This Study Resource Was: Spinal Cord Injury Case Study
This Study Resource Was: Spinal Cord Injury Case Study
This Study Resource Was: Spinal Cord Injury Case Study
T.W. is a 22-year-old man who fell 50 feet from a chairlift while skiing and landed on
hard-packed snow. He was found to have a T10-11 fracture with paraplegia. He was
initially admitted to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) from the emergency
department (ED) and placed on high-dose steroids for 24 hours. He was taken to
surgery 48 hours after the accident for spinal stabilization. He spent 2
additional days in the SICU and 5 days on the neurologic unit, and now is ready to
be transferred to your rehab unit. He continues to have no movement of his lower
should the nurse take to ensure this goal is met?
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The nurse needs to take a thorough history of the accident and all connected events
until the arrival of the EMT or other medical responders. The nurse also needs to
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make sure that the first responder's information is correct and incorporated into the
patient chart.
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2. On arrival to the ED, what are the main interventions done by the ED
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The ED nurse will need to:
Assess ABCs
continuous infusion. What effect will steroids have on T.W., and what is
5. Explain the difference between spinal shock and neurogenic shock.
Spinal shock is immediately after the injury and may last a few days to weeks. It is
accompanied by the loss of motor, sensory, and reflex functions below the level of
injury reflexes surrounding the injured site return last.
Neurogenic shock is a form of distributive shock and is associated with and SCI at
level T6 and above. S&S will include: decreased preload, decreased cardiac filling,
decreased stoke volume, hypotension, and bradycardia.
wear a continuous drainage system. They should know to:
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Cleanse the area before catheterization
Use clean technique
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Maintain patency of UDS
Irrigate UDS using sterile technique
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Change urinary catheter at regular intervals
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Position to promote drainage
Empty UDS at regular periods
Check the length of the bag straps
Skin care
Clean leg bag daily
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9. The large bowel musculature has its own neural center that can directly
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Increase fluids, fiber, roughage, and warm fluids can stimulate the gastrocolic reflex
which increases peristalsis and contractions of the GI tract.
10. T.W. should also be taught bowel training techniques. What would this
teaching include?
Identify foods high in bulk
Understand adequate fluid intake
Obtain adequate exercise
Have a consistent time for defecation
Ensure privacy
Administer suppository when needed
Perform digital stimulation when needed
Stool softeners, bulk producers, lubricants, mild cathartics, suppositories
13. T.W. asks you whether he’ll ever be able to have sex again. What do you tell
him, and what are some possible referrals?
Sexual function is controlled by spinal levels S2-4
Many techniques are available to increase erections such as drugs, vacuum
pumps, cock rings, and penile prosthesis
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