Bill of Lading Company Name Je Shipping Line Name
Bill of Lading Company Name Je Shipping Line Name
Bill of Lading Company Name Je Shipping Line Name
Please note,this bill of lading has been issue in Inggris the contract Received by the carries the goods as specificed above in
edvinced by the contained here in shall be govened by the law over the apparent good order and condition otherwise stated, to
state of teoritory in which it is issued and any claim or dispouse arising be transported to such a place as agreed authorised or
hereounder or in connection here with shall at the carries sole opinion permitted here in and subject to all the terms and
be dtermined by the counts of the state or territory and that no other conditions apperaing on the front and revense of the bill
coust. In all other cases any such claim or dispouse shall be determined of lading and any local privilages and customs not
at the carries sole option either in the place where this bill of lading is withstanding.
issued (and subject to laws in that place)or at the place where the The particulars given above as stated by the shipper
carries has its principle place of bussiness (and subject to laws of that and weight ,measure,quantity,condition,contents and
place). value of the goods are unknown to the carries.
In WITTNESS where of (I) original bill of lading has
AGENT DETAILS : been signed if not otherwise stated above, the same
being accomplished the other(s), if any to be void,if
N/A Owner acting as agent required bybthe carrier one(I)original billmof lading
must be surrendered duty endorsed exchange of the
gppds of delivery order.
Bill of lading endorcements Signed on behalf of the carrier (Acne MSC liners)