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Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691


Compressional- and transpressional-stress pattern for Pliocene

and Quaternary brittle deformation in fore arc and intra-arc
zones (Andes of Central and Southern Chile)
Alain Lavenu a, b,*, Jose Cembrano b
Institut de Recherche pour le DeÂveloppement (IRD, ex ORSTOM), Casilla 53390, Correo central, Santiago 1, Chile
Departamento de GeologõÂa, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518, Correo 21, Santiago, Chile

Received 17 August 1998; accepted 7 May 1999


Kinematic analysis of fault slip data for stress determination was carried out on Late Miocene to Quaternary rocks from the
fore arc and intra-arc regions of the Chilean Andes, between 338 and 468 south latitudes. Studies of Neogene and Quaternary
in®lling (the Central Depression), as well as plutonic rocks of the North Patagonian Batholith along the LiquinÄe±Ofqui Fault
Zone, have revealed various compressional and/or transpressional states of stress. In the Pliocene, the maximum compressional
stress (s1) was generally oriented east±west. During the Quaternary, the deformation was partitioned into two coeval distinctive
states of stress. In the fore arc zone, the state of stress was compressional, with s1 oriented in a N±S to NNE±SSW direction. In
the intra-arc zone the state of stress was transpressional with s1 striking NE±SW. Along the coast, in one site (37830 'S) the
Quaternary strain deformation is extensional, with an E±W direction, which can be explained by a co-seismic crustal bending
readjustment. # 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction zone located between the Peru±Chile Trench and the

Main Cordillera, in which is found the Coastal Range
Since the middle Tertiary (25±26 Ma) the central and longitudinal depressions; (ii) a magmatic arc in the
Andes (between 188 and 468S, a length of 3500 km) Main Cordillera, which is the active volcanic zone; and
has been subjected to convergence of the oceanic (iii) a foreland zone where the most recent defor-
Nazca Plate and the continental South American mations are located in Argentina (Costa et al., 1997;
Plate. The subducting Nazca Plate, to the south of Diraison et al., 1998). Several studies (e.g. Barazangi
Ecuador, is divided into four main segments: two sub- and Isacks, 1976; Bevis and Isacks, 1984; Cahill and
horizontal or ¯at segments (inclined 5±108) and two Isacks, 1992) have shown that the shape of the oceanic
more inclined segments (inclined 308) (Jordan et al., downgoing slab in the region exhibits lateral variations
1983). The zone under study (Fig. 1) is located above in the dip angle. From north to south the angle of sub-
the southernmost segment, with an inclination of 308. duction varies and determines di€erent tectonic and
The convergence (428 south latitude±748 east longi- volcanic segments. Between 278 and 338S, the subduc-
tude) is of a N 78.88 direction and its average velocity tion is sub-horizontal and modern volcanism is absent.
is 7.89 cm/y (DeMets et al., 1994; Tamaki, 1999). South of 338S the angle of subduction increases up to
308 and modern volcanic activity appears as far as
In Chile, from west to east, the Andes present three
46830 'S (Chilean Ridge Triple Junction) (CTJ). At the
tectonically distinct parallel domains: (i) a fore arc
338S latitude, the main tectonic features of the oceanic
plate are the Juan Fernandez Ridge and the aseismic
* Corresponding author. Challenger Fracture Zone. These features delimit plate
E-mail address: alavenu@dgf.uchile.cl (A. Lavenu) segments of di€erent ages, the southern one being the

0191-8141/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 9 1 - 8 1 4 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 1 1 - X
1670 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

Aysen 1625 faults at 80 sites were studied. More than

50 independent directions of stress and deformation
were obtained. We demonstrate that in the fore arc
and intra-arc zones, Pliocene faulting indicates a
roughly E±W-trending compression, whereas with
respect to the Quaternary, the ®eld data and some
focal mechanisms show a stress partitioning with a N±
S-trending compression in the fore arc zone and a
NE±SW-trending transpression in the intra-arc zone.

2. Geodynamic framework

Between 338 and 468S the continental fore arc is

characterized by the presence of the Coastal Range
and a longitudinal valley, the Central Depression, par-
allel to the Cordillera. This depression starts in the
north, in the region of San Felipe (Fig. 3), close to
Santiago, and ends to the south of Aysen, in the Ofqui
Isthmus, at the latitude of the CTJ. It extends for
more than 1000 km, with a width that does not exceed
75 km. Its western limit, with the Coastal Range, is
characterized by the presence of eroded fault-line
scarps. Its eastern limit, with the Main Cordillera
(SVZA) between 33 and 368S, appears to be marked
by the presence of an important eroded fault-line
scarp. Between 388 and 468S, the eastern limit of the
Central Depression merges with the volcanic arc along
which the LiquinÄe±Ofqui Fault Zone (LOFZ) is devel-
oped. This fault zone, one of the largest active strike-
slip fault zones of modern subduction (e.g. Jarrard,
1986), is characterized by a series of NNE±SSW linea-
ments, faults and ductile-shear zones along the direc-
tion of the Mio-Pliocene and the Recent magmatic
Fig. 1. Morpho-structural units of the Southern Andes. Studied area arcs. The LiquinÄe±Ofqui Fault Zone, a structure
in the box. Structural provinces of the Southern Andes. This map
extending more than 950 km in length, represents one
also shows the limits between the Andean Cordillera and the western
edge of the undeformed Argentine basement. of the main lineaments of Chile. Its existence was
established at the end of the last century (Ste€en, 1944
in Hauser, 1991) and little by little understanding of it
most recent, with a `normal' 308 dip of the subduction has evolved (Klohn, 1955, 1960; Moreno and Parada,
slab, corresponding to the presence of active volcanism 1974; Solano, 1978; Herve et al., 1979). Based on lim-
(Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes, SVZA). ited ®eld data, this fault was considered dextral
Current knowledge of the geometry of plate subduc- (HerveÂ, 1976, 1977; Herve and Thiele, 1987). Recently,
tion, although partial in the Southern Andes, still dextral strike-slip and reverse dip-slip movement on
allows us to schematically map out a cross-section of the fault has been clearly established through more
the Cordillera at the latitude of 34/368S (Fig. 2). detailed studies of ductile shear zones of the Miocene and
The study of geodynamics of the Central and part of the Pliocene, as well as the brittle dextral strike-
Southern Chilean Andes allows for characterizing the slip shear zone from the Pliocene and the Quaternary
partitioning of the continental deformation of the (Cembrano, 1992; Cembrano and HerveÂ, 1993; Lavenu
chain during the oblique convergence of the plates. and Cembrano, 1994; Cembrano et al., 1996a, b; Lavenu
The objective of this paper is to determine the state of et al., 1997; Cembrano et al., 1997; Cembrano, 1998).
Neogene and Quaternary stress in the Andes of Although the Central Depression and the Main
Central Chile. The orientation of stress was established Cordillera are parallel (Fig. 4), the current limit of the
essentially by means of kinematic analysis of faults in Central Depression does not correspond to an active
the ®eld, as well as through some focal mechanisms of lineament. The northern and southern geographic
documented earthquakes. Between San Felipe and limits of the Central Depression correspond to the
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1671

Fig. 2. Cross-sectional sketch across the Nazca±South American plate subduction at 34±368S.

northermost end of the present SVZA associated with faults show reverse sense of motion (of an indetermi-
the inclined subducting plate segment. The same nate age). There are also few examples of normal fault
applies for the northern Chilean Central Depression striations, which are generally representative of a sys-
between 18 and 278S. The zone without depression tematic gravitational collapse directed toward the
corresponds to the ¯at slab zone between 27 and 338S. Central Depression, and have never been interpreted in
The Central Depression was originally described as terms of a well-de®ned and homogeneous stress ®eld.
a graben or half-graben (Aubouin et al., 1973; Beginning at 358S and to the east of the Main
Laugenie, 1982; Cisternas and Frutos, 1994), neverthe- Cordillera, there is a zone without deformation (or suf-
less the present-day geometry and kinematics of its fering little deformation during the Neogene and
borders do not represent a graben de®ned by normal Quaternary) which can be de®ned as part of the
faults. The geomorphologic features originated in the `shield' or Argentine basement (Fig. 1).
Neogene, during which an extensional tectonic event Between 398S and 41830 'S, the part of the Main
favoured the development of the half-graben. In this Cordillera east of the LOFZ appears as an uplifted
case, if there was an active fault between the Central block. West±east pro®les of the Central and Main
Depression and the Main Cordillera, it would have Cordillera (Fig. 5) at the latitudes of 39830 'S and
been before the Quaternary. 41810 'S show, both in terms of landscape and topogra-
The eastern border of the Central Depression is phical cross-sections, that the Quaternary and/or Plio-
straight, with several indentations. In places, the limit Quaternary volcanoes lie over morphological surfaces
between the Central Depression and the volcanic arc is that are found at di€erent altitudes. To the west of the
not exposed, owing to overlying lava ¯ows. Around LOFZ and upon the LOFZ, the main volcanoes, such
368S, this limit is marked by regional-scale faults of a as Villarrica, El Macho, Quetrupillan (39830 'S) and
N 0308 direction, in rising steps, caused by the sinking Osorno (41810 'S) lie on a surface at an average alti-
of the Oligo-Miocene volcanic layers, which pass tude of 1000 m (or less for Mount Osorno). To the
under the ®lling of the Depression. Measurements of east of the LOFZ, where the average surface altitude
the faults along this scarp in Tertiary rocks show increases, volcanoes such as LanõÂ n (39830'S) and
essentially strike-slip movements compatible with E±W Tronador (41810 'S) lie on surfaces with an average
and N±S shortening. altitude of more than 1500 m. Between the two zones
The western border of the Central Depression is there is a di€erence in altitude of an average of 600±
made up of a system of faults with N±S to N 0108 800 m. This di€erence in altitude can be explained by
strikes, and oblique faults with N 0308 to N 0408 uplifted blocks of basement of the eastern part of the
strikes. The majority of measured faults along the wes- Main Cordillera (`pop up' as described in Argentina
tern border of the Central Depression have strike-slip by Diraison et al., 1998).
slickensides (these faults were measured in rocks of Between 41830 'S and 468S, the geological mapping
various ages, from the Triassic to the Neogene). Some of the Central Depression does not allow one to dis-
1672 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

north±south and northeast-trending faults, de®ning a

duplex-like structure (Cembrano et al., 1996a;
Cembrano, 1998). South of 468S, the Central
Depression disappears. The LOFZ strikes N 0208,
forming the limit between the Coastal Range and the
Main Cordillera.
This fore arc zone, and more particularly the
Coastal Range, appears to be made up by a number of
independent blocks displaced from one another, rather
than a coherent coastal sliver (HerveÂ, 1977; Beck,
1988). The LOFZ constitutes the current rupture zone
where dextral displacement of the fore arc and back
arc zones occurs (e.g. Nelson et al., 1994). The system
of known faults to the west complicates this scheme.
The geometry could be interpreted according to the
mechanism of small block model proposed by
Sylvester (1988) and Nelson and Jones (1987).
Although the Cenozoic block rotations have not been
studied in enough detail, limited available paleomag-
netic data show small counterclockwise rotations west
of the LOFZ and small clockwise rotations to the east
(e.g. Rojas et al., 1994). It appears that the general dis-
position of the geometry and geology of this fore arc
is better explained with an oblique subduction model
(Fitch, 1972; Beck, 1983; Jarrard, 1986; McCa€rey,
1992; Beck et al., 1993) rather than with an indenta-
tion model (Forsythe and Nelson, 1985; Nelson et al.,
1994). In e€ect, the latter model does not allow for
explaining the deformation along the full length of the
LOFZ (Cembrano et al., 1996a, b), although it does
explain Pliocene continental deformation close to CTJ
(e.g. Cembrano, 1998).

3. Methodology

The region under study, from north of Santiago

(32830 'S) to south of Aysen (468S) was divided into
two margin-parallel geological domains: (i) the fore arc
domain, including the Coastal Range, the Central
Depression and part of the Main Cordillera near
Santiago, and (ii) the volcanic arc zone or intra-arc
In the northern area between 32830' and 378S, only
the fore arc zone was studied; the intra-arc zone (on
the Chilean±Argentinean border) has very limited
access and therefore remains without data. Neogene
and Quaternary deformations were studied from the
Fig. 3. Simpli®ed structural map of central-southern Chile.
Coast to the Main Cordillera. Striated fault planes
were measured on rocks of ages varying from the Late
Cretaceous/Early Tertiary to the Quaternary.
tinguish a well-developed and homogeneous pattern of In the central area between 378 and 428S, it was
faults. The Chiloe zone, composed of numerous possible to study the fore arc and the volcanic arc
islands, is not well known geologically. To the east of zones. The analysis was done in the Coast (the Arauco
the Central Depression, the LOFZ forms the western Peninsula and Chiloe Island), in the Central
boundary of a very deformed domain with a system of Depression and along the intra-arc LOFZ.
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1673

Fig. 4. Strike-slip tectonic zonation in the oblique convergence between the Coast and Main Cordillera. The Coastal Range is fragmented in var-
ious blocks. This geometry could be a result of the mechanism of small block model with internal rotation according to Nelson and Jones (1987)
and Sylvester (1988). Between 428S and 478S, the LOFZ, striking N±S, is characterized by a complex duplex geometry. To the east, uplifted
zones take place in the magmatic arc.

Measurements were made in Quaternary sediments In order to determine the state of stress we calculate
(Coastal and Central Depression) and Neogene and a stress tensor T using an inverse microfault analysis.
Quaternary rocks. Since Anderson (1951), Wallace (1951), and Bott
In the southern area between 428 and 468S, only the (1959), striated slickensides along fault planes are
volcanic arc zone along the LOFZ was studied. interpreted in term of stresses. The direction of striae
Striated fault planes were measured on Neogene and is supposed to be collinear to the applied shear stress,
Quaternary rocks. depending (i) on the orientation and (ii) on the shape
1674 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

Fig. 5. Morphological pro®les across intra arc zone and LiqinÄe Ofqui Fault Zone (location in Fig. 4). West of the LOFZ the main volcanoes
(Villarrica, Quetrupillan, El Macho, Osorno) lie on a surface at an altitude of 1000 m. East of the LOFZ, the main volcanoes (Lanin, Tronador)
lie on an uplifted surface at an altitude of 600±800 m. 1ÐMiddle Mesozoic deposits; 2ÐUndi€erentiated North Patagonian Batholith; 3Ð
Central Depression deposits; 4 and 5ÐQuaternary volcanoes; 6ÐMain faults zones.

ratio R of the stress tensor. Carey's inversion algor- 4. Results of the inversion
ithm based on least-square techniques (Carey and
Brunier, 1974; Carey, 1979) allows for calculating a Based on the analysis of the tensors obtained, it was
stress tensor and the three principal components of the possible to determine two tectonic events within the
stress tensor s1, s2, s3. The di€erent stress regimes three zones:
(compressional, strike-slip and extensional) are limited . a Pliocene event, approximately constrained in time
by four revolution stress tensors (e.g. Ritz and between 4.5 and 1.6 Ma, in every case found to be
Taboada, 1993) (Fig. 6) and the stress ellipsoid shape prior to the Quaternary. This event occurred
ratio R […s2 ÿ s1 †=…s3 ÿ s1 †] allows determination of between 4.5/4.7 Ma and 2.8/3.9 Ma in the northern
the di€erent types of tensors. For the general microtec- area, between 8.4 Ma and 3.6 Ma in the central
tonic method, see Carey and Brunier (1974), SeÂbrier et area, and between 5.4 Ma and 1.6 Ma in the
al. (1985) and Lavenu et al. (1995). southern area;
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1675

Fig. 6. Classi®cation of di€erent types of stress tensors. The four revolution stress tensors are indicated by shaded squares (modi®ed from Ritz
and Taboada, 1993).

. a Quaternary event, later than 2.8 Ma in the north- Quaternary tectonic event (Fig. 9). The ages of the
ern area, later than 3.6 Ma in the central area, and events will be discussed for each zone.
later than 1.6 Ma in the southern area (Fig. 7).
4.1. The Pliocene event
The sites were analyzed from north to south. The
general results are summarized in Tables 1±9 and some The principal results are presented in Tables 1±4
sites will be described in detail, four concerning the and Fig. 8. Measurements of striated fault planes in
Pliocene tectonic event (Fig. 8) and ®ve concerning the the northern and central areas were taken from the

Fig. 7. Chronology and strike of the di€erent tectonic regimes.

1676 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

Table 1
Parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors computed from the Pliocene faults of the Central Depression and Main Cordillera. Present fore arc
zone, northern area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

48 4.5±4.7 Maa 13 34805 ' 70821' 608 58 1528 228 3178 678 0.96
16 Pliocene 7 33820.5 ' 70817.5' 2968 128 2068 08 1158 788 0.54
17 9.8 Mab 37 32829 ' 70808' 2788 58 628 848 1878 48 0.62
27 L. Miocene 16 32847 ' 70812.5' 708 18 3408 98 1668 818 0.88
3 E. Miocene 16 32845.5 ' 70832' 2628 128 3628 378 1578 518 0.98
38 E. Miocene 7 34807 ' 70831' 2798 78 108 78 1468 808 0.56
39 E. Miocene 8 34808.5 70831.5' 2278 228 3228 128 788 658 0.76
41 E. Miocene 10 34809 ' 70832.5' 2188 98 3288 668 1258 228 0.78
42 E. Miocene 17 34810 ' 70833' 1218 168 268 168 2538 678 0.80
43 E. Miocene 27 34812 ' 70835' 2968 78 278 148 1798 748 0.83
49 E. Miocene 18 34812.5 ' 70830.5' 1108 68 148 458 2068 448 0.72
51 E. Miocene ? 10 34825 ' 70849' 788 28 1698 98 3388 818 0.62
5 und. Miocene 11 32848 ' 70822.5' 2588 198 1618 198 318 628 0.59

Ages from Cuadra (1986).
Ages from Cornejo (1991).

Miocene±Pliocene intra-arc zone, which currently is mation and only a few faults were found. There are
part of the fore arc zone. In the southern area, the measured faults in Miocene marine sediments from the
measurements of striated fault planes were taken from coast, which are compatible with an E±W to NE±SW
both the present-day arc and the Miocene±Pliocene shortening direction. On the other hand, in one site
arc. (Lican site), ®ve faults were measured in Middle
Miocene marine sediments (as de®ned by Valenzuela,
4.1.1. The fore arc zone 1992). Those present structures are synsedimentary
normal faults compatible with a NW±SE extensional The northern fore arc zone. In this zone, 197
direction of deformation. Owing to its synsedimentary
faults of 13 sites (Table 1) (Fig. 10) were measured in
character, this deformation is proven to be of the
Miocene and Pliocene sediments and intrusive rocks
Middle Miocene. Based on its direction and limited
described by Charrier and Munizaga (1979), Thiele
(1980), and Charrier et al. (1994). The principal com- development, it is not possible to say if this defor-
pressional stress direction, s1, is close to E±W. The mation is due to a regional-scale extensional event.
tectonic regime is generally compressional (vertical s3) Nevertheless, ®eld work done in other parts of the
except for two sites where there is a strike-slip regime, Chilean Coast, north of this studied area, as in the
with a horizontal s3. The R ratio is between 0.59 and Caldera Region (Marquardt et al., 1999) show the
0.98, clearly indicating a Pliocene compressional stress same E±W synsedimentary extensional deformation
state tending toward a uniaxial stress tensor. during the Miocene, and a superposed E±W Pliocene
Along the coast, the sediments show little defor- compressional deformation.

Table 2
Parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors computed from the Pliocene strike-slip faults of the Central Depression and Main Cordillera. Present
fore arc zone, central area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

TRAHU Miocene 18 40818' 72815' 1028 168 1958 118 3198 708 0.56
MELLI M. Miocene 13 40814' 72813' 878 118 3328 648 1818 238 0.91
CAUN 295 Maa 14 40808' 72815' 958 248 2868 658 1878 48 0.90

Age from Munizaga et al. (1984).
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1677

Table 3
Parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors computed from the Pliocene faults of the Central Depression and Main Cordillera. Present intra-arc
zone, central area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

X1 8.4 Maa 21 39835.5' 71853' 888 58 3398 748 1808 158 0.33
REL 1 Cr./Mioc. Bath. 38 41838' 72819' 2638 58 1738 78 308 828 0.78
REL 2 Cr./Mioc. Bath. 20 41830' 72817' 2638 78 1728 118 278 778 0.78

Age from Munizaga et al. (1984). The central fore arc zone. In this zone, 45 a uniaxial compressional regime, with an E±W (N
faults of three sites were measured, 13 faults in Mio- 2638) principal compressional stress direction.
cene granitic rocks, 18 faults in Miocene turbiditic
sediments and 14 faults in Permian intrusive rocks The southern intra-arc zone. In general, the
(295 Ma, Munizaga et al., 1984) (Table 2; Fig. 11). ages of the rocks are poorly known because these
The principal compressional stress direction (s1) is regions are still not well known from a geological
E±W. For the CAUN and MELLI sites, the R ratio is point of view (studies and analysis in progress). How-
close to 1, which corresponds to a compressional ever, the ages of the studied rocks (Table 4; Fig. 12)
strike-slip tectonic regime with a horizontal s3 axis. are well constrained between Middle Miocene and
For the third site, TRAHU, the R ratio is 0.56 and Early Pliocene, and recently obtained radiometric data
corresponds to a compressional regime. The age of this allow us to date the deformation (Cembrano, 1998).
tectonic event is post-Miocene. Cembrano (1998) found that contractional to dextral-
oblique ductile deformation zones ¯anking the Ceno-
4.1.2. The intra-arc zone zoic magmatic arc were active at around 4.3 Ma. Fault
measurements were done in the North Patagonian The central intra-arc zone. In this zone, 79 Batholith (102 faults of six sites). Available Rb±Sr, K±
faults of three sites were measured, 58 faults in Mio- Ar, Ar±Ar dates of intrusive rocks extend from the
cene (or Cretaceous to Miocene) batholitic rocks Cretaceous to the Quaternary (Munizaga et al., 1988;
(Munizaga et al., 1988) and 21 faults in Late Miocene Pankhurst and HerveÂ, 1994; Cembrano, 1998). In
intrusive rocks (8.4 Ma, Munizaga et al., 1984) (Table some cases, the ages are unknown (undi€erentiated
3; Fig. 11). batholith). Four sites were measured in intrusive rocks
In the northern part of this zone, the site X1, with a with Late Miocene to Pliocene Ar±Ar dates (5.5 and
R ratio 0.33, corresponds to a weak extensional strike- 10 Ma, Herve et al., 1993; and 5.3 and 13.3 Ma, Cem-
slip regime. The principal compressional stress direc- brano, 1998) and two were measured in Patagonian
tion s1 is close to E±W (N 0888). In the southern part, batholitic rocks of uncertain age. The main direction
both ReloncavõÂ sites, REL1 and REL2 correspond to of compression in this case is also close to E±W, the

Table 4
Parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors computed from the Pliocene faults of the Central Depression and Main Cordillera. Present intra-arc
zone, southern area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

PUYUHUA 5.3 20.3 Maa 21 44821' 72834 ' 2688 28 3598 138 1688 778 0.97
Rio. CISNE 5.5 20.4 Mab 17 44844' 72835 ' 1018 138 3568 488 2038 398 0.95
Pto. CISNE 10 20.3 Mab 20 44843' 72834 ' 2378 178 908 708 3318 108 0.67
QUEULAT 13.3 20.2 Maa 13 44829' 72835 ' 978 38 1878 68 3438 838 0.30
Pte FALLA un. Patag. Bath 16 44822' 72835 ' 2688 198 658 708 1758 78 0.96
AYSEN un. Patag. Bath 15 45819' 72842 ' 2538 68 3498 458 1578 458 0.34

Ages from Cembrano (1998).
Ages from Herve et al. (1993).
1678 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

Table 5
Parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors computed from the Quaternary and Plio-Quaternary faults of the Central Depression and Main
Cordillera. Present fore arc zone, northern area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

18 Pleistocene 6 33836' 70822.5' 3388 258 2428 138 1278 628 0.76
25 Pleistocene 7 33833.5' 71834.5' 58 28 2758 48 1208 858 0.79
47 2.8±3.9 Maa 21 34805' 70821' 238 08 1148 868 2938 48 0.51
48 4.5±4.7 Maa 13 34805' 70821' 1808 108 2768 338 758 568 0.70
16 Pliocene 8 33820.5' 70817.5' 138 218 1108 178 2368 628 0.67
17 9.8 Mab 7 32829' 70808' 378 48 3078 118 1488 798 0.91
19 M. Miocene 7 33836' 70822.5' 3598 188 998 288 2398 568 0.50
3 E. Miocene 10 32845.5' 70832' 1618 48 3158 858 718 28 0.97
41 E. Miocene 12 34809' 70832.5' 278 58 2918 488 1228 428 0.86
13 Cret./Tertiary 5 33815' 71808,5' 2038 188 3068 338 898 518 0.60

Ages from Cuadra (1986).
Ages from Cornejo (1991).

directions of s1 being between ENE±WSW (N 2378) of the sites are found in Pliocene±Quaternary rocks.
and WNW±ESE (N 1018). In most cases, the tectonic All sites are located in the fore arc zone (96 faults of
regime is found to be compressional, in some cases, it 10 sites). There have not yet been studies in the mag-
is a strike-slip compressional regime. The R ratio is matic arc zone.
between 0.67 and 0.97. In the majority of sites, stress is compressional with
s1 horizontal, and s3 vertical. R ratio is between 0.5
4.2. The Quaternary event and 1, the regime therefore experienced uniaxial com-
pression. In only two sites, s3 is horizontal and the tec-
The main results for the Quaternary event are found tonic regime is strike-slip compressional. The principal
in Tables 5±9 and Fig. 9. direction of stress, s1, is N±S to NNE±SSW (N 0098).
From the 10 sites studied, the existence of this stress in
4.2. The fore arc zone half of the sites dated from the Pliocene to the
Quaternary shows clearly the pre-Quaternary age of The northern fore arc zone. From the Coastal the compression (site 47: 2.8±3.9 Ma and site 48: 4.5±
Range to the Main Cordillera, the ages of sediments 4.7 Ma, both by K/Ar dating from Cuadra, 1986). The
and rocks studied (Table 5) were from the limit of the other sites are in Miocene rocks.
Cretaceous/Tertiary until the Pleistocene but only half In the Coastal Zone, the few outcrops of

Table 6
Parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors computed from the Quaternary and Plio-Quaternary faults of the Central Depression. Present fore arc
zone, central area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

ESPERANZA Pleistocene 6 37850' 72823 ' 3598 48 908 128 2508 778 0.10
VICTORIA Pleistocene 3 38812' 72820 ' 408 ± ± ± ± ± ±
FRESIA 1 Pleistocene 37 41811' 73822 ' 209 08 2998 18 1048 888 0.40
FRESIA 2 Pleistocene 13 41811' 73822 ' 26 168 2858 348 1388 528 0.19
BRAUN Pleistocene 12 41820' 73819 ' 48 118 3138 238 1608 648 0.85
ANCUD 1 Pleistocene 10 41851' 73849 ' 17 308 1728 578 2808 118 0.06
ANCUD 2 Pleistocene 20 41852' 73850 ' 29 28 1208 298 2968 618 0.34
VOLCAN A. Pleistocene 24 41851' 72840 ' 210 28 3008 98 1058 818 0.40
LAJAS Pleistocene 12 41855' 73852 ' 341 38 778 608 2498 308 0.01
ANCUD 3 25.620.7 Maa 8 41851' 73849 ' 156 68 2478 138 428 768 0.16

Age from Stern and Vergara (1992).
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1679

Table 7
Parameters of the strain from the Quaternary normal faults of the Coastal Cordillera. Present fore arc zone, central area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

ARAUCO Pen. Pleistocene 6 37830' 73819' ± ± ± ± 2568 ± ±

Quaternary (and/or Plio-Quaternary) rocks have little In Ancud, two sites (Ancud1 and Ancud2) were
deformation and only a few faults are observed. Some measured in a Quaternary conglomerate glacial drift
3 km to the east of San Antonio, sandy sediments (Fuerte San Antonio Drift considered Pleistocene by
from the Pleistocene are overthrusted by granite form- Heusser and Flint, 1977). In Ancud1, north of Ancud,
ing the substratum (site 25). Analysis of fault plane the regime is strike-slip uniaxial extensional (R ˆ 0:06);
measurements allowed for determining a N±S horizon- in Ancud2, south of Ancud, the regime is compres-
tal s1 stress tensor (N 0058). The regime is uniaxial sional to radial compressional (R ˆ 0:34).
compressional. In Fresia and Nueva Braunau, the same Quaternary
glacial drift is also a€ected by a compressional The central fore arc zone. The ages of rocks in (BRAUN, R ˆ 0:85) to radial compressional (FRESIA
which measurements were taken (Table 6) (121 faults 1, R ˆ 0:40 and FRESIA 2, R ˆ 0:19) stress regime.
of nine sites) range from the Late Oligocene (rhyo- In the Arauco Peninsula, in the Coastal Zone, a
dacite from Ancud, Chiloe Island, dated in plurikilometric and some decametric N±S to NNE±
25.6 2 0.7 Ma by Stern and Vergara, 1992) to the SSW normal faults cut Pleistocene sediments, compati-
Pleistocene. ble with an E±W extension (Table 7) (six faults of one
In the majority of sites from the Central Depression site). This is also found along the coast of Northern
(80%), the stress is compressional (s1 is horizontal, s3 Chile, although it is not clear whether the deformation
is vertical) with a NNE±SSW direction. In Esperanza represents a regional-scale extensional event or results
(Fig. 9), a Pleistocene site measured in Quaternary ter- from co- or post-seismic deformation (works in pro-
race sediments (Moreno and Varela, 1985), the R ratio gress, Lavenu and Marquardt, 1999; Marquardt et al.,
is close to 0, which in this case shows a radial com- 1999; Marquardt and Lavenu, 1999).
pressional regime (a revolution ellipsoid with s1  s2 ).
This can be explained by one of the following, the lim- 4.2.2. The intra-arc zone
ited cohesion of Quaternary sediments (alluvial ter-
race), the super®cial deformation (without the weight The central intra-arc zone
of a column of sediments on top) or the proximity of Along the LOFZ the measured fault striations (208
the valley. In Victoria, the three measured faults do faults of six sites) were studied on rocks with Miocene
not allow for calculating tensor stress, indicating only to Pleistocene ages: Miocene K/Ar ages of 8.1 Ma
the displacement direction along the fault plane. (AnÄique site) from Munizaga et al. (1984); 8.5±

Table 8
Parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors computed from the Quaternary and Plio-Quaternary strike-slip faults of the Main Cordillera. Present
intra-arc zone, central area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

HORNOPI 3.5920.01 Maa 51 428 72826 ' 2368 88 338 818 1458 38 0.37
ANÄIQUE 8.120.2 Mab 28 39837' 71854.5 ' 2388 128 348 768 1478 58 0.60
CABURGU 8.5±11.6 Mac 34 39808.5' 71845 ' 2288 148 1378 28 418 768 0.90
RELONC1 Cr./Mioc. Bath. 29 41838' 72819 ' 2218 28 1248 718 3128 198 0.61
RELONC2 Cr./Mioc. Bath. 42 41830' 72817 ' 2318 98 588 808 3218 18 0.63

Ages from Cembrano et al. (1996b).
Ages from Munizaga et al. (1984).
Ages from Munizaga et al. (1988).
1680 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

Table 9
Parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors computed from the Quaternary and Plio-Quaternary faults of the Main Cordillera. Present intra-arc
zone, southern area

Principal stress directions

Site Age of unit ND Latitude Longitude s1 s2 s3 R

S W Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip Azimuth Dip

PUYUHUAPI 1.6 Maa 16 44821' 72834' 528 68 2028 838 3218 38 0.65
Pto CISNE 10 20.3 Mab 7 44843' 72834' 1758 238 2888 438 668 388 0.63
QUEULAT 13.5 Maa 10 44829' 72835' 2138 278 1188 88 128 628 0.75

Ages from Cembrano (1998).
Ages from Herve et al. (1993).

11.6 Ma (Caburgua site) from Munizaga et al. (1988); The most recent stress ®eld obtained from the
Pliocene rocks of 3.59 Ma (HornopireÂn site) from pyroclastic deposits of the VolcaÂn Apagado is close
Cembrano et al. (1996b), and Pleistocene outcrops of to a compressional radial regime with an R ratio of
the VolcaÂn Apagado (AlarcoÂn, 1995) (Table 8). 0.40.

Fig. 8. Main examples of slip vector data from Neogene faults of the Chilean Central Depression and the Main Cordillera. Arrow attached to
fault traces corresponds to the measured slip vectors (Wul€ stereonet, lower hemisphere). Thick segments on the fault traces and histograms
show deviations between measured (s ) and predicted (t ) slip vectors on each fault plane. Convergent large arrows give azimuths of the computed
maximum principal stress s1 direction. Histograms (Nd, ts ) represent the distribution of the angular deviation between measured (s ) and pre-
dicted (t ) slip vectors.
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1681

Fig. 9. Main examples of slip vector data from Quaternary faults of the Chilean Central Depression and the Main Cordillera. Symbols as in
Fig. 8.

The Late Pliocene HornopireÂn site (Hornopi) yields (Cembrano, 1998). This age pre-dates the brittle defor-
transpressional stress tensors (with s1 and s3 horizon- mation.
tal) with directions of s1 close to NE±SW. This site is In two of the studied sites (Puyuhuapi and Puerto
close to a pure strike-slip regime where R ˆ 0:37. Cisnes, 23 faults), the tectonic regime is tranpressional:
The sites of AnÄique and Reloncavi correspond also s1 and s3 are horizontal and the R ratio is close to
to a strike-slip regime where R is 0.60±0.63. 0.63. In the Queulat site some faults (10 faults) are
compatible with a compressional tectonic regime. On The southern intra-arc zone average, the direction of s1 is N±S to NE±SW.
Along the LOFZ, the ages of studied outcrops
(Table 9) range from the Middle Miocene (13.5 and 5. Regional stress pattern
10 Ma, respectively from Cembrano, 1998, and HerveÂ
et al., 1993) to the Quaternary. One 40Ar/39Ar age of In the Chilean Andes, between 338S and 468S,
1.6 Ma was obtained on weakly deformed biotites Neogene and Quaternary rocks are a€ected by a brittle
1682 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

Fig. 10. Location of fault sites analyzed in this paper, Northern

Zone. Stippled pattern: Central Depression.

deformation that is weakly developed but widespread.

Analysis of the brittle deformation found on the coast,
along the Central Depression and the LiquinÄe±Ofqui
Fault Zone documents the existence of two tectonic
The Pliocene event is characterized by a generalized
compressional tectonic regime that can be observed in
the present fore arc and intra-arc zones (Fig. 13): s1
trends E±W, s2 trends N±S, and s3 is vertical. The
state of stress is such that s1 > s2 > s3 .
During the Quaternary a partition of the defor- Fig. 11. Location of fault sites analyzed in this paper, Central Zone.
mation can be noted, with the existence of two states Stippled pattern: Central Depression.
of di€erent stress (Fig. 14):
boundary zone shows (Fig. 15) that the tectonic regime
. in the fore arc zone, s1 trends N±S to NNE±SSW,
of the Quaternary is more complex than previously
s2 trends E±W, and s3 is vertical.
recognized (e.g. Dewey and Lamb, 1992). It does not
. in the intra-arc zone, a compressional strike-slip de-
correspond to the general stress ®eld model predicted
formation occurs (transpression) and s1 trends NE±
numerically by Coblentz and Richardson (1996) in
SW, s3 trends NW±SE, and s2 becomes vertical.
which a nearly uniform E±W orientation of maximum
In the coastal site of the Arauco Peninsula, the horizontal compressive stress sHmax is predicted.
Quaternary regime is extensional and of an 0E±W Although, these authors estimate the occurrence of
direction. This deformation characterizes the western- possible rotations near the limits of the plates, which
most portion of the continental fore arc, close to the could occur in this case.
trench axis (080 km). This deformation does not As to the possibility of block rotations along the
appear to be directly linked to boundary forces due to LOFZ, previous studies of paleomagnetism were car-
the convergence, but could be the consequence of co- ried out in diverse sites in the south of Chile with
seismic crustal bending with subduction-related earth- rocks from the Paleozoic to Late Tertiary (Beck, 1988;
quakes. It could be topographic accommodation to the GarcõÂ a et al., 1988; Beck et al., 1990; Cembrano et al.,
uplift of this part of the coast (body force due to topo- 1992; Rojas et al., 1994). Internal consistency of
graphy): s3 becomes E±W-trending, s2 trends N±S, Pliocene stress directions over the large area covered
and s1 is vertical. This phenomenon is also found in by this study and their random distribution through-
other zones of the Chilean coast (La Serena± out suggests the lack of post-Pliocene signi®cant block
Coquimbo, Caldera, Mejillones). rotations along the LOFZ (N 08782 128) and in the
The partition of the deformation across the plate Main Cordillera east of Santiago (N 0868 2278). The
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1683

Fig. 12. Location of fault sites analyzed in this paper, Southern

Zone. Stippled pattern: Central Depression.

same situation seems to be true for the Quaternary

stress directions (N 01382 228 in the fore arc, and N
0428 2208 in the intra-arc). Therefore, the stress direc-
tions obtained in this study can be considered as in-
situ stress directions within error.

6. SeismicityÐneotectonic relationships

Seismological studies have been conducted in the

®eld to the south of 338S, where the slab changes from
a subhorizontal inclination to an inclination of 308
toward the east. Between 288S and 328S, the seismic
zone is nearly subhorizontal in the ¯at slab region
(Cahill and Isacks, 1985, 1992). This is a zone of
strong coupling between the oceanic and continental
plates. The surface of the continental plate over this
area shows neither active volcanoes nor plateau or
Altiplano. The foreland zone is also an area of import-
ant surface deformations (e.g. El Tigre fault, Bastias,
Although between 268S and 388S, deep seismicity
between the slab and the continental plate has been Fig. 13. Principal directions of the maximum horizontal compres-
sional stress sHmax deduced from microtectonic analysis of Pliocene
well studied (Pardo et al., 1996), analysis of shallow
faults of the Andes of Central and Southern Chile. In both the fore
crustal seismicity is still scarce (Barrientos and arc zone (Main Range near Santiago, 348S, and Central Depression)
Eisenberg, 1988; Barrientos and Kausel, 1993; and intra-arc zone (along the LiquinÄe Ofqui Fault Zone), regional
Alvarado et al., 1997; Lopez et al., 1997). From a few compression appears to be E±W, roughly parallel to the direction of
upper crustal seismic events, the focal mechanism has convergence (large black arrow) between the two plates.
1684 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

Fig. 14. Principal directions of the maximum horizontal compressional stress sHmax deduced from microtectonic analysis of Quaternary faults of
the Andes of Central and Southern Chile. During the Quaternary, the deformation was partitioned into two distinctive states of stress. In fore
arc zone (Main Range near Santiago, 348S, and Central Depression) regional compression appears to be N±S. In intra-arc zone (along the
LiquinÄe Ofqui Fault Zone) the principal transpressional stress direction strikes roughly NE±SW. Left ®gure shows theoretical total partitioning
(convergence rate of 7.9 cm/y) yielding a maximum 2.8 cm/y dextral slip in magmatic arc (cf. McNulty et al., 1998).
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1685

Fig. 15. Kinematic partitioning of overall oblique convergence between Nazca and South American plates, Central and Southern Chile. E±W
extension in the western part of the fore arc zone, at the Coast; N±S contraction in the fore arc zone; strike-slip movement concentrated in the
magmatic arc Foreland region shows the deformation. Pl: principal Pliocene compressional directions; Q: principal Quaternary compressional
and transpressional directions. L: Lanin volcano, V: Villarrica volcano, T: Tronador volcano, O: Osorno volcano.

been calculated (Table 10). Between 338S and 358S two December 25, 1988 eruption. The focal mechanism cal-
focal mechanisms allow correlation of the present de- culated for the February 24, 1989 earthquake
formation with neotectonics (Fig. 14). Despite the lim- (Dziewonski et al., 1990; Barrientos and Acevedo,
ited data, Lomnitz (1961) attempted to calculate a 1992) is compatible with a N±S-trending dextral strike-
solution for the September 4, 1958 earthquake slip fault, with a NNE-trending maximum compres-
(Santiago region, 33850 ' Latitude S., 70810 ' Longitude sional stress axis. This direction is similar to the calcu-
W). The solution corresponds to a N 013 778W lated Quaternary paleo-stress.
sinistral fault. The slip component could not be calcu- In the southern zone, in the extreme south of the
lated, but the fault strike conforms with the most pro- LOFZ, near the Hudson Volcano and 25 km to the
minent lineaments of the zone. No ®eld evidence of east of the principal fault trace, a shallow crustal
surface rupture was found. In the case of the earthquake was recorded on November 28, 1965.
September 13, 1987 earthquake (100 km SE of According to Chinn and Isacks (1983) and Nelson et
Santiago, 34820 ' Latitude S., 70815 ' Longitude W.), al. (1994) the focal mechanism solution is a dextral
Barrientos and Eisenberg (1988) calculated a solution reverse slip fault trending NNE±SSW which, as for the
compatible with a dextral fault plane (N 027 588 1768). other regions, is similar to Quaternary paleo-stress.
Based on this, the slip vector implies that s1 is con- In relation to seismicity within the zone of study,
tained in a plane striking 1N 0308, similar to the cal- the majority of known earthquakes occur at a depth of
culated paleo-stress direction for this region. more than 10 km. The di€erence in orientation
In the central zone, in the extreme north of the between observed sHmax and the direction of defor-
LOFZ, near the Lonquimay Volcano (38822.5 'S± mation obtained by means of focal mechanisms can be
71835.5 'W), earthquakes were recorded following the explained by local and super®cial perturbations of
1686 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

stress that a€ect data from super®cial levels but not Table 10
Earthquake parameters
data from deeper levels, such as deep earthquakes
(Coblentz and Richardson, 1996). However, it has not Prof. Mg Mg Fault Slip
been possible to demonstrate a relationship between Date South lat. West long. km (mb) (Ms) strike Dip angle
super®cial faults and super®cial earthquakes (between
5 and 25 km of depth) when the earthquake does not 09-04-58a ÿ33883.00 ÿ70816.00 ± ± 6.9 1938 77830' ±
produce a surface rupture (Pardo and Acevedo, 1984). 11-28-65b ÿ45877.00 ÿ72890.00 33 5.4 6.0 ± ± ±
09-13-87c ÿ34820.31 ÿ70815.00 6.7 5.6 5.9 278 588 1768
02-24-89d ÿ38838.00 ÿ71858.00 ± ± 5.3 98 708 1508

7. Strike-slip partitioning a
Lomnitz (1961).
Chinn and Isacks (1983).
Barrientos and Eisenberg (1988).
It is commonly recognized that partitioning of defor- d
Barrientos and Acevedo (1992).
mation occurs in a variety of plate tectonic settings. In
many orogenic belts, with oblique convergence, defor-
mation is partitioned into coeval strike-slip and thrust pressional stress has an average direction of N 0138
faults. According to some authors, stress is partitioned 2228 in the fore arc zone and N 04282 208 in the
(e.g. Zoback et al., 1987; Rice, 1992; Zoback and intra-arc zone (along the LOFZ in particular). Within
Healy, 1992), while according to other authors, strain the fore arc, this somewhat unexpected direction trends
is partitioned (e.g. Oldow et al.,1990; Molnar, 1992; cf. roughly parallel to the plate boundary, here N
Tiko€ and Teyssier, 1994 for further explanation). 0108 2 108. In the intra-arc zone the average direction
Transpression can be described as a combination of of the stress axis (N 04282 208) is oblique to both the
simple shear and pure shear, and it is either wrench plate boundary and the LOFZ. It is obvious that
dominated or pure-shear dominated, on the basis of neither the direction of s1 of the fore arc nor the direc-
the orientation of the instantaneous strain axis (Fossen tion of s1 of the arc can be readily explained in terms
and Tiko€, 1993; Teyssier et al., 1995; Tiko€ and of Teyssier et al. (1995) analysis of bulk transpres-
Saint Blanquat, 1997). sional deformation. In their kinematic model of con-
In the case of central and southern Chile, the angle vergence the direction of s1 for homogeneously
between the direction of convergence of the Nazca distributed transpression can lie at most at 458 with
Plate (0N 798) and the margin of the South American respect to the plate boundary zone (for a slip vector
plate at the level of the Chilean coast and/or the parallel to the plate boundary, i.e. strike-slip defor-
LOFZ (strike ca. N 01082 108) is 698 2 108 (which is mation, which is not the case). Furthermore, in the
considered to have been constant over the past 5± general case of oblique convergence, even if defor-
10 Ma), at a velocity of 7.9 cm/y (DeMets et al., 1994; mation is fully partitioned (i.e. there is a plate-bound-
Tamaki, 1999). ary-parallel discrete zone of simple shear
In order to assess deformation partitioning in the accommodating all the strike-slip components of
context of available models, two stress ®elds, Pliocene motion) s1 would be orthogonal to the plate margin
and Quaternary, have to be considered separately. For away from the zone and lying at 458 within the zone
this analysis we assume that the obtained maximum of simple shear: this is not the case either. Therefore,
principal stress direction (s1) is approximately parallel there must be other variables that control the geometry
to the maximum horizontal axis of the incremental of stress across the southern Andes plate boundary
strain ellipsoid. (i) Field analysis of stress for the zone. We further address this in the discussion.
Pliocene shows that the maximum horizontal compres- As the convergence angle did not change much
sional stress axis has an average direction of N between Miocene and Quaternary, this parameter
0868 2278 in the fore arc zone and an average direc- alone does not explain the change of direction of s1
tion of N 08782 128 in the intra-arc zone. In case of from nearly E±W to almost N±S. However, an import-
convergence obliquity and partitioning of the defor- ant change in velocity is noted from 3 Ma (from 8.4 to
mation as it is demonstrated in Sumatra (Bellier and 7 mm/y), both perpendicular and tangential to the
SeÂbrier, 1994), and according to Teyssier et al. (1995), trench (Engebretson et al., 1986; Engebretson, written
the direction of maximum compressional stress bisects communication).
the angle between plate motion vector and normal to During the Pliocene, the direction of the maximum
plate margin, respectively here N 0798 and N tectonic compressional stress was E±W, and the degree
1008 2108. In the zone of study this direction would of plate-slip-vector partitioning was weak. This defor-
then be 0N 09082 108, very close to the N 0868 and mation corresponded in the Central Andes, and in the
N 0878 average directions found in the ®eld. (ii) northwestern Patagonian Andes of Argentina, to the
Concerning the Quaternary event, ®eld data and stress Pliocene tectonic event (posterior to the Quechua
®eld analysis show that the maximum horizontal com- period) linked with the increasing of the convergence
A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691 1687

with open folds facing east in the intramontane valley

between the Frontal Cordillera and the PreCordillera,
and reverse faults facing east with seismic activity in
the PreCordillera (Kadinsky-Cade et al., 1985; Costa
et al., 1997). In the Sierras Pampeanas there is a thick-
skinned crustal shortening facing east along N±S faults
(Costa and Vita-Finzi, 1996). Further to the north
there is an important deformation of reverse dextral
faults with E±W shortening along the active El Tigre
fault (Siame et al., 1996). To the south of 358S no seis-
micity or active faults have been noted (Chinn and
Isacks, 1983; Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986). The
Sierras Pampeanas and the Sub-Andean Zone disap-
pear in this region, as well as the ¯at slab zone. The
Main Chilean Cordillera comes in direct contact with
the rigid block of the undeformed Argentine basement
(Fig. 1). Active deformations seem to be restricted to
the fore arc zone and, in particular, the volcanic arc
zone. But this deformation is very weak and we have
noted only some reverse faults in the Middle
Quaternary deposits of the Central Depression and we
have nowhere found active faults.
Although the observed directions of shortening are
not compatible with those predicted by simple kin-
ematic models (e.g. Teyssier et al., 1995), partitioning
of oblique convergence may be responsible for the N±
S compression within the fore arc sliver (Fig. 16). In
fact, strike-slip partitioning favours a potential north-
ward displacement of the coastal sliver. Northward
motion is also enhanced by the collision of successive
segments of the Chile Ridge from 14 Ma (e.g. Nelson
et al., 1994). According to Beck (1991) and McCa€rey
(1992), the kinematics of fore arc deformation not
Fig. 16. Potential north-trending motion of the fore arc sliver. only depends on the angle of relative plate convergence
Because of the Buttress Zone and the change of the subduction geo- but also on the geometry of the plate boundary, which
metry, this part of the fore arc is prevented to freely move north- is assumed to be straight in most kinematic models.
ward. North of this buttress zone, N±S compressional deformation is
Convergent margins that are concave towards the sub-
not documented. On the contrary, E±W compressional deformation
developed along the Domeyko Fault System (Niemeyer, 1984; Jolley ducting plate should experience margin-parallel short-
et al., 1990). As in other parts of the Chilean coast, E±W extensional ening because the fore arc zone is prevented from
deformation is documented along the Atacama Fault System. freely moving in the direction of the strike-slip com-
ponent of overall oblique convergence (Fig. 16). Beck
rate between anomalies 5 and 3 (Lavenu et al., 1989; (1991) calls this the `buttress e€ect'. In contrast, fore
Lavenu and Mercier, 1991; Mercier et al., 1992; arc regions that are convex towards the subducting
Noblet et al., 1996; Diraison et al., 1998). During the plate should experience margin-parallel extension as
Quaternary (post-2 Ma), the tectonic regime has been has been demonstrated for several active subduction
mainly characterized by N±S compressional tectonics zones (e.g. McCa€rey, 1992; Dumont et al., 1997).
in the Central depression (fore arc) and by strike-slip The `buttressed' northward motion due to the geo-
movements in the intra-arc and along the LOFZ, metry of the plate margin of the coastal sliver may not
which implies a remarkable change from the Pliocene be the only cause of the observed N±S compression.
stress ®eld. This can be partly explained by a strong Another source of potential buttressing of northward
and usually ignored e€ect of the plate-slip-vector parti- motion can also be the abrupt change in the slab dip
tioning. at 0338S from nearly 308 to subhorizontal. It is note-
In Argentina, to the east of the volcanic arc and the worthy that the N±S compression has only been found
Main Cordillera, a Quaternary deformation is noted, south of 338S, where the Central Depression starts.
1688 A. Lavenu, J. Cembrano / Journal of Structural Geology 21 (1999) 1669±1691

8. Conclusion this work. Reviewers Richard Allmendinger and

Brendan McNulty helped to signi®cantly improve the
The study of recent brittle deformation in the fore text. This is UR6 `Resources, environement, deÂvelope-
arc and intra-arc zones in the Andes of Southern Chile ment', IRD contribution.
between 338 and 468S allows us to demonstrate the
existence of a partition of maximum horizontal com-
pressive stress (sHmax) directions. References
Subsequent to the ductile Mio-Pliocene deformation
AlarcoÂn, B., 1995. GeologõÂ a del area comprendida entre los 41845'±
in the LOFZ, two episodes of brittle deformation 42805' latitud sur y 72825'±72850' longitud oeste, Provincias de
characterized by faults and/or micro-faults owing to Llanquihue y Palena, X RegioÂn. Thesis, University of Chile.
discontinuous shear occurred: Alvarado, P., Barrientos, S., Vera, E., 1997. Sismicidad y estructura
de la corteza en la regioÂn cordillerana de Chile central. VIII8
. during the Pliocene, prior to 3.6±2.8 Ma, a compres- Congreso GeoloÂgico Chileno, vol. 1, pp. 615±615.
sional tectonic event occurred, characterized by an Anderson, E.M., 1951. The Dynamics of Faulting and Dyke
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