprehensive and basic health centers covering
92% of the country’s districts, as of September 30, 2020.695
According to the project’s latest quarterly report (covering July–
September 2020), DEWS established an electronic data-entry program for
sharing epidemiological and laboratory COVID-19 data in all provinces
to assist with improved on-time data sharing and help accelerate early
response at the national and subnational levels, and reduce morbidity and
mortality.696 For COVID-19 data, DEWS’ sentinel sites have maintained 100%
daily reporting through the end of September 2020.697 In addition, the project
supported the expansion of lab capacity to 14 public-health labs in eight
provinces (with only one of the 14 labs testing for other diseases besides
COVID-19) and trained 208 mobile, rapid-response teams (RRTs) and 28
fixed-location teams on COVID-19 case definition, specimen collection,
investigation of cases, health education for refereeing mild or moderate
cases for home quarantine and severe cases to designated hospitals, as of
September 30, 2020.698
Source: DOD OIG, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; State OIG, response to SIGAR data call, 12/15/2020; GAO, response to SIGAR data call, 12/15/2020; USAID OIG, response to
SIGAR data call, 12/15/2020; USAAA, response to SIGAR data call, 11/19/2020.
extent to which DOD has established processes to track and report contrac-
tor personnel to support contingency operations.
Appendix A 166
Appendix B 172
Appendix C 174
Appendix D 179
Appendix E 186
Appendix F 189
Endnotes 196
This appendix cross-references the sections of this report to the quarterly
reporting and related requirements under SIGAR’s enabling legislation,
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, Pub. L. No.
110-181, § 1229 (Table A.1), and to the semiannual reporting requirements
prescribed for inspectors general more generally under the Inspector
General Act of 1978, as amended (5 U.S.C. App. 3) (Table A.2) and the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018, Pub. L. No. 115-91,
§1521. (Table A.3)
Public Law Section SIGAR Enabling Language SIGAR Action Report Section
Section 1229(a)(3) To provide for an independent and objective means of keeping Ongoing; quarterly report Full report
the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense fully and
currently informed about problems and deficiencies relating to the
administration of such programs and operations and the necessity
for and progress on corrective action
Section 1229(e)(1) The Inspector General shall report directly Report to the Secretary of State Full report
to, and be under the general supervision and the Secretary of Defense
of, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense
Section 1229(f)(1) OVERSIGHT OF AFGHANISTAN RECONSTRUCTION — Review appropriated/ Full report
It shall be the duty of the Inspector General to conduct, supervise, available funds
and coordinate audits and investigations of the treatment,
handling, and expenditure of amounts appropriated or otherwise Review programs, operations,
made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, and of the contracts using appropriated/
programs, operations, and contracts carried out utilizing such available funds
funds, including subsections (A) through (G) below
Section 1229(f)(1)(A) The oversight and accounting of the obligation and expenditure of Review obligations and SIGAR Oversight
such funds expenditures of appropriated/ Funding
available funds
Section 1229(f)(1)(B) The monitoring and review of reconstruction activities funded by Review reconstruction activities SIGAR Oversight
such funds funded by appropriations and
Section 1229(f)(1)(C) The monitoring and review of contracts funded by such funds Review contracts using Note
appropriated and available
Section 1229(f)(1)(D) The monitoring and review of the transfer of such funds and Review internal and external Appendix B
associated information between and among departments, transfers of appropriated/
agencies, and entities of the United States, and private and available funds
nongovernmental entities
Continued on the next page
Public Law Section SIGAR Enabling Language SIGAR Action Report Section
Section 1229(f)(1)(E) The maintenance of records on the use of such funds to facilitate Maintain audit records SIGAR Oversight
future audits and investigations of the use of such fund[s] Appendix C
Appendix D
Section 1229(f)(1)(F) The monitoring and review of the effectiveness of United States Monitoring and review Audits
coordination with the Governments of Afghanistan and other donor as described
countries in the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact and
the Afghanistan National Development Strategy
Section 1229(f)(1)(G) The investigation of overpayments such as duplicate payments Conduct and reporting of Investigations
or duplicate billing and any potential unethical or illegal actions investigations as described
of Federal employees, contractors, or affiliated entities, and the
referral of such reports, as necessary, to the Department of Justice
to ensure further investigations, prosecutions, recovery of further
funds, or other remedies
Section 1229(f)(2) OTHER DUTIES RELATED TO OVERSIGHT — Establish, maintain, and Full report
The Inspector General shall establish, maintain, and oversee oversee systems, procedures,
such systems, procedures, and controls as the Inspector General and controls
considers appropriate to discharge the duties under paragraph (1)
Section 1229(f)(3) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT Duties as specified in Inspector Full report
OF 1978 — General Act
In addition, … the Inspector General shall also have the duties and
responsibilities of inspectors general under the Inspector General
Act of 1978
Section 1229(f)(4) COORDINATION OF EFFORTS — Coordination with the Other Agency
The Inspector General shall coordinate with, and receive the inspectors general of Oversight
cooperation of, each of the following: (A) the Inspector General DOD, State, and USAID
of the Department of Defense, (B) the Inspector General of the
Department of State, and (C) the Inspector General of the United
States Agency for International Development
Federal Support and Other Resources
Section 1229(h)(5)(A) ASSISTANCE FROM FEDERAL AGENCIES — Expect support as Full report
Upon request of the Inspector General for information or requested
assistance from any department, agency, or other entity of the
Federal Government, the head of such entity shall, insofar as is
practicable and not in contravention of any existing law, furnish
such information or assistance to the Inspector General, or an
authorized designee
Section 1229(h)(5)(B) REPORTING OF REFUSED ASSISTANCE — Monitor cooperation N/A
Whenever information or assistance requested by the Inspector
General is, in the judgment of the Inspector General, unreasonably
refused or not provided, the Inspector General shall report the
circumstances to the Secretary of State or the Secretary of
Defense, as appropriate, and to the appropriate congressional
committees without delay
Continued on the next page
Public Law Section SIGAR Enabling Language SIGAR Action Report Section
Section 1229(i)(1) QUARTERLY REPORTS — Report – 30 days after the Full report
Not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal-year end of each calendar quarter Appendix B
quarter, the Inspector General shall submit to the appropriate
committees of Congress a report summarizing, for the period of Summarize activities of the
that quarter and, to the extent possible, the period from the end Inspector General
of such quarter to the time of the submission of the report, the
activities during such period of the Inspector General and the Detailed statement of all
activities under programs and operations funded with amounts obligations, expenditures,
appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of and revenues
Afghanistan. Each report shall include, for the period covered by
such report, a detailed statement of all obligations, expenditures,
and revenues associated with reconstruction and rehabilitation
activities in Afghanistan, including the following –
Section 1229(i)(1)(A) Obligations and expenditures of appropriated/donated funds Obligations and expenditures Appendix B
of appropriated/donated
Section 1229(i)(1)(B) A project-by-project and program-by-program accounting of the Project-by-project and Funding
costs incurred to date for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, program-by-program Note
together with the estimate of the Department of Defense, accounting of costs. List
the Department of State, and the United States Agency for unexpended funds for each
International Development, as applicable, of the costs to project or program
complete each project and each program
Section 1229(i)(1)(C) Revenues attributable to or consisting of funds provided by Revenues, obligations, and Funding
foreign nations or international organizations to programs and expenditures of donor funds
projects funded by any department or agency of the United States
Government, and any obligations or expenditures of
such revenues
Section 1229(i)(1)(D) Revenues attributable to or consisting of foreign assets seized or Revenues, obligations, and Funding
frozen that contribute to programs and projects funded by any expenditures of funds from
U.S. government department or agency, and any obligations or seized or frozen assets
expenditures of such revenues
Section 1229(i)(1)(E) Operating expenses of agencies or entities receiving amounts Operating expenses of Funding
appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction agencies or any organization Appendix B
of Afghanistan receiving appropriated funds
Section 1229(i)(1)(F) In the case of any contract, grant, agreement, or other funding Describe contract details Note
mechanism described in paragraph (2)*—
(i) The amount of the contract or other funding mechanism;
(ii) A brief discussion of the scope of the contract or other funding
(iii) A discussion of how the department or agency of the United
States Government involved in the contract, grant, agreement,
or other funding mechanism identified and solicited offers from
potential contractors to perform the contract, grant, agreement,
or other funding mechanism, together with a list of the potential
individuals or entities that were issued solicitations for the offers;
(iv) The justification and approval documents on which was based
the determination to use procedures other than procedures that
provide for full and open competition
Continued on the next page
Public Law Section SIGAR Enabling Language SIGAR Action Report Section
Section 1229(i)(3) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY — Publish report as directed at Full report
The Inspector General shall publish on a publicly available www.sigar.mil
Internet website each report under paragraph (1) of this
Dari and Pashto translation
subsection in English and other languages that the Inspector
in process
General determines are widely used and understood in
Section 1229(i)(4) FORM — Publish report as directed Full report
Each report required under this subsection shall be submitted
in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex if the
Inspector General considers it necessary
Section 1229(j)(1) Inspector General shall also submit each report required under Submit quarterly report Full report
subsection (i) to the Secretary of State and the Secretary
of Defense
Note: Although this data is normally made available on SIGAR’s website (www.sigar.mil), the data SIGAR has received is in relatively raw form and is currently being reviewed, analyzed,
and organized for future SIGAR use and publication.
* Covered “contracts, grants, agreements, and funding mechanisms” are defined in paragraph (2) of Section 1229(i) of Pub. L. No. 110-181 as being—
“any major contract, grant, agreement, or other funding mechanism that is entered into by any department or agency of the United States Government that involves the use of
amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan with any public or private sector entity for any of the following purposes:
To build or rebuild physical infrastructure of Afghanistan.
To establish or reestablish a political or societal institution of Afghanistan.
To provide products or services to the people of Afghanistan.”
Public Law Section NDAA Language SIGAR Action Report Section
Section 1521(e)(1) (1) QUALITY STANDARDS FOR IG PRODUCTS—Except as Prepare quarterly report in accordance Section 1
provided in paragraph (3), each product published or issued with the Quality Standards for Reconstruction Update
by an Inspector General relating to the oversight of programs Inspection and Evaluation, issued by Funding
and activities funded under the Afghanistan Security Forces the Council of the Inspectors General
Fund shall be prepared— on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE),
(A) in accordance with the Generally Accepted Government commonly referred to as the “CIGIE
Auditing Standards/Government Auditing Standards Blue Book,” for activities funded under
(GAGAS/GAS), as issued and updated by the Government the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund
Accountability Office; or
(B) if not prepared in accordance with the standards referred
to in subparagraph (A), in accordance with the Quality
Standards for Inspection and Evaluation issued by the
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and
Efficiency (commonly referred to as the ‘‘CIGIE Blue Book’’)
Section 1521(e)(2) (2) SPECIFICATION OF QUALITY STANDARDS FOLLOWED— Cite within the quarterly report Inside front cover
Each product published or issued by an Inspector General the quality standards followed in Appendix A
relating to the oversight of programs and activities funded conducting and reporting the work
under the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund shall cite within concerned. The required quality
such product the quality standards followed in conducting standards are quality control, planning,
and reporting the work concerned data collection and analysis, evidence,
records maintenance, reporting, and
Table B.1 lists funds appropriated for Afghanistan reconstruction by agency and fund per year, and Table B.2 lists
funds appropriated for counternarcotics initiatives, as of December 31, 2020.
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
9,166.77 10,619.28 9,200.00 4,946.19 3,962.34 3,939.33 3,502.26 4,162.72 4,666.82 3,920.00 3,099.98 3,047.61
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.76 1.56 1.18 1.42 1.50 1.05 0.86 0.80 0.80 0.43 0.80 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
392.27 379.83 472.99 255.81 238.96 0.00 138.76 135.61 118.01 10.18 24.30 0.00
9,560.80 11,000.67 9,674.16 5,203.43 4,202.80 3,940.38 3,641.88 4,299.12 4,785.62 3,930.61 3,125.08 3,047.61
1,000.00 400.00 400.00 200.00 30.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 2.00
0.00 299.00 400.00 145.50 144.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
59.26 239.24 245.76 138.20 122.24 3.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3,346.00 2,168.51 1,836.76 1,802.65 907.00 883.40 633.27 767.17 500.00 350.00 200.00 0.00
0.30 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.00 0.00
92.30 69.91 0.00 0.25 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00
4.22 3.09 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.95 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.45 6.25 7.10 1.84 0.80 0.82 2.91 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00
70.74 69.30 65.32 52.60 43.20 43.50 37.96 37.00 36.60 38.30 38.50 0.00
589.00 400.00 357.92 593.81 225.00 250.00 210.00 184.50 160.00 87.80 88.00 0.00
1.29 0.60 1.98 1.63 0.10 0.99 0.76 0.25 2.99 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.76 6.45 8.17 2.46 7.28 3.95 2.65 2.39 2.71 9.08 9.08 0.00
36.92 49.92 58.73 53.03 43.17 41.79 41.35 40.31 36.12 32.72 30.28 0.00
60.25 40.25 3.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.00 0.00 0.00
27.41 24.35 21.54 21.54 22.11 22.68 23.86 25.91 25.74 25.89 24.60 0.00
19.20 18.70 18.70 17.00 18.70 9.05 3.31 11.03 11.11 13.01 12.92 0.96
5,316.09 3,795.57 3,425.34 3,030.85 1,573.62 1,270.90 961.06 1,075.81 783.64 567.89 413.71 2.96
58.13 112.55 59.20 46.15 65.97 53.73 26.65 4.69 4.22 0.00 0.00 0.00
29.61 66.23 56.00 21.50 28.13 24.50 39.78 93.84 119.64 152.35 178.61 0.23
0.84 1.08 0.62 0.32 0.82 0.49 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
80.93 65.00 99.56 76.07 107.89 129.27 84.27 89.24 77.19 86.69 100.53 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
169.51 244.85 215.38 144.04 202.82 207.99 150.74 187.76 201.05 239.04 279.14 0.23
859.14 730.08 1,126.56 1,500.79 752.07 822.19 743.58 843.20 858.27 824.94 677.76 0.00
197.60 172.20 216.02 174.64 61.75 137.00 95.30 102.17 77.52 72.34 44.16 1.58
34.40 37.20 59.00 58.70 62.65 68.60 62.37 55.74 55.67 55.81 55.76 54.94
610.33 2.02 4.48 4.69 12.95 12.81 23.55 15.98 23.85 25.96 23.33 12.41
1,701.47 941.50 1,406.06 1,738.82 889.41 1,040.60 924.79 1,017.08 1,015.31 979.05 801.01 68.93
16,747.87 15,982.59 14,720.94 10,117.14 6,868.65 6,459.87 5,678.47 6,579.78 6,785.61 5,716.59 4,618.94 3,119.74
Alert Letters Issued
SIGAR issued one alert letter during this reporting period.
* As provided in its authorizing statute, SIGAR may also report on products and
events occurring after December 31, 2020, up to the publication date of this report.
Ongoing Evaluations
SIGAR had four ongoing evaluations during this reporting period.
Inspection Reports Issued
SIGAR issued no inspection reports during this reporting period.
Ongoing Inspections
SIGAR had 10 ongoing inspections during this reporting period.
SIGAR Investigations
This quarter, SIGAR opened two new investigations and closed 24, bringing
the total number of ongoing investigations to 96. Of the closed investiga-
tions, most were closed due to lack of investigative merit, unfounded
allegations, and administrative action, as shown in Figure D.1. The new
investigations were related to procurement and contract fraud, and theft as
shown in Figure D.2.
Administrative Action
Civil Settlement
Procurement/ Theft
Lack of Investigative Merit Contract Fraud
1 1
Allegations Unfounded
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Total: 24
Source: SIGAR Investigations Directorate,
Source: SIGAR Investigations Directorate, 1/4/2021.
SIGAR Hotline
The SIGAR Hotline (By e-mail: sigar.hotline@mail.mil, web submission:
www.sigar.mil/investigations/hotline/report-fraud.aspx, phone: 866-329-8893
in the USA, or 0700107300 via cell phone in Afghanistan) received 31 com-
plaints this quarter, as shown in Figure D.3. In addition to working on new
complaints, the Investigations Directorate continued its work this quarter
on complaints received prior to October 1, 2020. This quarter, the direc-
torate processed 73 complaints, most of which are under review or were
closed, as shown in Figure D.4.
Complaints Received 31
Total: 31
Complaints (Open) 8
Gen Info File (Closed) 30
Investigation (Open) 0
Investigation (Closed) 4
Referral (Open) 0
Electronic Referral (Closed) 0
Suspension & Debarment (Closed) 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Total: 73
* Indicates that the individual or entity was subject to two final agency actions by an agency suspension and debarment official, resulting in a suspension followed by final debarment following the
resolution of a criminal indictment or determination of non-responsibility by agency suspension and debarment official. Entries without an asterisk indicate that the individual was subject to a sus-
pension or debarment, but not both.
Debarments (continued)
Roshandil, Mohammad Ajmal Isranuddin, Burhanuddin Military Logistic Support LLC
Saber, Mohammed Matun, Navidullah, a.k.a. “Javid Ahmad” Eisner, John
Safi, Azizur Rahman Matun, Wahidullah Taurus Holdings LLC
Safi, Matiullah Navid Basir Construction Company Brophy, Kenneth Michael*
Sahak, Sher Khan Navid Basir JV Gagar Baba Construction Company Abdul Haq Foundation
Shaheed, Murad NBCC & GBCC JV Adajar, Adonis
Shirzad, Daulet Khan Noori, Navid Calhoun, Josh W.
Uddin, Mehrab Asmatullah, Mahmood, a.k.a. “Mahmood” Clark Logistic Services Company, d.b.a. “Clark Construction
Watson, Brian Erik Khan, Gul Company”
Wooten, Philip Steven* Khan, Solomon Sherdad, a.k.a. “Solomon” Farkas, Janos
Espinoza, Mauricio* Mursalin, Ikramullah, a.k.a. “Ikramullah” Flordeliz, Alex F.
Alam, Ahmed Farzad* Musafer, Naseem, a.k.a. “Naseem” Knight, Michael T. II
Greenlight General Trading* Ali, Esrar Lozado, Gary
Aaria Middle East Company LLC* Gul, Ghanzi Mijares, Armando N. Jr.
Aaria Middle East Company Ltd. – Herat* Luqman Engineering Construction Company, d.b.a. “Luqman Mullakhiel, Wadir Abdullahmatin
Aaria M.E. General Trading LLC* Engineering” Rainbow Construction Company
Aaria Middle East* Safiullah, a.k.a. “Mr. Safiullah” Sardar, Hassan, a.k.a. “Hassan Sardar Inqilab”
Barakzai, Nangialai* Sarfarez, a.k.a.”Mr. Sarfarez” Shah, Mohammad Nadir, a.k.a. “Nader Shah”
Formid Supply and Services* Wazir, Khan Tito, Regor
Aaria Supply Services and Consultancy* Akbar, Ali Brown, Charles Phillip
Kabul Hackle Logistics Company* Crystal Construction Company, d.b.a. “Samitullah Road Sheren, Fasela, a.k.a. “Sheren Fasela”
Yousef, Najeebullah* Construction Company” Anderson, Jesse Montel
Aaria Group* Samitullah (Individual uses only one name) Charboneau, Stephanie, a.k.a. “Stephanie Shankel”
Aaria Group Construction Company* Ashna, Mohammad Ibrahim, a.k.a. “Ibrahim” Hightower, Jonathan
Aaria Supplies Company LTD* Gurvinder, Singh Khan, Noor Zali, a.k.a. “Wali Kahn Noor”
Rahimi, Mohammad Edris* Jahan, Shah Saheed, a.k.a. “Mr. Saheed;” a.k.a. “Sahill;” a.k.a.
All Points International Distributors Inc.* Shahim, Zakirullah a.k.a. “Zakrullah Shahim”, a.k.a. “Zikrullah “Ghazi-Rahman”
Hercules Global Logistics* Shahim” Weaver, Christopher
Schroeder, Robert* Alyas, Maiwand Ansunullah a.k.a. “Engineer Maiwand Alyas” Al Kaheel Oasis Services
Helmand Twinkle Construction Company BMCSC Al Kaheel Technical Service
Waziri, Heward Omar Maiwand Haqmal Construction and Supply Company CLC Construction Company
Zadran, Mohammad New Riders Construction Company, d.b.a. “Riders CLC Consulting LLC
Afghan Mercury Construction Company, d.b.a. “Afghan Construction Company,” d.b.a. “New Riders Construction and Complete Manpower Solutions
Mercury Construction & Logistics Co.” Services Company” Mohammed, Masiuddin, a.k.a. “Masi Mohammed”
Mirzali Naseeb Construction Company Riders Constructions, Services, Logistics and Transportation Rhoden, Bradley L., a.k.a. “Brad L. Rhoden”
Montes, Diyana Company Rhoden, Lorraine Serena
Naseeb, Mirzali Riders Group of Companies Royal Super Jet General Trading LLC
Martino, Roberto F. Domineck, Lavette Kaye* Super Jet Construction Company
Logiotatos, Peter R. Markwith, James* Super Jet Fuel Services
Glass, Calvin Martinez, Rene Super Jet Group
Singleton, Jacy P. Maroof, Abdul Super Jet Tours LLC, d.b.a. “Super Jet Travel and Holidays LLC”
Robinson, Franz Martin Qara, Yousef Super Solutions LLC
Smith, Nancy Royal Palace Construction Company Abdullah, Bilal
Sultani, Abdul Anas a.k.a. “Abdul Anas” Bradshaw, Christopher Chase Farmer, Robert Scott
Faqiri, Shir Zuhra Productions Mudiyanselage, Oliver
Hosmat, Haji Zuhra, Niazai Kelly, Albert III
Jim Black Construction Company Boulware, Candice a.k.a. “Candice Joy Dawkins” Ethridge, James
Arya Ariana Aryayee Logistics, d.b.a. “AAA Logistics,” d.b.a. Dawkins, John Fernridge Strategic Partners
“Somo Logistics” Mesopotamia Group LLC AISC LLC*
Garst, Donald Nordloh, Geoffrey American International Security Corporation*
Mukhtar, Abdul a.k.a. “Abdul Kubar” Kieffer, Jerry David A. Young Construction & Renovation Inc.*
Noori Mahgir Construction Company Johnson, Angela Force Direct Solutions LLC*
Noori, Sherin Agha CNH Development Company LLC Harris, Christopher*
Long, Tonya* Johnson, Keith Hernando County Holdings LLC*
Continued on the following page
Debarments (continued)
Hide-A-Wreck LLC* Lakeshore Toltest Corporation, d.b.a. “Lakeshore Group,” Aryana Green Light Support Services
Panthers LLC* d.b.a. “LTC Newco d.b.a. “LTC CORP Michigan,” d.b.a. Mohammad, Sardar, a.k.a. “Sardar Mohammad Barakzai”
Paper Mill Village Inc.* “Lakeshore Toltest KK” Pittman, James C., a.k.a. “Carl Pittman”
Shroud Line LLC* Lakeshore Toltest Guam LLC Poaipuni, Clayton
Spada, Carol* Lakeshore Toltest JV LLC Wiley, Patrick
Welventure LLC* Lakeshore Toltest RRCC JV LLC Crystal Island Construction Company
World Wide Trainers LLC* Lakeshore/Walsh JV LLC Bertolini, Robert L.*
Young, David Andrew* LakeshoreToltest METAG JV LLC Kahn, Haroon Shams, a.k.a. “Haroon Shams”*
Woodruff and Company LTC & Metawater JV LLC Shams Constructions Limited*
Borcata, Raul A.* LTC Holdings Inc. Shams General Services and Logistics Unlimited*
Close, Jarred Lee* LTC Italia SRL Shams Group International, d.b.a. “Shams Group
Logistical Operations Worldwide* LTC Tower General Contractors LLC International FZE”*
Taylor, Zachery Dustin* LTCCORP Commercial LLC Shams London Academy*
Travis, James Edward* LTCCORP E&C Inc. Shams Production*
Khairfullah, Gul Agha LTCCORP Government Services-OH Inc. Shams Welfare Foundation*
Khalil Rahimi Construction Company LTCCORP Government Services Inc. Swim, Alexander*
Momand, Jahanzeb, a.k.a. “Engineer Jahanzeb Momand” LTCCORP Government Services-MI Inc. Norris, James Edward
Yar-Mohammad, Hazrat Nabi LTCCORP O&G LLC Afghan Columbia Constructon Company
Walizada, Abdul Masoud, a.k.a. “Masood Walizada” LTCCORP Renewables LLC Ahmadi, Mohammad Omid
Alizai, Zarghona LTCCORP Inc. Dashti, Jamsheed
Aman, Abdul LTCCORP/Kaya Dijbouti LLC Hamdard, Eraj
Anwari, Laila LTCCORP/Kaya East Africa LLC Hamidi, Mahrokh
Anwari, Mezhgan LTCCORP/Kaya Romania LLC Raising Wall Construction Company
Anwari, Rafi LTCCORP/Kaya Rwanda LLC Artemis Global Inc., d.b.a. “Artemis Global Logistics and
Arghandiwal, Zahra, a.k.a. “Sarah Arghandiwal” LTCORP Technology LLC Solutions,” d.b.a. “Artemis Global Trucking LLC”
Azizi, Farwad, a.k.a. “Farwad Mohammad Azizi” Toltest Inc., d.b.a. “Wolverine Testing and Engineering,” d.b.a. O’Brien, James Michael, a.k.a. “James Michael Wienert”
Bashizada, Razia “Toledo Testing Laboratory,” d.b.a. “LTC,” d.b.a. “LTC Corp,” Tamerlane Global Services Inc., d.b.a. “Tamerlane Global
Coates, Kenneth d.b.a. “LTC Corp Ohio,” d.b.a. “LTC Ohio” LLC,” d.b.a. “Tamerlane LLC,” d.b.a. “Tamerlane Technologies
Gibani, Marika Toltest/Desbuild Germany JV LLC LLC”
Haidari, Mahboob Veterans Construction/Lakeshore JV LLC Sherzai, Akbar Ahmed*
Latifi, Abdul Afghan Royal First Logistics, d.b.a. “Afghan Royal” Jean-Noel, Dimitry
McCammon, Christina American Barriers Hampton, Seneca Darnell*
Mohibzada, Ahmadullah, a.k.a. “Ahmadullah Mohebzada” Arakozia Afghan Advertising Dennis, Jimmy W.
Neghat, Mustafa Dubai Armored Cars Timor, Karim
Qurashi, Abdul Enayatullah, son of Hafizullah Wardak, Khalid
Raouf, Ashmatullah Farhas, Ahmad Rahmat Siddiqi Transportation Company
Shah, David Inland Holdings Inc. Siddiqi, Rahmat
Touba, Kajim Intermaax, FZE Siddiqi, Sayed Attaullah
Zahir, Khalid Intermaax Inc. Umbrella Insurance Limited Company
Aryubi, Mohammad Raza Samim Karkar, Shah Wali Taylor, Michael
Atlas Sahil Construction Company Sandman Security Services Gardazi, Syed
Bab Al Jazeera LLC Siddiqi, Atta Smarasinghage, Sagara
Emar-E-Sarey Construction Company Specialty Bunkering Security Assistance Group LLC
Muhammad, Pianda Spidle, Chris Calvin Edmondson, Jeffrey B.*
Sambros International, d.b.a. “Sambros International LTD,” Vulcan Amps Inc. Montague, Geoffrey K.*
d.b.a. “Sambros-UK JV” Worldwide Cargomasters Ciampa, Christopher*
Sambros JV Emar-E-Sarey Construction Company, d.b.a. Aziz, Haji Abdul, a.k.a. “Abdul Aziz Shah Jan,” a.k.a. “Aziz” Lugo, Emanuel*
“Sambros JV ESCC” Castillo, Alfredo, Jr. Bailly, Louis Matthew*
Antes, Bradley A. Abbasi, Asim Kumar, Krishan
Lakeshore Engineering & Construction Afghanistan Inc., Muturi, Samuel Marshal Afghan American Construction Company
d.b.a. “Lakeshore General Contractors Inc.” Mwakio, Shannel Marshal, Sayed Abbas Shah
Lakeshore Engineering Services Inc. Ahmad, Jaweed Masraq Engineering and Construction Company
Lakeshore Engineering Services/Toltest JV LLC Ahmad, Masood Miakhil, Azizullah
Lakeshore Toltest – Rentenbach JV LLC A & J Total Landscapes Raj, Janak
Continued on the following page
Debarments (continued)
Singh, Roop Hafizullah, Sayed; a.k.a. “Sadat Sayed Hafizullah”; a.k.a. Dixon, Regionald
Stratton, William G “Sayed Hafizullah Delsooz” Emmons, Larry
Umeer Star Construction Company Sadat Zohori Construction and Road Building Company; Epps, Willis*
Zahir, Mohammad Ayub d.b.a. “Sadat Zohori Cons Co.” Etihad Hamidi Group; d.b.a. “Etihad Hamidi Trading,
Peace Thru Business* Abdullah, Son of Lal Gul Transportation, Logistics and Construction Company”
Pudenz, Adam Jeff Julias* Ahmad, Aziz Etihad Hamidi Logistics Company; d.b.a. “Etihad Hamidi
Green, Robert Warren* Ahmad, Zubir Transportation, Logistic Company Corporation”
Mayberry, Teresa* Aimal, Son of Masom Hamidi, Abdul Basit; a.k.a. Basit Hamidi
Addas, James* Ajmal, Son of Mohammad Anwar Kakar, Rohani; a.k.a. “Daro Khan Rohani”
Advanced Ability for U-PVC* Fareed, Son of Shir Mohammad, Abdullah Nazar
Al Bait Al Amer* Fayaz Afghan Logistics Services Nasir, Mohammad
Al Iraq Al Waed* Fayaz, Afghan, a.k.a. “Fayaz Alimi,” a.k.a. “Fayaz, Son of Wali Eshaq Zada Logistics Company; d.b.a. “Wali
Al Quraishi Bureau* Mohammad” Ashqa Zada Logistics Company”; d.b.a. “Nasert Nawazi
Al Zakoura Company* Gul, Khuja Transportation Company”
Al-Amir Group LLC* Habibullah, Son of Ainuddin Ware, Marvin*
Al-Noor Contracting Company* Hamidullah, Son of Abdul Rashid Belgin, Andrew
Al-Noor Industrial Technologies Company* Haq, Fazal Afghan Bamdad Construction Company, d.b.a. “Afghan
California for Project Company* Jahangir, Son of Abdul Qadir Bamdad Development Construction Company”
Civilian Technologies Limited Company* Kaka, Son of Ismail Areeb of East Company for Trade & Farzam Construction
Industrial Techniques Engineering Electromechanically Khalil, Son of Mohammad Ajan Company JV
Company* Khan, Mirullah Areeb of East for Engineering and General Trading
Pena, Ramiro* Khan, Mukamal Company Limited, d.b.a. “Areeb of East LLC”
Pulsars Company* Khoshal, Son of Sayed Hasan Areeb-BDCC JV
San Francisco for Housing Company Malang, Son of Qand Areebel Engineering and Logisitcs - Farzam
Sura Al Mustakbal* Masom, Son of Asad Gul Areebel Engineering and Logistics
Top Techno Concrete Batch* Mateen, Abdul Areeb-Rixon Construction Company LLC, d.b.a. “Areeb-
Albright, Timothy H.* Mohammad, Asghar REC JV”
Insurance Group of Afghanistan Mohammad, Baqi Carver, Elizabeth N.
Ratib, Ahmad, a.k.a. “Nazari” Mohammad, Khial Carver, Paul W.
Jamil, Omar K. Mohammad, Sayed RAB JV
Rawat, Ashita Mujahid, Son of Abdul Qadir Ullah, Izat; a.k.a. “Ezatullah”; a.k.a. “Izatullah, son of
Nangiali, Son of Alem Jan Shamsudeen”
Qadery, Abdul Khalil
Nawid, Son of Mashoq Saboor, Baryalai Abdul; a.k.a. “Barry Gafuri”
Casellas, Luis Ramon*
Noorullah, Son of Noor Mohammad Stratex Logistic and Support, d.b.a. “Stratex Logistics”
Saber, Mohammad a.k.a. “Saber,” a.k.a. “Sabir”
Qayoum, Abdul Jahanzeb, Mohammad Nasir
Zahir, Shafiullah Mohammad a.k.a. “Shafiullah,” a.k.a.
“Shafie” Roz, Gul Nasrat, Zaulhaq, a.k.a. “Zia Nasrat”
Achiever’s International Ministries Inc., d.b.a. “Center for Shafiq, Mohammad Blevins, Kenneth Preston*
Achievement and Development LLC” Shah, Ahmad Banks, Michael*
Bickersteth, Diana Shah, Mohammad Afghan Armor Vehicle Rental Company
Bonview Consulting Group Inc. Shah, Rahim Hamdard, Javid
Fagbenro, Oyetayo Ayoola, a.k.a. “Tayo Ayoola Fagbenro” Sharif, Mohammad McAlpine, Nebraska
Global Vision Consulting LLC Waheedullah, Son of Sardar Mohammad Meli Afghanistan Group
HUDA Development Organization Wahid, Abdul Badgett, Michael J.*
Strategic Impact Consulting, d.b.a. “Strategic Impact KarKon Wais, Gul Miller, Mark E.
Afghanistan Material Testing Laboratory” Wali, Khair Anderson, William Paul
Davies, Simon Wali, Sayed Kazemi, Sayed Mustafa, a.k.a. “Said Mustafa Kazemi”
Gannon, Robert, W. Wali, Taj Al Mostahan Construction Company
Gillam, Robert Yaseen, Mohammad Nazary, Nasir Ahmad
Mondial Defence Systems Ltd. Yaseen, Son of Mohammad Aajan Nazanin, a.k.a. “Ms. Nazanin”
Mondial Defense Systems USA LLC Zakir, Mohammad Ahmadzai, Sajid
Mondial Logistics Zamir, Son of Kabir Sajid, Amin Gul
Khan, Adam Rogers, Sean Elham, Yaser, a.k.a. “Najibullah Saadullah”*
Khan, Amir, a.k.a. “Amir Khan Sahel” Slade, Justin Everest Faizy Logistics Services*
Sharq Afghan Logistics Company, d.b.a. “East Afghan Morgan, Sheldon J.* Faizy Elham Brothers Ltd.*
Logistics Company” Continued on the following page
Debarments (continued)
Faizy, Rohullah*
Hekmat Shadman General Trading LLC*
Hekmat Shadman Ltd., d.b.a. “Hikmat Shadman Ltd.”*
Hikmat Shadman Construction and Supply
Hikmat Himmat Logistics Services Company*
Hikmat Shadman Logistics Services Company,
d.b.a. “Hikmat Shadman Commerce Construction
and Supply Company,” d.b.a. “Hikmat Shadman
Commerce Construction Services”*
Saif Hikmat Construction Logistic Services and
Supply Co.*
Shadman, Hikmatullah, a.k.a. “Hikmat Shadman,”
a.k.a. “Haji Hikmatullah Shadman,” a.k.a.
“Hikmatullah Saadulah”*
Omonobi-Newton, Henry
Hele, Paul
Highland Al Hujaz Co. Ltd.
Supreme Ideas – Highland Al Hujaz Ltd. Joint
Venture, d.b.a. SI-HLH-JV
BYA International Inc. d.b.a. BYA Inc.
Harper, Deric Tyrone*
Walls, Barry Lee, Jr.*
Cook, Jeffrey Arthur*
McCray, Christopher
Jones, Antonio
Autry, Cleo Brian*
Chamberlain, William Todd*
JS International Inc.
Perry, Jack
Pugh, James
Hall, Alan
Paton, Lynda Anne
Unitrans International Inc.
Financial Instrument and Investment Corp., d.b.a. “FIIC”
AIS-Unitrans (OBO) Facilities Inc., d.b.a. “American
International Services”
Every quarter, SIGAR sends U.S. implementing agencies in Afghanistan a
list of questions about their programs. This quarter, United States Forces-
Afghanistan (USFOR-A) classified or designated unclassified but not
publicly releasable its responses to the bolded portions of these questions
from SIGAR’s data call.
Question ID Question
1. Please provide the following classified information on ANA strength as of the latest available date (month-end):
a. the most recent ANA APPS month-end report with “as of” dates on each.
2. Please provide the following unclassified information on ANA strength as of the latest available date (month-end):
a. the topline strength of the ANA (with “as of” date provided).
b. a description of general ANA attrition trends over the last quarter.
3. On ANA attrition:
a. Given current attrition trends, does CSTC-A think that the ANA is manned and can be sustained at adequate levels. Please describe what
CSTC-A considers “adequate.” How specifically has attrition affected ANA readiness and performance (for example, are incoming personnel
as well trained, skilled, fit as those they are replacing)?
b. What are the steps MOD took during the quarter to minimize attrition from desertion, AWOL, or refusals to reenlist? Please comment how
effective these have or have not been.
c. Describe any affects COVID-19 has had on MOD elements’ recruitment/attrition this quarter.
1. On the ANDSF’s performance:
a. Please provide a recent unclassified assessment of the ANDSF elements below the ministerial level. The assessment should include
updates on how the ANDSF is performing in each of the Top 10 Challenges and Opportunities (as shown on pages 30–40 of the latest
1225 report).
b. Please provide a description of the sources of information used to determine/track ANDSF performance in each of the Top 10
Challenges and Opportunities.
Jan-Sec-04 c. Please provide the latest, classified NATO Periodic Mission Review (PMR). If there will be no PMR released this quarter, please
2. Please provide a recent, unclassified assessment of the ANDSF at the ministerial level.
3. Is ANET functioning yet? Last quarter you said it was not yet producing monthly ANDSF assessment reports due to contract challenges.
If ANET is functioning, please provide the most recent monthly or quarterly reports quantifying ANDSF performance using the new ANET
assessment system. If ANET still has not begun generating these reports, please provide the reasons why, including a description of
ongoing contract challenges, if applicable, and the reports’ expected start date.
1. Please provide the following classified information on ANP strength as of the latest available date (month-end):
a. the most recent ANP APPS month-end report with “as of” dates on each.
2. Please provide the following unclassified information on ANP strength as of the latest available date (month-end):
a. the topline strength of the ANP (with “as of” date provided).
b. a description of general ANP attrition trends over the last quarter.
3. On ANP attrition:
a. Given current attrition trends, does CSTC-A think that the ANP is manned at adequate and sustainable levels. What does CSTC-A consider
to be “adequate”? How specifically has this affected ANP readiness and performance (for example, are incoming personnel as well trained,
skilled, fit as those they are replacing)?
b. What steps did MOI take during the quarter to minimize attrition from desertion, AWOL, or refusals to reenlist? Please comment how effective
these have or haven’t been.
c. Describe any affects COVID-19 has had on MOI elements’ recruitment/attrition this quarter.
Continued on the next page
1. Please provide information on insider attacks against Coalition Forces from October 1, 2020, through the latest available date (month end):
a. the number of insider attacks against U.S. and Coalition military personnel
b. the number of U.S. and Coalition military personnel wounded or killed from insider attacks
c. the number of insider attacks against the ANDSF
d. the number of ANDSF personnel wounded or killed as a result of insider attacks
Jan-Sec-23 2. Please provide the classified CIDNE Excel file export of all ANDSF casualties from October 1, 2020, through the latest available
date (month end). It is not necessary to filter the CIDNE export, but, at a minimum, these data should include the unit (lowest level
available), location (highest fidelity possible), and date for all casualties.
3. Please provide us a response to the following: In an unclassified, publicly releasable format, describe how ANDSF casualty rates during
the quarter compare to casualty rates during the same quarter one year ago. Differentiate between casualties that occurred during
offensive operations and those that occurred during defensive operations.
1. Regarding USG support to the Special Mission Wing (SMW):
a. Please provide a recent, comprehensive update of the SMW as of the latest possible date.
b. Please identify each type of aircraft in the SMW inventory and the number of each. If aircraft became unusable during this reporting
period, please indicate when and the reason for each.
c. Please provide the number of aircraft purchased but not yet fielded and what the anticipated dates are for fielding.
d. Please complete the attached ANDSF spreadsheet/SMW tab, or provide the applicable data. (Sec-26 tab Data Call Attachment
e. What percentage of the SMW sorties are in support of counternarcotics? Of counterterrorism? or counternexus (CN & CT)?
f. How many aircrew members does the SMW currently have, by crew position and airframe? Please break out their level of mission
qualification (e.g. Certified Mission Ready (night-vision qualified), the daytime equivalent, etc.):
1) Mi-17 Pilots and Pilot Trainers
2) Mi-17 Flight Engineers
3) Mi-17 Crew Chiefs
4) PC-12 Pilots
5) PC-12 Mission System Operators
g. Please provide an update on the operational readiness rate of the SMW and its achievement benchmarks this quarter, if one is
h. How many and what type of aircraft maintainers are currently assigned / authorized? Are these SMW personnel or contractors? If
contractors, are they Afghan or international contractors?
i. Provide the cost of aircraft maintenance being paid with ASFF or money from other countries.
1. On U.S. and Afghan air strikes in Afghanistan, please provide any updates necessary for the following totals from last quarter, as well as this
quarter’s data (October 1, 2020, through the latest available month-end date):
a. How many air strikes have been carried out monthly by U.S. forces? If classified, please provide some unclassified statements on data trends
(like with EIA/EEIA data in Sec-63).
b. How many civilian casualties have been incurred from these air strikes monthly?
c. How many civilian casualties resulted from AAF air strikes monthly?
2. Please provide any updates necessary for the overall RS/USFOR-A tracked Afghan civilian casualty figures from last quarter, as well as this
Jan-Sec-58 quarter’s data from October 1, 2020, through the latest available month-end date (in the Data Call Attachment Spreadsheet, Tabs Sec-58)
and include:
a. the monthly breakout of the data
b. the breakout of civilian casualties by each province
c. the percentage breakdown of the top causes of the total civilian casualties
d. the breakout of civilian casualties by responsible party (i.e. ANDSF, U.S. and Coalition forces, insurgents, unknown). In RS’s civilian casualty
collection methodology, if an enemy initiated attack occurs, and the Coalition or Afghan response (e.g., ground operation or air strike) kills or
injures Afghan civilians, to whom are civilian casualties attributed?
1. Provide a spreadsheet documenting all concluded ANDSF CONOPs for offensive operations conducted from October 1, 2020, through
the latest available date (month-end date). Each concluded operation should be on its own row. For our purposes, an operation involves
(1) at least one ANA kandak or (2) a combination of units from at least two Afghan security entities (MOI, MOD, and/or NDS). For each
operation, we request the following information:
a. the district in which the operation primarily occurred (District name)
b. the province in which the operation primarily occurred (Province name)
c. the start date of the operation (YYYY-MM-DD)
d. the end date of the operation (YYYY-MM-DD)
e. whether AAF A-29s or AC-208s provided direct support during the operation (Yes/No)
Jan-Sec-61 f. whether AAF MD-530s, UH-60s, or Mi-17s provided direct support during the operation (Yes/No)
g. whether ANASOC MSFVs provided direct support during the operation (Yes/No)
h. whether the operation involved ANA units (Yes/No)
i. whether the operation involved MOI units (Yes/No)
j. whether the operation involved NDS units (Yes/No)
k. whether the operation involved ANASOC units (Yes/No)
l. whether the operation was enabled by U.S. or Coalition air support (Yes/No)
m. whether the operation was enabled by U.S. or Coalition ground support (Yes/No)
n. whether any U.S. or Coalition military aircraft provided medical evacuation support (Yes/No)
o. did the operation achieve its objective (Yes/No)
1. Please provide data on the total number of enemy-initiated attacks monthly from January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020, in the
Data Call Attachment Spreadsheet, tab Sec-63, and include the following for the last two quarters separately (July–September and
a. the total number of enemy initiated attacks by month
b. the attacks broken out by categories, to include direct fire, IED/mine strikes, indirect fire, SAFIRE, etc.
c. the attacks broken out by province
2. Please provide data on the total number of effective enemy-initiated attacks monthly from January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020,
in the Data Call Attachment Spreadsheet, tab Sec-63, and include the following for the last two quarters separately (July–September
Jan-Sec-63 and October–December):
a. the attacks broken out by types of attacks, to include direct fire, IED/mine strikes, indirect fire, SAFIRE, etc.
b. the attacks broken out by province
3. Please also provide any updates to the 2019 data given to us, using the Data Call Attachment Spreadsheet, tab Sec-63:
a. Any updates to 2019 EIA and/or EEIA monthly totals.
b. Please provide the monthly and provincial breakdowns of both EIA and EEIA that occurred from (October 1–December 31 2019).
4. If there has been any change in margin of error or time period lag in the data, please explain what the change is and why it occurred.
5. If questions 1–3 remain U//FOUO this quarter, please provide the same level of unclassified description of EIA trends provided to us in your
vetting response last quarter.
AABIS Afghan Automated Biometric Information System
AAF Afghan Air Force
ABP Afghan Border Police
ACJC Anti-Corruption Justice Center
ACLED Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project
ADALAT Assistance for Development of Afghan Legal Access and Transparency
ADB Asian Development Bank
AFMIS Afghan Financial Management Information System
AFN afghani (currency)
AGO Attorney General’s Office
AIC Access to Information Commission
AITF Afghanistan Infrastructure Trust Fund
ALP Afghan Local Police
AMANAT Afghanistan’s Measure for Accountability and Transparency
ANA Afghan National Army
ANASOC ANA Special Operations Corps
ANDSF Afghan National Defense and Security Forces
ANP Afghan National Police
ANDPF II Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework
AO abandoned ordnance
APF Afghanistan Partnership Framework
APPS Afghan Personnel and Pay System
AROC Afghan Resources Oversight Council
ARTF Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund
ASFF Afghanistan Security Forces Fund
ASSF Afghan Special Security Forces
AUP Afghan Uniform Police
AUAF American University of Afghanistan
AWOL Absent Without Leave
BAG Budget Activity Group
BHA Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance
Continued on the next page
CCAP Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project
CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy
CENTCOM U.S. Central Command
CERP Commanders’ Emergency Response Program
CID U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command
CIGIE Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
CIO Contributions to International Organizations
CJ-ENG Combined Joint Engineers
CMS Case Management System
CN counternarcotics
CNHC Counternarcotics High Commission
CNPA Counter Narcotics Police of Afghanistan
COIN counterinsurgency
COMAC Conflict Mitigation Assistance for Civilians
COR contracting officer’s representative
CoreIMS Core Inventory Management System
CPRBD Checkpoint Reduction and Base Development Plan
CPD Central Prisons Directorate
CPDS Continuing Professional Development Support
CSSP Corrections System Support Program
CSTC-A Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan
CTF Counterterrorism Financing
CWC Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan
DAB Da Afghanistan Bank
DABS Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration (U.S.)
DFC Development Finance Corporation
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DICDA Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities (U.S.)
DOD Department of Defense (U.S.)
DOD OIG Department of Defense Office of Inspector General
DOJ Department of Justice (U.S.)
DSCA Defense Security Cooperation Agency
ECC Eradication Coordination Committee
EEIA effective enemy initiated attacks
EIA enemy-initiated attacks
Continued on the next page
ERW explosive remnants of war
ESF Economic Support Fund
EU European Union
EUM end-use monitoring
EXBS Export Control and Related Border Security
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (UN)
FAP Financial and Activity Plan
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FEFA Free and Fair Elections Forum of Afghanistan Organization
FFP Food for Peace
IOM International Organization for Migration
IPC infection prevention and control
IPP independent power producers
IS-K Islamic State-Khorasan
ISLA Initiative to Strengthen Local Administrations Program
ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
IWA Integrity Watch Afghanistan
JAF Joint Air Force
JSSP Justice Sector Support Program (State)
JWIP judicial wire intercept program
kg kilogram
KCEC Kabul Carpet Export Center
KIA killed in action
LAMP Livelihood Advancement for Marginalized Population
LLP Lessons Learned Program
LOA Letters of authorization
LOTFA Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan
MAIL Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (Afghan)
MAG ministerial advisory group
MAPA Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan
MCN Ministry of Counter-Narcotics (Afghan)
MCTF Major Crimes Task Force
MELRA Multi-Dimensional Legal Economic Reform Assistance
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MOCI Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Afghan)
MOD Ministry of Defense (Afghan)
MOD CID MOD Criminal Investigation Directorate
MOD IG Ministry of Defense Inspector General
MOE Minister of Education (Afghan)
MOEc Ministry of Economy (Afghan)
MOF Ministry of Finance (Afghan)
MOHE Ministry of Higher Education (Afghan)
MOI Ministry of Interior (Afghan)
MOIC Ministry of Industry and Commerce
MOI CID Ministry of Interior (Afghan) Criminal Investigation Directorate
MOI IG Ministry of Interior (Afghan) Inspector General
Continued on the next page
MOJ Ministry of Justice (Afghan)
MOMP Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (Afghan)
MOPH Ministry of Public Health (Afghan)
MOU memorandum of understanding
MOWA Ministry of Women’s Affairs
MPTF Multi-Partner Trust Fund
MPD Ministry of Interior Affairs and Police Development Project
MRA Migration and Refugee Assistance
MRRD Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (Afghan)
MW megawatt
NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command
NADR Non-Proliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining, and Related Programs
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCO Noncommissioned officers
NDAA National Defense Authorization Act
NDAP National Drug Action Plan
NDS National Directorate of Security (Afghan)
NEPS Northeast Power System
NGO nongovernmental organization
NSA National Security Advisor
NSC National Security Council
NSIA National Statistics and Information Authority (Afghan)
NSOCC-A NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan
NSPA NATO Support and Procurement Agency
O&M operations and maintenance
OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OCO Overseas Contingency Operations
OEG Office of Economic Growth (USAID)
OFDA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
OFS Operation Freedom’s Sentinel
OIG Office of the Inspector General
OPA Office of Prison Affairs
OUSD-P Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
OTA Office of Technical Assistance (U.S. Treasury)
OTI Office of Transition Initiatives
Continued on the next page
PDPs provincial development plans
PM/WRA Bureau of Political-Military Affairs’ Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement
PPA power-purchase agreement
PPE personal protective equipment
PRM Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (U.S. State)
PMO Program Mangement Office
PTEC Power Transmission Expansion and Connectivity
PSI Peace Stabilization Initiative
RADP Regional Agriculture Development Program
RC Recurrent Cost
RFE/RL Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty
RIV reduction in violence
RC recurrent cost
RS Resolute Support
SAG Subactivity Group
SCIP Security Cooperation Information Portal
SEPS Southeast Power System
SFAB Security Force Assistance Brigade
SHAHAR Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and Resilience
SIGACT significant act (violence against coalition troops)
SIU Sensitive Investigative Unit (Afghan)
SME subject-matter expert
SMW Special Mission Wing (Afghan)
SOF Special Operations Forces (U.S.)
SRAR Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconcilation
State OIG Department of State Office of the Inspector General
SWIM Strengthening Watershed and Irrigation Management
TAA train, advise, and assist
TAAC train, advise, and assist command
TAAC-Air train, advise, and assist command-air
TAF The Asia Foundation
TF task force
TIU Technical Investigative Unit
TPDC Transferring Professional Development Capacity
UN United Nations
Continued on the next page
UN WFP United Nations World Food Programme
UNAMA United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
UNMAS United Nations Mine Action Service
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
USAAA U.S. Army Audit Agency
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USAID U.S. Agency for International Development
USAID OIG USAID Office of the Inspector General
USD U.S. dollar
USFOR-A U.S. Forces-Afghanistan
USIP United States Institute of Peace
UXO unexploded ordnance
WASH water, sanitation and hygiene
WHO World Health Organization
WIA wounded in action
WTO World Trade Organization
1. DOD, Cost of War Monthly Report, Data as of September 30, 29. World Bank, ARTF: Administrator’s Report on Financial Status
2020, provided in response to SIGAR data call, 1/8/2021. as of November 20, 2020 (end of 11th month of FY 1399) at
2. Deputy Secretary of Defense, “Afghanistan Resources Oversight www.artf.af, accessed 1/13/2021, p. 2.
Council (AROC) memorandum,” 8/3/2011; Pub. L. No. 116-260, 30. The World Bank Group in Afghanistan, Country Update,
12/27/2020. 10/2020, p. 45, at www.worldbank.org/en/country/afghanistan,
3. Pub. L. No. 116-260, 12/27/2020. accessed 1/26/2021.
4. DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 Appropriation Status by FY Program 31. World Bank, ARTF: Administrator’s Report on Financial Status
and Subaccounts December 2020,” 1/19/2021; DFAS, “AR(M) as of November 20, 2020 (end of 11th month of FY 1399) at
1002 Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts www.artf.af, accessed 1/13/2021, p. 10.
September 2020,” 10/17/2020. 32. EC, “Afghanistan: State of Play, January 2011,” 3/31/2011, p. 7.
5. Pub. L. No. 116-93, 12/20/2019. 33. UNDP, “Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan, Terms of
6. DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 Appropriation Status by FY Program Reference, 22 November 2018,” and “Trust Fund Factsheet, Law
and Subaccounts December 2020,” 1/19/2021; “AR(M) 1002 and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan,” http://mptf.undp.org/fact-
Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts sheet/fund/LTF00, accessed 1/9/2020.
September 2020,” 10/17/2020. 34. UNDP, LOTFA Receipts 2002–2020 and LOTFA MPTF Receipts
7. DOD, response to SIGAR data call on 1/8/2021; and AR(M) 2002–2020, updated 12/31/2020, in response to SIGAR data call,
1002 Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts 1/8/2021.
(Cumulative) September 2020, accessed at www.dfas.mil/dod- 35. UN OCHA, Financial Tracking Service, https://fts.unocha.org,
budgetaccountreports/ on 10/20/2020. accessed 12/31/2020.
8. Pub. L. No. 116-260, 12/27/2020. 36. DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 10/12/2018.
9. H.Rept. 116-453, 12/27/2020. 37. NATO, Afghan National Army (ANA) Trust Fund, Status of
10. DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 1/15/2021. Contributions Made as of 16 November 2020, www.nato.int,
11. DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 1/18/2019. accessed 1/23/2021; and NATO Member Countries, Last Updated
12. Pub. L. No. 116-260, 12/27/2020. 31 Aug 2020, www.nato.int, accessed 1/23/2021.
13. DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 1/15/2021. 38. DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 1/18/2019.
14. USAID, U.S. Foreign Assistance Reference Guide, 1/2005, p. 6. 39. The World Bank Group, response to SIGAR data call,
15. USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 1/19/2021 and 10/12/2020; 10/14/2020.
State, response to SIGAR data call, 1/13/2021, 7/13/2020, 40. The World Bank Group, United States, Shares and Voting
1/3/2020, and 10/5/2018. Power, https://www.worldbank.org/, accessed on 4/21/2020.
16. USAID, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, 41. Asian Development Bank, response to SIGAR data call,
“Afghanistan-Complex Emergency, Fact Sheet #4, FY 2017,” at 1/10/2021.
www.usaid.gov, accessed 4/9/2020. 42. Asian Development Bank, AITF Quarterly Report (April–June
17. USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 1/19/2021. 2020), response to SIGAR data call, 1/13/2021.
18. State, response to SIGAR data call, 10/13/2009. 43. State, response to SIGAR data call, 10/8/2020 and 7/13/2020.
19. State, response to SIGAR data call, 7/13/2020, 1/3/2020, and 44. DOD, “Acting Secretary Miller Announces Troop Levels
10/5/2018. in Afghanistan and Iraq,” 11/17/2020; DOD, “Sec. Esper
20. State, response to SIGAR data call, 1/13/2021, 1/7/2021, and Interview With Fox News’ ‘Justice with Judge Jeanine,’
7/13/2020. 8/8/2020; USFOR-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021; DOD,
21. Department of State, Congressional Budget Justification, “Statement by Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller on
Foreign Operations, Appendix 2, FY 2019, Released February Force Levels in Afghanistan,” 1/15/2021.
12, 2018, pp. 44–52; and State, response to SIGAR data call, 45. General Mark Milley, remarks at webinar for the Brookings
4/17/2019. Institution, “A Conversation with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
22. State, response to SIGAR data call, 1/14/2021 and 10/15/2020. of Staff General Mark Milley,” 12/2/2020; Defense One, “Milley
23. Department of State, Congressional Budget Justification, Meets with Taliban in Fragile Peace Negotiations,” 12/17/2020;
Foreign Operations, Appendix 2, FY 2019, Released February Stars and Stripes, “Gen. McKenzie: Troop drawdowns in Iraq,
12, 2018, p. 423. Afghanistan will limit how US assists future operations,”
24. State, response to SIGAR data call 3/29/2013. 12/10/2020.
25. State, response to SIGAR data call, 1/13/2021, 7/13/2020, 46. Reuters, “Afghan government, Taliban to resume peace talks in
1/3/2020, and 10/5/2018. January,” 12/14/2020; USFOR-A, response to SIGAR data call,
26. “Janus-Faced Pledges: A Review of the 2020 Geneva Conference 1/5/2021.
in Afghanistan,” Afghanistan Analysts Network, at www. 47. State, Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between
afghanistan-analysts.org, accessed 1/4/2021, and State, response the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by
to SIGAR data call, 1/26/2021. the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the
27. Ministry of Finance, GIROA, in response to SIGAR information United States of America, 2/29/2020, p. 2.
request, 1/20/2021. 48. State, Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between
28. World Bank, ARTF: Administrator’s Report on Financial Status the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by
as of November 20, 2020 (end of 11th month of FY 1399) at the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and
www.artf.af, accessed 1/13/2021, p. 4. the United States of America, 2/29/2020, p. 2; DOD, Enhancing
Security and Stability in Afghanistan,” 6/2020, p. 18; OUSD-P, Rise,” 10/13/2020; USFOR-A Spokesman COL Sonny Leggett.
response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020; AP, “After years fighting (@USFOR_A), “Resolute Support Cdr. Gen. Scott Miller visited
them, Milley talks peace with Taliban,” 12/17/2020; DOD OIG, #Helmand on Thursday to assess the security situation & meet
Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, Lead Inspector General Report with provincial leaders. He congrat’d Brig. Gen. Sami Sadat
to the United States Congress, July 1, 2020–September 30, 2020, on his appointment as 215th Maiwand Corps CDR, overseeing
11/2020, p. 17. #Afghan Army operations in Helmand & #Nimroz,” 12/19/2020,
49. AP, “After years fighting them, Milley talks peace with Taliban,” https://twitter.com/USFOR_A/status/1340234337720086536;
12/17/2020. Defense One, “Milley Meets with Taliban in Fragile Peace
50. RS, response to SIGAR vetting, “Transcript: COMRS, CJCS, US Negotiations,” 12/17/2020; RS, response to SIGAR vetting,
EMB On-Record Interview 16 December 2020,” 1/6/2021. “Transcript: COMRS, CJCS, US EMB On-Record Interview 16
51. TOLOnews, “Afghan President Invites Taliban to Kandahar to December 2020,” 1/6/2021.
Discuss Peace,” 12/17/2020. 67. Long War Journal, “Afghan Air Force kills 15 Al Qaeda opera-
52. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/10/2019. tives in Helmand,” 12/29/2020.
53. See Appendix B of this report and DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 68. AFP, “Scores of Taliban fighters killed as fighting rocks insur-
Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts gent bastion,” 12/13/2020; Defense Post, “Thousands of Afghan
December 2020,” 1/19/2021. Families Flee Fighting in Insurgent Bastion Kandahar,” 1/7/2021;
54. See Appendix B of this report and DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 NPR, “Tens Of Thousands Flee Latest Taliban Offensive, And
Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts Afghan Civilian Casualties Rise,” 10/13/2020.
December 2020,” 1/19/2021. 69. USFOR-A Spokesman COL Sonny Leggett. (@USFOR_A)
55. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 8/27/2016; OUSD-P, “USFOR-A conducted a strike against armed Taliban fighters
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2018, 1/12/2019, and 10/10/2019; attacking an ANDSF checkpoint in Zhari district Kandahar on
SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, Dec 10. This strike in defense of the ANDSF is IAW with the
4/30/2018, p. 75; OUSD-P, email to SIGAR, 1/13/2017. US-Taliban agreement. The Taliban’s claim of civilian casu-
56. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 8/27/2016; OUSD-P, alties are false.” 12/11/2020, https://twitter.com/USFOR_A/
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2018 and 10/11/2020; SIGAR, status/1337398380981575681.
Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 4/30/2018, p. 75; 70. AFP, “Afghan Troops, Police Abandon Nearly 200 Checkpoints
UNDP, LOTFA Receipts 2002–2020 and LOTFA MPTF Receipts To Taliban,” 12/30/2020; CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting,
2002–2020, updated 4/4/2020, in response to SIGAR data call 1/16/2021.
4/5/2020. 71. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021.
57. UNDP, LOTFA Receipts 2002–2020 and LOTFA MPTF Receipts 72. USFOR-A Spokesman COL Sonny Leggett. (@USFOR_A) “1/3
2002–2020, updated 12/31/2020, in response to SIGAR data call, We categorically reject the Taliban’s claim the United States
1/8/2021. has violated the U.S.-Taliban Agreement. U.S. airstrikes in
58. USFOR-A Spokesman COL Sonny Leggett. (@USFOR_A) “The Helmand and Farah have been and continue to be solely
Taliban’s accusations the US violated the US-TB agreement in defense of the ANDSF as they are being attacked by the
are false. US Forces have been clear & consistent: We will Taliban. 2/3 These strikes are consistent with both the U.S.-
defend Afghan forces against TB attacks. We renew our call Taliban Agreement and the Joint Declaration between the
for all sides to reduce violence. @Zabehulah_M 1/2,” 1/4/2021, Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the
https://twitter.com/US4AfghanPeace/status/1334108215735365 United States,” 10/18/2020, https://twitter.com/USFOR_A/sta-
632?s=20; TOLOnews, “Miller says he has orders to reduce US tus/1317811660523032576; USFOR-A Spokesman COL Sonny
troop levels,” 12/13/2020; State, Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting Leggett. (@USFOR_A) “USFOR-A conducted a targeted strike
with the Taliban, 11/21/2020. in Nerkh, Wardak last night- in defense of the ANDSF and in
59. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021; USFOR-A, accordance with the U.S.-TB Agreement- killing 5 Taliban fight-
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021. ers. We reject the allegations of violating the agreement and
60. RS, response to SIGAR vetting, “Transcript: COMRS, CJCS, US of killing innocent Afghans.” 10/26/2020, https://twitter.com/
EMB On-Record Interview 16 December 2020,” 1/6/2021. USFOR_A/status/1320646914895958019; USFOR-A Spokesman
61. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. COL Sonny Leggett. (@USFOR_A) “The Taliban’s accusations
62. RFE/RL, “Afghan Forces Foil IS Plan To Assassinate Top U.S. the US violated the US-TB agreement are false. US Forces have
Envoy,” 1/12/2020. been clear & consistent: We will defend Afghan forces against
63. Reuters, “Gunmen kill two female Supreme Court judges in TB attacks. We renew our call for all sides to reduce violence.
Afghanistan: police,” 1/18/2021. @Zabehulah_M33 1/2.” 1/4/2021, https://twitter.com/USFOR_A/
64. NPR, “‘Our Houses Are Not Safe’: Residents Fear Taliban in status/1345984998860533760.
Afghanistan’s Capital,” 12/18/2020. 73. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021.
65. Washington Post, “Targeted killings of journalists are on the 74. RS, response to SIGAR data call, 1/6/2021; SIGAR, analysis of
rise,” 12/27/2020; “‘Sticky Bombs’ Sow Terror and Chaos in a RS-provided data, 1/2021.
City on Edge,” 12/16/2020. 75. RS, response to SIGAR data call, 1/6/2021; SIGAR, analysis of
66. Foreign Policy, “The U.S. Once Surged into Helmand Province. RS-provided data, 1/2021.
Now the Taliban Is, Too,” 10/20/2020; NPR, “Tens Of Thousands 76. RS, response to SIGAR data call, 10/21/2020 and 1/6/2020;
Flee Latest Taliban Offensive, And Afghan Civilian Casualties SIGAR, analysis of RS-provided data, 10/2020.
77. RS, response to SIGAR data call, 1/6/2021; SIGAR, analysis of 95. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress,
RS-provided data, 1/2021. 10/30/2017, pp. 107–110.
78. UNAMA, “Afghanistan - Protection of Civilians in Armed 96. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress,
Conflict Third Quarter Report: 1 January to 30 September 2020,” 10/30/2019, p. 76; RS, response to SIGAR vetting, “Transcript:
p. 1; Costs of War, “Afghanistan’s Rising Civilian Death Toll Due COMRS, CJCS, US EMB On-Record Interview 16 December
to Airstrikes, 2017-2020, 12/7/2020. 2020,” 1/6/2021.
79. NBC News, “Airstrike in Afghanistan Bombs Taliban Target. 97. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
Now 18 Members of One Family Feared Dead,” 1/16/2021. 98. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
80. RS, response to SIGAR data call, 1/6/2021; SIGAR, analysis of 99. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 6/17/2020; CSTC-A,
RS-provided data, 1/2021. response to SIGAR vetting, 7/8/2020 and 10/11/2020.
81. RS, response to SIGAR data call, 1/6/2021; SIGAR, analysis of 100. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and 9/22/2020;
RS-provided data, 1/2021. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020.
82. RS, response to SIGAR data call, 10/21/2020 and 1/6/2021; 101. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; NSOCC-A,
USFOR-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021; SIGAR, analy- response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
sis of RS-provided data, 1/2021. 102. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
83. DOD, “Acting Secretary Miller Announces Troop Levels 103. NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and CSTC-A,
in Afghanistan and Iraq,” 11/17/2020; DOD, “Sec. Esper response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
Interview With Fox News’ ‘Justice with Judge Jeanine,’ 104. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response
8/8/2020; USFOR-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021; DOD, to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
“Statement by Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller on 105. NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
Force Levels in Afghanistan,” 1/15/2021. 106. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response
84. DOD, “Acting Secretary Miller Announces Troop Levels in to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
Afghanistan and Iraq,” 11/17/2020; DOD, “Sec. Esper Interview 107. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
With Fox News’ ‘Justice with Judge Jeanine,’ 8/8/2020. 108. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response
85. DOD, “Acting Secretary Miller Announces Troop Levels in to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. S
Afghanistan and Iraq,” 11/17/2020; NATO Secretary General Jens 109. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR data call, 1/16/2021.
Stoltenberg, remarks at Halifax Security Forum, 11/22/2020. 110. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021 and response
86. NATO, “Online press conference by NATO Secretary General to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021.
Jens Stoltenberg following the first day of the meetings of 111. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020, 9/22/2020,
NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs,” 12/1/2020. 6/18/2020, 3/17/2020, 12/19/2019, and 9/20/2019; SIGAR, analysis
87. General Mark Milley, remarks at webinar for the Brookings of CSTC-A-provided data, 12/2020.
Institution, “A Conversation with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs 112. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and 9/22/2020;
of Staff General Mark Milley,” 12/2/2020; State, Agreement for SIGAR, analysis of CSTC-A-provided data, 12/2020; CSTC-A,
Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021; DOD, Enhancing Security
Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2019, p. 33.
a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of 113. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020; SIGAR, analy-
America, 2/29/2020, p. 2. sis of CSTC-A-provided data, 1/2021; CSTC-A, response to
88. U.S. Congress, H.R. 6395, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020 and 1/6/2021.
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021; AP, “After years 114. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; DOD,
fighting them, Milley talks peace with Taliban,” 12/17/2020. Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2019, p. 33;
89. Washington Post, “U.S. forces in Afghanistan cut to 2,500, low- SIGAR, analysis of CSTC-A and DOD data, 1/2021; SIGAR, meet-
est level since 2001,” 1/15/2021. ing record with CSTC-A, 3/2020; CSTC-A, response to SIGAR
90. General Mark Milley, remarks at webinar for the Brookings vetting, 1/6/2021 and 1/15/2021.
Institution, “A Conversation with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs 115. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; DOD,
of Staff General Mark Milley,” 12/2/2020; DOD, “Contractor Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2019, p. 33;
Support of U.S. Operations in the USCENTCOM Area of SIGAR, meeting record with CSTC-A, 3/2020; CSTC-A, response
Responsibility,” 1/2021 and 10/2020. to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021 and 1/15/2021.
91. TOLOnews, “Miller says he has orders to reduce US troop lev- 116. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting 1/6/2021; OUSD-P, response
els,” 12/13/2020. to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021; DOD, Enhancing Security and
92. DOD, “Sec. Esper Interview With Fox News’ ‘Justice with Judge Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020, p. 2; DOD OIG, Audit of the
Jeanine,’ 8/8/2020; OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. Planning for and Implementation of the Afghan Personnel and
93. Defense One, “Milley Meets with Taliban in Fragile Peace Pay System, 8/15/2019, i.
Negotiations,” 12/17/2020; RS, response to SIGAR vetting, 117. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020 and response to
“Transcript: COMRS, CJCS, US EMB On-Record Interview 16 SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020 and 10/19/2020.
December 2020,” 1/6/2021. 118. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 6/18/2020 and 12/16/2020;
94. Stars and Stripes, “Gen. McKenzie: Troop drawdowns in Iraq, CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020 and 10/19/2020.
Afghanistan will limit how US assists future operations,” 119. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
12/10/2020. 120. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call 12/16/2020.
121. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 6/18/2020 and 12/16/2020; 152. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020 and 12/16/2020;
CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020 and 10/19/2020. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/19/2020.
122. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020 and 10/19/2020. 153. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020 and response to
123. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response SIGAR vetting, 10/19/2020; OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting,
to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 1/6/2021.
124. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/10/2019. 154. CSTC-A, response to DOD OIG data call, 4/7/2020; CSTC-A,
125. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response response to SIGAR data call, 10/6/2020.
to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 155. DOD OIG, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel: April 1, 2020–June 30,
126. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 2020, p. 19.
127. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/10/2019. 156. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 10/6/2020; CSTC-A,
128. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021. response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021.
129. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021. 157. AFP, “Afghan Troops, Police Abandon Nearly 200 Checkpoints
130. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2019, To Taliban,” 12/30/2020.
pp. 1–2, 5. 158. AFP, “Afghan Troops, Police Abandon Nearly 200 Checkpoints
131. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020, To Taliban,” 12/30/2020.
p. 46. 159. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/16/2021.
132. NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021 and 1/15/2021. 160. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/16/2021.
133. NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021 and 10/19/2020; 161. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/6/2021.
SIGAR, analysis of NSOCC-A-provided data, 1/2021. 162. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020, 9/22/2020,
134. NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021 and 10/19/2020; 10/6/2020, 1/6/2021; SIGAR, analysis of CSTC-A-provided data,
SIGAR, analysis of NSOCC-A-provided data, 1/2021. 12/2020; CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021; DOD,
135. NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2019, p. 33.
10/7/2020. 163. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/6/2021.
136. NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 164. DOD OIG, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel: April 1, 2020–June 30,
137. DOD OIG, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, Lead Inspector 2020, pp. 23–24.
General’s Report to the United States Congress, 11/15/2019, 165. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 10/6/2020.
p. 26; DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 166. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/18/2020.
7/2019, p. 53. 167. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021 and 10/6/2020;
138. USFOR-A, response to SIGAR data call, 3/17/2020 and CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/19/2020.
12/19/2019; USFOR-A, response to DOD OIG data call, 4/6/2020; 168. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021.
DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 7/2019, 169. See Appendix B of this report and DFAS, “AR(M) 1002
p. 53. Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts
139. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 7/2019, December 2020,” 1/19/2021.
p. 53; CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 10/6/2020 and 170. See Appendix B of this report and DFAS, “AR(M) 1002
12/16/2020; USFOR-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 4/13/2020. Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts
140. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 7/2019, December 2020,” 1/19/2021.
pp. 52–53; CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 10/6/2020 and 171. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 6/19/2020.
12/16/2020. 172. DOD, CSTC-A, RM, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
141. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 10/6/2020. 173. See Appendix B of this report.
142. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response 174. SIGAR, meeting record with CSTC-A, 12/9/2019; CSTC-A,
to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020.
143. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 175. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020 and 12/16/2020;
144. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020 and 1/6/2021;
145. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
146. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 176. See Appendix B of this report.
147. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/10/2019. 177. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response
148. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020, to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
pp. 33–34; OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/18/2020. 178. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response
149. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020, to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
pp. 33–34; OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/18/2020. 179. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response
150. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020 and response to to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
SIGAR vetting, 10/19/2020. 180. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020, and response
151. Last quarter, CSTC-A reported 109 sites active in CoreIMS. This to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
quarter they amended that number to 99, thus accounting for 181. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
the increase of 25 sites from 99 last quarter to 124 this quarter. 182. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; CSTC-A,
CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020 and 12/16/2020; response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting 1/6/2021. 183. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020 and 12/16/2020;
CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
184. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020 and response to 210. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call 9/22/2020 and 12/16/2020;
SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. CSTC-A response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020, 10/19/2020,
185. See Appendix B of this report. 1/6/2021; OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/18/2020.
186. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and 9/22/2020; 211. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call 9/22/2020 and 12/16/2020
CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020, 1/6/2021, and and response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020 and 1/6/2021.
1/15/2021. 212. OUSD-P. response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
187. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; CSTC-A, 213. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020,
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021. pp. 81, 83.
188. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2020. 214. Fondation Suisse de Déminage website, “Afghanistan,” https://
189. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and 9/22/2020; fsd.ch/en/project/afghanistan/, accessed 3/25/2020.
SIGAR, analysis of CSTC-A-provided data, 12/2020; OUSD-P, 215. E-Mine/UN Mine Action website, “Portfolio on Mine Action,”
response to SIGAR vetting, 10/18/2020. Afghanistan Country Portfolio, 2018, https://mineaction.org/en/
190. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and 9/22/2020; portfolio-of-mine-action-projects, accessed 7/1/2019.
SIGAR, analysis of CSTC-A-provided data, 12/2020. 216. New York Times, Mujib Mashal, “Left-Behind Explosives Taking
191. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and 9/22/2020; Deadlier Toll on Afghan Children, U.N. Says, 2/6/2017, https://
SIGAR, analysis of CSTC-A-provided data, 12/2020. www.nytimes.com/2017/02/06/world/asia/afghanistan-war-
192. The SMW was funded beginning in FY 2012. Not included here civilian-casualties-un-report.html, accessed 1/23/2021; Stuff
is an additional $794.8 million of obligated SMW funds from the Circuit, Paula Penfold and Eugene Bingham, “New Zealand doc-
Office of the Secretary of Defense-Counternarcotics (OSD-CN) umentary forces clean-up of deadly Afghanistan firing ranges,”
fund from FY 2012 to FY 2020. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/stuff-circuit/300099027/
data call, 12/16/2020; SIGAR, analysis of CSTC-A-provided data, new-zealand-documentary-forces-cleanup-of-deadly-afghani-
12/2020. stan-firing-ranges, 9/3/2020.
193. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; SIGAR, analy- 217. UNOCHA, “AFGHANISTAN Weekly Humanitarian Update
sis of CSTC-A-provided data, 12/2020; OUSD-P, response to (9 March – 15 March 2020),” https://reliefweb.int/report/
SIGAR vetting, 4/17/2020. afghanistan/afghanistan-weekly-humanitarian-update-9-march-
194. TAAC-Air, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2021. 15-march-2020, accessed 3/25/2020, p. 2.
195. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021; SIGAR, analysis 218. DMAC, “MAPA Annual Report for 1398 – April 2019-March
of CSTC-A-provided data, 1/2021. 2020,” pp. 5–6.
196. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021; SIGAR, analysis 219. State, PM/WRA, response to SIGAR data call, 1/11/2021.
of CSTC-A-provided data, 1/2021. 220. State, PM/WRA, response to SIGAR data call, 1/11/2021.
197. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 1/5/2021; SIGAR, analysis 221. State, PM/WRA, response to SIGAR data call, 1/11/2021; https://
of CSTC-A-provided data, 1/2021. www.theunitconverter.com/area-conversion/?
198. See Appendix B of this report and DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 222. State, PM/WRA, response to SIGAR data call, 1/11/2020; NIST,
Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts The United States and the Metric System: A Capsule in History,
December 2020,” 1/19/2021. 1997, p. 8; https://www.theunitconverter.com/area-conversion/?
199. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 8/27/2016; OUSD-P, 223. E-Mine/UN Mine Action website, “Portfolio on Mine Action,”
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/15/2018; SIGAR, Quarterly Report Afghanistan Country Portfolio, 2018; State, PM/WRA, response
to the United States Congress, 4/30/2018, p. 75; See Appendix B to SIGAR vetting, 4/11/2019.
of this report. 224. DMAC, “MAPA Annual Report for 1398 – April 2019–March
200. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 6/19/2020. 2020,” p. 5.
201. DOD, CSTC-A, RM, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020 and 225. PM/WRA, response to SIGAR vetting, 4/11/2019; DMAC, “MAPA
12/16/2020. Annual Report for 1398 - April 2019-March 2020,” p. 6.
202. See Appendix B of this report and DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 226. USAID, Conflict Mitigation Assistance for Civilians (COMAC),
Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts Implementation Plan—Year 3, FY2020: October 1, 2019 to
December 2020,” 1/19/2021. September 30, 2019, 10/9/2019, pp. 1–2; USAID, OAPA–17–
203. SIGAR, SIGAR meeting record with CSTC-A, 12/9/2019. JULY–AFG–0037, Initial Environmental Examination, 7/5/2017.
204. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020 and response 227. USAID, Conflict Mitigation Assistance for Civilians (COMAC),
to SIGAR vetting, 1/9/2021. Annual Report, FY2020: October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020,
205. See Appendix B of this report and DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 p. 5.
Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts 228. USAID, Conflict Mitigation Assistance for Civilians (COMAC),
December 2020,” 1/19/2021. Annual Report, FY2020: October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020,
206. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; CSTC-A, pp. 24, 44.
response to SIGAR vetting, 10/12/2020, 1/6/2021, and 1/15/2021. 229. USAID, Conflict Mitigation Assistance for Civilians (COMAC),
207. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. Annual Report, FY2020: October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020,
208. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. p. 42.
209. See Appendix B of this report and DFAS, “AR(M) 1002 230. See Appendix B.
Appropriation Status by FY Program and Subaccounts 231. State, Secretary Michael R. Pompeo at Intra-Afghan
December 2020,” 1/19/2021. Negotiations Opening Ceremony, 9/12/2020; Reuters, “Afghan
peace talks open with calls for ceasefire, women’s rights,” status/1337781275709542406?s=20; Khalilzad, Zalmay. (@
9/12/2020. US4AfghanPeace) “1/3 The two Afghan negotiating teams
232. Pompeo, Michael. (@SecPompeo) “Met with both Taliban and announced in Doha they will take 20 days off to “consult on the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s negotiating teams in Doha. agenda items,’” 12/14/2020, https://twitter.com/US4AfghanPeace/
I commend both sides for continuing to negotiate and for the status/1334108215735365632?s=20; State, response to SIGAR
progress they have made. I encourage expedited discussions on vetting, 1/6/2021.
a political roadmap and a permanent and comprehensive cease- 244. TOLOnews, “Republic Team: Taliban’s Islamic Political System
fire,” 11/21/2020, https://twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1330234 Unclear,” 12/24/2020.
557396901888?s=20. 245. Radio Free Europe, “After Talks With Taliban, Pakistani Leader
233. State, Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with the Taliban, 11/21/2020. Calls For Reduction of Violence,” 12/18/2020.
234. TOLOnews, “Ghani Opposes Agreement on Doha Talks’ 246. Reuters, “Taliban delegation visits Islamabad, plans for leader-
Procedural Rules: Sources,” 11/23/2020. ship meeting in Pakistan,” 12/16/2020.
235. Sediqqi, Sediq. (@SediqSediqqi) “Not true, and misleading 247. State, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
sources. The negotiating team of the Islamic Republic of 248. Afghanistan Analysts Network, “Intra-Afghan Talks (1): Rules of
Afghanistan will officially comment when there is any break- procedure agreed, but still no agenda as talks resume,” 1/3/2021.
through/progress in the talks,” 11/23/2020, https://twitter.com/ 249. Afghanistan Analysts Network, “Intra-Afghan Talks (1): Rules of
SediqSediqqi/status/1330937620533309443?s=20. procedure agreed, but still no agenda as talks resume,” 1/3/2021.
236. State, Remarks at 2020 Afghanistan Conference, 11/24/2020. 250. Reuters, “Afghan peace talks to begin on Saturday in Doha,”
237. State, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; State, response 1/6/2021; Peace Negotiation Team of the I.R. of Afghanistan. (@
to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. PeaceIRAfg) “As decided in Wednesday’s meeting, the desig-
238. Nadery, Nader. (@N_Nadery) “1/2 The negotiation teams of nated teams met this evening to develop a joint agenda. In the
both sides have ONLY agreed in principle to the 21 articles meeting which took place in a positive atmosphere, mutual
of the rules and procedures, with the exception of the agendas were discussed and it was decided that such meetings
introduction because it requires further discussion & clari- should continue,” 1/9/2021, https://twitter.com/PeaceIRAfg/
fication. Therefore in the joint meeting on Nov 17, 2020 in status/1347963302136184832.
the presence...” 11/28/2020, https://twitter.com/N_Nadery/ 251. TOLOnews, “US Envoy Discussed Interim Govt with Afghan
status/1332716630804148229; State, response to SIGAR vetting, Politicians: Sources,” 1/12/2021.
1/6/2021. 252. Chargé d’Affaires Ross Wilson. (@USAmbKabul) (1/4) The
239. New York Times, “Afghan Leader Digs In on Peace Talks United States is committed to bringing about an end to conflict
Despite Progress, Officials Say,” 11/29/2020. in Afghanistan through a political settlement that ensures this
240. Office of Public and Strategic Affairs of the President, country remains sovereign, unified & democratic, is at peace
“Statement attributable to the Spokesperson of the President with itself and its neighbors & can preserve gains made over the
of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the New York times last 19 years, 1/13/2021, https://twitter.com/USAmbKabul/status/
story titled ‘Afghan leader digs in on peace talks despite prog- 1349282327583666177?s=20.
ress, officials say’ dated 29 November 2020,” 11/30/2020, https:// 253. TOLOnews, “Constitution Needs No Amending for Peace: VP
twitter.com/SediqSediqqi/status/1333321456969768962?s=20. Danish,” 1/13/2021.
241. Omer, Waheed. (@Waheed_Omer) “We haven’t stalled the nego- 254. TOLOnews, “Afghan MPs: No System Acceptable Except
tiations. On the contrary, we have given concessions that no Republic,” 1/13/2021.
gov in the world would give to a group who isn’t even ready to 255. USFOR-A Spokesman COL Sonny Leggett. (@USFOR_A) “The
recognize us as a gov; relies on killing people to ask for more Taliban’s accusations the US violated the US-TB agreement are
concessions and thinks violence and terror works in their false. US Forces have been clear & consistent: We will defend
favor.” 12/1/2020, https://twitter.com/Waheed_Omer/status/1333 Afghan forces against TB attacks. We renew our call for all
691895244087297?s=20. sides to reduce violence. @Zabehulah_M 1/2,” 1/4/2021, https://
242. Peace Negotiation Team of the I.R. of Afghanistan. (@ twitter.com/US4AfghanPeace/status/133410821573536563
PeaceIRAfg) “The procedure including its preamble of the nego- 2?s=20; Chargé d’Affaires Ross Wilson. (@USAmbKabul) “(1/2)
tiation has been finalized and from now on, the negotiation will The United States condemns today’s assassinations of female
begin on the agenda,” 12/2/2020, https://twitter.com/PeaceIRAfg/ supreme court judges and calls for a prompt investigation. My
status/1334102563134861315?s=20; Khalilzad, Zalmay. (@ condolences to the families of the victims and wishes for a
US4AfghanPeace) “1/4 I welcome the news from #Doha that speedy recovery to those injured,” 1/17/2021, https://twitter.
the two Afghan sides have reached a significant milestone: A com/USAmbKabul/status/1350757811165163521?s=20.
three-page agreement codifing rules and procedures for their 256. Washington Post, “Targeted killings of journalists are on the rise
negotiations on a political roadmap and a comprehensive cease- across Afghanistan,” 12/27/2020; New York Times, “Targeted
fire,” 12/2/2020, https://twitter.com/US4AfghanPeace/status/1334 Killings Are Terrorizing Afghans. And No One Is Claiming
108215735365632?s=20. Them,” 1/2/2020.
243. Peace Negotiation Team of the I.R. of Afghanistan. (@ 257. TOLOnews, “‘Taliban Is Behind Targeted Killings’: Andarabi,”
PeaceIRAfg) “Both sides of the Intra-Afghan Negotiation teams 12/29/2020.
shared initial lists of agenda items & conducted preliminary dis- 258. USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 1/10/2021.
cussions on the list.,” 12/12/2020, https://twitter.com/N_Nadery/
259. TOLOnews, “Moby Group Signs Contract on Insurance 282. “Notes to File: Working Level - Election Support Group,”
Coverage For Its Employees,” 6/24/2019; Social Impact, USAID/ 11/26/2020.
OTI Afghanistan Program: Final Evaluation, 8/15/2005, pp. 58, 283. TOLOnews, “Taliban Lost Opportunity to Attend Geneva
78; New York Times, “An Afghan Media Mogual, Pushing Conference: EU Envoy,” 11/17/2020.
Boundaries,” 7/27/2013. 284. According to UNICEF, 680 informal classes were already oper-
260. William Hammink, USAID in Afghanistan: Challenges and ating in these provinces. UNICEF said the Taliban accepted
Successes, 12/2017, pp. 1, 3. girls’ education until the end of primary school. Voice of
261. Washington Post, “Targeted killings of journalists are on the rise America, “Rare UN-Taliban Agreement to Set Up 4,000 Schools
across Afghanistan,” 12/27/2020. in Insurgent-Held Afghan Territory,” 12/19/2020; The Telegraph,
262. Committee to Protect Journalists, “Afghanistan: Journalists “UN strikes agreement with Taliban leaders to set up thousands
Killed between 1992 and 2020,” 12/30/2020. of schools in insurgent areas,” 12/17/2020.
263. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan, “Violence Against 285. Voice of America, “Rare UN-Taliban Agreement to Set Up 4,000
Journalists in Afghanistan (2001 - Present),” 12/30/2020. Schools in Insurgent-Held Afghan Territory,” 12/19/2020; The
264. Washington Post, “Targeted killings of journalists are on the rise Telegraph, “UN strikes agreement with Taliban leaders to set up
across Afghanistan,” 12/27/2020. thousands of schools in insurgent areas,” 12/17/2020.
265. Reuters, “Head of election monitoring group gunned down in 286. Khalilzad, Zalmay, Testimony before the Subcommittee on
Afghan capital,” 12/23/2020. National Security, Committee on Oversight and Government
266. TOLOnews, “Targeted Killings are Attack on New Generation: Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, “Hearing On
Ghani,” 12/28/2020. Afghanistan Strategy,” 9/22/2020.
267. TOLOnews, “Targeted Killings to Be Discussed in Talks: 287. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
Stanekzai,” 1/1/2021. 288. World Bank, Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund: FY1400–
268. State, Briefing with Special Representative for Afghanistan FY1403 (2021–2024) Partnership Framework and Financing
Reconciliation Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad on the Program, 10/20/2020, p. 30.
Afghanistan Peace Negotiations, 9/11/2020. 289. World Bank, Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund: FY1400–
269. “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the FY1403 (2021–2024) Partnership Framework and Financing
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the Program, 10/20/2020, p. 30.
United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the 290. World Bank, Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund: FY1400–
United States of America,” 2/29/2020, p. 2; State, response to FY1403 (2021–2024) Partnership Framework and Financing
SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. Program, 10/20/2020, p. 30.
270. TOLOnews, “Taliban Expect Release of Their Prisoners by Mid- 291. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the Asia Foundation was unable
December: Wilson,” 12/8/2020. to conduct its annual in-person Survey of the Afghan People in
271. State, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 2020. Instead, the Asia Foundation gathered the views of over
272. The National, “Taliban expecting release of 7,000 prisoners 4,300 Afghans aged 18 and above by telephonic interview using
additional to US deal,” 12/9/2020. random digit dialing. According to the CIA, there are 21 million
273. TOLOnews, “Afghan President Invites Taliban to Kandahar to cellular phone subscribers in Afghanistan. Asia Foundation,
Discuss Peace,” 12/17/2020. Afghanistan Flash Surveys on Perceptions of Peace, Covid-19,
274. TOLOnews, “Mastermind Behind Kabul University Attack and the Economy: Wave 1 Findings, 11/23/2020, ii, pp. 70–71;
Arrested: Saleh,” 11/14/2020. Asia Foundation, A Survey of the Afghan People: Afghanistan
275. Khalilzad, Zalmay. (@US4AfghanPeace) “1/4 The attack today in 2019, pp. 142–143; CIA, World Factbook: Afghanistan,
on Kabul University claimed by ISIS was horrendous. I con- 12/17/2020.
demn it and offer my heartfelt condolences to the families of 292. USAID, OTI, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020; USAID,
the victims,” 11/2/2020, https://twitter.com/US4AfghanPeace/stat response to SIGAR vetting, 10/9/2020.
us/1323479637842944000?s=20. 293. USAID, OTI, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
276. State, “U.S. Welcomes First Meeting of the Afghanistan High 294. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter-
Council for National Reconciliation Leadership Committee,” national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General,
12/5/2020. 12/10/2020, p. 10.
277. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 295. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter-
10/30/2020, p. 108. national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General,
278. TOLOnews, “Ghani Officially Approves 46 Reconciliation 12/10/2020, p. 10.
Council Members,” 8/30/2020; Afghanistan Analysts Network, 296. Reuters, “Foreign aid to Afghanistan could reach $12 billion
“End of the Post-Election Impasse? Ghani and Abdullah’s new over four years, some with conditions,” 11/24/2020; UN, The
power-sharing formula,” 5/20/2020. situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international
279. TOLOnews, “Negotiators Leave for Qatar to Resume Talks,” peace and security, report of the Secretary-General, 12/10/2020,
1/5/2021. p. 10.
280. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 297. Brussels Conference on Afghanistan, “Communiqué,” 10/5/2016,
1/30/2019, p. 108. p. 5.
281. “Notes to File: Working Level - Election Support Group,” 298. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
11/26/2020. 299. State, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
300. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, p. 2. 334. DOD, CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 4/4/2014.
301. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, pp. 3–4. 335. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 6/19/2020.
302. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, p. 3. 336. CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 6/19/2020; DOD, response
303. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, p. 3. to SIGAR vetting, 1/8/2021.
304. USAID, OPPD, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 337. DOD, CSTC-A, RM, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
305. USAID, OPPD, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 338. DOD, CSTC-A, RM, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020;
306. World Bank, “Partnership Framework and Financing Program: UNDP, LOTFA Receipts 2002–2020 and LOTFA MPTF Receipts
Key Messages and Indicative Outline,” 9/24/2020. 2002–2020, updated 12/31/2020, in response to SIGAR data call,
307. USAID, OPPD, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 1/8/2021.
308. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, p. 6. 339. Tetra Tech ARD, Initiative to Strengthen Local Administrations
309. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, p. 8. in Afghanistan (ISLA) Project) Monthly Report, February
310. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, p. 10. 2015, 3/15/2015, ii; USAID, ODG, response to SIGAR data call,
311. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter- 12/22/2016; USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 10/12/2020.
national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General, 340. SIGAR, Inquiry Letter: Initiative to Strengthen Local
12/10/2020, p. 11. Administrations, SIGAR-17-45-SP, 6/5/2017, p. 1.
312. SIGAR, Afghanistan’s Anti-Corruption Efforts Alert Letter, 341. Tetra Tech, USAID Initiative to Strengthen Local
SIGAR 21-09-AL, 11/6/2020, p. 2. Administrations (ISLA) Quarterly Report, 7/30/2020, p. 5.
313. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, pp. 2–4. 342. Tetra Tech, USAID Initiative to Strengthen Local
314. State, “Remarks at 2020 Afghanistan Conference,” 11/24/2020. Administrations (ISLA) FY 2020 Annual Report: October 2019 –
315. Ross Wilson, remarks delivered to the Afghanistan 2020 September 2020, 10/2020, p. 27.
Conference Side Event on Institutional and Societal Methods 343. Tetra Tech, USAID Initiative to Strengthen Local
for Fighting Corruption, 11/23/2020. Administrations (ISLA) FY 2020 Annual Report: October 2019 –
316. Deborah Lyons, remarks delivered by Ramiz Alakbarov on September 2020, 10/2020, pp. 30–31.
behalf of Deborah Lyons to the Afghanistan 2020 Conference 344. Tetra Tech, USAID Initiative to Strengthen Local
Side Event on Institutional and Societal Methods for Fighting Administrations (ISLA) FY 2020 Annual Report: October 2019 –
Corruption, 11/23/2020. September 2020, 10/2020, p. 116.
317. NATO, “Brussels Summit Declaration,” 7/11/2018. 345. Tetra Tech, USAID Initiative to Strengthen Local
318. “Afghanistan Conference: Communiqué,” 11/24/2020; Administrations (ISLA) FY 2020 Annual Report: October 2019 –
Afghanistan Partnership Framework, 11/24/2020. September 2020, 10/2020, pp. 47–48.
319. USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 10/12/2020. 346. Development Alternatives Inc., Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope
320. USAID, OPPD, response to SIGAR data call, 12/30/2013. and Resilience (SHAHAR): Monthly Report February 2015,
321. USAID, OPPD, response to SIGAR data call, 6/30/2014. 3/15/2015, p. 4; USAID, response to SIGAR data call, 7/9/2020.
322. USAID, “Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF),” 347. Development Alternatives Inc., Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope
8/26/2013. and Resilience (SHAHAR): Monthly Report September 2020,
323. USAID, “U.S. government contributed $105 million to Asian 10/15/2015, p. 10.
Development Bank Infrastructure Fund for Afghanistan,” 348. Development Alternatives Inc., Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope
3/18/2014. and Resilience (SHAHAR): Monthly Report September 2020,
324. World Bank, “Administrator’s Report on Financial Status,” 10/15/2015, p. 12.
11/20/2020, p. 4. 349. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress,
325. World Bank, “Recurrent Cost Window,” 2019. 1/30/2019, p. 124.
326. World Bank, Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund: FY1400– 350. World Bank, Post-Settlement Economic Initiatives to Support
FY1403 (2021–2024) Partnership Framework and Financing Peace and Inclusive Growth in Afghanistan, 3/26/2019, pp. 10,
Program, 10/20/2020, p. 5. 28; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Afghanistan; Day After
327. World Bank, “Partnership Framework and Financing Program: Peace Program-Towards an Inclusive, Sustainable & Equitable
Key Messages and Indicative Outline,” 9/24/2020. Peace, 7/2019, pp. 8–10.
328. World Bank, “Administrator’s Report on Financial Status,” 351. World Bank, Project Paper on a Restructuring and Proposed
11/20/2020, p. 2. Additional Grant in the Amount of (SDR24.8) Million (US$35
329. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, Million Equivalent) and a Proposed Additional Grant from
7/30/2020, p. 43. the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund in the Amount of
330. DOD, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/12/2017; DOD, response to US$158 Million to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for a
SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2018. Second Additional Financing For Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan
331. DOD, response to SIGAR vetting, 7/17/2020; DOD, CSTC-A, Project, n.d., p. 60.
RM, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020; DOD, Overseas 352. World Bank, Project Paper on a Restructuring and Proposed
Contingency Operations (OCO) Afghanistan Security Forces Additional Grant in the Amount of (SDR24.8) Million (US$35
Fund (ASFF), 2020, p. 52. Million Equivalent) and a Proposed Additional Grant from
332. DOD, CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data calls, 7/1/2014. the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund in the Amount of
333. DOD, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/12/2017; DOD, response to US$158 Million to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for a
SIGAR vetting, 10/11/2018.
Second Additional Financing For Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan 374. International Development Law Organization, Continuing
Project, n.d., pp. 13, 61. Professional Development Support (CPDS): IDLO Final Report,
353. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, p. 6. 12/3/2020, p. 7.
354. Management Systems International, Afghanistan’s Measure 375. National Statistics and Information Authority, Afghanistan
for Accountability and Transparency (AMANAT): Quarterly Statistical Yearbook 2019, 5/13/2019, pp. 37, 39.
Performance Report: FY 2018, Quarter 3, 7/31/2018, p. 1. 376. International Development Law Organization, Continuing
355. USAID, “Fact Sheet: Afghanistan’s Measure for Accountability Professional Development Support (CPDS): IDLO Final Report,
and Transparency (AMANAT),” 3/11/2019. 12/3/2020, p. 29.
356. USAID, Modification No. 7 to Contract AID- 306-H-17-00003, 377. PAE, CSSP Baseline Needs Assessment, 6/16/2019, p. 8.
9/16/2020, p. 2. 378. PAE, CSSP Monthly Program Performance Report [LN DCT],
357. Management Systems International, Afghanistan’s Measure for 11/13/2020, p. 3.
Accountability and Transparency (AMANAT): Weekly Report, 379. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; State, INL,
12/19/2020. response to SIGAR data call, 9/17/2020.
358. USAID, Modification No. 7 to Contract AID-306-H-17-00003, 380. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter-
9/16/2020, p. 2. national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General,
359. Management Systems International, VCA Reports for Selected 12/10/2020, p. 9.
Institutions: Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of 381. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter-
Public Health, 9/30/2020, p. 11. national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General,
360. Management Systems International, Afghanistan’s Measure for 12/10/2020, p. 9.
Accountability and Transparency (AMANAT): Annual Report 382. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
Year 3, 10/30/2020, pp. 7–8. 383. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter-
361. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General,
4/30/2019, pp. 124–125; State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/10/2020, p. 9.
12/16/2020. 384. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
362. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 385. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
4/30/2019, pp. 124–125. 386. PAE, CSSP Monthly Program Performance Report [AN DCT],
363. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 10/13/2020, pp. 16–17; State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting,
1/30/2018, p. 142. 1/6/2021.
364. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/28/2020; State, INL, 387. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
response to SIGAR vetting, 10/9/2020; “JSSP Deliverables Gantt 388. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter-
Chart (PRO-PLAN),” 9/2020. national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General,
365. Afghanistan Justice Sector Support Program, Bi-Weekly Report 12/10/2020, p. 9.
# 5 (Option Year Three), 11/15/2020, p. 4. 389. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; State, INL,
366. Afghanistan Justice Sector Support Program, Bi-Weekly Report response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
# 5 (Option Year Three), 11/15/2020, p. 5. 390. In 2019, the Asia Foundation reported that 67.9% of those
367. Afghanistan Justice Sector Support Program, Bi-Weekly Report surveyed said corruption was a major problem in their daily
# 3 (Option Year Three), 10/15/2020, p. 1; State, INL, response to life and 85.1% of those survey said corruption was a major
SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. problem in Afghanistan as a whole. Due to COVID-19 pan-
368. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. demic, the Asia Foundation was unable to conduct its annual
369. USAID, Contract AID-OAA-I-13-0034/AID-306-TO-16-00007, in-person Survey of the Afghan People in 2020. Instead, the Asia
4/16/2016, pp. 1, 8; USAID, Contract AID-OAA-I-13-0034/AID- Foundation gathered the views of over 4,300 Afghans aged 18
306-TO-16-00007: Modification 01, 7/31/2016, p. 3; USAID, and above by telephonic interview using random digit dialing.
response to SIGAR data call, 7/9/2020. Asia Foundation, Afghanistan Flash Surveys on Perceptions of
370. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, Peace, Covid-19, and the Economy: Wave 1 Findings, 11/23/2020,
1/30/2017, p. 138. ii, pp. 70–71; Asia Foundation, A Survey of the Afghan People:
371. Checchi and Company Consulting Inc., Assistance for the Afghanistan in 2019, pp. 142–143.
Development of Afghan Legal Access and Transparency 391. UN, Afghanistan’s Fight against Corruption: Crucial for Peace
(ADALAT) Annual Work Plan April 2019–March 2020, 4/8/2019, and Prosperity, 6/18/2020, pp. 5, 9.
pp. 14–15. 392. “International partners’ comments on the draft Anti-Corruption
372. Checchi and Company Consulting Inc., Assistance for the Strategy,” 9/28/2020, p. 2.
Development of Afghan Legal Access and Transparency 393. “International partners’ comments on the draft Anti-Corruption
(ADALAT) Annual Report October 2019 – September 2020, Strategy,” 9/28/2020, p. 2.
11/20/2020, pp. 4, 31–32. 394. “International partners’ comments on the draft Anti-Corruption
373. International Development Law Organization, Continuing Strategy,” 9/28/2020, p. 3.
Professional Development Support (CPDS): IDLO Final Report, 395. “International partners’ comments on the draft Anti-Corruption
12/3/2020, pp. 4–5. Strategy,” 9/28/2020, p. 5.
396. UN, Afghanistan’s Fight against Corruption: Crucial for Peace
and Prosperity, 6/18/2020, pp. 5, 9.
397. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter- 433. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General, 434. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 6/17/2020.
12/10/2020, p. 11. 435. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
398. UN, The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for inter- 436. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 6/17/2020.
national peace and security, report of the Secretary-General, 437. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
12/10/2020, p. 11. 438. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/2017 and 12/16/2020.
399. “Afghanistan Partnership Framework,” 11/24/2020, p. 8. 439. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
400. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 440. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
4/30/2019, pp. 126–127. 441. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
401. DOJ, response to SIGAR data call, 12/29/2020. 442. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 3/2017.
402. DOJ, response to SIGAR data call, 12/29/2020. 443. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
403. DOD, CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 444. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
404. DOD, CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 445. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
405. DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 446. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 3/18/2020, 6/17/2020,
406. DOJ, response to SIGAR data call, 12/29/2020. and 9/21/2020.
407. DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 447. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
408. SIGAR, “Meeting Record: Asadullah Khalid, Afghan Minister of 448. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
Defense,” 10/16/2019. 449. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
409. DOD, CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; DOD, 450. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/8/2021. 451. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020.
410. DOD, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 452. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020 and
411. DOD, CSTC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 12/16/2020.
412. Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and 453. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
Law Enforcement Affairs, International Narcotics Control 454. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 3/18/2020; DOD,
Strategy Report, Volume I: Drug and Chemical Control, 3/2020, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020, p. 89.
p. 92. 455. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020.
413. UNODC, “World Drug Report 2020, booklet 1,” 6/2020, pp. 40, 456. SIGAR, Interview with MOI Official from Deputy Directorate
42; SIGAR analysis of UNODC data, 6/2020. of Counter Narcotics, 9/1/2019; DOD, Enhancing Security and
414. UNODC, “World Drug Report 2020, booklet 3” 6/2020, p. 20. Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020, p. 89.
415. See, for example, Department of State, Bureau for International 457. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 3/20/2019.
Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, International Narcotics 458. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 3/20/2019; DOD,
Control Strategy Report, Volume I: Drug and Chemical Control, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020, p. 89;
3/2020, pp. 91–92. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/9/2020; DEA, response
416. State Department, “U.S. Reinforces Commitment to Secure, to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
Stable, Democratic, and Self-Reliant Afghanistan at 2020 459. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 3/20/2019.
Conference,” 11/24/2020. 460. DEA, response to SIGAR vetting, 4/11/2018.
417. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 461. DEA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
418. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 462. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 3/20/2019 and 6/17/2020;
419. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020; UNODC, DEA, response to SIGAR vetting, 4/11/2018.
“Afghanistan Opium Survey 2018: Challenges to sustainable 463. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020,
development, peace and security,” 7/2019, p. 2. p. 90.
420. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020 and 464. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020,
12/16/2020. pp. 88–89.
421. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 465. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/16/2021.
422. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 6/17/2020. 466. DOD, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, 6/2020,
423. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. p. 75; NSOCC-A, response to SIGAR data call, 6/17/2020.
424. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 467. OUSD-P, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/16/2021.
425. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 468. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020 and
1/30/2020, p. 116. 12/16/2020.
426. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 6/17/2020; State, INL, 469. DEA, response to SIGAR data call, 6/17/2020, 9/21/2020, and
response to SIGAR vetting, 7/7/2020. 12/16/2020; State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020
427. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. and 12/16/2020.
428. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 470. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/18/2019, 12/18/2019,
429. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; State, INL, 3/18/2020, 6/17/2020, 9/21/2020, and 12/16/2020; State, INL,
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. response to SIGAR vetting, 7/15/2019; DEA, response to SIGAR
430. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. vetting, 10/11/2019; State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting,
431. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 10/9/2020.
432. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
471. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/12/2017; State, INL, 502. The Lancet, Sophie Cousins, “Afghanistan braced for second
response to SIGAR data call, 6/17/2020. wave of COVID-19,” 11/28/2020.
472. DEA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 503. The Lancet, Sophie Cousins, “Afghanistan braced for second
473. DEA, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/5/2021. wave of COVID-19,” 11/28/2020.
474. DEA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 504. Asian Development Bank, “ADB Approves $100 Million Grant to
475. UNODC, “World Drug Report 2020, booklet 1” 6/2020, p. 42; Support Afghanistan’s COVID-19 Response,” 12/2/2020.
OUSD-P, DOD(CN), response to SIGAR data call, 7/8/2020; 505. Reuters, Rupam Jaim, “Afghanistan’s poverty rate rises as econ-
SIGAR analysis of DOD data, 7/2020. omy suffers,” 5/7/2018; State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call,
476. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 12/16/2020.
477. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 506. Voice of America, Lisa Schlein, “Afghanistan Battered by
478. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; State, INL, COVID, Conflict, Climate Change,” 12/13/2020.
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 507. Asia Foundation, Afghanistan Flash Surveys on Perceptions
479. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020 and of Peace, COVID-19, and the Economy: Wave 1 Finding,
12/16/2020; State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 4/8/2020 and 11/23/2020, pp. 80, 83.
7/7/2020. 508. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
480. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 509. Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC),
481. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/10/2020. “Afghanistan: Integrated Food Security Phase Classification
482. State, INL, Governor Led Eradication Amended Implementing Snapshot, August 2020–March 2021,” 11/9/2020.
Instructions for the Letter of Agreement on Police, Criminal 510. Reporterly, “More Than 20,000 Families Benefited From Afghan
Justice, and Counternarcotics Support Programs of March National Relief Program,” 12/21/2020.
9, 2006 between the Government of the United States of 511. TOLOnews, Mir Haidar Shah Omid, “‘Afghan Economy Needs 4
America and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, 4/23/2014; Years to Return to Pre-COVID Situation,’” 11/11/2020.
GAO, Afghanistan Drug Control: Despite Improved Efforts, 512. UNDP, “COVID-19 Socio Economic Impact Assessment: Fiscal
Deteriorating Security Threatens Success of U.S. Goals, GAO Options in Response to Coronavirus Crisis,” 11/11/2020, pp. 7, 9.
07-78, 11/2006, pp. 16, 19. 513. Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Outlook 2020
483. State, INL, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. Update, 9/2020, p. 187.
484. UNHCR, “Border Monitoring Update (06 - 12 December 2020),” 514. UNDP, “COVID-19 Socio Economic Impact Assessment: Fiscal
12/12/2020. Options in Response to Coronavirus Crisis,” 11/11/2020, p. 9.
485. State, PRM, response to SIGAR data call, 9/18/2020; State, PRM, 515. SIGAR analysis of MOF-provided AFMIS data exported
response to SIGAR vetting, 10/6/2020. 1/10/2021 and 1/18/2020.
486. IOM, “Return of Undocumented Afghans Weekly Situation 516. Associated Press of Pakistan, “Pakistan’s exports to
Report,” 12/31/2020, p. 2. Afghanistan decrease 43.61pc during July 2020,” 9/8/2020.
487. IOM, “Return of Undocumented Afghans Weekly Situation 517. SIGAR analysis of Afghanistan Revenue Department data, pub-
Report,” 12/28/2019, p. 1; IOM, “Return of Undocumented lished 12/26/2020.
Afghans Weekly Situation Report,” 12/29/2018, p. 1. 518. SIGAR analysis of MOF-provided AFMIS data exported
488. SIGAR analysis of UN, OCHA, “Summary of conflict induced 1/10/2021 and 1/18/2020.
displacements (1 Jan to 22 Mar 2019),” 9/30/2020; SIGAR analy- 519. State, Integrated Country Strategy: Afghanistan, 9/27/2018, p. 4.
sis of UN, OCHA, “Summary of conflict induced displacements 520. USAID, Country Development Cooperation Strategy, 3/31/2019,
(1 Jan to 31 Dec 2019),” 3/3/2020. p. 26.
489. USAID, “Promote,” 12/17/2018; USAID, OG, response to SIGAR 521. USAID, Country Development Cooperation Strategy, 3/31/2019,
data call, 12/16/2020. pp. 9–10.
490. USAID, OG, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 522. USAID, OEG, response to SIGAR data call, 12/21/2018.
491. DAI, USAID Musharikat Annual Report, 10/30/2020, pp. 8–9. 523. SIGAR communication with DFC officials, 9/3/2020; State,
492. DAI, USAID Musharikat Annual Report, 10/30/2020, p. 11. response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020; State Department,
493. DAI, USAID Musharikat Annual Report, 10/30/2020, p. 13. “Statement by Secretary Pompeo on the Loya Jirga,” Press
494. DAI, USAID Musharikat Annual Report, 10/30/2020, p. 13. Release, 8/7/2020.
495. DAI, USAID Musharikat Annual Report, 10/30/2020, p. 14. 524. Chargé d’Affaires Ross Wilson, (@USAmbKabul),
496. USAID, OG, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. “#PeaceForAfghanistan will bring economic opportunities for
497. Reuters, “Foreign donors pledge $12 billion over four-years for displaced people and all Afghan citizens,” 12/17/2020, https://
Afghanistan with tougher conditions,” 12/24/2020. twitter.com/USAmbKabul/status/1339761465402793985.
498. Reuters, “Foreign donors pledge $12 billion over four-years for 525. State Department, “Special Representative Khalilzad Travels to
Afghanistan with tougher conditions,” 12/24/2020. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar and Turkmenistan,” press release,
499. UN OCHA, “Afghanistan: COVID-19 Multi-Sectoral Response 1/4/2021.
Operational Situation Report,” 1/14/2021, p. 1. 526. Gandhara, Nilly Kohzad, “Even If It Achieves Peace, Can
500. The Lancet, Sophie Cousins, “Afghanistan braced for second Afghanistan Ever Be Financially Independent?,” 12/1/2020.
wave of COVID-19,” 11/28/2020. 527. State, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
501. Voice of America, Ayaz Gul, “10 Million Afghans Likely Infected 528. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress,
From COVID-19: Survey,” 8/5/2020. 10/30/2020, pp. 163–165; United Nations Development
Programme, Pitfalls and Promise: Minerals Extraction in poverty levels can be compared over time. NSIA, Afghanistan
Afghanistan, 8/2020, p. 38. Living Conditions Survey 2016–17, 8/2018, p. 330; World Bank,
529. SIGAR, Private Sector Development and Economic Growth: Afghanistan Development Update January 2020: Navigating a
Lessons from the U.S. Experience in Afghanistan, SIGAR 18-38- Sea of Uncertainty, 1/2020, pp. 4, 25.
LL, 4/2018, ix; Arab News, Naimat Khan, “Afghan refugees hope 547. Asia Foundation, Afghanistan Flash Surveys on Perceptions
peace talks will finally take them ‘home,’” 9/15/2020; USAID, of Peace, COVID-19, and the Economy: Wave 1 Finding,
Country Development Cooperation Strategy FY2019–2023, 11/23/2020, pp. 62, 64–65.
11/27/2018, p. 13. 548. Asia Foundation, Afghanistan Flash Surveys on Perceptions
530. See Appendix B for a breakdown of U.S. reconstruction funding of Peace, COVID-19, and the Economy: Wave 1 Finding,
since 2002. 11/23/2020, pp. 70–71.
531. Reuters, “Foreign donors pledge $12 billion over four-years for 549. United Nations Development Programme, “Afghanistan:
Afghanistan with tougher conditions,” 12/24/2020. Coronavirus Socio-Economic Impact Assessment,” 7/22/2020,
532. ODI, Tobias Haque and Nigel Roberts, Afghanistan’s Aid p. 14.
Requirements: How much aid is required to maintain a stable 550. SIGAR analysis of UN OCHA, “Afghanistan: COVID-19 Multi-
state?, 10/2020, p. 8. Sectoral Response Operational Situation Report,” 10/15/2020,
533. Associated Press, Jamey Keaton, “EU, other donors step up p. 1; UN OCHA, “Afghanistan: COVID-19 Multi-Sectoral
with funds to help Afghanistan,” 11/24/2020. Response Operational Situation Report,” 1/14/2021, p. 1.
534. U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Geneva, Office 551. New York Times, David Zucchino and Fahim Abed, “‘Covid
of the Spokesperson, “U.S. Reinforces Commitment to Secure, Can’t Compete.’ In a Place Mired by War, the Virus Is an
Stable, Democratic, and Self-Reliant Afghanistan at 2020 Afterthought,” 12/20/2020.
Conference,” 11/24/2020. 552. NPR, Jason Beaubien, “The Campaign To Wipe Out Polio Was
535. State Department, “U.S. Reinforces Commitment to Secure, Going Really Well…Until It Wasn’t,” 10/30/2020.
Stable, Democratic, and Self-Reliant Afghanistan at 2020 553. Global Polio Eradication Initiative, “Afghanistan: Polio this
Conference,” 11/24/2020. week in Afghanistan,” 1/14/2021.
536. 2020 Afghanistan Conference, Afghanistan Partnership 554. The Lancet, Sophie Cousins, “Afghanistan braced for second
Framework, 11/2020, p. 2. wave of COVID-19,” 11/28/2020.
537. 2020 Afghanistan Conference, Afghanistan Partnership 555. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress,
Framework, 11/2020, p. 10. 10/30/2020, pp. 146–149; SIGAR communication with MSF offi-
538. 2020 Afghanistan Conference, Afghanistan Partnership cials, 9/9/2020.
Framework, 11/2020, pp. 10–11. 556. New York Times, David Zucchino and Fahim Abed, “‘Covid
539. State Department, Integrated Country Strategy: Afghanistan, Can’t Compete.’ In a Place Mired by War, the Virus Is an
9/27/2018, p. 7. Afterthought,” 12/20/2020.
540. World Bank, Afghanistan Development Update January 2020: 557. Al Jazeera English, Ali M. Latifi, “The Afghan herbalist who
Navigating a Sea of Uncertainty, 1/2020, pp. 1, 25, 30. claims to have a ‘cure’ for COVID-19,” 9/3/2020; Pajhwok Afghan
541. World Bank, Financing Peace: Fiscal Challenges and News, Storai Karimi, “Most women treat Covid-19 patients with
Implications for a Post-Settlement Afghanistan, 12/5/2019, i, p. 3; herbs,” 12/15/2020.
World Bank, Afghanistan Development Update January 2020: 558. Khaama Press, Mohammad Haroon Alim, “Wedding Halls,
Navigating a Sea of Uncertainty, 1/2020, p. 30. Public Places Face Shutdown as Second COVID-19 Wave Hits
542. World Bank, Afghanistan Development Update: Surviving the Afghanistan,” 11/18/2020.
Storm, 7/2020, iii. 559. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
543. SIGAR analysis of World Trade Organization, Afghanistan Trade 560. Office of the President, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,
Profile, 2020, p. 1. “President Ashraf Ghani’s Keynote Speech at the Special
544. Afghan Ministry of Finance, Fiscal Strategy Paper: Medium Session of the UNGA in Response to the Coronavirus Disease
Term Fiscal Framework, 1399 (2020), pp. 38–39; World Bank, COVID-19 Pandemic,” 12/3/2020.
Afghanistan Development Update: Surviving the Storm, 7/2020, 561. Pajhwok Afghan News, Ajmal Kakar, “Ghost workers hired in
iii. Kunduz Covid-19 hospital,” 12/2/2020.
545. World Bank, Afghanistan Development Update January 2020: 562. Pajhwok Afghan News, Azizullah Hamdard, “Private hospitals
Navigating a Sea of Uncertainty, 1/2020, p. 32; SIGAR, Private issue fake Covid test certificates,” 10/15/2020.
Sector Development and Economic Growth: Lessons from the 563. Reporterly, “Herat Governor Among 21 Charged for Embezzling
U.S. Afghanistan Experience, SIGAR-18-38-LL, 4/2018, p. 7. COVID-19 Relief Budget,” 10/26/2020; Reporterly, “After
546. The poverty line reflects 2017 prices, as the last household Herat, Former Wardak Governor And 16 Others Charged For
survey was completed in March 2017. Afghanistan’s statistical Embezzling COVID-19 Funds,” 10/29/2020.
authority sets the poverty line by estimating, and subsequently 564. TOLOnews, Fariba Sadat, “Health Minister Says He is Resisting
summing, estimates of the amount of money required for Ghani Order to Resign,” 12/31/2020.
Afghans to meet basic food and non-food needs. The food pov- 565. UNDP, “COVID-19 Socio Economic Impact Assessment: Fiscal
erty line is calculated by estimating the cost of obtaining 2,100 Options in Response to Coronavirus Crisis,” 11/11/2020, p. 5.
calories per person, per day. While prices change from year 566. USAID, OHN, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
to year, when the criteria for basic needs are held constant, 567. State, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
568. Asian Development Bank, “ADB Approved $100 Million Grant to 592. Pajhwok Afghan News, Abdul Raqeeb Sail, “Covid-19: Afghan
Support Afghanistan’s COVID-19 Response,” 12/2/2020. airlines incur millions of dollars loss,” 10/22/2020.
569. Reporterly, “Afghanistan to Get $18M From ADB for Panj-Amu 593. Pajhwok Afghan News, Abdul Raqeeb Sail, “Covid-19: Afghan
River Project,” 10/31/2020. airlines incur millions of dollars loss,” 10/22/2020; SIGAR
570. International Monetary Fund, “IMF Executive Board Approves analysis of MOF-provided AFMIS data exported 1/10/2021 and
A US$370 Million Extended Credit Facility Arrangement to 1/18/2020.
Support the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,” 11/6/2020. 594. State, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/13/2020.
571. Khaama Press, Mohammad Haroon Alim, “World Bank Halts 595. SIGAR, Civil Aviation: U.S. Efforts Improved Afghan
$200 Million Aid Over Lack of Access To Afghanistan Banking Capabilities, but the Afghan Government Did Not Assume
Data,” 12/2/2020. Airspace Management as Planned, SIGAR-15-58-AR, 5/2015,
572. SIGAR, communication with USAID, 1/22/2021. pp. 6–7.
573. Khaama Press, Mohammad Haroon Alim, “First COVID- 596. SIGAR, Civil Aviation: U.S. Efforts Improved Afghan
19 Vaccine Shipment to Arrive in 7 Months: Afghanistan,” Capabilities, but the Afghan Government Did Not Assume
12/10/2020; TOLOnews, Anisa Shaheed, “World Bank Pledged Airspace Management as Planned, SIGAR-15-58-AR, 5/2015, p. 9.
$100M for COVID-19 Vaccine for Afghans: Ghani,” 12/8/2020. 597. SIGAR, Civil Aviation: U.S. Efforts Improved Afghan
574. Nature, Asher Mullard, “How COVID vaccines are being divvied Capabilities, but the Afghan Government Did Not Assume
up around the world,” 11/30/2020. Airspace Management as Planned, SIGAR-15-58-AR, 5/2015, p. 9.
575. Dawn, Ibrahim Shinwari, “Shortage of trackers impede onion 598. SIGAR, Afghanistan’s Civil Aviation: Capacity Has Improved But
import from Afghanistan,” 10/22/2020. Challenges Remain, Including Reliance on Donor Support For
576. Dawn, Mubarak Zeb Khan, “Exports to region down 24.4pcin Operations, SIGAR-19-46-SP, 7/2019, pp. 10–11.
Q1,” 11/15/2020. 599. SIGAR, Afghanistan’s Civil Aviation: Capacity Has Improved But
577. Dawn, Ibrahim Shinwari, “Exports to Afghanistan suspended as Challenges Remain, Including Reliance on Donor Support For
clearing agents go on strike,” 12/15/2020. Operations, SIGAR-19-46-SP, 7/2019, p. 12.
578. The News, “US State Dept lauds PM Imran Khan’s visit to 600. Stars and Stripes, J.P. Lawrence, “With locals untrained on key
Afghanistan,” 11/21/2020; Pajhwok Afghan News, “Imran Khan’s functions, US departure could mean trouble for Afghanistan’s
Kabul visit triggers protests,” 11/20/2020. airport,” 11/6/2020.
579. TOLOnews, “Pakistan to Open 12 Markets on Durand Line,” 601. Stars and Stripes, J.P. Lawrence, “With locals untrained on key
12/1/2020. functions, US departure could mean trouble for Afghanistan’s
580. Dawn, “Border trade to boost country’s economy: minister,” airport,” 11/6/2020.
12/6/2020; Gulf News, Sana Jamal, “Pakistan to launch train 602. SIGAR analysis of MOF-provided AFMIS data exported
service with Afghanistan,” 12/5/2020. 1/10/2021 and 1/18/2020.
581. Pajhwok Afghan News, S. Muddasir Ali Shah, “Af-Pak PTA to be 603. SIGAR analysis of Afghanistan Revenue Department data, pub-
finalised next month,” 12/29/2020. lished 12/26/2020.
582. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 604. SIGAR analysis of Afghanistan Revenue Department data, pub-
583. Afghan Ministry of Finance, Fiscal Strategy Paper: Medium lished 12/26/2020.
Term Fiscal Framework, 1399 (2020), p. 40. 605. TOLOnews, Zabihullah Jahanmal, “Finance Ministry Falls Short
584. Reuters, James Mackenzie, “Afghan businesses feel squeeze of Tax Revenue Target,” 12/22/2020.
from government tax drive,” 1/9/2017. 606. SIGAR analysis of MOF-provided AFMIS data exported
585. Afghan Ministry of Finance, Value-Added Tax (VAT) 1/10/2021 and 1/18/2020.
Implementation Plan, November 2017, p. 6; World Bank, 607. Cash Management Committee, Afghan Ministry of Finance,
Afghanistan Development Update: Surviving the Storm, 7/2020, “Treasury Daily Cash Position Report,” 9/2/2020; United Nations
p. 26. Development Programme, “COVID-19 Socio Economic Impact
586. Afghan Ministry of Finance, Value-Added Tax (VAT) Assessment: Fiscal Options in Response to Coronavirus Crisis,”
Implementation Plan, November 2017, pp. 6, 40. 11/11/2020, p. 5.
587. Afghan Ministry of Finance, Fiscal Strategy Paper: Medium 608. USAID, Country Development Cooperation Strategy, 3/31/2019,
Term Fiscal Framework, 1399 (2020), pp. 22–23. p. 2.
588. Afghan Ministry of Finance, Value-Added Tax (VAT) 609. USAID, OEG, response to SIGAR data call, 3/21/2019; SIGAR,
Implementation Plan, November 2017, ii. interview with USAID/OEG official, 11/8/2018.
589. William Byrd and M. Khalid Payenda, Afghanistan’s Revenue 610. Reuters, “Afghanistan faces ‘grim’ economic outlook as
Turnaround in 2015, Peace Brief 201, February 2016; World pandemic wipes out growth: World Bank,” 7/15/2020; UNDP,
Bank, Afghanistan Development Update: Surviving the Storm, “COVID-19 Socio Economic Impact Assessment: Fiscal Options
7/2020, p. 28. in Response to Coronavirus Crisis,” 11/11/2020, p. 9.
590. World Bank, Afghanistan Development Update: Surviving the 611. World Bank, Financing Peace: Fiscal Challenges and
Storm, 7/2020, p. 29. Implications for a Post-Settlement Afghanistan, 12/5/2019, p. 9.
591. Pajhwok Afghan News, Abdul Raqeeb Sail, “Covid-19: Afghan 612. IMF, Fifth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility
airlines incur millions of dollars loss,” 10/22/2020; State, Arrangement and Request for Modification of Performance
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. Criteria, 5/15/2019, p. 6; SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United
States Congress, 7/30/2020, p. 140.
613. USAID, OEG, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020. 634. Gandhara, Mohammad Sadiq Rashtinai and Abubakar Siddique,
614. CARE International, “Livelihood Advancement for Marginalized “Afghan Farmers Return to Poppy Fields Amid Coronavirus
Population–LAMP: Annual Report FY2020,” 11/3/2020, iv. Pandemic,” 5/7/2020; Agence France-Presse, Noorullah Shirzada and
615. UNHCR, Returnee and Internally Displaced Persons Monitoring Rasheed Durrani, “Crushed by virus and war, jobless Afghans turn to
Report, 5/2018, p. 4; World Bank and UNHCR, Living Conditions opium for cash,” 8/28/2020.
and Settlement Decisions of Recent Afghan Returnees: Findings 635. USAID, OAG, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
from a 2018 Phone Survey of Afghan Returnees and UNHCR 636. SIGAR, analysis of USAID response to SIGAR data call,
data, 6/2019, pp. 5–6, 25. 1/10/2021.
616. CARE International, “Livelihood Advancement for Marginalized 637. Roots for Peace, Agricultural Marketing Program Quarterly
Population–LAMP: Annual Report FY2020,” 11/3/2020, p. 21. Report July–September 2020, 11/2020, p. 4.
617. CARE International, “Livelihood Advancement for Marginalized 638. USAID, OAG, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
Population–LAMP: Annual Report FY2020,” 11/3/2020, p. 28. 639. Roots for Peace, Agricultural Marketing Program Quarterly
618. CARE International, “Livelihood Advancement for Marginalized Report July–September 2020, 11/2020, pp. 7, 14.
Population–LAMP: Annual Report FY2020,” 11/3/2020, p. 21. 640. Roots for Peace, Agricultural Marketing Program Quarterly
619. FHI 360, The Goldozi Project: Annual Performance Report FY Report July–September 2020, 11/2020, p. 40; USAID, OAG,
2020, 11/2020, pp. 3, 17. response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
620. Turquoise Mountain, ACJP Fourth Quarter and Annual 641. Roots for Peace, Agricultural Marketing Program Quarterly
Performance Report, 11/2020, pp. 1, 4, 7–8. Report July–September 2020, 11/2020, pp. 7–8, 12–13.
621. SIGAR, Kabul Center Export Center: Progress Made Toward 642. USAID, “Afghanistan: Infrastructure,” n.d., https://www.usaid.
Self Sufficiency But Critical Sales, Revenue and Job Creation gov/afghanistan/infrastructure#:~:text=Water%20and%20
Targets Have Not Been Met, SIGAR-20-50-SP, 8/2020, p. 4. Sanitation,prevent%20the%20spread%20of%20disease, accessed
622. SIGAR, Kabul Center Export Center: Progress Made Toward 12/31/2020; USAID, Afghanistan Energy Sector Technical
Self Sufficiency But Critical Sales, Revenue and Job Creation Assessment Final Report, 2/28/2018, p. 1; USAID, “Afghanistan:
Targets Have Not Been Met, SIGAR-20-50-SP, 8/2020, pp. 7, 11. Our Work,” n.d., https://www.usaid.gov/afghanistan/our-work,
623. USAID, correspondence with SIGAR, 12/30/2020. accessed 7/8/2018.
624. Impact Carpet Associates, Quarterly Performance Report, 643. SIGAR conclusion based on USAID, OI, response to SIGAR data
Reporting Period: Fiscal Year 2020 Quarter 4: July 01– call, 6/19/2020.
September 30, 2020, 10/2020, pp. 7–8. 644. TOLOnews, Nasir Ahmad Salehi, “Pylon Destroyed, 50% of
625. Impact Carpet Associates, Quarterly Performance Report, Herat Without Power,” 10/22/2020.
Reporting Period: Fiscal Year 2020 Quarter 4: July 01– 645. Roots for Peace, Agricultural Marketing Program Quarterly
September 30, 2020, 10/2020, p. 10; USAID, OEG, response to Report July–September 2020, 11/2020, p. 38.
SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 646. USAID, 25 MW Herat Wind Farm, Factsheet, 11/2019, p. 1.
626. Christian Science Monitor, Scott Peterson, “In Afghanistan, 647. World Bank, Afghanistan Development Update January 2020:
weaving ancient industry back into global market,” 08/21/2019; Navigating a Sea of Uncertainty, 1/2020, p. 30.
Kabul Carpet Export Center, Report on Mid-Project, COVID-19 648. Completed percentages represent the proportion of projects
Response to the Afghan Carpet Business, 9/15/2020, p. 1. constructed (rather than proportion of contracts invoiced), as
627. World Bank, Jobs from Agriculture in Afghanistan, 2/2018, p. 9; reported by Tetra Tech, with whom USAID contracts for qual-
DAI, Afghanistan Value Chains High Value Crops Quarterly ity assurance support. USAID, OI, response to SIGAR data call,
Performance Report Quarter One, FY2020, 1/30/2020, p. 4; 6/19/2020, 9/21/2020, 12/16/2020.
SIGAR, Private Sector Development and Economic Growth: 649. USAID, OI, response to SIGAR data call, 6/20/2019; SIGAR,
Lessons from the U.S. Afghanistan Experience, SIGAR-18-38-LL, Afghanistan’s Energy Sector: USAID and DOD Did Not
4/2018, p. 7. Consistently Collect and Report Performance Data on Projects
628. SIGAR, Private Sector Development and Economic Growth: Related to Kajaki Dam, and Concerns Exist Regarding
Lessons from the U.S. Afghanistan Experience, SIGAR-18-38-LL, Sustainability, SIGAR 19-37-AR, 5/2019, p. 6; USAID, Afghanistan
4/2018, p. 7. Energy Sector Technical Assessment: Final Report, 2/28/2018,
629. Action on Armed Violence, Jake Hussona, “The reverberating p. 6.
effects of explosive violence on agriculture in Afghanistan,” 650. SIGAR, Afghanistan’s Energy Sector: USAID and DOD Did
11/13/2019; The Observatory of Economic Complexity, “Wheat Not Consistently Collect and Report Performance Data on
Flours in Afghanistan,” 2019; United Nations Environment Projects Related to Kajaki Dam, and Concerns Exist Regarding
Programme, “Climate Change in Afghanistan: What Does it Sustainability, 5/2019, pp. 26, 31–32.
Mean for Rural Livelihoods and Food Insecurity,” 11/2016, p. 8. 651. SIGAR, USAID’s Power Transmission Expansion and
630. Roots for Peace, Agricultural Marketing Program Quarterly Connectivity Project: The Project is Behind Schedule, and
Report July–September 2020, 11/2020, p. 38. Questions Remain about the Afghan Government’s Ability to
631. Wolesi Jirga, “Wolesi Jirga questioned acting minister of agricul- Use and Maintain the New Power Infrastructure, SIGAR 19-57-
ture and livestock,” 10/26/2020. AR, 9/2019, p. 34.
632. Roots for Peace, Agricultural Marketing Program Quarterly 652. Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat, Annual Performance
Report July–September 2020, 11/2020, pp. 21–22. Indicator Progress Report For NEPS-SEPS Connector Ghazni to
633. State, INL, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
Kandahar Transmission Line October, 2019 to September, 2020, with MOE, IL-20-11-01, 8/27/2018; USAID, correspondence with
11/2020, pp. 1–3. MOE, IL-20-11-08, 11/21/2019.
653. USAID, OI, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020; USAID, OI, 679. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress,
response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 4/30/2020, p. 146; USAID, correspondence with MOE, 1/16/2020.
654. USAID, OI, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. 680. USAID, correspondence with MOE, 9/24/2020.
655. USAID, 25 MW Herat Wind Farm Fact Sheet, 11/2019, p. 1. 681. USAID, correspondence with MOE, 1/16/2020.
656. USAID, 10 MW Kandahar Solar Power Plant, 11/2019, p. 1. 682. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020.
657. USAID, OI, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 683. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress,
658. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Office of the President, “Four 1/30/2020, p. 124.
Energy Projects signed to increase national grid capacity,” 684. Government of Afghanistan, MOE, “MoE update to donors on
9/23/2020. Logar,” 6/11/2020.
659. Daily Outlook, “Ghani Tells Summit Afghanistan Extremely 685. Government of Afghanistan, MOE, “MoE update to donors on
Vulnerable to Climate Change,” 12/14/2020; Siemens Energy, Logar,” 6/11/2020.
“Siemens Energy signs agreement to develop Afghanistan as an 686. Government of Afghanistan, MOE, “MoE update to donors on
energy hub,” 11/16/2020. Logar,” 6/11/2020.
660. World Bank, “Solar Power Provides a Lifeline to Afghanistan’s 687. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 6/18/2020; State, SCA,
Hospitals,” 12/6/2020. response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020; State, SCA, response to
661. USAID, Country Development Cooperation Strategy, 3/31/2019, SIGAR vetting, 10/13/2020; State, SCA, response to SIGAR data
pp. 9–10. call, 12/16/2020.
662. SIGAR, analysis of USAID response to SIGAR data call, 688. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 9/22/2020.
1/10/2021. 689. USAID, Country Development Cooperation Strategy, 3/31/2019,
663. UN, OCHA, Afghanistan Brief: COVID-19 No. 16 (20 March pp. 9–10.
2020), 3/20/2020, p. 1; UN, OCHA, Afghanistan Brief: COVID-19 690. USAID, OHN, response to SIGAR data call, 12/21/2017.
No. 54 (18 June 2020), 6/18/2020, p. 3. 691. Infectious Hazard Preparedness/WHE/WHO, Disease Early
664. Afghan Voice Agency, “Cabinet Approves Reopening Of Schools Warning System-Plus (DEWS-Plus) Afghanistan 3rd Quarter (1st
From Next Week,” 9/29/2020. July–30 SEP) 2020, 11/5/2020, p. 5.
665. 1TVNews, “Ghor University shut down after dozens of students 692. USAID, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021.
test positive for coronavirus,” 9/14/2020. 693. World Bank, International Development Association Project
666. Pajhwok Afghan News, Storai Karimi, “50pc of Herat students Appraisal Document on a Proposed Grant in the Amount of
contract Covid-19: official,” 10/19/2020. SDR 96.1 Million (US$ 140 Million Equivalent) and Proposed
667. Pajhwok Afghan News, Storai Karimi, “50pc of Herat students Grant from the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund in the
contract Covid-19: official,” 10/19/2020. Amount of US$425 Million and a Proposed Grant from the
668. State, SCA, response to SIGAR data call, 12/16/2020. Global Financing Facility in the Amount of US$35 Million to the
669. Voice of America, Ayaz Gul, “Rare UN-Taliban Agreement to Islamic Republic Of Afghanistan for a Afghanistan Sehatmandi
Set Up 4,000 Schools in Insurgent-Held Afghan Territory,” Project, 3/12/2018, p. 8; World Bank, Progress in the Face
12/19/2020. of Insecurity: Improving Health Outcomes in Afghanistan,
670. The Telegraph, Ben Farmer, “UN strikes agreement with Taliban 3/6/2018, i, p. 10.
leaders to set up thousands of schools in insurgent areas,” 694. SIGAR, analysis of USAID response to SIGAR data call,
12/17/2020. 1/10/2021.
671. Arab News, Sayed Salahuddin, “UNICEF to run school classes 695. Infectious Hazard Preparedness/WHE/WHO, Disease Early
for boys and girls in Taliban-controlled parts of Afghanistan,” Warning System-Plus (DEWS-Plus) Afghanistan 3rd Quarter (1st
12/19/2020. July–30 SEP) 2020, 11/5/2020, pp. 3, 5.
672. Ariana News, “Taliban calls on foreign community to distribute 696. Infectious Hazard Preparedness/WHE/WHO, Disease Early
aid through the group,” 11/19/2020. Warning System-Plus (DEWS-Plus) Afghanistan 3rd Quarter (1st
673. Arab News, Sayed Salahuddin, “UNICEF to run school classes July–30 SEP) 2020, 11/5/2020, p. 3.
for boys and girls in Taliban-controlled parts of Afghanistan,” 697. Infectious Hazard Preparedness/WHE/WHO, Disease Early
12/19/2020; USAID, Increasing Access to Basic Education and Warning System-Plus (DEWS-Plus) Afghanistan 3rd Quarter (1st
Gender Equality (CBE) Fact Sheet, 3/2019, p. 1. July–30 SEP) 2020, 11/5/2020, p. 6.
674. Pajhwok Afghan News, “CBE successful approach to reach out- 698. Infectious Hazard Preparedness/WHE/WHO, Disease Early
of-school children,” 12/22/2020. Warning System-Plus (DEWS-Plus) Afghanistan 3rd Quarter (1st
675. USAID, OED, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. July–30 SEP) 2020, 11/5/2020, pp. 4, 11.
676. USAID, OED, response to SIGAR vetting, 1/6/2021. 699. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress,
677. SIGAR, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 10/30/2020, p. 179.
4/30/2020, p. 146. 700. Management Sciences for Health, Assistance for Families and
678. MOE, correspondence with USAID, 8/15/2018; Pajhwok Afghan Indigent Afghans to Thrive (AFIAT) Fiscal Year 2020–Annual
News, Navid Ahmad Barakzai, “MoE begins distributing 12.2m Report, 11/18/2020, p. 1.
locally printed textbooks,” 8/29/2019; USAID, correspondence 701. USAID, OHN, response to SIGAR data call, 9/21/2020; USAID,
OHN, response to SIGAR vetting, 10/9/2020.
Source: Pub.L. No. 110-181, “National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008,” 1/28/2008: Pub. L. No. 115-91,
”National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2018,” 12/12/2017.
(For a list of the Congressionally mandated contents of this report, see Appendix A.)
Atif Ahmad, Research Assistant Vong Lim, Senior Visual Information Specialist
Harrison Akins, Economic and Social Development Subject Matter Expert James Misencik, Security Subject Matter Expert
Cover photo: Michael Bindell, Deputy Director of Research and Analysis Directorate Heather Robinson, Security Subject Matter Expert
Afghan security-force members walk past a bombed truck in Kabul. (AFP photo by Zakeria Hashimi) Theodore Burns, Funding Subject Matter Expert Deborah Scroggins, Director of Research and Analysis Directorate
Craig Collier, Security Subject Matter Expert Omar Sharif, Project Coordinator
Jason Davis, Visual Information Specialist Daniel Weggeland, Governance Subject Matter Expert
Clark Irwin, Lead Writer/Editor
SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL Special Inspector General for JAN 30
Afghanistan Reconstruction 2021
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SIGAR 2021-QR-1
By phone: Afghanistan
Cell: 0700107300
DSN: 318-237-3912 ext. 7303
All voicemail is in Dari, Pashto, and English.
By fax: 703-601-4065
By e-mail: sigar.hotline@mail.mil
By Web submission: www.sigar.mil/investigations/hotline/report-fraud.aspx
Report Waste, Fraud, or Abuse