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Jeremy Sherr Dynamic Provings Volume 1: Reading Excerpt

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Jeremy Sherr

Dynamic Provings Volume 1

Reading excerpt
Dynamic Provings Volume 1
of Jeremy Sherr
Publisher: Dynamis


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Table of contents
Forward ...................................................................................9
Introduction ...........................................................................11
From the editor......................................................................17

DIAMOND .................................................................................................................... 23

Androctonus amoreuxii hebraeus

SCORPION ................................................................................................................ 121

RAPE SEED OIL ...................................................................................... 15 9

THE ELEMENT........................................................................................ 1 7 7

Haliaeetus leucocephalus
AMERICAN BALD EAGLE ....................................................................... 2 2 7

THE ELEMENT........................................................................................ 3 3 9

THE ELEMENT........................................................................................ 3 8 9

List of provers ..................................................................... 441

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from Jeremy Sherr: Dynamic Provings
This volume is the result of the collective This process of watching the newborn
efforts of Dynamis School students over the last child of a proving evolve into its
eight years. I am proud, confident, and individual character is both a great
privileged to publish this compilation. Proud in adventure and hard work. Each proving
the knowledge that these new medicines have has taken years of careful compilation to
been proven to the very highest standard in reach its present form. Continuous
accordance with classical homeopathic editing, arranging, collating, and re-
guidelines. Privileged to have worked together editing are necessary to best highlight
with such a dedicated group of people who themes while remaining faithful to the
have volunteered their time, energy and health source.
to this common project. Confident from the Bringing these provings to print
many clinical confirmations I am receiving completes long cycle of joy, work, and
daily from practitioners around the world. wonder. May they serve you well.
With the great increase in the number of
provings over the last few years, it has become International cooperation
increasingly apparent that the homeopathic Four of the provings have been conducted
world needs anthologies of provings rather than more than one country or continent.
single booklets. We must resume the work of Neon proved in Britain and California,
Hahnemann, Allen, Hering, and other great Germanium in Britain and Norway, Eagle
homeopaths who have published provings in California Britain, and Diamond in
collectively. This is my first attempt at such a Britain and South Africa.
compilation. I hope to follow it with further It has been both an enjoyable an
collections of dynamic provings in the future. enjoyable and confirming experience to
To witness the conception, pregnancy, and cooperate and compare same proving in
birth of a new remedy is a truly miraculous different locations with different provers,
process. During the proving, many facets of the supervisors, and coordinators. In my
remedy are revealed, often in a most recent publication of the 1997 Sec
unexpected manner. The multitude of stories Edition of The Dynamics and Methodolog
then join into one as supervision, extraction, Homeopathic Provings, I have listed nearly
and meetings investigate this new expression of four hundred recent provings. These
nature. create interesting opportunity for
Yet the true coming together of the remedy
comparison. As provings become more
lies in its editing and collating. In this phase,
organized internationally, I sure these
diverse stories amalgamate into a well-struc-
efforts will be coordinated.
tured, meaningful totality—"as if one person."
It is also a great pleasure to publish the
proving of Iridium, conducted by
graduates of the Dynamis School in their
own college Sheffield College of
Classical Homeopathy This high-quality
proving is clear and precise and will be of
great benefit to homeopaths.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from Jeremy Sherr: Dynamic Provings

Methodology this opportunity to address others. These

All of these provings were conducted with the comments arise in the main from two
greatest care and scientific rigor, but without opposing points of view. One opinion states
compromising the broad homeopathic that provings should be triple-blind crossover
perspective into the narrow constraints of trials which include only symptoms
allopathic thought. experienced by a number of provers. The
The provings are all double blind. Neither other opinion is the frequent lamenting at the
the supervisors nor the provers knew the nature lack of "essences" or remedy pictures.
of the substance until the proving was over. No proving can be, or ever will ever be, 100
Though I myself knew the substance of some percent complete or error-free. There are five
of the remedies, I merely coordinated and billion individual expressions of susceptibility
organized the procedure and did not partici- on our planet, and each would refract the
pate directly in the supervision process. nature of a remedy in a unique way. The search
All provers' cases were taken prior to the for scientific perfection by overzealous clinical
proving, and each one recorded symptoms for rigor will only serve to suffocate a proving. On
one week before the proving began. Each the other hand, laxity and compromise will
prover was supervised daily by a professional lead to inaccuracy and mediocrity. I believe
homeopath—this being the most important there is a dynamic harmony which can support
component of a successful proving. Provers did science and embrace art.
not discuss symptoms while the remedy was Some homeopaths have commented that
acting. After the proving, meetings were held to myprovings are over-extensive. I have rarely
verify, clarify and share experiences. Provers' and found a symptom that has not been potentially
supervisors' notebooks were cross-referenced significant and useful. Thus, I would far rather
and compared with the help of other produce a comprehensive and thorough
homeopaths. Each symptom was carefully proving then a partial one, the likes of which
examined and reaffirmed before being included. already overcrowd our materia medica. My
Doubtful symptoms were left out. Using this provings do not contain more symptoms than
methodology, I have found the provings to be Hahnemann brought forth from his wonderful
consistently accurate and reliable. polycrests.
For a more complete accounting of the Another comment made is that a symptom
methodology used, please refer to my book, should be included only if experienced by more
The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic than one prover. In my opinion, this will only
Provings. lead to a total loss of individuality in the
remedy, while elevating the common and
Science and art useless. The most characteristics symptoms of
I have received many useful comments on my our materia medica were produced by single
previous publications of Androctonus, Choco- provers — the haughtiness of Platina, the
late, and Hydrogen. Most have been apprecia- isolation of Camphor, the sweet tooth of
tive, though naturally there have been some Sulphur. Naturally, the more provers who
suggestions and criticisms. I have tried to produce a symptom, the more common it is.
incorporate some of these ideas, and I will take Conversely, symptoms produced by one highly
sensitive individual are stranger and thus more

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from Jeremy Sherr: Dynamic Provings
valuable. There is a delicate, useful ratio Sequence and heading
between the common and characteristic which The careful arrangement of sequence is
should be maintained. according to my perception of the remec
The following are three reasons for not inner meanings. The unfolding of the
eliminating a single prover's strange, unique or sequence of themes is individual to each
uncertain symptom: remedy. In some cases, I have arranged the
1. Symptoms produced by one prover show symptoms according to my understanding of
the unique genus of the remedy on the higher the inner structure the remedy rather than the
planes of susceptibility. This is precisely the merely psyche cal. This sequence can never
reason that a low grade symptom in the be perfect as linear structure of a page cannot
repertory may on occasion be more indicative faithfully reflect the spiral nature of a
than black type symptom. remedy's totaj I have included headings for
2. Only by clinical experience can the final different themes, especially in the larger
verification be made. A symptom not included sections of mind, dreams and generals to
is lost forever and cannot be verified. Experi enable easie study and grasping of essential
ence has repeatedly shown some of the ideas. This arrangement can never be truly
strangest symptoms to be true. accurate d the fluid and all encompassing
3. Homeopaths prescribe on the meaningful nature of symptoms. In some instances,
totality of symptoms, and not on single where a syrr torn spanned more than one
symptoms (hopefully). theme, I have included it under different
headings in ord retain the fullness of
Essences expression.
I have often been asked by colleagues why I do
not publish essences or pictures of the The bigger picture
provings. This would no doubt be convenient, During a proving, strange and wonderful
but convenience always extracts its price. Any phenomena occur, events which defy conve
attempt at constricting a remedy into an easy tional scientific reasoning but which are in
formulation at this early stage would cast a total accordance with the broader wisdom c
shadow on die many possible facets waiting to homeopathic perception. They are not reasc
be discovered. A parent does not choose the causes, or results—just synchronous phenor
vocation and partner of their baby (these ena which grace our efforts with awe. Provir
days!). The consequences of such an attitude like any other act of consciousness, echo noi
would be stifling. I believe that every symptom only in the participating prover, but across d
expresses the whole remedy in its unique way. entire universe. Supervisors, families, specta-
It is not for lack of ideas that I refrain from tors, politics, finance, literature, industry am
"essencing." I intend to express my opinion in a nature all reflect the same dynamic as the
separate publication, but as yet, I have not proving. For example, in the year of the
succumbed to the sweet temptation of con- Diamond proving, South Africa finally
taminating pure materia medica with my glossy converted to democracy under the powerful
thought virus. guidance of Nelson Mandela. During the yea
of the Neon proving, a new car by the name <
"Neon" was produced. Scorpion was proven
(unintentionally) in 1983 when the planet

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from Jeremy Sherr: Dynamic Provings

Pluto entered the sign it rules—Scorpio. days, 4 hours, 30 minutes after the proving
Plutonium was proven in 1995 when Pluto began. These chronological times are not the
entered the sign of Sagittarius. same as the time of the day at which a symptom
This information cannot be included in the occurred. Those appear in the body of the text.
proving text, but has occasionally been The first day is counted as day 00.
recorded as anecdotal information for those Example: 07:11 :XX means that the
who have an interest. symptom occurred on the 8th day (11 hours.)
If the proving commenced at 7 a.m., the
The Sensitive Prover symptom would have occurred at 6 p.m.
It should come as no surprise that one sensitive The numbers 02, 6C, 11.-XX.-XX mean
prover is over-prominent in a particular Prover #2 received a dose of 6C, the symptom
proving or section. This prover acts as the hub occurring sometime during the 12th day after
of the remedy wheel, while all the others are the start of the proving.
spokes to support and confirm. Without In Scorpion, only the prover numbers were
knowing the substance of a remedy, she will used.
bring out its inner nature in an amazing way. In the proving of Iridium, by the Sheffield
Some symptoms seem almost unbelievable College, they have used a prover letter,
initially, but clinical experience has verified followed by the date, i.e., G/3 is prover G, on
many. day three.
There are several types of sensitive provers.
The first is specifically sensitive to the particu- Generals
lar proving undertaken. We have used the following sources to create the
The second is sensitive to all remedies Generals section:
through inherent weakness. Kent talks of this 1. Truly general symptoms such as "sensa
type of patient as difficult to cure but wonder- tion of heat" or "hunger aggravates."
ful for provings. 2. Symptoms which have appeared in more
The third type is extremely sensitive to than three sections of particulars, for instance
every proving, but nevertheless robust and stabbing pain in ear, throat and foot.
healthy. Such a prover is a great gift to a
proving, and provings are a great gift to them. I Repertory
have had the good fortune to work with some In contrast to my previous publications, I have
provers of this nature, and for this I am not published the repertorisation of these
grateful. provings, though some have been fully or
partially completed. This is because of limita-
Symptom Codes tions of my time and of the book's space. I have
The first number listed is the number of the decided to leave this undertaking to the experts
prover, the next is the potency of the remedy on the subject. Repertorisation is a complex
that they received, and the next is the time the and precise labor, which needs to bring into
symptom occurred, in digital time. account the delicate harmony of the whole
I have used the format of DD:HH:MM for repertory. I hope that these provings will find
days, hours and minutes, e.g., 02:04:30 is 2 their way into the repertories soon.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from Jeremy Sherr: Dynamic Provings
Invitation Acknowledgments
In Dynamic Provings: Volume Two, I hope to A proving, almost by definition, is a group
publish the other provings which already have effort. These provings owe their existence to
been completed by the Dynamis School. These students of the Dynamis School. They have
are: Hydrogen, Chocolate, Helium, Yew tree, supervised, proved, organized, edited,
Olive, Plutonium, and Salmon (all common repertorised. It is a privilege to have journeye
names), plus any additional provings completed with such a group, and I thank one and all fo
by that time. the love, work and dedication.
I invite any other individual or organization Many others have contributed their time,
to submit their provings for this future volume. energy and support to these provings. I exten
I am interested in publishing full my thanks and appreciation to all. With so
Hahnemannian provings of good standard. many people involved over many years I am
They should be accurate, well-supervised, bound to have made some omission, and to
preferably double-blind, covering the totality these, I offer apology as well as gratitude.
of symptoms and conducted over a reasonable
period of time. They should be well-edited and First and foremost thanks to Melanie K.
submitted on disk. I cannot guarantee to Grimes. She has contributed the vast amount:
publish every proving offered. of energy, enthusiasm and talent to make this
Hopefully, we will soon have an interna- project possible. As well as chicken soup.
tional organization for overseeing and publish-
ing new provings. To Camilla Glantz for the many hours of
Any clinical cases of Dynamis remedies
editing, clarifying and sharing.
would also be appreciated. I may use them in a
future publication of cases and for clinical
Special thanks to Roger and Claire Ash
additions. Cases should show the clear action
Wheeler, who have always extended loving
of a single remedy over a reasonable period of
support and generous financial aid.
time. Definite cured symptoms should be
underlined or recorded separately. Etiologies,
To John Morgan from Helios and to
which are absent in provings, are of particular
Michael Quinn of Hahnemann who have
importance. Please identify any information
contributed potent remedies, pharmaceutical
you would like or would not like to be
integrity, and financial aid. The support of ou
included in the event of publication.
pharmacies is essential to the progress of
materia medica, and both John and Michael
have always been ready to help.

To teachers and students of the School of

Homeopathic Medicine, Darlington, now the
Sheffield School of Homeopathy, for the
privilege of publishing Iridium. To Berkley
Wingfield Digby and his team in South Africa
for their contribution to the Diamond proving

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from Jeremy Sherr: Dynamic Provings
To the ECCH and, in particular, to Stephen
Gordon for the goodwill and support.

To the many homeopaths who have lent

their time and expertise.

To Jayesh Shah for his forward and encour-

agement. To Becca Preston, Dee McLachlan,
Sudhir Baldota, Roger van Zandvoort, and
Frederick Schroyens for quality repertory. To
Vega Rozenberg for friendship and genius. To
Tina Quirk, Marie Doyle, Simon Taffler. To all
those who have helped organize Dynamis
provings internationally—Wenche, Inge, AG,
Igor Andreas, and Harvey in Norway, Sweet
Melissa, David, Beth, Sharon, and Willa in
California. To Edward Whitmont for sushi and
debate. To Terry Symonds for design. And to
Judith for minding the shop.

Thanks to my many friends, teachers and

innovators of the international homeopathic
community. Their love and teachings fuel me

To Louis, Ella, and Tilly for being.

/. Y. Sberr
March 1997

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.:

07626 974 970-0
Excerpt from Jeremy Sherr: Dynamic
Jeremy Sherr
Dynamic Provings Volume 1

442 pages, pb
publication 1997

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