Competence. CPSC officials and employees shall provide quality and consistency of the performance of
their duties and responsibilities to the public.
Professionalism. CPSC officials and employees shall perform and discharge their duties with high degree
of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill.
Sincerity. CPSC officials and employees shall strive to provide excellent service by being consistent, agile,
reliable and accessible to all.
Commitment. CPSC officials and employees shall uphold public interest over personal interest and
commit to democratic way of life.
Camiguin Polytechnic State College, an institution of higher learning in the island of Camiguin, commits
to provide quality higher professional, technical instruction, research and extension services, advance
studies and progressive leadership in agriculture, teacher education, engineering and computer studies,
industrial technology, arts and sciences.
4. Forge agreements with other SUCs and line agencies locally and internationally;
6. Improve its key process and procedures in delivering quality instruction and relevant research and
extension services; and
7. Pursue continual improvement on quality management system to become vibrant, empowered and
dynamic institution of higher learning and partner in sustainable development.
CPSC envisions to become a vibrant, empowered and dynamic Institution of higher learning which is
accessible, globally competitive, culturally and morally sensitive towards sustainable eco- tourism and
natural resource development.
Pursuant to Sec. 3 of R.A. 7923, the College shall provide professional, technical and special instructions
for special purposes and to promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive
leadership in Agriculture, Forestry, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, and other relevant studies.
To provide training in the various fields of Engineering and Technology, Agriculture, Arts, Sciences,
Education, Marine Biology and other relevant studies;
To equip the students with skills, positive attitudes, self-knowledge and expertise that would make them
functional and useful members of society;
To cultivate in the students open-mindedness, critical thinking, appreciation for environment, creativity,
resourcefulness and industry;
To offer a balanced education that demands quality performance from among the faculty and maximum
effort from the students;
To establish linkages with government and non-government agencies for training’s of OJT students and
faculty members and job placements and employment opportunities of graduates.