United States Patent: Ca (OH) 2, P7 Caso
United States Patent: Ca (OH) 2, P7 Caso
United States Patent: Ca (OH) 2, P7 Caso
P4 CaF2
Ca(OH)2, P7 caso
pol P9
P15 P10 CaF2 pH6 , 5
R2 2 011 CaF2
P13 P12 Wastewater
P14 treatment
U.S. Paten
atent Sep . 19, 2017 Sheet 1 of 2 US 9,764,963 B2
AZ R2 P13
Ca P6 CaCaF2F27 P14
Djeca CaF2
U.S. Patent
atent Sep . 19, 2017 Sheet 2 of 2 US 9,764,963 B2
Wastew treatment
04 5
- P9
R2 P13
Ca 19d
. CaF21 P14
Çacos CaF2
- - - - - -
L - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
US 9, 764 ,963 B2
METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FREE can be transferred into synthetic free - flowing calcium fluo
FLOWING SYNTHETIC CALCIUM ride particles upon contact with diluted hydrogen fluoride
FLUORIDE AND USE THEREOF solutions even at low temperatures <50° C .
In the following there is provided a process for producing
5 free - flowing calcium fluoride particles from a diluted aque
ous solution of hydrogen fluoride comprising the step of
The invention relates to a method for producing free reacting
flowing synthetic calcium fluoride particles by treating cal the diluted aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride
cium c particles with diluted aqueous hydrogen fluoride with calcium carbonate particles at a temperature of less
solutions . The synthetic calcium fluoride particles can be than 50° C .
used in manufacturing processes for anhydrous hydrogen 10 existing
The obtained calcium fluoride particles can be used in
manufacturing processes for anhydrous hydrogen
fluoride .
fluoride .
BACKGROUND The calcium carbonate particles do not disintegrate during
the reaction and the free flowing behavior of the particles
Diluted aqueous solutions of hydrogen fluoride (HF) are 15 remains.
generated during many chemical processes; significant There is no need to add precipitation or flocculation
streams are generated by electrochemical fluorination opera - agents and therefore the calcium fluoride is essentially free
tions or by thermal oxidizers incinerating fluorine - contain of organic residues .
ing off - gas streams. The off- gases are usually scrubbed and The calcium carbonate particles are converted rapidly into
the resulting aqueous streamshave a concentration ofhydro - 20 calcium fluoride particles , the residence time is about 1 hour
gen fluoride of 0 . 5 to 40 % . These HF solutions cannot be to 10 hours to convert 88 % and more of calcium carbonate
released into the environment without pre -treatment, nor particles into calcium fluoride particles.
does a waste water treatment tolerate such solutions. The water content of the separated CaF2 is in the range of
Consequently, these HF streams are treated with aqueous 10 to 40 % compared to > 50 % for the Ca(OH )2/CaF , sludge
solutions of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH ) 2). In this process, 25
25 of the precipitation process starting from calcium hydroxide .
calcium fluoride (CaF2) is precipitating . However, the pre
cipitated CaF2 particles are very small , the particle size is Consequently
to generate
, the drying time and the energy consumption
CaF2 for AHF-production are much lower.
usually below 20 um . To improve the handling properties of The reaction of the diluted aqueous solution of hydrogen
the calcium fluoride , organic precipitation agents ( floccu
lants ) are added . The final sludge is filtered and land - filled fluoride with the calcium carbonate particles is carried out at
or supplied to cement or steel industry as processing ingre - 30 lower temperatures < 50° C . and without the addition of fine
dient. Due to the fine particles sizes and the organic residues
des calcium carbonate powder compared to EP 0 536 051 A1.
such calcium fluoride cannot be used to manufacture anhy - Another advantage of the present invention is that the
drous hydrogen fluoride ( AHF). process is increasing the specific surface area (BET) of the
Attempts to generate larger particles of calcium fluoride particles and is generating a quite porous structure of CaF2 ,
during the treatment of Ca(OH )2 all failed due to the low 35 which is beneficial for the intended applications.
solubility product of CaF2.
EP 0 536 051 A1 discloses a method for recovering SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES
calcium fluoride from a fluoroetchant. Calcium fluoride of
high purity is produced from etchants,mainly composed of The figures show preferred embodiments of the process
hydrogen fluoride , silicon compounds and ammonium fluo - 40 described herein . FIG . 1 shows a continuous flow process ,
ride . Calcium fluoride is produced by a reaction ofhydrogen FIG . 2 shows a discontinuous process (batch process).
fluoride with calcium carbonate at a temperature not lower
than 50° C . The reaction is carried out as a two -step process ; DETAILED DESCRIPTION
in the first step a granular calcium carbonate with a grain
size of 0 .05 to 0 .15 mm is used , in the second step a calcium 45 The diluted aqueous solutions of hydrogen fluoride used
carbonate powder with a grain size of 3 to 30 um is used . herein for producing free - flowing calcium fluoride particles
Due to the calcium carbonate powder used for this process , preferably have a concentration of hydrogen fluoride of 0 .5
the resulting calcium fluoride contains a significant amount to 40 % , more preferably 1 to 30 % . The diluted aqueous
of fine calcium fluoride particles with a grain size of 3 to 30 solutions of hydrogen fluoride may be obtained from ther
um . Due to the fine calcium fluoride particles, it is difficult 50 mal oxidizers incinerating fluorine -containing off -gas
to use the product in existing manufacturing processes for streams or from other chemical processes , for example from
anhydrous hydrogen fluoride , as the fine particles cannot be electrochemical fluorination processes or any other fluori
processed with sulfuric acid as they would generate a cloud nation processes, or from incinerating fluoropolymers .
of dust which cannot be tolerated in the manufacturing The calcium carbonate particles used herein for the pro
process of anhydrous hydrogen fluoride . Another disadvan - 55 cess for producing free - flowing calcium fluoride particles
tage of this process is the required temperature of 250° C . preferably have a mean particle size (do) of 20 to 200 um ,
The energy cost for heating the diluted HF makes the more preferably 20 to 150 um , more preferably 30 to 80 um ,
process non -economical. most preferably from more than 30 to less than 50 um . The
Aneed still exists for a process for producing free-flowing mean particle size (d50 ) is measured by laser diffraction .
calcium fluoride from diluted aqueous solutions of hydrogen 60 Preferably , not more than 5 % of the calcium carbonate
can be used in existing manufacturing pro - particles have a particle size of s3 um .
cesses for anhydrous hydrogen fluoride . Preferably , CaCO , particles with a purity of 90 % , more
preferably > 95 % , are used . The CaCO3 should not contain
SUMMARY arsenic or arsenic compounds.
65 The specific surface area (BET) of the calcium carbonate
Surprisingly, it has now been found that milled and particles is preferably s10 m /g , more preferably s5 m²/ g ,
optionally classified calcium carbonate (CaCO3) particles most preferably s2 m?lg .
US 9 ,764,963 B2
The step of reacting the diluted aqueous solution of 80 um , most preferably from more than 30 to less than 50
hydrogen fluoride with the calcium carbonate particles is um . The mean particle size (d50) is measured by laser
preferably carried out in a reaction vessel as a one - step diffraction .
process. The reaction vessel is preferably equipped with a Preferably , not more than 5 % of the calcium fluoride
stirrer. The reaction vessel is suitably made from HF - 5 particles have a particle size of s3 um .
resistant material, e. g. Inconel or kettle lined with polymer. reactionThe particle size does not change very much during the
A diluted aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride and a to 15 to . The size of the calcium fluoride particles can be up
suitable amount of calcium carbonate particles are charged carbonate 25particles % lower than the size of the starting calcium
. The mean particle size (dan ) of the
into the reaction vessel.
Preferably, stoichiometric amounts of calcium carbonate the mean particle size (d50can
ste 10 calcium fluoride particles
) of
be up to 10 to 15 % lower than
the starting calcium carbonate
and hydrogen fluoride according to the reaction equation particles .
CaCO3+ 2HF - CaF2+ H2O + C021 The specific surface area (BET) of the calcium fluoride
particles is preferably from 40 to 80 m²/g .
are charged into the reaction vessel. Calcium carbonate can 15 The calcium fluoride particles are free - flowing and can be
also be added in an excess . It is also possible to work with used in existing manufacturing processes for the production
an excess of hydrogen fluoride . of anhydrous hydrogen fluoride ( AHF) .
The diluted aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride and the The calcium fluoride particles may have a core of unre
calcium carbonate particles are reacted in the reaction vessel acted calcium carbonate which is surrounded by a shell of
for a reaction time of 1 to 10 hours, preferably for 2 to 6 20 calcium fluoride . The calcium fluoride particles have a
hours. porous structure. The specific surface area (BET) of the
Preferably, the reaction partners are gently agitated during starting calcium carbonate particles increases during the
the reaction . The agitation is selected in such a way that the reaction to the calcium fluoride particles, from values which
are preferably 10 m²/ g or less for the calcium carbonate
particle size of the CaCO3 particles is not significantly 25 particles
lowered ; preferably the particle size of the CaCO3 particles the calciumto values which are preferably 40 m?lg or more for
fluoride particles . Despite the significant change
should not be reduced by more than 20 % . in the crystalline structure of the particles which transform
The reaction is carried out at a temperature of less than
50° C . Preferably , the reaction temperature is in the range of from calcium carbonate into calcium fluoride and despite the
increase of the specific surface area (BET) , the calcium
from 20° C . to less than 50° C ., more preferably from 20° C . 30 fluoride particles obtained by the process presented herein
to 40° C . have a stable particle structure which can be used for further
The reaction can be carried out without the addition of a processing , e.g. for the manufacturing of anhydrous hydro
flocculation agent. gen fluoride. The fine -pored structure of the calcium fluoride
The reaction is monitored by the amount of formation of particles is advantageous for the reactivity and thus for the
CO2 and by controlling the pH value and temperature. 35 production of AHF.
At the end of the reaction time, unreacted hydrofluoric With increasing concentration of hydrogen fluoride , the
acid is neutralized with an aqueous solution of a base , e . g . obtained calcium fluoride particles have a more compact
KOH , NaOH , Ca (OH ) 2, CaO or others . The preferred base structure and the porosity decreases .
is Ca(OH ) 2. If CaCO3 has been added in an excess, no In a further embodiment of the invention , the process for
neutralization is necessary . 40 producing free -flowing calcium fluoride particles from
After neutralization , the reaction product is separated diluted aqueous solutions of hydrogen fluoride may further
from the water by conventional methods such as filtration , comprise the step of adding calcium sulfate (CaSO2). The
sedimentation or decantation . The separated aqueous phase addition of calcium sulfate ensures a higher particle stability
can be disposed or can be reused to suspend the CaCO3 of the highly porous CaF2particles and further improves the
particles in the reaction vessel. There is no need to wash the 45 flowability by agglomerating the CaF , fines . The addition of
separated product . The separated product can be dewatered CaSO4 does not interfere with the further processing , e . g .
mechanically , dried by conventional drying methods and , if AHF manufacturing . Calcium sulfate can be added to the
needed , deagglomerated by milling. reaction vessel at the end of the reaction and before the
The obtained reaction product are calcium fluoride par - separation of the water phase . Calcium sulfate can be added
ticles with a content of calcium fluoride of preferably at least 50 to the reaction vessel as a diluted aqueous solution , but it is
88 % ,more preferably of at least 90 % ,more preferably of at also possible to add a dry powder of calcium sulfate to the
least 92 % . The calcium fluoride content of the calcium reaction vessel. Another possibility to add the calcium
fluoride particles is measured according to ISO 5439 . By this sulfate is by spraying it onto the dried or wet product.
method , the content of CaF , is determined via the concen - Preferably, the CaSO4 is added in the neutralization step
tration of H , SiF , which is formed by driving HF out of the 55 when an aqueous solution of a base , preferably Ca (OH ) ,, is
calcium fluoride with perchloric acid followed by reacting added . If calcium sulfate is added , the resulting calcium
the formed hydrogen fluoride with SiO . . fluoride particles may have an outer shell of calcium sulfate ,
The content of calcium carbonate in the obtained calcium but the calcium sulfate also has the function of a binder for
fluoride particles is preferably 12 % or less, more preferably the porous CaF2 particles and for the CaF2 fines which are
10 % or less, most preferably 8 % or less . The content of 60 agglomerated by the added CaSO4.
calcium carbonate is measured according to ISO 4283. As already mentioned , the obtained calcium fluoride
The XRD analysis of the obtained particles shows cal - particles can be used in existing manufacturing processes for
cium fluoride as the main phase with minor amounts of anhydrous hydrogen fluoride . In conventional manufactur
calcium carbonate . ing processes for anhydrous hydrogen fluoride , calcium
The mean particle size (dzo ) of the obtained calcium 65 fluoride particles aremixed with sulfuric acid and oleum and
fluoride particles is preferably from 20 to 200 um , more reacted in a rotary kiln at a temperature of about 300 to 500°
preferably from 20 to 150 um , more preferably from 25 to C . The reaction products are anhydrous hydrogen fluoride
US 9, 764, 963 B2
and calcium sulfate . The calcium carbonate residues in the The separated wet solid phase from process unit F1 is the
core of the calcium fluoride particles can be tolerated in the reaction product from reaction vessel R1, calcium fluoride .
manufacturing processes for anhydrous hydrogen fluoride , For further conditioning a continuous mass flow P6 of the
as the calcium carbonate is reacted to calcium sulfate , reaction product is transferred to the neutralization reactor
carbon dioxide and water . The obtained calcium sulfate can 5 R2. In R2, the reaction product is neutralized with a con
be used , for example, for floor pavements and other archi tinuous mass flow P7 ofan alkaline aqueous solution , e.g . of
tectural applications. calcium hydroxide, calcium oxide, potassium hydroxide,
In the following, two preferred embodiments of the inven sodium
ide , to a
hydroxide or others , preferably of calcium hydrox
pH value of 6 . 5 to 7 . If no excess of HF has been
tive process are described using FIGS. 1 and 2 . f 10 used for the reaction in R1 and the pH value has already
FIG . 1 shows the flow sheet of a preferred embodiment of reached a value of 6 .5 or more after the reaction in R1, the
the inventive process . In the process shown in FIG . 1, the neutralization step can be omitted . Optionally , a mass flow
step of reacting a diluted aqueous solution of hydrogen P9 of calcium sulfate particles can be added continuously to
fluoride with calcium carbonate particles is a continuous the neutralization reactor R2 . The amount of calcium sulfate
flow process . In the continuous flow process, a diluted
aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride and a suspension of 15 particles is 0 .01 % to 1 % , preferably 0 . 1 % to 0 .5 % , related
to the amount of the calcium fluoride particles. By the
calcium carbonate particles are fed continuously into a addition of calcium sulfate particles, the calcium fluoride
reaction vessel (R1) and are reacted in the reaction vessel at particles can be stabilized .
a temperature below 50° C ., and a suspension of calcium A continuous flow P10 of a suspension of calcium fluoride
fluoride particles is continuously removed from the reaction 20 particles is transferred to the second separation step in
vessel. process unit F2. In process unit F2 the liquid phase is
In FIG . 1, the mass flow lines in the flow sheet are separated from the solid phase . The phase separation in
designated by “ P ” numbers and are solid lines to indicate a process unit F2 can be done by a filtration step or by a
continuousmass flow . In the following, the continuous flow gravity separation , for example with a decanter, or by a
process of FIG . 1 is described in more detail. 25 flotation process . The separated solid phase is the final
A continuous mass flow P1 of an aqueous 0 .5 - 40 % HF product and a continuous mass flow P11 of the final product
solution is fed into the reaction vessel R1. A continuous can be supplied to further conditioning steps like drying. The
mass flow P3 of calcium carbonate particles is dosed into the final product are calcium fluoride particles or, if calcium
reaction vessel equipped with a stirrer . The stirrer is running sulfate particles have been added , calcium fluoride particles
continuously , thereby generating a suspension of calcium 30 stabilized with calcium sulfate .
carbonate particles in an aqueous 0 . 5 - 40 % HF solution and A continuous mass flow P13 of the separated neutralized
gently agitating the reaction partners CaCO , and HF. The liquid phase from process unit F2 can be recycled and
molar ratio of CaCO , to HF is ranging from 1 : 2 to 1 :6 . The transferred to the neutralization step in reaction vessel R2.
stirrer should be designed in such a way that the particle size For recycling, the mass flow P13 is combined with the mass
of the CaCO , particles and especially of the CaF , product is 35 flow P7 of the reactor feed of the alkaline aqueous solution
not significantly lowered ; preferably the particle size of the of the base used for neutralization , for example Ca (OH ) 2, to
CaCO , particles should not be reduced by more than 20 % . a mass flow P8 which is fed into the reaction vessel R2 . By
The reaction in reaction vessel R1 can be carried out without this recycling step the yield regarding the balance of the base
the addition of a flocculation agent. used for neutralization , for example Ca (OH ) 2, is increased .
A continuous mass flow P4 of the reacted suspension is 40 Any excess mass flow P12 of the separated neutralized
removed from the reaction vessel R1. The feed rate of the liquid phase from process unit F2 is mixed with a mass flow
aqueous 0 . 5 - 40 % HF solution and the removal rate of the P14 of the excess of the acidic waste water from the process
continuous mass flow P4 from R1 are chosen to be equal and unit F1 and transferred continuously to waste water treat
should be selected in such a way that the average reaction ment.
time of the suspension in reaction vessel R1 is preferably 45 FIG . 2 shows the flow sheet of another preferred embodi
from 1 to 10 hours, more preferably 2 to 6 hours. The ment of the inventive process. In the process shown in FIG .
reaction temperature is controlled to stay below 50° C . 2 , the step of reacting a diluted aqueous solution of hydrogen
Preferably , the reaction temperature is in the range of from fluoride with calcium carbonate particles is a discontinuous
20° C . to less than 50° C ., more preferably in the range of process (batch process) . In the batch process , a diluted
20° C . to 40° C . The reaction is controlled by monitoring the 50 aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride and a suspension of
amount of formation of CO2, the pH value, and the tem - calcium carbonate particles are fed discontinuously into a
perature. reaction vessel (R1) and are reacted in the reaction vessel at
The continuous mass flow P4 which is removed from the a temperature below 50° C ., and a suspension of calcium
reaction vessel R1 is transferred to process unit F1 for phase fluoride particles is discontinuously removed from the reac
separation . The phase separation in process unit F1 can be 55 tion vessel.
done by a filtration step or by a gravity separation, for In FIG . 2 , the mass flow lines in the flow sheet are
example with a decanter, or by a flotation process. The designated by “ P ” numbers . Solid lines indicate a continu
continuous mass flow P14 of the separated liquid phase with ous mass flow , dotted lines indicate a discontinuous mass
the remaining unreacted HF is transferred to waste water flow . In the following, the batch process of FIG . 2 is
treatment. Optionally , a continuous flow P15 of separated 60 described in more detail. First, a discontinuous mass flow P1
liquid phase can be recycled into the reaction vessel Ri, of an aqueous 0 . 5 - 40 % HF solution is charged into the
thereby using the remaining HF of the separated liquid reaction vessel R1 equipped with a stirrer. Then a mass flow
phase. For recycling , the continuous flow P15 is combined P3 of calcium carbonate particles is added continuously,
with the continuous flow P1 to the continuous flow P2 which preferably over a period of 2/3 of the complete reaction time.
is fed into the reaction vessel. The recycling of the separated 65 Alternatively the operation can be reversed and an aqueous
liquid phase reduces the amount of acid which has to be suspension of the calcium carbonate particles is first charged
neutralized . into the reaction vessel and then a diluted aqueous solution
US 9, 764, 963 B2
of hydrogen fluoride is dosed over a certain period , prefer phase separated in process unit F2 should be in the range of
ably over a period of 2/3 of the complete reaction time. The 10 % to 40 % , preferably from 10 % to 30 % . A low water
molar ratio of CaCO3 to HF is ranging from 1 :1. 8 to 1 :2 .2 . content of the wet solid phase is preferred , as less energy is
The reaction is conducted preferably in a non - fixed bed consumed in a subsequent drying step .
operation . Fixed beds with CaCO , are not preferred , due to 5
effects such as blocking and a reduced mass transfer coef The mass flow P13 of the separated neutralized liquid
ficient. phase from process unit F2 can be recycled and transferred
The aqueous 0 . 5 - 40 % HF solution and the calcium car to the neutralization step in reaction vessel R2. For recy
bonate particles are kept in the reaction vessel for 1 to 10 cling , the mass flow P13 is combined with the mass flow P7
hours reaction time, preferably for 2 to 6 hours . of the reactor feed of the alkaline aqueous solution of the
Preferably, the reaction partners CaCO3 and HF are gently base used for neutralization , for example Ca (OH ) 2, to a mass
agitated during the reaction . The agitation is selected in such flow P8 which is fed into the reaction vessel R2 . By this
a way that the particle size of the Caco , particles is not recycling step the yield regarding the balance of the base
significantly lowered ; preferably the particle size of the used for neutralization , for example Ca (OH )2, is increased .
CaCO3 particles should not be reducedd by
by more than 2020 %% .. 1515
more than Any excess mass flow P12 of the separated neutralized
The reaction in reaction vessel R1 is carried out at a liquid phase from process unit F2 is mixed with the excess
temperature of less than 50° C . Preferably , the reaction of the acidic waste water P14 from the process unit F1 and
temperature is in the range of from 20° C . to less than 50°then transferred to waste water treatment.
C ., more preferably from 20° C . to 40° C .
The reaction in reaction vessel R1 can be carried out 20 The separated solid phase from process unit F2 is the final
without the addition of a flocculation agent. product and a continuousmass flow of the final product P11
The reaction is controlled by monitoring the amount of can be supplied to further conditioning steps like drying. The
formation of CO2, the pH value , and the temperature . final product are calcium fluoride particles or, if calcium
At the end of the reaction time, a mass flow P4 of the sulfate particles have been added , calcium fluoride particles
whole reaction suspension is transferred discontinuously 25 stabilized with calcium sulfate .
into process unit F1 for phase separation . The phase sepa -
ration in process unit F1 can be done by a filtration step or
The reaction in reaction vessel R1 and the neutralization
by a gravity separation , for example with a decanter, or by in reaction vessel R2 can be carried out in different reaction
a flotation process. The water content in the wet solid phase vessels as indicated in the flow sheet of FIG . 2 , but it is also
separated in process unit F1 should be in the range of 20 % possible to perform the reaction and the neutralization in the
30 same reaction
to 60 % , preferably from 20 % to 40 % . vessel (R1). If the reaction and the neutral
ization are performed in the same reaction vessel, first the
Optionally , one part P5 of the liquid phase separatedthein reaction is carried out in the reaction vessel R1. When the
process unit F1 can be recycled discontinuously into the
reaction vessel R1 and used to prepare the next CaCO3 preset reaction time of the reaction is reached , the neutral
suspension , thereby using the remaining HF of the liquid 35 ization is started by adding the alkaline aqueous solution
phase separated in process unit F1 for the nextbatch process used for neutralization into the reaction vessel R1. The
in reaction vessel R1. The recycling of the separated liquid separation step in process unit F1 is not necessary in this
phase reduces the amount of acid which has to be neutral- case . On the other hand, the consumption of alkaline solu
ized . The mass flow P14 of the remaining part of the liquid tion will be higher compared to the process with two
phase separated in process unit F1 will be transferred to 40 different reaction vessels R1 and R2 and a separation process
waste water treatment . unit F1 between R1 and R2, as the recycling of the HF will
The separated wet solid phase from process unit F1 is the not be possible if only one reaction vessel is used . The yield
reaction product calcium fluoride. The mass flow P6 of the of CaF , particles in relation to the process input of HF is
reaction product is transferred discontinuously to the reac lower if only one reaction vessel is used .
tion vessel R2 for neutralization . For neutralization an 45
alkaline aqueous solution is used , e . g . of calcium hydroxide ,
calcium oxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide or EXAMPLES
others , preferably of calcium hydroxide . A mass flow P7 of
the alkaline aqueous solution is fed into the reaction vessel Examples 1-5 and Reference Examples 5 - 9
R2 . If the pH value is approaching a value of 6 . 5 , the 50
neutralization is finished and the feeding of the base is A stirred polypropylene- lined reactor is charged with 300
stopped . If no excess of HF has been used for the reaction
in R1 and the pH value has already reached a value of 6 .5 g of a 10 % HF solution . This solution is further diluted with
or more after the reaction in R1, the neutralization step can deionized water. The HF concentration is 1 % in examples 1 ,
be omitted . For stabilization of the product, a mass flow P9 55 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 , and 5 % in examples 3 , 5 , 7 and 9 . Then a
of calcium sulfate particles can be added discontinuously to suspension of 75 g CaCO3, suspended in 0 .5 L deionized
the neutralization reactor R2 . The amount of calcium sulfate water , is added slowly . The temperature is kept at 20° C . At
particles is 0 .01% to 1 % , preferably 0 . 1 % to 0 .5 % related to the end of the reaction time, unreacted HF is neutralized
the amount of the calcium fluoride particles. with KOH . The reaction time and the results are listed in
Subsequently , the mass flow P10 of the neutralized sus - 60 table 1.
pension of calcium fluoride particles from reaction vessel R2 Examples 1 to 5 are examples according to the invention ,
is transferred discontinuously to process unit F2 for phase examples 6 to 9 are reference examples. The conversion rate
separation . The phase separation in process unit F2 can be indicated in table 1 is the calcium fluoride content of the
done by a filtration step or by a gravity separation , for obtained particles, measured according to ISO 5439 . The
example with a decanter , or by a flotation process . The 65 mean particle sizes (do) of the starting calcium carbonate
apparatus can be the same as used for the phase separation particles and of the obtained calcium fluoride particles are
step in process unit F1 . The water content in the wet solid measured by laser diffraction .
US 9, 764 ,963 B2
TABLE 1 Under gentle agitation , 100 g of CaCO3 (V /60 available
Mean particle HF Reac - Conver- Mean particle
from Scheruhn Industrie -Mineralien , Germany ) with a mean
size (d50 ) concen - tion sion size ( d50 ) particle size (dso ) of 30 um are added over a period of 0 .5
Example of used tration time rate of obtained h . The slurry is agitated for 4 h . After the reaction 3 g Cao
No. CaCO3 [um ] [% ] [min ] [% ] CaF2 [um ] 5 are added to neutralize the slurry . The solid product is
48 70 92 45 filtered off and dried at 105° C . The CaF2 content according
48 160 93
93 42 to ISO 5439 is 95.2 % ; the mean particle size (dso ) of the
ur h 160
989 41
obtained CaF2 is 28 um .
The invention claimed is :
1 . A process for producing free-flowing calcium fluoride
example ) particles from an aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride
& 30 45
comprising the step of reacting the aqueous solution of
example ) hydrogen fluoride with calcium carbonate particles at a
& 30 ä 91 temperature of less than 50° C ., further wherein the aqueous
( reference solution of hydrogen fluoride has a concentration of hydro
example )
5 30 80 gen fluoride of from 0 .5 to 40 % and the calcium carbonate
( reference particles have a mean particle size (dzo ) of from more than
example ) 30 to less than 50 um .20
2 . The process of claim 1, wherein the diluted aqueous
Example 10 and Reference Examples 11 and 12 solution of hydrogen fluoride has a concentration of hydro
gen fluoride of from 1 to 30 % .
Example 10 is an example according to the invention , area3 . (The
process of claim 1 , wherein the specific surface
) of the calcium carbonate particles is s10 m²/g .
examples 11 and 12 are reference examples . Into a 600 L 25 4 . The process of claim 1 , wherein the diluted aqueous
Hasteloy reactor equipped with an anchor agitator and a
heating jacket 200 kg of a 10 % HF solution are placed . 50 solution of hydrogen fluoride and the calcium carbonate
kg of CaCO , (dgo = 35 um ), available from Scheruhn Indus particles are reacted for from 1 to 10 hours .
trie -Mineralien , Germany , are added in small portions. The 5 . The process of claim 1 , wherein the reaction tempera
reactions are performed at 20° C . ( example 10 ). 50° C . 30 ture is in the range of from 20° C . to less than 50° C .
(reference example 11 ) and 70° C . (reference example 12 ) . 6 . The process of claim 1 , wherein the calcium fluoride
The reaction temperature , the reaction time and the results content of the free- flowing calcium fluoride particles is at
are listed in table 2 . The conversion rate indicated in table 2 least 88 % .
is the calcium fluoride content of the obtained particles , 7 . The process of claim 1 , wherein the content of calcium
measured according to ISO 5439 . as carbonate in the free- flowing calcium fluoride particles is
12 % or less .
TABLE 2 8 . The process of claim 1 , wherein the mean particle size
(do) of the free - flowing calcium fluoride particles is from
Reaction Reaction
- Mean particle
size (dso)
more than 30 to less than 50 um .
temperature time rate of obtained
9 . The process of claim 1, wherein the specific surface
Example [° C .] [ ch ] [% ] CaF2 [um ] area (BET ) of the calcium fluoride particles is from 40 to 80
m?lg .
10 92 35 10 . The process of claim 1 , further comprising a neutral
88 94 33 ization step for unreacted hydrofluoric acid .
example ) 11 . The process of claim 1 , further comprising the step of
70 2 94
94 30
30 adding calcium sulfate .
example ) 12 . The process of claim 1 , wherein the step of reacting
the diluted aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride with
calcium carbonate particles is a continuous flow process .
Example 13 13 . The process of claim 1, wherein the step of reacting
the diluted aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride with
410 g of a 10 % HF solution are placed in a polypropylene calcium carbonate particles is a batch process.
reactor equipped with an agitator and heated up to 45° C . * * * *