Flood Routing Hydrology
Flood Routing Hydrology
Flood Routing Hydrology
What is Flood
Flood Routing
§ Flood routing is the technique in hydrology to compute
the effect of storage on the shape and movement of
the flood wave.
§ Or flood routing is the technique of determining the
flood hydrograph at a section of a river by utilizing the
data of flood flow at one or more upstream sections.
§ As the wave moves down the river, the shape of the
wave gets modified due to various factors, such as
channel storage, resistance, lateral addition or
withdrawal of flows etc.
The hydrologic analysis of problems such as:
§ Flood forecasting,
§ Flood protection,
§ Reservoir design and
§ Spillway design and outlet structures
invariably include flood routing.
Flood routing methods are broadly classified as:
qHydraulic routing and
q Hydrologic routing.
§ Hydrologic routing: employ essentially the equation
of continuity and a storage function, indicated as
lumped routing.
§ Hydraulic methods: employ the continuity equation
together with the equation of motion of unsteady flow.
§ The basic differential equations used in the hydraulic
routing, known as St. Venant equations afford a better
description of unsteady flow than hydrologic methods.
Flood routing broadly classifies as:
§ Reservoir routing and
§ Channel routing
Reservoir routing
§ The effect of a flood wave entering into the reservoir is
studied to predict the variation of reservoir elevation and
outflow discharge with time. In reservoir routing, the
storage is a unique function of the outflow discharge, S =
f(O). This form of routing is essential:
§ In the design of spillway capacity and other
reservoir outlet structures.
§ In the location and sizing of the capacity of
reservoirs to meet specific requirements.
3 Methods of reservoir routing
§ Trial and Error method;
§ Modified Pul’s Method; and
§ Goodrich method.
Trial and Error method of Reservoir Routing
§ This method is widely adopted with the aid of computer
to reduce tedious calculations.
§ The basic equations are arranged into:
I1 + I 2 O1 + O 2
.D t = .D t + ( S 2 - S 1 )
2 2
§ The procedure involves assuming of a particular level in
the reservoir at the end of the interval Δt, and computing
the values on the right side.
§ The summation of O1 + O 2 .Dt and (S2- S1) is Compared
I1 + I 2
with the known value of .D t
If the two values tally, then the assumed reservoir
elevation at the end of the interval is supposed to be ok;
otherwise this is changed, and the process is repeated
until the required matching is obtained.
The following procedures are adopted:
Data to be given:
§ Inflow hydrograph
§ Elevation capacity curve or elevation area curve
§ Elevation outflow curve
Steps involved in computations
i. Divide the inflow flood hydrograph into a number of
small intervals. The time interval should be chosen not to
miss the peak values.
ii. Fix the normal pool level at which the spillway crest is
provided and the level at which the flood enters the
iii. Workout the spillway and the outlet discharge rating
curve, if not given.
iv. Workout the elevation – capacity curve for the reservoir
from the elevation area curve, if the former is not given,
using cone formula,
å 3[ ]
V = A1 + A2 + A1 A2 where h is contour interval
v. Start with the first interval and compute the total
inflow during the interval by multiplying the average
inflow rate at the beginning and the end of the
interval, with the period of the interval.
I1 + I 2
IV = (Dt)
Where I1 = inflow rate at the start of the time interval
I2 = inflow rate at the end of the interval
Δt = duration of the interval
IV = total inflow volume during the interval
§ The reservoir level at the start of the flood is known.
Assume a trial value for the reservoir level at the end of
the interval.
vi. Compute the total outflow during the interval.
O1 + O 2
OV = (Dt )
Where O1 = outflow rate at the start of the time interval,
corresponding to the given reservoir level
O2 = outflow rate at the end of the interval,
corresponding to the assumed reservoir level
Δt = duration of the interval
OV = total outflow volume during the interval,
vii. Using the elevation – storage curve for the reservoir,
determine the storage S1 and S2 at the beginning and the
end of the interval, corresponding to the known and
assumed reservoir levels, respectively.
æ QDt ö æ Dt ö æ QDt ö
çS + ÷ = ç (I1 + I 2 ) ÷ + ç S - ÷
è 2 ø è 2 ø1 è 2 ø
Discharge (m3/s)
40 Outflow Hydrograph
20 Inflow Hydrograph
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (hr)
Fig. variation of inflow and outflow discharge
Initial elevation =100.5
Reservoir Elevation (m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (hr)
Time (h) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
A(m3s-1) 595 1699 3837 5636 4305 3059 2271
B(m3s-1) 130 496 1189 2209 3087 3823 3781
Time (h) 28 32 36 40 44 48
A(m3s-1) 1756 1359 1062 830 637 504
B(m3s-1) 3285 2393 1841 1416 1147 850