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Research Paper Suspension

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Optimized Suspension Design of an Off-Road Vehicle,

Article · January 2013


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4 authors, including:

C.D. Naiju
VIT University


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The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES)
||Volume||2 ||Issue|| 6 ||Pages|| 57-62||2013||
ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 – 1805

Optimized Suspension Design of an Off-Road Vehicle

Arindam Pal, 2Sumit Sharma, 3Abhinav Jain, 4C.D.Naiju
School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University Vellore Tamil Nadu

-------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------------
Suspension system is the term that defines the transmissibility of an off-road vehicle. In order to resist the
bumps and jerks that usually occur in an off-road track, an integrated approach of design is developed to obtain
an optimized geometry which can give the drivers a ‘fun-to-drive’ experience. This paper describes the
development of this suspension and steering geometry design that is fast enough to be used at off-road circuit
giving us appropriate camber and caster variations , toe angles , Ackermann geometry , proper flow of forces
from chassis to ground and shock absorber characteristics when running on the challenges posed by a rugged
off-road track. The geometry design discussed here was achieved through the thorough study of its dimensions,
position of installation and application. This vehicle was a Baja off-road prototype which is used in international
competitions among universities with its top speed as 45- 65km/hour and its turning radius being 10.5 ft. The
car is rear wheel driven.

INDEX TERMS— Ackermann geometry; instantaneous center; off-road vehicle; optimization design; over
steer; un-sprung mass.
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Date of Submission: 15 June 2013, Date of Publication: 25 June 2013
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Suspension is the most important aspect while designing an off-road vehicle. In recent years, with the
development of people's travel requirements, handing stability and ride comfort are very important features of
automotive driving [1]. In off-road terrain the track consists of all kinds of obstacles that could easily bind up
the suspension of any road vehicle. Thus, to make the vehicle compatible to off-road conditions it is necessary
to design a suspension system that can handle the roughest of bumps without affecting the vehicle stability and
at the same time also provide a smooth ride to the driver. The suspension geometry should be such that it
doesn’t undergo drastic changes during wheel travel or heave.
There are a few design aspects that were strictly adhered to while designing this suspension system.
The primary objective was to keep the suspension parameters as far from changing with wheel travel as
possible. The ground clearance was to be kept enough to clear large rocks, bumps and logs. The migration of the
Instantaneous Centers was to be kept as low as possible. The Roll Centre heights in the front and the rear were
to be kept such that the Roll Axis slope inclined forward. This helps quicker load transfers as well as provides
over steer characteristics which is very useful in off road car[3]. The other aspect which was to be considered
for deciding the Roll Centre height was the Centre of Gravity height, which make a rolling arm, coupling with
the roll center. The Side View Swing Arm angle was to be considered as it provides the maximum load transfer
to the shocks and reducing the load being sent to pivots, thus also increasing ride quality. One other objective
was to prevent the rear drive-shafts from rocks and severe bumps which may exceed the angle of the tripod joint
leading to failure of power transfer[3]. The turning radius was to kept low at the same time keeping the under
steer and tyre slip angles to a minimum. This led to a true Ackerman geometry.


Front Suspension is very important and is designed first, in general, while designing off-road suspension[4].The
front of the vehicle faces the obstacles or the jerks first and makes the base of the motion and loading
characteristics. Thus, in an off-road vehicle it should provide ample wheel travel and damping effects to absorb
the bumps and jerks. Moreover it should provide large amount of traction, as bearing the steering system, to
maintain directional stability and reduce slip angles to prevent losses. The front of the vehicle should also have
low amounts of un-sprung mass to keep optimum ride characteristics. The front suspension should also handle
the load transfers optimally so that the traction on the front wheels is ample at all times to lead the vehicle as the
steering system dictates, which may otherwise result in

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Optimized Suspension Design Of An Off-Road Vehicle

Figure 1. Front Suspension MSC Adams Assembly under steer characteristics and lead to loss of control and
stability of the vehicle.

A.Front Suspension Design Optimization

Short Long Arm Double A Arm were used as they provide optimum camber curves in wheel travel and
the shorter upper arm helps to induce a camber curve which maintains maximum contact patch during rolling.
During rolling motion the inner wheel undergoes droop while the outer wheel goes through bump motion. This
decreases the contact patches in the respective wheels which is very important in any off road vehicle. This was
achieved by the Short-Long Arm geometry. This configuration helps to maintain the contact patch maximum
even in rolling condition. The inner wheel, undergoing droop, suffers a positive camber change while the outer
wheel undergoes bump and gains negative camber. This helps in maintaining the wheels as close to vertical as
possible, thus maximizing the contact patch and in turn the traction. The Roll-Camber coefficient decides the
angle of the wheel with respect to body roll and thus determines the traction during rolling.
The suspension was designed so as to accommodate all the packaging factors and other parameters and
keep a roll camber coefficient at all times.
The Roll-Camber Coefficient graph below is a one with negative slope and it is close to one in bump
travel while it increases with droop travel. This helps in rolling motion as the weight of the vehicle is transferred
to the outer wheel and the camber angle of the outer wheel remains close to the roll angle of the vehicle. This
maximizes the contact patch the outer wheel supporting most of the weight of the vehicle

Figure 2. Roll-Camber Co-efficient

while the angle of the inner wheel, which is unloaded rapidly gains positive camber more than the roll angle
thus further adding to the stability.The ICs were kept far enough to help minimize and also reduce camber
change in heave motion. This also helped to keep the front RC at a height which allowed to incorporate the
desired Roll Axis slope and migration maintain a rolling

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Optimized Suspension Design Of An Off-Road Vehicle

moment.[7] The RC was first decided to be 5.5 inches from the ground. This low RC helped to maintain an
optimum stability between rolling and lateral force for the front suspension system. This enables an optimum
load transfer between the two front wheels which maintains traction at the front end of the vehicle when in
turns. This also helps to reduce the load transfer of the vehicle from the rear to the front which helps in inducing
over steer characteristics by breaking the traction on the rear end at exit of corners.

The ground clearance was kept to be 13 inches from the ground so that after the driver’s weight in the car it
drops down and is 12 inches. The wheel were fixed and were of dimensions 22x7x12. The track was kept 55
inches and the

Figure 3. Front Suspension MSC Adams Simulation view

wheelbase 60 inches,to keep the arms as long as possible to minimize the variations in the geometry and also
induce stability in the car along with shorter turning radius of 10 inches. The arms were inclined in the side
view to keep a side view IC so as to make the shock effective in all 3 directions and also maximize load transfer
to the shocks in bumps. The Kingpin Inclination was taken to be 6 degrees to reduce positive camber gain on
travel. The spindle length was also taken into consideration, so as to push the lower ball joint as outward as
possible, which is 4.5 inches. The lower ball joint point was kept at the center of the wheel from the side view
to keep maximum ground clearance without increasing the inclination of the lower arms. The length of the
upper arms was chosen such that enough negative camber was induced to get the optimum roll-camber
coefficient.Toe In with bump travel was also induced in the geometry so that during sudden wheel movements.
This gives directional stability as the vehicle has a very high tendency to deviate from its direction just after
sudden bumps. The

Figure 4. Toe Angle Variation with Wheel Travel

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Optimized Suspension Design Of An Off-Road Vehicle

intentional toe in was incorporated such that it increases in an almost linear pattern and enhances the directional
stability as the wheel travel or the bump movement increases..
The various results of the simulations were plotted in graphs, taking parameters with respect to wheel travel.

Steering Geometry
In off-road vehicle the turning radius is required to be small. This helps in maneuverability. Ackermann
geometry is another aspect which helps in maneuverability at low speeds[7]. Thus 100% Ackermann was used
in the geometry as the speeds dealt in off road buggies and other vehicles is generally low leading to lower
unloading of the inner tyre and thus the Ackerman geometry plays an important role in the turning radius. With
the true Ackerman the drag was reduced to a minimum, reducing under steer, and the turning radius was
calculated out to be around 10 ft. at 55 degree max steering angle of the inner wheel and 33 degree max steering
angle of the outer wheel at lock. The Ackermann angle came out to be 22.42 degree and steering knuckle arm
was 2.46 inches long to minimize steering effort with this geometry.
Ackermann= tan-1(wheelbase/((wheelbase/tan(max outside tire angle))-front track))
Ackermann%=Inside tire angle/Ackermann [6]
The positioning of the rack was done such that bump steer could be minimized. Thus the tie rod were
placed such that they point at the respective IC. The pivot points of the lower control arm were kept at the same
distance from the center as the pivot points of the tie rods. This helped them to gain a center of rotation of the
control arms and tie rods as close as possible and thus giving them an arc which almost coincides, thus reducing
bump steer and roll steer, which cause instability and also may lead to failure of suspension or steering

Shock Absorbers
Single Direct Coil-over shocks were used from Fox. The model Podium X was selected as it gave us
maximum adjustability and also long stroke length to provide large wheel travel. Motion ratio was chosen to be
0.5 so that the wheel travel becomes double that of the stroke length travel. The angle was chosen to be 55 deg
so that the it was as near to vertical as possible and provided maximum effectiveness. The shock was kept
perpendicular to the lower control arm in the side view so as to incline it in all 3 directions. The Spring Rate was
calculated using a standard
.Calculator and as per the weight of the front end to be around 80 pounds (60 sprung and 20 un sprung) the
desired value was calculated out to be around 50 lbs./inch. The length of the arm was taken to be 20 inches and
the mount point was at the middle of the arm at 10 inches from the pivot point.


In rear suspension design the basic goals are the same apart from the fact that the rear suspension
should have less travel to incorporate the limited drive shaft travel. The angle of the tripod joint used in the
inner end of the driveshaft doesn’t allow a very large angular travel and the shaft may come out of the socket of
the tripod joint when it exceeds its maximum angle. The driveshaft angle at static position is also an important
factor that had to be considered. The clearances for the length of the links were considered as per the braking
system used(outboard braking).Since most of the weight of the body is in the rear the suspension had to be
designed to keep camber curve to provide max traction at rolling situations. The load transfers also had to be

Figure 5. Rear Suspension MSC Adams Assembly

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Optimized Suspension Design Of An Off-Road Vehicle

considered to evaluate the load on the outer wheel in turns. There are basically 3 forces acting on the center of
 Momentum on the rear and frontal axle due to load transference from the inner to the external wheel
during the curve.
 Centripetal force due to suspended mass.
 Centripetal force due to non-suspended mass.
The load being very high at the rear the load transfer is quick and massive giving a lot of rolling motion to the
rear part of the car which may lead to loss of stability and swaying away of the vehicle.

3-link suspension geometry consists of 2 camber links at the rear and one trailing link coming from the chassis.
This type of suspension is basically a multi link suspension which combines the benefits of both trailing arm and
Short Long arm suspension, thus giving ideal camber curve on rolling for off-road conditions and also providing
the benefits of the trailing arms like large displacement course, easy to design and manufacture,high structural
resistance and can also help in the movements of the wheel as per the desired[9]. Toe characteristics of the rear
wheels is controlled by the two toe links which maintain the toe angle of the wheels and help reduction of
wastage of power[9].

Figure 6.Roll-Center Height Variation with Wheel travel.

Thus the roll centre of the rear end was kept high enough so as to gain a balance between the lateral
force at tyres and the rolling moment. This helps in inducing over steer and prevents heavy rolling which again
helps in taking tighter turns by reducing the turning radius. The suspension geometry was setup in way such that
the migration of the roll center was minimum at the rear thus inducing stability in the heavy rear part of the

Figure 7.Roll Camber Co-efficient Variation with Wheel Travel

The camber angle of the rear suspension system was kept as low as possible to help gain maximum
traction at all times by keeping the tyres as close to vertical as possible.

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Optimized Suspension Design Of An Off-Road Vehicle

The figure is shown below -

Figure 8. Camber Angle variation with Wheel travel.

A. Rear Suspension Design Optimization

Shock Absorbers
The Positioning of the shocks in the rear is done such that the shocks are inclined in the direction of the
vector where the forces act thus making the shocks more efficient. The shocks in the rear were kept stiffer than
the front. 3-link suspensions helps in providing the exact same. Its arm running from hub to the RRH gives the
desired mount positions to support and maintain a proper ground clearance even during bumps.

Damping Ratio
The damping ratio, usually designated as ζ, is defined as the ratio of actual damping coefficient to the
critical damping coefficient. The reason why we work with damping ratios instead of actual damping
coefficients is so that we can normalize the discussion for all dampers[5].Choosing a damping ratio is a
generally a tradeoff between response time and overshoot (you want to minimize both). Typically, passenger
cars will use a damping ratio of around 0.25 to maximize ride comfort. For an off-road car, the damping must be
considerably higher for road holding and control of the un-sprung mass motion. Data has shown that for off road
cars, a good baseline for damping ratio is between 0.65 and 0.70.

Designing and optimization of a off-road Buggy car was done using simulation and analysis with
softwares. In this project, a suspension was designed in a way which would help in making a vehicle provide
resistance to all impact loads. The compatibility of the A-arms and 3-link suspension with the detailed
parameters has produced exceptional results in the graphs of camber and caster variations , toe angles ,
Ackermann geometry , proper flow of forces from chassis to ground, bump steer and shock absorber
characteristics. This ensures that the off-road vehicle would improve its perceived quality of its dynamic
performance and would provide good driver satisfaction in concert with excellent vehicle packaging. The same
design could be used in other off-road vehicles like Forest Rangers, Military Cars and Trucks, even in many
Passenger Sports Utility Vehicles with slight variations as per the vehicle specifications and usage. The results
obtained from the design are convincing enough to call it successful. Thus the Double A Arms can be used for
most of the off-road vehicles.
We would like to thank our faculty in-charge Prof. Devendiran S and Lohithakasha M Maiyar for the
immense support and help, without which the paper could not have been completed. We would like to thank the
VIT University for the resources to help us in the designing of the project.

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