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Miranda Castro

The Complete Homeopathy Handbook

Reading excerpt
The Complete Homeopathy Handbook
of Miranda Castro
Publisher: Macmillan Publishers


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poison that was used by the ancient Greeks - in

ACONITUM NAPELLUS (Aco.) throughout history it has been renowned more for its
power to kill than to heal. It is said that the huntsmen
Family name: Ranunculaceae of the Alps dipped their arrows in it when hunting
Other names: monk's-hood; wolf's-bane; common wolves - hence the name wolf's-bane.
aconite According to Mrs Grieve (A Modern Herbal), Acanto
and Belladonna were the ingredients of witches' 'flying
ointments', with their combined actions (palpitations
and delirium) producing a sensation of flying!
Hahnemann published his provings of Aconite in
1805, and it soon became a widely used remedy,
especially for fevers and inflammations, which until
then had been largely 'cured' by bloodletting. And so
it became known as the 'homeopathic lancef.
The homeopathic remedy is prepared from the
whole plant (except the root), which is taken at flower-
ing time in June/July and chopped, pounded to a pulp
and the juice expressed, mixed with alcohol, and then

Complaints from: cold dry wind; fear; getting chilled; |
shock. Face red. Onset of complaint sudden. Likes
cold drinks. Pains unbearable. Palpitations. Sweat:
hot; on covered parts of the body. Thirsty. Taste:
mouth tastes bitter. Better 1or fresh air. Worse at
night; for touch.
This remedy will work only at the very beginning of ail
illness - within the first twenty-four to forty-eighll
This plant grows in moist pastures and wastelands hours. The symptoms are often a result of fright, shoe!
in the mountainous districts of Europe, Russia and or being chilled. Someone who has been very angryl
Central Asia. It grows to a height of between two and can also bring on an Aconite state. Exposure toil
six feet and has bluish-violet hooded flowers. draught, or a cold, dry wind, can cause a wide rangeofj
Aconite contains a deadly poison (the root pos- symptoms (colds, coughs, cystitis, etc.). If in pain, i
sesses 90 per cent more than the leaf)/ which is said to pains - in the head, throat, teeth, or wherever - aitl
be more potent even than prussic acid and is the

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Excerpt from Miranda Castro, The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook – A Guide do Everyday Health Care
INTERNAL MATERIA MEDICA Aconitum napellus (Aco.) • 39

intolerable, and will drive these people to despair. f Cystitis

Generally, people who need Aconite will be worse at f
right; though they are usually OK on going to bed, I Symptoms PAINS pressing.
they wake up around midnight (usually before mid- Causes getting chilled.
night) with the cough, croup, earache, etc. They will I
not want to be touched (examined or interfered with) and Earache
will be better for some fresh air.
Symptoms PAINS unbearable. Causes
getting chilled; cold, dry wind.
Anxious: when chilled; generally; during a fever.
Symptoms EYES sensitive to light; whites of eyes red.
Expression: anxious; frightened. Fearful: in a crowd;
PAINS: aching; burning. With a COMMON COLD.
of death during pregnancy /labour. Screaming with Causes getting chilled; foreign body in eye. Worse
pain. Sensitive to noise. Tearful during a fever. for cold, dry wind.
Someone who needs Aconite looks anxious, and has
shocked, staring, glassy eyes (the pupils may be di- Fever
lated). 'Aconite shock' is the opposite of 'Arnica shock' Symptoms HEAT: alternating with chills at night;
in that a person needing Aconite will be extremely burning; dry at night. PULSE : fast; strong. With
distressed (anxious and fearful). They may well be ANXIETY.
inconsolable. They are scared of going out into a Better for uncovering.
situation where there will be lots of people. Their Worse at night; in the evening.
pains may be severe, especially in childbirth, for Causes getting chilled.
example, and patients may say, T want to die'. Aconite The person feels hot inside and chilly externally. The
types may also scream with the pain. cheeks may alternate between hot and red and pale
and ghostly (the colour may drain from the face on
getting up); or one cheek will be hot and red and the
PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS other pale and cold, especially in teething children.
Chicken pox Those parts of the body that are covered with clothing
become sweaty; the person may kick off the covers.
Symptoms With Aconite general and emotional/mental There is a burning, unquenchable thirst; everything
symptoms, and fever. tastes bitter except water, and even that tastes bad.

Common cold Headache

Symptoms With HEADACHE (see below). Symptoms PAINS: burning; bursting; throbbing.
Causes shock; getting chilled; cold, dry wind. Causes fright; shock; getting chilled.
Give Aconite at the first sign of a cold if the stress is as
Cough Symptoms CUTS/WOUNDS bleed freely. With SHOCK
Symptoms COUGH: barking; dry; hoarse; irritating; (see below).
short; tickling. BREATHING fast. Aconite helps with wounds that are bleeding excess-
Worse at night; during fever; dry, cold air. ively where the characteristic shock is present.
Causes cold, dry wind.
All the air passages are irritated. It is often worse at Insomnia
night after being out in a cold, dry wind (especially a
north or an east wind). Symptoms Restless SLEEP. Anxious DREAMS.

Croup Measles
Symptoms Symptoms of COUGH (above). Unless you Symptoms ONSET sudden. SKIN RASH: itches; -burns.
have strong indications for another remedy, this is With FEVER; COUGH.
the first remedy to think of giving for croup. Sudden onset with restlessness, fever, cough and


Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Excerpt from Miranda Castro, The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook – A Guide do Everyday Health Care
INTERNAL MATERIA MEDICA Aconitum napellus (Aco.) • 39

intolerable, and will drive these people to despair. Cystitis

Generally, people who need Aconite will be worse at
night; though they are usually OK on going to bed, Symptoms PAINS pressing.
they wake up around midnight (usually before mid- Causes getting chilled.
night) with the cough, croup, earache, etc. They will
not want to be touched (examined or interfered with) Earache
and will be better for some fresh air.
Symptoms PAINS unbearable. Causes
getting chilled; cold, dry wind.
Anxious: when chilled; generally; during a fever. Symptoms EYES sensitive to light; whites of eyes red.
Expression: anxious; frightened. Fearful: in a crowd; PAINS: aching; burning. With a COMMON COLD.
of death during pregnancy/labour. Screaming with
Causes getting chilled; foreign body in eye. Worse for
pain. Sensitive to noise. Tearful during a fever.
cold, dry wind.
Someone who needs Aconite looks anxious, and has
shocked, staring, glassy eyes (the pupils may be di- Fever
lated). 'Aconite shock' is the opposite of 'Arnica shock' Symptoms HEAT: alternating with chills at night;
in that a person needing Aconite will be extremely burning; dry at night. PULSE : fast; strong. With
distressed (anxious and fearful). They may well be ANXIETY.
inconsolable. They are scared of going out into a
Better for uncovering.
situation where there will be lots of people. Their
Worse at night; in the evening.
pains may be severe, especially in childbirth, for
Causes getting chilled.
example, and patients may say, 'I want to die'. Aconite
The person feels hot inside and chilly externally. The
types may also scream with the pain.
cheeks may alternate between hot and red and pale
and ghostly (the colour may drain from the face on
getting up); or one cheek will be hot and red and the
PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS other pale and cold, especially in teething children.
Chicken pox Those parts of the body that are covered with clothing
become sweaty; the person may kick off the covers.
Symptoms With Aconite general and emotional/mental There is a burning, unquenchable thirst; everything
symptoms, and fever. tastes bitter except water, and even that tastes bad.

Common cold Headache

Symptoms With HEADACHE (see below). Symptoms PAINS: burning; bursting; throbbing.
Causes shock; getting chilled; cold, dry wind. Causes fright; shock; getting chilled.
Give Aconite at the first sign of a cold if the stress is as
Cough Symptoms CUTS/WOUNDS bleed freely. With SHOCK
Symptoms COUGH: barking; dry; hoarse; irritating; (see below).
short; tickling. BREATHING fast. Aconite helps with wounds that are bleeding excess-
Worse at night; during fever; dry, cold air. ively where the characteristic shock is present.
Causes cold, dry wind.
All the air passages are irritated. It is often worse at Insomnia
night after being out in a cold, dry wind (especially a
north or an east wind). Symptoms Restless SLEEP. Anxious DREAMS.

Croup Measles
Symptoms Symptoms of COUGH (above). Unless you Symptoms ONSET sudden. SKIN RASH: itches; bums.
have strong indications for another remedy, this is With FEVER; COUGH.
the first remedy to think of giving for croup. Sudden onset with restlessness, fever, cough and

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Excerpt from Miranda Castro, The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook – A Guide do Everyday Health Care
40 • Agaricus muscarius (Agar.) INTERNAL MATERIA MEDICA

Symptoms ONSET sudden. With FEVER.

Period problems
Symptoms PERIOD late.
Causes fright; shock; getting chilled; pregnancy.

Causes injuries; surgery; childbirth. This is
accompanied by the extreme Aconite-type fear and
anxiety. It is useful during or following operations,
and for shocked mothers and/or babies either during
or after labour, especially a fast labour. The mother
may experience some shaking with the shock,
whereas the baby may just be very still, with an
anxious or fearful look in its eyes.

Sore throat
Symptoms PAINS: burning; stitching.
Causes getting chilled.

Teething This poisonous toadstool grows in dry places, es-

pecially in dry pine woods, in Europe, Asia and the
Symptoms CHEEKS hot and red. With symptoms of USA. It is uncommon in England but abundant in
FEVER (see above). PAINFUL IN CHILDREN with restless some parts of Scotland.
sleep. Agaricus is thought to be the oldest of hallucinogens
Children toss and turn in their sleep and bite their fists used for ritualistic purposes. Medicine men ate this
and scream. The teething may well be accompanied by toadstool to achieve ecstatic states (although these
fever. periods of great animation, which were often accom-
panied by dancing, singing and talking to imagined
persons, alternated with times of deep depression). It
Toothache was also employed at one time in the making of
Symptoms PAINS: tearing; in good teetiv alcoholic beverages but this practice was beset with
Causes cold, drv wind. dangers in view of the terrible deaths that sometimes
occurred from the poisonings.
For the homeopathic preparation, the mushroom is
Retention of urine well washed, mashed in a mortar, then equal parts of
Symptoms IN NEWBORN BABIES; IN CHILDREN who alcohol are added to it. This is left to stand for three
catch cold. days before being strained and succussed.
This is especially useful for newborn babies who don't
pee, who have been shocked by the birth (especially a GENERAL SYMPTOMS
fast labour).
Clumsy: trips easily while walking. Trembling.
Worse for cold.

This remedy is a specific cure for chilblains, especially

AGARICUS MUSCARIUS (Agar.) of the feet and toes, and, used with Tamus ointment,
will cure most cases of straightforward chilblains
Natural order: fungi where no other strong symptoms would lead you to
Common names: fly agaric; bug agaric; toadstool prescribe a more 'important' remedy.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Excerpt from Miranda Castro, The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook – A Guide do Everyday Health Care

It is important to understand fully the difference be- Cause for Concern

tween acute and chronic disease so that you know
which illnesses you may safely and appropriately treat The following symptoms may indicate serious
and which you need to take to a professional problems and so signal the need for immediate pro-
homeopath. For an explanation of the difference be- fessional help. Some of them also appear in the
tween the two, see page 14. remedy pictures, for example the laboured breathing
This section tells you whether the particular com- of Antimonium tartaricum and the delirium of a
plaint you wish to treat is within your scope as a home Belladonna fever. If you are very worried about the
prescriber, before you attempt to take the case and general state of your patient I suggest you call for help
work out a remedy. A good general first-aid book or and then give the indicated homeopathic remedy. In
family medical encyclopaedia will give you more de- some instances, where the picture is very clear and/or
tailed information about the complaints themselves. If you know from past experience that your patient is not
your complaint has an obvious cause it is important to seriously ill, you will be able to give the remedy and
remove the stress (for example, don't drink for a few wait for improvement. If he or she does not show signs
days if your headache was caused by an excess of improving quickly you can then call for help.
of alcohol). Use commonsense measures and take See overleaf for disease conditions not covered by
sensible care of yourself when you are ill. this book.
Having established that your complaint is within
the scope of this book, turn to Chapters 4 and 5 to SEEK HELP IF THERE IS:
work out the remedy you need.
Your complaint may be treatable either by internal Bleeding, unexplained, from any part of the body,
or external remedies, or both. You can establish this including the skin Breathing, rapid - over fifty
in each case by looking up your symptoms in the breaths per minute at rest
Repertories (pages 37 and 165-98). in children under two - over forty breaths per
I also strongly advise you to take a first-aid course minute in children aged two to ten - over thirty
with the St John Ambulance or the Red Cross to learn breaths per minute in anyone over thirty
the mechanics of first-aid. Breathing, shallow or laboured (difficult)
Chest pain, severe Convulsions Delirium
Fever above 105°F,40°C Fever, high, with a slow
A criticism levelled at homeopathy is that it en- pulse (normal adult pulse is
courages people to take their lives in their hands by about 90 beats a minute and 120 in a child) Fever,
treating serious illnesses at home. Never treat serious persistent - lasting for longer than 24 hours in
injuries or complaints yourself. If in any doubt seek an infant Headache, severe - especially if
expert advice. Cause for concern below lists general accompanied by one
alarm symptoms, and specific alarm symptoms to or more of the other symptoms in this section
watch out for are indicated in the individual com-
plaints that follow.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Excerpt from Miranda Castro, The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook – A Guide do Everyday Health Care

Mental confusion, uncharacteristic Asthma is a deep-seated chronic disease and needs

Neck stiff careful management to cure it. The acute attacks of
Stools, pale - grey or almost white asthma can be alleviated, but these should always
Urination profuse, accompanied by a great thirst be prescribed by a homeopath who is in charge of
Urine dark and scanty/bloody (certain foods when the whole case and who is prescribing constitutional
eaten in quantity can change the colour of urine; remedies between attacks so that their severity and
beetroot for example, can turn urine red. This is frequency is lessened.
nothing to worry about) Hayfever for the same reasons as asthma. It is, how-
Vomiting, unexpected, repeated - comes on some ever, possible to alleviate symptoms, and for this
time after the onset of a viral infection (i.e. a child- reason a few remedies are included in this book.
hood illness) However, I strongly advise that you take up consti-
Weakness, extreme tutional treatment for the months when you are free
Wheezing, severe of hayfever in order to help clear the disease from
Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes the system. It can take several years for this to
happen, with the symptoms lessening in severity
NOT HAVE ANY EASILY IDENTIFIABLE SYMP- Persistent constipation can mask a more serious,
TOMS, ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS AND underlying complaint that needs professional treat-
GET HELP. ment, but it may simply be a result of poor diet (lots
of low-fibre junk food), in which case the first step is
ALWAYS SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP IF YOUR to make the necessary dietary changes. Remedies
SYMPTOMS RECUR OR DO NOT IMPROVE. are included for occasional constipation caused by a
change in environment (although the occasional
dose of a laxative will do no harm).
Persistent abdominal pain should always be checked
DISEASES AND CONDITIONS NOT by a professional. Never self-prescribe, except in the
COVERED BY THIS BOOK few instances outlined in this book. Always see your
GP to make sure there is no need for urgent surgery
With the exception of treating the acute pain of arthri- (such as appendicitis).
tis and rheumatism, this book does not cover chronic Ulcers, of the skin, stomach, etc. These are evidence
diseases; these are complex conditions and need careful of a deep-seated chronic condition that needs expert
diagnosis and treatment at all stages. The attention. You may treat occasional mouth ulcers
homeopathic treatment of chronic disease often yourself. If they recur, especially frequently, then
requires a long-term commitment so that the homeo- they need deeper, constitutional treatment.
path can treat these underlying weaknesses in the Lumps and bumps - cysts, growths, warts, etc. any-
constitution. where on or in the body (except for styes, bruises
The following symptoms are not dealt with in this and warts, as outlined in the book) must always be
book for the reasons given in each case: taken to a professional homeopath so that he or she
can prescribe on the underlying weakness and pre-
Serious degenerative diseases such as cancer, hepati- vent their recurrence.
tis, heart disease, AIDS, and so on, are not within
the scope of the first-aid prescriber. These con-
ditions require time and skill to treat and should not
be regarded lightly. COMPLAINTS You CAN TREAT
Frequently recurring symptoms from flu, headaches,
diarrhoea and coughs, to depressions, etc. Symp-
toms occurring as often as every week, which can be
so bad that work has to be cancelled. They are not You can treat a simple tooth (gum) abscess yourself
symptoms that occur two or three times a year and while waiting for your dental appointment. If the pain
that have obvious causes, for example headaches is greatly relieved as a result and/or the abscess dis-
after the stress of exams. charges its pus then wait a little while before starting
Skin symptoms including eczema, psoriasis, dermati- on antibiotics as they may not be necessary. If the pain
tis, etc., should never be attempted by the first-aid returns, or doesn't clear completely and quickly, take
prescriber. Read the Laws of Cure (page 15) to the medicines prescribed by your dentist, or visit
understand the dangers of suppressing a skin dis- a professional homeopath who can treat these
ease. abscesses.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Excerpt from Miranda Castro, The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook – A Guide do Everyday Health Care

DO There is an increased tendency to back problems in

• rest and eat well to build up your defences. people who are overweight. The muscles in a weak
• apply hot compresses to the abscess. back can be strengthened and further problems
averted by gentle exercise. DO
• rest as much as possible.
Anaemia • use heat or cold to ease the pain.
The anaemia covered by this book is iron-deficiency DON'T
anaemia, which is caused by infection, poor diet, • further stress the back by lifting heavy bags, etc.
during pregnancy when the iron count drops, and by SEEK HELP IF
loss of blood after an accident, tooth extraction, heavy • back pain is accompanied by fever.
period, nosebleed or childbirth. • the urine smells strong or is bloody (it looks pink
Other types of anaemia need to be treated by a or is flecked with red or brown).
professional homeopath. DO • there is trouble with either bowels or bladder.
• eat healthy, iron-rich foods such as liver, greens • it is difficult to move the legs or they feel numb.
(not spinach as the acid in it makes the iron
difficult to absorb), cabbage and dried apricots. NB NEVER ATTEMPT TO TREAT A SERIOUS
• drink plenty of fluids but cut out tea (which
prevents the absorption of iron).
• take a herbal iron tonic if it suits you.
DON'T Bedwetting
• take iron pills available from high street chemists I have included a few remedies that can help in cases of
as they often cause constipation and can make the occasional bedwetting in children.
condition worse by blocking the absorption of iron. DO
• cut out all fruit juices from the diet and give water
Arthritis see Joint pain instead.
• investigate whether the bedwetting is related to
emotional stress, such as problems at school or at
Athlete's foot home, and talk about it in a helpful and
This is best treated with internal remedies. If it is sympathetic way. Seek counselling help if
a persistent (chronic) problem, it will require pro- necessary.
fessional homeopathic treatment. DO DON'T
• keep your feet clean and dry meticulously after • punish a child for wetting the bed.
bathing. SEEK HELP IF
• use Calendula talcum powder (available from some • it is accompanied by an increased thirst.
homeopathic pharmacies) or use the cream if the • any of the symptoms below accompany the
skin is cracked and painful. bedwetting (especially in an older child who was
• go barefoot as much as possible, and wear sandals formerly 'dry' at night):
in the summer. pain on urinating; very copious urination;
DON'T frequent urination; blood in the urine (it looks
• wear running shoes, which can exacerbate the pink or reddish); pain in the abdomen; fever;
problem. pain in the kidneys (in the back just above the
• use anti-perspirants on your feet. This form of waist).
suppression can lead to more serious complaints.
• there is swelling or pain, especially if it spreads to
the ankle. Bites /stings
Homeopathic remedies can be used to treat bites and
Backache and back injuries stings internally and externally, and can help people
who seem very susceptible to being bitten become less
Homeopathic remedies will provide relief for an acute attractive to insects (large doses of garlic in its natural
problem, but seek help from an osteopath or a physio- form or as pearls is also thought to be a good preven-
therapist. Chronic (long-term) back problems need tive). Some people can have severe allergic reactions
long-term treatment. to bites, with great swelling; these require urgent
medical help.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Excerpt from Miranda Castro, The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook – A Guide do Everyday Health Care
Miranda Castro
The Complete Homeopathy Handbook
A Guide to Everyday Health Care

258 pages, pb
publication 1990

More books on homeopathy, alternative medicine and a healthy life www.narayana-verlag.com

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