Fired Heater Control
Fired Heater Control
Fired Heater Control
ighter emission regulations and high heating value of a gas divided by the square taken into account. If large fluctuations in
energy costs pose new challenges to root of its specific gravity) is a measure of the fuel gas composition are expected, the
control systems for fired heaters. the interchangeability of fuel gases when signal from a WI analyzer or calorimeter is
Rapid changes in fuel gas heating value, introduced into a heater via a burner with used for correcting the air/fuel flow ratio.
air demand and composition are typical a fixed differential pressure. Two gases with Typically, the assumption is that there is a
for applications in oil refineries, chemical the same WI will deliver the same amount proportional relationship between heating
plants and many other sites. Traditional of heat into a combustion process per unit value and air demand. Whereas this is cor-
feedback control based on temperature, of time, regardless of the composition. To rect for hydrocarbon-based fuel gases like
stack oxygen and combustibles measure- clarify this concept, consider the following natural gas, for fuel gases containing sig-
ment is not quick enough to handle rapid fuel gas cases: nificant percentages of hydrogen, olefins,
changes effectively. This short coming is • Case 1—40% methane and 60% CO2 and/or oxygen this approach fails.
typically addressed by controlling the excess hydrogen (by volume) The following are fuel gas cases:
air set point with a certain safety margin. • Case 2—58% methane and 42% • Case 1—100% hydrogen
Unfortunately, this approach prevents the nitrogen. • Case 2—88.5% methane and 11.5%
emission of unburned components while The lower heating value by volume nitrogen.
increasing CO2 emission due to poor fuel of these two gases is the same, i.e., 20.82 The WI for both gases is the same,
economy—air is heated unnecessarily and MJ/Nm3. The WI however, is 40.55 MJ/ i.e., 40.9 MJ/Nm3. The Combustion Air
heat transfer efficiency is reduced. NOx Nm3 for Case 1 and 24.39 MJ/Nm3 for Requirement Index (CARI) is defined as
formation is promoted as a result of higher Case 2! This means that the amount of the stoichiometric air demand divided by
oxygen levels in the combustion process. heat delivered per unit of time through the square root of the relative gas density.
For these reasons, feed forward control of the same burner will be 40% lower in the Results: 9.0 for Case 1 and 10.9 for Case
the air/fuel ratio is gaining more attention. second case. 2. This means that if the fuel gas com-
Properly selecting and installing the fuel position changes from hydrogen poor to
gas property analyzer and using the right Air/fuel ratio control. The combus- hydrogen-rich composition the excess air
control parameters are essential to get the tion air flow supplied to an industrial may be controlled 20% too high. Please
best results. furnace is typically linked to the fuel gas note that, instead of WI and CARI, a
flow. In smaller installations, this may be a similar case can be construed for heating
Control parameters. The control mechanical link; in larger installations, air value and air demand; this follows from
system philosophy of fired heaters varies and fuel gas temperature and pressure are the definitions:
depending on the requirements and heater
or boiler design. However, in all cases, the
furnace’s thermal load and the air/fuel ratio Flowmeter
are two critical parameters that must be Sample SG SG Bypass
monitored and controlled. Low
Pressure Bypass
High Vent
Heat load control. Depending on the
control system design, the Wobbe Index
ZRO2 cell
(WI), the heating value and gas density may Restriction
be required as input(s). The heating value is Heat Measuring oven
PI Mixing
the amount of heat produced when a unit exchanger chamber
volume or fuel mass is burned stoichiomet-
Air station Booster
rically. The higher heating value includes
the heat of water condensation formed in
the combustion process; the lower heat- FIG. 1 Typical residual oxygen content analyzer schematic.
ing value does not. The WI (defined as the
I 65
WI = Heating value/√(Specific gravity) • The sample handling system poor indicators for the air demand in fuel
CARI = Air demand/√(Specific gravity) should have minimal internal volume. gas applications. Therefore, it is important
Although a fast-loop theoretically can to select an analyzer based on the residual
Residual oxygen content analy- compensate for any dead volume in the oxygen content principle that stores sepa-
sis. In a typical residual oxygen content system, this will result in excessive vent- rate calibration lines for WI/heating value
analyzer sample, gas is continuously mixed ing and/or flaring of fuel gas. Ideally, the and CARI/air demand.
with combustion air under controlled analyzer has an integrated sample condi- • The analyzer’s rangeability should
conditions followed by catalytic combus- tioning system and requires no additional match all possible cases. Typically, the ana-
tion in an electrically heated furnace. The external sample handling. lyzer should be able to handle large fluctua-
residual oxygen content in the flue gas is • A combustion air requirement tions in the fuel gas composition. Residual
measured with an accurate and reliable zir- signal should be available. As discussed oxygen content analyzers analyze fuel gases
conium oxide sensor. In the control unit, previously, the heating value or WI can be of all possible compositions in the 0–120
the following combustion parameters are
calculated from the oxygen signal and the
(optional) density signal: WI, CARI, calo-
rific value (or BTU) and specific gravity.
The concept was first explored in the US,
but the European gas distribution compa-
nies Gaz de France and Dutch Gasunie have
really optimized the benefits. Their prime
objective was to develop an instrument that
was as fast as possible for optimizing natural
gas blending operations to meet grid entry
specifications. However, in the last decade
the technology has also proven to be very
suitable for fuel gas, vent gas, flare gas, bio-
gas and steel plant offgas applications.