Entrep - Erhize Oasan P.
Entrep - Erhize Oasan P.
Entrep - Erhize Oasan P.
Entrepreneurship Activities:
Web Diagram
Cash Flow
Profitability Stock-in-trade
2. How would you determine your own wealth? And, how would you know if an item is an asset, liability, or
- Wealth is being determined by taking the total market value of all physical and intangible assets
owned, then subtracting all debts. It is an assets if it is the items in the company that is important and
has a use in a company just like cash, investment, inventory and etc. and liability it is the money that
you owe to the other company in Filipino “ utang”.
Case Study
Who has the problem? What is their problem?
1 The Company The company of Ricardo and Josie is struggling in the
income management and neither of them doesn’t
know why
2 Ricardo Ricardo’s problem is that his style in business is
different to Josie because his style is
creative/innovative, flexible, updated on new trends,
and he is willing to take a risk.
3 Josie Josie’s problem is that he doesn’t understand
Ricardo’s proposition on the rehabilitation of their
business because she is contented with a small
business with small income
1. What do you think will happen to their business’ market condition in the future?
- For me I see Ricardo is the right person in here because he knew what is trending and what is good in
their company, his vision is to grow larger and not contended to the position of their company. I see
that as Ricardo’s see to the future of their company that it will be closed in the future because the
company didn’t adjust to the trend and it will loss to the other competitors.
What’s more?
Activity 1:
1. Give four financial statements. Give a brief a statement on how can we construct them.
2. How can planning through financial statement be useful for the entrepreneur
- It is useful for the entrepreneur so that he/she can be aware on what is happening to his/her
money in the company, by monitoring it he/she can see what is the problem immediately and
fixing it early as soon as he/she sees it.
Activity 2:
Gross Salary $ 2,000.0
Total Income
Fixed Expenses
Rent $ 450.0
Renter's Insurance $ 20.0
Automobile loan payment $ 150.0
Automobile Insurance $ 150.0
Medical Insurance $ 75.0
Revolving Saving Fund $ 200.0
Federal Income Tax $ 150.0
State Income Tax $ 50.0
Social Security Tax $ 200.0
Total fixed expenses $ 1,445.0
Variable Expenses
Food $ 25.0
Utilities $ 125.0
Gasoline and maintenance $ 150.0
Clothing and personal
upkeep $ 100.0
Gifts $ 50.0
Miscellaneous $ 110.0
Total Variable Expenses $ 560.00
Total Expenses $ 2,005.00
What I Have Learned
1. The entrepreneur will get a firmer grip on the viability of his/her enterprise
2. To establish a predictable ratio in the items
3. To attract more costumer to the others thus making more profits
4. ?
5. To avoid wrong information???
What I Can Do
1. High - “Low”
2. Adding – “subtracting”
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?