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Abattoir Wastes Generation, Management and The Environment: A Case of Minna, North Central Nigeria

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Abattoir Wastes Generation, Management and the Environment: A Case of

Minna, North Central Nigeria

Article · January 2011

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Ogbonnaya Chukwu
Federal University of Technology Minna


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Int. J. Biosci. 2011

International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)

ISSN: 2220-6655 (Print) 2222-5234 (Online)
Vol. 1, No. 6, p. 100-109, 2011


Abattoir wastes generation, management and the environment: a

case of Minna, North Central Nigeria
O Chukwu, PA Adeoye*, I Chidiebere
Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Federal University of
Technology, P.M.B.65, Minna, Nigeria
Received: 24 November 2011
Revised: 28 November 2011
Accepted: 29 November 2011

Key words: Abattoir, effluent, management, pollution and environment.


An investigative survey approach was used to evaluate the abattoir waste generation and management in
Minna, North Central Nigeria. This was investigated using questionnaire and personal communication. Water
samples were taken from water sources in the abattoir and were assessed for physico-chemical analysis. From the
survey, it was observed that a total of 289 and 382 cows and goats respectively are slaughtered daily in Minna
abattoirs. This generates 3.92ton of blood, 2.9ton of intestinal content, 4.2ton of bone and 2.2ton tissues as abattoir
waste daily. All the abattoirs visited use nearby streams and ponds as means of discharging these wastes slurry
thereby giving rise to offensive odour, contribute to the organic and nutrients loads of the streams leading to
eutrophication. The action was found to be unhygienic, uneconomical and dangerous to human health. There seems
to be no sufficient measures or facilities to treat abattoir wastewater for environmental safety in Minna. High
microbial load in the abattoir wastewater further confirmed the need to treat this wastewater rather than discharging
it to the environment. All the water samples have their physico-chemical parameters tested higher than WHO limit
except samples from boreholes. This also confirmed contamination from abattoir effluents.
*Corresponding Author: PA Adeoye 

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matter can remove pathogenic organisms and some
Introduction dissolved organic matter during passage of polluted
The continuous drive to increase meat production for water through the soil, thus reducing the microbial
the protein needs of the ever increasing world load. However, if there is too high departure of
population has some pollution problems attached. conditions from normalcy, beyond the carrying
Pollution arises from activities in meat production as a capacity of the natural process, diversity of
result of failure in adhering to Good Manufacturing autochthonous species could diminish while count of
Practices (GMP) and Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) individual species that are able to survive may increase
(Akinro et al., 2009). Consideration is hardly given to with possibility of grave consequences on groundwater
safety practices during animal transport to the (Osemwota, 2010). Adeyemo et al., (2009) observed
abattoir, during slaughter and during dressing (Singh that facilities for waste recovery, treatment, and reuse
and Neelam, 2011). Abattoir waste just like any other are either inadequate or nonexistent in most Nigerian
waste can be detrimental to humans and the abattoirs. Thus, wastes are indiscriminately and
environment if definite precautions are not taken. In improperly discharged and constitute environmental
the Nigerian livestock industry, slaughter houses are hazards. Leachates from their serial decomposition
littered with non-meat products and wastes that need processes have the potential to pollute nearby surface
to be recycled into useful by-products for further water, with enteric pathogens and excess nutrients
agricultural and other industrial uses (Osibanjo and which may percolate into the underlying aquifers and
Adie, 2007). This constitutes public health risks and contaminate hand-dug wells.
nuisance in most slaughter houses spread across
Nigerian markets, producing air, soil, and water Blood constitutes the highest pollution load of all the
pollution as well as infestation of flies and other components of abattoir effluents, followed by fat.
disease vectors. For hygienic reasons abattoirs use Blood, one of the major dissolved pollutants in abattoir
large amount of water in processing operations; this wastewater, has the highest COD of any effluent from
produces large amount of wastewater. The major abattoir operations. If the blood from a single cow
environmental problem associated with this abattoir carcass is allowed to discharge directly into a sewer
wastewater is the large amount of suspended solids line, the effluent load would be equivalent to the total
and liquid waste as well as odour generation (Gauri, sewage produced by 50 people on average day (Aniebo
2006) et al., 2009). The major characteristics of abattoir
wastes are high organic strength, sufficient organic
Effluent from slaughterhouses has also been known to biological nutrients, adequate alkalinity, relatively high
contaminate both surface and groundwater because temperature (20 to 30°C) and free of toxic material.
during abattoir processing, blood, fat, manure, urine Abattoir wastewaters with the above characteristics are
and meat tissue are lost to the wastewater streams well suited to anaerobic treatment and the efficiency in
(Bello and Oyedemi, 2009). In Nigeria, many abattoirs reducing the BOD5 ranged between 60 and 90%
dispose their effluents directly into streams and rivers (Chukwu, 2008). The high concentration of nitrates in
without any form of treatment and the slaughtered the abattoir wastewater also shows that the wastewater
meat is washed by the same water. Leaching into could be treated by biological processes. Due to the
groundwater is a major part of the concern, especially economic situation of the Nigeria, little interest has
due to the recalcitrant nature of some contaminants been shown to the effects of wastes from abattoirs to
(Muhirwa et al., 2010). The processes of adsorption the environment. In developing cities like Minna
and trapping by fine sandy materials, clays and where the awareness of the effects of abattoir is low,
organic it

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is very common to see people sinking shallow wells visitation, and distribution of questionnaires to the
close to abattoirs. These shallow wells would draw management and workers of the abattoirs spread
contaminated water from the surrounding aquifer across Minna. In the course of this investigation, nine
especially if the radius of influence of the well abattoirs were visited with thirty-five questionnaires
spans into the abattoir ground (Singh and Neelam, administered in each abattoir. The average number of
2011) cows and goats that are slaughtered daily weekly and
monthly are assessed from the questions and the
From the viewpoint of environmental management, wastes generated are calculated based on Aniebo et al.,
unreliable records made it difficult for proper (2011) results, Table 1. Raw wastewater samples were
assessment of waste load generated at each slaughter taken from these abattoirs for physico-chemical
house; and thus, difficulty in planning for waste analysis and samples were also taken from the
containment. Data would also not elicit government adjoining streams receiving these effluents. Water
interest in addressing the problems at slaughter samples were taken from shallow hand dug wells and
houses, if the proper records of huge amount of bore holes located within these abattoirs vicinity and
abattoir wastes generated and its yearly increase are assessed for also for physico-chemical parameter. For
not kept. For adequate management, it is important to water analysis, water samples were collected from
know the quantity being generated daily, weekly and these water sources in sterile 500mL container which
yearly, their characteristics and existing management was washed three times with the sample water prior
facilities. It is also important to note that for one to collection. 30mL of the collected sample was filtered
understand the methods of handling and disposing through a 0.45μm syringe filter and stored in a 20ml
waste there is need for a vivid knowledge of the basic polypropylene container. It was stored under 40C and
characteristics of the waste in question and its taken for laboratory analysis within 6 hours of
quantity. The objectives of this study are therefore to collection. The pH and conductivity of the water
assess the various types of wastes generated from samples were measured in-situ (Multiline p4
abattoirs in Minna, Nigeria and to evaluate various Multimeter) and turbidity measured with Turbidimeter
methods of handling and disposing of the abattoir (TN-100 Eutech) instruments. The water samples
wastes and their environmental implications. were analyzed for chemical and bacteriological
parameters using APHA (2005) methods. Total
Materials and methods coliforms were analyzed using Membrane Filtration
Study site technique. For chemical analysis, the water samples
Minna, the capital city of Niger State, Nigeria is located were divided into two and their temperature were
between latitude 90 , 36’ 50”N and longitude 60 , maintained at 40C. The first portion was acidified to
33’ pH less than 2 with concentrated HNO3 and left for 4
25”E. It has a population of approximately 506,113. days to equilibrate before taking it for ICP analysis.
The average population density in Minna is about 3448 The second portion (untreated) was used for IC (Ion
persons per km2 (UNDP/NISEPA, 2009).The town Chromatography) analysis. Milliq water was used to
experiences two distinct seasons, rainy season which prepare the laboratory blanks and was treated in the
spans between May and November and the dry season same way with the samples. Cations of low
between December and April. The annual rainfall is concentrations (≤ 0.01μg/L were analyzed with
about 1600mm with highest temperature hovering coupled plasma- mass spectrography (ICP-MS-Japan
over 340C. 7500). Major cations (≥ 0.1mg/L) were determined by
coupled Plasma Optical Emission spectrography
The methodology adopted in this study is the (ICP-
investigative approach, this includes abattoir

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103 Chukwu et
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OES-5300, DV, USA). Anions were analyzed using IC allowed to be washed into nearest water course,
Diomex CA, USA. Total Solids were analyzed using figure

gravimetric method. The results of the analysis were 2. Where the intestinal contents are not washed into

then compared with World Health Organization open drain as in F-layout abattoir; they are just

(WHO, 2006). allowed to degrade openly and have formed heaps,

figure 3. These heaps have become safe place for flies,

Table 1. Waste generated per cow and goat in worms and other scavenging animals. They create a

abattoirs. nuisance to the abattoir workers, people living nearby

Cow Goat and others that visit the abattoir to buy meat. Bone
management system in F-layout abattoir is relatively
Blood/head (kg) 12.6 0.72
better than management systems on other abattoirs
Intestinal content/head (kg) 8.0 1.25
visited. The bones are stacked up as raw materials for
Waste tissue/head (kg) 6.4 0.8
people that use them for production. This people come
Bone/head (kg) 11.8 2.06
once in every week to pack them from the abattoir
Source: Aniebo et al., 2011
environment. In other abattoirs, these bones are not
managed properly; they are just dumped in a place
Results and discussion
about 3 meters distance to the abattoirs, Fig. 4. This
Table 1 gives the quantity of blood, intestinal content,
has also generated a lot of odour during degradation
waste tissue and bone that one cow and goat
and makes life uncomfortable for people living around
slaughtered can generate based on Aniebo, et al.,
the area.
(2011). This table was used to calculate the quantity of
waste generated in Minna abattoirs which was
presented in table 2.Monthly records of slaughtered
animals in the abattoirs visited for the year 2010 is as
presented in Fig. 1. From table 2, a total of 289 cows
and 382 goats are slaughtered daily in Minna. When
this is related to table 1, about 4ton of blood, 3ton of
intestinal contents, 4.2 ton of bone and 2.2 ton of
Fig. 1. Monthly number of animals slaughtered in
waste tissues are discharges daily In Minna from a
Minna abattoirs for the year 2010.
total land area of 24.4hectares.These wastes are
biological materials that can be composted, recycled
Three of the abattoirs visited, Chanchaga, Paiko and
and reused for farming activities. From figure 1, there
Maikunkele adopted return to land method as way of
is a sharp fluctuation in the number of animals
managing their paunch contents. However, it was done
slaughtered per day/month in Minna. The figure rises
in a hygienic manner because the abattoir workers are
whenever there is a festival in the town because people
not trained on how the method can be safely used.
tend to consume more animal protein during festive
After daily operations, small children, (majorly below
seasons. This may be attributed to high number of
age 10) are asked to pack them to an open place, dump
animals slaughtered in the month of December.
them and use legs to spread them over the land to
degrade. This has rendered the land uninviting for any
Abattoir waste management in
Minna farming operation, Fig. 5. The people involved in
There is no environmental friendly management spreading also stand the risk of zoonosis because no
system for abattoir wastes in Minna. Intestinal form of covering is used either for their body, nose or
contents are washed into an open drain and mouth during spreading operation.

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Another observed poor processing method being used set fire with used vehicle tyres to burn the hair off the
for goat in all the abattoir visited is by using fire to goat skin. This can be replaced with hot bath
remove goat hair. This process generates a lot of smoke management system which is cleaner, neater and pose
and may contribute to global warming. The children no threat to the environment (Aniebo, et al., 2011).

Table 2. Total abattoir wastes generated in Minna.

Abattoir Cow/day Goat/day Blood/day Intestinal Bone/day Waste Land

Name (kg) content/day (kg) tissue/day area
(kg) (kg) (ha)

F-layout 171 173 2,279.16 1669.9 2234.1 1232.8 5

Kpakungu 13 28 183.96 139.0 211.08 105.6 1.3
Maitunmbi 23 37 316.44 230.25 347.62 223.4 1.2
Chanchaga 14 30 198.00 149.5 227.0 113.6 1.1
Paiko 11 28 158.76 123.0 187.48 92.8 0.9
Maikunkele 16 24 211.88 158.0 238.24 121.6 1.2
Bosso 11 26 157.32 120.5 183.36 91.2 0.8
Kuta 21 22 280.44 195.5 293.12 152 1.4
Garatu 9 14 123.48 89.5 135.04 68.8 0.7
Total 289 382 3916.44 2875.5 4197.12 2201.82 24.4

Table 3. Physico- chemical analysis of water samples from the abattoirs.

Parameters Raw Receiving streams Hand dug wells Bore Holes WHO,2006
effluent F-lay Kpa Cha Mai F-lay Pai Mak Gar F-lay Mai Mak
pH 7.53 6.9 7.4 7.2 7.8 6.8 6.9 8.1 6.9 6.8 7.1 7.8 6.5-8.5
Temperature (0C) 24.12 23 25 27 24 26 24 24 23 23 26 22
Turbidity (NTU) 630 221 246 302 291 0.8 0.8 0.7 1.8 0.06 0.09 0.03 0.1
Total solid (mg/L) 5748 1001 960 2071 3624 1026 1792 1089 2100 986 140 199 1000
Conductivity (μS/cm) 179.45 180. 165 156 167 88 141 66 79 504 361 288 1200
COD (mg/L) 17,019 1004 1652 1541 3650 11 9.5 5.6 16.9 7.2 8.4 7.8 NG
Oil/grease 254 11 17 18 29 0.36 ND ND 0.49 ND ND ND NG
BOD5 (mg/L) 10,836 961 1003 1211 2862 9 6.5 3.2 11.9 3.4 5.3 4.9 20
Nitrate (mg/L) 694 351 339 284 392 81 95 66 64 24 19 28 50
NH3-N (mg/L) 589 186 249 114 206 64 71 65 49 11 15 9 50
Iron (mg/L) 36 12 19 23 13 11 18 12 6 0.8 0.6 1.2 0.3
Phosphorus (mg/L) 65.4 11.5 16.3 10.2 8.6 3.9 8.5 2.4 3.6 2.4 3.2 2.1 1.0
Sulphate (mg/L) 1009 680 640 730 380 560 325 189 692 160 119 205 450
Fluoride (mg/L) 25.0 14.9 11.8 17.2 16.8 4.8 11.2 18.6 0.62 1.4 2.9 3.6 2.0
Total coliform(cfu/100l) 19x10 5 6589 4828 6612 5186 54 38 61 24 11 0 0 0
F-lay: F-layout, Kpa: Kpakungu, Cha: Chanchaga, Mai: Maitumbi, Pai: Paiko, Mak: Maikunkele, Gar: Garatu, ND: Not
Detected, NG: No Guideline.

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From personal interview, all the abattoirs lacked the the workers in all the abattoirs use nearby bush as
basic facilities needed in a standard abattoir except for toilets except F- Layout abattoir which claimed to have
F- Layout abattoir but the facilities provided have been a sanitary privy. It was established that eight of the
destroyed by poor maintenance system. The abattoirs abattoirs use shallow wells and boreholes for their
under investigation claimed they have been visited by water supply while one abattoir (Garatu) uses stream.
sanitary inspectors from environmental agency at one There were problems encountered in some of the
time or the other. They also claimed that government abattoirs visited because answers were restricted as the
made no provision abattoir waste treatment facilities evaluation was misunderstood as a plot by the
or waste recycling system to enhance the safety of their Government to assess their bad practice especially
discharges from the abattoirs. when the pictures were taken. All the abattoirs
indicated that they discharge their wastes segregated
and there was general acceptance that the nature of
waste produced are in liquid, solid and slurry forms.
From further investigation it was observed that most of
the receiving streams are used for domestic and
irrigation purpose by local farmers within the abattoir

Water quality assessment in the

The results of water quality assessments are as shown
Fig. 2. Intestinal content washed into open
drains. in table 3. All the parameter values are above the
recommended limits by WHO.Turbidity in drinking-
water is caused by particulate matter that may be
present from water source as a consequence of
inadequate filtration. These particulates can protect
microorganisms from the effects of disinfection and
can stimulate bacterial growth (Hunter et al., 2009a).
Turbidity is also an important parameter in process
control and can indicate problems with treatment
processes, particularly coagulation, sedimentation and
filtration (Hunter et al., 2009b). No health-based
guideline value for turbidity has been proposed;
Fig. 3. A heap of intestinal contents. however, it should be below 0.1 NTU for effective
disinfection (Katsi et al., 2007).
There was also general acceptance by abattoir workers
that there is no provision of direct waste evaluating There is no evidence of any epidemiological reaction at
personnel by the government indicating high neglect high level of Total solids, but water becomes
on the part of the government. Topography of various unpalatable and may lead to corrosion of containers
abattoirs visited allows gravity flow except Maitumbi (Kruawal et al., 2005). Consequently, WHO (2006) set
abattoir which is located in a plain swampy area which the highest permissible values of 1000mg/L. The
makes the water stagnant in the area thereby causing a palatability of water with a total solids level of less than
lot of odour. It was gathered from the interview that 600 mg/L is generally considered to be good. From
all the

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table, all the samples that have very low total solids are higher than 450 mg/l is unhygienic due to problems to
samples collected from boreholes at F-layout, the gastro intestinal tract (Katsi et al., 2007). About
Maitunmbi and Maikunkele. Other samples have their 50% of the water samples collected have their
values higher than WHO (2006) recommended value. Sulphate
values higher than the WHO limit. The three boreholes

Electrical conductivity is the ease to which a substance samples have their Sulphate values lower the limit.

allows free flow of electricity through the ions in This may be attributed to their depth and the concrete

electrolytes example of water sample, (Mwendera, slab on them which prevent abattoir effluents having

2006). The WHO has set a maximum permissible level access into them.

of the conductivity to be 1200 S/cm. Any level above

this can pose health risk of defective endocrine Fluoride (F -) offers protection against dental decay at

functions and also total brain damage with prolonged low concentrations but at higher levels above 2 mg/l

exposure (Hunter et al., 2009b). All the water samples causes serious problems such as dental and skeletal

have their EC values less than the highest tolerable fluorosis (Kruawal et al., 2005). All the samples except

values. The maximum contaminant levels of the iron F-layout borehole have their fluorine content higher

content based on WHO, (2006) is 0.3 mg/l. Despite than values recommended by WHO. The high level of

not being a health concern high concentration of iron fluoride in shallow well can be corrected by

affect the quality of water, leading to bad taste and introducing a concrete lining. Head wall can also be

colouration of cooking utensils and food (Schaafer constructed on these wells to minimize surface runoff

et al., 2009)There is no noticeable taste at iron in to them.

concentration below 0.3mg/l, although turbidity and

colour may develop (Kruawal et al., 2005). All the
water samples have their iron content above
recommended value. This high iron content may
probably be attributed to influx of waste blood may be
carried by runoff and deposited into the streams,
shallow wells and boreholes.

Fig. 5. Unhygienic return to land method.

Nitrate is a nitrogenous compound that when it is in

excess in our drinking water can cause reduction of
oxygen capacity of blood, shortness of breath and
blueness of skin. It has a WHO guideline value of 50
mg/l and if exceeded it is regarded as one of the causes
of methaemoglobinaemia (Blue Baby Syndrome) in
Fig. 4. Bones dumped in open place.
infants (Rossiter et al., 2010) as well as a potential risk
of stomach cancer in adults (Mwendera, 2006). High
Sulphate does not have a health-based guideline
value; concentration of nitrate in both surface and shallow
however the WHO recommends that a concentration groundwater can probably due to poor sanitation and

108 Chukwu et
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latrine construction, fertilizer and other agrochemical given by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency
use. From table 3, only three water samples, from (FEPA). This is to avoid salt and nitrate accumulation
boreholes have their nitrate values lower than WHO in the soil. There should be extensive use of compost
value. High nitrates concentrations in drinking waters and biogas produced from waste decomposition in the
point often towards contamination (Sworobuk et al., generation of electricity for the abattoir and the
1987). Therefore, water sources with high nitrate environment at large. This will help in the generation
values need to be checked for bacterial of revenue for the local government. Anti-odour
chemicals should be used to suppress odour from
animal waste and flies nuisance in the environment.
The presence of total coliform provides evidence of
Also wedge wire screen should be used to remove the
recent faecal contamination and the detection should
suspended solid material from the effluents prior to
lead to further action. It is present in high number in
discharge into streams. The use of aerobic digestion
human and animal faeces and rarely found in the
method should be practised since it takes lower
absence of faecal pollution. Their presence can also
retention time in reducing the BOD. Another method is
reveal regrowth and possible biofilm function or
the trickling filter aerobic method which can take
contamination. They occur in both sewage and natural
smaller land size.
wastes and can also be excreted with human and
animal faeces (Linda, 2005). WHO,(2006)
The physico-chemical parameters showed the negative
recommends zero values for total coliform. However,
impact of the abattoir effluent on the stream thus
none of the water samples taken are free from these
rendering the water of worthless value to humans.
Furthermore, the abattoir urgently needs an effluent
treatment facility to be installed to reduce the health
Conclusions and recommendations
hazard its effluent poses on the abattoir users and
The study has provided data base for which waste from
users of the streams receiving the effluent. Swift
the various abattoirs can be estimated which would
intervention by the government and other stakeholders
help engineers in taking the necessary procedure or
by putting in place effluent treatment facilities to treat
precaution while trying to proffer solutions to the
wastes from abattoirs in Minna as well as adoption of
problems associated with abattoir. It should be noted
cleaner technologies will go a long way to curb the
that due to urbanization there would always be
environmental health risks posed by these hazardous
increase in population which would in turn increase
effluents from abattoirs.
consumption of meat, therefore, good information on
the abattoir waste will go a long way to estimate
possible problems and proffer suggestion on how to
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