This document is an invoice from Manos Campesinas, S.A. in Guatemala to Cooperative Coffees in the United States for 275 bags of organic coffee beans. It details the shipment of 19,181 kilograms of coffee from Puerto Barrios, Guatemala to New York, NY aboard the MSC vessel Hansa Regensburg. The total invoice amount is $96,149.62.
This document is an invoice from Manos Campesinas, S.A. in Guatemala to Cooperative Coffees in the United States for 275 bags of organic coffee beans. It details the shipment of 19,181 kilograms of coffee from Puerto Barrios, Guatemala to New York, NY aboard the MSC vessel Hansa Regensburg. The total invoice amount is $96,149.62.
This document is an invoice from Manos Campesinas, S.A. in Guatemala to Cooperative Coffees in the United States for 275 bags of organic coffee beans. It details the shipment of 19,181 kilograms of coffee from Puerto Barrios, Guatemala to New York, NY aboard the MSC vessel Hansa Regensburg. The total invoice amount is $96,149.62.
This document is an invoice from Manos Campesinas, S.A. in Guatemala to Cooperative Coffees in the United States for 275 bags of organic coffee beans. It details the shipment of 19,181 kilograms of coffee from Puerto Barrios, Guatemala to New York, NY aboard the MSC vessel Hansa Regensburg. The total invoice amount is $96,149.62.
Calle \\A" Y20 Avenida 19-72 zona3, Edif.Andrus2ndo. Nivel. MAnos Quetzaltenango Guatemala,CA. Telefax: (502) 7761 4706 Telefono: (502) 7761 4613 CAMPESlnAS MANOSCAMPESINAS,SOCIEDADANONIMA NIT: 3759144-4 FACTURACOMERCIALNo.014 8 th Quetzaltenango, April 2014 Nombre: COOPERATIVECOFFEES Direccion: 302W. LAMARST, SUITEE. AMERICUS, GA31709USA "-''''-', - -.,' - - . Weshippedas perourref. (hemosembarcadosegun nuestraref.) GUA142, Cert. Origen3681. MARKS(MARCA) 11/937/011 SHBFAIRTRADEAPECAFORM COOPERATIVECOFFEESFLOID1341 FLOID26086100% ORGANICCOFFEEMANOSCAMPESINASS.A. WWW.MANOSCAMPESINAS.ORGCERTIFIEDBYMAYACERT, S.A. REF. GUA142. 275bagsof69ktlosneteachwashed GuatemalanCoffeeStrictlyHard bean (CafedeGuatemala EstrictamenteDuro), crop2013/2014. WEIGHT(PESO)Grossweight19,181.25kgs. Tare206.25kgs Netweight18,975.00kgs. SHIPMENT (EMBARQUE)PerMSCfrom PuertoBarriosto New York, NY., USA. PRICE: (PRECIO)US$233.09per46kgs. NetFOBGuatemalan Seaport(FOB PuertoGuatemalteco). PAYMENT: (PAGO) NetCashagainstfirstpresentationof shippingdocuments(efectivocontrapresentaciondedocumentos deembarque). (NINETYSIXTHOUSANDONEHUNDREDFORTYNINEWITH US$96,149.62 62/100) S b fireversionofthereverse I VerpaginaWebparaterminosycondicionesICMoTpHTe 8e6 caHT c LI\ Im: lfiB<J iWJX!.fUJ"f.l/i I wwwmscgvach eewe Slte or a g , '" BILLOF LADINGNo. MSCUGT352924 1M MEOrrERRANEANSHIPPING COMPANYS.A. "Port-to-Port"or"Combined 12-14, cheminRieu, 1208 GENEVA, Switzerland ORIGINAL Transport" (seeClause 1) Website:www,mscgva,ch NO, &SEQUENCEOF ORIGINALB/L's INO. OF PAGES SCACCode :MSCU SHIPPER: MANOSCAMFSINAS,S.A. CALLE AY20 AV 1972ZONA3EDIFICIO ANDRUS NIYEL2 QUETZALTENAN<D, TEMALA TEL1FAX: 502 77614706 CEl:502 49413291 CONSIGNEE:This B/Lisnotnegotiableunlessmarked"ToOrder1To OrderoL"here, TOTIlEORDEROFCOOPERATlVECOFlUS.INC 302 WLAMARST,SUlTEEAMERICUS,GA31709 U.S.A. TEL+1,2299243035 FAX+1229924-6250 ATN CHELSEACARTER NOTIFYPARTIES: (NoresponsibilityshallallachtotheCarrierorto hisAgentforfailureto notify- see Clause20) EXELCOTRADING L.P 17 BATTERYPLACE,SUITE 1010. NEWYORK,NY10004 TEL: 212344-4222 FAX1+212344 8723 I/THREE NIL FORWARDINGAGENT: CARRIER'SAGENTS ENDORSEMENTS: (IncludeAgent(s)atPOD) FCLlFCLSpecialcontract: 14092WW Lloyds/lmonumber 9435258 DESTINATION AGENTADDRESS: MediterraneanShippingCompany(USA)Inc. 420, 5THAVENUE (AT37THSTREET)8TH FLOOR NEWYORK,NY100182702 Phone: +1 2127648592,Fax:+12127644800 Carrierhasnoliabilityorresponsibility whatsoeverforthermal loss ordamage tothe goods byreason ofnatural variationsIn atmospherictemperaturesduringthe winter period,and1orcausedbyinadequatepackingofthe Goodsforcarriage indryvan containers, andI orinherentviceoftheGoods, in such temperatures. VESSEL&VOYAGENO,(seeClauses8 &9) PORTOFLOADING PLACEOFRECEIPT: (Combined - seeSIau3es1&5,2) HANSA REGENSBURG LU415A PUERTO BARRIOS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BOOKING REF, CONTRACTNUMBER PORTOF DISCHARGE PLACEOF DELIVERY:(CombinedTransoorlONLY- seeClauses 1&5,2) 495HAN415495 277 NEW YORK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY THE SHIPPER NOT CHECKED BY CARRIERCARRIER NOT RESPON SIBL ESeeClause14 ContainerNumbers,Seal DescriptionofPackagesandGoods GrossCargoWeight Measurement NumbersandMarks (Continuedon allachedBillofLadingRider pagels), ifapplicable) Ix20' CNTR(S) i 111937/11 275 BAGS SHBFAIRTRADE OFGREENCOFFEE APECAFORM HTSCODE0901.1LlO tFIRST ORIGINAL COOPERATIVECOFFEES TARICCODE090III FLOlD 1341 FLOlD260 6 NETWEIGHT: 18,975,00KGS. 100%ORGANICCOFFEE MANOSCAMPESINAS FDA: 17800739444 MANOSCAMPESINAS,S.f'.. DRYMILL FDA: 18171220144 WWW,MANOSCAMPESn AS,ORG CERTIFICATEOFORIGIN:3681 CERTIFIEDBYMAYACE T,SA SERVICECONTRACT: 14-092WW REF, GUAI42 CRXUI 764892/20'DV 1918U50KG 0,0000M3 TARE: 2300kg Seal:ALTSA90939 I TOTALTARE: 2300,00 KG TOTALS: 1918L250KG 0,0000M3 Ifabovecommodities, technologyorsoftwarewereexportedfrom the USA. the exportadministration regulationsmustbe compliedwithbythe Merchant. Diversion, contraryto U.S. lawisprohibited. i FREIGHT& CHARGES Cargoshall notbedeliveredunlessFreight&Chargesarepaid (seeClause16). RECEIVED by the Carrier in apparer.t good order and (unless otherwise stated herein)the total numberorquantity of (r otherpackagesorunits indicated in the box entitled Carrier's Receipt sarriapo subject to all the terms and conditions hereof from the Place ofReceip OJ Port 0: Loading to the Port of Dischargeor PlaceofDelivery, whiche ... eris apolicable. 1'\1 ACCEPTINGTHIS BILL OF LADING THE MERCHANT EXPRESSLY ,\CC'=PTS f.ND AGREES TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDI,IONS, WI-ICTHER STAMPED OR OTHERWISE INCORPORATEDON THIS SIDEAND ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS BILLOF LADINGAND THE AND CONDITIGOIS OFTHE CARRIER'S APPLICABLETARIFFAS IFTH:::YWEREALL ayTI-IE MERCHANT, [fthis is a negotiable (To OrderI of) Bill ofLc-d:ng. one c.r;!;;,""!al Bill ofLading, duly endorsed must be surrendered by t1e r.t t:J :t.e c. (together with outstanding Freightand charges) in exchang'3 forthl::! Goodsora De[ivery Order. [f this is a non-negotiable (straight) Bill ofLCiding, the Carrier513[[ deliverthe Goods or issue a Delivery Order (after of Freight and charges) against the surrender of one original Bill 01 Ladi:-og or in accordance with the national lawatthePortofDischargeorPlac.e cfDeliverywhic:'everisapplicable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Carrieror theirAgent the number ofBills ofLading stated atthe top, all ofthistenorarlO date, ant..: \A1herever one original Bill ofLading hasbeen surrendered all otherBills ofLading shallbevoid. DECLAREDVALUE (only applicableif Ad Valorem CARRIER'SRECEIPT(No, ofCntrsorPkgsrcvd byCarrier ChargespaidseeClause7,3) seeClause 14,1) 1 PLACEANDDATE OF ISSUE SHIPPEDON BOARD DATE GUATEMALA CITY, 18/04/2014 18/04/2014 " 495 U,S,EdItIon- 01/2013 TERMSCONTINUEDON REVERSE J A 173068217 SIGNEDon behalfoftheCarrierMSSMedi'ercanean CompanySA MEDITERRANEAN COMPANY GUATEMALA, S, A. as on/Y"",,,solocomo agentes