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Flood Routing Hydrology

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Chapter Four

What is Flood
Flood Routing
§ Flood routing is the technique in hydrology to compute
the effect of storage on the shape and movement of
the flood wave.
§ Or flood routing is the technique of determining the
flood hydrograph at a section of a river by utilizing the
data of flood flow at one or more upstream sections.
§ As the wave moves down the river, the shape of the
wave gets modified due to various factors, such as
channel storage, resistance, lateral addition or
withdrawal of flows etc.
The hydrologic analysis of problems such as:
§ Flood forecasting,
§ Flood protection,
§ Reservoir design and
§ Spillway design and outlet structures
invariably include flood routing.
Flood routing methods are broadly classified as:
qHydraulic routing and
q Hydrologic routing.
§ Hydrologic routing: employ essentially the equation
of continuity and a storage function, indicated as
lumped routing.
§ Hydraulic methods: employ the continuity equation
together with the equation of motion of unsteady flow.
§ The basic differential equations used in the hydraulic
routing, known as St. Venant equations afford a better
description of unsteady flow than hydrologic methods.
Flood routing broadly classifies as:
§ Reservoir routing and
§ Channel routing
Reservoir routing
§ The effect of a flood wave entering into the reservoir is
studied to predict the variation of reservoir elevation and
outflow discharge with time. In reservoir routing, the
storage is a unique function of the outflow discharge, S =
f(O). This form of routing is essential:
§ In the design of spillway capacity and other
reservoir outlet structures.
§ In the location and sizing of the capacity of
reservoirs to meet specific requirements.
3 Methods of reservoir routing
§ Trial and Error method;
§ Modified Pul’s Method; and
§ Goodrich method.
Trial and Error method of Reservoir Routing
§ This method is widely adopted with the aid of computer
to reduce tedious calculations.
§ The basic equations are arranged into:
I1 + I 2 O1 + O 2
.D t = .D t + ( S 2 - S 1 )
2 2
§ The procedure involves assuming of a particular level in
the reservoir at the end of the interval Δt, and computing
the values on the right side.
§ The summation of O1 + O 2 .Dt and (S2- S1) is Compared
I1 + I 2
with the known value of .D t
If the two values tally, then the assumed reservoir
elevation at the end of the interval is supposed to be ok;
otherwise this is changed, and the process is repeated
until the required matching is obtained.
The following procedures are adopted:
Data to be given:
§ Inflow hydrograph
§ Elevation capacity curve or elevation area curve
§ Elevation outflow curve
Steps involved in computations
i. Divide the inflow flood hydrograph into a number of
small intervals. The time interval should be chosen not to
miss the peak values.
ii. Fix the normal pool level at which the spillway crest is
provided and the level at which the flood enters the
iii. Workout the spillway and the outlet discharge rating
curve, if not given.
iv. Workout the elevation – capacity curve for the reservoir
from the elevation area curve, if the former is not given,
using cone formula,
å 3[ ]
V = A1 + A2 + A1 A2 where h is contour interval
v. Start with the first interval and compute the total
inflow during the interval by multiplying the average
inflow rate at the beginning and the end of the
interval, with the period of the interval.
I1 + I 2
IV = (Dt)
Where I1 = inflow rate at the start of the time interval
I2 = inflow rate at the end of the interval
Δt = duration of the interval
IV = total inflow volume during the interval
§ The reservoir level at the start of the flood is known.
Assume a trial value for the reservoir level at the end of
the interval.
vi. Compute the total outflow during the interval.
O1 + O 2
OV = (Dt )
Where O1 = outflow rate at the start of the time interval,
corresponding to the given reservoir level
O2 = outflow rate at the end of the interval,
corresponding to the assumed reservoir level
Δt = duration of the interval
OV = total outflow volume during the interval,
vii. Using the elevation – storage curve for the reservoir,
determine the storage S1 and S2 at the beginning and the
end of the interval, corresponding to the known and
assumed reservoir levels, respectively.

viii.Their difference S2 – S1 = ΔS, represent the amount of

flood stored in the reservoir during the interval.
ix. Add the volume of outflow OV obtained in step (vi)
to the values of ΔS obtained in step (viii) and
compare it with the inflow volume IV, calculated in
step v. The two values must be equal (IV = OV+ ΔS).
If this is ok, the assumed reservoir level is correct,
otherwise, change it and repeat the procedure till this
coincidence is obtained.
x. All the above steps should be repeated for other
time intervals, till the entire flood is routed or still
further, the reservoir level returns to pre-flood pool
xi. Outflow ordinates are plotted so as to obtain the
hydrograph. The point at which it crosses the inflow
hydrograph gives the outflow rate. From this time,
the rate of outflow begins to fall due to decrease in
the inflow rate.
xii. The time lag between the two peak is evaluated as
to give the lag time.
Modified Pul’s Method
The basic equation is rearranged into the form:
I1 + I 2 æ O1 D t ö æ O 2 Dt ö
.D t + ç S 1 - ÷ = ç S2 + ÷
2 è 2 ø è 2 ø
§ At the starting of flood routing , the initial storage
and outflow discharges are known.
§ In the equation all the terms in the left hand side are
known at the beginning of the time step ∆t.
§ Hence, the value of the functionæç S 2 + O 2 Dt ö÷ at the end
è 2 ø
of the time step is calculated.
§ Since, the relation S = S(h) and Q = Q(h) are known,
æ O 2 Dt ö
ç 2
S + ÷ will be determined at the end of the time step.
è 2 ø
§ The procedure is repeated to cover the full inflow
hydrograph .
Computation procedures
1. From the known storage - elevation and discharge–
elevation data prepare a curve of æç S 2 + O 2 Dt ö÷ vs
elevation. è 2 ø

§ Δt is any chosen interval approximately 20 to 40% of

the time of rise of the inflow hydrograph.
2. On the same plot prepare a curve of outflow discharge
vs elevation.
3. The storage, elevation and outflow discharge at the
starting of the routing are known.
æ I1 + I 2 ö æ O1 Dt ö
For the first time interval Δt, ç ÷ Dt and ç 1
S + ÷ are
æ O 2 Dt ö è 2 ø è 2 ø
known and ç S 2 + ÷ is determined.
è 2 ø æ O 2 Dt ö
4. The water surface - elevation corresponding to ç S 2 + 2 ÷
è ø
is found by using the plot of step 1. The outflow
discharge Q2 at the end of the time step Δt is found
from plot step 2.
æ O 2 Dt ö æ O Dt ö
5. Deducting Q2 Δt from è 2 ç S + ÷
2 ø gives çç S - 2 ÷÷ for
the beginning of the next time step. è ø1

6. The procedure is repeated till the entire inflow æç S 2 + O 2 Dt ö÷

hydrograph is routed. è 2 ø
Goodrich Method
§ Goodrich Method rearranged the basic equation as:
2 S 2 2 S1
I 1 + I 2 - Q1 - Q 2 = -
Dt Dt

§ The suffix 1 and 2 stands for beginning and ending of

a time Δt. Collecting the known and initial values:
æ 2S1 ö æ 2S 2 ö
(I 1 + I 2 ) - ç - Q1 ÷ = ç + Q2 ÷
è Dt ø è Dt ø
§ For a given time step, the left hand side of the equation
is known and the term æç 2 S + Q ö÷ is determined by
using the above eqn. è D t ø2
§ From the known storage - elevation - discharge data,
æ 2S ö
the function ç + Qestablished
is ÷ as a function of
è Dt ø2
§ Hence, the discharge, elevation and storage at the end
of the time step are obtained. For the next time step,
éæ 2 S ö ù of the previous step
ê ç + Q ÷ - 2Q 2ú
ëè D t ø2 û
æ 2S ö
=ç - Q ÷ for use as the initial values.
è Dt ø1
Channel routing
§ Changes in the shape of a hydrograph as it travels
down a channel is studied.
§ This form of routing aims to predict the flood
hydrograph at a various sections of the reach.
§ Information on the flood-peak attenuation and the
duration of high-water levels obtained by channel
routing is a most importance in flood forecasting
operations and flood protection works.
§ A flood hydrograph is modified in two ways as the
storm water flows downstream.
§ Firstly, the time of the peak rate of flow occurs later
at downstream points.
§ This is known as translation.
§ Secondly, the magnitude of the peak rate of flow is
diminished at downstream points, the shape of the
hydrograph flattens out, and the volume at the
floodwater takes longer to pass a lower section.
§ This modification of the hydrograph is called

Figure: Flood translation and attenuation

§ In channel routing the storage is a function of both
outflow and inflow discharges and hence a different
routing method is needed.
§ The flow in a river during a flood is gradually varied
unsteady flow.
§ For a river reach the storage in the reach may be split
in two parts: Prism storage and wedge storage
Prism Storage: volume that would exist if uniform
flow occurred at the downstream depth, i.e. the volume
formed by an imaginary plane parallel to the channel
bottom drawn at a direct function of the stage at the
downstream end of the reach.
§ The surface is taken parallel to the river bottom ignoring
the variation in the surface in the reach relative to the
§ Both the storage and the outflow can be described as a
single function of the downstream water level and the
storage is a single function of the out flow alone.
§ Wedge Storage: wedge-like volume formed b/n the
actual water surface profile and the top surface of the
prism storage.
§ It exists because the inflow, I, differs from O and so may
be assumed to be a function of the difference between
inflow and outflow, (I-O).

Figure : Determining storage in a river reach

§ At a fixed depth at a downstream section of river reach,
prism storage is constant while the wedge storage
changes from a positive value at the advancing flood
wave to a negative value during a receding flood.
§ The total storage in the channel reach can be generally
represented by: S = f1(O)+f2(I-O)
§ And this can then be expressed as:
S = K (x Im + (1-x)Om)
§ Where K and x are coefficients and m is a constant
§ It has been found that the value of m varies from 0.6
for rectangular channels to value of about 1.0 for
natural channels.
Muskingum Method of Routing
§ Using m =1 for natural channels, equation, reduces to
a linear relationship for S in terms of I and Q as
S= K (x I+ (1-x)Q
§ This relationship is known as the Muskingum
Equation. In this the parameter x is known as
weighing factor and take a value between 0 and 0.5.
§ When x = 0, obviously the storage is a function of
discharge only and equation reduces to:
S = KQ
§ Such storage is known as linear storage or linear
reservoir. When x= 0.5 both the inflow and out flow
are equally important in determining the storage.
§ The coefficient K is known as storage-time constant
and has dimensions of time.
§ K is approximately equal to the time of travel of a
flood wave through the channel reach.
§ The continuity equation in finite difference form,
S2 - S1 = {(I1+I2)Δt}/2 - {(O1+O2) Δt}/2
§ For a given channel reach by selecting a routing
interval Δt and using the Muskingum equation, the
change in storage can be determined.
S1 = K(xI1 + (1-x) O1)
S2 = K(xI2 + (1-x) O2)
§ Note that ΣC=1 and
§ If C1 and C2 are known then C3 can been found
§ Thus the outflow at the end of a time step is the
weighted sum of the starting inflow and outflow and
the ending inflow.
§ It has been found that best results will be obtained
when routing interval should be so chosen that
K>Δt >2kx.
§ If Δt < 2kx, the coefficient C2 will be negative.
Application of the Muskingum Method
§ In order to use equation for Oi+1, it is necessary to
know K and x for calculating the coefficients, C.
§ Using recorded hydrographs of a flood at the
beginning and end of the river reach, trial values of
x are taken, and for each trial the weighted flows in
the reach, [xI+(1-x)O], are plotted against the
actual storages determined from the inflow and out
flow hydrographs as indicated in the following

Figure : Trial plots for Muskingum X values

§ When the looping plots of the weighted discharge
against storages have been narrowed down so that
the values for the rising stage and the falling stage
for a particular value of x merge together to form
the best approximation to a straight line, then that x
value is used, and the slope of the straight line
gives the required value of K. for natural channels,
the best plot is often curved, making a straight line
slope difficult to estimate.
Simple Non-storage Routing
§ Relationship between flood events and stages at
upstream and downstream points in a single river reach
can be established by correlating known floods and
stages at certain conditions.
§ The information could be obtained from flood marks
on river banks and bridge sides.
§ Measurements/estimates of floods can then be related
to known the level of the flood at the upstream and
downstream locations.
§ Then, it is possible to give satisfactory forecasts of the
downstream peak stage from an upstream peak stage

Figure: Peak stage relationship Peak H downstream (m)

§ The time of travel of the hydrograph crest (peak flow)
also need to be determined to know the complete trace
of modification of the wave. Curves of upstream stage
plotted against time travel to the required downstream

Peak travel time to downstream point

Figure: Flood Peak travel time
§ Due to the complex nature of rainfall-runoff
relationships these simple methods allow only for
average conditions.
§ Flood events can have many different causes that
produce flood hydrographs of different shapes.
§ The advantages of these simple methods are:
o They can be developed for stations with only stage
measurements and no rating curve, and
o They are quick and easy to apply.
Storage Routing
§ When a storm event occurs, an increased amount of water
flows down the river and the channel reach received a
greater volume of water than usual contained in temporary
§ If the inflow flood hydrograph is given as I with time T1
then the flood volume given by the area under the inflow
§ Similarly, at the lower end of the reach, with an outflow
hydrograph ,O, the flood is given by the area under the
§ Lateral and tributary inflows can be neglected, and by the
principle of continuity, the volume of inflow equals the
T1 T3
volume of outflow, i.e. the flood volume
V = ò Idt = ò Odt
0 T2
T 1
§ With time T, an amount has entered the reach

and an amount has left the reach.

§ The difference must be stored within the reach, so
the amount of storage, S, within the reach at time
t = T given by

§ The principle of hydrologic flood routings (both

reservoir and channel) uses the continuity equation
in the form of “Inflow minus outflow equals rate of
change of storage”. i.e.
Where: It = Inflow in to the reach
Ot = Outflow from the reach
dS/dt = Rate of change of storage within the reach.
Alternatively, the continuity (storage) equation can be
stated as in a small time interval ∆t the difference between
the total inflow volume and total outflow volume in a
reach is equal to the change in storage in that reach, i.e.,

Where, I = average inflow in time ∆t

O = average outflow in time ∆t
∆S = change in storage
∆t = routing period.
This equation can be rewritten as:

§ The time interval ∆t should be sufficiently short so that

the inflow and out flow hydrographs can be assumed
to be straight line in that interval.
§ As a rule of thumb ∆t ≤1/6 of the time to peak of the
inflow hydrograph is required.
§ The continuity equation (I-Q = dS/dt), forms basis for
all the storage routing methods.
§ The routing problem consists of finding Q as a
function of time, given I as a function of time, and
having information or making assumptions about
storage, S.
Reservoir or level pool routing
§ A flood wave I(t) enters a reservoir provided with an
outlet such as a spillway.
§ The outflow is a function of the reservoir elevation
only, i.e., O = O (h).
§ The storage in the reservoir is a function of the flow
reservoir elevation, S = S(h).
§ The water level in the reservoir changes with time,
h = h(t)
§ The storage and discharge change with time.
§ It is required to find the variation of S, h and O with
time, i.e., find S=S (t), O = O (t) and h = h (t), given
I =I (t)

Storage routing depending on the forms of the outlet

relations for O(h) will be available.
For reservoir routing, the following data have to be
1. Storage volume versus elevation for the reservoir
2. Water surface elevation versus out flow and hence
storage versus outflow discharge
3. Inflow hydrograph, I= I(t); and
4. Initial values of S, I and O at time t = 0
§ The finite difference form of the continuity equation
(Equation can be rewritten as:

§ Where, (I1+I2)/2= I ; (O1+ O2)/2 = O and S2-S1=∆S

and suffixes 1 and 2 to denote the beginning and end of
the time interval ∆t
§ Rearranging the equation to get the unknowns S2 and
O2 on one side of the equation and to adjust the O1
term to produce:
§ S is a function of O, [(S/∆t) + (O/2)] and also a specific
function of O for a given ∆t).
§ Replacing {(S/∆t) + (O/2)} by G, for simplification, the
equation can be written:

Where: Im = (I1 + I2)/2

§ To apply this method we need also the G-O relation.
§ The latter is easily established from S-H and O-H
relations, where for equal values of H, S and O are
determined; after which the proper interval ∆t the G-O
relation is established.

§ Note that G is dependent on the chosen routing

interval ∆t.
§ The routing period, ∆t, has to be chosen small
enough such that the assumption of a linear
change of flow rates, I and O, during ∆t is
acceptable (as a guide, ∆t should be less than 1/6
of the time of rise of the inflow hydrograph).
So, in short, the method consists of three steps:
1. Inspect the inflow hydrograph and select the
routing interval: ∆t ≤ 1/6 time to peak
2. Establish the G-O relation
3. Carry out the routing according to equation
4. A useful check on the validity of any level pool
routing calculation is that the peak of the outflow
hydrograph should occur at the intersection of the
inflow and out flow hydrograph on the same plot.
At that point, I = O, so ds/dt = 0, i.e. storage is a
maximum and therefore O is a maximum. Therefore,
the temporary storage is depleted.
Hydraulic method of Flood Routing
Reading Assignment
• The hydraulic method of flood routing is essentially a
solution of the basic St. Venant equations.
• These equations are simultaneous, quasi- linear, first
order partial differential equations of the hyperbolic type
and are not amenable to general analytical solution of
these equations. They are two types:
§ Approximate method
§ Complete numerical methods
Example 1
A Reservoir has the following elevation, discharge and
storage relationships.
Elevation (m) Storage (Mm3) Outflow (m3/s)
100 3.35 0
100.5 3.472 10
101 3.88 26
101.5 4.383 46
102 4.882 72
102.5 5.37 100
102.8 5.527 116
103 5.856 130
When the reservoir level was at 100.5m, the following
flood hydrograph entered into the reservoir.
Time (h) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
I(m3/s) 10 20 55 80 73 58 46 36 55 20 15 13 11

Route the flood and

I. Obtain the outflow hydrograph and
II. Reservoir elevation Vs time curve during the passage
of the flood wave.

Elevation Starage Outflow (S + Q∆t/2)

(m) (Mm3) (m3/s) (Mm3)
100 3.35 0 3.35
100.5 3.472 10 3.58
101 3.88 26 4.161
101.5 4.383 46 4.88
102 4.882 72 5.66
102.5 5.37 100 6.45
102.8 5.527 116 6.78
103 5.856 130 7.26

æ QDt ö æ Dt ö æ QDt ö
çS + ÷ = ç (I1 + I 2 ) ÷ + ç S - ÷
è 2 ø è 2 ø1 è 2 ø

§ The water surface elevation corresponding to

(S + Q∆t/2) = 3.686Mm3 is 100.62m and the
corresponding outflow discharge is Q is 13m3/s.
For the next step, initial value of (S - Q∆t/2) =
(S + Q∆t/2) of the previous step - Q∆t
= (3.686-13*0.0216) = 3.405Mm3
The process is repeated for the entire inflow
Flood routing through a reservoir = modified Pul’s method
Time Inflow I Ī Ī*Δt S - QΔt/2 S+ QΔt/2 Elevation Q
(h) (m3/s) (m3/s) (Mm3) (Mm3) (Mm3) (m) (m3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 100.5 10
0 15 0.324 3.362 3.636
6 20 37.5 0.81 3.405 4.215 100.62 13
12 55 67.5 1.458 3.632 5.09 101.04 27
18 80 76.5 1.652 3.945 5.597 101.64 53
24 73 65.5 1.415 4.107 5.522 101.96 69
30 58 52 1.123 4.096 5.219 101.91 66
36 46 41 0.886 3.988 4.874 101.72 57
42 36 31.75 0.686 3.902 4.588 101.48 48
48 27.5 23.75 0.513 3.789 4.302 101.3 37
54 20 17.5 0.378 3.676 4.054 100.1 25
60 15 14 0.302 3.557 3.859 100.93 23
66 13 12 0.259 3.47 3.729 100.77 18
72 11 3.427 100.65 14
Δt = 6h = 0.0216Ms, Ī = (I1+I2)/2
Peak lag 7.2 hr
Peak attenuetion
70 10m3/s

Discharge (m3/s)

40 Outflow Hydrograph

20 Inflow Hydrograph
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (hr)
Fig. variation of inflow and outflow discharge
Initial elevation =100.5
Reservoir Elevation (m)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Time (hr)

Fig. variation of reservoir elevation with time

Example 2: by Goodrich method
Route the following flood hydrograph through the
reservoir of example 1 by Goodrich method.
Time (h) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
Inflow (m3/s) 10 30 85 140 125 96 75 60 46 35 25 20

The initial conditions are:

§ t = 0 and
§ Reservoir elevation is 100.60m

§ Time increment ∆t = 6h = 0.0216Ms is chosen.

Using the known storage – elevation – discharge
data the following table is prepared.
§ Graph of Q vs elevation and (2S/∆t + Q) vs
elevation is prepared.
Elevation Starage Outflow 2S/∆t + Q
(m) (Mm3) Q(m3/s) (m3/s)
100 3.35 0 310.2
100.5 3.472 10 331.5
101 3.88 26 385.3
101.5 4.383 46 451.8
102 4.882 72 524
102.5 5.37 100 597.2
102.75 5.527 116 627.8
103 5.856 130 672.2

Fig. Goodrich method of routing


§ At t = 0, elevation = 100.60m and from the figure

Q = 12m3/s and
(2S/∆t + Q) = 340m3/s
(2S/∆t - Q) = 340 – 24 = 316m3/s
§ For the first time interval of 6h,
§ I1 = 10,
§ I2 = 30,
§ Q1 = 12, and
§ (2s/∆t + Q) = (10 + 30) + 316m3/s) = 356m3/s

§ From the fig. the reservoir elevation for 356m3/s

(2S/∆t + Q)2 is 100.74m.
§ For the next time increment (2S/∆t - Q)1 = 356 -
2*17 = 322m3/s.
§ The procedure is repeated till the entire flood
§ The accuracy depends upon the value of ∆t chosen,
smaller values of ∆t gives a greater accuracy.
Table: reservoir routing – Goodrich method ∆t = 6.0h = 0.0216Ms
Time Inflow I1 + I2 2s/Δt- Q 2s/Δt+ Q Elevation Discharge
(h) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m) (Q)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 340
0 40 316 356 100.6 12
6 115 322 437 100.74 17
12 85 225 357 582 101.38 40
18 140 265 392 657 102.92 95
24 125 231 403 624 102.7 127
30 96 171 400 571 102.32 112
36 75 135 391 526 102.02 90
42 106 380 486 101.74 73
48 81 372 453 101.51 57
54 35 60 361 421 101.28 46
60 25 45 347 392 101.02 37
66 20 335 27
Exercise 1
The Muskingum constants, K and x, are estimated for a
given river reach to be 12 hr and 0.2. Assuming an
initial steady flow, determine the peak discharge at the
downstream end of the reach for the inflow hydrograph
shown in the table below.
Time from start of
rise (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
Inflow (m3s-1) 25 32.5 58 65 59 49.5 42.5 35
Exercise 2
Discharge measurements at two gauging stations for a flood
flow on the River in Ethiopia are given in Table.
It is assumed that there are no tributaries to the river between
the upstream stations A and the downstream station B.
Apply the Muskingum method of flood routing to derive a
model for calculating sequential outflows at the downstream
end of the reach from measured flows at A.
From the given inflows, derive the computed peak outflow
discharge and its time of arrival at B.

Time (h) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
A(m3s-1) 595 1699 3837 5636 4305 3059 2271
B(m3s-1) 130 496 1189 2209 3087 3823 3781
Time (h) 28 32 36 40 44 48
A(m3s-1) 1756 1359 1062 830 637 504
B(m3s-1) 3285 2393 1841 1416 1147 850

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