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The group of individuals, under study is called is called population.

A finite subset of statistical individuals in a population is called Sample.

Sample size:
The number of individuals in a sample is called the Sample size.

Parameters and Statistics:

The statistical constants of the population are referred as Parameters and the
statistical constants of the Sample are referred as Statistics.

Standard Error :
The standard deviation of sampling distribution of a statistic is known as its
standard error and is denoted by (S.E)

Test of Significance :
It enable us to decide on the basis of the sample results if the deviation between the
observed sample statistic and the hypothetical parameter value is significant or the
deviation between two sample statistics is significant.

Null Hypothesis:
A definite statement about the population parameter which is usually a hypothesis
of no-difference and is denoted by Ho.

Alternative Hypothesis:
Any hypothesis which is complementary to the null hypothesis is called an
Alternative Hypothesis and is denoted by H1.

Errors in Sampling:
Type I and Type II errors.
Type I error : Rejection of H0 when it is true.
Type II error : Acceptance of H0 when it is false.
Two types of errors occurs in practice when we decide to accept or reject a
lot after examining a sample from it. They are Type 1 error occurs while rejecting
Ho when it is true. Type 2 error occurs while accepting Ho when it is wrong.
Critical region:
A region corresponding to a statistic t in the sample space S which lead to the
rejection of Ho is called Critical region or Rejection region. Those regions which
lead to the acceptance of Ho are called Acceptance Region.

Level of Significance :
The probability α that a random value of the statistic “t” belongs to the critical
region is known as the level of significance. In otherwords the level of significance
is the size of the type I error. The levels of significance usually employed in testing
of hypothesis are 5% and 1%.

One tail and two tailed test:

A test of any statistical hyposthesis where the alternate hypothesis is one
tailed(right tailed/ left tailed) is called one tailed test.
For the null hypothesis H0 if µ = µ0 then.
H1 = µ > µ0 (Right tail)
H1 = µ < µ0 (Left tail)
H1 = µ # µ0 (Two tail test)

Types of samples :
Small sample and Large sample
Small sample (n≤<30 ) : “Students t test, F test , Chi Square test
Large sample (n>30) : Z test.

95 % confidence limit for the population mean  in a small test.

Let x be the sample mean and n be the sample size. Let s be the sample S.D.
Then x  t0.05 (s/n-1)

Application of t – distribution
When the size of the sample is less than 30, ‘t’ test is used in (a) single mean and
(b) difference of two means.

Distinguish between parameters and statistics.

Statistical constant of the population are usually referred to as parameters.
Statistical measures computed from sample observations alone are usually referred
to as statistic.
In practice, parameter values are not known and their estimates based
Write short notes on critical value.
The critical or rejection region is the region which corresponds to a predetermined
level of significance . Whenever the sample statistic falls in the critical region we
reject the null hypothesis as it will be considered to be probably false. The value
that separates the rejection region from the acceptance region is called the critical

Define level of significance explain.

The probability  that a random value of the statistic ‘t’ belongs to the critical
region is known as the level of significance. In other words level of significance is
the size of type I error. The levels of significance usually employed in testing of
hypothesis are 5% and 1%.

Outline the assumptions made when the ‘t’ test us applied for difference of
(i) Degrees of freedom is n1 + n2 – 2.
(ii) The two population variances are believed to be equal.
(n1s12  n 2 s 22 )
(iii) S= is the standard error.
n1  n 2  2

Type I Student t test for single mean

│t│ = x
s/ n1
Where x is the sample mean, µ is the population mean, s is the SD and n is the
number of observations.

Problems :

1. The mean weakly sales of soap bars in departmental stores were 146.3 bars per
store. After an advertising campaign the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for a
typical week increased to 153.7 and showed a SD of 17.2. Was the advertising
campaign successful?
Calculated t value = 1.97 and Tabulated Value = 1.72( at 5% level of
significance with 21 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho(Null hypothesis)
2. A sample of 26 bulbs gives a mean life of 990 hours with SD of 20 hours. The
manufacturer claims that the mean life of bulbs is 1000 hours. Is the sample not
upto the standard.
Calculated t value = 2.5
Tabulated Value = 1.708( at 5% level of significance with 25 degrees of
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho(Null hypothesis)

3. The average breaking strength of steel rod is specified to be 18.5 thousand

pounds. To test this a sample of 14 rods was tested. The mean and SD obtained
were 17.85 and 1.955 respectively. Is the result of the experiment significant?
Calculated t value = 1.199
Tabulated Value = 2.16( at 5% level of significance with 13 degrees of
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho(Null hypothesis)

4. Find the confidence limits of the mean of the population for a random sample of
size 16 from a normal population with mean 53 and SD √10 with t value at 5% for
15 Degrees of freedom is 2.13.
(54.68 , 51.31)

Type II Student t test when SD not given

│t│ = ( x - µ) / (s/n)
Where x =  ( x ) / n and s2 = 1/(n-1)  (x- x )2

Students t test where SD of the sample is not given directly)
1. A random sample of 10 boys had the following IQ’s
70,120,110,101,88,83,95,98,107,100. Do these data support the assumption of a
population mean IQ of 100? Find the reasonable range in which most of the mean
IQ values of samples of 10 boys lie?
Calculated t value = 0.62
Tabulated Value = 2.26( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho(Null hypothesis)
95% confidence limits : (86.99,107.4)
2. The heights of 10 males of a given locality are found to be
70,67,62,68,61,68,70,64,64,66 inches. Is it reasonable to believe that the average
height is greater than 64 inches Test at 5%.
Calculated t value = 2
Tabulated Value = 1.833( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)

3. Certain pesticide is packed into bags by a machine. A random sample of 10 bags

is drawn and their contents are found to be as follows:
50,49,52,44,45,48,46,45,49,45. Test if the average packing to be taken 50 grams
Calculated t value = 3.19
Tabulated Value = 2.262 ( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)

Type III Student t test for difference of means of two samples

To test the significant difference between two mea n x 1 and x 2 of sample sizes n1
and n2 use the statistic.
│t│ = ( x 1 – x 2 ) / s ((1/n1) + (1/n2))
where s2 = (n s 2 + n s 2)/(n + n – 2)
1 1 2 2 1 2
s1 and s2 being the sample standard deviations degree of freedom being n1 + n2 – 2.


1. Samples of two types of electric light bulbs were tested for length of life and
following data were obtained.
Type I Type II
Sample size n1 = 8 n2 = 7
Sample means x1 = 1234 hrs x2 = 1036 hrs
Sample S.D. s1 = 36 hrs s2 = 40 hrs
Is the difference in the means sufficient to warrant that type I is
superior to type II regarding length of life.
Calculated t value = 9.39
Tabulated Value = 1.77 ( at 5% level of significance with 13 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)
2. Below are given the gain in weights (in N) of pigs fed on two diets A and B.

Diet A 25 32 30 34 24 14 32 24 30 31 35 25
Diet B 44 34 22 10 47 31 40 32 35 18 21 35 29 22
Test if the two diets differ significantly as regards their effect on increase in
Calculated t value = 0.609
Tabulated Value = 2.06 ( at 5% level of significance with 25 degrees of
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)

3. The nicotine content in milligrams of two samples of tobacco were found to be

as follows:

Sample 24 27 26 21 25
Sample 27 30 28 31 22 36
Can it be said that two samples come from normal populations having the same
Calculated t value = 1.92
Tabulated Value = 2.262 ( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)

4. The means of two random samples of sizes 9 and 7 are given as 196.42 and
198.82. The sum of the squares of the deviations from mean are 26.94 and 18.73
respectively. Can the sample be considered to have been drawn from the same
normal population.
Calculated t value = 2.63
Tabulated Value = 2.15 ( at 5% level of significance with 14 degrees of
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)

To test if the two samples have come from same population we use F test (OR) To
test if there is any significant difference between two estimates of population
F = S12/ S 22
S12 = Σ (x- x )2/ n1-1
S22 = Σ (y- y )2/ n2-1
Where n1 is the first sample size and n2 is the second sample size

1. Applications of F-test.

To test whether if there is any significant difference between two estimates of

population variance. To test if the two samples have come from the same
population we use f test.

2. Uses f test in sampling

To test whether there is any significant difference between two estimates of

population variance. To test if the two samples have come from the same

If the sample variance S2 is not given we can obtain the population variance by
using the relation
S12 = n1s12/(n1-1) and S22 = n s2 22/(n2-1)

If we have to test whether the samples come from the same normal population
then the problem has to be solved by both the t test and the f tests.

(i) To test the equality of the variances by F test

(ii) To test the equality of means by t test
1. In one sample of 8 observations the sum of the squares of deviations of the
sample values from the sample mean was 84.4 and in the other sample of 10
observation it was 102. 6. Test whether this difference is significant at 5 % level.
Calculated F value = 1.057
Tabulated Value = 3.29 ( at 5% level of significance with (7,9) degrees of
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)

2. Two random samples gave the following results.

Sample Size Sample Sum of squares of

mean deviations
from the mean
1 10 15 90
2 12 14 108

Test whether the samples come from the same normal population.
Calculated F value = 1.018
Tabulated Value = 2.9 ( at 5% level of significance with (9,11) degrees of
By t test Calculated t value = 0.74
Tabulated Value = 2.086 ( at 5% level of significance).
In both the tests of sampling
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)

3. The time taken by workers in performing a job by method I and method II is

given below.
Method I 20 16 26 27 23 22
Method 27 33 42 35 32 34 38
Do the data show that the variances of time distribution from population from
which these samples are drawn do not differ significantly?
Calculated F value = 1.37
Tabulated Value = 4.95 ( at 5% level of significance with (6,5) degrees of
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)
4. The nicotine content in milligrams of two samples of tobacco were found to be
as follows:

Sample 24 27 26 21 25
Sample 27 30 28 31 22 36

Can it be said that two samples come from normal populations having the same
Calculated F value =4.07
Tabulated Value = 6.26 ( at 5% level of significance with (5,4) degrees of
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)



 =Σ (O  E)2
Where O is the observed frequency and E is the Expected frequency

1. Define Chi square test of goodness of fit.

Under the test of goodness of fit we try to find out how far observed values of a
given phenomenon are significantly different from the expected values. The Chi
square statistic can be used to judge the difference between the observed and
expected frequencies.

2. Give the main use of Chi-square test.

To test the significance of discrepancy between experimental values and the

theoretical values, obtained under some theory or hypothesis.

3. Write the condition for the application of 2 test.

2 test can be applied only for small samples.
4. How is the number of degrees of freedom of chi-square distribution fixed for
testing the goodness of fit of a poisson distribution for the given data.
Degree of freedom = n – 1 where n is the no. of observations.

An attribute means a quality or characteristic. Eg. Drinking, smoking, blindness,



Consider any two attributes A and B. A and B are divided into two classes.

A a b
B c d


E(a)= E(b)=(b+d)(a+b)/N a+b

E(c) = E(d)=(b+d)(c+d)/N c+d
a+c b+d N(Total

1. A die is thrown 264 times with the following results. Show that the die is
No appeared on the 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 40 32 28 58 54 60

Calculated 2 value =17.6362
Tabulated Value = 11.07 ( at 5% level of significance with 5 degrees of
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)
2. 200 digits were chosen at random from a set of tables. The frequencies of the
digits were
Digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency 18 19 23 21 16 25 22 20 21 15
Use the  test to assess the correctness of the hypothesis that the digits were

distributed in the equal number in the tables from which these were chosen.
Calculated 2 value = 4.3
Tabulated Value = 16.919 ( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of
Calculated value< Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)

3. Two groups of 100 people each were taken for testing the use of a vaccine 15
persons contracted the disease out of the inoculated persons while 25 contracted
the disease in the other group. Test the efficiency of the vaccine using chi square
Calculated 2 value = 3.125
Tabulated Value = 3.184 ( at 5% level of significance with 1 degrees of
Calculated value< Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)

4. In a certain sample of 2000 families 1400 families are consumers of tea. Out of
1800 Hindu families, 1236 families consume tea. Use Chi square test and state
whether there is any significant difference between consumption of tea among
Hindu and Non – Hindu families.
Calculated 2 value = 15.238
Tabulated Value = 3.841 ( at 5% level of significance with 1 degrees of
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)
5. Given the following contingency table for hair colour and eye colour. Find the
value of Chi-Square and is there any good association between the two

Hair Fair Brown Black


Eye colour

Grey 20 10 20
Brown 25 15 20
Black 15 5 20

Calculated 2 value = 3.6458
Tabulated Value = 9.488 ( at 5% level of significance with 4 degrees of
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)



If the size of the sample n>30 then that sample is called large sample.

Type 1. Test of significance for single proportion

Let p be the sample proportion and P be the population proportion, we use the
statistic Z= (p-P) / (PQ / n)

Limits for population proportion P are given by p±3 (PQ / n)

Where q = 1-p

1. A manufacture claimed that at least 95% of the equipment which he supplied to

a factory conformed to specifications. An examination of a sample of 200 pieces of
equipment revealed that 18 were faulty. tEst his claim at 5% level of significance.
Calculated Z value = 2.59
Tabulated Value = 1.96 ( at 5% level of significance) Calculated value >
Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)
2. In a big city 325 men out of 600 men were found to be smokers. Does this
information support the conclusion that the majority of men in this city are
Calculated Z value = 2.04
Tabulated Value = 1.645 ( at 5% level of significance) Calculated value >
Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)

3. A die is thrown 9000 times and of these 3220 yielded 3 or 4. Is this consistent
with the hypothesis that the die was unbiased?
Calculated Z value = 4.94 since z>3
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)

4 A random sample of 500 apples were taken from the large consignment and 65
were found to be bad. Find the percentage of bad apples in the consignment.
(0.175, 0.085) Hence percentage of bad apples in the consignment lies between
17.5% and 8.5%

Type II Test of significance for difference of proportions

Let n1 and n2 are the two sample sizes and sample proportions are p1 and p2
( p1  p2 ) pq(1 / n1  1 / n2 )
Z= where p= (n1p1+n2p2)/n1+n2 and q=1-p


1. Before an increase in excise duty on tea, 800 persons out of a sample of 1000
persons were found to be tea drinkers. After an increase in duty 800 people were
tea drinkers in the sample of 1200 people. Using standard error of proportions state
whether there is a significant decrease in the consumption of tea after the increase
in the excise duty.
Calculated Z value = 6.972
Tabulated value at 5% (one tail) = 1.645
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)
2. In two large populations there are 30% and 25% respectively of fair haired
people. Is this difference likely to be hidden in samples of 1200 and 900
respectively from the two populations.
Calculated Z value = 2.55
Tabulated value at 5% = 1.96
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)

Type III Test of significance for single Mean

z= x -  / (/n) where x is the same mean

 is the population mean, s is the population S.D.
n is the sample size.

The values of x  1.96 (/n) are called 95% confidence limits for
the mean of the population corresponding to the given sample.

The values of x  2.58 (/n) are called 99% confidence limits for
the mean of the population corresponding to the given sample.


1. A sample of 900 members has a mean of 3.4 cms and SD 2.61 cms. Is the
sample from a large population of mean is 3.25 cm and SD 2.61 cms. If the
population is normal and its mean is unknown find the 95% confidence limits of
true mean.
Calculated Z value = 1.724
Tabulated value at 5% = 1.96
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho (Null hypothesis)
Limits (3.57, 3.2295)

2. An insurance agent has claimed that the average age of policy holders who issue
through him is less than the average for all agents which is 30.5 years. A random
sample of 100 policy holders who had issued through him gave the following age
Age 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40
No of 12 22 20 30 16
Test the significant difference at 5% level of significance.
Calculated Z value = 2.68
Tabulated value at 5% = 1.645
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)
3 Write down the test statistic for single mean for large samples.

 = X -  / (/n) where X is the same mean

 is the population mean, s is the population S.D.
n is the sample size.

4. The mean score of a random sample of 60 students is 145 with a SD of 40. Fine
the 95 % confidence limit for the population mean.

Solution z = X  1.96 (/n)

= 145  (1.96) (40/60)
= 145  10.12
= 155.12 or 134.88
 The confidence limits are 155.12 and 134.88.

Type IV Test of significance for Difference of means

Z= ( x 1- x 2) /  (12/n1) + ( 2/n )
2 2

1. The means of 2 large samples of 1000 and 2000 members are 67.5 inches and 68
inches respectively. Can the samples be regarded as drawn from the same
population of SD 2.5 inches.
Calculated Z value = 5.16
Tabulated value at 5% = 1.96
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)

2. The mean yield of wheat from a district A was 210 pounds with SD 10 pounds
per acre from a sample of 100 plots. In another district the mean yield was 220
pounds with sD 12 pounds from a sample of 150 plots. Assuming that the SD of
yield in the entire state was 11 pounds test whether there is any significant
difference between the mean yield of crops in the two districts.
Calculated Z value = 7.041
Tabulated value at 5% = 1.96
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho (Null hypothesis)
1. Ten cartoons are taken at random from an automatic filling machine.
The mean net weight of 10 cartoons is 11.802 and SD is 0.15. Does the sample
mean differ significantly from the weight of 12?
Calculated t value = 4
Tabulated Value = 2.26( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho(Null hypothesis)

2. A random sample of size 20 from a normal population gives a sample mean

of 42 and sample SD 6. Test if the population mean is 44?
Calculated t value = 1.45
Tabulated Value = 2.09( at 5% level of significance with 19 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho(Null hypothesis)

3. A machine which produces mica insulating washers for using electric

devices is said to turn out washers having a thickness of 10 mm. A sample of 10
washers has an average of 9.52 mm with SD of 0.6 mm. calculate student’s t test.
Calculated t value = 2.528
Tabulated Value = 2.26( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of
freedom) Calculated value > Tabulated value, Reject Ho(Null hypothesis)

4. The mean lifetime of 25 fans produced by a company is computed to be

1570 hours with SD 120 hrs. The company claims that the average life of fans
produced by them is 1600 hours. Is the claim acceptable.
Calculated t value = 1.22
Tabulated Value = 2.06( at 5% level of significance with 24 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho(Null hypothesis)

5. From a population of students 10 are selected. Their weekly packet money

observed as 20,22,21,15,25,19,18,20,21,22. Test if the sample supports that on an
average student get Rs.25 as packet money.
Calculated t value = 1.89
Tabulated Value = 2.26 ( at 5% level of significance with 24 degrees of
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho(Null hypothesis).
6. Ten individuals are chosen from random and their heights are found to be in
inches 63,63,64,65,66,69,69,70,70,71. Discuss the solution that the mean height of
the universe is 65?
Solution :
Calculated t value = 2.02
Tabulated Value = 2.26 ( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho(Null hypothesis).

7. An IQ test was given to 5 persons before and after they were trained. Results
are given below.
IQ before 110 120 123 132 125
IQ after training 120 118 125 136 121
Test if there is any change in the IQ after the training program.
Solution :
Calculated t value = 0.816
Tabulated Value = 2.78 ( at 5% level of significance with 4 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho(Null hypothesis).

8. Memory capacity of 10 girls were tested before and after training. State if
the training was effective or not
Before 12 14 11 8 7 10 3 0 5 6
After 15 16 10 7 5 12 10 2 3 8
Solution :
Calculated t value = 1.3646
Tabulated Value = 2.26 ( at 5% level of significance with 9 degrees of freedom)
Calculated value < Tabulated value, Accept Ho(Null hypothesis).

9. 1.Two random samples gave the following results. Test whether the samples
come from the same normal population.
Sample Size Sample Sum of squares of
Mean deviations from the
1 10 15 90
2 12 14 108
Calculated F =1.018,Tabulated F for (9,11) d.f at 5% level=2.90. Since
Calculated F < Tabulated F, the null hypothesis H0 is accepted. Calculated t
=0.74,Tabulated t for 20 d.f at 5% level=2.086. Since Calculated t < Tabulated t,
the null hypothesis H0 is accepted.
10. The fatality rate of typhoid patients is believed to be 17.26%. In a certain year
640 patients suffering from typhoid were treated in a metropolitan hospital and
only 63 patients died. Can you consider the hospital efficient?
Ans:z=4.96, H0 rejected.

11. A salesman in a departmental store claims that at most 60 percent of the

shoppers entering the store leave without making a purchase. A random sample of
50 shoppers showed that 35 of them left without making a purchase. Are these
sample results consistent with the claim of the salesman?
Ans:z=1.443, H0 accepted

12. In a large city A, 20% of a random sample of 900 school boys had a slight
physical defect. In another large city B, 18.5% of a random sample of 1600 school
boys had the same defect. Is the difference between the proportions significant?
Ans:z=0.92, H0 accepted.

13. Before and increase in excise duty on tea, 800 people out of a sample of 1000
were consumers of tea. After the increase in duty 800 out of a sample of 1200
persons. Find whether there is a significant decrease in the consumption of tea
after the increase in duty.
Ans: z=6.82, H0 is rejected.

14. A sample of 100 students is taken from a large population. The mean height of
the students in this sample is 160cm. Can it be reasonably regarded that, in the
population, the mean height is 165cm, and the SD is 10cm?
Ans:z=5, H0 rejected.

15. A simple sample of heights of 6400 English men has a mean of 170cm and SD
of 6.4cm, while a sample of heights of 1600 Americans has a mean of 172cm and a
SD of 6.3cm. Do the data indicate that Americans, on the average taller than
Ans: z=11.32, H0 rejected.

16. The average marks scored by 32 boys is 72 with SD of 8, while that for 36
girls is 70 with SD of 6. Test at 1% level whether boys perform better than girls.
Ans:z-1.15, H0 accepted.
17. A random sample of 600 men chosen from a certain city contained 400
smokers. In another sample of 900 men chosen from another city, there were 450
smokers. Do the data indicate that (i)the cities are significantly different with
respect to smoking habit among men? and (ii)the first city contains more smokers
than the second?
Ans:z=6.49,(i)yes (ii)yes

18. In a college, 60 junior students are found to have a mean height of 171.5cm and
50 senior students are found to have a mean height of 173.8 cm. Can we conclude,
based on these data, that the juniors are shorter than the seniors at 1% level
assuming that the SD of students of that college is 6.2cm?
Ans:No, z=1.937

19. Tests made on the breaking strength of 10 pieces of a metal gave the following
results: 578,572,570,568,572,570, 570,572,596 and 584kg. Test if the mean
breaking strength of the wire can be assumed as 577 kg?

20. A mechinist is expected to make engine parts with axle diameter of 1.75cm. A
random sample of 10 parts shows a mean diameter of 1.85cm, with SD of 0.1cm.
On the basis of this sample, would you say that the work of the machinist is
Ans: yes, t=3

21. A certain injection administered to each of the 12 patients resulted in the

following increases of blood pressure: 5, 2, 8, -1, 3, 0, 6, -2, 1, 5, 0, 4. Can it be
concluded that the injection will be in general, accompanied by an increase in BP?
Ans: yes, t=2.89

22. The mean life time of a sample of 25 bulbs is found as 1550h, with SD of 120h.
The company manufacturing the bulbs claims that the average life of their bulbs is
1600h. Is the claim acceptable?
Ans: yes, t=2.04

23. Two independent samples of sizes 8 and 7 contained the following values:
Sample 1: 19, 17, 15, 21, 16, 18, 16, 14 and Sample 2: 15, 14, 15, 19, 15, 18, 16.
Is the difference between the sample means significant?
24. The average production of 16 workers in a factory was 107 with SD of 9, while
12 workers in another comparable factory had an average production of 111 with
SD of 10. Can we say that the production rate of workers in the latter factory is
more than that in the former factory?
Ans: No, t=1.067

25. The following table gives the number of fatal road accidents that occurred
during the 7 days of the week. Find whether the accidents are uniformly
distributed over the week.
Ans:2=4.17, accidents occur uniformly
Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Number 8 14 16 12 11 14 9

26. 1000 families were selected at random in a city to test the belief that high
income families usually send their children to public schools and the low income
families often said their children to government schools. From the following
results test whether income and type of schooling are independent.
Ans:2=22.5, reject H0
Income School
Public Govt.
Low 370 430
High 130 70

27. Three samples are taken comprising 120 doctors, 150 advocates and 130
university teachers. Each person chosen is asked to select one of the three
categories that best represents his feeling toward a certain national policy. The
three categories are in favour of the policy(F), against the policy(A), and
indifferent toward the policy(I). The results of the interviews are given below. On
the basis of this data can it be concluded that the views Doctors, Advocates, and
University teachers are homogeneous in so far as National policy under discussion
is concerned.
Ans:2=27.237, reject H0

Occupation Reaction
Doctors 80 30 10
Advocates 70 40 40
University 50 50 30
28. A marketing agency gives you the following information about age groups of
the sample informants and their liking for a particular model of scooter which a
company plans to introduce. On the basis of the data can it be concluded that the
model appeal id independent of the age group of the informants?
Ans:2=42.788, reject H0

Age group of informants

Below 20 – 39 40 –
20 59
Liked 125 420 60
Disliked 75 220 100

29. A certain drug is claimed to be effective in curing cold. In an experiment on

500 persons with cold, half of them were given the drug and half of them were
given the sugar pills. The patient’s reaction to the treatment are recorded and
given below. On the basis of this data, can it be concluded that the drug and sugar
pills differ significantly in curing cold?
Ans:2=3.52, do not differ significantly

Helped Harmed No
Drug 150 30 70
Sugar Pills 130 40 80

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