St. Peter's College of Ormoc: Biochemistry (Lecture) College Unit AY 2020 - 2021
St. Peter's College of Ormoc: Biochemistry (Lecture) College Unit AY 2020 - 2021
St. Peter's College of Ormoc: Biochemistry (Lecture) College Unit AY 2020 - 2021
Vision: Mission:
A Center of Exellence for business and teacher education. SPC College Unit commits itself to train students to be globally-relevant,
research-oriented professionals upholding the Catholic faith and desirable
Filipino values.
Institutional Learning Outcomes:
The College Unit hopes to graduates students who uphold Christian values in their critical thinking and moral judgement; are self-disciplined and responsive to life equipped with the right
attitudes, knowledge and skills for genuine national and global development; are life-long learners and research-oriented who possess communicative and technological competence able to work
effectively and interdependently in multi-disciplinary teams while preserving and promoting Filipino historical and cultural heritage.
Program Outcomes:
Cognizant of the Institutional Learning Outcomes of the College Unit, the different departments have set the following Program Learning Outcomes: develop a predisposition towards ethical
political involvement and practice in various forms and levels:
1. Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes
2. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of environment
4. Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional development and educational assessment
5. Demonstrate basic and higher level of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting
6. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards to respond to the demands of the community, accepting the true apostolic work of teaching dedicated to teach truth and practice love in a
life of service
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St. Peter’s College of Ormoc Course Title: Biochemistry (Lecture)
Fr. Ismael Cata-ag St., Ormoc City, 6541 Leyte, Philippines
Tel. No. (053)255-4391 Fax: (053) 255-3406 Course Code: Bio Sci 3
Pre-requsite Subjects:
SY 2020-2021 School Theme:
“Embracing Difference: Uniting Benedictine Youth in Christ- Focus on Conversatio and 3 units
Community” Course Credit:
3 hours / week (15 weeks, 45 hours in total)
Course Requirements:
Major Exams
Performance Tasks
Grading System:
Term Tests 20%
Written Works 40%
Performance Tasks 40%
Course Description:
Biochemistry is the branch of science concerned with the chemistry of biomolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids) and chemical processes of
life. It is multidisciplinary, standing at the crossroads between the physical sciences (chemistry and physics) and the life sciences (botany, zoology, microbiology,
and genetics). The BS Biochemistry program offers students the understanding of the structure and function of biomolecules, studying the way these molecules are
organized, and the interactions that take place among them in order to maintain life processes.
Course Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to m. Determined the different types of amino acids
a. Described what is biochemistry n. Explained the functions of proteins
b. Determined the difference among the types of carbohydrates o. Designed a diet plan
c. Explained the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates p. Realized the significance of proteins in our body
d. Appreciated the importance of biochemistry in humanity q. Described the nucleic acids
e. Described what is lipids r. Described the structure of a nucleotide as being a phosphate group,
f. Explained the function of lipids pentose sugar (either ribose or deoxyribose), and a nitrogen containing
g. Differentiated the main types of lipids base
h. Compared and contrast saturated fats and unsaturated fats s. Recalled that the nitrogenous bases in the nucleic acids and the base
i. Appreciated the importance of taking healthy food pairings that occur
j. Described what are proteins and it’s structure t. Compared and contrasted the structures and functions of DNA and
k. Described how the body processes and uses protein RNA
l. Identified the sources of proteins u. Explained the importance of DNA in storing genetic material and safely
St. Peter’s College of Ormoc - College Unit transferring genetic information between organisms
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students must have:
1. Described what is Introduction of Biochemistry Initiative Synchronous Socratic Inquiry learning Essential Laptop and
Week 1-2 biochemistry; Discussion Method questions Headphones
2. Determined the difference Carbohydrates Responsibility Application of
6 hours among the types of Video Analysis Biochemistry Analytic rubric Brightspace
carbohydrates; Importance of Biochemistry and Resourcefulness
3. Explained the difference Carbohydrates Summative test Answer Key
between complex and simple Love of Neighbor
4. Appreciated the importance
of biochemistry in humanity
1. Described what is lipids; Lipids Creativity Synchronous Discovery Video Analytic rubric Laptop and
Weeks 3-5 2. Explained the function of Discussion learning presentation Headphones
lipids; Saturated and Unsaturated Fats Initiative about how to be
9 hours 3. Differentiated the main Video Analysis physically fit
types of lipids; Significance of lipids Resourcefulness and healthy. Brightspace
4. Compared and contrast
saturated fats and unsaturated Innovativeness Summative Test Answer Key
5. Appreciated the importance
of taking healthy food;
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7. Realized the significance
of proteins in our body
1. Described the nucleic Nucleic Acids Initiative Synchronous Picture Socratic Enduring Laptop and
Weeks 10-12 acids; Discussion Analysis Method Understanding Headphones
2. Described the structure of a Structure of Nucleic Acids Decision Making
9 hours nucleotide as being a phosphate Inquiry learning Video Answer Key
group, pentose sugar (either Importance of DNA and RNA Responsibility presentation Summative Test Brightspace
ribose or deoxyribose), and a
nitrogen containing base, Innovativeness
3. Recalled that the
nitrogenous bases in the nucleic Humility
acids and the base pairings that
4. Compared and contrasted
the structures and functions of
DNA and RNA;
5. Explained the importance
of DNA in storing genetic
material and safely transferring
genetic information between
Week 13-14
6 hours
1. Miller K., Levine J., 1998. Biology the Living Science.Prentice Hall, Inc., Viacom Company
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Kenneth Roy I. Matuguina Prof. Rustico D. Rom, Jr. Dr. Freni Georgia V. Casas, CPA
Faculty Academic Chairperson Dean of College
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