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Calculation of specific heat of air using keenan and kayes model.

%Determination of Cp of air fuel mixture using Keekay model
%Fuel under consideration is gasoline
%Values for lean and rich air-fuel mixtures will be calculated
%Real data of AFR is taken from reference
%exx= AFR(actual)/AFR(stoichiometric)

% Initial Conditions
T_exx=950; %typical value of exhaust gas for gasoline in Celsius
T=T_exx+273.15; %to convert the temperature of gas in kelvin
AFR_lean= 19.8; %AFR value for real case. It is for 3000 RPM and 10Nm torque
AFR_rich= 10.5; %AFR value for real case. It is for 5000 RPM and 140Nm torque
AFR=14.7; %AFR value for stoichiometric condition
R=287; %Molar gas constant of air in J/Kg-K

for i=1:2
if i==1
if T>600
cp(i) = (166.3 + 24.5 / exx) * log (T-70-120 / exx);
elseif exx<8
cp(i) = (975.5 + 0.28 * T) - ((11.92 + 0.06 * T) * log (exx));
cp(i) = 1000 + 2.85 * exp ((T-273.15) /100*0.88);
gamma(i) =cp(i)/(cp(i)-R);
sprintf ('cp = %f for lean mixture', cp(1))
sprintf ('cp = %f for rich mixture', cp(2))
sprintf ('gamma = %f for lean mixture', gamma(1))
sprintf ('gamma = %f for rich mixture', gamma(2))

cp = 1285.862702 J/kg-K for lean mixture'
cp = 1382.694459 J/Kg-K for rich mixture'
gamma = 1.287327 for lean mixture'
gamma = 1.261934 for rich mixture'
Specific heat constants (𝐶𝑝 and 𝐶𝑣 ) and their ratio (γ) are used in thermodynamic cycles and heat
release calculations etc. The value of 𝐶𝑝 depend on temperature mainly. Hence, its value will change
during the operation of the engine. Many experimental data have been collected in this regard and
various techniques have been developed for its calculation. The value of 𝐶𝑝 and γ was calculated using
Keenan and Kayes, Keekay model. The fuel considered was gasoline and it was evaluated at the
exhaust temperature which typically is 950 °C. The stoichiometric AFR value of gasoline is 14.7 and for
lean and rich mixture actual AFR values were used from an experimental data of SI engine in which
AFR was determined for various RPMs and torque. For lean mixture actual AFR value is greater than
stoichiometric AFR value and for rich mixture it is the opposite.
The results obtained show that for the same temperature the value of 𝐶𝑝 increases as mixture
becomes richer. This is reasonable as with the increase in the amount of fuel in the mixture purity of
air decreases so will its value of 𝐶𝑝. As gasoline 𝐶𝑝 (2200 J/Kg-K,) value is greater than that of air at
same temperature so mixture value in case if more fuel will tend to go towards that of gasoline. Also,
the value of γ in both cases is less than found for air.
Again, it is reasonable as air now consists of fuel as well and can no longer be modelled as a diatomic
gas. But for lean mixture the value is more than it is for rich mixture. It is observed that however rich
mixtures produce more power their efficiency is less as temperature at which the combust is cooler.
Lean mixture is more efficient but generates higher temperature so can lead to serious engine


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