Jeremy Sherr Dynamic Provings Volume 1: Reading Excerpt
Jeremy Sherr Dynamic Provings Volume 1: Reading Excerpt
Jeremy Sherr Dynamic Provings Volume 1: Reading Excerpt
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DIAMOND .................................................................................................................... 23
RAPE SEED OIL ...................................................................................... 15 9
THE ELEMENT........................................................................................ 1 7 7
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
AMERICAN BALD EAGLE ....................................................................... 2 2 7
THE ELEMENT........................................................................................ 3 3 9
THE ELEMENT........................................................................................ 3 8 9
Pluto entered the sign it rules—Scorpio. days, 4 hours, 30 minutes after the proving
Plutonium was proven in 1995 when Pluto began. These chronological times are not the
entered the sign of Sagittarius. same as the time of the day at which a symptom
This information cannot be included in the occurred. Those appear in the body of the text.
proving text, but has occasionally been The first day is counted as day 00.
recorded as anecdotal information for those Example: 07:11 :XX means that the
who have an interest. symptom occurred on the 8th day (11 hours.)
If the proving commenced at 7 a.m., the
The Sensitive Prover symptom would have occurred at 6 p.m.
It should come as no surprise that one sensitive The numbers 02, 6C, 11.-XX.-XX mean
prover is over-prominent in a particular Prover #2 received a dose of 6C, the symptom
proving or section. This prover acts as the hub occurring sometime during the 12th day after
of the remedy wheel, while all the others are the start of the proving.
spokes to support and confirm. Without In Scorpion, only the prover numbers were
knowing the substance of a remedy, she will used.
bring out its inner nature in an amazing way. In the proving of Iridium, by the Sheffield
Some symptoms seem almost unbelievable College, they have used a prover letter,
initially, but clinical experience has verified followed by the date, i.e., G/3 is prover G, on
many. day three.
There are several types of sensitive provers.
The first is specifically sensitive to the particu- Generals
lar proving undertaken. We have used the following sources to create the
The second is sensitive to all remedies Generals section:
through inherent weakness. Kent talks of this 1. Truly general symptoms such as "sensa
type of patient as difficult to cure but wonder- tion of heat" or "hunger aggravates."
ful for provings. 2. Symptoms which have appeared in more
The third type is extremely sensitive to than three sections of particulars, for instance
every proving, but nevertheless robust and stabbing pain in ear, throat and foot.
healthy. Such a prover is a great gift to a
proving, and provings are a great gift to them. I Repertory
have had the good fortune to work with some In contrast to my previous publications, I have
provers of this nature, and for this I am not published the repertorisation of these
grateful. provings, though some have been fully or
partially completed. This is because of limita-
Symptom Codes tions of my time and of the book's space. I have
The first number listed is the number of the decided to leave this undertaking to the experts
prover, the next is the potency of the remedy on the subject. Repertorisation is a complex
that they received, and the next is the time the and precise labor, which needs to bring into
symptom occurred, in digital time. account the delicate harmony of the whole
I have used the format of DD:HH:MM for repertory. I hope that these provings will find
days, hours and minutes, e.g., 02:04:30 is 2 their way into the repertories soon.
/. Y. Sberr
March 1997
442 pages, pb
publication 1997