Institute of Education and Teacher Training: Charlyn Joy Abaňas Btle-He2B Educ 102 - The Teaching Profession
Institute of Education and Teacher Training: Charlyn Joy Abaňas Btle-He2B Educ 102 - The Teaching Profession
Institute of Education and Teacher Training: Charlyn Joy Abaňas Btle-He2B Educ 102 - The Teaching Profession
In the field of education and teaching all decisions must be sure and be
mindful of the aftermath and learn for yourself to accept them wholeheartedly
and willingly because it’s your decisions after all. It is not a game to be
considered but it is a lifelong plan and decision. "Teach to live" I’m not biased
but, it is practical in today's time to say it. With the amount of opportunity that
comes out and continues to come out for people who want to have a good job,
life, security for themselves and for their family. But they are more likely to
forget what they want, so they choose this proposition for the main reason
"security" and the true desire of their heart is no longer followed because of the
personal reason that pushed them to choose it.
"Live to teach" if you think about, it is easy and simple but sometimes
had it occur to you to ask yourself once, of what your heart truly desire? You
have to know for yourself what your value is because that is the first thing to
be sure of what you are going through that is why you are making plans and
choices. Many of us miss this factor, so we get into awkward situations where
we get tired and lose interest in what we do because we don't like it and we’re
only pushing ourselves to do great that tend to be the factor where we usually
lose control and then quit without showing a fight in your own battle because
you yourself is just a push over of what you are doing and planning to do in
the future. Teaching is like being a mother and father it needs determination,
diligence, perseverance and most of all it is a long term responsibility.