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IEC 60034-2004 R otating Ele ctrical Machine s
IEC 60038-2002 IEC Standard Voltage s
IEC 60044/61869 Instrum e nt Transform e rs
IEC 60059-1999 Standa rd C urre nt R atings
IEC 60071 Insulation Co-ordination
IEC 60076 Powe r Transform e rs
IEC 60079 Ele ctrical Apparatus for Ex plosive Gas Atm osphe re s (Hazardous Are a C lassification)
IEC 60092 Ele ctrical Installations on Ships
IEC 60309 Plugs, Sock e t O utle ts and C ouple rs for Industrial Purpose s
IEC 60332-3 Ele ctrica l C a ble unde r Fla m e re ta rda nt
IEC 60364 Ele ctrical installations of buildings
IEC 60364-5-51 Se le ctio n a nd e re ctio n o f e le ctrica l e quipm e nt-co m m o n rule s
IEC 60364-5-52 Se le ctio n a nd e re ctio n o f e le ctrica l e quipm e nt-wiring syste m s
IEC 60364-5-54 Se le ctio n a nd e re ctio n o f e le ctrica l e quipm e nt-e a rthing a rra nge m e nts a nd pro te ctive co nducto rs
IEC 60227 PVC Insulate d C able s of R ate d Voltage s upto and including 450/750 V
IEC 60228 C onductors of Insulate d C able s
IEC 60255 Ele ctrical R e lays
IEC 60309-1 Plugs,Sock e t-O utle ts a nd C ouple rs for Industrial Purpo se s
IEC 60439 Lo w Vo lta ge Switchge a r a nd C o ntro lge a r Asse m blie s
IEC 60502-1 Powe r C able s with e x trude d Insulation and the ir acce ssorie s for R ate d Voltage s
IEC 60529 De gre e s of Prote ction Provide d By Enclosure s (IP C ode s)
IEC 60617 Graphical Sym bols For Diagram s
IEC 60909 Short C ircuit C urre nts in Thre e Phase AC Syste m
IEC 60947 Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear
IEC 61000 Ele ctrom agne tic C om patibility
IEC 61238 C able Lugs for Ele ctrical Installations
IEC 61363 Short C ircuit C urre nt Transie nts
IEC 61537 C able Trays & Ladde rs
IEC 62271 High Voltage Switchgear and Controlge ar
IEC 62040 UPS
IEC 62444 C able Glands for Ele ctrical Installations
IEC 60027 Lette r Sym bols to be Use d in Ele ctrical Te chnology
IEC 60050 Inte rnational Ele ctrote chnical Vocabulary


IEEE Std 399-1997 (The Brown Book - Powe r Syste m s Analysis)
IEEE Std 399 PS Analysis
IEEE Std 242-1986 Prote ction and C oordination of Industrial and C om m e rcial Powe r Syste m s
IEEE Std 80-1986 IEEE guide for safe ty in AC substation grounding
IEEE Std C 37.97-1979 IEEE Guide for Prote ctive R e lay Applications to Powe r Syste m Buse s
IEEE Std 141-1993 (The R e d Book - Powe r Distribution)
IEEE Std 142-1991 (The Gre e n Book - Grounding)
IEEE Std 241-1990 (The Gray Book - C om m e rcial Buildings)
IEEE Std 242-2001 (The Buff Book - Prote ction and C oordination)
IEEE Std 1015-2006 (The Blue Book - Low-Voltage C ircuit Bre ak e rs)
IEEE Std C 57 Transform e rs
IEEE C 67.92-1987 IEEE Guide For The Application O f Ne utral Grounding In Ele ctrical Utility Syste m s Part I


API 500 Hazardous Are a C lassification - Divisions
API 505 Hazardous Are a C lassification - Zone s
API 650 Grounding
API 651 Ca thodic Protection

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