Cell Membran E: Function Cont. Function Structure Importance World Dependence
Cell Membran E: Function Cont. Function Structure Importance World Dependence
Cell Membran E: Function Cont. Function Structure Importance World Dependence
Function World
The cell membrane is hands down the most
Function cont.
The function of the cell membrane is The structure of the cell membrane is The name of this protein is Glycoprotein.
essential to the existence of life. Many important organelle. The cell membrane not The Glycoprotein acts as recognition sites
comprised of a Phospholipid Bilayer. This
people may say that it merely holds all the only
Every protectsorganism,
the cell from harm itand during cell to cell interactions and can be
has both headswhether and tails. The is plants,
important “stuff”, organelles, in place. dangerous
animals, substances, but also helps other used as sites of attachments in a tissue.
are calledbacteria, fungi, etc.heads.
polar hydrophilic has depended
Even if this were the only function of the cells
on communicate.
a cellthat
membrane. With the
Theare million
membrane dollars Finally, the cell membrane provides
means these heads to is
cell membrane, the entire cell wouldn’t be that
in the
everyOn grant
cell. would provide, we can further anchoring sites for the cytoskeleton. The
water. thePlant
other cells have
hand, the cell
tails of the
able to function. The cytoplasm would research
membranes, the cell membrane
but they and learn how cytoskeleton is found underlying the cell
bilayer are called non arepolaralso accompanied
move uncontrollably and all of the other tobykeep it healthy.
walls. Thedo Disorders
cell walls of mutations membrane in the cytoplasm. The
tails. tails not likeprovide a
water because
organelles wouldn’t be in close enough within the
structural cell membrane
support can cause
canlife cytoskeleton is anchored onto membrane
they are non polar.soPolar
the plants
molecules stand
proximity to communicate and carry out threatening
upright, diseases. These diseases include proteins of the cell membrane.
to water,thanwhile
lying onnonthe ground.
their specific task. Alzheimer’s,
The Cystic
cell membrane Fibrosis, Hyaline
is the most important
molecules are not attracted to water.
Membrane Disease, and Duchenne
organelle. If there was no cell membrane
The cell membrane is not only a protective Muscular Dystrophy.
ever in the existenceThe funding,
of the world,courteous
all of us
barrier or a holder for the organelles, but it oftoday,
the National
yesterday, last year, one billion will
Institute of Health (NIH),
also is semi-permeable, allows for cell help allow
years ago our
would research teamsexisted.
have never to helpThere
recognition, and provides anchoring sites these diseases.
may have beenThis funding
a new is crucial
adaptation thatto the
for the cytoskeleton. Since the cell survival of created
humans protection
around theagainstworld. the
membrane is semi permeable, this means Maybe this grant will be thelikeonethe to cell
allow us
outside, wet environment
it allows for only specific substances to tomembrane
find the cure. currently does, but we would
pass through the cell membrane. Also, it
only allows a certain amt. to pass through.
not be as far as we are today. Every
dinosaur was made up of cells. When you
Structure Cont.
If the cell didn’t have a semi-permeable
get very
Inside technical,
this it wasn’t
Phospholipid the dinosaur’s
Bilayer are proteins
feature, water could enter the cell at any Despite the fact that the proteins cannot
that are permanently stuck in thethat
tough, scaly/leathery backs bilayer.
moment and swell the cell. The cell would leave the lipid bilayer, they can move
protected them from flying rocks
This is because of a dual attraction. The and other
grow uncontrollably and eventually would around in it. This is because of the motion
debris, it was their
dual attraction cell membranes
is caused by the polar that
burst. So, when you take a shower, if the
cell membrane didn’t do its job, cells would
protected them. I would just like
and the non polar tails. The polar heads you to “The cell never acts; it
and fluidity of Phospholipids. This
take Phospholipid bilayer that makes up the cell
wantato moment
travel toand thebewater
glad while
that the
burst and not allow life to exist. The cell
membrane is there to protect
polar tails are clinging to the middle you
because reacts.” –Ernst Haeckel
membrane causes it to be semi-permeable
membrane also makes cell recognition because of these polar heads and non
it weren’t,
theyyou wouldn’t
“fear” water.exist.
This causes a
possible because of a protein on the polar tails.
outside of the cell. (Cont. on other panel) dual attraction. (Cont. on other panel)