Environmental Studies (Evs301S & Evs401S)
Environmental Studies (Evs301S & Evs401S)
Environmental Studies (Evs301S & Evs401S)
1.The term ‘Environment’ has been derived from the French word ……………………which
means to encircle or surround
a) Environ b) Oikos
c) geo d) Aqua
Answer: (a)
2. The objective of environmental education is
a) Raise consciousness about environmental conditions
b) To teach environmentally appropriate behaviour
c) Create an environmental ethic d) All the above
Answer: (d)
3. Biosphere is
a) The solid shell of inorganic materials on the surface of the earth
b) The thin shell of organic matter on the surface of the earth compromising of all the
living things c) The sphere which occupies the maximum
volume of all the spheres d) All the above
Answer: (b)
4. Atmosphere consists of 79 percent Nitrogen and 21 percent Oxygen by
a) Volume b) Weight
c) Density d) All the three
Answer: (a)
5. Which of the following is a biotic component of the ecosystem?
a) Fungi b) Solar light
c) Temperature d) Humidity
Answer: (a)
6. In an ecosystem, the flow of energy is
a) Bidirectional b) Cyclic
c) Unidirectional d) Multidirectional
Answer: (c)
7. Which pyramid is always upright
a) Energy b) Biomass
c) Numbers d) Food chain
Answer: (c)
8.The organisms which directly feed on producers are called
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores
c) Decomposers d) Saprophytes
Answer: (a)
9. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called
a) Food chain b) Carbon cycle
C) Hydrological cycle D) Anthroposystem
Answer: (a)
10. Which of the following statements is false?
a) Inorganic nutrients are recycled in an ecosystem
b) Energy flows through the ecosystem in the form of carbon-carbon bonds
c) Energy is recycled in an ecosystem d) Respiration process release energy
Answer: (b)
11. The largest reservoir of nitrogen in our planet is
a) Oceans b) Atmosphere
c) Biosphere d) Fossil fuels
Answer: (b)
12. In aquatic ecosystems phyto planktons can be considered as a
a) consumer b) producer
c) saprotrophic organisms d) macroconsumer
Answer: (b)
13. The basic requirements of human beings are provide by
a) Industrialisation b) Agriculture
c) Nature d )Urbanisation
Answer: (c)
14. Environment is the life support system that includes
a) Air b) Water
c) Land d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
15. In an ecosystem biological cycling of materials is maintained by
a) Producer b) Consumer
c) Decomposer d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
16. Organisms which feed directly or indirectly on producers are called
a) Prey b) Consumers
c) Decomposers d) Detritus
Answer: (b)
17. The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are
a) Chlorophyll containing trees and plants b)Herbivores
c ) Carnivores d) Bacteria and other micro-organisms
Answer: (a)
18. Abiotic component includes
a) soil b) temperature
c) water d) All the above
Answer: (d)
19. Which of the following statements is true
a) Green plants are self nourishing b) Producers depends on consumers
c) Biotic components includes all non-living components
d) Herbivores depend on carnivores
Answer: (c)
20. Primary consumer is
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores
c) Macro consumers d) Omnivores
Answer: (a)
21. A predator is
a) An animal that is fed upon b) An animal that feeds upon another animal
c) Animal that feeds upon both plants and animals
d) A primary consumer
Answer: (b)
22. The word ‘Environment’ is derived from
a) Greek b) French
c) Spanish d) English
Answer: (b)
23. The major atmospheric gas layer in stratosphere is
a) Hydrogen b) Carbon dioxide
c) Ozone d) Helium
Answer: (c)
24. Which atmospheric sphere is closest to the earth surface?
a)Troposphere b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere d)Exosphere
Answer: (a)
25.Which of the following is the terrestrial ecosystem?
a)forest b) grassland
c) desert d) all of the above
Answer: (d)
26. Ecological pyramids are studies of
a) pyramid numbers b) pyramid of biomass
c) pyramid of energy d) all of the above
Answer: (d)
27. World environment day is on
a) 5th may b) 5th june
c) 18th july d) 16th august
Answer: (b)
28. Which of the following is absorbed by green plants from the atmosphere?
a) carbon dioxide b) water
c) nutrients d) all of the above
Answer: (a)
29. A food web consists of
a) a portion of food chain b) an organisms position in a food chain
c) interlocking food chains d) a set of similar consumers
Answer: (c)
30. Which of the following statements is true?
a) Man is not dependent on nature
b) Resources are unlimited, so one can use them as per one’s wish
c) Energy can be converted from one form to another, but some percentage of it is lost
into the environment
d) Matter can be generated afresh. It need not be recycled or reused
Answer: (c)
31. Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled to ensure food security?
a) Food must be available b) Each person must have access to it
c) Food utilized/consumed must fulfill nutritional requirements
d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
32.Which of the following is not the environmental effect of industrialisation, in general?
a. solid waste b. water pollution
c. air pollution d. economic growth
Answer: (d)
33. Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?
a. air pollution b. water pollution
c. soil degradation d. all of the above
Answer: (d)
34. Sustainable development means
a. meeting present needs without compromising on future needs
b. progress of human beings
c. balance between human needs and the ability of earth to provide the resources
d. all of the above
Answer: (a)
35. The most important remedy to avoid negative impact due to industrialisation is
a. industry should be closed b. don’t allow new industrial units
c. industry should treat all the wastes generated by it before disposal
d. industries should be shifted far away from human habitats
Answer: (d)
36. Mining means
a. to conserve and preserve minerals b. to check pollution due to mineral resources
c. to extract minerals and ores d. none
Answer: (c)
37.In order to protect health of the people living along the adjoining areas of roads, one
a. Plant trees alongside of the roads b. Not allow diesel driven vehicles
c. Shift them (people) to other places d. None of the above
Answer: (a)
38. The pollution caused by transportation/vehicular activities depends on
a. Type of the vehicle’s engine b. Age of the vehicle
c. Traffic congestion d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
39. ‘Earth day’ is held every year on
a. June 5th b. November 23rd
c. April 22nd d. May 7th
Answer: (c)
40.Eutrophication is
a. an improved quality of water in lakes b. a process in carbon cycle
c. the result to accumulation of plant nutrients in water bodies
d. a water purification technique
Answer: (c)
41. Major purpose of most of the Dams around world is
a. Power generation b. Drinking water supply
c. Flood control d. Irrigation
Answer: (d)
42. Which of the following is the most environmental friendly agricultural practice?
a. Using chemical fertilizers b. Using insecticides
c. Organic farming d. None of the above
Answer: (c)
43. The adverse effect of modern agriculture is
a. Water pollution b. Soil degradation
c. Water logging d. All of the above
Answer: (b)
44. Soil erosion removes surface soil which contains
a. Organic matter b. Plant nutrients
c. Both a and b d. none of the above
Answer: (c)
45. The impact of construction of dams
a. Submerged forest b. Loss of wild life habitat
c. Damages down stream ecosystem d. All of the above
Answer: (b)
46. Which of the following statements are true
a. Surface runoff do not carry pesticides into streams
b. Water percolating downwards through agriculture lands carries with it dissolved
chemicals and contaminate ground water
c. Present agricultural practice does not contaminate water
d. None of the above
Answer: (d)
47. Organic farming is
a. Farming without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers
b. Enhances biodiversity c. Promotes soil biological activity
d. All of the above
Answer: (a)
48. What would you do to prevent environmental damage
a. Plant trees b. Halt deforestation
c. Control pollution d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
49. Environmental impact assessment
a. is the study of feasibility of a project b. is a study of bio-physical characteristics of the
environment that may result from a human action
c. Both a and b d. None of the above
Answer: (c)
50. Effect of modern agriculture on soil is due to
a. Erosion b. Acidification
c. Salinization d. All
Answer: (a)
51. Plants use …………………………..……..gas for photosynthesis
a. oxygen b. methane
c. nitrogen d. carbon dioxide
Answer: (d)
52. Deforestation means
a. preservation of forests b. destruction of forests
c. monocrop cultivation d. agriculture
Answer: (b)
53. What percentage of it’s geographical area of a country should be under forest cover
a. 23% b. 43%
c. 13% d.33%
Answer: (c)
54. About ………% of earth’s surface is covered by water
a. 53% b. 19%
c. 71% d. 90%
Answer: (c)
55. During photosynthesis, trees produce
a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide
c. nitrogen d. carbon dioxide
Answer: (a)
56. Forest prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their
a. stems b. roots
c. leaves d. buds
Answer: (b)
57. Major causes of deforestation are
a. shifting cultivation b. Fuel requirements
c. Raw materials for industries d. All of these
Answer: (d)
58. Blue baby syndrome (methaemoglobinemia) is caused by the contamination of water due
a. Phosphates b. Sulphur
c. Arsenic d. Nitrates
Answer: (d)
59. Which of the following statements about forests is not correct?
a. Forest reduces soil erosion b. Provides recreational opportunities
c. Provides a source of economic development
d. None of the above
Answer: (b)
60. The movement of carbon between __________ is called carbon cycle
a. Atmosphere & biosphere b. Atmosphere & hydrosphere
c. Geo-sphere& Atmosphere d. Biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere & geo-sphere
Answer: (a)
61. The depletion of trees is causing accumulation of
a. Nitrogen dioxide b. Sulphur dioxide
c. Carbon dioxide d. Oxygen
Answer: (c)
62. Earth’s atmosphere contains ___________ % of oxygen
a.98% b.12%
c .21% d.78%
Answer: (c)
63. Nitrogen fixing bacteria exists in __________ of plants
a. leaf b. roots
c. stem d. flower
Answer: (b)
64. _________ are referred to as earth’s lungs
a. Forests b. Carbon cycles
c. Water sources d. Mines
Answer: (a)
65. Among the fresh water availablein the earth, the percentage of surface water is about
a. 50% b. 10%
c. 5% d. Less than 1%
Answer: (d)
66. Excessive nitrate in drinking water causes
a. Fever b. Cough and cold
c. Blue babies d. Gastro-Enteritis
Answer: (c)
67. Mineral resources are
a. renewable b. available in plenty
c. non-renewable d. equally distributed
Answer: (c)
68. Which of the following is not a natural mineral?
a. Asbestos b. Feldspar
c. Phosphate d. Nitrogen
Answer: (a)
69. Forests are extremely important because they
a. Provide clean water and clean air b. Provide habitat for wildlife
c. Provide recreation and a change from hectic urban life
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
70. Deforestation means
a. Conversion of forest land for agricultural/pasture/homes etc..,
b. Creation of new forest land for the wild life
c. Planting trees in the cities d. Not managing the forest properly
Answer: (a)
71. The oceans are the largest storage of water on earth containing:
a. 95% of earth’s water b. 85% of earth’s water
c. 97% of earth’s water d. 75% of earth’s water
Answer: (c)
1. Write a role of plants in soil conservation. Give some methods of soil conservation.
2. Explain air pollution. Describe the effects and control them.
3. Describe briefly about ecological pyramids.
4. Explain the environmental and social impacts of growing population.
5. Discuss briefly on Environmental (Protection) Act.
6. Write notes on endangered and endemic species of India.
7. Prove the statement that “India is a mega diversity nation”.
8. What is ecosystem? Describe the structure and functions of various components of
9. Discuss about ecological successions.
10. Write an account on ground water.
11. Explain in detail about food resources.
12. Define Ecosystem. Add a note on its structure and function.
13. Explain various types of aquatic ecosystems.
14. India – Mega Diversity Zone. Explain.
15. Write an essay on Hotpots.
16. Explain in detail about thermal pollution.
17. Write in detail regarding solid waste management.
18. Note on Rainwater conservation techniques.
19. Write an essay on environment and human health.
20. Explain the importance of forest resources and add a note on the consequences of
21. Write an essay about conserving natural resources
22. Explain overgrazing and pesticide problem.
23. Explain in detail the concept, structure and function of a ecosystem.
24. Describe the characteristics, structure and function of forest ecosystem.
25. India is a mega diversity nation-Justify
26. Explain in situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity and add a note threats to
27. Describe the causes, effects and control measures of air pollution and water pollution.
28. Describe the causes, effects and control measures of noise pollution and thermal
29. Give a detailed account on climate change and global warming.
30. Write about the various types of energy resources available in India.
31. Discuss the role of an individual in the conservation of natural resources.
32. Describe the structure and function of Forest ecosystem.
33. Discuss energy flow in the ecosystem.
34. ‘India is a mega diversity nation’ – Justify this statement with relevant facts.
35. Write an essay on the values of biodiversity.
36. Discuss the causes, effects and control of water pollution.
37. Give an account of cyclone management with particular reference to ‘Thane’ cyclone
in Tamilnadu.
38. Write an essay on public awareness on environmental education.
39. Explain the relationship between environment and human health
40. Explain the methods to conserve our natural resources.
41. What are food resources? Explain their problems.
42. Explain the types and characteristics of ecological pyramids.
43. Describe the desert ecosystem in detail.
44. India is a mega diversity nation? Explain
45. Explain in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity. Givesome examples of
endangered species
46. Describe the cause, effects and control measures of air pollution.
47. What is disaster management? Explain floods and cyclone indetail.
48. What is the role of information technology in environment andhuman health?
49. Describe the issues pertaining to climate change and globalwarming. What is
population explosion and its impact onenvironment and health.
50. Write an essay on the importance of conservation of forests.
51. Explain the necessity of environmental education.
52. Explain noise pollution. Describe the effects and control methods.
53. Write an essay on wasteland reclamation.
54. Discuss briefly on the reasons for the population explosion.
55. Explain the concepts and agenda of sustainable development.
56. Prove the statement that “India is a mega diversity nation”.
57. What is ecosystem? Describe the structure and functions of various components of
58. Discuss the importance of social forestry
59. Explain the value and threats to biodiversity?
60. Why India is called mega diversity nation?
61. Give an account of the chief factors responsible for desertification.
62. Describe the grassland ecosystem in detail?
63. How does air get polluted? What are the control measures for air pollution?
64. Discuss the role of an individual in the prevention of pollution.
65. Discuss the impact of population explosion and Family Welfare programmes.
66. Explain the endangered and endemic species of India.
67. Explain the consequences of global warming.
68. Discuss the reasons for the ozone depletion.
69. What are renewable and non renewable energy? How do youconserve natural
70. Explain in detail the impacts of mining and dams on waterresources.
71. Explain the aquatic ecosystem in detail.
72. Explain the methods to conserve biodiversity and its importance.
73. Why India is called mega diversity nation?
74. Write a note on solid waste management.
75. Explain the various methods adopted to conserve water
76. What is the impact of environment on human health?